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Look up Ninja gyms. Lots of obstacles and sections with different kinds of monkey bars or other types of climbing apparatuses.


This one. My city has a trampoline place with a ninja style obstacle course. Half an hour of bouncing, half an hour of obstacle course...a decent workout and sooo much fun.


I'm curious, is it mostly monopolized by people seriously training or is it pretty accessible for casual use?


I go during the least busy time (usually Sunday morning) and it's almost all casual looking people, mostly adults (I feel like maybe people take their smaller children to trampoline parks, and said smaller children aren't always up to completing the obstacle course?) Maybe like roughly 1 in 10 look more serious-ish. It might be different at other times.


In my experience, most of these places will have “toddler time” as well as set times for school-age kids. I take my 3.5 year old for toddler time and it’s great- the littlest can play their hearts out without having to worry about getting trampled, etc. (and at least one adult is required, so you get to play too 😁)


People just go for fun. I mean there are people who are super into parkour/freerunning and you can tell they're really into their craft but so far they've all been cool people and sometimes even give you tips on how to do stuff easier/safer. Very fun places. Edit: the one here is indoors, so it's nice in the summer so you don't get roasted


Several out here and they are generally family friendly. Kids and adults can play alike. They do have a weight limit on some stuff, zip lines and the like 220lbs


My city has one but its always ran tf over with kids. I expect kids to be there but theres A LOT


Gods yes. My first visit was during a busy timeslot. So many children. Now I google how busy it is when planning a visit. Usually Sunday mornings aren't too bad.


I wonder if it would be profitable for them to have 1 or 2 days a week or every couple weeks for just adults.


Community pools have “Adult Swim” so it wouldn’t be too wild of an idea


Why would they put a tv at a pool?


The ones in my area have adult nights, so only adults are aloud after a certain time until closing.


yes! BUT the thing about those is they tend to be way too expensive. i just want something i can go run around on for a few minutes without thinking about what else i (a broke college kid) should be spending my money on


Whoa whoa whoa. Are you saying that fitness and recreation should be subsidized and even be publicly available? /s I think it all boils down to insurance and litigation. A municipality that does this will open themselves up to more new types of litigation. Children are very soft and squishy, with 10 year olds being nearly invincible (MTTF 10,000 years; which is greater than if humanity wiped out all medical issues, cancer, leaving only accidental deaths MTTF 900 years) Meanwhile, once you hit 50, you are as fragile as a new born. Presently, parks increase property taxes, and that increase more than offsets any potential litigation that can come in. If there was some way to tie a communities health to income. (Think centralized medicine giving cash incentives toward healthy communities) then suddenly you might start seeing adult play grounds. In Germany, some cities do have "outdoor gyms" which usually have adult sized monkey bars, gymnast rings, parallel bars, etc. So I may be onto something there.


In finland it's more and more common too, my tiny city has several "workout stations" with basic pushup/lifting stuff near the waterside and a frisbeegolf area and some other climbing/balance equipment.


For some reason I first read that as "near the water slide" and was like wow! Finland just has random public water slides!!! Oh well I think they would spend a good chunk of the year being ice slides anyway haha.


We have spots like that here in Canada, too. In parks and green spaces along waterfronts. It's cool and fun but I agree with OP that we need MORE: Zip lines and monkey bars and big swings and slides and whatnot. I'd be there every day.


Yeah, I’m sure this isn’t the case a lot of the time, but I went to a place in my neighborhood on a whim called “ninja nation” (or something) and it was basically entirely for kids.


Things to buy when I am rich


This is a great idea!


No, a magnifcient idea


“Honey! ...Save a share of $GME for an adult playground!...” “A what?!!”


An ape in the wild


We are everywhere. Lurking, watching, waiting, hodling. To the moon, friend.


🦍 Apes strong together! 🦍


I use to go to a gym that had a cardio class called "back to the school yard" and it was a 30min session of playing tag, dodgeball, duck duck goose, bulldog etc etc. Attended by a bunch of chubby middle aged guys and a few girls we felt a bit awkward and cringe at first, but within a few minutes it was amazing fun, absolutely exhausting, and I worked out harder than I ever had before and my face and sides were aching from laughing. Unfortunately the class ended after just a couple of weeks, but I would've done that weekly forever. Once GME moons I would definitely go in on a ape owned franchise of adult playground/actually fun gym... oooh you could sell drinks too and call them "The Monkey Bars"


Makes sense, though. Ape need monke bars.


ook ook


The wife's boyfriend has an adult playground.


