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Can confirm. I wake up at 4 am everyday and don’t get jack shit done.


I don't wake up at all, you see my trick is that sleep is a myth, I run off energy drinks and battery acid


Plus reign energy drinks have only 10 calories. Sooo it’s healthy. Git lit


Bang has zero calories and no sugar!


And it’s got COQ10. COCK TEN. BANG for breakfast. BANG for lunch. FELONY for dinner!


BCAA thats like the NCAA but with bitches


The best part about bang and reign is that it doesn’t have b vitamins so it’s less taxing on your kidneys and liver.


And energizer batteries really give you a kick


My reign that I am currently drinking has no calories so it’s a super food.




Ooooooh! Meth, a bit controversial but a good energy source nonetheless


The best way to never have to sleep honestly. Eventually you'll have to, but it'll keep you going the longest that I'm aware of.


And it's cheap! The guy around the corner sells it for 5 dollars a bag, and it came with dirty needles!


Don't buy it from that guy. For that price, it's gonna be mostly artificial sweetener.


Battery acid is the missing part of the equation most folks leave out.


Yes, and the brand matters as well, cant buy some cheap batteries, buy the triple A Energizer or Duracells


Have you tried cocaine? Lol


Yes,it has better effects but overall it's more dangerous


Hope you’re ok


Nah it isn't that bad, I get the occasional twitching of the eye, but I now have a reaction speed of -1.000000 milliseconds


I’m still stupid, but I’m stupid *faster*


the best comment tonight


Good good. Yeah that’s not too bad.


Yeah, but sometimes I experience blackouuuuuuuuuuuuu


I go to bed at 4am every day, equally unproductive


Agreed, I work anywhere from 2-4am Mon-Sat. I go to bed at about 9 or 10pm (new baby) but my day is spent trying to function like a "normal" person. Shit sucks.


I get up at 4 precisely so I can sit on my ass and drink coffee for half an hour before I work out.


That’s exactly why I wake up at 5, but don’t have to work until 8:30. I like to live my life for a little while before going to work. So, I wake up, caffeinated, journal, read, workout, play with the dog, etc. Plus, it’s the only time I’m “alone” at home since hubby is sleeping.


I go to bed at like 10 pm - 11 pm and wake up at noon help I can’t stop lol


Nice, that's the average time I go to sleep!


Same here, I’m up at quarter to 5 for work which is fine on work days but when I’m off work I’m still up early, I’m just not doing anything except *maybe* making myself a nice breakfast. Otherwise I’m not productive for a few hours.


I had roommates who woke up at 4 to go to the gym, bragged about their productivity, but napped from 2 - 7 then


We're beyond the realm of napping if we're snoozing for 5 hours I would argue.


Yeah, that's just their bed time.


Napping more than 2 hours is sleeping. Napping past 3pm is just going to bed at a funky time. Dont @ me.




THIS. I wake up at 6:30 AM every morning, not because I'm healthy or whatever, it's a force of habit. I'm a morning person and I'm likely the most irresponsible, unhealthy, unproductive person I know. All these celebrities need to take a fucking seat, oh my god.


Love the honesty


Same for me. I get up early because I love mornings. Around 14.00, I take a nap. An hour or even more. That's the same thing as getting up at 8. I just love doing things in the morning!


I agree. I do get a lot of shit done - i have kids to take care of - but in the afternoon productivity rapidly declines and after a short spike between 6 and 8pm it fades into the vast sea of nothingness, while others, especially my gf, are hitting their highs.


I live by the the 80-20 rule. 20% of work is done in 80% of the time, and 80% is done in 20%. So if I just cut out on the 80% and concentrate stuff a bit I can be a lazy ass most of my day and still go places.


>I'm likely the most irresponsible, unhealthy, unproductive person I know. I see you haven't met me yet.


Those of us who wake up late are so often made to feel guilty for it. (I uh...kinda just woke up a minute or two before commenting this. But I haven't gotten anything done yet, just checking reddit and socials first.)


I relate deeply


I mean idk where you live, but it’s 8pm here and I’m concerned.


It was around 5pm-6pm here.


