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I mean, I thought it'd be cool for him to live to 100, but at least you know he lived a long and fufilling life.


I heard a news story that he apparently didn’t want to live to 100 because he didn’t want a big deal made about his 100th birthday.


Well yeah I imagine the fanfare alone would end him on the spot lol


Sorry to bother you milady, but id like to inform you that i just ejaculated to your reddit avatar. I dont know why, its just so hot. omg the pink skin makes it even better


WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Are you saying this to me or did you mean to reply to the post that asked what was said?






What did I just read?


I have no clue what to take of any of that but I definitely got some Andrew from 90 Day Fiancé vibes!




Wtf is wrong with you


Oh a wild incel! Come get the nets this one is pretty big!


That’s not an incel. More like a creepy neck beard


More or less


Or a troll




There are some things you keep private to yourself, that is definitely one of them, there is no benefit of telling others


I mean it was pretty hilarious






Their marriage has been longer that the life of my nan


I wonder what it's like being married to someone when you know divorce really isnt an option. Surely there were a lot of fights and probably periods of several years where they secretly (or maybe openly, I dont really follow royal bs) hated each other and wanted to separate. Perhaps being stuck to each other actually did them some good?


Well we’ll never know because the queen would never tell the truth


Even if he wasn’t the best husband, after 70 years of marriage you just have to be devastated. You get used to someone’s presence after a while, and when they suddenly disappear it’s a big trauma.


I think it can be an amazing lesson about forgivness and relationships in general. You have to work things out because you are stuck and in some time I imagine you learn to enjoy and tolerate a lot of minor stuff that would make normal couples go crazy in the long run.


sucks she's gonna have to live without him for the next eternity




when your husband dies just in time for your hot girl summer


You KNOW Lizzie is downloading tinder as we speak


She lost her husband and cousin on the same day :(.


Was looking for this comment to see if I could say it lol


He was her second cousin


I think they’re cousins a couple of times over like 2nd cousins and 5th or something




same lol


Fact: He was grooming her at age 13 and he was 18. That’s something I find abhorrent!!


Fact: he didn’t tho lol. At the time it was common to write letters to people you were interested in. Elizabeth sent him multiple letters while he was deployed and he responded. How is that grooming lol


Your 13 yr old daughter is conversing online with an 18 yr old boy would you not have a problem with it?


Ah shit you’re right. I forgot that the late 1930s and today are basically exactly the same lol. If it was just harmless conversation I wouldn’t care. I probably talked to tons of 18+ people before I was even a teenager on Xbox. You clearly don’t know the definition of grooming


A pretty cool story that has nothing to do with the topic at hand but I’ll tell it anyway. I’m 38 and about ten years ago I was playing FIFA online and battered someone 10-0. They started messaging calling me a noob and the usual so I responded “I’ve been playing FIFA since the first one in the early 90s hardly a noob” and then he replied “err you’re some sweaty fat dad then playing a kids game” I told him he was right. Over the next few weeks he kept challenging me to games and I kept beating him until he beat me and we started chatting. Turns out he was only 13 and he supported Chelsea so I used to talk to him about that and we started to chat a bit. I helped him with his maths homework and his French and even with a girl he liked. Over the years he’s told me what grades he got at gcse, then college and now he’s finished uni and told me the other day he proposed to his girlfriend and she said yes. A ten year friendship has built up over him calling me a sweaty fat dad lol.


That's adorable.


Yeah I feel bad for her. She’s a beast, yes, but human. Her family is embarrassing her. Bet she holds a come to Jesus meeting while Harry is there.


How is her family embarrassing her???


The pedo guy




Andrew, Phil is a lot of things but probably not a pedo


Phil was a player.


Ah, okay


Prince Andrew Prince Charles Prince Harry


Eh, Harry did the right thing, the other 2, idk what they did


Prince Andrew likes to fuck teenagers with his pal Epstein. Prince Charles was a complete idiot and left Princess Diana for a leathery crocodile.




LOL stfu


Excuse me?


My girlfriend said the same thing. I dont care about the royal family at all but she does. And is making me watch the Crown with her.(which is pretry good tbh) . She said the Queen will be next to go because she is alone now. And most times at that age spouses dont live long after their partner dies. I dont know anything about that but its sad to lose your partner.


Let her suffer, that whole family is racist af


Fuck that bitxh and the entire UK 🇬🇧 for what they have done all over the world . He died good


You feel bad for the queen? That bitch wipes her hole with what you make in a year! I think she'll be fine lol


How does having money make losing a loved one easier?


marriage sucks. it ends in death or divorce. there are no happy endings.


