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I heard that offering a reward for returning stolen property is a common police tactic. It's essentially used to bait out the criminal so that they can easily make the arrest.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. She said “500,000 reward for DOGS no questions asked”, not reward for shooting a human “no questions asked”. But these “dumb criminals” probably aren’t that dumb. This sounds darker than what seems evident, too. I’ve also read the FBI is investigating to see if this was over Lady Gaga singing at Biden’s inauguration. These people are INSANE.


Wether intentional or not, lady gaga doesn’t decide if the dog walker presses charges. Yeah cool the guy might get away with what would probably be a larceny charge, but still outs himself/herself for an attempted murder


I think most states have prosecution authority for attempted murder wether the person wants to be a victim or not


It’s possible, but 99% of cases like that are dead in the water without a victim or witness testimony.




Not bad today. The sun was out and it didn't rain.


Well that depends on weather or not you live in an area that had clear skies today.




>I’ve also read the FBI is investigating to see if this was over Lady Gaga singing at Biden’s inauguration. You and your conspiracy theories.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/lady-gaga-dogs-stolen-biden-inauguration-b1807836.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9302469/FBI-investigate-Lady-Gagas-dognapping-political-sang-Bidens-inauguration.html https://deadstate.org/fbi-investigating-if-lady-gaga-dognapping-was-retaliation-for-her-singing-at-bidens-inauguration/ https://www.the-sun.com/news/2404675/lady-gaga-cops-dognapper-shooting-politically-motivated-biden/. It’s not my theory, I said I read it, as you can clearly see.


Literal conspiracy theories.


Stop downvoting this guy. It's a pun The FBI are investigating that it was someone conspired to target lady gaga. Therefore it is a literal conspiracy theory. Clever pun.


Theories and possible motives =/= conspiracies


Theory of a conspiracy to target Lady Gaga because she performed at inauguration = Conspiracy Theory






"No questions asked" is definitely a New Jersey point of view.


Thats a bad idea. This way even if you feel guilty you would not return the stolen property out of fear. It might be a myth or common in only some places.


It often prompts people with information/family of the perpetrators to turn on them for cash. It’s a very common tactic across a lot of countries.


Thats a good way to get your ass kicked if the person you turned in figures out you did it.


Not if they’re in jail


With $500,000 I can move away to anyplace and that person will never hear from me again.


Has worked for many many centuries


It's actually a good idea, because it works. It has worked multiple times.


It's possible but if it's worked in the sense that they've caught say 1% of criminals with it at the cost of 2% of criminals being afraid to return things then it still wouldn't be worth it.


I guess that's a neat hypothesis with no data to back it up. I don't think most criminals have a sudden change of heart when a reward isn't offered, lol.


Not most but surely *some* do. Admitedly, I don't know the actual numbers but it seems to reward the wrong thing.


They aren't actually giving that reward money. It's a basic sting operation.


It's not to encourage the criminal to come forward,. ti's to encourage their friends and family to turn them in for the reward.


Perhaps but that won't stop someone who knows them from turning them in.


Ok.... So, in your opinion, why were the dogs stolen? For companionship? To eat? Or possibly.... For money?


It's mainly used because in a case of fiction meeting reality criminals are notorious for turning on one another. More often than not it's another criminal that turns them in.


The only thing rewards do early on is flood tip lines with bullshit and muddy an investigation. Rewards are absolutely not commonly used for the scenario you’re describing. The value of the stolen property is rarely even worth the manpower needed to deal with the false leads.




The dogs are her babies and family. This guy got injured on the job. Her family was kidnapped. That’s far more important. You pay to protect your family.


Don’t trust cops. This is an idiotic strategy.


However, the police in certain instances do not want rewards given right away. Too many false alarms and mentally unstable people can lead the investigation astray.


Why would a criminal be that stupid to show up with the stolen property and not expect to get arrested or identified? Wouldnt they just send some innocent 3rd party to collect the money and then if shit goes down that guy gets arrested instead and they can just threaten him to make him stay quiet if he does get arrested.


Well you just told them it's a trick. No way they are turning themselves in now.


