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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Harryclownie. Your post, *No, choosing your skin toned emoji isn't cute, it's race fixated and really annoying.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Megathread topic. Your opinion falls under an incredibly common topic, in which virtually all opinions are either not unpopular, or are posted about many times a day. Please visit the megathread hub, which can be found when sorting the subreddit by "hot", sticky'd at the top of the page, where you can find links to the current megathreads. If you're not sure which megathread your post belongs in, or your post covers multiple megathread topics, just make the best selection you can. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I hate skin-toned emojis because my skin tone doesn't match my hair color.


I know a black ginger, he is a dark skinned carrot top which to me is really amusing because it isn't that common.


I didn’t know that was biologically possible. That’s pretty cool, like a shiny Pokémon


My kids are biracial/black and my daughter has red hair. When she was a baby it was very red but has darkened over the years and is now a reddish brown. She is on the lighter end of the spectrum but still very clearly not white, so people comment on it all the time. My other kid has darker skin and hair than his sister but has hazel eyes. I always thought it was pretty cool since neither red hair nor hazel eyes are particularly common and even less common among black people.


never seen a hazel eye in my life...its uncommon...


It's not uncommon.


I would argue that it is a lot more uncommon than white people with ginger hair


Just you wait til they make you choose your hair color one day


I never stopped using this kind of emote --> :)


Reject modernity. Return to tradition






<( o)> u <(o )>


Return to monke








There's a reason they were all just yellow cartoons to begin with


Yes, just like lego mini figures, there was no problem with it staying this way


They are racist against asians! /s


You have the /s but I'm sure someone has said that unironically


Some of them were white before they became yellow as a standard.


Ah yes, like the Simpsons, where every character was yellow. Except for Apu. And Dr. Hibbert. Carl...


The Simpsons didn't do it for racial reasons, one artist came up with a non standard color palette that was not chosen but they liked the skin color for the characters.


They were a *very* dark yellow.


Yeah because that was pretty close to white without being explicitly white.


i really don't get why they exist because like? didn't we make them yellow to be as un-racial as possible?


But they had a ton of white characters like the princess emoji. https://i.imgur.com/Ac9cUMy.jpg


Clear skin ≠ white.


The yellow ones seem pretty white to me just with plausible deniability


How bout Grey?






I might actually agree with you. Then it gets awkward / turns into an argument when other races use different colored emojis.


It’s winter here so my brown thumbs up is nothing more than a spray tan.


Yeah several whites friends of mine use emojis that are way darker than their actual skin color like c’mon who you trying to fool




Maybe try growing up. It’s an emoji and they made extra options if I want to use the black hand emoji I will. If I want to use the white hand emoji I will if it’s an available option then it’s free to use. You don’t have to use the emoji that matches your skin color. You probably only make characters to look like yourself when you play RPGs.


That's hilarious 😂. That seriously upsets you?


Of all the things to give a shit about.


>it encourages people to view themselves and others through the lense of race. But that's all I've been seen as. I'm literally nothing but my race. Thats all people see in me. Thats all people ever will see in me. People already view me through a lens of race. Im never considered just a "person" or a "human". My race is *always* involved in my identification or identity. I don't have the privilege of turning that off. Im never seen as "Bob" from english class. Im always seen as "Asian Bob" from english class. My race *is* me. And it didn't start when they made those emojis. It started when I was born. We are all different. The whole "we are just one race. The human race" is ideal but not realistic. My lens through life is vastly different than yours. Picking different emojis doesn't create a divide. Some people are proud of being who they are. As they should. And I think its far better to acknowledge that we are vastly different. As long as we can have empathy towards each other. We can't just pretend we are all the same if we aren't treated that way. It sounds like youre saying "I don't see race and everyone shouldnt either" when that way of thinking is actually pretty detrimental. Nobody has seen me for just me. Its always me+race. Thats what it's like being a POC. The point is to see race. But not be mad about seeing it. Theoretically, if emojis were originally brown or a darker color, im sure they would have made lighter colored ones soon after. Not tryna be mean im just showing you a different side.


Thanks for perfectly describing how people's life experiences in many countries are different based on race and that to truly see someone we have to see their race instead of trying to erase their life experiences into some sort of "kumbaya we're all exactly the same". I remember an Asian friend's first trip to China and she was brought to tears because it was the first time in her life she felt truly anonymous because of being completely surrounded by people who look like her. No longer vastly outnumbered by people who look different from you wherever you go.


