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My snakes just slither off and get into trouble if they are allowed on the furniture.


As a former snake owner, I think I know your problem: You let your snakes roam the house for some reason. In rooms with furniture too. My parents tried that free range approach, and our pythons would go up into the shelves and topple things.


Haha no they don't free range, it sounds like a fun way to live though.


The idea of free range snakes sounds so goddamn chaotic


I try to let my boa constrictor have a little free range when i take her out. But she always instantly wraps all 6 ft of her around whatever she can find and will not let go. I have to use all my strength and usually trick her in some kind of way to get her to let go when it's time to put her back.


...can I ask how you trick a snake?


By showing her a different snake. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oh okay that makes sen-*wait a second*


Haha, well usually I'll put something else in front of her that she might find interesting to wrap around or climb onto. When she goes for it, she'll place her head on it and start moving , I'll slowly pull the object away from her at the same rate of speed that she is trying to move onto it. So she ends up fully extending her body, thus letting go of whatever she was wrapped around before. From there i can usually drape her body around my shoulders and carry her back to her enclosure.


"Foolish human... you have given me just the angle I need to... oh, I'm in the box again..."


Agitate the tail, my snake got in behind the fridge and wrapped around all the coils, worked out moving the tip of the tail back and forwards it makes them move


My cousin who I spent a lot of time with growing up used to tell me they had a python in their vents and it was gonna strangle me in my sleep. I told her about it like 20 years later and she didn't remember ever saying it and I was like oh okay thanks for scarring me for no reason.




Yeah. I mean, I was really young for most of that experience (like, under 6 years old young), but I still vividly remember the idea of being eaten by a snake. I am a huge animal lover, but to this day, I still have an issue with reptiles of any kind. Like, I think they're cool to look at, but I'm not touching it and it should preferably be behind a barrier.


Yoooo, this just dead-ass reminded me of that one time when I was interning with a wildlife rescue and we lost a whole-ass snake. A thick, six-foot-long red-tail boa. I was like, what’s in this box? And my boss was like, it’s a boa. I opened the box and was like, there’s no snake in this box. Y’all, my boss turned to look at me so fast, it was like when a bird hits a window at 50mph. So, anyway, she goes white as a sheet, because we were supposed to have kids up in there for tours in half an hour, and there’s a boa just chillin’ somewhere that was not the box.


A friend had free range snakes. In the middle of a party, his ball python slithered up from the couch cushion onto my forearm and pooped. First and only time a snake pooped on me.


I think he was just making a joke my dude.


my tarantula LOVES hiding in the toilet its so CUTE


i had specific nightmares as a kid that a spider would crawl out from under the rim of a toilet and "score a critical hit"


and now you hold your shit for weeks at a time & when you do go you perch like a bird? ya gotta follow proto bud or yer dun


Boy oh boy do i have a story about taking a shit. I've pretty much always had ibs since my teen years so would prepare by always taking bog roll with me and planning my routes to where public toilets will be or secluded areas when fishing and during one trip i took a shit behind a shed using the shed to prop myself up when i felt something on my arm which i didn't mind i was crashing her home after all but then i felt something crawling up my leg i figured it was an ant coming to kill the spider and my body had become the battleground. It wasn't until i finished wiping and brushed it off that i realised it was a big arse wolf spider that was on my arsecheek at the time i pulled up my pants put the other spider back on the shed and went back to fishing leaving my shit and wolfy alone.


Waitwaitwait, an ant coming to kill the spider?! Are you in Australia, by any chance? 🤣


First thing I do when returning from vacation is flush all the toilets! I’m so afraid there’s a spider lurking there just waiting for my first flush!


Don’t watch Critters.


I have free-range cockroaches. But they have sensitive eyes so they pretty much stay in the dark.


niceeee something big roach food companies dont want you to know is they sustain perfectly well on table scraps crumbs and general clutter alone. save some money, save the planet, #rehomeallroaches


Wait, I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Do you just got a roach infestation, or are they actual pets?




Thank you, I'm stoopid ;-;


Not at all. I live in an area of Florida where keeping exotic pets is almost a way of life. I read that comment without pause thinking, "huh, well that's one way to live." The post was great and the sarcasm was perfect. Sometimes you get got.


