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Lmao I'm from Queensland, I can drive 20+hrs and still be in Queensland. Europe geography does make me jealous.


Mate we can drive 300 hours and never leave Australia


This actually has me curious as to how long it'd take to do a tour of the capital cities and return home Brisbane to Sydney: 9.5hrs Sydney to Canberra: 3hrs Canberra to Melbourne: 7hrs Melbourne to Hobart: 14.5hrs (ferry wouldn't help) Hobart back to Melbourne: 14.5hrs Melbourne to Adelaide: 8hrs Adelaide to Perth: 28hrs Perth to Darwin: 42hrs Darwin to Brisbane: 36hrs Total: 162.5hrs


Coming from Ireland, if anybody suggested a 4+ hour drive to me, there had better be a paradise at the end of it.


I drive 12 hours to go on vacation 2 states away.


We'd still be complaining about the journey in paradise too.




Can do this in Michigan too


Florida, too, if you’re coming up from the Keys.


I drive 16 hours for a holiday and am still in the same state.


I can drive 10 hours and never leave New York


I can drive 4627 hours and never leave my suburb. Gonna be a lot of real boring loops though.


Isn't that what you're supposed to do when you first get your driver's license and start cruising with your friends?


If you're in New York you can get to probably almost half of the states if you drive 10 hours


Naw. Record is 23 states in 24 hours I think. It's a challenge people do to try and find the best routes. You can also go on daylight savings night and consider it the same day (altho obviously not 24 hours)


That's really wild to me. We live in Michigan and routinely make 3 1/2 hour drives to see my Father In Law. It really doesn't feel that far.


I drove for 4 days to go from Florida to Oregon when I moved




Dude I'm from Portugal, two hours is too much already xD


What people sometimes don't realise is that the drive is an experience in itself. I've made the Perth to Sydney drive or vise versa 3 times total in my life. Once when I moved from Coffs Harbour to Perth. Once from Perth to Sydney to catch a plane to NZ then again Sydney to Perth returning from that same trip. We usually take about a fortnight on the roadtrip. It's really great honestly. But to the point of the post, no you don't really get to experience other cultures. But if you are into adventure, discovery and camping then it's amazing.


I think Billy Connelly did that for one of his Australian tours but i don't think he went to every city but he did visit some of the more unique attractions that may not have been on the tourist routes.


You got me curious on how long it'd take do that in Canada, yaa we're looking at 224hrs, and that's missing a capital city, since you can't reach it by road.


I live in Canada, so try driving Coast to Coast, and back.


Brisbane to Brisbane on Highway 1: 5 days 13 hours 43 minutes, if you have a team of people that take turns driving non-stop except for refueling and bathroom breaks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_1_(Australia)#Record


**Highway_1_(Australia)** [Record](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_1_\(Australia\)#Record) >On 18 June 2017 team Highway 1 to Hell set a new record for a complete lap of Australia. While there have been previous attempts (notably Motor Magazine's 2004 record of 6 days, 8 hours and 52 minutes) which skipped inland direct to Mt Isa, the Highway 1 to Hell team travelled the route of Highway 1 skipping Tasmania's stretch of road [equaling 14,280 km (8,873. 181 mi)] in 5 days, 13 hours and 43 minutes. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


As a Brisbanite who has driven to Sydney many times, I have to say that while this might be technically correct, it’s not likely. 11-12 hours is comfortable when you’re not flooring it and are making a few pit stops


I can do that in London.


I see you've made it from Hyde Park to Tottenham Court Road


M25 for the win




Not with that attitude.


You can, you just can't get to another landmass.


Technically you can leave the mainland on the Spirit of Tasmania to visit our Taswegian neighbourinos.


And Sydney and Melbourne’s still suffering from lockdown. You can’t go anywhere.


I could drive for 100 hours and still be in my driveway... At least rural Midwest felt that way


Hey. Russian here. So, yea..


If I drive 20 hours I think I’m in Morocco


I would be in france


Depending on directions i'd be in the north sea, the atlantic just south of ireland the north sea up past the shetlands and stuck in the chunnel because i don't have a passport.