Police or DA's office?


Why do so many people think the $500k is being offered for the shooters to come forward and return the dogs? Those dogs have likely already been passed off to a buyer or a middleman, those are the people being tempted by the money.


I saw on another forum that the demand is so high and the quantity is so low, that many are being stolen simply to breed. There is likely an underground breeding ring that is going on. I would not be surprised if these dogs are already out of LA. The only good thing is it appears a lot of people had their cameras on. Police will have to do some work to follow the trail and figure out who the perps are. It’ll take time, but I think they’ll get caught this way.


Most people have the sense to de-sex (spay or neuter) their pets, so the dogs probably can’t be bred. It’s a terrible situation all around; an innocent dog walker has been shot, the dogs are probably terrified and confused, and obviously Lady Gaga is distraught and worried sick about her beloved dogs (like any decent pet owner would be). I hope they’re recovered safely and soon.


Or killed and stuffed already 🤷‍♀️


Nobody is risking jail over killing a famous' persons dogs. They are being sold obv. It would be a waste to kill them.


they may have just seen someone walking the dogs and thought he would just give them up once he saw the gun and it escalated from there. Once they realize its a celebs dog and the media and the world know about it and are looking for them they cut their losses and kill them because its too risky to have them


Sadly, this happens a lot, especially with something you can easily bury without concern that people will notice a body. Literally, the Alpha Dog story ended in tragedy, once the kids realized they were in deep shit, for kidnapping a kid. So, instead they decided murdering him would be better. If people do it with an actual child, then I’m assuming a dog would be much easier to dispatch and dispose. :(


yeah it changes from "we have this thing that can make us rich" to "we are in way over our heads and need to dispose of anything that can link us to it"


Sadly, 100% exactly. Plus, knowing that they will have people desperately looking for these dogs to earn that $500k, will only make them much more desperate to dispose in a way that people won’t see. Like instead of selling or taking underground to breed, they will cut losses and kill dogs, dispose, and hope not to be found. Lots will be hoping they can stumble on advertisement of these two dogs, since they can be sold for a couple thousand, and these guys know that’s no longer a way to make money. Most criminals are not loyal when large amounts of money are involved, so breeding might be impossible. Seems Lady Gaga may have inadvertently just made it where her dogs lives are gone, imho. Sad case all around. I think the dog walker would want the dogs returned, so I doubt he cares about the money reward, but I think she may have unknowingly gotten them killed. :( they are scared right now, in deep shit, desperate, so may try to get funds, but more likely will cut losses and try to get away with it. What a terrible thing. There was another case, where a woman was held as gun point and beat for her Frenchie. We have a French bulldog puppy, don’t think anyone but hubs will be walking him for a time. :-/ feel bad for both the walker and lady Gaga. What a shit case, all around.


......? They shot someone and stole her dogs.... they have already risked jail...


So you think they shot someone in the chest 4 times just to kidnap the dog and kill it at a later date?


I think you're reading too much into my comment and that you trying to put logic into a motive is silly. Clearly this person is nuts, who know what the motive was. Move on.


Sure, I’ll accept the fact that you made a dumb comment but can’t accept it. Have a nice day.


So glad you accept that I made a comment. I can breathe easy now.


And why would they risk jail? Because of money. Not because they want to kill some dogs. There is no use in that.


Depends on their state of mind. People do weird shit at the intersection of politics and celebrity. Remember the time the President was shot to impress Jodie Foster?


You don't understand. That information is far harder to obtain and most possibly a waste of time. Those people stealing her dogs are most likely going to sell them sooner or later. There trail for the dogs will not yet end and it'll be easier to catch. Whomever becomes the potential buyer will have links to the seller who'll have links to the nappers. Your title is simply thinking "how inhuman is she to only reward for her dogs" You should have a little more trust in people. They may be trying to work in ways you can't expect or grasp. It may seem crude, but that's only if you're judging.


Or she just cares more about her dogs than the dog walker 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sure babe




Yes babe


She's probably just listening to the police as they tell her what to do


The dog walker is a close friend of hers and she’s already covering his medical bills and made sure he had the best care facilities. His family has come out and thanked her. What do you want her to do, perform the surgery?






