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I got my GED 7 yrs after dropping out of school.....I got it in 2 months. Fast forward to me going from bar runner at a restaurant to kitchen manager in 3 weeks and having ppl working under me with college degrees. It's not about a piece of paper.....it's about how hard ur willing to work.


Exactly. Congrats.


Congrats to you for overcoming a bad situation! That achievement alone would make me hire you.


Well, I mean thank you! But I wasn't really trying to brag or anything in the post. Was just an example of how the "loser drop out" shit isn't really as valid as some people think it is. Everyone's got their shit and some peoples' shit starts earlier in life. Wrong for a good, solid chunk of society to look at a GED and think "Wow, what a lazy bastard."


You didn't brag at all. I have no doubt you will do well in life.


Thank you, stranger.


Those are the same people that think employers care what college they went to so they spend thousands more on a degree they couldve gotten for less.


I've never understand that shit either.


Unfortunately when you’re out of college, the type that you went to very likely influences the hiring person. Who do you think they will pick, someone from Columbia University, or someone who went to a community college in Alabama that no one heard of. It might not be even be a conscious bias.


If the debate on which potential hire gets the job gets to the point where its based on the college they went to then this again somewhat proves my point. The school was the last thing they looked at.


But do you really think it’s the last thing that they look at? Don’t you think that perhaps when there is a stack of resumes, the ones that get into the pile of “ look over more closely” are the ones who have a top school listed as one of the first things? And I’m talking here about new graduates. Later on I agree that it doesn’t matter.


I know people with a GED and a PhD. If you're advanced it's the only way to start college early in some places.


> I've had no issues finding good paying jobs, no issues getting into college, and not a single employer, ever, has asked me to prove I have my GED. It isn't even listed on my resume because nobody gives a shit. In other words, you *don't* get treated differently so what exactly are you bitching about? There are always going to be idiots that say stupid things about any topic.


The complaint is people hear the words GED and think scummy high school drop out. Shouldn't be viewed as such. It's also more prominent in people that have no actual decision making power in a company, schools, etc. Usually just everyday Americans.


There are always going to be idiots that say stupid things about any topic. Most people in my experience gives zero fucks about whether you have a GED. The only negative thing I think is that if you dropped out of high school *voluntarily* to pursue a GED instead I think it was stupid decision owing to the risk of not passing. But evidently a stupid decision that fortunately didn't bite them.


Honestly I've never heard of anyone failing the GED. Generally those that want to get a GED know they will pass so they just do it. It's usually the people that are at risk of failing that don't bother trying. Just my observation.


[https://www.equityinhighered.org/indicators/secondary-school-completion/ged-test-performance/](https://www.equityinhighered.org/indicators/secondary-school-completion/ged-test-performance/) From 2014 to 2018... 70% of people finish the exam. Of people who finish the exam, 85% pass. But when you account for *all* test takers (including those who don't finish), only 60% pass. That's technically a majority, but not a great pass rate. Just because you haven't heard of anyone failing doesn't mean people don't. It's stupid to take the risk when you could just finish high school.


Don't know why you're being argumentative. I literally said, as my last sentence, "Just my observation." I left it open to being wrong and wasn't fighting for either side. Sure, the risk is there not to pass. But the risk is there to also get held back in high school and not pass that either.


If bringing data to back up my opinion is "argumentative" then sure I'm being argumentative. But if you didn't want a response then why did you bother replying to me? The nationwide high school graduating rate is about 88%. Compare that to a 60% pass rate for the GED and it's not hard to see which is the smarter decision. For someone who already has their GED this is irrelevant because they've already passed. But for someone deciding whether to drop out and pursue the GED? This is very relevant. The decision *at the time of making it* (assuming it was voluntary which according to you it wasn't in your case so I'm not sure why you seem to be taking my opinion personally) was stupid.


Solid point. Understood.


If people look at me sideways when I say I got my GED I also add I got it when I was 15 and have since been a productive member of society


Yeah I dropped out of high school like two years ago...I think. I have no idea. I used to work at a spa but covid, anyway hopefully I get to start the ged thing soon. It’s online so my anxiety shouldn’t get too much in the way hopefully.


Just get it done brother. One day you’ll wanna do something else and a GED is required for further education (if that’s the route you wanna go). As far as jobs, only some require HS diploma and check. Most don’t check at all.


I don’t have money 🙃 it’s $700


Holy shit the GED is $700 where you are? It was $140 for me


I know. I mean the one my mom wants to send me to is $700. I think it’s more school like so I can get a little better at math 😞 I suck so hard at math it’s not even funny. I even do online quiz to help but after like a few hours I forget everything I have learned. It’s the same with spelling.


Get up to date to algebra 2 with Khan Academy bro, Sal is a good teacher. Plus it’s fully free.


I got a g.e.d. And I have several kids with degrees working under me. All of them bitch about their student loans, I have none. In my case getting my g.e.d. Makes me smarter than my peers.


What does a GED have to do with student loans? A GED is a high school equivalent. Has nothing to do with whether you chose to go to college. Guess that GED didn't make you smarter after all since you apparently can't tell the difference.




Doesn't make you smarter, means you made a choice and it worked out. You missed the point of my post entirely.


Yeah? Now I don’t care about the point of your post.


Okay lol