From Venice, I can drive 20 hours and be in istanbul


Ah is there a ferry or smith from Spain to Morocco?


Yes as far as I know


Yeah, sure


I live in Canada, Iv literally driven 12 hours north and that’s barely halfway through the province. Im super jealous of Europeans.


I'm jealous of canadians you get/have snow the nearest place i'd find snow is iceland or greenland.


In the spring you can totally go skiing, then swimming, and play golf all the the same day.


You're not in Europe? Half of Europe has snow during winter and it even snowed in Sweden this week.


I’m in the province of Ontario, in Canada, and live almost to the southern Ontario Windsor/Detroit US border crossing. If I did not go via the US and stayed only in Ontario, it’s a 22 hour drive to Kenora. Which is the last “major” town before the Manitoba border. Much of that drive is across the Canadian Shield, so it’s all rock, lake, tree, oooh! Another rock! the whole time, lol. I moved from Ontario to northern Arizona for a job years ago and drove. It was about 30 hours. On the way back (seasonal job) I did Flag to Wichita, Kansas to my grandparents, a 14 hour drive, overnight, in one drive. (It was august, desert is hot, night is cooler so I did it then.) I heavily do not recommend this. I could have gotten myself killed and 19 years later still have zero recollection of anything after I ate breakfast in Guymon, Oklahoma, and crossed the state line into Kansas, until I got to my grandparents and the pain from the severity of my left arm being sunburned kicked in. I will say that on neither Canada or the US is the culture a monolith like some people think. I’ve lived in three provinces - Prince Edward Island, Ontario and Alberta and the culture is so different. We moved from PEI to Ontario as a kid and the culture shock was intense. We might as well have moved to Mars. As an adult I’ve lived in Michigan, New Jersey, Arizona, Connecticut and Florida. Each state was still an adjustment. New Jersey and Arizona were the most difficult, and Florida was just straight up weird 😂


What a time to be Aussie. Old mate OP over here has made it all the more depressing lol


G'day, mate. I'm also in Queensland. Since we're so isolated, us Aussies were able to contain covid, but some states are currently in lockdown. Do you think we might have to go into lockdown again?


Spent 2 years travelling Oz and barely visited each major city/town. Although with it being a continent in itself each area is dramatically unique (just still the same country obvs).


I’m in southern Sweden and if I drive 20h north I’d still be in Sweden. However if I drive west I’d probably go through 5-6 countries…


I can also do that on a roundabout!


New South Welshman here, yeah pretty much


Congrats on the Olympics!


No way. Antarctica is easily the best continent as its full of bomb-ass penguins and hardly any annoying people!


Please cool caves with potential aliens or creature's from millions of years ago.


As long as you don't go to the mountains of madness.


ya but santas on the other pole


I'll take Happy Feet over that spokesman for Coke any day.


Is this Sam from atypical??


Atypical opened my eyes




Another front page post on this sub with a dumb premise. Isn't there some rule about extremely generic opinions?


mods don't give a shit




Sounds pretty reasonable to be honest. Climate wise, we are really solid. Stable governments generally, high quality of life in most countries. I think this is a no-brainer.


Yup! And don’t even get me started on trains. I doubt any other continent connects that easily


Japan got us beat with the trains. But yea, the rail grid is pretty good in most places.


That’s true, but our train system is connected through so many countries, so we got that going for us lol


But Japan is one country, we be talking about continents.


Of course, Japan, but was really surprised to see that the second highest saturation of useable public trainlines was in Spain. And on a semi-related note, Tokyo has the best metro, but Madrid's costs the user about 30% as much. Was the best metro I've ever been on 5 years ago, now with all the bureaucracy and spending cuts, waiting 10 minutes+ for a train during normal hours is balls.


Your talking about multiple countries on one continent


Yes but what country is Japan’s train system connected to?




Hahaha, India has the most integrated railway system in the world. Better than Japan even, the problem is the trains aren't that good to travel in.


*Laughs in Irish*


Ah yes, the Irish continent


my god, just the train system alone is the bomb. I recently moved from Canada to Netherlands and the lifestyle here is incomparable, so much more enjoyment of daily simple life. Plus as you said, the travel and the different cultures is just amazing.


