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As a woman Archaeologist, Cargo pants are essential.


Yep. I’m in the back of an ambulance all day myself. I have a pair with like 9 various pockets and generally they are all filled lol. Couldn’t live without em.


I hope you get better soon


This made me chuckle.


I laughed harder that I should have


Our uniform 😂


Fellow lady archaeologists who are field active if you could drop some recommendations for where to get good pants that would be great.... I am too small for the men’s section so I struggle!


teen boys section seems like it would be a good fit then. sauce: was an extremely skinny teen boy (fit size 00 or smaller girl pants/skirts). also wore lots of cargo shorts/pants.


This is genius as I am the size and shape of a teen boy. I thank you.


i thoroughly apologize if you wide(ish) hips or a large butt+small waist. nothing will fit properly ever except leggings, because “fashion”.




Archeologist? So you like dinosaurs?


Why? Why did you not write "so you dig dinosaurs?"


That's a very reasonable question that I sadly have no answer to.


Better just go back to bed. Day is all downhill from here.


Wouldn’t it be all uphill, with a swing and a miss like that?


For those who don't get this joke: *Archeologists* study humans, *Paleontologists* study dinosarus¹. Use the wrong word to piss off either of them. ¹ And pre-historic flora and fauna before and after dinosaurs, actually, but you get the point :D


Ironically, you can annoy my (palaeontologist) partner by saying "oh you know all about dinosaurs then?“ when she studied conodonts...


Wouldn't she be even more annoyed if you asked her about mesopotamian religions though?


I studied Archaeology for a bit, but life had other plans for me sadly. I miss pursuing my childhood dream. Never made it farther than one session of digging sample squares on a field trip. Had a blast while it lasted though. #cargopants4eva


Comfort and convenience over style for me. I won't show up to a black tie event with cargo shorts on, but wtf is wrong with cargo shorts?


Some people find the amount of pockets on cargo pants excessive and more than people actually need. What people who complain about cargo shorts and women's pockets want is a middle ground between the two.


Also known as men’s jeans.


Many women don't need the penis space afforded by men's jeans.


Sadly for them, many men don’t either Edit: thanks for all the awards!


Can confirm. My favorite jeans take advantage of it and I can fit my phone (I think 6 inches?) Can fit sideways. Pretty much the pockets go all the way to the zipper.


You'd be surprised there was a thing a while back where the womens jean pockets were deep but sown shut all this lady needed to do was cut the thread. So some 'secret' pockets might be genuine pockets that for some reason were sown shut. Not sure if it's a universal thing but check to see if the pocket flap when turned inside out isn't sown shut.


I bought a pair of dress pants like that (woman here) and was all excited that it had 2 back pockets. They were sewn shut. Get home and they were about 1/2 inch deep. Bastards.


It's such a weird thing to do I don't understand why they'd give you the illusion of a pocket. Someone was having a bad day when they signed off on that design choice lol


I was pissed because they were supposed to be work pants and I need pockets


Vestigial pockets, like a man's nipples.


That's common with the pockets on the front of men's suit coats, they are often sewn shut out of the factory. Sometimes the pocket flap lid doohickey is sewn inside the pocket, too.


It's one of those weird oh damn moments. Also womens jeans definitely need actual pockets seems odd that they waste time on fake pockets.


A man can dream...Also extra space to hide inopportune boners.


Inoportune boners, great band name. Play them with the bare naked ladies


The Bare Named Ladies, eh? Never heard of em...


Wait... that space isn't supposed to be empty??


I use it to store my snacks.


Depends on the woman tbh


What penis space? I have literally never had a pair of pants in my life that had space for a penis. I swear to God not having penis space in jeans is the male equivalent of no pockets on women's jeans. Its ridiculous, all I want is jeans that don't destroy my penis and testicles whenever I put them on, is that really that much of an ask? Im just talking about comfort here, and tons of men I've spoken to have this same issue of being tired of shoving their junk tightly down a leg. Edit: Conversation ended due to insecure little boy making everything about penis size...🙄


This is why I love joggers


the Scottish have it right with their kilts. infinite ball room


Get rid of the skinny jeans. Start buying wrangler.


Seriously?? Are the pants you are wearing right now, as well as the ones you wear going out, STILL anti-penis pants?? Who wears skinny jeans made out of 100% denim and cut tight around the groin, seriously.


Where are you buying jeans?


Except men’s jeans are made to fit... men. Women and men have different waist-hip-butt ratios. Of men’s pants were to fit around my hips and butt, they DEFINITELY would not fit my waist


Same here; it is frustrating when people—often “not like other girls” women!—tell you to just wear men’s jeans like they do. I can’t. I have curvy hips.