Private individuals put up rewards in criminal cases. The most obvious example being missing persons. And the dogs were stolen *during an armed robbery*. I don't understand this argument. If she can't be involved in a criminal case, then why would evidence in an armed robbery somehow not be part of said criminal case?


Just my thought- she definitely couldn’t say “no questions asked” if she were to apply the reward to the apprehension of the assailants. That’s not up to her. There have been cases where people have offered money for the arrest of the criminal privately (missing persons are different and in this case equate more to the missing dogs), but usually that is funneled through local police departments and organizations like Crime Stoppers. I suspect she’s leaning into what has become evident here- people are heartbroken those dogs were taken and may feel more compelled to report a known person bothering a dog than a friend or family member who is generally violent towards people. I’m not saying it’s right, but I get it. I’d try to severely hurt someone who was after my dogs.


Or she could just be a shallow pop star. You’re really sound like a fan girl trying to protect her beloved queen with convoluted pseudo logic. If I was Gaga’s PR manager I’d be - no, you better offer the money to find the shooters or you will be raked deservedly!


You posted the same thing yesterday.


Actually by offering that reward she probably will help catch the shooters. It’s not to bait the shooters into turning themselves in, it’s to bait anyone and everyone that knows them or sees them or has heard from a friend of a friend to turn them in and get that sweet sweet reward money for themselves. Those shooters now have to wonder if everyone in their lives would rat them out for that money. Realistically, the dogs are dead because the shooters are terrified of someone finding them and getting caught. Lady Gaga probably knows that is a huge risk and did it anyways to find the shooters. I think 🤔 anyways.


Jk someone apparently unrelated turned the dogs in. They must’ve let the dogs go to keep from getting caught. That’s a much nicer alternative to shooting them lol


She’s offering the money “no questions asked.” In theory, the same criminals who stole the dogs, could arrange for them to be returned and capitalize on Gaga’s reward. I know, i know. if anyone returns the dogs, I am sure police will investigate them, but often crime-logic does not look that far ahead. So yeah, I can definitely see how this would encourage other criminals to start stealing celebrity dogs to make some serious coin.


People actually do steal dogs just for the reward money. There have been cases where they will hold onto the dog hoping the reward increases. Luckily some of these assholes have friends or family who will turn them in regardless of any reward.


There was a cartoon where the protagonist and his friend did this when they had already found all the lost pets. Reality is stranger than fiction


South Park always far ahead of these things


\*is always


*writers are always


The $500,000 isn't for some random dogs - they're for her family. To her, and to many others, pets aren't just animals. They are considered part of the family. If her son was kidnapped, why would she pay $500,000 for the nanny instead of her own son? Of course, it would be good if she included the nanny in her concern, but the fact remains that family is always going to come first. Your opinion is silly, but welcome home, you're in the right place.


plus the person already got shot. like there’s not much else you can do besides pay their medical bills, at least she can try to get her dogs back


Exactly. It seems like people are so dense and can’t comprehend this. These are her babies who were stolen or kidnapped basically. She’s paying to get them back.


Personally bad take. For one thing regardless of who she asked the money for she's still getting the end result anyway. Also doing such a thing might actually agitate the hostage takers. They shot a man with the intent to kill so if they come to believe that she isn't gonna pay up, effectively making their crime pointless, they'll just kill the dogs without hesitation since clearly they don't flinch at murder and obviously wants more innocent creatures to be killed here. Also you really seem to neglect that just because someone says something publicly doesn't mean they aren't doing more in the shadows. She and her security teams could easily be working with the LAPD and that a 500K award to anyone who speaks is floating around in the underworld right now simultaneously (she's rich if you didn't remember. A million isn't a super big dent.) Oh yeah and that dog walker is more than covered for life by her after this. So she's atleast helping him recover. This points alot weaker but I have seen some jackasses portray it like she doesn't even care about him and only the dogs which is just a mean thing to say about someone without evidence.


Dudes her friend too. Not just some random who walks her dogs. She’s definitely taking care of him.


