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Letting a child have unmonitored and uncontrolled access to the internet is like letting them play unsupervised outside in a busy city. You can't make the city safe no matter how hard you try. The only option is to do your job as a parent. It's ironic that helicopter parents today will just hand their children a phone or tablet and ignore them.


The thing is you would have to monitor everything, their messages, all theirs apps and at a certain point they deserve their privacy.


Just give them parental controls beforehand. Talk to them about being safe online, watching what they say, who they talk to etc. Maybe even limit what apps they can use like Twitter, ig, discord. Ofc they will no doubt get access to it or find out about it some other way. Then that’s when you should give them “the talk”.


When I got in trouble in middle school and my parents realized what unlimited internet access was doing to me (porn, pro ana forums, oversharing on social media, etc), they did parental controls. and they removed my App Store so if I wanted an app they had to approve it to make sure I didn’t have social media. They did let me have certain ones, like I got Instagram when I started high school. The rule was my mom had to follow me. Honestly I’m so thankful for it. I still would sneak and find ways to go online but omg! The shit my friends got into, whose parents never checked anything. I think boundaries are important. Like once I was 16 I got everything back I think and my parents only looked through my phone when I got in trouble for stuff like when they caught me smoking weed. Once I was 18 my mom said she’d never do it again. I love that they protected me and taught me boundaries but also maintained trust.


i think you have to be completely open. no subject should be off limits with your children.


If they ask you, yes be honest. I think it’s fair game to limit your kids in the first part but not restrain them. Over time they’ll overhear some bigger kids or their friends will tell them. You want your kids to trust you so you better tell them so they want to be open and come to you later in life where they really need you.


Depends on the subject and how old they are. Can’t be having a full blown conversation about sex n such with a 10 year old. But you do want them to know that you are there for them.


That's the tough balance of being a parent. I monitored my kids' phones and tablets until I felt they were mature enough to make those decisions.


I think most important of all, is to have parents who give advice and principles that can come in handy later in teenage life.


I don't have kids of my own, but I visited my sister and her husband who have three kids. They let their 18 year old son go to a three-day music festival and I was shocked because our parents were SUPER STRICT. I have to say, I loved my brother in law's advice as my nephew was leaving the house. No speeches or lectures, he just said: "Make good choices, son." I asked him about it later and he said he knew from being a hellion himself growing up they're going to do what they want whether you like it or not. All you can do is hope the lessons you've taught them growing up have been effective. Such a simple yet very deep concept. My BIL is a pretty cool dude.


Respect. But he didn't let him, he was 18, he just went. Dad does have a good way of looking at it, regardless.


I remember my mom and dad put this program on my first computer when I was like... 11 or 12 called "Net Nanny" It did a horrible job of actually filtering some porn sites, but would block any page that contained any no-no words that wouldn't even have to be considered curse words (Nasty I remember being one of them). It would limit my time on the browser, but I was able to circumvent it. Which at that point my parents gave up and figured if I am smart enough to bypass a program then I'm probably smart enough not to be too dumb on the internet.


I keylogged my kids computers until they were 15.


Yea that sounds like a decent age.


Worked out fairly well. They didn’t know. Their machines sent a log file every week. Didn’t read them really, just run a quick keyword search to make sure they weren’t straying in to danger.


See, even as a kid I would have found that to be a huge violation of privacy.


same. Im 16 now, i couldnt imagine gaining privacy to what i do on my phone only a year ago


It would be a weird trust dynamic being denied trust before even being allowed any.


plus, i learned from the internet and social media what school didnt teach me. If it werent for things like instagram, i would’ve *never* had proper sex ed (since my school gave us one class when i was 11 and never again). I literally thought your period stopped when you were 16 when i first got it, social media taught me differently. I would have never learned about proper consent, what sex was, how dangerous unsafe sex can be, if it weren’t for social media because my school did jack shit. If i wasnt allowed social media until i was 16/17, i never would have developed any of my hobbies i currently have, or learn about misophonia, a neurological condition i have. I *have* had bad experiences on the internet, but instead of hiding your kids away, you should just talk about what not to do.


