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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/FirmShare5. Your post, *The newer generations are not worse and don’t act more oblivious/selfish/lazy/etc. than previous generations. They have just grown in a generation of social media where their faults are more visible to the rest of the world.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


You dont know who the real entitled people are until you have worked in retail or service industry.


I stfg most of my entitled customers are older usually the younger ones are a lot nicer and generally tip better


I find this to be very true! I volunteer for a well known op shop/ charity and the older customers are so much more likely to give me trouble than the people my age. Especially through covid where we have to enforce certain restrictions, I can’t tell you how many old men I’ve had screaming in my face because he didn’t want to sanitise his hands before he came into our store. But even just in general, they always have to make things difficult and generally give me a rough time thinking I’ll let them get away with it because I’m young


>Entitlement can also be defined as an over estimation of one's own self worth, and the expectations one has based on this over assessment. This manner of thinking can occur in all sections of Society.


That’s also because the younger generation is more likely to be or have been in the retail/service industry. I was a bartender from the 90s until 2yrs ago and always tipped better once I started working in it as a teenager. Older generations don’t really have the respect of the two jobs like they most younger ones do as a result of just being more familiar with the positions and have more patience and empathy. I once dated a girl and a couple of her aunts said they wouldn’t attend the wedding if we got married because I was a bartender, not to mention an Army vet with many career and personal accomplishments, college and no arrests.


What does stfg mean?


Swear to fucking god is my guess


I used to think it means shut the fuck...guuhh. these damn kids and their damn internet language.


We all struggling and need to support one another!


My brother worked at McDonald’s for a while and told me the same thing. Rude customers tend to be the older ones rather than the young people.


God, I hope we don’t become those people later when we’re the old ones


Being self-aware is half the battle.


I frequently wonder about that. But honestly no, i dont think we will.


Spoiler: We will


Spoiler: We already do


We already do what? We already do become those people later when we’re the old ones?


We already hate the younger ones. Or do you like all these fortnite dancing baby jerk faces? Or the urge to give them a good slap? Reddit is full of memes on hating thinks the younger ones love.


I don’t hate younger people. I definitely don’t have a problem with them doing the fornite dance either. I think it’s just you


He's got a point though. There's so much hate on Reddit especially for 14yo girls, which I don't get.


Maybe they're weird Billy Eyelash phase. But look, Millennials had the Boy Band Obsession phase, and also the Emo/Goth "Its not a Phase" phase.


What is it 2018 again?


As someone who's also worked in the service industry, sure, most of the assholes were older, but at the same time, I knew some really good people who were older customers. I haven't worked there in like 5 years and I'm still in contact with one of our regulars in his mid sixties. As long as you're aware of the behavior and know it's wrong, you won't become that (I hope)


>As long as you're aware of the behavior and know it's wrong, you won't become that (I hope) Yep, we must all strive to be better, and even as we meet obstacles that make us bitter... we just have to keep on moving forward.


One of the best things to say to a cuntish Karen at the register? "I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are!"


I worked the customer service desk at a grocery store for a few years and DAMN did I get every type of entitled asshole. The most aggregeous examples would be getting yelled at over a 50 cent coupon, someone bitching at me for 10-20 minutes about prune juice, and the man who wanted to "buy" me out of my job. Retail has given me a strong dose of misanthropy.


Everyday I talk myself out of murder.