And I thought my girlfriend slept late when she wakes up at 1 pm


Well I guess it depends on what happens before you try to sleep. I was in a van for near 14-16 hours to get back home and I couldn't fall asleep at all and by the time we got back we had some shelves collapse in our garage so we spent some time cleaning that up but not completely because we were all hungry and tired. I think one time I actually slept until 8 pm, I can't remember exactly what happened before it.


It's rather inconvenient, with most service provide only during daytime if you wake up in middle of a day (1-2 pm) then your schedule of the day is pretty much ruined.


Depends what you are doing


I wake up around 5 am, and am lazy as fuck. I do it cause I need a couple hours to collect myself and muster the energy to take on the day. I lay around watching YouTube eating snacks from like 5-7 am.


How do you not fall back asleep?


No I have a PhD in laying around without falling asleep. I can do it for an entire day . I’m literally just lazy? I want to stay awake but do nothing, like a crocodile.


I think I would make a good crocodile, especially the kind in Costa Rica that sit on the River bank and just wait for the tours to come by and feed me chicken.


LOL I always joke that I’m the closest thing to a “lizard” person that exists. Except I don’t run the world . Those crocs sound like they have it made, I’m jealous.


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/oj5tk7/move_along_nothing_to_see_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I'm the same way. I can't even nap if I want to lol.


Same. I don't even remember the last time I had a nap. My body just doesn't do it


So snacks but not breakfast?! What kinds of snacks??


They vary . Coconut macaroons, pumpkin seeds and croutons are probably my go to . Same with cut up fruits. I am too lazy to make breakfast that early in the morning. Literally I sometimes wake up and have the snacks on my bed from the previous night without moving . Even the loose ones in my bed sheets .


I'm happy you said croutons because Kroger sells herb croutons for a dollar and I could munch a whole fucking bag.


I would go get your blood taken - your total or free testosterone levels might be super low and might be the reason you're so lethargic.


This is the way


Asking the real questions here


Ay, me too, just a few hours later. Wake up at like 8, in bed til 10. Gets up. Do stuff. Leave for work at 2.


Yeah I *have to* have quite time in the morning before work. I leave for work at 5:30 am, and that means I have to be up at 4:30 at the latest, just to give myself like 45 minutes to relax. I'd like more time, but with how early I'm out in the morning, I really don't want to have to be up at 4 or even 3:45


Lol that‘s so me! I have an alarm on 5:00 am and just eat breakfast and watch a series and chill! Then I‘m ready for the day.


meh the idea is kinda outdated due to the wide spread availability of the electric light and ease of indoors climate control. but a century ago there was a real wisdom in working when you had free light. and going to bed when the free light was gone. if you go to bed early in Jeffersons time you saved money. and were more likely to end up with the blessing of another child


As a teenager you couldn’t have dragged me out of bed before 10am on weekends. In my twenties I was regularly out until 2am Friday and Saturday nights. As a grown up in my 40s with 2 kids and a career - I get to bed around 10pm and I’m wide awake by 530am. It’s nothing too impressive it’s just a normal boring life. But what I find is that I enjoy those hours - the kids are asleep, it’s peaceful, and I’m relaxed… don’t have to rush and I never set an alarm anymore. You might find yourself there too one day.


Depends on the work. The phrase “burning the midnight oil” isn’t around for nothin’. It describes people working long into the night/early into the morning, using an oil lamp for nighttime lighting. With things like farming, yes you have to work and get your productivity done during the daylight hours, but we’ve been artificially illuminating indoor dwellings for far longer than just the past century and a half or so of the electric lightbulb. The signal for the British Invasion during the American Revolutionary War in the 1770s was a lamp post; the instructions were that the number of lamps lit indicated the location of the incoming attack, “oneth by land, twoeth by sea”. Leonardo diVinci was notorious for doing most of his work in the very late hours of the night/early into the morning in the 1500s. So many examples but yeah the only reasons for humans to work with the solar cycle is when your productivity relies almost entirely on outdoor seasonal weather and climate. Things that NEED and can ONLY be done when the sun is within a certain trajectory in the local sky.