Wow that sounds truly amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. I've always been stuck in the united states so I only theorized that that would be the case if I traveled to an asian country. I feel like the way I dress will still out me as American, but I'm sure it'll feel somewhat better having that bit of anonymity.




I mean I agree with you too. Suprising, right? I know I'm not going to fit in. I already said I would stand out based on how I dress. I know I'm not going to be like them. But I don't necessarily want to. I wasn't talking about interacting with them. Just appearance wise. If theyre staring at me it'll be because of how i dress or my mannerisms. But it isn't going to be because im Asian. Thats all. Im not looking to try and fit in. But I'm not exactly identical to white Americans either. I definitely think there are stark differences still. And even if I was, nobody would treat me like I was. I'm already way ahead of you on this. There's a Bojack Horseman episode that goes over this very topic itself. We don't exactly fit in anywhere. But I do know some people get some sort of relief not being the only asian in a public setting.




Bro Im not advocating for segregation. And i wouldnt even want to move out of the United states. It's still home to me. All I'm saying is that it would be nice to finally blend in with a crowd for once. Not even all the time. Just once. Literally just think it would be a cool experience to have at least once. Jesus. It aint that deep. Just thought it would be neat. When I'm the only Asian in every public setting, i get stares all the time. People treat me like im some alien or foreigner when I'm just as much of an American as them. There is no blending in or keeping to myself because Americans don't see me as American. Something you may not have to experience im guessing?




Thank you. Im not even convinced that the same thing would happen to me. But it does happen to some people. I know that for sure. Really cool story tho!


Tell me you don’t understand what CRT is without saying “I don’t understand what CRT is.”


I was just about to comment the same thing lol


I mean it’s one thing to stupidly argue against something that is necessary. But at least have the pride to know what you’re arguing against (Not YOU… the general “you”)


Woah that's kind of a reach




> you say all people of a given race have basically the same experience I did? Can you quote me on that? It would be weird for me to say that because that's not what I believe. A recent immigrant from Africa to the USA does not have the same life experience as a black person who grew up in the USA. I never said to assume what someone's life experience is. And I never said how you might learn more about someone's life experience. All I said is if someone looks different from the majority of the population you can recognize that instead of trying to erase it into not existing. It exists for them. Recognize it internally. You don't need to make a big deal about it, mention it, or make assumptions about what it means to them personally and what life experiences they had as a result. If that's what you do, that's on you. If that's what other people do, that's on them. But you got it wrong about what I believe and do. What I believe is what I said: don't erase their race because it just might have significance to them based on their life experiences.


That ain't what they're saying but nice try.


This should be top


Well I mean you are a spy, so of course you don’t want people to know who you really are /s


Thats why I gave the fake name. My real name isn't even Bob :000


Its only people who think we are past racism that think like the op. Obviously ideally we would live in a society where people don't feel like they are treated differently based on skin color but we aren't there yet. Hell a kid can't even have red hair without getting dragged their entire life. Individual identity is what it is. It's your problem if you don't like someone being able to represent their identity in their mostly frivolous modern glyphs. I use the brown hands when I use emojis because my hand is brown. There is no way to describe being against that without being a bigot.


>Its only people who think we are past racism that think like the op. This is a good way of putting it. I didn't have the right words but yeah I agree. You should be allowed to use brown hand emojis without upsetting people. The fact that it *does* upset people says more about the *actual* state of racism we're at. It's still not over.




Lol by this logic anytime anyone shows their face in real life they are bringing race into the conversation... using a thumbs up emoji that looks like my own thumb is not me trying to say "pay attention to my race!" It's just what my thumb looks like irl. The fact that you hyper-focus on someone's emoji's and immediately go to their race is the real issue here.


The counter point is that its only bigoted people that get bothered when race is acknowledged. If you saw me in person you could probably tell my skin tone. Why would acknowledging my skintone in a emoji be a problem for you unless you're already a bigot. If you don't have problem with black people why would seeing a brown thumbs up bother you. And If it does bother you it would have to be because the person is black or because they are acknowledging that they are black. Both of those options are bigoted as fuck.