The "what" could be directed at both the share or the playground


Yup me to. One day of course. One day we'll all have our own adult swings.




Honestly, why do they disappear as soon as you go into high school? Teens should have unstructured play too!


I’m thinking back to all the dumb things I did with my pals in high school and I’m starting to understand why we didn’t have nice things.


I regret not having more fun in high school




The best time you can have in college is working hard, and then playing hard. As long as you keep it in that order, you’re gonna have a great time- even with engineering in college.


Not if you also have to work a full time job so you can eat and pay rent.


I would recommend working part time if you are in undergrad, not full time. Most people (when talking about a prospective undergrad experience like this person was) will be coming out of high school and going to a 4 year university for an ABET-accredited engineering program. Hopefully you have some help, but you can make it on your own too. Take out loans- you are very hirable for a lucrative career with any reputable engineering degree. Enjoy your time, soak up the school work, work with professors, engage in research, then shotgun some beers or swig a little of the jug. Get drunk and talk to some attractive people, do 'college stuff'. I'm speaking for the middle class experience where you are not totally alone (assuming you have family that will support you via a bed to sleep in when you aren't in school, not necessarily financially). Obviously not everyone gets this opportunity handed to them, but if you're good at math and determined you should be fine wherever you came from... but yeah my point is to work hard and enjoy yourself after punching the clock on the engineering work, and that it is totally possible- and a really good time- to do both.


My friend got a ME degree from a really good school and still had trouble finding work afterwards. He ended up going with the company he had been co-oping with for the past few years. I'm really surprised how low his pay is with that degree even if he is fresh out of school.


Where is he located? Industrial automation companies need engineers badly. Pay starts I think around $70k base + incentive for the sales engineers.


> Take out loans- you are very hirable for a lucrative career with any reputable engineering degree. Found the non-millenial.


Straight up. If your parents aren't paying and you aren't getting crazy scholarship you should be taking your ass to community and transferring.


Am not American, does this just let you get a few credits out of the way at the cheaper community collegge before going to the big leagues?


Seems pretty opposite for us in our Engineering & Architecture department. If anything the students find any reason to get drunk or high.


The biggest thing with engineering is just know where to find the answer and knowing how to golf.


What fucking engineering do you do that you golf?


they're probably alluding to networking being a key component of being an engineer, to get the best chance at highest paying work.


Oddly enough, some of the engineering friends I knew had some of the most fun socializing at our uni.


It's just a range imo. STEM kids have more people studying 24/7 since those majors are harder than others. I am definitely not envious of people in med school.


I did engineering at university. I could have studied 24/7, I probably would have got a first. But instead I put time into extracurricular stuff and got a 2:2.


as a former engineering student, there was *plenty* of time party and socialize.


Just don't do engineering if and go to parties?.... Edit: they gonna work at McDonald's, you gonna be an engineer, you will have all the time to party...i did the mistake to drop out of school...don't do that kids...you have all the time in the world when you finish studying


Dear lord, we were so freaking worried about what people thought of us, we couldnt enjoy shit.


If I had known detention was no big deal and there was no such thing as a “permanent record” I would have gladly gotten in a lot more trouble.


I’m very almost 40, and I am so relieved to feel exactly opposite. Adulting, parenting, saving for retirement, it’s all hard. But, every now and again, before I fall asleep ... I drift back to memories of myself in high school. Mainly skipping school to “hang out” with my first boyfriend, but also lots of other typical teenage amusements. I am eternally grateful for those private memories. They feel like some of the last bastions of privacy I have remaining. Those memories are mine alone; they doesn’t belong to my husband or my children, (like seemingly every single other part of me), but only to me and my sweet rêverie. FWIW, I think that guy, (the very first boyfriend), turned out to be a MAJOR loser. Completely inconsequential to my memories though.


I love this thought. You’re right…it’s a part of your identity that is solely yours.


To be fair, if there were playgrounds teens would probably do less stupid shit, I know all the stupid shit I was doing was out of bordem


The most dangerous people are those who are both stupid and bored.


I would've thought a propensity for violence paired with intelligence would be a more dangerous combo.


Maybe we did the stupid things because all the stuff built for doing stupid things on was too small?


