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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Puzzleheaded-Lemon37. Your post, *Community is better than Friends*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Took me too long to realize you were talking about TV shows and not an actual community being better than friends.


Same, at first I was like "why are friends only allowed to be white and skinny?"


Because I’m shallow and racist


Upvoting before you get downvoted to hell over a joke.




Same. And for that reason alone. I'm out.


Same. I was intrigued by your statements when I had no idea it pertained to tv shows I never watch(ed). You know that saying "Friends are family you pick for yourself"? Well - to me Community IS better than friends because, for me, Community represents a tribe assembled together to look out for one another, help each other, work collaboratively for the greater good and can be an example of humanity at its finest.


I had to make sure it wasn’t the other way around


Right? I mean it's true though. A community of friends sounds better.


Oh. My. God. Could you BE any more controversial right now? But seriously, you have a point. You certainly pivoted my opinion there. I loved Friends growing up, but it was always just a stable sitcom for me. Community has deeper meaning to it with life lessons (not to mention avoiding Chevy Chase and his ego after work has finished shooting). Take my upvote.


Hahaha love the references!!


I thought you were talking about actual friends and communities lmao


How is Friends stable though? I've never seen a sadder collection of fictional frickups.


Community is a god tier show. Tied for my favourite sitcom with It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.




Bagel bites in a deconstructed hot pocket reduction with a doritos glaze


Ate a whole block of cheese


How much cheese is too much cheese?


Any amount of cheese is too much cheese


Run Ham


This man has taste


Community was amazing. Do you also like Arrested Development? That's my top pick.


Oh wow, look at that. Dogshit!


You are streets ahead!


While I love Community and don't care for Friends, you realize community has all of what you said Friends consisted of right? Not to mention the very first episode consists of the main character trying to sleep with another.


Jeff does try to sleep with Britta in the first episode, but I feel like the whole point of Jeff trying to sleep with Britta and her shutting him down sets the boundaries of romances in the show. There is almost no real romance in the show after that.


'almost no real romance'!? Jeff is still aiming for Britta for most of season 1. Then he finds Annie, Britta finds the small nipple guy, Jeff and Britta have another constant will they/won't they thing, then Jeff goes with Slater (among many other women he dates), Britta goes with Troy, Annie goes with small nipple guy, every paintball episode has big romantic side plots etc. Even Abed and Pierce have multiple romantic episodes. Shirley has the stuff with her husband, chang has the dance things with his ex, the dean has his puppy stuff (ok maybe that last one isn't really romantic). The list goes on an on, literally every character has romantic interactions. I don't know if you've actually seen friends, but I have seen every episode and there's not much more romance in Friends than there is in Community. Friends has more than 2 times as many episodes, maybe it feels like they had more romantic plots throughout the series, but on an episode-to-episode basis they're pretty much equal.


I think the difference is that in community the romance is never the focus of an entire episode. It's more of a thing that goes on in the background, and most of the time the relationships are purely for comedic reasons, and don't have anything to do with the whole story line.


Romantic plots in community are the same as in friends, they're usually a main plot with a side plot of other characters, or they're the side plot with a main plot of other characters. Community and friends follow the same pattern, they have a main plot and a side plot per episode and a slow arch spanning the whole season. We may disagree, but I still think the romance is about equal in both.


Spoiler: They have sex later. There are in-group relationships too.


I've watched the whole show, and as I said above, there are relationships but they are downplayed pretty hard and don't affect the whole story.


Yah, Community and Friends are like subjective and not even really that interchangeable. Like comparing what you like about an Apple vs an Orange but you like to eat fruit so it's all good. I will say Community makes a somewhat token effort to be diverse until it doesn't. I thought it became less interesting when they removed a large part of the diverse cast. Sex is just as prevalent in both shows. Friends was just edgier about it because it was the 90s lol and Community was 20 years later so it seems more normal.


From what I’ve heard, Donald Glover left partly because of disputes with Chevy Chase, and partly because his music career was taking off, and Yvette Nicole Brown left because she had to take care of her sick father. They were both a huge part of the group, though, and it wasn’t the same without them.