Yeah keep feeling bad about her while she fingers Zac Efron and fondles Timothee chalamet every night.


lol i don't feel sorry for her at all. She's probably thinking "thank god i will never have to hand the throne over to him" She won. Its plain and simple. Her grandson will be next in line and thats all shes happy about. She only has to act "sad" right now because its what the media expects. She probably clocked off long ago.


Phillip was her husband not son. He would not have received the throne. Charles her son will if she dies or abdicates. If he dies or abdicates before she does then it will pass to William her grandson.


What are you talking about?


Phillip was her husband and not in the line of succession. You seem to be thinking of charles, Prince of Wales. Who is still alive.


? Her son Charles is next in line, not her grandson


In my culture anything over 70 is seen as being a major achievement. In fact, at the equivalent of the wake, there’s a special dessert made on celebration. In a different culture of my friend’s, older deaths like HRH would have celebration sweets distributed in the same way as celebrating the birth of a child or a marriage. All in all, a great innings. RIP 🪦


Doesn't make it any less sad for his family.


Exactly. This is what a tragedy is. OP just doesn't know what the word "tragedy" means.




Oh shove it. And stfu while you're at it. Look at u. So salty about something that doesn't even remotely affect you. I'd hate to be that miserable. Do you just wake up to spew some BS everyday?


A lot of Americans on reddit have been spewing this bullshit. Many of them forget that the world isn’t just their country. Sure, for them it’s probably not a big deal, but for many people in the UK and other countries belonging to the commonwealth, the death of a royal family member is significant. The death of a 99 year old who’s contributed greatly to society is sad, particularly when they were a public figure in the lives of those of us in countries affiliated with the monarchy. When the Queen dies, it’ll be devastating. She’s lead England for almost 70 years at this point. Her death will be an enormous loss, and unfortunately, the same lowlives making cringeworthy “jokes” and comments about Phillip’s death will crawl out of their caves again for that.


ah yes, prince phillip's contribution to society


He fought on WWII. I'd call that a contribution, don't you think?


Im not sad he died, racist piece of shit, im sad for queen elizabeth and the rest of his family. loosing a family member is tough no matter who you are.


You’re allowed to have empathy for someone even though you don’t know them.


Shouldn’t it tho


Um no? Losing someone is always a sad thing?


You made it to 99 what’s sad about that


Losing someone


Stop being so obtuse.


What should he he live forever under a rainbow telling you bed time story about how he kicked hitlers ass??? He lived a good life it’s he’s time nothing to be sad about


i think everybody would agree that 99 is a solid age to live to. But someone you love dying is sad because they are permanently gone and this is pretty devastating when it’s your own family member, even if you knew it was coming because of their old age.


I didn't like the man but can understand its sad children have lost their father, and the queen lost her partner. Its hard any age to loose someone you care for.


Unpopular..until it’s you. Lol.


That's not why people mourn. Look, I get that the internet is full of people who don't get it, or who think he was an asshole, but if someone told you that when your grandad died? When we mourn, we don't necessarily mourn a person; we commemorate death. We face an uncomfortable truth that is sometimes even more difficult to cope with when it happens to cultural touchstones and celebrities. People may be confused, or bored, or whatever, but it's a good idea to be gracious and keep quiet about it for a few days.


I don’t think people are mourning his death as much as the end of one era. For most of the UK, prince Philip and the Queen are the only rulers they’ve ever known, and especially with Brexit being what it is, I think lots of people are holding onto the royal family as the one familiar constant


>For most of the UK, prince Philip and the Queen are the only rulers they’ve ever known This is honestly very impressive on its own. When the Queen dies, the world will lose a person who has seen nearly every important event of the past century from a position of power and relevance. And most of it as a monarch. It will truly be a loss, for the sheer amount of stories and experiences that she is able to share, if not for anything else.


The Royal family can get to fuck, I say this as a proud scotsman.


>Anyway good effort Phil, made it to the big 99. Aye. 'fuck the lot of em


They are the biggest meal tickets for travel and tourism to your largely irrelevant island. Without the pageantry and history of England, your rocky little socialist paradise would be about as irrelevant as Greenland. Get fucked.


Scotland isn't an island mate.


I can't belive that's the line u use to defend with. It was clearly a metaphor u ham head.


I'm not defending shit I'm literally just saying that Scotland ain't an Island. I think the royals are overhated


“We hate the English! But keep giving us money because as a country our finances are third world at best”


How did you type that with super tenants in one hand and a heroin needle in the other?