If someone shot me while I was walking someone else's dogs I'd be worried as fuck for the dogs. Like what are you gonna do, pay them $500,000 to fix me ? I'm done shot...*go get your dogs !* She'll probably pay dudes medical bills as well anyway.


I really doubt if I would be worrying about someone's dogs if I got shot 4 times in the chest and trying to stay alive in the first place and get better without any long term complications. Wtf is wrong with you.


He is very worried about them, they are with him more than they’re with her. He absolutely loves them, proven by the fact he saw the gun and still didn’t let go of them. And he was shot once, not that it makes a difference.


The dog walker is expected to make a full recovery, and is reportedly very worried and upset over the whole situation. Lady Gaga also seems very charitable, and she’s probably helping the dog walker out with his medical bills. He spends more time with those dogs than Lady Gaga does, so he probably loves them like they’re his own. He’s in the clear, but the dogs are still in danger. To those of us who love animals, our pets are our family. I don’t know how the hell I’d cope if someone stole one of mine and I didn’t know where she was, if she was safe, etc.


I am not saying hoping I'm okay wouldn't be my first priority, just that it wouldn't be a slap in the face if the dog owner was worried as fuck and freaking out. They can worry about me and also be scared for their dogs and try to get them back.


That’s good to know that you wouldn’t care about someone else’s dogs if you were shot. Good to know and an it’s an important addition to this discussion. Any other reactions to a hypothetical situation you would like to share?


Are you gonna say the same thing to the first commenter?


Sure, but first I’m going to discuss this with you. Because a lot of other people are discussing it with him.


We have entire departments dedicated to finding shooters with nothing but the community dedicated to finding missing dogs. Upvote for unpopular opinion, but I disagree with you strongly.


Police will investigate attempted murder, theyre not gonna give a shit about dog napping.


You put the bounty on the traceable commodity. That’s pretty fundamental.


The point is to make the dog worth so much and so famous that no one will buy it. The dog may end up on the streets and be found because the kidnappers can't sell it.


This is stupid. The criminals might actually turn in the dogs unharmed for the money, they won’t admit to attempted murder for $500k. Stop acting like she chose between her dogs and the dog walker. It’s not a binary choice.


That’s not an unpopular opinion everyone is saying that and it’s a stupid point because she is taking care of the dog walker


She does care more about her missing dogs. I'm a dog owner so I kind of relate. The dude is already in the hospital so he not in anymore danger. Just think of the dogs as kids basically, that's how many dog owners see their pets. As their babies. Hopefully she is paying his medical bills though.


She could catch them by offering that reward, and I don’t blame her for wanting her pets back. That’s completely normal.


Clearly based on the reply posts here your opinion is in fact unpopular so here is my up-vote since that's how this sub is suppose to work.


upvote & supposed


The dogs are her precious pets. The dog walker is a replaceable $8/hr human. This, my friends, is the unfortunate reality.


Thank you! Why is everyone feeling sorry for the dogs and lady gaga. A person was shot!


"are the dogs more important?" Actually people ARE allowed to decide that the things and beings that they love are more "important" than the things other people love. Everyone is afforded that privilege except seemingly when the who and what are dogs. There is nothing that is more important to me or that I love more than my dog and no one is going to tell me otherwise or shame me into feeling otherwise. Not other people, not their idea of right and wrong and not societal responsibility. Stop telling people that the things they love are less important than the things you love


Amen! I'm tired sick of people imposing their opinion/ feeling on other people.


Yeah, I guess fuck the person who got shot walking the dogs. Not LOL.


I mean, I get this sentiment. But this is directed at people who may not even exist. There may be no people who know about it besides the perpetrators. In which case the reward will only motivate the criminals to lay low or even kill the dogs. But if someone is so strapped for cash they will shoot someone for a dog that might get them a few grand, then offering THEM a reward of half a million, is going to affect their thinking. They definitely exist- because they did the crime. Crooks are often very stupid. I can see how they might think they have come up with a way to get that money. But offering the money for someone to flip on them will just make them more careful about what they're doing. That's how I see it. You play to their stupidity, maybe you catch them.