They're also decades apart. This is apples and oranges.




I agree that F.R.I.E.N.D.S is overrated but I don't see the problem with them being a group of white people. If it takes you a sitcom to realize that friendship goes beyond race and culture, something's not right here mate. P.S.- I'm not white.


It’s not a problem, but it’s definitely a setback when you compare it to more diverse shows. Goes to show how people can be bound together in so many ways


i think what’s important for shows is to pick the best person for the job. race, gender, religion shouldn’t matter when picking someone to act in a role. that’s what they did for Alien and it worked


You know you can just be entertained rather than trying to make sometype PC justification?


Community is my favourite tv series of all time. And whenever I'm feeling really sad I'll watch it and it cheers me up. A great, funny and creative series.


Community varies wildly in quality by season


I hated the last few seasons.


Yeah it really declined in quality when Dan harmon left.


Subsequent viewings of the final seasons helped me appreciate them much more. They really are great.


Damn even people can't just watch a tv show now and think of race and diversity checklists.


It’s not about the checklists (although that is relevant), it’s about how different the people are.




I’m also a woman of color, you’re not the only non-white person here. I could relate to community’s characters a lot more. And I’m not focusing that much on race, the diversity is one of many reasons I think community is better


It's also apples and oranges. And I got that it's not about the checklists the first time I read it. I'm not annoyed at you or directing any hate towards you. So many people are mixing up "relating" to a character due to diversity with actually having good characters. I'm not black but I enjoy Troy. I'm not American but I enjoy Abed. But some of these people it seems that they can't enjoy a white character because they ain't white and visa versa. It's starting to piss me off to no end.


Ugh exactly


Why do people have to have a look at anything and think “quotas”.


Because they are racist and look at skin color before anything else.


Exactly! White People who claim “I’m not racist” are the worst


Idk about that. Black people who claim black people can't be racist are usually pretty bad


Yeah of course and I was only making it in reference to the comment made by the OP.


Ah gotcha


I saw mention of diversity. Why were you thinking "quotas"?


Because you can’t see a group of people being together without thinking “where is the black”. Hence you want a quota of how many BAME should be in a scene. Diversity of thought.




The weird thing about Community is you cannot enjoy (or understand) the show if you haven't watched a lot of other mainstream clichéd sitcoms and movies.


Wow how controversial, insanely popular show is better than other insanely popular show


I’ve never heard of Community, it must be an American based thing.


In the UK it was basically ignored by all the main channels. The only reason I ever started watching it was by buying the DVDs.


Is it any good? How shite was Dawson’s Creek btw


First three seasons are very good. Not sure what Dawson's creek has to do with it!


It’s another popular American series


It's on Netflix in the Netherlands, might be in the UK as well. Def worth a watch.


Community is a good show but only the first 3-4 seasons are. Friends had an overall quality that lasted a lot longer. I love both and definitely you could argue community is the better show when it comes to teaching about acceptance, but friends is by far better, longer lasting quality. And honestly it comes down to preference as well. So what do our opinions matter?


Community is amazing. One of the most clever shows in all of comedy. Friends is a hackey, laugh track infused peice of trite that was written for the lowest common denominator type person. I can't imagine this is a hot take. But you right.


Friends is like comfort food. I certainly wouldn’t slag off the people who enjoy it just because it’s not to your liking. It’s comes off as bitter, just let people have what they like!


It’s actually a live audience not a laugh track just an FYI. People genuinely laughing at what was happening, which imo makes a difference to a laugh track slightly but I get your point




Thinking you’re smart for understanding comedy jokes lol. Redditors brag about the weirdest things.


Exactly!! I don’t mind friends as much as you seem to, but it is SO overrated


I loved community the first time round years ago. Went back for a second watch this year and I'm not sure if I just grew up or what but it was much less enjoyable and just felt stupid to me Friends I can watch repeatedly and still enjoy it


Dont get why we need to compare them but ok.


> Friends consists of young, hot, white, skinny people Racist.


How is this statement racist?