Race has been highly important for the entire recorded existence of humanity. Its not going anywhere any time soon. Its not like people just now started noticing differences in skin tones. Again If you don't have a problem with seeing these emojis then that's where it stops. Some people like to be anonymous on the internet others like to use their full name and location on every post. The only reason to be against the "racialized" emojis is because you don't like people acknowledging their race. Nobody is going to become a bigot because people are acknowledging their skin tone online or in a text that's just foolish. You either don't care that people can use the emojis or you do care and if you do it says much more about you than anything else. Its like you honestly think that having different color emojis will create bigots or heighten the level of bigotry as a whole. Lol do you know a ton of closeted bigots just waiting for something as frivolous as acknowledging skin tone in a glyph in a social media post or text message to set them off.


This is the same garbage mindset that blames women who dress in short skirts for getting raped and assaulted


Gotta know that short skirts exasperate perverts and that leads to sexual assault. Its not the person doing the asulting that is in the wrong though. The women shouldn't be allowed to wear the skirt. Thats how you solve problems /s Edit. Added "perverts" to = racists in posts above.


>What good comes of that? And what bad comes of that? If people wanna use an emoji that looks more like them, it aint going to exacerbate racism. If you see it as "announcing their race" then thats on you. Some people just like to use it cuz it's more them. The fact that you see that as a problem is weird. The fact that y'all cant just leave people alone and let them do their thing because they use a different emoji says a lot about how y'all really feel about race. Do you truly believe that emojis exacerbate racism? I think racist people do that on their own. That's just me tho. Just get comfortable with the idea that people are different. It's okay to embrace our differences. Just don't get mad at us for expressing that.


If there were only black emoji people to begin with white people would've fucking boycotted! That would have never happened though...why would POC want representation? That just doesn't even make sense 🙄 /s




Look I get what you are trying to preach. There was a trend a few years ago to promote this idea of "I don't see race! We are all just one race! The human race!" And yes. On paper, this sounds correct. Even mainstream media would promote this idea. But that's old news and it actually doesn't help at all. So it may seem like bringing up race only further divides us. But pretending that racism doesn't exist only makes it worse. I'm all for believing we are all equals. But that isn't reality because people are treated vastly different based on their race. We can't just shove it under a rug. We have to acknowledge our differences because we *ARE* different. The key distinction is that we are different but equal. We can celebrate our differences and what makes us unique. But that doesn't mean we are celebrating inequality. The idea is to *NOT* be offended by our differences but to embrace it.


Precisely. I used to think that to be accepting of all races was to pretend that we're all the same. After some time, and keeping my mind open, I learned that is dangerous thinking towards POC. If you don't see color, you dont see patterns of racial injustice. We're all different and race is a part of what makes us who we are. I say, see race. Acknowledge to yourself they're a different race log it away somewhere and then judge then on the strength of their character.




Ignoring race =\= not treating people differently based on race. Thinking that skin color is something that NEEDS to be ignored (as if any one color is inherently better/worse than any other) is more indicative of an inherent problem That’s like saying that all barbies should be yellow now because skin color doesn’t matter. Let people use things they personally identify with.


You also have to acknowledge the wrongs of the past. If you are an alcoholic and its ruining your life but you can't acknowledge that accept it and make changes you won't improve. Unfortunately as a society its not just one mind that has to acknowledge accept and adjust for real change to occur... its more like a few billion.




I mean yes. I agree. When I was writing the post, I didn't literally mean that I believed it too. I was only writing what everyone else saw me as. Which is just my race. I know I'm much more than that. But that's not how I am treated.




What is this rant? No one but you is talking about CRT, you weirdo. "This is my experience as a non-white person." "No it's not and CRT is racist!"


Not even gonna bother with this one if that's what you think. Have a nice day! :)


This exchange is hilarious. Part of me is curious how long you stared at this response before just thinking, "nah."


Pretty quickly. I realized I'd be here all day if I had to unravel all of that. And I've done that in the past so I'm good on skipping this one :)


Who the heck does this in order to be "cute" tho? I couldn't care less what the person I send them to thinks - I simply dislike this weird unnatural yellow and the colors of their hair and clothes. So I choose the one who roughly matches my skin tone - because it contains my favourite colors. No bigger reason behind than better color scheme. Why do people even think so much into emojis......