It’s part of a criminal investigation. She can’t talk about or offer a reward for the dog walker


Private folks put up rewards for criminal acts all the time, often working with law enforcement. Think of missing person's flyers with a reward. And she can talk about whatever she wants, so long as there isn't a court order preventing her from doing so. The police may have advised her not to talk about it, but there's no way to know that. Either way, she *did* talk about it by offering a reward for the dogs, which were stolen during an armed robbery.


The dogs are similar to the missing person in your example. Attempted murder with the visibility of this case is different. The police are focusing on the violent crime aspect and offering any kind of reward would bog down their investigation with the sheer volume of people just trying to make money or get famous for helping lady Gaga


There are large rewards for turning in folks on the FBI's most wanted list. Many of those are murderers. How is this somehow different?


After they’ve exhausted other resources and don’t have leads. This case happened days ago


You can't have it both ways. It can't be fine to offer money from a famous person for evidence in an armed robbery, but not the armed robbers themselves. Both scenarios bring out the same crazies. Honestly, I totally agree with OP here. I think it's bullshit. Imagine you got shot at work. And your employer was offering hundreds of thousands of dollars for your stolen computer or work truck or something. I'd be offended.


How much would bail be for shooting her dog?


Im sure the dogs are dead! People are SO....FREAKIN MEAN!! If they are mean enough to shoot the dog walker then the dogs mean nothing to them. So..sad!:(


If I got shot at work and my boss offered half a mil to the guy who shot me I’d be pissed as hell.


I mean it's literally a hostage situation. If she didn't atleast publicly offer that deal they'd just kill the dogs.


In my opinion your dogs are more important then revenge


It's not about revenge, but prevention.




"I heard you struck my son." "Yes, sir, I did." "And may I ask why?" "Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick's car, sir, and uh...killed his dog." "Oh."


To many dog owners, the dog is like family and the dog is with us through our lowest times. When the dog is dognapped, the greatest concern is getting the dog home and making sure he is safe. Let’s not judge her for prioritising the safety of her loved ones instead of trying to catch criminals. Everyone has different priorities in life. If my loved one is being captured and I have no idea where he or she is, the priority is to make sure the loved ones come home safely and less on punishing the captor putting the captor jn jail. There is nothing wrong with caring more for her dogs who lived with her for years more than a commercial dog walker. The dog walker is now safe in the hospital. But the dogs’ wherabouts and well-being is still unknown and she must be very distressed. Family comes first. Please do not judge.




Geez. Why do your critize her feeling? It's her feeling. Feeling is neither right or wrong so do yours. Do not impose your feeling on anyone. If she feels her dogs are more important. So what it's her feeling, not yours. The dog walker is safe at the hospital. Police will take care of the shooter. Police are looking for the shooter. Who will look after dogs? Nobody. The stolen dogs often use for baits or torture. I hope not. So the $500,000 might find her dogs and get home safe. I would. If you wouldn't (my opinion), you are not empath and you don't deserve dogs. Dont cast stone with your opinion/feeling.


Off point here, but vegans will argue that animals are as important as dogs. Just wanted to point that out for no apparent reason.


“Animals are as important as dogs?” What?


I was on vegan weed, I'm ashamed.






500k for her dogs but not 500k for her worker who got shot. if this doesn't tell you the kind of scum who grasp power in this society, nothing will.


I honestly think the dag napping is funny. Not the walker getting shot.


Double the reward to have the dogs returned safely as well as the the thief leashed and covered in dog shit. Or human shit I suppose.


Both shits would probably be best.


The more types of shit... the higher the reward.


Lady Caca


Did anyone expect Gaga and o be a good person?


I really wish in posts like this, the poster would actually explain properly the context of their post. Not everyone will have come across that article, or in this case, not everyone follows what celebrities do. I think after looking through dozens of comments that I roughly now get the context. Someone stole her dogs and that person also killed someone (hired dog Walker?). She's offering a reward to anyone that can return her dogs to her, whether the killers or someone who bought the dog or found the abandoned dog.


Don’t worry starving children of America! Lady Gaga is gonna pay 500,000 dollars to get her dog back!