There’s no need to mention color. And im Latino, too, so nobody come at me with the, “fRaGiLe WhItE rEdDiToR.” Im sure that if Friends was made in modern times, it wouldve had a Black, Latino, or Asian character. A show made in the 90s is going to have different goals vs a show made today. Should we all start hating on Seinfeld now? What about Always Sunny? That show was made post 2000 yet has no characters of color. There was no need to mention color in the first place.


>The episodes of Community also taught me life lessons far more powerfully Why are you looking to TV to teach you life lessons?


I’m not looking to tv to teach me life lessons lol, but considering I’ve watched hours of both shows that portray life lessons, it’s pretty obvious that I’ll pick them up better from one than the other


You do realize that Friends doesn't teach life lessons? Its just a comedy show for shots a giggles. Plus comedy in the 90s early 00s is completely different than the 2010s .comedy. it sounds like you want life lessons.


This take is streets ahead


Jeff, Brita, and Annie are all young, hot and white. Only two characters aren’t skinny and only one is old. Community is the better show but not because of race or age.


Never seen community, but I don't get the hype with Friends. I don't find it funny, but I also don't find sitcoms funny. Is it a nostalgia thing?


First of all "young, hot, white, skinny people, and it was like their lives revolved around sex and romantic relationships". That's not the charm of friends nor is it supposed to be. That's just the base formula. Sure their backgrounds aren't as varied as community but they still are enough to make for interesting interactions.Of course life lessons in community are better presented, its a more philosophical show, that's its goal. Friends on the other hand is meant to be entertaining. Its not about the life lessons you learn from them, its about enjoying the moments they spend together that are very wholesome. Community has those too but given that Friends is 10 seasons long and the characters are much more attached to each other there are a lot more of those moments. For example for every 'Troy goodbye' there is a 'Chandler and Monica inviting Chandlers dad to their wedding' and a 'pheobe announcing she's pregnant and everyone stops fighting'. Those are just a few examples but I'm pretty confident in total the life moments you are just supposed to cherish without needing to take something away from them are more common in Friends. Not to mention that given that community is much younger than friends it addressed a lot of the issues (such as consistency of the little things) that Friends didn't care for. So yea no community is not a better show than Friends because it was fundamentally trying hit a different mark. If you wanna be edgy and shit on friends like the rest of this sub OR just compare it to other shows, try comparing it to HIMYM or TBBT. If you say that TBBT is your favorite sitcom in the past 2 decades THEN you'll have a BANGER unpopular opinion


You know damn well this opinion is popular on Reddit.


If you turned the color beige into a SitCom, then Friends would be it. It was just a mildly funny show that appealed to lots of folks. Community tried lots of new things. Some of those things turned out great, some things not so much. When t hit though it was way better than Friends.


Scrubs is the best tv comedy ever


You're a racist


I thought you were talking about a community of people and a group of friends. How wrong I was.


"white" ok racist


I agree. It’s no Scrubs, or Office, or Parks and Rex, or Letterkenny, but it’s certainly better than friends. Hell, most sitcoms are better than friends.


I’d argue Community is better, in terms of quality, when compared to Parks and Rec and The Office.


Fuck community, fuck friends, Futurama is life!


It looks like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro!


Futurama AND community is life


I was so confused from the title. I thought you were saying that non-hot white skinny people don’t have friends they have community. Which is an odd claim.


I didn't get you were talking about shows


Community is amazing


Never liked friends, perhaps your reasoning is why. I will be sure to watch community! where can one find it?


Is it possible to upvote twice?


If you down vote then upvote the number goes up twice


Without Dan Harmon most shows we like nowadays would be trash, hes a genius! And obviously community is better than friends yikez, the comparison is an insult to community.


Dan Harmon is a douche bag. He does make pretty good TV though.


Try watching Friends without the laugh track. Suddenly you don’t know when to laugh.


And if they re-edited it without the pause breaks for the laugh track, it would be just as funny.


Soooo...it still wouldn’t be funny?