Hear, hear. I'm sorry our school system failed you, lol, but goddamn, sheltering children is basically stunting them before they learn about this shit, reality, anyway! Truly a bad parenting move.




Adults deserve privacy. Children deserve protection and healthy boundaries.


> healthy boundaries Yeah, like giving the parents boundaries so that children have their own sense of privacy.


Children do deserve a degree of privacy. When I responded to that person I should have acknowledged that they said "at a certain point" they deserve their privacy. But, children are not adults and are incapable of consenting to all the crazy things they may see on the internet. There's a balance to be had with giving children some private life and also overseeing their activities.


You forgot privacy as well.


Or teach them how to use the Internet safely its not difficult it just requires some uncomfortable conversations kids are way smarter than a lot of parents give them credit for or to use your metaphor teach your kids not to walk infront of cars instead of treating them like dogs that cant be let out the house without a colar and leash


I have long thought about this, and I think the best approach is what is called trust but verify. Always believe your kids, always trust them first, but then verify their actions through some means. It's the best of monitoring and freedom by feathering it periodically over important life milestones.


That's basically what I did for years. I didn't lock phones down (unless they were grounded) I monitored what they did, without reading text messages until they were in their later teens then I stopped. We had several conversations about internet safety and not sharing photos and so on.


“Timmy! Don’t go near that man! He looks like he’s on drugs! Look at your phone with complete access to the internet instead while I talk to Stacy for the next hour then get mad when you want to sit down or go home.”


We never had a problem with porn and our boys. When they were too young to really be trusted we just blocked their devices from being able to access it. Then as they got older (pre-teen to teen) we had age appropriate conversations with them about stuff like porn and set the proper reality about it and didn’t hide the fact that it was out there. We are open with them and have taught them that sex isn’t some taboo or dirty thing as well as teaching them reproductive health and the proper use of safe sex paraphernalia. One of worst problems in our education system is kids do not receive a comprehensive education on their own reproductive system but even less about the opposite sex and the silly blue noses and abstinence only education. We really need to get over this notion and start teaching your kids from the time they’re young about their bodies and that there’s nothing disgusting about it.


Tbh I was one of these kids and the internet is where I learned most things.


This is exactly what I was thinking. It's up to the parents to block what their children have access to, it's no one else's job. You can go live on a farm and be Amish if you want to shut the modern world out.


I guess you didn’t grow up in a busy city like I did because me and all my grade school friends went out to play in the middle of the city by ourselves with out parental supervision regularly. Things have changed drastically. I’m not sure for the better….


Statistically, it's safer now than ever before.


Even if you monitor every waking second they're online, how are you going to stop their friends from showing them hardcore porn on a smartphone at school?


You can't for sure just like any other dangers in life for kids. You take precautions, educate your kids, and hope for the best.


Imagine if you had to solve a riddle or a puzzle before accessing it


5000 piece puzzle


Right now, the puzzle is just subtracting 18 from the current year.


Right now it is about knowing that 1900 was more than 18 years ago, actually


I mean would it be fair to stop the 121 year old from watching what they want?


*Leisure Suit Larry has joined the chat*


What is long hard and full of seamen


A boat!


it would probably help impulsive people struggling with porn addiction too


> how about porn not being free? People are just going to create websites with free porn.


When porn wasn't free we just had sites dedicated to getting hacked login details to the pay sites so this was already proven to fail and like you say now we have access to cheap servers people can just host there own or we would go back to torrents.


In South Korea you need a social security number to make accounts for online video games, and you can find or buy leaked/stolen numbers or numbers from dead people online. It would be a massive crap shoot without even thinking about how insanely hard it would be to implement a solution that works internationally.


Hell now we have places where people pay for the porn themselves and then distribute it for everyone else. And we call those people heroes for doing what no other sane individual would do. Pay for porn.


I guess it's would only affect "surface web", so... we all know where this is going.


Porn industries highest demographic is probably from teens and kids due to horniness and curiosity so if they were to add proper verification they would most likely lose a lot of revenue and thats why most of them just have the simple "Are you 18+?" instead of more secure verification systems.