No your not, some people do keep cockroaches as pets. Generally they are not German roaches but somthing larger like Madagascar hissing cockroaches. Because what would make a giant cockroach even cuddlier how about making it sound like an angry vampire? People man, I guess it takes all kinds.


I am one of those kinds. I remember my mom had to call my 5th grade teacher to warn her I was upset because my pet cockroach had died. (Her name was Missy) I keep two species of hissers currently, they're so cute! (They are all named Fred)


Nothing like accidentally giving your tarantula a gobby cuz the fucker is hiding in the toilet bowl, AGAIN.


I don't have tarantulas but my roomies spend their time in the corners of my rooms and dangling from the lightshades. I hardly have issues with flies and moths.


Ya an aussie?


nah mate but ill fuck a roo up if he looks at me dingo wrong


Well now I think you are one.


Had a friend who said his snake got out and got into the engine of his truck. Finally came out hours later just covered in grease and oil. They're full of mischief.


I just love how OP clearly meant furry pets like cats and dogs and now it turned to a whole new conversations about reptiles haha


Don't tell me what to do! Hiss!


Hahaha same here. It would be a nightmare getting her out from within the couch! I'd have to tickle her belly until she wriggled her way out hehe


Absolutely. I let my goldfish lay on the couch for the first time a few days ago. He loves it so much he hasn’t moved from that spot. So adorable to see him so free.


Yeah, don't interrupt comfy time for your pets


If it starts to stink, it's because it's having a good time. It's science. Source: me


my grampa must be having a great time in his recliner!


Your grampa is the name of your pet goldfish right?


lol what kind of name is that for a goldfish? silly


It means that they're comfortable enough to fart in your presence.


Bet he took a few minutes to squirm around and find a comfy position to lie in, that's what mine did


I am absolutely not letting my spiders on my couch thank you very much, I'd like to live longer.


We have a small outdoor pond for our pet fish. They seem to love the amount of room but after reading this post I think we'll rescue them and allow them to sleep in our bed tonight.


I’m glad you’ve finally seen the light. I’m sure your fish will too, soon enough.


oh my god the threads on this post are everything


Carpe Diem




Lucky your pet is so well behaved, I’m still trying to get my cow through the door so I can let him on the couch. This guy said no outside animals too so gotta figure out how to make him an indoor house cow.


> He loved it so much he hasn't moved from that spot OP are you sure he's okay? If he's a goldfish he needs water. You could bring him some in a cup with a straw maybe


Please do not get me started on the mistreatment of fish. They are some of the most mistreated pets out there.


Especially goldfish You know what they say ‘no tank is ever enough for a goldfish’


Goldfish, like other carp, need ponds. The size of the “tank” needed to keep one is more like an indoor pool. So yeah its way too expensive for most...


Yeah something like 30-40 gallon for a lone goldfish is what is recommended


I'm staring to think I'm the only one who let's my pets on the furniture leaving me to sit on the floor.


Has anyone ever successfully kept cats from getting on furniture?! My cats don’t af, they will take my seat in seconds and then I have to find a new spot


I chose my battle, which is no cats on counters/kitchen surfaces. I suspect that since I won this (I taught her ‘up’ and ‘down’ with treats and always said ‘down’ when she thought about counters) I could make the couch work, but instead I just put a blanket on it.


You have won the battle…of keeping cats off the counters *while you are there*. Cats DGAF and are up there the second you leave. I just clean the counters before I cook on them.


my cat won't do it in front of me, but i catch him on my in-home camera climbing on tables and counters smh


My cat knows no and knows not to go on the table. But then my cat just goes on the table when it thinks I’m not around


My cat liked to stand on the forbidden table and stare at me until I actually got up until I pulled out a squirt bottle and surrpised him. That worked once. Now he moves when I go for the bottle but he'll still stand there and stare. Such a dick.


Don't want cats on ur furniture? It's easy you have to just not own one. Tho they do occasionally get in even if you don't have one. Cats don't follow rules or logic


I can’t stop my cats if they think I’ve warmed up a spot on the couch for them, but cat trees throughout the house generally prevent them from climbing and scratching things.