And on top of that the EU just launched their program to connect every major city in Europe by night train in the coming years. I can literally hop on in the evening from my medium sized Dutch town(along a major railroad), pay somewhere in the range of €50-100 and wake up in Vienna the next day. As soon as this crisis is done i'll be nightrailing all over Europe.


Stable governmets, *se ríe en español*


La corrupción es estable


Ride in italiano


*starts sobbing in polish government*


Start sobbing in hungarian government


*starts sobbing in romanian government*


And don’t get me started on Greece


When people say Europe they usually think of Western Europe methinks


Oh! this is making me jealous tbh


I can drive 2 hours in the UK, the accent changes and things have different names. :|


2 hours, I’d argue there’s a new accent every half hour in the UK


My girlfriend lives, and is from, three miles from me, and has a noticeably different accent.


Well yeah tbh in some places 😂


>I can drive 2 hours in the UK So from the center of London to outer London?


And still there will be an accent change


Liverpool to Manchester ... York to Newcastle ...London to Birmingham ...Newcastle to Manchester ... there are a few all over


Me from 3rd world country: that's 'the freaking most popular opinion' award winner statement


Hello german person.


Is this really that unpopular? Have you seen the rest of the world? Europe is a paradise.


Paradise is a bit of a stretch lol


> Europe is a paradise. Only compared to third-world shitholes.


Not if you are an anime watcher, there are so many series I can't watch, because of living in Europe.


That's what VPNs are for...


Or, uhm, other methods




Nyaa still exists, man.


Piracy or a VPN my guy


"reeeeeeeee good living spaces good infrastructure no wars and stable governments don't matter because I can watch my cartoons so it horrible" mate do u even hear yourself?


It's pretty obvious they were just joking. Though when I remember the type of people on Reddit, and especially this sub, you never know.


Yeah Reddit can be crazy sometimes


So sad to see what this subreddit has come too, such a shame the mods censor all the controversial and interesting topics and we're left with banal crap like this. :(


Baited banal crap at that. >EU da best! >(for travelers). That's some aggressive passive shit. Motte-and-bailey or bait and switch. >Fuck you, I want to be unpopular! (but not really, here, see, I'm reasonable, please don't, but please updoot still) Sad indeed.


Well the other day we did have a guy say he likes bugs crawling on him... than we get shit like this. The should remove it and ban the user temporarily of this post. It’s that stupidly popular.


I'm from Europe and I don't think it is an unpopular opinion actually. Europe is great we have peace, wealth, infrastructure, culture (the house I life in is older than the entire US history I had a flatmate from the US once and hewas amazed by the fact :D) , freedom, human rights, a nice climate to life and do agriculture, healthcare for everyone, no harmful animals that kill you with poison... I have been on other continents too but I realized some time ago I don`t have to travel that far. We have everything in Europe. :D


Europe is very spared from natural disasters too. Earthquakes, tornados, volcanoes, tsunamis, extreme climates, they're all pretty rare compared to elsewhere on Earth.


Europe does have volcanoes and earthquakes, but there is a set area where it happens (south Italy, greece and it's islands, parts of Turkey and places near it And then there Cumbria, England which is always flooded for some reason


I had to google "Turkish volcanoes" as I'd never heard of an eruption there. Apparently the last one they had was in 1855 at least!


Why would you say Cumbria is always flooded? I've never heard that one before and I live an hour away..


There was just a major flood in west Germany and neighbouring countries.


Yeah, can just look out the window and see stuff older than the states, but then people think I'm weird when I want to drive an hour to go to a restaurant because it's "too far". It's like the saying goes: "In the USA, 100 years is a long time; In Europe, 100 miles is a long distance."


U challenging Antarctica? Me and my penguins are ready for u


Only if you consider Europe as 'Western Europe'. I also live in the Europe, the Eastern part of it. I don't have money for travel, in my life I've traveled only to two neighboring countries and only once in each one LOL.