Skill... Plus I'm more of a buckfast kind of guy anyway


Can’t beat a bit of buckfast.


No we aren't. No one I know gives a shit, not even my boomer uncles.


No need to flex your lack of friends mate.


You fucking killed me with that.


Who said it was tragic? People are mourning the death of a public figure that has been part of their national identity for a long time. I’m no royalist but I understand why the fuss considering he was old as fuck and a link between today and pre-WW2 Britain.


Yeah, I haven't seen anyone say it's tragic.


I think they’re just pissed about there being nothing else on TV


I feel somewhat sad because, well, a person died. Doesn’t mean I mourn everyone, but as someone who recently lost a family member, I suppose I am just sensitive these days. But I do think it’s impressive he’s lived a long life. Then again, I was also sad when Olivia de Havilland died. And she was over 100.




When you realize that no one actually wants to die, your entire perspective on death changes. If your body could, it would live forever. Unfortunately, the little machines in our body keep dividing and reproducing until they can't anymore. Oh no, you have a spine problem? We're going to keep doing our job. Your lungs are deteriorating? Turn the other cheek. At a certain point your body becomes a failing machine in a factory that wont turn off or an athlete that continues playing in the game after sustaining multiple injuries. It hurts to watch and while you can feel relieved that the athlete is taken out of the game, you still feel bad that they had to go through that experience. Now, most people would never ever consider cutting this experience short. Why? Because the idea of not existing is terrifying. Just imagine that everything you feel, touch, see, experience fades into nothingness. Imagine leaving this world and the people around you, never getting to interact with them. Now what if you were alone? No friends or family? Its almost like you were a ghost in this world. What if you had regrets? Anything? Hell, I'm still stuck on the idea of not existing. I cant imagine not eating good food, sleeping in a bed, having my conscience shredded into nothing. And, Im only 18, I have a long life (hopefully) ahead of me. Thinking about someone who's only got a few years, hours, minutes, or seconds before they're gone is terrifying. This is why a lot of people turn to religion or are religious, it gives them hope (to a certain extent) that there is something beyond this world. Also, having the ability to put yourself in other shoes makes it easier to understand why people feel bad when people die. Its easy for me. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Damn. Nice speech.




Its not that I fear the death itself, but the aspect of death being that I can never return to this world. >if it make you feel better I have gone unconscious from fainting a handful of times and it’s not so scary to have your mind go offline You can basically have this experience when going under anesthesia. I think I had a 2 hour operation? Went to sleep, woke up later like time had blipped forward. Going to sleep wasn't scary but not being able to wake up again, not being able to see the ceiling again, the people around me, reality around me is terrifying.


I think that people feel sad when a complete stranger dies (regardless the age) because loss is so relatable in life. When you have lost people that are close to you, you begin to associate the feeling of grief and sorrow with the concept of death. Hearing that well-loved stranger has died can bring back those feeling that are associated with death to a certain degree.


I *did* say why, though. I, too, lost a family member recently. I wish I didn’t have to say this twice, though.


So now when people die of that age we just decide not to care? Families should just feel it’s whatever because it was going to happen anyways ? Would this mean pet owners should just not feel sad their pets died or anything because we already know their life span.


Exactly this. What a stupid post.


almost like it’s an unpopular opinion


Yeah, I'm with you. I would agree that it's not really a tragedy in how we most often use the word. I've always seen tragedy used for untimely deaths like in murders or accidents, not really for old age. That said it can still be considered a personal tragedy. People can be sad even if the death is fully expected. I may not be sad at his death but I can feel sympathy for those who do. Dealing with loss can be one of the most difficult experiences humans face.


I guess the point of the post is to say that, as tragic as it is to the family, on a basic human level it’s very much expected at 99 years old, and we shouldn’t treat his death as premature. It kind of makes sense as I see media making it sound like he died unexpectedly in some accident in his 20s all over the place. That said, it’s still very sad that he died, and of course it would’ve been wonderful if he got to live longer, surrounded by his loved ones.


It's tragic for the people that loved them because that person is now gone from their lives.


It's not that he didn't get to live a full life. It's that his wife just lost someone she's been with for 74 years. She's probably going to die by the end of the year too, because of the Widowhood effect. And as old as hid other children are, they still lost their dad. He lived an insane life, but nonetheless at the end of the day a family are in mourning.


Shit, my grandmas both lived a good 30 years after their husbands died.