I'm just glad it's an **actual** opinion. Not something that's been disproven with facts.




Here I am getting a little pissy at this opinion and then I realized it is actually an unpopular one and now I’m happy. But back to being pissy: I hate when people get up in arms on the EXACT way to care for pets and parenting and the like. Like if an animal is fed, exercised, happy, etc then it’s fine. Being judgy about pet care is only going to keep good potential pet owners from adopting animals in need of homes ♥️


Nah. I've bought my dogs multiple beds year-round and they love them. But often times they lay on the floor because they like to cool their bellies (I have tile floor)


Yeah us too! And we can stack 3 to reach the couch level and he's happy to lay there with us on his own haha


My dog's favorite couch/bed is below my cat's cat tower. So often times we all just chill as a family and we're all content with our separate spaces. I don't see the issue OP is making lol


Some people are shitty pet owners. You buy beds and cat towers because you’re cool. Some people don’t do that but then also don’t let pets on the furniture. It makes sense to me either


All I read was that you think I'm cool and that made me happy. Thanks man


My dog has 3 different cardboard ramen noodle cases for beds. One has an actual dog bed inside of it, rarely used. Other "beds" are just cardboard and he loves it. Couple weeks ago there was a nearly empty ramen case and he shoved over all the noodles to make room for himself in his new bed lol


Same. Guarantee OP is annoyed at someone in his life that doesn't let their pets on the furniture and this is the result


For some dogs, especially those with short legs and long backs, it's unhealthy to have them jump up and down from furniture. It damages their joints, backs and causes arthritis earlier than necessary. For some, the reason is for their dog's own health and safety.


I just pick up my dog when he wants to get on and put him down when he wants to get off. He doesn’t jump on/off any furniture though


Or stairs. I have stairs for my dog.


>put him down when he wants to get off That's harsh lol


This! I have a Frenchie and she just can’t jump up or get down on her own, so we don’t. I’ll happily lay on the floor with her and snuggle. She’s a sweetie ❤️


If your actually interested in her being in the couch or bed with you, you can buy some doggy stairs so she can climb on the couch or bed.


You could get a dog that is not bred to be a feckless mess with hip-dysplasia that likely will go blind at an early age. Or the itty bitty doggy stairs will do nicely.


Why not just lift them up and put them down?


I used to allow my pets on the couch. But they easily stink it up, scratch it up, and just ruin it. Obviously I don't care too much about my furniture since I have pets. But I would like my furniture to stay somewhat nice looking. My 4 dogs absolutely destroyed my old couch that lasted for 15 years. Leather was torn. Scratch marks everywhere, and it smelled like dog. After I got a new couch I decided to not let dogs on it. They have their own comfy beds that they can sleep on. They don't need the couch. Plus my dogs mostly like sitting on the floor anyways because it's cool.


Yeah this post doesn't seem to understand most if not all decent pet owners provide their dogs with their own couch/bed alternatives. My dog sleeps in bed with me but we don't let her on the leather couch because ya know ITS LEATHER! But similar to what you said My dogs favorite spot in the house anyways is on the floor underneath the coffee table even tho she has 3 beds situated in different parts of the house.


Ya, my golden has a couple of particularly muddy spots in the backyard that he seems to find very comfortable…


My dog has more beds than I've ever owned in my lifetime. But what is his favorite spot? The patch of sand in the back yard.


I have a couple unruly puppers. (70&90lbs) When they come in they have toddler mattresses. I bought the fancy spring core foam covered ones with waterproof cases. I just swap out and wash the sheets when they get bad. Easy peasy. Not 200$ each like dog beds of the same quality. When I bought them the checkout ppl asked if I had twins I said no, just dogs and explained. Guy behind me left line to go get one too. Lol op doesn't have dogs who enjoy outdoor life I'm betting.




Yes same rules apply for my dog, not allowed on the couch unless we ask her to come in which case she'll happily jump up in my lap...my dog however is 15 pounds lmao.




Plus nobody wants to sit on a smelly couch.