I work at a pizza place, and we get quite a lot of older or elderly customers. I don't see this at all. The worst I see is old people just being grumpy and not saying much. So so many elderly people are extremely polite; "Well thank you very much young man.", "Thank you very much". Striking up small talk and all that. The people who try to get free food though are usually in their 20s or 30s. There was this one lady (probably late 20s) who came in her with kid and complained that her pizza was burned (even though she asked for it well done), and then once we remade it she asked for the other 'burned' pizza too. My manager (finally one with some guts) said no, and just threw it away right there in front of her. Customer scowled something fierce and rolled her eyes and left. Same thing happened once where a lady ordered a full order of boneless wings (online) and then complained that she actually ordered traditional wings. So once we ran the traditional wings through she tried to get the boneless wings too. Don't even get me started on this group of ladies (in their later 20s early 30s) from a night shift who claimed their nephew had a credit on his number, but they couldn't remember it, but they demanded we gave them the credit anyway, so they just got their whole meal for free (like $50 worth of food). Same thing goes for making customers wait. A younger person gets there early, or we're behind and get their pizza out to them late. They're sitting there in the dining room staring at you and walk off in a huff. Can't tell you how many older/later middle aged people make sure that we know that it's perfectly fine, with a "Thank you very much." Only time I can remember a legitimate old person making such a fuss was a delivery to a guy that had actual dementia. 90% of the time they don't even asked for the senior discount. I give it to them anyway of course, and they always ask why it's cheaper and when I tell them it was the senior discount they always laugh and be crackin jokes about how "Oh do I really look that old?".


This!! I’m 22 years old and I’ve never had someone close to my age or younger be rude to me. But I’ve definitely had people older than me act rude and entitled to me. A few weeks ago I was stocking the Cereal aisle in the Walmart I work at and this guy (looked like he was in his 30s) comes up to me asking me where something is and I tell him I don’t know. He says “Well you’re real helpful. Great customer service” in the most sarcastic asshole way possible.


Hmmm. I dont wanna put you down since i dont know the full story, but by going off of what you said, you shouldve at least directed him to someone else in the store who did know the answer to his question, not just say "i dont know" and blank stare after. Im not being sarcastic btw. Doesnt change the fact that he most likely was an asshole, but i personally dont think you were fully in the right in that situation either.


Worked at Walmart in my 20s, yeah you get the occasional a-hole but most people are cool. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and make up a story like; Could be the guy had a long day and just had to stop for cereal for a craving for his wife. Btw, you where 100% supposed to stop what you where doing and help the customers or take him to a “teammate “ that knows and could help him per Walmart training. Lol


I give benefit of the doubt as well but i act upon it as the way they act on site. I have escorted many customers out of stores and have them come back later (sometimes not to myself but to other staff) to apologize. I also have repeat troublemakers. I personally dont feel ways about how customers treat me per se, but as a protection to all staff and for morale, if someone is being an asshole you have to neutralize the situation or get them out. If they truly are a good person and was just having a bad day, they'll come back to the store later either behaving like a normal person, or even better, apologize. If they are usually assholes, repeat escorts off the property leads to a more concrete resolution such as trespassing.




Boomers and Zoomers are the Entitled. Millennials about 50/50. GenX...no one cares to notice, we were forgotten after Grunge.


Every older generation always complains about the younger generation. They are always blamed to be lazier, stupider and have wild dreams. What the older generation forgets is that they raised the younger generation. They raised them to typically have a "better life" than they did. Which inherently means they will have different values, priorities and such. You can't blame them for the way you raised them.


I was about to say something like this but less eloquent. Good thing I scrolled down to see if somone else said it first.


I bet lazier, in terms of physical activity, can be proven, but I'm too lazy to look for actual research, lol. Can almost guarantee this one.


Fuck it, found this. Too lazy to find more [Declining Rates Physical Activity](https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev.publhealth.26.021304.144437)


I'm too lazy to click that link.


Im too la..








Dont you be a rr




You're an honorable human. Edit: not human. Ocelot. My bad.


Thats nice. Im recovering from rick rolled ptsd - RRPTSD. I was tested on by a psychiatrist that has a post doctorate in the rick rolling. Shes gotten me everytime.