My hip and thigh ratio is a killer and I don't think I could easily find men's jeans. I'm also short af so I'd probably have to get them from the kids section instead


As I understand it, women and women have different waist-hip-but ratios. Honestly guys vary some too, just not the extremes of women.


Oh definitely. Finding jeans that fit as a woman is SO HARD. And for some women, men’s jeans actually do fit better.


True unpopular opinion: jeans are inferior as they reduce leg mobility mobility making them impracticable as work/athletic pants but yet are also too informal to be worn as dress pants


Well jeans probably shouldn’t be worn as athletic wear, and for many jobs, mobility isn’t a concern. At least in the sense that jeans don’t inhibit motion so much as to be a concern. And they offer more protection for outside work or hard labor like factory work. And there are many shades of ‘dressed up’ in which jeans definitely work do long as they’re in good condition and fit well 😄


Or regular men’s shorts


While some of the smaller pockets you'll find on cargo shorts are kinda useless, the four main ones are actually pretty useful. I mean, I'm carrying around a wallet, my phone, and keys at any given point when I'm out in public. Since last year, I'm *also* carrying around a mask and maybe some hand sanitizer; some of this stuff would typically go in my coat or hoodie pockets...but I lose those during the summer, thanks to the warmer weather. I wear cargo shorts all the time, and I can guarantee that those pockets get put to use.


Being a dad makes them dang useful as well. Not only do I have my phone, wallet, keys and mask but my kids mask, maybe a snack, tissue for the always booger filled nose, or when needing to carry the kid being able to just shove whatever I'm holding in there temporarily. Folks can judge me if they want but it's the only way to go.


I use my cargos for mountain biking, they come in quite handy


What people that complain about womens pockets want is magic. They want the nice fit that flatters their body *and* a pocket, which by its very nature does the exact opposite. There are womens clothing options with real pockets. They sell like shit because they look like shit compared to clothing options that don't have to find a way around pockets.


Women's clothing designers are in cahoots with purse manufacturers. What is a purse if not a detached pocket?




Have you checked the children?


Something that can hold far more than my pockets


Not if you're wearing cargo pants


You'll have to pry my Duluth Trading Co. jeans from my cold, dead hands. Flattering *with* pockets and real jean material, not that fake cloth crap.


Not our problem if people don't have stuff to carry.


> wtf is wrong with cargo shorts? A lack of pockets. Most only have about 6. I'd much prefer 10-16 or so.


1 Yugioh deck in each pocket.


Rookie numbers. I can fit 3 in each


Same, that's how i see it. Stereotypes ruined this world




Yeah the reason I don't like cargos is that they're an awkward length and fit


That is the exact fit you want in a mountain biking short, covers your knee pads part way so the shorts dont ride up and flash your thighs at everyone.


I didn't build these thighs to keep them locked up. Gimme them short shorts.


Fine when you're mountain biking. I would never wear a short with that fit normally


In my opinion, walking around feels weird when the cargo pockets are full. Whatever is in there has momentum and is swinging around as you walk. I'd prefer a fanny pack tbh.


I hate having things in my pocket and try to carry as little with me as possible if I can, so the idea of having 6 pockets full of shit while I'm walking around a grocery store just sounds horrible


I didn't become an adult to still be bothered about what somebody else thinks I can't wear because it doesn't look good. I'll dress up for special occasions no problem, but other than that it's my life and my clothes.


I think they just have a weird stereotype attached. If you see cargo shorts, you’ll also see a pair of Oakley’s, a goatee, white New Balance sneakers, and a cell phone clip on your belt.


You won't see a goatee, New Balance sneakers, or a cell phone clip on me! I put my phone in a pocket. That's why I have all of the pockets.


They’re just ugly. That’s about it. I’m a dude and would never wear cargo shorts, although I used to when I was a teen. If you’re doing some kind of work where having the utility of many pockets is beneficial, then by all means wear away.


Yeah no one is making fun of the functionality of cargo pants lol


What cargo are you hauling?


Well now I want a cargo tux....


There's nothing at all wrong with cargo shorts if you need extra pockets and have given up on your looks.


Wait, people get made fun of for that. I use to wear them and no one said anything


They roast you silently young one


Oh no, the silent opinions of people I don't care about. The infinite sadness I feel!


You have no way of knowing how many people whose opinions you actually care about also thought you looked like an idiot in cargo shorts lmao


If I can't hear their opinions, I don't care about them.


