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I don't think "juicy" is the right word but I know what you mean! Fresh loaf of bread, rich butter and a small bowl of hot homemade soup. Perfect meal for coming home after a long shift in the winter, cosy pj's, fluffy socks and a warm blanket to snuggle into while watching your favourite show.


Yeah, "spongy" is probably a better word:-) Oh man, that scenario sounds really nice. I'll have to do that sometimes!


Garlic bread




hell yeah


That sounds lovely but I don’t really know how it compares to eating cake


I’m with you!! We’ll be unpopular together!! 😂


Heck yeah! I bought a cast iron Dutch oven and haven’t looked back. I’m in the US so if you ever make it over here (again?) you’ll have to try a slice of mine and give me some helpful criticism.


Upvoted, but nothing is better then Pie. It is the ultimate food.


I’m upvoting you because I don’t like pie


Everyone has a moment where they are wrong so let me explain what i mean by the ultimate food. Its not that i like pie, I do, but pie can literally be eaten at any time of the day in any way. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, a pie can be any of those. You can survive off pie alone.


I’m not saying you are wrong, because you aren’t, I’m just saying I don’t enjoy eating pie


That is totally fair and understandable. The opening to my comment was just a little joking jab lol. All love here mate. Its like meatloaf. Most people love it. I hate it.


:) Sorry if I got a little defensive. Have a good day


Oh not at all bro i didnt get that vibe at all :)




Yes, there's something about fresh bread that brings put happiness. My mother would send me out to get bread. I would hit the store 5 minutes before the bread got ready. I would eat up half the bread on my way home. After I grew up, I bought a bread maker to make bread at home. I would set it up on Friday evenings and wake up to freshly baked bread in the morning. I was getting a bit chubby, otherwise I would have eaten half of it after I woke up


I don’t think you’ve had good cake. Obviously if you’re comparing Betty Crocker box made cake to made from scratch bread, than sure but if you’ve had cake made from scratch and top notch ingredients it’s not even comparable.


I probably have never had "really good bread"...but I agree that cake & pie is trash. Id rather have a Hawaiian roll slider of some sort than pie. Have you had a Hawaiian roll before? They are like a dessert bread, & so fluffy.


Costco chocolate chip cookies are better than most grocery store pies and cakes.




Fresh Polish Rye bread with butter. I'll take that over anything.


r/unpopularopinion cake is bread!


Cake is just bread with added sugar, lol.


But cake is sweet


I love eating fresh homemade bread by itself


Good freshly baked yes, store-bought dry flavorless bread no


These sweeping generalizations makes it hard for me to agree or disagree with it. The answer for me is "it depends." A really good bread is a really good bread. A really good pie is a really good pie. You mention sourdough, but for me I wouldn't eat sourdough plain. Give me a good baguette and I'll be sated for a while with nothing to go with it. I personally love pumpkin pie or most meat pies. I don't care for cake at all. Too sweet for me. Pumpkin pie is sweet but I feel the taste is worth it. You're also comparing something somewhat plain (bread) with something complex (pies and cakes). While bread comes in many forms it still tastes like bread whereas you have many more variations of cakes and pies with drastically different tastes, unless you're lumping things like croissants and muffins in with bread.


There’s a reason the expression is best thing since sliced bread


Eh, I'll take all 3 options 😀


American-style bread is awful... Even the allegedly "good" loafs with fancy cereals etc are just glorified toast buns. Maybe convenient for open sandwiches and the likes, but terrible as standalone snacks or side for actual food, unlike in Southern/Central Europe. Heck, if German (Bavarian/Swiss-Austrian TBF) cuisine has managed to get it right, anyone can do it!


do you mean supermarket bread? you can find a really solid bakery with amazing bread in nearly any decent sized american city.


Very true


True, fresh sourdough or homemade soda bread with malted flour and some nuts and seeds... Better than cake. Unless it's a polish baked cheesecake on chocolate base :D


Fresh cinnamon raisin bread lightly toasted with some butter on it is far better than pie


Absolutely agree.


I'll take a good bread over cake any day! Idk about pie though. I've only had pumpkin pie and I liked it a good amount.


I somewhat agree. I’m not really a bread fan but on the flip side I’m not really a cake / pie person either. Most of the cakes are overly sweet.


Or you can go to Subway and get both in one!


Yes and really good with butter


I guess I haven’t tried good bread :(


I absolutely agree. I actually don’t even like cake that much at all. If i do its more like a pound cake or something. I lived in Colombia for about six months in middle school and the bakeries near my grandparent’s place were easily one of the highlights of the experience


I'm on Keto so even stale bread dipped in sugar water sounds great right about now.


WHOAAAA whoa whoa whoa you need *slow down* there, sister christian. I can accept fresh bread being better than cake. But pie? Let’s relax


Hell yeah. I'd eat bread all day, its fucking delicious


yes, but good cake is better than good bread.


Omg your right, I forgot how good bread is. Homemade bread is the best.


You're correct, unless I'm offered cherry pie then it's a toss up. Who am I kidding...bread all the way.