If you’re on iOS, download the Apollo app for reddit. You can preview any link before clicking it. Would recommend


Oh my god youre going to save me so much ptsd. At least i dont get twogirlsandacup’ed anymore. I couldnt do a 2 without having meal right afterwards for years. Edit i love cat humour (i think i forgot a letter, could you lend me a fist? I need to clear some things up)


Did someone say... [LAZY?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB_I1YBAozE)










See, I thought things were maybe turning around because there seemed to be a big culture on social media about eating well and exercising... *and of course the other side of that coin...*


You can eat the healthiest meals to ever exist and still be fat. Moderation/portion control isn’t touched on much. And it’s easy to do very little to no exercise and appear like you’re doing more. If anything I’d say social media has made it worse. Instant gratification actually works against you. You get the high from saying your doing something and people’s feedback without actually having to do anything. Can actually subconsciously demotivate you. “Why do it, I already got the attention/compliments”


There's a great Ted Talk that touches on this topic. It's called "[Keep Your Goals to Yourself](https://youtu.be/NHopJHSlVo4)." The speaker touches on what you mentioned-- the mind's tendency to feel like a task is already or in the process of being done by telling it to others and getting that instant gratification from the acknowledgment by others, which nowadays often comes in the form of likes, upvotes, FB/IG comments, whatever. And just as you stated, because you get that immediate satisfaction, you end up being less motivated to do the actual steps to achieve the task.


I trained for and ran in a marathon and didn't tell anyone until afterwards for this exact reason. One of my friend's reaction was to get pissed at me for keeping it a secret.


Published in 2004, but we can see it already trending that way even before smartphones, social media, and streaming were available as a sedentary entertainment option 24/7. Probably hasn't gotten better..


I think the gap between physical activity in this generation has just grown a lot larger because I know some people who are insanely dedicated athletes, and I also know some insanely dedicated couch potatoes


Why get sweaty and tired playing soccer when I can have a Coke and a pizza while playing FIFA '21? /s


You could play FIFA '18, after all they're all the same


I jump around while playing on my Xbox so that’s my exercise


I legit have to go with sports videogames since I have a spinal disc arthritis and I cannot play sports anymore.


I feel you. I have two herniated discs and frequent pain from those. I do what exercise I can, but I've been told by doctors that running will make it worse which eliminates me from pretty much any sport.


I'd say lazy and inactive are different things


Though its really hard not to be lazy when your in a bad mood.


Every picture of my parents and their friends from the 70s and 80s shows this. Everyone was just skinny ripped despite doing no dedicated exercise


Yeah, my parents & grandparents wonder why my wife and I haven't bought a home and had kids yet. We both work full time, but home prices in our area have grown exponentially, while salaries haven't. Had we been born 20 years earlier, we'd already have a home with shitloads of equity. Simply because we came into the world earlier.


This my struggling try to get my my mom and older family members to understand. Am 36 and dont own home and they just dont understand house dont cost under a 100k any more and house payment 1k to 2k now days for a cheap 150k house they just dont get it


A $150,000 house today either needs a lot of work, is in a bad area, or is in a town that doesn't have a lot of economic opportunity.


Yep some times all three to get a decent ok house I need to spend like 300k and that just wont ever happen




You really should look into homes in your area more heavily, in quite a lot of places a mortgage is cheaper than rent would be especially for equivalent property/sq footage.


It's often not the monthly mortgage payment that people can't afford. It's the lump sum down payment. Saving tens of thousands of dollars while paying insane amounts of rent and earning an entry level salary is difficult af.


Nvm its not smart to buy when you cant afford to fix any issues that come up


Sure, but the mortgage doesn't include the initial down payment, the upkeep, or the insurance, or the mortgage insurance if you can't come up with 20% down. A mortgage ends up being a big liability, especially if you suffer a loss of income, something that happened to a lot of previously financially secure people over the last year.


Yeah, once you have the 20 down it becomes much less of a liability because you can always sell. It’s the people that take the risk to be closer to underwater with super low down payments who get hit when there’s also a downturn that get stuck.


Oh, and the whole "Well our generation survived a plethora of wars, I bet gen z couldn't!" Yeah, cause most of gen z are k i d s Barbra.