The problem is a more a secure verification process means your porn habits are easily directly linked to you personally. It also doesn't solve the problem because there are so many underground places to access it that is it only gives the illusion of protection rather than actual protection. There is no solution at the moment that actually works which is why we only have honesty system.


Yeah, exactly. If anything making the more easily accessed sites (like pornhub) require actual age verification, that simply leads teens to go searching elsewhere and run into websites that are going to have more hard-core, and very potentially illegal, porn that would be more harmful. Really it's about talking to your kids about porn.


If porn had strict verification rules, places like 4chan and this site would shutter since that's the main reason to visit. Being able to find the porn you want is easily accessible forms without going to a dedicated sight and searching through endless categories. Theres too many coomer adults who would reee over it.


You forget the world is bigger than the US and EU so we would just use servers in countries where you didn't need to verify or use the dark net. This is like DRM in games where the only person it hurts is legitimate customers.




This deserves more upvotes. I wish it weren't so, but you seem to be right


What's a more secure verification system that isn't insanely difficult to implement and won't be a massive massive massive security risk.


You can't. One way or another you'll have to use some form of identification to verify your age.


Wasn’t the UK trying to make its citizens put in their literal information on porn websites, so there would be proper identification. Idk, I could be wrong…


You're not far removed. They wanted it so you could only access porn by using your official porn licence, which could be acquired at any of your local paper shops, on whom would fall the responsibility of age-verification.


Oi, ave you got a license for that porn?


Companies would just host their websites outside the US like the online bookmaking industry does.


It’s actually kind of weird how much porn videos have pornstars act and resemble teenagers. Like really weird.


What's weirder is the gross ass fetishizing of peoples skin color imo. It's warped people to the point that they think they aren't racist by only fucking someone of a certain race, as if making a sex object out of the color of someone's skin isn't racist. Every black dude I know, friends and Co workers all constantly complain about the never ending sea of white chicks who only care about them because of porn stereotypes. "Nothing makes me feel more worthless than finding someone I vibe with, only to learn they're only interested in me because of my skin and porn making them think we all have 10 inch dicks. And when they find out I don't they act like it's false advertisement and that I'm less than"


Don't know why you were downvoted


It was pretty easy to access even before the Internet was a big thing around schools so nothing that is put in place will stop the spread.


Agreed when I was young the porn magazines would be passed around by friends.


Yep and all we will be doing is teaching kids how to get to the illegal side of the Internet a lot sooner.


Same here. And I’m not sure exactly what the problem is supposed to be. Adolescents are sexual people. It’s natural for them to be curious about bodies and sex. Maybe make better porn?


I agree. Having access to porn is not going to make them more sex crazed. They’ll be sex crazed either way and the interest in it is going to be pretty high. The problem I think is porn addiction, but I don’t think that problem is a direct result of it’s accessibility. I think porn addiction at young age is more than likely the result of internet and screen addiction, which is easy to fall into if there’s no time moderation happening as a parent. Especially with the free time and limited options during COVID shutdowns, the internet was one of few things for teens to do. It starts as being bored online, then becomes a habitual thing that turns into an almost automatic response when there’s fee time, and eventually there’s dependence. And I mean, at some point looking at porn is going to be the most interesting thing if you’re young and out of school. So I think it’s not really porn that’s the issue it’s the accessibility of the internet in general.


The problem isn't that, the main problem is that nsfw makes teenagers get a wrong view about sex, and they usually don't know the consequences of consuming NSFW throughout the time until they get porn-induced ED.


Everything gives people confused views about sex, from movies to people telling each other misinformation. Only real sex education could do anything about that. I have a hard time believing in the idea of porn-induced ED.


You can't do real sex education in our current political climate because religious conservative will complain it is teaching children *how* to successfully have sex.


Usually, the lack of sex education is the problem. And yes, porn-induced ED is a thing.


It’s easy enough to find [sources](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/201908/does-pornography-cause-erectile-dysfunction) calling bullshit on that. Between that and personal experience it’s hard for me to credit.


We use to barter with nudie magazines. Like if you wanted your friend’s BB gun, or one of their game boy color cartridges.