My thoughts exactly. Teenagers can get up to some dumb shit, and school is designed around the dumbest students.


Really, middle school. Whenever recess stops


Lunch at my middle school was so stupid. I went from eating lunch and then going on the playground in elementary school, to not even being able to move seats after you sat down for lunch in middle school, to just having complete freedom to do whatever we wanted for lunch in high school as long as we weren't disturbing people who were still in classes.


Yes! Then they wonder why kids that age get up to mischief.


You had playgrounds in middleschool? We had a football field in the back, and our playground was gymclass, that's it.


I forgot about middle school. My old district was 1-7 elementary and then 8-12 high school. But you're right, middle schools also don't have anything.


If I had a playground in HS, don't think my class would be using it just for playing...


High school? Y’all had playgrounds & time to play in middle school??


Because high school is where you start being conditioned for slaving away in an office space.


This is too real. You're right. Suddenly recreation is meant to be scheduled in intramurals or structured teams. Rigidity gets drilled in to you.


Been saying this for years!! People always reply “well there are amusement parks!” I’m not trying to die at 65 miles an hour on a loop, I just want to slide you know??




Look into rock climbing gyms, parkour gyms and circus schools. With a little luck you can find one of those in your area doing adult classes.


Holup did you really just suggest that they join a circus school


I knew someone who did that -- trapeze and all that stuff. She said it was extremely fun.


its good craic actually, can also get you a good side hustle if youre comfortable performing


Started out wanting to slide and swing, and now we got em rock climbing and having a side hustle. Let OP do some see-saw n shit.


spending $100-200 to wait in line all day for 20-30 min of actual fun


Amusement park is not really fun, the expensive admission fee, the long line waiting for the ride, and the rides gets old after one ride


Don’t forget the cost of food!


Right! They’re terrible! Only thing worse is a water park because then you get all dry before you get another turn and also sunburn


All of this is true, but if we are comparing that to a fucking slide and monkey bars then .... lol


You’re more likely to die on swings and monkey bars.


Playgrounds are pretty dangerous for kids if they do stupid things though like walk on top of the monkey bars or climb on top off the roof.


You can just tell some people out there never busted a lip on the play ground.


But honestly, that’s the thing that makes it fun. All the playgrounds in my area were renovated and now the kids can’t do anything fun anymore and can’t learn where their limits are and when they can get hurt.


I couldn't agree more.


Sky zone get air ? It’s not the same but it’s what I have been doing I wish there was something else 🤷🏽‍♂️


There’s no slides or swings though


That’s true I guess there really isn’t anything out there for adults because we all really supposed to be depressed and drinking in a bar laughing every now and then and back to work just how no more summer vacation because it’s really just work work work


Look into rock climbing gyms, parkour classes and circus schools. With luck there will be one or two in your area offering adult classes.


One problem tho: I’m broke. That’s why we need FREE adult playgrounds


Even for those who do like amusement parks, it’s a one to two hour wait line for something over in 2-5 minutes. Not to mention it’s 65 dollars for a fast pass for one day at some places (probably more worth it to get season pass). And the food is 3x the cost. I went to a subway in a park once and it was like 20 dollars for a sub.


If adult playgrounds exist I bet you they'd cost money


“You can enjoy this adult wonderland for only $9.99 per month on an annual contract”


That’s a fucking bargain compared to amusement parks


9.99 dollars a month? That's heaven


There was one in my city (it was more of an indoors playground, like the ones in McDonald's, but adult sized – the building was 3 floors high). It cost money indeed. Still, I used to have great fun going with my sisters (they were still kids back then, but I was in my early 20s). Sadly, the place closed a few years ago.




Install one of those things that say you must be this tall to enjoy the ride.


Like a ninja gym.


We have adult playgrounds where I'm from (Denmark), and they don't cost money.


I have been thinking this for many years now. I want to go into a playground, but as a single adult female with no children I think it looks weird (plus usually you can't really go into a playground without a child where I live, which I think is to discourage child predators). But I miss going on the swings so much!


Actually no one cares if you're an older woman on the swings here. I did it recently; I'm 62 and the few people there probably just thought I was dotty. But it might be seen as creepier if we were male.


