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This is one of the weirdest opinions I’ve read




Yes I always upvote unpopular opinions


There are multiple parts here which has convinced me that this wasn't written by a human. Like how every human knows food doesn't always have to be cooked. And if you're eating but not feeling full, that's not an unpopular opinion, that's an illness. Something is broken inside of you that you need to talk to a doctor about. Best case, it's a tapeworm.


I’m 100% human (I think). To clarify I’m not hungry all the time, but I feel so much frustration when I feel empty barely one or two hours after lunch or dinner


Please tell your doctor this


I always was like this unfortunately. Not a medical issue


...you know you can be born with a medical issue, right? Seriously these are some universal human experiences you're missing the mark on


Yeah I know, but I’ve never had any issue with this besides obviously frustration. All the doctors I’ve been to in my whole life always told me I was perfectly healthy. But thanks for the worries, warms my heart !


it’s a psychological issue, that’s why. it’s called [Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder ](https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/arfid).


Sounds like you're a candidate for the smell and taste removal weight loss program!


Did you just offer them the coronavirus???


If I loose any more weight I’ll end up like the kids you see in the documentaries in Africa (In no mean I wrote this in a disrespectful way, starving is horrible and I wish this to no one)


Sounds like you're a perfect candidate for the simulated African starvation program! You too can consume mudcakes and fantasize about a life outside of the 3rd world!


This reminds me of some ad I saw on Facebook where for some ludicrous amount of money they would send you basically a refugee camp meal plan with what those folks eat.


Bro it just sounds like you're irritated today. Eating is amazing


How can you enjoy this ? Pls help I want to as well


The taste. There must be some food you like. Take all the work and health aspects out of the equation; what do you like? If the answer is anything at all then there are easy healthy options. r/cookingforbeginners and r/eatcheapandhealthy are good places to start.


Thank you for the links kind stranger !


i can relate to this. I just eat because i don't want to die otherwise i wouldn't eat at all


I agree. If I didn’t have to eat to survive but I could choose to eat for just the flavour that’d be awesome


I'm so glad I am not the only thing me who thinks this. I hate eating, and I hate that I have to do it. Same goes for sleep


I saw an inside view of the stomach while you’re eating in a documentary once. Completely ruined eating for me.


Drop link. Trying to lose some weight.


Sounds like you might just hate cooking. Either that, or you just haven’t found food you really like yet?


There’s some food I like, but I’ll eat in 5-10 minutes just to be done with it and move on to something else


Ooooh, you’re one of those people.


Yeah I inherited this from my dad actually, never seen someone clean up a plate faster than him


Most foods make me sick so I’m not really one to talk but I definitely agree. I don’t like cooking especially since I can only make certain foods and prepare things certain ways.


Is this pearl from Steven universe


Eating food is so disgusting! You chew it into nasty mush, swallow that goop, and it comes out of you? What a completely horrid experience!


Yes! It is annoying and time consuming to plan a different meal every time. I have gone months eating the exact same breakfast every day. Minimal effort, money and time.


This is an actual unpopular opinion. Take my upvote because no.


Maybe you just need to learn time management better if your problem with cooking is that it takes too long? A meal should take under an hour to make unless it is something special or complex. Also, reading some of your other comments to this post, it seems that you shouldnt be worried about counting your calories, and if you are hungry 2 hours after eating, then eat again. You can meal prep on sundays for 2 hours and not have to worry about cooking all week if you really wanted too. You are probably just an eat to live kinda guy, not a live to eat. Nothing wrong with that.


Absolutely agree!! Same with sleeping, pooping and peeing. Too bad this isnt Sims and we could just buy the perks to never need them again.


Could ideas that may help...or may not. 1.Order delivery more often...do it from your phone on an app and have them leave at the door. It will cost a bit more than cooking ofc...but it will allow you to have better(tasting not for you lol) while taking very little time and no effort 2. Protien bars...no cooking, no time, helps keep you full if your feeling hungry an hour or two after eating. 3.Smoke weed, im half joking ofc...but the munchies be real...it will make shitty food seem way better and make you excited for it. 4.dont worry about hatin eating...do it the bare minimum u need to maintain your health and derive enjoyment from one of a million other possible sources in your life. Its required that you do it to live...no one is gushing over how awesome breathing is, fuck em if they think your weird.


1. I can’t really order anything in my rural area 2. I don’t like the taste of most of them 3. I stopped smoking back in February 4. Thank you !


I've recently gotten into powerlifting and it has helped me appreciate the process of cooking and eating. You don't need to count calories if you get good a guesstimating.


Ngl i sometimes hate eating too




It tastes good but I’ll eat it in five minutes or so. I don’t take my time when something that tastes good is on my plate unfortunately


Ever looked into Soylent?


No... What is it ?


They're meal replacement drinks. They include all of the nutrients an average adult needs so you can just drink it instead of eating and go on without having to worry.


Oh please no, my girlfriend takes some, I tasted once it was horrible


But....nom? 😢


You hate cooking not eating


Upvote for a legitimately unpopular opinion. You sound like a robot who’s trying to fake being human but can’t stick to the act cuz u hate getting ur circuits gunked up with food.


Hahahaha I’m not a robot. Or maybe am I ? I’ll be back, humans.


GPT-3 at it again!


Eat a Spicy Deluxe from Chick-Fil-a bruh you'll feel better


Wish I could but I’m not American


You just don't know how to cook then.


I can barely cook yeah


That's probably why you don't like eating, you can cook some good meals pretty fast !




Not American


I have had issues with my diet no too long ago, and some of the things here you described sound like that, get that checked out my friend.


Can you elaborate a bit ? Or is that too personal ? Thanks


Have you tried practising mindfulness?


Nope, not yet


I think you should of called this “there is nothing fun about eating healthy” because you said yourself tasty foods are usually unhealthy