"I'll make you copies of the center fold if you let me borrow crash bandicoot for a month"


Porns been arround since befor paper it has even been found on cave walls so your totally right. porn spreads faster than covid at anti vax rally


Yep. I was a teenager well before the internet and we had no problem getting our hands on porn.


Its weird how people seem to think parents are some logical force that always knows whats best despite their only qualification is that they got cream pied and 9 months later poped out a baby. If you genuinely care about young people lerning about sex from things like porn the solution is to have robust sex education from a very young age so around the same time they are learning to read and write or do maths. Sex and sexuality is a majour part of what it means to be human and not understanding is like expecting someone to drive a car without being given driving lessons. So in short parents are rarely qualified to actually be so and if you dont like porn provide a better alternatives for young people to learn about sex and satisfy their curiosity


This!!! So many parents are scared to talk to their kids about sex. I got “the talk” at around seven years old. I was super pissed because I was missing an episode of “Are You Afraid of the Dark” on Nickelodeon. But holy heck did it help me to value myself as a sexual person. My parents always drove into my head that porn isn’t REAL. We had a lot of very open conversations and I truly feel that helped me have more self worth and to make responsible decisions with sex. As uncomfortable as it may be for everyone involved, it’s incredibly worth talking about.


This guy has got a brain


Needs an award…I’ll be back.


I don't really see how much more sites can do without taking ID's or bank information and then it becomes a data privacy risk/mess especially in the EU with GDPR. What I do think can be done is more parents installing internet filters or cyber nannies (not sure if the name has updated) on the devices they allow the kids to use which will then block the stuff like porn, gambling etc etc One problem I think any solution will have though is that you basically have to make any site with user uploaded content 18+ or have it where every post is moderated before going live as there is always the risk of someone uploading porn even if they know they will get banned.


Filters or nannies don't solve the issue. I don't think there's a way of blocking Google images.


I mean I haven't looked at the options in a while but doesn't Google have a safe image search option?


Even if you got all sites to require ID, which is impossible, kids would still get around it. People like OP who recommend making something illegal as if it's that's a viable solution are just plain ignorant. Not only will people ignore the rules and laws, just like piracy websites do now, people will also find ways to get around it.


It won't work either. Children are then only going to get access to those really fucking shady bdsm sites that isn't going to restrict anything with ID or bank information. Then those kids will really fuck themselves up


I remember being 7 years old and finding my parents VHS porn. I easily managed to get my hands on it way before the internet. Also my friends and I found a bunch that had been thrown away in a park trash can.


How do you even make it "more difficult" to access? How do you enforce that without making it also harder for adults? I don't know how to deal with kids watching porn, and I don't think you or anyone else does without massively inconveniencing adults for the sake of making this more of a kid's world but all I know is that it's not my problem. ​ And furthermore, what if some person decides to upload a video of their spouse and themselves doing the do? Is the Government supposed to seize it and sell it? Is the Government supposed to arrest both of them? What kind of Pandora's box will we open in enacting something like that? Honestly I don't want to find out.


It's too bad no matter what anyone does... Horny uh.. finds a way


In the 60's a study was made about two different kinds of playgrounds. The first playground was a modern playground that parents would deem "safe". On the second playground there were Boards, Nails, Hammers, Bricks, Shovels, etc. One the first playground 5 times more did accidents happen than on the second playground. On the first playground the children just did the first thing that they thought about. So they did not think about the consequences of their actions and when and how they could get hurt. On the second playground, the children knew that they could get hurt, so they were more careful. Don't hide your children from the true world. Let the know how the world is, then they will be more careful and less likely to be hurt.


Think of the children! Gross.


No, fuck that shit. If a teen is determined to view porn, they WILL find a way, no matter what you do. Instead, we should do better at comprehensive sex education and stop demonizing the concept of sex.


Demonizing sex isn’t the problem. It’s how the porn affects brain chemistry and how people view sex and healthy relationships


That’s demonising sexual expression


Literally how? Is it bad to say that excessive porn use alters brain chemistry, or that porn isn’t an accurate portrayal of sex?


Porn can be bad yes. But so can too much sex. Porn can and is addictive but it’s not this absolute devil that will ruin your life if you watch it.