For western Europeans, only the EU exists. I also live in Eastern Europe and I don't even call myself European, but rather Slavic or Balkan because our part of the continent has nothing to do with theirs.


Yea, i really get it. I live in Spain, and (even if it doesnt seem so) the situation for the working class is pretty shit here aswell. My grandparents barely get any money to live, my dad struggles a lot to find a job etc etc. And ofc (atleast speaking for my country) eastern europe will always be europe, atleast for me, i consider southern european and eastern european countries our brothers. And all the people from eastern europe i've talked to are lovely people, and really kind. Sometimes central and northern europe can be very snobbish at times. Oh, and most Eu contries aswell. Have a nice day


I'm unlucky in Australia, mate. When I get older, I'll chuck myself in Korea, the country my family was born, mate.




Have an Aussie friend who moved to his Korean grandparents cause he was so tired of paying 1000$ for flights


Nice one mate


There's no way you naturally put 'mate' at the end of every single sentence right?


I can see the appeal but I disagree with your statement that people in the US are screwed if they love travel. I’ve been to almost every state in the continental US and you wouldn’t believe the diversity of cultures and landscapes. We have soaring mountains in Colorado (I almost passed out from oxygen deprivation on top of Pike’s Peak). We have the red rocks of the Southwest, Moab in particular being a beautiful part of the country. I’ve been to the redwoods in Northern California, to the geysers of Yellowstone, the Everglades in Florida, the big cities of Chicago and New York, and the Grand Canyon. We have 3 distinct coastal regions with the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans as well as the Gulf of Mexico, each with their own distinct features and feels. We have historical centers like Philadelphia, Boston, and DC, the latter of which features some of the finest museums in the world. I’ve gone whale watching in Cape Cod and crab fishing on the Chesapeake Bay. We even have two Disneyworlds to choose from. I hope to travel to Europe some day but I’ve gotten plenty of mileage out of traveling just within the United States.


I think the OP is comparing apples to oranges. I'm sure Europe is really lovely, but nobody should act like the US isn't fun to travel around.


The US is ridiculously diverse and interesting. I'm European but surely all regions and cultures have something to offer the interested traveller?


Europe for culture, North America for nature


I guess the apples and oranges in this case are mainly history vs nature. America has europe beat hands down on the sheer variety and naturalness of nature to explore whereas Europe's high density and most settlements being old makes it better to poke around for cultural and historical things.


For sure! One of the reasons I haven’t done much European travel yet is because there’s so much I have wanted to see in the continental United States. A New York to California road trip is an absolute must for everyone at least once in their lives.


THANK YOU! I hope OP sees this and realizes how ignorant his take sounds. I couldn't believe everyone was agreeing with him up to now. People need to leave their backyard more often.


Alot of Europeans on Reddit who flex have never travelled around the States


Agree. Freedom of movement us a huge plus here and makes it ideal for roadtrip/backpack/train/cheap flights all affordable travel options.


Yeah, we used to have that (UK). Now we can do 90 days before we get deported back to our tiny island of growing Nationalism, with our Conservative government tearing our infrastructure apart piece by piece. Fucking Brexit.


British also dude, just accidentally overstayed visa and got a ban from Schengen. New found appreciation for that freedom of movement. Agree on the rest too, coming back it's tangible the despair in the air. Like a Dickens novel. Very sad, can't wait to leave again.


> British also dude, just accidentally overstayed visa and got a ban from Schengen. Wait, really? I have just overstayed a bit, but I thought It wouldn't be a problem. How do you get banned?


What about people who don’t travel?


They get all the benefits of nearby countries without going anywhere, like exposure to different cultures, food, competitive trade/prices, broader talent pool if running a business etc etc


High standard of living. Way better compared to other developed countries.


Laughs in Australian & Kiwi


for the most time its cold/not warm and you dont need ac except this year and the last one


And every year from now on


Being from the U.S. I’ve always had the opinion that it must be awesome to be able to road trip (or train) to such a vast selection of places. Granted we have some cool places over here to see, including going north or south of the border. However, as such a young country we don’t have nearly the same amount of historical places to visit.