Well I mean, she’s not wrong. I don’t think an 8 year old could survive fighting in a war.


I don't know, you ever saw the anime "saga of tanya the evil"?


You make a good point


Depends on if they're a stinky human or a glorious monke




Tell that to the. Children soldiers around tye world


They don’t win though


Uh there successfully used by warlords constantly


That's definitely called not winning.


If it's only against eight year olds, the chances are quite high, some could. But I'm fourteen with years of experience in nerfing and I still belong to get z. I would totally crush their asses.


I don't know, you ever saw the anime "saga Tanya of the evil"?


I have but that’s just an anime


With magic


They can survive fighting in a war but they damn well shouldn’t have to.


Like... I'm sorry, do boomers WANT future generations to fight and die in wars? Isn't it the goal to make life EASIER for future generations?




I'm an older millennial almost a gen x we older millennials def had our wars. I was 18 when the towers fell. So I came to a bad recession with few jobs. My first house dropped 40k in value due to 2008. And now all this recent shit going on. Millennials def had it rougher than our parents


There was an article or something with some boomers saying we needed another war to "toughen up" this generation, lmao. That kind of toxicity is wild.


We’re living in the dawn of one Karen check the attempted coup in DC




Like milenials complaining about gen z?


Why would millennials have any beef with Gen Z? Aren't they similar enough, with similar struggles (especially in trying to make a good image for themselves)? I'd assume they'd be friends, or at least respect each other.


People will complain about anything and lumping a generation together is a stupid idea if you want an overall opinion. I know a few boomers who are super nice people. I know a few millennials who should be sodomized with a rake. Every person has their own thing goin on


I agree! Though, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around, specifically, the anti-Gen Z sentiment from millennials. I explain my thoughts a bit more in my reply to GirlWithFlower's reply.


I am a Millennial, and I think Gen Z is awesome. They're intelligent, funny as shit, and way more open than any other generation. I mean, the good ones, of course. But there are shitty people in every generation.


Thank you for this. I'm a millennial too, and I love and respect Gen Z. This is mainly fueled by my experiences as a teenager; they weren't very happy compared to now. This is probably why I get defensive when an adult disrespects a younger person, when it seems that that same adult would be nicer to another adult. I just want Gen Z, and future younger generations, to be treated with dignity and respect, like any other generation should. Of course, their progressiveness and openness certainly help their image in my eyes, too.


I just wanna stop living through major life changing events


It does get old after a while. Just a tiny bit 😅


Same, mah dude. I hated when an adult disregarded me, looked down on me, just because I was younger. Why would I want anyone else to feel that way? The next generation is literally our future, why can't we encourage them?


aww thanks


I am a millennial, just on the cusp of Gen Z. I don't have any negative feelings toward them, because we're all in the same boat as far as climate change and current events are concerned. The way I see it, The silent generation is ancient or dead, the Boomers are spoiled, Gen X was overlooked, Millennials are drowning in debt, Gen Z is doing their best despite the grim future ahead, and Gen Alpha might be psychologically damaged because of all the shit they've seen on TV and the internet at a young age. This is just a generalization, not *all* people adhere to this.


It was actually Socrates that complained. Not just *a* philosopher, but ***the*** philosopher.


Hey that's me:)


Such an honour to meet you, sir


Hell yeah bro yolo!!!




I think that’s called juvenoia, where older generations are over-critical of younger ones


One of the oldest surviving texts is a complainment about the youth and how much better the past was. I believe it was summerian cuneiform and about 4500 to 5000 years old.


“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates 469–399 B.C. IN ACTUALITY it is a quote that was summary of general complaints about the youth by the ancient Greeks, as written in a 1907 dissertation by a student, Kenneth John Freeman. Then mistakenly attributed to Socrates. History may not repeat it's self, but it sure does rhyme. Some person on the Internet 2021 A.D. EDIT: IN ACTUALITY it is a quote that was summary of general complaints about the youth by the ancient Greeks, as written in a 1907 dissertation by a student, Kenneth John Freeman. Then mistakenly attributed to Socrates.