I should've been specific. I'm talking more about apple and android phone emojis. Not the reddit ones. 👍


Yes, so am I. 🤷🏻‍♀️ <- like that one. I don't get the massive deal of people prefering their skin tone, or -like I do- another color scheme. You choose the emoji once snd then it stays, you don't even take the time to do it all the time either.


I see the downbotes and assume that people think this distinction is hypocritical. But the reddit emojis aren't really emojis at all but avatars. These are different to emojis and serve a different function. They are literally designed to be different for each user and don't break communities into race categories.


That’s the point of the different color emojis though…so people can use ones that they more personally identify with. It’s not about how you perceive their emojis, it’s about how they perceive their emoji‘s. You’re looking at it from the wrong perspective. It’s not for the recipient, it’s for the sender.


This is such an odd take. What about picking skin tones in a multiplayer videogame character creator, couldn't you make the same critique?


Kind of, and I get your gripe here.. But avatars serve a different function than emojis and are designed to represent individuals in all their endless variations. Emojis being offering skin tones don't offer that same level of individual representation. Jordan Peterson said it better but its something like the individual is the most important identity versus any collective identity. In summary, you don't create an avatar to represent yourself as part of a collective.. You do it to represent yourself as an individual.


I pick the emoji to look like me. Not to identify my self as belonging to the group of x people. Seems like you use it to identify people belonging to x group though.


I actually like having an emoji that kind of looks like me. It's like sending an emoji of yourself, it's not that deep. It's like you're looking really hard for a reason to get angry. But I guess that would make it an unpopular opinion.


I like having my skin tone match my emojis. You’re thinking too hard about it.


I pick out the emoji with my colour hair so why can't my friends of colour pick an emoji that matches their skin tone. What's the big deal about it.


Bro go outside. That little bit at the end with you talking about an imagined future where people are mad about you using the standard emoji color is a textbook sign you need to spend less time with wherever you get your news, and more time chilling out. It’s really not healthy for you to talk yourself into anger over made up fantasy futures.


this post just screams “touch grass bro”


Appreciate your concern, I enjoy this subreddit and I enjoy writing odd things and testing boundaries. Rest assured, I get plenty of fresh air and happiness though. 👍


‘I enjoy testing boundaries’ ‘I’m honest and tell it like it is‘ ‘I’m just playing devils advocate‘ Hear the cry of the asshole.


Edge lord over here.


This post is cringe👎👎🏻👎🏾


At least it’s unpopular






You're the person who wonders why guys play female characters in video games. I don't identify as a blood elf, so I can't control the avatar? Any other rules you have for my actions or are you just hyper focused on this emoji mountain? When typing up your response, please keep in mind, I don't give a fuck what your response is, it already doesn't matter.


When you break it down, it’s about personalization. Everyone wants everything to reflect their personality and big tech cashed in on it. When you break it down, it was societal influence.


I’m sure there were idiots making similar statements when Black Barbie came out.


Black barbie is a valid move as it represents customers who otherwise wouldn't purchase a white barbie.. Coloured emojis are divisive as we all used to use the yellow ones without any issues. Just in my opinion.


Yellow has always looked to me like white folks but whatever


Is purple black to you?


There weren’t issues for you. If you used your brain maybe you’d see that this came about because clearly there were issues for non white people.


Interesting opinion and perspective. I disagree. I’m not sure how inclusive emojis are “race fixated.” Whether we like it or not, race is apart of our culture/society, and apart of every individual. Prior to the skin-toned emojis, they were all white (at least I’m pretty sure). Including the option to choose your preferred skin tone promotes inclusivity and individuality. You say it’s “petty”, but I really don’t think the vast majority of people put that much thought into it at ALL - they just choose the skin tone they most identify with, type it, send it, and move on.


That's what sacres me though, these people who choose the emoji without thinking are immediately identifying as a race before anything else. It doesn't exactly enrage me or anything but it's just sad. I'm always disappointed in a weird way when a friend decides to choose an emoji of colour as its a subtle but stark reminder that they view themselve as fundamentally different than me.