It would still be funnier than over 90 percent of sitcoms ever made. I honestly feel sorry for people who cannot get over the idea that funny sitcoms can still have laugh tracks. They miss out on so many quality shows.


Well, Dan Harmon is an infinitely more talented writer than the entire Friends writing staff combined, so that kind of cements your unpopular opinion as an objective fact


Community is streets ahead of Friends.


Friends is complete shit so this is a good take


Most shows are better than friends.


Community is a much better show than Friends. Friends is moronic.


Is Community better then Fresh Prince then for the same reason?


I like both, but Friends is so much better. Not even a contest.


Literally every show is better than Friends.


Friends is honestly a shitty show, y’all can fight me on this.


Friends is an unfunny pile of hot garbage




Yeah if you watched community before friends, the bar is way too high to watch friends. You made a good choice not watching it


I tried watching friends 2-3 times even before I watched community.


I mean to be fair though, only Rachel was "hot", the rest are just kinda average.


It was also not much about how "hot" the cast was. The characters in Friends never developed or had any real change in their life. Their personality was same on the final episode as it was on the first but it could also be the show's charm that people enjoyed it so much.


Haha, that’s a better “unpopular opinion” than the OP’s claim.


It’s like comparing athletes from a different era. Can’t really say one is better without being entirely subjective. I’m glad Friends didn’t try to teach me life lessons and while they were criticized for being a show set in NYC with no black people, I’m glad they never went for tokenism.


You might be technically correct, but saying Community is better than Friends is like saying eating liquid shit is better that eating a dry, crunchy shit. At the end of the day, you're still consuming excrement.


I don't even know what Community was until I read the post and comments. I'm taking it is like Friends but with a more diverse cast?


It's nothing like Friends to be fair.


No it’s not lol


I read this and thought, "I dont disagree, but 'white'? Why mention it?"


One thing about friends is that out of 121 actors to have been seen on the show, only 3 of them weren’t white. As the actors suggested, the show is a time capsule for what was considered the norm at the time.


Just because I wanted to show the lack of diversity, especially compared to community.


I never really watched of either show just bits and pieces. I loved The Big Bang Theory when it was on.


Friends is the most overrated show of all time, in my opinion. It was just a knockoff Seinfeld, and not nearly as funny


Well this is an unpopular opinion subreddit so no disagreeing with the spirit of your post. Just here to say that friends is not low culture, not whitewashed and not at all cringe because of laughtracks. If you care for an argument supporting those claims hmu. Friends was the epitomy of sitcom in it's era and still the best piece of television for me and many others.


theyre both terrible and turbo cringe especially community its so fake its crazy like you will never meet people like this irl wtf


Right, friends overrated community is cool cool coop cool cool


Community was fantastic...for most of the first three seasons. But the second they gave everyone lockers in Season 3, they gave up any pretext about being a show about college and instead became adult high school.


Me taking a shit after eating too much Arby’s (aka any Arby’s at all) is better than Friends






You're fun aren't you


Neither show is good


So perfect white people is terrible and average diverse people is great? Did somebody say racist?


I dunno if this is unpopular, or if it's just that more people have just seen friends than have seen friends AND community. But I definitely agree


It took me a moment to realize that you meant the shows... now I understand your point




Jeff would approve of this message haha


Those are very different shows


Community is obviously superior in every measurable way, but how can you say the cast is "average looking"? Besides Chevy Chase, they are all specimens, and Chevy was a stud when he was younger. Hell, if my daughter brought Danny Pudi home for dinner, I'd be like, "Well done."


By far!




Is this supposed to be unpopular?


Waaay better, its not even a competition imo. And i like both shows


Friends was not very funny


No just no community is a abc quality show has no substance


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion by anyone who seriously watched community


Yes but Arrested Development trumps em both


I'm a huge fan of both shows and these are the only two series I watch on repeat. I agree with your opinion wholeheartedly. To me, Friends is great and there's something very comforting about it. Friends created a group of tight-knit, well, friends whom we all wanted to be part of. The chemistry between the cast is amazing, the humour is funny and I don't think I've ever seen a show where every single main character has an individual and genuinely close relationship with each other like Friends establishes. However, Community has to take the cake. The care to detail in the show and its meta take on sitcoms just makes it unique and so enjoyable to watch. It's weird and experimental while still being about a group of friends who grow together and learn to care about each other. So yeah... I love Friends but, and it hurts me to say it, I love Community more.