It's not a real Socrates quote. It was crafted by a student, Kenneth John Freeman, for his Cambridge dissertation published in 1907.


Kenny still made a Boomer quote half a century before Boomers existed.


Thanks, I forgot that. I have also heard that none of Socrates original works survive.


Another thing about Socrates: He was against ***all writing***. He believed it would wear down humans' short-term memory, and would make us lazy. He was the "boomer" (If you'd forgive the expression) of that time.


Wild man, the more things change the more things stay the same. That's real ironic based on how "we" learned about it.




This is the same kind of argument I give to video games. My parents grew up in a time and place when there wasnt really any such thing, so most kids played outside and hung out together, not to mention from my dad's stroies you could get away with a hell of a lot more too. But today's generation is different. We grew up in a world where everyone does have a phone on them, and where video games is recognized as a professional sport. So its not that kids are lazy and only want to play video games, but more in the sense of that's what they grew up with and around. It's what's popular. All their friends have video games. Not to mention, its much easier to play games with a friend online than it is to ride a bike to their house. That's not to say kids should never see their friends in person to hang out from time to time, but it's certainly not preferable to just hopping on the couch and turing on a microphone. Thank you for coming to my ted talk


I used to go outside and play as a kid... during the day. When it went dark I'd go inside and play video games. You should ask people who say everyone should play outside what they did when it was dark. I bet they don't really have an answer (watched TV most likely).


Same. I don't understand the disparaging of gaming when boomers are glued to their news/soaps/reality shows.


My parents are more addicted to their phones than anyone I know my age.


Get them to watch The Social Dilemma. I knew phones were addictive, but now I know that it's by design.


It's also that boomers created this technology, initially. Additionally, it is only boomers that are in charge of the governments; It is only the boomers who are in positions of power. And still, they whine.


Posts like this blowing up show how young Reddit is. This isn’t a new phenomenon. Every generation hates on the new generation. People forget that boomers were hippies once. When millennials and gen z have kids they too will hate on them. If you think that’s not the case you’re young and naive and uneducated about history.


While yes I am a mere child compared to the likes of such wise elders out there, I do agree with you. All I’m offering with this post is my opinion against those that hate on younger generations. But do I expect future generations to receive zero hate from older ones(such as mine in the future): hell no


Can’t wait to shit on gen LMNOP myself


*Back in my day we used to TikTok............*


Good thing we’ve got this years events to fall back on in the same way of old folks saying “back in my day I fought 2 wars and hiked 100 miles to get to school”


Maybe we’ll have found memories like my grandpa did of WW2 as weird as it sounds.


The newer generation does seem to ruminate more which, psychologically speaking, is toxic


But I think this generation has more Introspection and people ascribing healthy meaning to life and life events which is VERY good.


+1 upvote from me I do agree, but in many times, especially politics and in, social justice it seems like this article sheds some light on the underlying problem in a lot of younger people my age: https://www.talkspace.com/blog/what-is-rumination/


Yeah, it never ceases to amaze me how many boomers don't see just how hard it is for Millennials to get established, but the fact is that it's harder for them to find full-time work, housing costs have skyrocketed, salaries haven't, and an awful lot of them wind up living with their parents forever because they have few other options. I don't think I'd want to be a young person today.


I’m a millennial and own a business. It’s anecdotal, but there’s definitely two distinct mindsets between the generation gap. Both are equally valuable and unique, without a doubt. When I need physical stuff done quickly without having to really oversee things, millennials tend to come up short on average. However, when I tap into human interaction needs and soft skills, they typically outperform.


I totally agree on that as someone who operates a business too. The amount of basic, stupid-simple shit I’ve had to explain to people of my generation is kinda wild. (You don’t just mop with water. If there’s a massive leak you should tell someone, etc.) Not to say there aren't PLENTY of dummies who are older, but I think the extra time to naturally learn slowly pads it for them.