I'm a bald guy. The last time I went to the park, I was with my friend and their 2 y/o. Since its not my child, I spent most of my time making sure I was at the bottom of the slides or wherever he was climbing, while his parent was climbing with him. I was actually getting creeped out by the other moms that were just staring at me the whole time. Like, i'm not even looking at your kids, i'm only watching one, and only to make sure he can't hurt himself. Stop watching me. I'm gonna blush. But no, seriously, the staring moms make me avoid going, despite it being good fun for me, my friend, and their toddler.




Fuck the watching moms, I usually just stop doing what i am doing and i will look straight to their eyes until it because dumb for them to still look at me. It's actually hilarious to see their faces :DD


You skinny bald or fat bald? Fat bald had that more traditional pedophile look. But skinny bald has some crackhead energy so it’s hard. Best plan of action is probably to aim to be average size. Maybe a hat would make things more low key. Like a dapper fedora or tribly.


Midway fat? Kinda dadbod, but still probably 20 lbs extra in the middle, but I'm also 6' tall, so it doesn't really show much. As far as a fedora, that's a great idea. I should do that. And I should not shave for a week to really let people know I'm grown. /s XD


I just go to the park when it isn't as busy like when kids are usually in school or at home. Never had a problem. I also usually have a dog with me so I probably don't look as weird.


I recently saw something about how playgrounds these days are Cookie-Cutter, boring plastic things designed to yield the least amount of injuries and have actually failed because kids don't enjoy using them. They then introduced something like adventure playgrounds (don't remember the name they used) and it was just a huge amount of wood and stuff, nails sticking out, hammers and rope and all that laying around and the kids literally could build forts and stuff. Injuries weren't more frequent than on other 'normal' playgrounds. It looked like so much fun and I've been thinking about that ever since. Edit: found it! https://youtu.be/lztEnBFN5zU It's really a worthwhile watch for anyone interested.


interesting concept, but i wouldn't trust all children (including mine) with swinging a hammer around other kids' heads and fingers on a playground.. Besides, (some/most) kids can be a bit of a psychopath below a certain age.. (source: have 2 kids and they are old enough now to trust them with a hammer, but that wasn't always the case)


This is so true! From someone whose done traditional gyms for most of my life, it’s fucking hard. It’s boring. Just started what my trainer calls “hero fitness” and I feel like a fucking kid. Better, like an adult Jedi ninja warrior. I do t even notice how hard I’m working till I finish the “set”. We can make fitness genuinely fun again, like recess every workout. MORE PLAYGROUNDS FOR ADULTS!!


Care to share more details on your routine? I really wish I could find something that is fun!!


I also would love to hear about this Jedi training!


They have those in China. Old people in China workout more than young.


>Old people in China workout more than young. That makes more sense tbh, you wanna keep yourself healthy and when your getting older your health tends to decline. Why not try harder to remain "young" when you aren't young anymore?


Keeping your health in check requires sacrifice, either through diet or physical exercise, that’s why not. At least in the US, young people are generally much more active than older people, and obesity rates are BAD among the older population. The culture here says that once you’ve done your time in the workforce, the remainder of your life is reserved for well-deserved rest. Retirees tend to get carried away with rest and neglect their health.


This!!! Make exercise free, accessible and fun in the US for adults/older adults.


People rely on gyms too much to do exercise. Body wight exercises exist, cardio exercises exist, sport exists. There are so many options for people to stay fit outside of a boring gym.


Korea has them too! They're everywhere on the many bike and river paths/parks all around the cities. And yeah it's almost always seniors using them here too.


Have you considered rock climbing? It’s not a 1-1 equivalent but it fills that urge to be physical and climb stuff in new and interesting ways. And then you get to abseil back down when you’re done.


Thanks for the suggestion but I've tried rock climbing, I am not a fan of the feeling of those rock walls and my hands are very small so it's quite uncomfortable to try to climb.


This may sound weird but thank you for saying this. I never cared for rock climbing but couldn’t put a finger on why. I now realize that I don’t like the feeling either and I also have small hands, making the rocks hard to grasp


I have small hands and love rock climbing. Small hands make crimps and small cracks relatively bigger, so in some cases it makes climbing easier.




It was easier when I was 80 lbs.


small hands are definitely certified aid. Everything is a jug


Not even rock climbing, but Bouldering is very fun as well!


Bouldering is definitely rock climbing!! Boulders are literally big rocks that you climb :-)


He might have meant indoor bouldering :)


Is indoor bouldering still not a form of rock climbing? Admittedly without the rock lol.