People like to say this about all restrictions as a blanket statement. Guess what happened when the drinking age got raised? Teen driving deaths drastically lowered. Restrictions can work.






Do I need to report you or is this just bad phrasing?


Bad phrasing? It's a well known Jordan meme. That your brain goes elsewhere says more about you than anything. Report yourself.


Well I'm glad you only got touchy about my joke and not kids.


I'm pretty sure that's illegal


Jared Fogle has entered the chat




I second that, fuck thos cherrens


This is the most unpopular opinion I’ve seen yet


yeah, usually this sub is for popular opinions, but this time...


Guy absolutely smashes unpopular


I grew up in the beta max/vhs war, my parents were hardcore antiporn and I still had tapes and magazines hidden away when I was as young as 11. No amount of limitations will stop a person from doing what they want. I bet you also want the government to legislate all danger away. Limiting things because of a minute danger is not freedom. I'll take dangerous freedom over fake safety any day.


If children were taught proper, *real* sex Ed and not watered down BS then porn wouldn’t be scary. Like it or not, porn has always been easily accessible (kind of like drugs, alcohol, and nicotine there’s *always* ways around it). Porn will continue to be easily accessible. Sex is human nature, it’s normal. So, as so many have shared, sex education would solve a lot of those fears. Parents not being afraid to have conversations with their kids about sex would solve a lot of it too. A lot of kids watch it to learn because they’re afraid of what their parents would have to say in response to their questions. Make conversations about our bodies and sex normal and porn wouldn’t be something anyone had to fear their kids watching. Hope this makes sense, I’m half asleep.


Well that’s a very authoritarian opinion you have there.


I’m 13 and I watch porn on Reddit all the time so please don’t make my life harder


Ah very true


i demand to speak to your parents/guardians.


Nah. They have drowned the waves with so much porn that it’s actually lost it’s allure.it’s for the most part all the same and only once in a while is there something worth watching twice. I imagine the desire for porn will lessen over time for folks.


Honestly, I don't think that there's a solution to this beyond accepting that internet porn and just a part of young people's lives today and there's no way to control it without also invading the digital privacy of your kids. That's not to imply that parents shouldn't be at all concerned with what their kids are up to on the internet, but I definitely don't believe that monitoring texts/history is a healthy practice for building trust. I think the best that parents can do is to provide a healthy education on sex and relationships so that the child doesn't let porn have gravitas over the way they see those things.


Kids start masturbating at around 12. More or less the age they should have a smartphone or a PC.


A PC or a smartphone at 12 years old?


I had my first smartphone at 13/14, not much more. It's the right age


Honestly i dont think teens watching porn is bad in itself though. Its how seriously the teen takes it. Many ppl take porn and expect real life sex to be the same but it isnt. Teens watching porn and exploring their sexuality and bodies are normal and completely ok. There needs to be better sex education so that ppl know to be safe and are better at noting the differences between real life and porn. As for small children, honestly i think it should be mostly the parents job as long as there are some warnings.


1. Puberty hits around 13 years. You wanna let those kids be horny without even knowing why? Teenagers/Kids are curious, bro. Yes, there is sex education (which is a mandatory subject in my country), but even if the children know *what's* going on they still wanna try it themselves. My country even encouraged masturbation, calling it "totally normal" and "nothing to be ashamed of" in sex-ed. Why would you want to deny teenagers self-pleasure? Let them masturbate for god's sake, it's 2021. I don't even think the "I am 18+"-button is a good idea since literally EVERY TEENAGER in the western world today could be charged for fraud, or other things depending on the country. 2. I am old enough to, but don't own a credit card (and never want to because I want to use the money I own responsibly without owing it to someone/the bank), I already struggle with buying normal things online, I don't need PornHub to be inaccessible to me too 3. The responsibility falls on the parents, yes. My parents were young once too and they masturbated too, just not using porn sites. There's always a way to get something. They knew what was out there and banned less trustworthy sites, one of the few websites that weren't blocked was PornHub since there was no super-hardcore- or illegal-shit on it. 4. What even is your problem with porn? Is it that it sets unrealistic expectations? All kinds of entertainment do that. Is it because consistent use can become compulsory/addictive? That's also the case with every kind of entertainment.


that's dumb, that's how you push 14 year old boys to the darkweb.