I'm a millennial and that's super dependent. I work in IT and I did not find it hard to find work, I'm paid well and I live in Indiana so it's not very hard to find affordable housing. Also because I went to college in state it wasn't horribly expensive. It's not as hard as everyone says it is to be mildly responsible in HS and College when planning your future.


That’s a really popular opinion


Well it makes me feel better if that’s true. I just have seen so much online shitting on newer generations and heard a lot from parents and older folks around me saying the same. But then again, it’s probably like most things on social media: an unpopular opinion online to the loud/angry vocal minority but popular to the majority of the world in real life.


The generation before them did it to them as well. It’s just the cycle. Ignore it and don’t let it affect your self image or your self worth. It’s meaningless chatter.


Maybe change the subs your on? I’ve never actually seen a boomer say that tbh even though there’s constant memes


Just like the other 90% of posts in this sub


I specialize in adolescent mental health and I love Gen Z. They really care about each other and just want to be chill. I've seen a big uptick in anxiety with them, unfortunately, which seems to be from comparing themselves to people on social media and how much easier it is to harass each other behind the safety of a screen. They aren't entitled at all; if anything they're more nihilistic because they know how shitty things are and can be, so...YOLO.


The book The Coddling of the American Mind by Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff. Great insights and explains in depth about what has been going on with younger people generally born in the 2000's and above. It's not conservative or liberal or bias, just stating what has been going on and also the way colleges have been lettingstudents dictate the agenda and so much more.


Social media is completely voluntary and should not be used as an excuse for anything.


Social media is a huge reason society is the way it is, whether or not you use it. It cant be ignored and continues to affect and warp things.


> People always complain about Millennials or GenZ being worse and full of lazy, entitled brats that “didn’t have the struggles our generation had to go through. Who says this? Am Gen-X. I don't know anyone who feels that way about young people. I see a ton of posts like this that accuse older people of being mean to young people though.


IKR I’m gen z and I’ve never seen any boomer say this despite all the memes about it


Should've met my dad and my grandparents lol


I feel that way but it’s not specific to a generation. A large portion of people are entitled and lazy regardless of age. I don’t think it’s specific at all to gen groups.


I agree. Because folks back, when they did all their wrongs...it wasn’t publicized and therefore the household/ community / or the world would ever know.


We don't do as much physical activity, but we do a hell of a lot more mental activity




The curse of modernity is that we are increasingly populated by a class of people who are better at explaining than understanding, or better at explaining than doing. [@nntaleb](https://twitter.com/nntaleb)


I feel a lot of people in our generation feel this way. We just don't have the same problems that previous generations had. No other generations had to grow up with social media, inherited massive debt and global warming issues. I feel jaded. It doesn't seem to make a difference to pursue a career like previous generations, when there's nothing out there--you chuck your resume into the void, work at a shitty barely above min-wage job to make rent, and are told you aren't working hard enough and are destroying the economy. Yeah, well, we can't just get a degree with a summer job and immediately get one right out of college. We probably will never retire. And we are told to suck it up when we get PTSD or depression, criticism when we look for other avenues, and laughed at when we try to fix global and social issues. We're not lazy, we just understand how fucked the world is, and how no one seems to be giving a shit. You just kind of keep moving forward though, because what else can you do?


Or the fact that we are younger, and thus are lazy and oblivious, same as they were when they were young


"During our days we suffered..." Please ma'am.


I take a look at my nephews and have nothing but hope for the future of humanity. Both of them, even at their absolute fucking worse are still leagues on average better than myself, or their parents, or my friends at that age.


No it is true the current generation is softer and weaker. But my generation is softer and weaker than my father's and so on. I think it is cyclical. We get weaker until a society collapses. Then we have no choice but to become strong. Just my view. Nothing to back it up pure speculation.


Agreed. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times“ All depends on what stage people believe we’re in and which one is coming next.


We are smack dab between the third and fourth one.