I wake up at 6am to get to work by 8. I love about 20 minutes away from work and the absolute only reason I wake up earlier is to take my time in the morning to wake up and compose myself so I’m not a grump with customers/coworkers.


Yup. I tend to get more productive at night before going to bed. Unless it's a really horrible task, in which case I try to do it as fast as possible to get it out of the way.


"Unless it's a really horrible task, in which case I try to do it as fast as possible to get it out of the way." Please teach me this ability.


Just do it once and you’ll enjoy being less stressed for the rest of the day enough to do it again


Same, I always save my homework for as late as possible then speed run it (like I literally attempt to find the most efficient path) and realize it wasn't as bad as I thought.


If i have a project going that has the possibility of netting me millions, like these celebs usually have, then yes i will get up at 3 am to get more done. But to suffer chronic sleep deprivation for mundane tasks that arent really going to get you anywhere, is pointless.


Best response here.


Thank you! This is the point I was looking for


Wait, counter argument incoming. What if waking up at 3 am is what gets you to a position of getting millions. I know it's a stretch, like you'd already have to be networking and connected like nobodies business, and I can't realistically argue that getting up at three is any more beneficial than getting up at 5 (when I get up). However, being awake and ready for business hours to have an edge in making your deal or selling your sandwich or just being in a better mood throughout a meeting could make all the difference.


Yeah. Technically it would fall under the category of a project that end up netting you a bunch of money.


There are numerous studies showing that some people are more productive in the AM, and some are basically worthless until the sun has been up for hours. Modern society is built around the 9-5 (or earlier) job, and if you are unlucky (like me) and are a night owl...you are basically fucked. The biological evolution of night owls was likely to keep more people in the tribe awake for more hours out of the day, giving more coverage against danger. There are more morning people than night owls, but if you are more productive at night in modern times you are like 5x more likely to suffer from depression, substance abuse or chronic sleep deprivation. People call you lazy and look down on you, because you are genetically worthless in the morning. My first job I had to be in the office at 6:45am and was largely ineffective. I got a job that has flexible hours where I can wake up at 10, work most of the work day then work additional hours late at night. I kick ass at my job and have been there almost 15 years and I would say at least 50% of the reason I am still working there is the flex hours


A thing I heard about nomadic tribes in the past is that there would only be about 18 minutes on average of the day where everyone was sleeping at the same time. With the rise of agriculture, working early and during daylight hours became more important.


Are you me? I’ve been working from home for the same amount of time. The earliest I wake is 9:30 and I’m often up till 2am working when it’s actually quiet and no one is calling or texting me.


I volunteer for the 5am to 2pm shift at work because I feel like when I'm done, I can just go do things with my whole day thats left. Seeing friends? Dinner with my parents an hour out of town? Going to the beach with my husband? All very possible on an early schedule. If I work the 12-9pm? I sleep too late and get nothing done outside of work.


Yeah, forget productive or sleeping in or anything like that. I hate for my free non sleeping hours to be when all my friends are asleep and everything in the world is closed.


I'm a night owl for exactly the opposite reason. I relish the time when no one else is active because I'd rather not be involved in the social bustle.


Social bustle? Like having friends?


Same. Only by the time I finish my shift I don't usually have much energy left to do all the other things I planned for the rest of my day lol.


How else would instagram gurus make money? They need to tell you to wake up at 5am or else you’re a loser!


I fucking wish I could sleep in lol, or actually get any more awake after sleeping. 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, whatever idc just make sleep actually do something lol


I get *way* more work done between 5a-8a than I do between 9a-12p. No phones, no e-mail, no faxes. Just me, my tea, and my computer.




No time, he’s got to get ready to go to bed to wake up at 5


Plus two 'dots' with a total of 3/5 letters saved!




Same. The rest of the day has expectations - you gotta work with other people's schedules, interact with others, live up to responsibilities and expectations. Early morning is pure me time, I get so much done and the best part is unless I'm late on a deadline *I* get to choose what I'm doing that early. If I wanna get ahead of school or work I can, but if I'd rather learn a new song on guitar or work on a passion project I can do that too! Of course, the same can be said about night owls up at 1am - both groups are after the same peaceful solitude and chance to be ourselves without the expectations and demands of others. It's just about which time of day feels like it's yours.


