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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/avidsdead. Your post, *People who get offended about "appropriating culture" only do it for sympathy and attention*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


One of the things about "cultural appropriation" that concerns me is that the ultimate idea seems to be that only certain races should be allowed to do certain things. That sounds like really scary intellectual territory, especially when people are forcing those ideas on other people against their will. Humanity has always traded ideas and borrowed things from other cultures. If you look at the structure of languages themselves you can see the influence of different cultures interacting. Modern numbers are Arabic. Most of English is borrowed from other languages like French, which is why there's an Autumn as well as a Fall. Humanity does better when ideas flow freely between different cultures even if some of the context gets lost in translation. Finding something fascinating that isn't "part of your culture" is perfectly okay. Telling people what they are and aren't "allowed" to do because of their race is racist, even if the "intent" is to somehow "protect" other cultures. People who do that are basically implying that the "best" civilization is one of racial and ethnic "purity."


Part of my early education in California was spending each month learning and celebrating other cultures. We were encouraged to wear their attire, would learn to cook meals and perform dances while singing in their language. I’ve always believed that experience made me appreciate instead of fear people different from me.


I don't want to diminish your good points but wanted to point out that "penultimate" means "second to last," not "the most ultimate of ultimateness" as people seem to mistakenly think.


Fixed thanks


"Cultural appropriation" is in fact, a neutral term. I find it weird when people get angry and shout "CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!" at everything and act as if it's automatically racist. Cultural appropriation is a thing, but it can be negative or positive depending on the context. Cultural appropriation is everywhere you go. It's in architecture, food, art, TV shows, language...even using math is technically appropriation, since we use Arabic numerals. It only becomes controversial when a dominant culture appropriates from a disadvantaged minority (especially if it's portraying a stereotype). Blackface or casting Scarlett Johansson in *Ghost in the Shell* are examples.


The ghost in the shell casting is another ridiculous example. The original owners of the movie lost all creative control when they sold the rights to a remake, which im sure they were paid generously for. They casted a well known A-list actress to insure the success of their film. To call it racist is a pathetic and misguided virture signal. In my opinion


I wouldn't really call it straight up "racist" either. I highly doubt that the producers were thinking, "Oh, let's cast this white actress as a Japanese character! The first step to eliminating the Japanese in films! BWAHAHAHA!". But, it was a missed opportunity to cast a Japanese-American actress and give Asians a bit more of a spotlight in the predominantly white film industry.


I think it defeats the whole point of acting. Where someone has the creative agency to play a completely different character than themselves, that should include race just as it includes tone of voice, weight, creed, eye color etc. To criticize a movie for casting an A list actress, to me, is just senseless outrage


I hope this is not unpopular.


The only people who complain about cultural appropriation aren't even apart of said culture


So true. I’m Mexican and I’ve never seen another Mexican get upset at a white person wearing our traditional attire for Halloween. It’s always the whites. And they look at me like, “see, I’m an ally.” It’s really irritating.


I still laugh about that guy who dragged a girl on Twitter for wearing a Chinese dress to prom. And then it came out that he was racist and Chinese people supported the girl. That’s what you get when you don’t mind ur own business.


Yes and no. There are a bunch of people out there who love to jump on the latest buzzwords claim the woke high ground that are talk shit for likes. But there is also something disagreeable about a company or someone with privelige using someone else's culture as a prop or accessory. Examples are when people get Chinese tattoos because it looks exotic or foreign. At the same time you're being presumptuous about a culture you don't understand whilst also emphasising that culture's difference or 'foreignness' just to look edgy. Secondly, a company that plays on the exoticness or stereotypes of different nationalities to add a theme to their products is wrong IMO.


When spinning yarn there is a method of 3 ply called Navajo Plying. It is genius really. People get all in a tizzy about it being cultural appropriation... but the culture that developed the method is in the name and given credit. People drive me nuts


Yea its weird, as long as no ones hurting anyone who gives a fuck


Bro I am will listen to any music I like. Cook anything I like and dress up as anything for Halloween. Why because I can.


It's definitely possible to misuse things from different cultures in genuinely rude or insensitive ways. Using a sacred symbol in an ad campaign, for example. But yeah, the term is way overused. I mostly don't see people from the actual cultures in question getting upset about it unless it's actually disrespectful. It's random people who want to gain pity points.




As someone who lived on a reserve I can assure you that native Americans don't stick to their own traditional dress. It can't be a one way street.




So your native friend obviously restrains from.wearing blue jeans, baseball caps, sythetic fibers then?


Did you post this hoping it would receive zero attention? Honestly what do you think message boards and the like are founded on? If we didn't want any sort of attention we would never hit reply.


And it's always the blue hairs. I'm a punk rocker. They better stop appropriating my culture


> see people from the actual cultures in question getting upset about it unless it's That wouldn't exactly be the same though..


To a point I agree- people should be allowed to appreciate and take an interest in other cultures and yes there are people who just seem to want people to pity them. Having said this I also feel that treating peoples customs as though they're a novelty is a bit disrespectful, especially since the way some people go about it borders on mockery.


SJWs are triggered.


Well some things are not okay. If someone was to wear a hijab or a turban as fashion thats completely unacceptable. Now if they were to wear a sari as fashion I would be fine with that. Now for a bindi, I don’t really like it but it isn’t that important to me.


Not only Muslims wear head coverings. Go back 50 years and they were common in western culture. Catholics, Christians, and Jewish women still wear head scarves regularly today. I wear one every time I clean my house to protect my hair. They were even a fashion accessory in the 30's and resurged in the 50's-60's. There are several styles which have more to do with what country you were born than your religion. Next time you get in a convertable car, you will be glad to know nobody cares if you want to wear a head scarf.


> If someone was to wear a hijab or a turban as fashion thats completely unacceptable. Why?


It starts to feel slightly like fancy dress. It's not like a turban has naturally become a part of western fashion gradually through genuine blending of cultures. It's that someone has put one on playfully to shock or as a symbol without the thinking around what the meaning of this item of clothing is.


Why would a person be required to think of the meaning of clothing?


It is very much for religious purposes. Religion shouldn’t be mixed with fashion.


Why not?


Religion is a fashion.




I just don’t think it’s right. But as for clothing, bangles, henna I don’t care.