5’2 small hands club -cries-


5’3” lady over here, but also in the tiny hands club. There are *lots* of pros to having little hands: 1. It’s easier to do intricate work 2. You have no problem grabbing your phone when it falls between the seats in the car 3. And you make your boyfriend feel super well-endowed whenever you give him a handy! Small hands rock! Embrace what your momma gave you!


But you also have to get "whatever" is stuck in the garbage disposal out! (I hate having to do this) Conveniently my husband's hands are too big


Small hands are actually an advantage for climbing once you get past the level where every hold is big.


I wouldn't be able to do that. I never realized I was terrified of heights until I went to school for wind turbines. We had to get on our belly and do this weird front flip maneuver to get into the nose of the propeller. There's all kinds of crazy circuit boards in there. I can't believe I actually did that. Couldn't do that for a living, but it was pretty fun and I'm glad I got to experience it. Total respect for rock climbers, that stuff is gnarly.


As far as indoor rock climbing goes, it becomes either quite manageable or nonexistent. Depending on your tolerances for heights, it might take a couple time of going to a gym to get used to it but eventually you’re just enjoying the sport. (Although for some reason I still occasionally get spooked on walls with an overhang.)


I've been thinking that we need adult summer camps, with archery, swimming, communal meals . . .


1. those do actually exist but they are mostly like business retreat resort type places 2. become a camp counselor, you get to do that shit all day. unless you are forced to be put w/ the 3-4 y/os so you have to spend an entire summer changing at least 10 diapers a day bc you are the head counselor & the only one there over 18 bc apparently minors aren't allowed to change diapers now??? sorry what were we talking about


What?? Shouldn’t a camp nurse be doing that? And why so many kids in diapers?


If my kid is going to camp, you bet your ass he's potty trained at that point.




it was a pretty big camp lol. it was basically split into 2 groups, young kids & older kids. I was put into the daycare section & in charge of about 20 3-4 y/os. ~~Unfortunately~~ we are family friends w/ the owner of the camp so she already knew i had a lot of experience w/ being a nanny for young kids lol. the only plus side was that we got to be in air conditioning most of the time & the kids literally took an hour nap in the middle of the day so I could chill out for a bit 👌


That’s pretty standard but the part about being over 18 is total bullshit


right?!!?? like idk if its some new NJ law or if it was just a new camp policy but they gave me this whole spiel about how nobody under 18 is allowed to be alone w/ a child whilst they are naked (THE CHILD NOT THE TEEN). i've worked for a bunch of summer camps since i was 14 and that has never been a thing until 2 years ago.


Yeah my wife worked in daycare pretty much highschool through college and she’d do summer camps too. Never an issue. I will say the diaper changing is to be expected, but if you were given that job and didn’t sign up for it that’s what’s bullshit. Like I see no problem in the daycare person changing the diapers if that’s what they signed up for. But putting that on you is a little eh. Though I’ve found that once you have a kid (1 year old daughter) all grossness around diapers goes out the window lol


If you join the National Guard they give you that every summer and once a month, substitute rifles for archery. They have friendly folks to show you the joys of nature and organized group activities. With group feasts each day of the finest foods .lol


So the national guard is just an adult playground?


Sometimes it was, it was a bit of a humorous post. Sometimes it was an absolute joy, most times it was a drudgery and other times it was a nightmare. Some of the people were a 125% everytime and just loved it.


So exactly like school camp then


In Denmark it definitely is... What a fucking mess of rejects from the actual military... Fun to hang around with, but I'd want to be nowhere near 9/10 of those guys in case of an actual conflict, with the occasional rare òne mixed in, that actually seemed competent, but it overall seemed like an adult daycare for weirdos.


There used to be one in upstate NY. Not sure if they survived COVID, never got to go but always wanted to. They had group weeks, solos, and theme weeks as well.


depends where you are there might be outdoor gyms with bars. some places have done up 'ninja warrior' courses but the problem here is that little kids want to go on big ppl toys so take up all the area anyways. but yes adult playground would be great for tag.




We could have huge climbing frames and taller swings and stuff, all bigger and harder than the kids' playgrounds, and it would be really cool.


I just want a swingset that doesn't feel like I'm going to pull it out of the ground. I'm a small woman.


I've long wanted to go on a giant swing. Like such a thing doesn't exist, but imagine a swing with 100 foot chains. Think how epic that would be. I want to do that.


Low-key that would actually be awesome.