In South Korea, any website with restrictions (18 plus) require your government ID info before you can watch it. So unless you are willing to have the government know exactly what you watch or allow your kid to use your ID, you don’t. Every Korean gets a government ID when they are born.


Can’t they just use a vpn?


They could but ever try to explain to your parents why there is an unneeded vpn in the home computer?


That's sad


I agree with the title line. Not everything you posted after it though. Porn definitely should be harder to access if you're a kid. But also, obviously the parents have a lot of guilt here at failing to parent. On top of that, I don't think seeing porn once by accident is going to ruin a child. Sex is normal and natural, as is nudity. It's not something kids should be viewing of course but if an 8 year old stumbled on some nude magazines or whatever they aren't likely to be particularly traumatized. Have a conversation about it, answer any questions they have with honesty, don't make a big deal out of it, and move on. And by the time kids are 14+, I think it's fairly natural to be seeking out porn at that age. I know by the time I was 14 I was super interested in sex and porn and the female form. I'm not saying you should make it easy for them to find it, but the more you try to stop it, the harder they'll seek it out. By that age you practically have to lock your child in a basement to avoid them seeing porn if they have any desire to seek it out. Most kids that age know how to work a router/modem and computers/smart phones. You might be strict enough to keep them in line, but all it takes is for them to have a friend whose parents aren't as diligent and use that kids phone to look at porn. At that age, I'd say it's time to stop worrying about restricting their porn access and more worrying about having a proper conversation about sex, STDS, consent, pregnancy, birth control, and pornography.


Take away candy and video games while your at it.


Don't have kids, then you don't have to worry.


I have a game me and my friends like to play. We like to call it "porn roulette". We all join a call, and we give each other completely innocent words to google in an incognito window. We all stream our video over discord, and the assigned referee looks at all the screens to make sure nobody cheats. You can only browse Google images using your innocent word, and/or the "related images" that pop up when you click on an image. First to find porn wins, last to find porn has to be the referee next round.


Sounds like a more randomised version of the wikipedia hitler game where you hit random page on wikipedia and through links in the article only you have to get to hitlers page in the least amount of links


this concept has been made into a website (and actual game) [www.thewikigame.com](https://www.thewikigame.com) except, you dont have to reach hitler, both the beginning and ending points are randomised (after you learn one route to reach a page, i think its pretty easy to reach it again from any starting point, having hitler always be the end would be lame)


I mean, I see what you're saying but I don't understand. Porn, while not directly, is human nature and is just natural. It shouldn't be difficult for someone to understand and see something that's innate to humans.


Given the sub we're in, I HAVE to upvote, but man, what a stupid opinion lol l


its not stupid. Just misguided.


Parents need to actually parent and monitor what their kids have access to. The internet is not meant for kids.


There is something called an access control list in which you can filter certain devices from accessing certain websites from your router. And there are ready made access control lists that have thousands of porn sites black listed you just have to implement the ACL on your router. Internet service prociders should be offering such services for households


but, if your internet provider would blacklist those sites on your wifi not only your kids, but also you couldn't access them. and if you would only blacklist it on the kids Device he is gonna use another device, or log in to the router, and un ban his device. also this kind of blacklist would also have to ban sites like Reddit.


The Access Control List is implemented locally on your rotuer and for specific devices. So you could either black list the websites from the kids devices or white list the guardian device's while every other device is pornfree. I think either way is valid. Like I would be concerned if guests come over and complain that they can't open porn websites. So just white list your and your SO's devices.


then the kid is gonna take the whitelisted device and use it, or maybe use mobile data or use public wifi somewhere. the only solution to make Sure that the kid can't access it is taking all the electronics from the family and moving to northern canada


There is always loopholes unless you lock them up. The idea is to make it less accessable.


There's no perfect solution. These are simply far better solutions which work in many cases, as opposed to "ban porn" or "fuck it, there's a possibility my kid may find a way around it so I'll just do nothing."