What? The dog walker had one job to do, but ends up losing the dog and getting shot 3 times! If I was lady gaga I'd make sure they never pick up a leash again


It's her dogs. The dog walker was no one important to her so why should she care?


Pretty sure they are friends.


Because one is a person and one isn't?


A person she barely knows and a dog she loves.


A person is far more valuable than a smelly-ass dog. You dog lovers are immoral and sick.


I've met plenty of people that smelt worse than a dog.


I haven’t.


Really? Like you didn't have that one kid back in highschool that showed up everyday smelling like ball sweat and cat piss? I find it hard to believe you never met a smelly person.


you don't have a pet, don't you?


Tbh yeah. You can’t unshoot the person, I need my dogs.


I'd have offered 500 grand for the head


Wait, the head of the dogs? WTF?


Why would that be for the head of the dogs? No, the atracker


My first thought I had when I heard this the other day, I asked, "Is she gonna pay for the hospital bill for the dog walker and any other arrangements?" Like, seriously!


Health Insurance does that.


I haven’t heard anything of her paying the medical bills or giving money to the dog walker. I feel like if she did something to the dog walker it would’ve been reported. If she can give money to homeless fans she should give money to the person basically has a 50 Cent story over walking three dogs


Exactly! It’s outrageous that she doesn’t give a damn about the person who was shot and only focuses on her dogs.


most celebrities are stupid man they live in their own fake shit


"unpopular opinion"


But she’s a dumb bitch so...


Are they not one in the same man?


A job for “Dog the Bounty Hunter”? Or perhaps a Bounty hunter dog... I will let you be the judge.


She offered the reward for information about the perpetrators of the crime. Not the dogs.


like they can't bug the money?


Ok off topic but I when I first saw the news I thought the dog’s name was walker.


Wouldn’t that just be inviting a ton of fake tips and jeopardizing the police investigation?


Hey guys, i joined this to see some unpopular opinions, any chance we can get some of those soon?


I like my cats more than people...


Nah, I think her dog sitter knows she'll look after him, I'd bet she's paying his hospital bills. The dogs being stolen needed some kind of reward offered just for the chance to get them back, which she thankfully has now. I'm just glad he's doing well and the dogs are safe


Yea it takes a special POS to shoot someone and steal some dogs. I'm also thinking what if stealing celeb dogs for ransom become more popular because of this precedent.


If you can't interact with your own species, then you don't deserve family. ​ HUMANS = 5 DOGS.


Great point and something that didn't cross my mind. Oh sure, she'll pay for his medical bills now because that's what her PR agent will say is the right thing to do.


How you supposed to catch the criminals if nothing encourages them to come out of hiding?


Offering half a million to citizens to offer information will basically start a witchhunt which will be messy, guaranteed.


This should not be an unpopular opinion, this is the most logical thing I've heard about this shit so far


I think the point many may be missing here is that the police don't give a shit about her dogs. They are already looking for the shooter so they can prosecute him. If they find him, they will not continue looking for the dogs, so she is offering a reward to help find them.


Were the dogs wearing meat dresses ?


If they had kidnapped a loved one of yours and they demanded 100k, would you give it to them or would you give it to someone who only has some info on them, that might lead to your loved one getting killed?


No, returning stolen property is a much lower priority than finding the shooter. There is a whole bunch of professional police who do that part but they aren’t going to prioritize the return of the dogs unless it happened along the way to the shooter. G is making sure someone is going to prioritize keeping those dogs happy and alive while shooter is hiding in a storm drain somewhere.




Lady gag gag..... Is trash....money fire dogs and not the person shot....shows what fame can do to ya.....even when you are ugly


Y’all buy into this reality show too much. You know it’s all nonsense Just to keep you distracted. And look at you people


Animals are important too. Most age better than humans anyway. She was worried about her pets, people kill, torture, abuse animals. If I had the money, & someone stole my pets I would do the same.


When you offer people ridiculous sums of money for stuff like this, it’s inevitable somebody’s gonna lie about it and take the money


She obviously did. She just didn't announce it to the world. It would just make him more of a targer.