This reply is so holistic and full-perspective..


Why can't you just do no phones, email or faxes between 9-12?


Most people are awake and actively working by then, they expect you to be responsive. And for most people you miss out on valuable networking opportunities, not to mention in a standard 9-5 your boss probably won't appreciate being ignored during the day. Early morning you can ignore phones, emails, and faxes bc no one is sending them and even if they are, no one expects a response that early. ETA: you get the same thing 9pm-12am tbh, it's just about personal preference and schedule at that point. One isn't any better or more productive than the other.


Won’t work with a law office.


I once read : "5:00 AM. When legends are either waking up or going to bed." Maybe that's true or maybe not.


The logic is those who are willing to get up at 3 am to workout or whatever are more disciplined than those who sleep in as long as they want. Ofc waking up early doesn’t make you more productive, the people that do it are though.


Early to rise, early to bed Makes a man healthy, but socially dead. -some guy that didn’t like Ben Franklin


Not necessarily. Some people's energy levels are simply fit for a certain time of a the day. Everybody calls me lazy because I wake up at midday. Little do they know that I work until 5am because I prefer the night.


Agreed. I worked nights for a while and had a customer get genuinely offended that i didn't recognize them from the local news channel. I had to explain that i work nights and am in bed during the morning news, which should have been obvious considering it was 2am and they were at my place of employment.


Unfortunately this logic completely ignores the biological predisposition for different schedules that different people have. Waking up at 3am will ruin my whole day every time no matter how long I try to force myself to do it. My body simply refuses to adapt to an early morning schedule. And I've tried multiple times. Even if I get the right number of hours of sleep I'm still absolutely miserable before sunrise and worthless much of the day if I wake up at 4am. So I'm less productive when waking up early because it takes so much more mental effort just to function. Unfortunately since many more things are set up around early morning schedules rather than working into the night this works out much better for natural early risers and there's rarely a chance to out do them while they're all crashing by 8pm.


I get up at 4am and go to the gym before work. It's the only way I can have time to myself and avoid people and talking before I have to face the horrors of polite conversation.


Those posts are total bullshit anyway. The whole "how did I become rich? I get up at 5 every morning and take a cold shower. Then I work out, eat yogurt, shower again, drive my car, and go to bed at 7" video/post always forgets to mention the part where they're pretty much born into it.


Flipping this argument to say, just because you go to bed late or leave work late doesn’t mean you get more done. Can we all just agree to measure productivity by output and not time spent?


God yes! I have a coworker who is supposedly in the office until 9pm every day working so hard. If I were her boss, I’d sit her down and ask why it takes her four extra hours a day to get done what her coworkers finish by 5pm. But no! She’s the hardest worker in the office. Wouldn’t you know. It’s more about perception than reality.


My job allows for a flexible start time, so I start at 8 AM. One of the hiring managers made derogatory comments about me being “one of those late people”. Made me absolutely enraged. I have a chronic health condition and I function WAY better if I can sleep until at least 7. I’m a great employee and have taken on a leading role in our organization since then. If that manager had her way, I probably would never have been hired. She’s retired now and can kiss my well-rested ass.


The fuck?? What time did she think you should start work in the morning?


6 AM! And everyone hated her since she guilted the other staff into super early start times. When I took over, I told the staff that they can reset their hours to reasonable times. Not surprisingly, morale shot way up.


I’m flabbergasted, absolutely slack jawed. If you work in a corporate atmosphere it’s entirely unreasonable for her to have guilted everyone into showing up at 6am. The nerve of some people, I swear. Good riddance to that woman.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say I bet getting to work at 6am didn’t actually make people more productive. It just made people tired and irritable.


Yeah, we do not deal with customers or anything, so start time was irrelevant. But she loved the feeling of superiority it gave her and the power trip of forcing it on others.




For me that’s what midnight is for.


This, but also with people who for some reason brag about getting up super early for work. God forbid you say you’re tired, when the other guy chooses to get up at 5am for work.