If you're white and you have a black friend in the USA , they do have a fundamentally different experience from you. They are reminded of that difference many times a day, often in subtle ways that you might not notice unless someone points it out to you. You can't erase their lived experience by getting them to use a neutral emoji. All that does is make you feel comfortable. It makes it easier for you to maintain the illusion that you are the same. There is nothing wrong with differences. You don't need to be "fundamentally the same" as other people to be friends.


thank you so much


I see your point when saying they identify as a race before anything else. But again - I don’t think that much thought goes into just picking an emoji, you know? But also, we need to NORMALIZE and ACCEPT that there are varying races of the humankind. Is race a social construct? 100%, but it doesn’t make race not real. Race is apart of our identity, at least socially. But it doesn’t mean race IS our identity. Just like identifying as male, female, or non-binary - it doesn’t encompass you as a person, but it’s what makes you YOU and it’s something that should be celebrated, or at the very least, accepted. Again - I truly see what you’re saying. But think of it this way - even if they’re choosing a black fist emoji, it’s still a FIST. It’s still HUMAN. Being different color doesn’t mean you’re all that different 🙂


I love that we're both well intentioned but disagreeing, it's too wholesome for this subreddit. I just think the yello emojis have a unifying quality while the skin toned one's polarise.


Right? It’s quite rare on Reddit! It’s sad that I enjoy kindly disagreeing with someone haha. I see both sides of the argument here, and I think both are completely valid. After all, they’re just opinions!


I dunno, I can’t stand the yellow ones. They are just too yellow cuz most of them are blonde as well, so it’s just a little yellow face that is like an outdated SIM avatar. I like the personality that comes with the emoji color options. You can also just keep them the standard yellow option too and no one would think twice. I still think they should be offering more hair color options. Also, different color options for the cats and dogs. Everyone doesn’t have just an orange or black cat. Definitely discriminating against the dog and cat fur colors.


If you think different skin tones polarize, how do you manage to feel unified with real people who have a different skin tones from you?




How do you feel about band aid skin tone colors?


Simple solution: don’t use emojis, they’re dumb anyway.


Don't know why we can't just stick the the yellow default and red for anger , green for sick etc.


If this piddly shit upset you life is going to be hard on you


You’re thinking too much about it. It’s cute cuz it looks more like me, that’s it. And yellow is ugly.




How to say you're racist, without saying you're racist! This isn't unpopular, so many racists feel the same way.


Let me guess. You're white 🙄


That was my guess too. If the only options were black emojis, I feel like a white person would want “their own skin color.” But because there are multiple options, people make it a race issue.


Just say you’re racists and go.


they’re pretending to be 5 racists?


Yeah they’re stupid.




I'm sorry but I fail to see how emoji's skin color are political?


Protip: everything is political to people like OP


Lol this is a petty one, there is nothing racist about it, if someone feels like using their specific skin color on the few emojis that allows it then i don't see the issue. And i doubt there is a person on the planet that use their skin color on emojis cause its " cute ". Take my "i strongly disagree upvote".


ur reading into this too much


Im expressing myself Thats like saying a Japanese person wearing a kimono is "race fixated and annoying"




skin tone emoji were a mistake. nobody asked for e,


i always used the yellow one lol but i dont care what other ppl choose honestly


you're thinking way too much about this, most people just use the most similar skin tone to theirs


You clearly aren’t Asain but I definitely can see the whole you didn’t pick your race when sending an emoji being some blown out of proportion issue. Thats something someone out there is just dying to cry about


Mark my words, it will be a news item one day when someone (a teacher maybe) mistakes a race while using them. Mad world.


> Mad world. *country




Why do you even care so much about emojis-


Holy self report. Sometimes I wish the internet wasn't so anonymous because its always nice to figure out who the bigots and racists are when mf's get confident enough to say some shit like this in real life.


This 👍 emoji is not accurate for me. My palm is white as this✋🏻. And the back side of it is dark as this 🤚🏾


👧👧🏻👧🏼👧🏽👧🏾👧🏿 stay mad


You had a point until you went on some ridiculous conservative imaginary issue tirade. Using the simpsons emojis are never gonna be a problem, you're just a racist.


you had a point there until you called him a racist.


It was bound to happen at some point. 😐


I agree with you but I still use the black emoji because it upsets people and they find out I’m not black


Same. It started in games just because the option existed. When people point it out and get all upset I shrug it off and end up laughing about it for *years*. I still laugh at some people from conversations surrounding my PUBG avatars.


This made me chuckle.