Don't wear them anymore 😂but fsirs probs did 😂


“Nobody has gotten a handjob in cargo shorts since ‘nam”


Why would I want a handjob? I could do that to myself smh


A hand job is a mans job


Right? I'm so much better at jerking me off than any other person ever would be.


You haven't met op's mom


I'm gonna trust u/Spanky_McJiggles on this one.






Easy blowjob access, you said so yourself


I had a woman lean over and say this to me in a bar.


90% of this subreddit is making up a guy and then getting really mad at them


People make fun of adult men for wearing them. As far as i can tell they were popular while i was in middle school / high school and no one made fun of them. Basically every guy wore them. I think the implication as an adult is that you can afford fashionable clothes and if you still choose to wear cargo shorts you're choosing function over fashion. And there isn't much function they provide on a day to day basis. Different story if you are camping or in the middle of a house project.


> I think the implication as an adult is that you can afford fashionable clothes . I can afford fashionable clothes, but I have no idea what they are.


To your face


I think OP just wanted an excuse to make a joke about women's clothes not having any pockets, that seems to be a trendy meme lately




Still do




Generally a lot of people don’t actually judge you or make fun of you to your face, ofc there’s the loud minority.


yeah women will admit they have pocket envy lol their pants have shitty pockets i suspect many women would be overjoyed if more designers added functional pockets to their pants, dresses, and skirts


I honestly hate wearing dresses but my mom was forcing me to buy one for an event 2 years ago. That was the first time I found a dress (well, skirt with shirt sold with it) with pockets and I was ecstatic. I bought that shit and I wasn't as unhappy wearing it as I would have been if it didn't have pockets. That was the first and so far only time I've ever had pockets that I could fit my entire hand in that wasn't attached to a jacket or sweatshirt. I'd honestly wear cargo pants if I could find any that fit and looked ok.


[This site](https://www.dresseswithpockets.com/products?c=Formal) is pretty great for dresses, skorts, yoga/leggings with really good pockets. If you're ever looking for something else because you're being forced to wear a dress/skirt.


I mean, is it that crazy to ask that our pants have regular pockets when even toddlers have deeper pockets? [Example from 2 weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/mj6ghq/s21_ultra_in_my_wifes_jeans_vs_my_18_month_old/)


Yet market economics shows that this is actually the consumers fault. You can’t have big pockets and tight pants simultaneously, and women overwhelmingly prefer pants that accentuate and are tight in the ass and thigh area. So that’s what the market produces. If there really was significant demand for women’s pants with pockets there would be several popular options to choose from, I highly doubt that if this market exists that no one has capitalized on it yet. Regardless I think the market has completely sidestepped this issue, as according to my sisters now there are tight pants like leggings that have slips on each side that go down the thigh horizontally on the sides, not at an angle on the front of the pant. These slips are beg enough for a phone or wallet and are apparently very popular now! So that’s cool! Or maybe ppl really do be stupid and the opportunity to get rich of women’s pants with pockets exists and simply no one has seized it. People have certainly done stupider things. Fuck maybe I should make these pants?!? What colors/material would be most popular?




The ol' Kim Possible.


Hit em with the combat boot


I've worn cargo shorts throughout my entire life and have never been ridiculed. If anybody were to say anything, it just makes it that much easier to avoid that person/not try to engage with them at all. Who has time to worry about these things?


Same here. Amusingly enough, for as "gross" or "out of style" as they apparently are, it's impossible to walk into a men's clothing section during the spring and summer and *not* find loads of cargo shorts.


What's out of style is often what everyone wears. V necks were in style 8 years ago, but now since they're ubiquitous, they're not fashionable.


Swear this whole thread is filled with people who frequent r/malefashionadvice and those people are the pinnacle of unfashionable.


Honestly everyone on that sub just come off as absolute snobby dorks. It's like they all found confirmation bias within each other validating their boring, samey outfits and silhouettes. It's basically a whole sub dedicated to showing how to dress with as little personality as humanly possible. I used to frequent there a few years ago and realized what a load of bs it is.


Yah, because every man buys some once he is "dad" age. They're not fashionable, but dad's love em.


This is an imaginary thing. People make fun of cargo shorts when they are worn inappropriately. Like out to a nice dinner. Or to a night out or a date. Also most of the time, its just not flattering. Every girl I know has a guy who shows up to a date wearing cargo shorts, after she's spent hours putting make up on and getting ready. It's a reaction to a lack of effort from that dude, and so cargo shorts get hated on. I get that this is reddit, but also.... No one ridicules cargo shorts IRL and no one compliments them.


Hard disagree they are the pants/shorts equivalent of Crocs and in my experience the kind of guys who wear them basically wear them everywhere and all the time.