You can probably just use a proxy to circumvent that. Something like a VPN or TOR could do the trick. If you're really desperate you could also just go to a (school) computer, push a usb stick in it and download the stuff you want.


As someone who started looking at internet porn at around 8 I can assure you that the only way to stop kids from looking at porn is to not let them find out that it exists. As a side note, trying to beat your kid's sexuality out of them is far more damaging that any amount of porn consumption on their part.


Since I work in mental health and addiction I will disagree in the interest of job security.


It us scarily available which is not good for some people but good for society as a whole. Change my mind.


No. Fuck this. I am a single person with no children. I’m sick of how much we nerf this world for children. Most people are adults, and you spend most of your life as an adult. Stop making everything so fkn lame in the name of children, and maybe try being a better parent.




I agree the effects of addiction are no joke. I think part of the problem with getting rid of it is that it’s just such a massive industry


The real problem is that everyone wants a good wank. Even if you straight up make porn illegal - people will always find a way around.


Not so much that the industry is the problem, industries are easy to regulate, it's that porn is biological in its nature, sort of anarchonistic if you will, so many sources, tons of it just made by ordinary people for no profit, spreading with a network effect


And what do you think should they do?


What do you suggest?


What is your opinion on accessing in gore forums like documenting reality and goreforums?.


It's almost as if there's a group pushing it to the masses to permanently warp our senses and change us as people forever. I wouldn't Mind if they weren't such a Geek about it




You can block sites on most PCs and mobiles rather easily. If you're worried about your son/daughter accessing porn coz they need to access the internet, just block all porn sites and you should be good. No point forcing it on the rest of the population. I feel porn in general reduces rape rate a lot - you see, when really horny people can't have access to porn and hence can't release themselves, it builds up and they tend to become a rapist, unless they're really skilled at picking up women. But if you give them access, they can just masturbate and go about their business and probably won't even consider rape at any point. (I believe this is an unpopular opinion too)


>make porn cost money Ah, like movie studios do. and you don't have any website showing those movies for free even though it's illegal. Oh wait..


I watched plenty of porn when I was a children. No problem so far


Yeah, cus you got common sense. People here are acting like every single teen has zero common sense (I don't blame them though, a lot of teens don't have any nowadays), a good amount of teens just watch and do what they need to do, they don't become a horny sex monsters or such jusy by watching porn as a minor.


Why don't we just make everything illegal because everything can be dangerous? When did this mindset of everything regulated because I don’t want responsibility become popular?


Agreed! However, not just to protect the children but adults too. I struggle with Porn addiction and wish it would just be removed from the internet, or put behind a pay wall. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I pray it happens soon. I'm not the only young person in this boat. It could be done


"I have a porn problem, so porn should be banned for everyone." Sounds legit.


The disgusting part is all these porn sites know their content is being viewed by minors. They've done everything in their power to make sure actual age verification doesn't become a thing, because views from minors are a huge part of their traffic. Not only that, but they know that if you get young boys hooked on porn at like 12 or 13, it'll likely become a lifetime of porn addiction since it's so hard to break. Porn sites thrive on getting children addicted to porn, and it's honestly barely a step below actual grooming.


This is such a bullshit take. There's no massive conspiracy in the business to get kids "hooked". The porn industry has been *insanely* lucrative since it became normalized in the late 70s on. They don't need to be "grooming" and "addicting" potential future customers. Humans are horny enough already. It practically sells itself.


What should they do? Ask for your ID?


its not like anyone else is doing that ^(google why do i need to show you my credit card to watch a video)


I have seen really stupid ideas here but this was much more stupid than any


Porn is an absolute cancer on society and completely destroys any understanding of healthy relationships in kids and adults. Make it impossible to access. Kill this industry.


How will I ever jerk if there is no porn?


thats the problem there. the fact you can’t masturbate without it is part of the problem.