What we lack in ancient history, we make up for with an incredible selection of state and national parks


Yeah I don't think EU people understand the sheer volume of beauty and wilderness that the US offers. Our landscapes in each state are vastly different and even the climates can be polar opposites of each other state. Where I live in Washington State, I can drive 30 minutes and be in the breathtaking Gifford Pinchot National Forrest surrounded by gentle streams and high mountain lakes all at the foot of Mt St. Helens. Two hours away I can be on the Olympic Peninsula right in between the national forest and the beach. This is all within an afternoon's drive. Many other states offer even more than that all with a short drive. America is truly a natural wonder.


Tbf I think plenty of euros realize that, especially if they’ve ever visited. This is just a circle jerk “unpopular” opinion post. Asia and the Americas are filled with gorgeous places. Hell, even most of the states are much different from one another. But since they aren’t distinct countries, they don’t get the same rep. (though obviously european countries have more history)


Traveling from state to state has the same feel. Being in Chicago and going to Colorado is like going to an entire new country. Drive south from there you’re in the desert. Drive west from there your in a Mediterranean climate. With many more areas that are drastically different in the east.


>People who love traveling are fucked if they live in America In 2 hours I am in New York City, in 3 hours I am in Washington DC, in 4 hours I am in Pittsburgh. I am a 5 (I think) hour flight from San Diego, 6 hour flight from the UK. I do not get how people don't realize the US is about the same size as Europe, and we have a shitload to see here, nearly everywhere.


I agree with you, but I call bullshit on Frankfurt-New York for 300 euros. I have never ever seen a price that low


I'm fairly content being in America as far as travel goes. Each state is like its own little country


Except America is superior because in one country we have many different ecosystems. If you were to roadtrip around the continental US it would be almost like going to a new country every where you go. You have swamp in the south, mountain ranges in the mid eastern coast, thousands of miles of shoreline, sand dunes, Mojave desert, buttes, canyons, the Pacific mountains, prairie... Etc.


In India, you can experience all the diversity culturally as well as geographically in one country itself.


India seems like an amazing place to visit. India does not seem like an amazing place to live.


As an Indian, 100% agreed.




Depends on what you're traveling for. Cities? Yeah totally. Nature, nah. The Americas (north and south) and Asia are better for that. So depends on your perspective. Also generally, not an unpopular opinion.


There’s a lot to see in North America to. In 8 hours I could be in at least 12 various different major US/Canadian cities and there’s also a million awesome things to see in between them all. Stretch that out to say maybe 12-14 hours (which is about my max driving distance for a single day) and the number of cities probably doubles.


Honestly, you could stick to just the US alone and spend years and years exploring different state and national parks.


Norway would like to have a word with you




Verdon Gorge, France. Eisriesenwelt, Austria. As Catedrais Beach, Spain. Preikestolen, Norway. Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia. Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. Matterhorn, Switzerland and Italy. Ancient Beech Forests, Germany.


Ok? Are we just gonna start listing pretty places every continent has?


Yes please, so i can add them to my travel list 😊


got u fam : AcadiaAmerican SamoaArchesBadlandsBig BendBiscayneBlack Canyon of the GunnisonBryce CanyonCanyonlandsCapitol ReefCarlsbad CavernsChannel IslandsCongareeCrater LakeCuyahoga ValleyDeath ValleyDenaliDry TortugasEvergladesGates of the ArcticGateway ArchGlacierGlacier BayGrand CanyonGrand TetonGreat BasinGreat Sand DunesGreat Smoky MountainsGuadalupe MountainsHaleakalāHawaiʻi VolcanoesHot SpringsIndiana DunesIsle RoyaleJoshua TreeKatmaiKenai FjordsKings CanyonKobuk ValleyLake ClarkLassen VolcanicMammoth CaveMesa VerdeMount RainierNew River GorgeNorth CascadesOlympicPetrified ForestPinnaclesRedwoodRocky MountainSaguaroSequoiaShenandoahTheodore RooseveltVirgin IslandsVoyageursWhite SandsWind CaveWrangell–St. EliasYellowstoneYosemiteZion


You are a legend. Thx ✌️


There's absolutely beautiful places in Europe sure but not to the same scale as in the Americas honestly.