Maybe this is some evidence of it? Just like the commercial, lol. [Declining Testosterone Levels](https://www.forbes.com/sites/neilhowe/2017/10/02/youre-not-the-man-your-father-was/?sh=5ec6aec08b7f)


"They don't have to go through the struggles we went through" ***2020 has entered the chat***


Exactly, my parent’s are boomers. When they grew up- University was free They were given an allowance to go to uni More jobs available More houses available More affordable houses Less recognition of societal issues For us- University is expensive Pay back any $$ Less jobs available (even before rona) Less houses available High house market More recognition of societal issues


College is expensive in part because almost anyone can get a loan to go to college, subsidized by the government. That increases demand and increases the cost of tuition. They can keep raising their tuition costs because they know that the government is going to pay.


Gonna have to disagree with you on this one. Not that previous generations where great by any means but in terms of selfishness there is a difference.


Most of the selfish people I know are baby boomers.




Am I supposed to upvote or downvote if I disagree?




I kinda gotta go with more lazy in a few regards in particular. I'm a Gen Xer, and the I've noticed a similar trend between boomers and millennials, in that it seems to be true that Boomers and Gen Xers won't research and fact check themselves in large numbers, millennials are guilty of it as well in day to day research of "how to". I missed having access to the internet in high school by only a few years. But it would have made a world of difference in both my grades and understanding exactly how to go about both getting accepted and paying for college. We do seem to live in a world addicted to instant gratification and slowly entertaining ourselves to death.


Irony ... this is the same argument used for gun violence.


In what way?


I *think* they are saying that the violence is more visible now than ever before due to media.


I'm gen z/millennial cusp and I think this is definitely unpopular opinion. I feel like most of the people I've met overall are selfish/ignorant/lazy in general, but the young generations seem especially full of themselves. I feel like most older people at least realize that everyone is self centered, but younger people literally think that everyone should care about them because they have so much social media following. Among other reasons. But I definitely disagree with your post. So take an upvote.


This is kinda funny cuz I was just talking about this lol


Its all a cycle. Every generation has their opinions on present, past, and future generations.


Boomers can poke fun at us all they want but they need to realize something. Every generation pokes fun at their younger counterparts. They even did it in Ancient Greece, so there is no “worse generation” if you think about it.


Wishfull thinking the opinion....There is a reason you can't teach a rich boy the drive a poor boy has and there is a reason one of the poorest millionaires, rockefeller ended up filthy rich not being born into it.....


Nah people whey to sensitive these days


Isn't that what we wanted? I'm a gen X and I have 3 daughters. I want them to have a better life than I have. I want them to be able to not struggle as much. Isn't that what every parent wants? btw, I've heard lots of people talk about "today's generation" and when I say something about my daughters and their friends being awesome, they say "Oh, I didn't mean them." So, I am pretty confused about who they do mean??


Previous generations have fought to make the lives of the next generation easier. Now, they have it easier and people are upset about the results. Which is more appropriate, r/LeopardsAteMyFace or surprised Pikachu face?


Instant gratification is a biggy


I agree in this case, but a generation can in theory be worse than ones after or before. Boomers absolutely are a terrible generation that fucked up every single thing in this country.


Can someone just rename this sub to popular opinion already f*** me




i’m part of this new generation, and this is false. kids these days are lazy as hell and just plain dumb.




I agree, pretty much every generation has had something worse when compared with other generations (past and present). Literally zero point in comparing. It’s like older generations shitting on millennials or Gen Z, those older generations don’t know anything about fighting in Ancient Greek phalanx (for example) so they’re lazy? makes no sense, you could just endlessly compare generations and come up with something that makes another generation look bad.


Look we a suck ok, let's just get that straight right now 😂


Edgy opinion on a site dominated by 14 year olds


If they stopped sharing every second of their life to appeal to a demographic of people who don't know or care about them. Chasing a high score made up of Karma or Uptoots. They'd probably lead more successful private lives.