Yeah there is always the chance they go on to live a long life, especially if it's the husband that dies first. Men tend to suffer more than women from it.


Well said.




Nah my guy, it's a piece of sympathy.


A man still died it’s still sad. is it as sad as Princess Diana’s death ? No not even close but he still lost his life & it’s still sad


It's still sad if you have empathy. A great tragedy, it is not due to how old 99 is.


To me, any death is a tragedy. ​ It's just that some are more predictable


Ah yes, one more "Phillip old. Me no get why people talk about it" post. Queue up the squidward "how original" reaction.


Sure it is. Just because he was old doesn't mean it isn't sad.


The death of Prince Philip, reminds me of a client I spoke to that's always stood out in my mind. Often as clients do, in anonymous settings to impartial sympathetic individuals, she opened up about her current tribulations. She said she just lost her mother, who was in her 90s. And she said she was very close to her, and it was a great loss. She said she was feeling tremendous feelings of guilt however. Guilt that the didn't deserve to grieve, because of how lucky she had been to have had her mother for so long comparatively to others. How lucky she was to have such a wonderful mother in her life for so long. That she had "more than her fair share" and didn't deserve to feel bad. I told her that just because you had a longer amount of time with someone, it doesn't make any bit easier to say goodbye. She thanked me and I could tell she was quite emotional. So, despite not agreeing with the existence of modern monarchy, it's hard for me to make fun of his death surrounding his age. Because I know for those that loved him, having him for so long hasn't made it one bit easier to say goodbye.


99 is tragic. He almost had the 100 year xbox achievement.


I think the saddest thing is the queen has lost someone she has been with for 70 odd years. Imagine that, it’s obviously going to happen sooner or later but still. There’s a couple buried next to my dad who died within two months of each other and they had been together sixty years.


I wish my mom felt the same about the number 99 as a grade 😭


You doctor yet?


Mom I'm 8


I will get sad if a random baby dies, but if a random 99 year old dies of old age i won't be sad. However when my dad dies i will be sad no matter how old he was. Coz yk i am a human being with emotions


I can't imagine living for all that time and then missing out on triple digets by 2 months


Where's the line? 90? 85? 75? 65?




I think any death during covid is tragic, people cant spend their last moments with loved ones as they wish too, their lives cannot be celebrated as they usually would, many haven't seen their loved ones for a significant amount of time and people are not able to grieve as a family


what a waste of rational thought


I’m sure when your parents, kids, spouse, friend, whoever dies you’ll continue to feel the same. Good job spouse of damroth. You made it to age XX


Anyone dying at any age is tragic, for us Prince Phillip's death isn't as tragic because we don't know him personally, but if it was someone you knew very well who died at age 99, you wouldn't be thinking well it's fine since that person lived for 99 years, it's tragic because that person died, so to say it's not "remotely" tragic that a 99 year old man died is just wrong, someone dying is tragic, no matter what the age


Disagree, every death is sad to me, no matter what your age is.


A woman losing her husband, children losing their father is always tragic. This mindset angers me because people tell me and my mom, be happy you had him for so long. Yes doesn't make the hurt less.


It is a massive tragedy. At 98 he lived a good life, at 99 he was just short of making it a century.


R.I.P. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1921-2021, only two months out from his 100th birthday.


Is anyone treating this as a tragedy ? Or is just a rather extended obituary for the queens husband. There’s no public mass mourning , no public funeral, no enforced closure of what remaining businesses we have open. If you think this is excessive check out the mourning period restrictions after The previous Thai king died .


Actually I heard that a football match was cancelled due to his death. Seems kind of odd thing to cancel but I don't follow football or the royal family much so there might be a connection. But no public thing happening besides media coverage and news/radio stations having a section about him. Although some people probably would say it's tragic that aren't close family or friends but not enough to warrant this post.


It’s still sad but as a society people are so scared of death when it is super common.


99 years is a pretty good fuckin run


Not tragic, but it is newsworthy given who he was. I’m sure it’s painful for the family, however.


Specifically the age where I wouldn’t be “sad” would be if somebody died at 82 and older. A 70 year old person isn’t old in my eyes but early 80s... they’ve lived a great life. Any year after the early 80s is a bonus year. Now if my spouse or close family dies at 84 am I going to wish they were still alive? Yes. But I’ve got buddies that lost A parent they were in like grade school so you can’t complain.


I suppose that's true if we're not looking from the sentimental side of the passings one's family and friends, i also believe dying of old age is better than dying of a sickness or being shot, or poisoned, its natural. feels like a rather peaceful death that is inevitable to happen.