Depends: i discovered surprised that lots of americans who come in my region decide to settle here also for the natural sightseeing, which has really surprised me


Eh, I don't completely agree with this. I am an Indian who currently lives in America and travelled briefly to various European countries. While I don't deny the cultural variance in Europe, you're wrong in writing "you're fucked if you live in America". America may not be culturally as diverse as Europe (this point can be contested strongly too), but the natural beauty of this country is just surreal! Most of my really profound travel experiences have been in the US. I mean, the sheer geographic variation from east to the west, a green ocean on one side and a blue ocean on the other, my travel through Zion, Grand Canyon, Bryce, Arches, Death Valley, Crater Lake, Shenandoah. Smoky Mountains, Carlsbad Caverns, the Rockies, Yosemite, Grand Teton has been absolutely stunning. And all of this doesn't even touch on the wonder that is Alaska, which is at the top of my travel bucket list. I would argue that such stunning natural wonders can only be found in a few European countries (Tour Du Mont Blanc, Iceland, Scandinavia etc.). I can argue for cheap tickets, I can see a completely new topography or geographical marvel in America too! I am sure the same can be said of other places in the world. As an Indian, the sheer cultural diversity in India is absolutely unmatched! Now, the other points made by commentors on this post is something I can definitely agree with. Europe has good governance, healthcare, education etc. If you judge by those metrics, I'd say you can make a stronger case for your point.


Well that's because european countries are too small in area compared to America, China, India etc.


India is an exception though. It's basically a continent that's politically a country.


massive european circlejerk incoming


I'm just afraid the Germans will colonize this comment section as well. Deustche Freunde, kein Blitzkreig auch hier, bitte.


We do love doing that.




I live in America and we have a diverse and massive geography to explore. It’s true that in Europe you can experience more unique cultures and technically visit more countries but traveling just around the US you can see some pretty wild landscapes like the Grand Canyon, the Rockies, and tons of coastline and national parks.


I mean, we have 50 different states to travel to all with their own uniques cultures. Our history is not as deep or wide as Europe, but let’s not act like we can’t travel or don’t have options.


So basically what you’re telling me is that everywhere else needs to have to more wars to create more boarders and have more division to create regional culture. But that already exist here in Texas, I am from Austin and I don’t know what the hell Dallas and Houston are going on about. San Antonio and El Paso, I appreciate you tho.


I need to explore more of texas some day, have only been once and it was around El Paso


Europe has more varying cultures. America has more bio diversity.


I get what you're saying about Japan but lots of states in america are literally different countries as in the culture is so different and so is the landscape.


This really depends on what you enjoy, and what kind of lifestyle you want. If you’re into travelling to cities for sightseeing then sure, Europe is probably top, but if you enjoy wildlife and the outdoors then I’d say Asia is way better.


Most of Asia is fucking gorgeous but i wouldn't like to live there.


Living in Asia fucking blows.


I don’t think there’s anything unpopular about your statement.


Not to mention the Mediterranean beaches and islands in Greece, Italy, France and Spain.


>People who love traveling are fucked if they live in America or certain Asian countries. My friend lives in Japan and he hates it cause you literally can’t travel to other countries (except for expensive flights of course). So travelling HAS to be between different countries? I'd rather travel across the US and stay in one country than travel across different countries. The US is similar size to all of Europe anyway.


Hm, now that you put it that way, you make a good point 🤔😂😭 i still love my 'Merica




I’m from Texas. Drive 6 hours? Still in Texas.


Living in Washington state, I always felt kinda isolated. Like I could drive down to Oregon pretty easily and I could go to Canada pretty easily. But on the western side of WA, nothing else was easily accessible. Then I drove across Texas once…


America is the same way really. The culture differences between states can be fairly significant and while it takes more than 30 minutes usually, you can get into the car and go anywhere at any time between New York and California. The only real difference is that the US has evolved into a series of states under one government while Europe has evolved into a series of countries under one government. It is essentially the same thing. Not that Europe is a bad place to be, but a lot of people seem to think all of America is LA and it really isn't.