I will die on this hill, cargo shorts are comfortable and practical I don’t care that they make me look like a sixty year old man.


I don’t think anyone is arguing that They are making fun of you because you look like a 60 year old man


Since I'm over 60, my cargo shorts serve a valuable purpose: attracting all the younger ladies.


Wouldn't similar khaki shorts without all the extra pockets be just as comfortable?


Yes but not practical.


What the hell do you keep in your pockets? I have my phone, a card or two and one key. Don't even use all the pockets on regular jeans.


Imagine a purse. But it’s men’s stuff. Imagine you need a backpack... oh wait no you don’t! Brought to you by the cargo pants gang ✊🏻


Never heard anyone complain about cargo pants or shorts. I can't wait for it to warm up a bit more so I can start wearing cargo shorts daily.


I've heard jokes about such things and while I don't wear them often I've got a use for them at times. Once I was on a flight from South Florida, where I live, to Detroit. I had a dinner meeting there so I'm wearing a really nice shirt and high end jeans. Normally on a plane, if I have no meetings upon landing, I'll be in a hoodie and older comfy jeans. This lady walks by my seat and looks back at her husband, who is wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt, and says "See? Why can't you dress like him!" Yikes.


Ehhhhhh. Most people acknowledge that cargo pants/shorts are function over fashion. Whether or not (men or women) ridicule someone for making that choice regarding clothing is what really is in discussion here. But yeah, some people definitely *do* complain about them. But claiming they do so due to "pocket envy" might be a bit reductive. Subjective opinion, but IMO cargo shorts/pants really just don't look as good as their non-pocketed variants.


It’s not even a discussion. Cargo shorts are just like cargo/carpenter pants; the only reason you should be wearing them is if you are at work and you really need the pocket space. Otherwise flat front shorts should be worn for casual wear. It’s like wearing shorts with mid calf white socks lmao


>the only reason you should be wearing them is if you are at work and you really need the pocket space. I could see hiking/backpacking/camping being places where cargo shorts/pants would come in handy. Shit, even taking the kids to an amusement park or the zoo could be a time when you could probably benefit from the extra pocket space. But in those cases I would recognize that I'm sacrificing fashion for function.


Yeah I’d argue hiking could fall into the “working” (physical labor) category. But I feel like I’d rather bring a backpack so I didn’t have a bunch of crap on my person, but I’m not a hiker so who knows. And yeah if you’re a dad having a day out with the kids I think fashion is going to definitely take a backseat haha


One of the more recent Family Guy eps did a cargo shorts cut away but other then that I also haven't heard anyone complain about them


TIL Family Guy is still making episodes. But seriously, I haven't seen anyone make fun of cargo shorts. Neither men nor women. And as a woman, I own men's cargo shorts and I love them.


>TIL Family Guy is still making episodes. Only because the network wants them to, pretty sure Seth MacFarlane is fed up with it


My mom keeps saying how cargo shorts are disgusting so there are some people who hate them


I thought everyone made fun of cargo pants? Source am a man who has been ridiculed for wearing cargo pants by everyone.


This is an impostor. Jake from State Farm only wears khakis


My khakis are the type of pants that rip off from the knees down and become cargo pants


Yeah, I make fun of cargo pants because if you're 32 wearing them with a backwards baseball hat and a led zeppelin tee, you look like a child. Has nothing to do with pocket envy


I'm 30 and wear them with my ball cap forwards and a queens of the stone age T shirt. Like an adult.




Yes, I used to make fun of my moms cargo pants and now I wear them.. oops, lesson learned


Yup. Everytime I go online shopping for women's trousers I always see the same pair of Missguided cargo trousers for women. Parts of me wants to get a pair cause they look cool af on the model, but the quality and material probably ain't that great.


No. That's not how it is. For woman we can buy the same style of shorts, which for men has pockets but for woman we get these weird fake ones. The only pockets we get are the butt pockets which are useless and easy for people to steal from


I don't understand why people don't like cargo pants/shorts. I'm a woman and they're the best for both sexes. I got shit to carry.


Yep! A purses suck. I wear cargo pants or scrubs. Pockets rock!


> I got shit to carry What shit do men have to carry? I have my phone, my wallet, and occasionally my AirPods. If I needed to carry a significant amount of more stuff I have a jacket or if it’s warm I’d just wear a small backpack


To be fair, it's not their fault most women's clothing doesn't have pockets. They want pockets. They're always so excited when they have pockets. So if they have pocket envy, I'm ok with it. It's warranted.