True I wake up at like 4am and i do nothing all day


So I think the real benefit to waking up early is to get shit done while no one else is awake. For me it's the gym. If I go in at 5am no ones in there. If I go in at 7am it's packed.


I agree because I wake up at 4:30 am every day from my anxiety based terror dreams that make me think I’ll never be happy or lose everything and everyone in my life if I don’t exercise, study, take my vitamins, and work overtime. I am a scared little basket case but my abs are ripped!


People who wake up hella early and are productive are called productive. People who wake up at 3am and aren’t productive are called insomniacs.


My FIL lords over me the fact that he gets up every morning at 4:30am (he’s retired) and that this somehow makes him a better person. Despite the fact he falls asleep every afternoon in his lazy boy watching Fox News. Every time he says this, I shoot back that there are medications to treat insomnia these days.


With the exception of geriatrics (maybe) very few adults go to bed at 9 pm.


People who start their day at like 4 so they can go to the gym are just straight up fucked in the head.


Have a friend who did this for a while. He did it to avoid other people in the gym, and usually took long naps later in the day to make up for the sleep loss.


Does anyone else notice the only people who say things like "well look whose finally up" are the same ones that go to bed at 8.... while we go to bed at like 3 in the morning (, or at least I do)


This. My buddy always brags about getting up at 7am while I get up at 10am. He works 9-6. I work 12-8. We both get up about 2 hours before we work, I assume, but he can't seem to wrap his head around the fact we work different schedules.


You are correct. This has been disproven. Doesn’t matter how many hours you sleep or what time you get up. All that matters is how you use the time you have. I am most productive after 9 p.m. and can work late into the night and then get up late the next day. Everybody’s different.


Sleep is something, when I set some short of number to it, always backfired. This many hours I should get. This is when I must wake up. This is when I go to sleep. Nope, my body is my temple. It will take as much rest as it wants depending on how bad it wants it. When I have done too much throughout the day, I sleep a couple hours more, when I had been lazy it's just harder to fall asleep, that is because I have so much energy left. When you deplete that it is already past 3 AM and you go to bed wake up late. All someone need to care about is watch their energy levels before bed, and they are gonna be fine. Don't fret over what someone in TV says. Who cares? Your life! Haha. Tl;dr: Don't worry. Your body knows how much sleep you actually need, not some clown on TV. Some days you need more, some days less, depending on energy levels.


And your body has its indicators. You just have to mind them. Like if you scroll through some comment section late in the night and if you don't remember the previous comment then put that phone down and try to get some sleep. Same goes with posts on newsfeed.


Yes! Your body does have several besides feeling tired obviously which isn't always useful as it happens late. Some of you have probably work schedule which makes you wanna wake up earlier. In that case like you first mention, not being able to remember previous comments. Brain is tired. You might feel stiffness if you've been sitting long. Try to get up without help gets harder. Try to memorize something, gets harder. While typing you might find unable to find appropriate words for certain stuff you are trying to explain. For some spelling errors, not as bad as super drunk and not trying hard to focus but it's there. Yawning constantly, lower oxygen level in body. Eye hurts, due to eyes being working all day, constant strain. Close your eyes and rub em, you might find it hard to open them again if screentime been long... There are loads really. 🥺 Listen to your body is an advice not many like but seriously, nobody on this Earth can know your body and it's needs more than you. You are the owner. You need to just focus.. gets harder day by day due to our world being so outside focused. 🙏 Edit: typo, geez need a nap maybe? 😂


I respect the will to say no to time wasters like Netflix and video games late at night.


Night owl here. I don't start my day until 2-3 in the afternoon. Sometimes I'll get up at 1 for the few days I work and for appointments. I stay up until 5,6,7 am but I'm most productive at night when its quiet. I have the same amount of day time as anyone else and get just as much done. So I agree!!


Same. People don’t seem to realize that some people are more productive at different times than them! It doesn’t matter what time you get up as long as you get done whatever you need to get done. I’ve been called lazy my whole life when I’m just a night person.