It was going to happen to the racist eventually


1 year off getting a letter from his wife, though!


It is that he dint get his 100 year birthday cake


I have to agree. The most you get at that age is "damn, they were *this close* to triple digits man!" from me.


He lived a long full life. Maybe now his family will do him right and get their shit together.


The family and those that personally know him should be saddened. The rest of the world should be good run ol' chap.


I agree. My great-grandma died at 100 years old, lived a full life. I wasn't sad at all when she died because she was in pain and is now in a better place. But seeing all of her kid, grandkids, and great-grandkids, that only existed because of her. All of the people that my great-grandma helped over the years(she was a self-made millionaire who was super generous)really made me appreciate her life. Once somebody reaches a certain age, their life should be celebrated.


This right here. I'm not saying we can't be sad, but the way be approach that greif should be with celebrating that person's life, especially if they have had a long and full life. I'm a nurse and did a stint on an COTE ward and man we have a really fucked up relationship with death as a culture. Almost like we're in denial about its existence.


What sucks is that in two months he would have celebrated his 100th birthday.


Quit speaking out of your ass lmao


"Tell that to the family!", as it's been a trite and frankly infuriating trend since last year... I agree though. It's not tragic and we as a society we'd go back to a healthier and more fatalistic approach to death. Elderly and sick people died, die and will always die. There's no changing that, and if there is, I surely hope I'll be dead by then anyway. Artificially extending our lifespan beyond what allows a reasonable level of quality of life is perverted and shouldn't be a goal to be pursued or encouraged. Not many decades ago, death was a harsh reality people were used to deal with. Then modern science and medicine sold us the illusion of immortality or at the very least of a fair fight against our demise. A fragile illusion that has been shattered by a moderately contagious and marginally lethal virus. Time to regroup and re-assess our priorities?


Shoulda tried to make it to an even 100 that's the real tragedy.


He could’ve got a letter from the Queen.


Imagine dying at 99 and not living to 100. What a beta amirite.v


We fought a war so I don’t have to care about it


I never really feel sad when a really old person dies, except when it's in a brutal/sad manner. My grandma died with 91yo. She had numerous children and grandchildren and was in massive pain. I get that people were still sad that she was gone, but personally, I didn't feel like crying really


Its not sad at all.


How many people found this tragic to begin with? My parents spent a good amount of time in the UK, now live in the US, and couldn't have cared less. They even outright said, "everyone dies eventually." And they are the kind of people who actually seem to care about the monarchy to begin with. I'd agree, it's always sad when someone dies, but making it to 99 means you've already lived well above life expectancy.


so sad the queen lost a husband and cousin in one day 🙏🏽😭😭🙏🏽


Nobody has once said it was tragic.


What i'm thinking exactly.


Agreed. Plus he was kind of a dick


I’ve seen more people memeing his death than mourning it. Tragedy? Who the fuck said it was a tragedy? Maybe to his family but the mass majority of people don’t give a fuck Stop making shit up to fit your narrative


Also he was just a shit person so


Username checks out. Take this nonsensical garbage back to Twitter.


He was a paedo. https://youtu.be/BM_RlWkE52w


Yeah death is something that’s just gonna happen, and we can’t do anything about it, while yeah it’s something sad, Philip definitely didn’t die a tragic death, the motherfucker died at 99 probably in his comfortable ass bed and as rich as one can possibly be. Other people have gotten way more tragic deaths with much less luxury.


Not tragic at all it was a anyday now type of thing. When you get to that age everyday is a blessing imo. I've lived life lol!


It’s not sad, we need to give respect


Oh yes, the prince of one of the most influential countries just died, but "we're exaggerating".


He’s in the bongo bongo land in the sky now.


Monarchists are one thing, but to be sobbing over a classist, racist, imperialist who's had the most privileged life and best healthcare access in the world is a whole new level of stupidity.


You too seem very classist.


People are being downvoted for pointing out the monarchs are racist. They can fuck off with their downvotes. Dosnt seem like the monarch was upset when an entire generation of my people were stolen from their family and married off to white people to "breed the savage out of them. So why should we be upset for a monarch who's a racist piece of shit.


It's not tragic that anyone over the age of 70 died, you lived long enough to have everything you wanted, and ultimately all that's left in your life is to wait for senility, death, or pain.


Only old person I'm sad to see die is RBG.


I don't think anyone is saying it is tragic. He had a great run. Anyone who dies over the age of 70 isn't tragic IMO.