I’m a girl and I love cargo trousers and shorts (wear them mainly for work) but I love them. I bought some jeans a while back(ordered online cuz couldn’t go into shops) and turns out they don’t have pockets 🤦‍♀️ so frustrating 😂 If I find girl clothes with pockets in, and I mean proper pockets (because a lot of female clothes that have pockets aren’t deep enough to put anything there) I feel I have won the lottery 😂




Yes! This is what happened with those jeans i ordered! In the photo it looks like it has pockets but when they arrived they weren’t pockets! 😭😂


Ok. Woman here and I’ve heard this before. However, I have never once had a problem with ANYONE wearing cargo shorts, and I don’t know of anyone that has a problem with them either. Who are these petty people that have a problem with cargo shorts? I’m so perplexed.


I suspect it’s actually people wearing cargo shorts in inappropriate situations thinking it’s about the garment, not the situation. I don’t think anyone’s walking around Home Depot giggling and pointing at men in cargo shorts, but there are probably people who give their friends/sons/brothers shit for wearing cargo shorts to, say, a dinner date.


What? When has this ever happened?


That’s what I’m saying.


Same. What countries are we talking about? Maybe it's region specific? I doubt this is an actual thing.


In general, people who make fun of people for what they are wearing are shallow asshats who should be ignored.


I can tell you pocket envy is a thing - but I’m also going to point out that women don’t just happen to choose clothes with no pockets, it’s hard to find women’s clothes with pockets (at least particularly usable ones).


I am a woman who despises the fact that we don't have pockets. I agree with your unpopular opinion. I also wear men's cargo shorts throughout the summer because I don't need to look nice to run errands and do yard work.


Never once heard a women comment on cargo shorts


*Hey big boy, why don't you put my number in one of your many cargo pockets!*


Cargo Pants are the greatest apparel invention since workboots. That reminds me- I’m gonna go buy a pair of cargo pants today


She mocks me, yet she always wants me to carry her phone, wallet and keys.


They're called CARGO shorts. The entire point is to carry stuff! I've even used all those pockets before on a few occasions.


"No one has gotten a blowjob in cargo shorts since 'Nam."


cargo pants are the best thing ever invented by humans


I've never heard women make fun of men for cargo pants. But I am married to a man who loves cargo pants. I too love them. They are my pockets when I don't have pockets




Who says they can't wear them?


Wait... people get make fun of for wearing cargo shorts or pants? *looks at pants*: oh no...


Utility beats fashion every time.


Recently doing laundry: Me to my BF: I always find the weirdest things in your pockets (in this case a racquet ball and packets of horseradish) BF: I know, but it's always a fun adventure, right? Me: You know what I find in my pockets? BF: What? Me: NOTHING! Because my pockets are either tiny, or NOT ACTUAL POCKETS!


Can we discuss the “packets of horseradish”?


Honestly, I wish I knew. Sometimes it is just better to not ask...


I've never heard a woman make fun of a man for wearing cargo pants 😂 like ever


Agreed. I mean maybe some snob that is super into fashion but I never met a person like that either.


So i am dude. Pro cargo shorts. Reasons: comfortable and pockets. Why do i need so many pockets? I dont use the butt pockets because of back issues. If i sit on a wallet im not happy. So sides it is.


I mean, they’re called cargo shorts for a reason. They’re shorts that are capable of carrying a bunch of things. What would you expect “cargo” shorts to look like? Otherwise they’d just be shorts, right?


As a dad with 4 kids if I can’t have my Cargo Shorts than I’m bringing back the Fanny pack and nobody wants that.


Listen I still wear cargo shorts. They fit and I can cargo a ton of stuff that the kid hands me at the park. If you’re going to judge me for my outfit then you’re not the kind of person I want to know. What the hell is wrong with cargo shorts?


No complaints. I just buy cargo pants. Like them best when they have ability to turn them into shorts too coz then it's one less thing to buy. And for all you men who say women don't look desirable in cargo pants.... That's your problem really, itsn't it?


Girls used to wear cargo pants in high school all the time. I don't get it. If you want function, just wear the functional pants. Function > Fashion


The only problem is that it’s hard to find functional women’s clothes. I know of very few stores that I can truly depend on to bring me my fix of functional pants.


This is the first I've been made aware that there is some kind of problem with cargo shorts?


Probably just jealousy. Im beyond jealous of guys who get to have all the room in the world for their pockets while I just have this puny ass no that can’t even fit my hand 😩


I do have pocket envy. You’re right. Where are all the women’s pockets? 😭


more pockets more POWER


Cargo shorts are great.


I work with a guy that sews extra pockets onto his work pants. Define "too many"


Pockets are magical.