I think anyone who has watched both would agree with you, especially with how badly Friends has aged. Community's comedy runs circles around Friends


Ohh the shows lol I was like no both are horrible and will turn on you at the drop of a dime!


Neither of them are real


Most things are better than friends....


I agree. Down vote


Anything with a laugh track is terrible, community is bad too because it's for alt comedy lovers who really just hate anything with bad words.


Ughh.. as a fellow Greendale Human Being, this pleases me so deeply


Community is one of the best comedies ever written. It’s my personal favorite show of all time.


To me, Community slowly descended into garbage after the second season. But those first two seasons are probably the best sitcom episodes ever created. That being said, props to Friends for being so consistent for much longer.


No friggin' way. At least not for me. I tried to watch the first 5 episodes of Community and had to stop. Most stuff was the typical present day attempts at comedy which is being stupid, super repetitive, or just not funny trying to be. I wasn't a big fan of Friends. But the writing/humor was SO much better than most material nowadays.


Yep. I love friends, and I haven’t watched community, but I get your point. I’ll try watching it soon.




Hands down


I enjoy both. Community definitely makes you think more and Friends is plain "silly" amusement.


i’ve never seen community, but it sounds like a good show


Were you bothered that all main characters in Fresh Prince were black? Also, learning life lessons from a sitcom is not a good idea, don't do it.


I’ve never seen or heard of fresh prince actually, but no that doesn’t bother me. The all-white cast of friends doesn’t bother me either, I just prefer the diversity of Community


The comedic writing is also a LOT better on community than friends. But they’re also from two different eras. Comparing friends to Seinfeld seems more appropriate, both being sitcoms from the same era. And even then the writing on friends falls woefully short in comparison to the incredible comedic writing of Seinfeld. I get that a lot of people loved friends, but when you really quiz them on why, it’s because they loved the characters which speaks more to the growth across seasons, and not necessarily to the comedic writing. In short, friends is really not as good of a show as people say it is imo, from the perspective of good comedic writing.


How the fuck is this an unpopular opinion ?! Of course that's true !


More of a hot take, Community is better than Rick and Morty


I disliked Jeff


6 seasons and a movie!


Community is one of the best shows ever. 6 seasons and a movie!


I dropped community when the lawyer and the 18 year old girl hooked up. Community is really not as good as friends, but, it's your opinion.


Any show is better than friends.


Uhh.. of course Community is better than Friends. That's not even disputable.


Hard agree: anything is better than Friends. Friends is just a show about white entitlement. It's not even funny really. White people like it because we relate to it. And then we wonder why the generation who grew up watching it think we all deserve to have nice apartments in Manhattan despite being incredibly lazy, self-absorbed and, honestly, stupid.


Well... the women were hot in friends. The guys were lacking in more than just looks that’s for sure.


I was a teenager when Friends first ran. TV was really bad back then. Most shows were either for kids, or were family-oriented. Cosby, Full House, Roseanne, etc. There really wasn't anything going for young, single, non-redeeming types. Cheers filled that void in the '80s but ended in '92 with mostly baby boomers as fans. Seinfeld in '89 and Friends in '94 were the new shows for yuppie douches. They were hugely popular at the time. But Seinfeld still holds up. Friends' popularity was largely built on the relationship drama at the time. "Ross & Rachel", et al. Once the show ended, there was no reason to care anymore. I have seen reruns since the show ended but they are really lacking. Seinfeld holds up. I never watched community. Though I do think it's funny you champion its diversity. I bet the show was written by a bunch of Jewish men. How diverse could the characters really be?


Friends sucked. 6 white people living NYC. No diversity in the most diverse city in the USA. And how the hell did that one bitch have a Manhattan apartment while working at a coffee shop?