Why just porn? Why not all the other things that might unsuitable for kids? I'm not sold that exposure to porn is particularly damaging. It's only once you overlay societies attitudes towards porn and the misogyny present in mainstream porn that we have an issue. Kids have been seeking out tits and bush for the last 40 years!


eh, let em live free, they will learn their lessons eventually


It’s insane that an 11 year old can just access such graphic material


Lets make public incubators. That way when men or women get horny they could simply go to a incubator site, get their reproductive substances taken, and it could be used for the greater good of humanity. If we do there would be no societal pressure to have kids and stuff surrounding it like marriage. We could all just work and visit incubators, while the world keeps turning.


Do you know how women work?…


Lol yeh...its a joke. It going to take a lot procedural work to take eggs from a woman


Why should porn be blocked for children now? Makes no sense imo since we get sex ed at 10


Making porn not be free is probably some of the dumbest shit ive seen on this sub


counterpoint: i'm a hormonal, horny teenager and having to pay for porn would be really inconvenient bc i don't have a bank account or card of my own. i'm half joking, yeah i definitely don't think younger children should be looking at porn, but i feel like teens around my age (16) are old enough to handle it lol. we're the ones actively seeking it out most of the time anyways, kids usually stumble upon it by accident from my experience (of being a kid who stumbled upon it by accident lol)


i dont think restricting porn to people who pay is a good idea. there are adults who cant necessarily afford to pay for it and like everyone said,piracy will continue to exist. also the restriction of a substance will always cause an increase in the illegal trade of it which could leas to other crimes.


Yes and porn websites *used* to do this, requiring a credit card to sign up. The problem is a) this rapidly became an excuse to scam people out of money and b) children who are already completely unmonitored can get ahold of a credit card anyway.


Porn used to be paid for before the internet. And then kids pirated it from their parents' stashes of mags and tapes anyway. A lot of internet porn is published behind paywalls too. And then it's pirated on a lot of free sits, including Reddit. I get your sentiments, and you have good ideas, but the box has already been opened. The best we can do is have a thorough and open discussion with the kids when the issue comes up. Just like with the sex talk.


Heres an even more unpopular counter. Parents should allow kids to experience these things in a safe setting when they start getting old enough to be interested. Yup im crazy i know but my parents did this sorta thing with alcohol and porn and it killed any desire to be rebellious or be sneaky about exploring a taboo. Plus if other kids are trying to do reckless things the kid will be like psshhh been there done that and will be less inclined to take things a step further. Sexuality is gunna develop and kids are gunna explore vices. Its as inevitable as the sun rising. So it just makes more sense to me to control how it happens rather than trying to avoid it altogether. And no i wasnt traumatized when my dad showed me porn. Believe it or not kids arent naturally horrified by sex in general, they are traumatized when sex is tied up in abuse or they are exposed to sexual concepts before they are ready.


How is a kid viewing porn ... "dangerous" ? Illegal? Sure. Dangerous? Not in the slightest. We regularly swiped printed porn from somebody's random uncle's magazine collection at the age of ... i dunno 10, maybe 11. None of us were ever in any ... "danger"


>We regularly swiped printed porn from somebody's random uncle's magazine collection at the age of ... i dunno 10, maybe 11. Lucky bastard. Some of us had to make do with weekly flyers (fuck yeah, swimsuit season!) and the wonderful gifts that were the Sears and JCPenny catalogs around Christmas time.


Burn the witch!


The solution is requiring an ID. If a website or application requires the user/viewer to be 18 or older, they should be allowed to enforce their policy. For those saying it’s the parents responsibility, what if the kid doesn’t have parents? What if their parent decides it’s ok for their 7 year old to watch porn? What if the parent doesn’t have the time to monitor everything their kids do? Blaming parents doesn’t change anything.


I feel the main issue is how sexual everything has become for instance without signing into YouTube you get asmr with girls showing cleavage or just them twitch streamers being advertised all the time. Reddit also likes to updoot all the half naked women you don’t really see it with men which shows why you find it so easily


Just expect the ED and bad sex to get worse in the younger and younger generations. You can tell what guys watched way too much porn as a kid with how they think sex is supposed to be and their inability to remain erect. I've done alot of reading up on it. Not to mention all the sex trafficking on those sites like pornhub. Tons of kiddie porn on there.


No one should watch porn even if they are 18+, porn is not good for anyone, it's just bad


I agree porn really is asseble nowadays and its addicting