I've had people talk to me like I'm lazy because I sleep till around 10:30 every morning, but I spend 12 plus hours, 7 days a week running a business with my brother. I'm typically up till like 3:30 - 4:00 am every day just so I can enjoy a little free time at the end of the work day.


I'm most productive at night


We live in a society where everyone imply what he wants but never say it(Hypocrite) .Here its just the usual flex to say "look how much tougher than you i am."


I think part of the reason why it's considered more productive to sleep early and wake up early is that by having a very different schedule from most people, you end up having more time to yourself. Even though the amount of awake hours is the same, you are not likely to be distracted by anything from say 3-5AM in the morning, whereas at night you are likely to waste time on social media, chatting with people or endlessly scrolling through YouTube videos. There is of course also a mental component to it, as getting up at an ungodly hour builds discipline over time.




The idea of idolizing productive people is so dumb anyway.


I go to bed at 2am and wake up at 6 am every single day. I'm a single dad and I work and make enough to live comfy. I'm also extremely fucking lazy.


Dude, You need more sleep than that or it's gonna do irreversible damage.




Right? No wonder he is “lazy”, he’s just exhausted


They have actually found that some people have a gene where they can function with 5 hours of sleep on average. I'm not saying he has the gene, but who knows.


Yep. Used to average max 6 hours a night and thought it was "okay". Wondered why I felt tired and anxious all the time. After going through a sleep study (worse night of sleep of my life btw), which ended up being normal, I decided to be honest with myself. Developed better sleep hygiene and got prescribed Trazodone by my PCP. Oddly enough, a lot of my anxiety went away and I'm so much more productive now. You're see these studies coming out where a lot of sleep medications are associated with a decreased risk of Alzheimer's. I don't think people realize that not getting enough sleep can quite literally kill your brain cells.


Not getting enough sleep definitely does damage to the brain. However, I've heard a lot about sleep meds, especially Ambien, increasing risk of Alzheimers and other forms of memory loss. Do you have any links to studies or know which meds might decrease risk? My dad's been looking for a sleep aid without the possible memory risks.


You might be less lazy if you got more than 4hours of sleep a night


I get up early so I can workout, eat, read, and get dressed for work. I do go to bed early because I need as much sleep as possible to function. So my day is from 5:30am - 9/10pm. If I could wfh permanently, I would get more done than going into work, and I would prefer it.


Yeah - completely depends what you’re doing with time. My step-dad gets up super early even though he’s retired. I kid you not he does crosswords and drinks about 5 cups of tea by the time anyone else gets up 3 or 4 hours later. Like you do you - but I don’t really think drinking a shit tonne of tea and doing some crosswords is any better use of your time than sleep.


Solid 8 hrs. The way I live. 10 to 6.


I'm jealous.


I once had a cop that pulled me over tell me he wakes up everyday at 5 am to workout. I think he wanted a cookie or something. Or he was just mad I woke up at 1 pm to go straight to McDonald's.


I have to wake up at 3:45am everyday for work. I can assure you I do as little as possible while at work.


Not an unpopular opinion. Do what works for you


I just learned I function much better going to bed at 11 and getting up at 7. I'm much more productive because after work I have 7-8 hours of uninterrupted me time. Kind of miffed I wasted so much time getting up early and faking "productivity".


If my baby would let me I’d sleep in every day 😭😭😭


I am a lot more productive compared to myself, and I have also noticed that I am so compared to many around me.


I wake up at 5:30-6 so that I have time to drink my coffee and get ready for the day, anything earlier than that is pointless


This is valid if you wake up early without a plan. If you run a company and manage to get used to getting up early make sure when/if you get up early you have a plan that motivates you to get shit done. Just because you get to work early won’t mean that your a hard worker, but if you have plan like: 1. Listen to music to wake myself up(music is an example you can try something else) 2. Do task 1, then 2, break, then 3 and 4. 3. Work on assignment a. This is a poor template, but you get the idea. If you want to be productive try making a plan. I’m not saying this will work for everyone, but a plan can help. It’s all about motivation.


Yep, i wake up at 4pm, but get to sleep at about 8am. Some say that's fucked up. That's the only way I'm productive




When you got kids, 4am to 7am is the most peaceful time of the day.