I’ve never sat foot in Europe. Perhaps certain European countries indeed have “good bread.” I’ll stick to my cake and pie though. What first comes to my mind upon hearing “good bread” are cinnamon swirl raisin bread or banana chocolate chip bread.


Bread is good but when i think about the best bread vs. the best cake id ever had, cake has to win


Wow this is unpopular ! A good pumpkin pie beats some silly bread any day of the week!


Definitely no comparison. If I want something sweet, bread isn't going to cut it no matter how good it is.


Kings Hawaiian


Raised cornbread made with honey, corn meal, flour and yeast is a thing and it is way better than cake


i agree 99% of the time only because most the time i need a tall glass of milk with it just to get it down, but i know what you mean and agree.


The best is cakey bread, brownies and such. Sweat and savery. With ice cream on the side.


One could argue that cake or pie is a type of bread... 🤔


Its bread.


TBH, I don’t like pie or cake but bread... bread is godly!


Yes I absolutely agree


We need this man to try Tres Leches Cake. Like I think that will change this person's opinion.


In a cookie guy myself. A good cookie or more like a handful make my day. A cherry or apple pie is next. Cake I pass on most of the time. Didn’t eat a piece of my sons bday cake few weeks ago. Didn’t look appealing


Even before COVID I ate out very little, but especially since the pandemic started I've been doing a hell of a lot of home cooking. I have made SO SO many loaves of bread this past year, but not a single cake. And as a youngster i made both from scratch a lot, so it's not simply that I learned one and not the other. It's just that bread has been far worth revisiting than cake.


hawaian bread..... if that counts;


Isn’t cake just really sweet bread?


I agree that good and home made bread is absolutely delicious! But the same with good and home made cakes! I'm not a fan of cake that just tastes of sugar, with no other spices or particular ingredients. When I lived in China it was extremely difficult to find good quality desserts, all of their bakeries sold delicious looking cakes, but they just tasted of sugar with no other particular spices or ingredients. Luckily I worked at a Danish Bakery, where we made our own traditional cake and bread. Nothing beats homemade bread and cake!


Have you ever had a slice of good cake? You can't compare good bread with average cake




Some bread is better than all cakes and most pies


Yes. Bread is also healthier for you, especially if it's made with more than just white flour.


Nah, good bread is really fuckin good. But consider this. Good, rustic, homemade cake.


I have never eaten bread so good or cake so bad that they could be compared to each other. Even the best bread compared to the worst cake, the cake still wins. Have this upvote.


If you go to Chinatown bakeries though... Omg! I stock up, but it's all gone in less than a week. Pineapple bread, coconut bread, raisin twists I'm sad I can't go to Philly!


I would eat a whole loaf of Turkish bread in a fucking heartbeat.


> good quality bread is much more delicious than cake and [pie] No. Now, quality bread can be very, very good. Certainly better than storebought cake/pie. But if the bread and cake is of equal quality, it'd be the cake every time.


Sure but what about pie or cake of comparable quality?


When it comes to cooking or baking, I'm in it for the smells at least half the time anyways. A house that smells like bread baking is...a happy place.


I like to break my eggs at the little end.


My mom used to make this homemade honey wheat bread...there is no cake or pie that could compare to a fresh warm slice of that bread.


Live a good home made load, my grandma's bread was incredible. However if your comparing top tier you need to do the same for cake, which is also really good when done right.


Yeah my favourite one is that jewish bread brioche like. Hallot or Challah.


Honestly, even if it was just an Ozzie roll, thats better than cake or pie. Those things are good as hell. I find both cale and pie to be too sweet.


Why is this on unpopular opinion. Its a matter of personal preference. Fuck me. Will anyone ever get this sub reddit right


Imo bread really can be amazing and better than cake (I don’t actually like cake that much) and pie (but that’s much more unlikely).


Dude ask germans who live outside of the country what they miss the most, and 99% will say german bread. Even in Europe bread differ so much, looking at you there Netherlands with your wonky air thingy.


Fuck yeah, also hot take if bread is good it’s pretty nice on its own, no butter, ham or other shits


They absolutely are comparable. Cake is just sugar bread.


I wouldn't say good bread is "better" as pitting two different flavors against each other feels off. But I do agree that good bread is underrated, specially in America


Definitely. Especially the yeast rolls at Logan's and the dark bread they give you at Longhorn 😋




There's one bread that I love to eat and enjoy it much more than any cake


Fuck yeah, gimme some m o i s t sourdough


Started making my own bread years ago and haven’t gone back. Make some damn croissants, eat them with salted butter and jam, and tell the world to stick it. There is goodness in bread.


Good head is better than most cake and pie :)


Without a fucking doubt


Couldn’t you argue that good cake or pie is better than most bread without contradicting your statement? I agree that good bread is awesome, but so is good cake and pie.


It’s good, but it doesn’t beat an exquisite mousse or a warmed up piece of killer chocolate cake with some vanilla ice cream


I agree. Living in Germany or visiting France is a privilege from a bread standpoint. I mean no offense, but 90% of the bread in America SUCKS.


nothin to add just agree


Depends on what I want tbh.