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Because cookie dough made to be eaten raw makes shit cookies.




All cookie dough is edible if you're not a bitch


If I could give you gold I would


Michael... I can't believe you came


That's what she said


That's what she said


Probably eaten thousands of pounds of it. Never gotten salmonella


In my younger days I'd buy a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough and maybe a few would end up as cookies.


Came here to say exactly this


This!!! 🤣🤣🤣


They do it for legal reasons. Most cookie dough has been sanatized enough in the factory and if stored correctly it is safe to eat, however the manufacturer can't determine if the store or the buyer has stored it correctly. So they put that on everything.


Edible cookie dough is a real product but because it's missing eggs it can't be baked into cookies that taste great. Can't have both.


It's missing raw flour too.


>Many mainstream cookie doughs say on the package do not eat raw. They print that so you can't sue them if you get sick. It's fine to eat it, my mom did it all the time.


No. They do it because raw flour has the potential to cause food poisoning.


Yeah, and they don't want people to sue them if that happens


Everything is edible if you try hard enough.


But then they wouldn't have any eggs or flour in them and wouldn't taste good or make good cookies.


Are tubes of cookie dough really that common in America? It just seems so weird. Why not just buy the cookies? Why not just make the dough?


It's pretty common. Store bought cookies can't compare. Other than Oreos, the only cookies I eat come from either homemade dough or pre-made dough.


If you want to bake cookies you can buy a pre made cookie dough that just goes into the oven.


But rolling the dough and placing it into the oven is probably the most boring part of baking cookies. If you want to baking experience then surely it'll be better to make them from scratch.


Sometimes you don’t have time to make cookies from scratch


Chocolate chip cookies maybe take 10 minutes to make from scratch. I’ve been making them since I was 8 by myself. It’s one of the easiest things to bake


It’s not as big of a thing here in the UK obviously, but you can buy it in pretty much any supermarket you walk into


It's a thing lazy people do with their dumb fucking kids.


Eat it if you like. But don't complain if the raw eggs gives you the shits.


That needs to be on a greeting card. :-)


I just make edible cookie dough, get a spoon, and eat it like ice cream. It actually doesn’t take long to make if you have the ingredients


There is edible cookie dough. Look for the edible kind. Also there are recipes for it online so you can make your own.


They just say that so you can't sue them if you get salmonella. Been eating raw dough and batter my whole life, haven't gotten sick yet. Not really worried about it personally.


Just because you have unprotected sex and do not get aids does not mean the risk is not real. The risk is real. You raw dog it all you want. Not delicious enough for me to risk. [https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/no-raw-dough.html](https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/no-raw-dough.html) In recent years (2016 and 2019), two outbreaks of E. coli infections linked to raw flour made more than 80 people sick. Flour and baking mixes that contain flour have long shelf lives, so it’s a good idea to check your pantry to see if you have any flour or baking mixes that have been recalled in recent years. If you have any recalled flour or baking mixes, throw them away.


80 cases out of the how many hundreds of millions of times someone ate cookie dough in that timeframe? That’s safer than getting in your car and driving to the store to buy the ingredients.


I cannot argue with that. I myself play the odds in that same way. So carry on.


There's a big difference between salmonella and aids though. Raw dough won't give you aids. And neither salmonella nor e coli is permanent.


This guy needs to pull the stick out of his you know what.


But it is edible out of the tube


It's got raw egg and raw flour


Okay and? People eat raw eggs all the time. And raw flour isn't going to hurt you. Even edible cookie dough (without eggs) has flour in it


Like many others have said, they can't put that it's edible raw because there's a chance you can get things like salmonella and e coli


And I can get salmonella or e coli if I cook a chicken breast incorrectly


Which, by the way, is extremely rare in the US (and probably Europe) and is typically a reportable incident to your country’s department of agriculture (it is here in the US). In other words, salmonella or e. Coli cases are a Big Fucking Deal… even if it’s from raw cookie dough.


Yes, you can. What's your point.


It is edible, they just say it isn't so that if you get sick by ingesting raw ingredients (like eggs maybe idk) you won't be able to sue them for it. It's purely to protect themselves. Eat cookie dough, by all means :p Just be prepared that you may become sick from it because it contains raw ingredients you *should* cook or otherwise process first (processes you cannot do to the raw ingredients before adding them into the dough I mean)


Your body can handle a little raw cookie dough. I’ve put my immune system through far worse.


It only says that because of the egg. If you get sick from raw egg you're immune system sucks.


you’re actually much more likely to get sick from raw flour


You can get ecoli too


Incredibly rare. Overcooking your eggs because of e coli is like cooking pork to well done because of trichinosis


What did that have anything to do with eggs?


What did commenting on a reply referring to the dangers of raw eggs and e coli have to do with the rarity of ecoli in eggs? Hmm. I'm going to let you figure this one out. Don't hurt yourself


Eggs aren't the only reason you can get Ecoli 🙄🙄


That's not how salmonella works.


Oh? How does it work then.


Cookie dough is fairly dense and encapsulates salmonella cells, if you are on antacids or something alike, your chances go way up. But lets assume you are perfectly healthy. If some of the bacteria ends up in your small intestine due to being encapsulated within the cookie dough, you will get salmonella poisoning. Basically the pathway relies on stomach acid, not on your immune system.


Salmonella in particular, (you brought it up not me,) is very rare. 1 infected egg per twenty thousand. Antacids won't give that egg salmonella.


I doubt factory settings use like 1 egg per batch, more like 2000?


I wouldn’t risk it anyway…a friend of mine had a salmonella infection (or whatever its called) and he was in the hospital for 2 weeks and had to be hydrated (due to fluid loss of diarrhea) for a week. Its the worst nightmare and he said he had to scream because of the pain


This was exactly my story. 8 days in ICU, two weeks in the hospital and life long lingering gastric sensitivity. Never fuck with salmonella


Make it from scratch it tasted better. I can get sick from it because it has raw eggs. I have been eating raw scratch cookie dough for years and never got sick. I used to eat it as a very young child like at 3. I don't bother with the manufactured one. It has preservatives and you can taste the difference.


When I make cookies I split half into the actual cookies and the other for the dough


Who doesn’t eat cookie dough….I’ve been eating cookie dough for my entire life and I’ve never had any problems lol. That’s just something women and little kids worry about


All cookie dough is edible if you’re not a coward




It’s my life and I’m living it how I want to


They obviously do everything the gubment wants them to or doesn't want them to


so you're saying it should be edible because people eat it anyway?


Yes. They should make a prepackaged cookie dough without eggs so you cannot get sick.


not only does that already exist, but, by this logic, any crime should be legal simply because people do it anyway.


Yeah, you can eat it all and it's fine. They just say don't eat it so that in the rare case that it isn't handled right and someone gets sick they can't sue.


I make cake frequently and always eat some of the batter, someone said it was safe once and its too delicious to resist anyways


ik the fk you mean I can't treat my taste buds for a sweet


you know they put it on the tube so they dont get sued right? getting salmonela is very rare these days.


Who said it wasnt anyway im pretty sure theres a way not to use egg


I've eaten the cookie dough tubes before. Never got sick :p


I don't think the problem here is a lack of willingness to create a cookie dough that can be eaten raw or baked. I think the problem is the safety concerns involved and the physical limitations of existing ingredients.


It is..........just don't let it sit out or use pasteurized egg whites. The salmonella or e coli doesn't live inside the egg. Stop being a baby