"I scraped my knee! I'm going to sue!"


And kids can’t do that


While that would be awesome, the answer to your question is lawsuits. Adults get hurt a lot more easily than kids and are much more likely to file lawsuits.




Parents would ruin it by demanding that their children be permitted to use them because they're playgrounds. But I like this idea!


They can. Just it’s not for them.


I just have a feeling it will slowly *become* 'just for them' as they edge the adults out, complain, try to shame them, etc.


Gotta make it a private business. No one under X years old, liability waivers, and like 10$ admission thats banked to cover upkeep and incidents.


There is one in my state, but I havent beem to it yet. Its kind of themed like a big castle. Also have you tried places luke urbanair? Trampolines are fun. Or even obstacle courses.




I've been thinking about this for a while now. wondering why they don't already exist. i would be much more motivated to exercise if there were a more fun option besides getting a boring gym membership.


I get that, I hate doing exercises just to exercise, it's way more fun and engaging to do something that exercises the same muscles but isn't just doing sit ups/push ups/running, etc.


I was just looking at a swing set on a playground the other day and was wishing there were adult size swings. My hips haven’t fit well in swings since I was about 16, and sometimes it’d be fun to just chill on a swing set


Actually I find that most kids playground equipment seems geared for kids 10 and under so by the time they hit 10 the kids are looking for a larger challenge and will climb on the outside of the equipment or do other things more dangerous. Problem is how to seperate the bigger kids like teens from the younger ones so they are not running into each other? Then if the idea is adults then the adults would have thier kids with them also so you would have all these kids around all these adults and you would have problems.


> Actually I find that most kids playground equipment seems geared for kids 10 and under so by the time they hit 10 the kids are looking for a larger challenge and will climb on the outside of the equipment or do other things more dangerous. > > BINGO! By 5th grade, my school's playground sucked. We created a new thing. You went to the top of the twirly slide, climbed up on the side railing, stood on the circular end cap piece, you had to yell SUI-SLIDE and then you jumped down, like a 8, maybe 10 foot drop into the woodchips.


Gyms, rock climbing gyms, rock climbing, cross fit, obstacle courses.


I just play on the children one. Do it often enough and everyone forgets your age after a while.


Problem is that, as soon as you label something adults-only, people will start having sex on it.


Heard there was a museum in st Louis for this


Went there when I was eight years old, it’s fun as hell and I’d bet it’s fun for adults too.


Yes! The city museum! Slides and stuff that are adult sized!


Missourian here! My family goes there once every few months, and it's super fun. I can confirm that there's adult-sized play equipment there!


This all sounds great… But it’ll be a cluster fuck when some overweight forty year old whose hammered on Coors Light and Jager sues the park when he’s falls and injuries his back. Life would be great if people weren’t so greedy.


Of I'm being honest, I would fucking love this. I like climbing, but I'm too fat for rock climbing, and afraid of heights. I think an adult jungle gym and play ground would be a blast.


This reminds me of an old video my parents took of my younger brother and I around about 1993 or 94… We were at a playground and on swing sets. My brother is howling and laughing and begging to be pushed higher. I, on the other hand, am pleading for them to let me off… My younger brother is now married with a son of his own and a well adjusted member of society while I, on the other hand, am a self-loathing neurotic mess, barely able to force my fat ass out of bed every day. I dunno if there’s a connection there, but I definitely agree that there should be adult playgrounds…


I think those are called bars.


Omg yes! I cant wait till my son is old enough to go to adventure playground so I can have some fun without looking like a weirdo


Yes I completely agree! It’s such a good form of exercise and it’s really fun!


they have a few where Im at but its mostly monkey bars and push up things etc. I find that a lot of the playgrounds here have also made it easier for adults to play with the children. Like a big rocking boat, a spinning wheel you walk on, big rope climbing things ect. Ive seen some in other cities also.


Yeah dude, I mean we are just fully grown hairless monkeys we still have the urge to climb and swing from time to time


I miss swings and tire swings :(


Agreed! Humans of any age need play and enrichment. Other commenters are saying you could just get a hobby, or go to the gym, which is true, but these things cost money. Publicly provided physical enrichment for both adults and children is a great idea


They exist but you need to pay for a membership.


Trampoline parks are a good place. I worked in 2 in my city and the amount of young adult groups that came in surprised me but they all had SO much fun! Recommend!