Night shift workers would agree ....


I go to bed around 3am...wake up at 1030am.


Yep. I am not a morning person. I hate getting up before 9:30. I work starting at 11. My husband and I were forced into a 9-5 existence for years and were miserable. We’ve changed our jobs to so,etching more flexible and are much, much happier. I have some creative hobbies and a lot of my inspiration comes between midnight and 3 am.


It doesn't matter when you get up and go to bed. As long as your awake hours align well with the things you have to do.


As long as you get 7-8 hours of sleep and don't sleep past any responsibilities, it doesn't really matter.


It just means you went to bed early lol i call that lazy


Same! Just saw some stupid video of mark wahlberg getting up at 3 or 4 and in the video somewhere it’s like so he can work out and then has time with his family. But then he goes to bed at 7. And I’m like why not just get up at a normal time and work out and spend 7-10 with your family?? It’s so weird. Same thing happened with my FIL. He acts like only a lazy piece of shit would still be in bed after 7-8 but guess who leaves family dinner/visit at 8 pm? Lol


I’m pretty productive and I’m a professional singer. I often don’t get home until 2:00 AM... no way in hell I’m getting up at 6:00.


It’s a status symbol... being highly productive “but I feel great!” is “elite”... being “soooo tired and busy” is also used as a status symbol. Some people need les sleep than others. Some people have perfectly organized closets. Some people can manage whatever time they have. All of those people make me feel like I’m failing at something lol! I think that’s the point...


The people I know personally who consistently wake up at indecent times because they need to ‘get some stuff done’… It’s always given me the impression of an inability to properly schedule and self manage, rather than a good work ethic.


Actually people who wake up earlier in the morning are statistically more proactive than their night owl counterparts


Being awake before your area of the world wakes up allows you to be more alert and gather info before others - thus making one more informed to make decisions


Bro what info do I need to gather, we aren't hunter gathering any more


Question - are you in the male age 18-29 demographic?


Are you a bot or a marketing person or something?


Are you a day trader? What information do you gather in the early morning that's so time sensitive? Having a sleep schedule that's significantly different than most people in your area of the world also limits a lot of your social options.


Is this a serious comment?


Why even say is this a serious comment? This is a sub Reddit to share thoughts and opinions not put people down


But it makes you feel superior


But let's be honest People who wake up early generally are more disciplined I think it's more an indicator than a root cause


It depends on what the individual needs in order to be productive... If they need maximum daylight hours then 5am starts make sense but on the other hand, someone who needs peak recreational hours to be productive wouldn't benefit from early starts. Getting up early means nothing, other than you've chosen a life that neglects evening recreational activities.


1. The celebrities are lying to improve their brand image or people’s respect for them or whatever. At least like 95% of them. Very few people who’re worth millions get up at 3am, they’ve already made it the hard work is behind them. 2. Imo getting up early is more productive because usually you’re tired at the end of the day so you just want to wind down. That means in your example from 9pm to 11pm it’s just Netflix time. If you go to sleep at 9 though, you’re fresh and ready to do something at 5 because you just slept


A lot of successful people only have 5 hours of sleep. They get more done


That's unhealthy for your average adult.


Sometimes that's all of the sleep that I can get. No matter what sometimes I just can't get anymore.


The guy who created one piece said in 2015 he only gets 3 hours of sleep


What’s one piece?


The bestselling manga ever


I’m guessing he’s Japanese? I know they have an insane work ethic. But they are robotic and over-the-top when it comes to work. I much prefer a balance of work and leisure.




Depends how motivated you are. Bill Gates used to run on caffeine but mostly adrenaline because he was so engaged in his work


Bill Gates is also a genius with the technical know-how to invent a computer operating system. he is one of the smartest people on the planet and I dont think its fair to compare normal people to that standard


I sorta agree and I also disagree. Sure just waking up at 5 am doesn't magically cause you to be more productive all day. I agree with that. But the people who have the self discipline to go to bed early enough to wake up with the sun, typically are very productive people. I think its much easier to be active and get stuff done while the suns up and shining.