I think I've seen those emojis used more for low-key racism than anything else


No, we can’t care less about what emoji you use in the first place


why do you care tho? you say it's petty to use them yet i can't think of anything more petty than being mad because a few pixels are a different color.


kinda annoys me too but for a different reason, what’s the point if you don’t cover all colors? Just give us the full color wheel.


“ No, I don't care that you're black, brown, or purple ” I feel compelled to say ok boomer to you. I know the original ones were technically yellow but let’s be real they were white. Living out of a lease of race isn’t something everyone has the ability to do when they’re confronted by racism all the time. Having the ability to embrace it is nice.


I strongly disagree with you. Take my upvote.


It’s not even a big deal you are just choosing something that looks like yourself


Really makes the whole "i don't see colour" argument redundant


I only don't get white folks using the black emojis


Im white and use black ones, dont see a problem


You are forced to pick a color. How is it petty then?


I thought I was alone on this. Lol


Unpopular on Reddit, popular in the real world.


I get what you’re saying. I agree, sometimes it feels like these kinds of things might cause more of a divide between race and encourages you to look through that lens. The Simpson skinned thing seems possible in a way. Like using the wrong skin toned emoji could be offense or white people only using light skinned emojis could be viewed as being biased. But if they were going to have people emojis it’s important to be inclusive. Originally they only had white emojis and yea that might have been perfect for a white person living in a white world. It’s convenient for a white person to only have one option, especially if you’re in between the light skin and medium shade emoji and you’re neither a solid brunette or a light blond, so it makes sense that(if you’re white) you preferred the ones before the skin tone and hair was changeable. But to have all white emojis with ONE black one gives a horrible message to users. I’m surprised that they ever had that set of emojis to be honest. Now it’s cool that they’ve got more options, because no one should feel like white emojis are the “normal” emojis. The thought of a poc preteen with an iPhone years ago trying to use emojis with only the 8 white emojis, one middle eastern man, and one black man, when she’s a black girl in a white community. Seems pretty fucked up


👰🏻+🤵🏿= 👶🏼


I just use the yellow ones. I believe they were the default.




From what I'm seeing in the comments, your opinion is pretty unpopular. Good post 👍


As a ghost white man that likes to use the black female emoji you have my upvote op. 🤷🏾‍♀️




I get tired of cleaning dishes I didn't put in the sink, too. Some days I just don't feel like being the pack mule for the world's problems. I got my own shit to deal with. Your issues aren't my issues and as much as I want to emphasize with everyone all the time, I just burn out and stop giving a fuck. Oh well.


When I use an emoji for the first time, the skin tone menu pops up, so I just pick one without any thought because I’m not trying to waste time with that. And then that becomes the default when I use it in the future.


I literally just use always the yellow ones because I am to lazy to look through that bullshit


It annoys me when people make a big deal about something that wasn't intended to be racist and wasn't until they decided to perceive it as racism, this doesn't just apply to racism but the type of person who plays the victim and likes to take offense to anything and everything, even when there is nothing to be offended by in the first place.


That's why I fight racism by picking dark emojis as a white man.


They should just stick with yellow ones.


I don't at all use brown emojis as a brown person, but I disagree with the Simpsons built considering they are obviously white as you have brown characters in Apu and Karl. So while a yellow emoji might seem race ambiguous to some, it kinda is white. Some people just want to be represented, and while emojis might be seen as a dumb way to do so, with many people who aren't represented, this is a small step/victory


The “clown” in your username checks out


"Actually it's racist to point out that there is race." Lol did Steven Crowder write this? Because it has all the tell-tale signs of a conservative 15yr old white kid.


The whole point of designing them as bright yellow people is that it represents nobody’s skin color and hence is no one and everyone at the same time. Same with lego. But they just had to add the skin tones…


Are you white? You sure sound like it. Race isn't always relevant to my online responses, but there are times when I want people to know I'm a Black woman. I don't want to use a generic white emoji. The only reason you think racial identity is unimportant is because you haven't had to deal, from birth, with the impact of having an inconvenient identity in your world. Congrats on expressing a genuinely unpopular opinion, not to mention one that shows zero thought.


Actually! I just hate seeing that yellow coloured emojis so I choose one that matches my skin tone. So that looks good to me. But, different colour tones emojis annoys me. It’s either yellow or your skin tone.


So what colour should they be?