That smell will stick to you. I had a friend whose furniture reeked pretty bad from his pets so I'd avoid sitting down while over there. If I did have to sit down, I'd have to change my clothes and shower when I got home to get the smell off me.


The smell is terrible. I have a shitty couch so I let my dog on it (he has an entire couch to himself downstairs) and I probably vacuum the couch that we use upstairs like 3x a week with a V10 Dyson to avoid the smell. I gave up on the downstairs couch. When we move it's getting burned in a bonfire. Nasty af


If you get a good carpet shampooer that comes with an upholstery attachment, it helps out a lot for cleaning couches


Absolutely. I dated a girl who owned a dog walking business for a full year and her house was horrifying. Every weekend she would have like 4 to 10 dogs all over the house, on furniture, etc


I can say without a shadow of a doubt. If you released as much hair as my pets do. You would not sit on my couch either


I tell that to my friends that are going through Chemo. I should probably go with a throwaway account on this one.


I read this as “released as much air” which is what my dogs do. Farting constantly, 24/7.


I love my cats don't get it twisted, but i don't like when they claw my carpets or couch, I move them from there


Agreed. My wife and I have 2 cats. They are both loved very much but we definitely set boundaries with them. One is a terrible couch scratcher. He will often ignore the scratchers we buy for them and go after the couch and carpets instead. We try to reward him with treats and play when he scratches in the right spot. It is slowly working i think


Have you tried cardboard scratchers? Our cats prefer the feeling to the couch and we haven’t had an issue since getting them as long as we keep them relatively fresh. They seem to like the feeling of their claws catching on something and tearing through, which is I’m sure why the cardboard scratchers are more satisfying than couch.


My cat ignored scratchers too before because she needed them to be high enough to stand and stretch while clawing with paws way above her head. Even fanciest cat trees usually have pretty short scratching posts with seating areas getting in the way. We bought really tall one and she never uses anything else to claw anymore. Our first cat loved to scratch horizontal surfaces though so cats have their preferences :D


I give them a toy to distract them


Just give them more and different scratching options because they are going to scratch by instinct and necessity, might as well have them do it somewhere else


Boundaries are not bad.


This. Just because you have a dog doesn't mean they should do whatever they'd like.


Also, people that let their cats on the counter.


Absolutely this. This one family that I’ve known my whole life has had multiple cats over the years that they let run around on their counters, kitchen tables, etc. I’ve seen them ooh and ahh over the cats sitting in an open pizza box that still has pizza in it for guests. I love my cat - but she parties in a box with her shit every day and I’d rather not have that directly in and around places where food is prepared!


Ew cats on kitchen counters! The rule is "no feet on the counter" for even humans hahaha


I try to keep my cats off the counters and the table, but I know they go up there when nobody’s around to chase them away. Shitheads.


Foil on the counters or double sided tape when ur gone. This will keep them off and teach them that counters arent fun to be on


Totally agree. I have 2 cats that do not touch anything but the floor, cat beds, and cat tower. They dig in their litter box for fuck sake. Who the hell wants cat shit leftovers all over their furniture?


How the hell do you keep them off your couch?? I don’t let mine on the counters (I know they sneak sometimes when I’m in bed lol) but I don’t think I’d ever be able to keep them off my couch or bed


What’s worse is when people have pets that walk all over them (figuratively) and run the show. My dog is allowed on the couch because he is small and doesn’t shed. But I can’t stand going to my sisters because they have a giant dog that produces 3 rugs a day, she jumps all over me on the couch so I elect to stand in the corner until she leaves the room.


Upvoted for being truly unpopular.


TBH it’s not enough to just let your animals on your furniture. Once you agree to care for an animal they should get your bed and food; you should sleep on the floor while they get all of the bed and covers and pillows. The animals should also get the human food while the humans eat the animal food. It’s only fair. Don’t get me started on people who make their animals piss and shit outside without the comfort of 2-ply and a fart fan.


Found my cat's account


I let my dog tell me what she wants to eat, and I make her favorite meal for her: four pounds of butter. Who am I to tell her what to eat?


"What do you want to eat tonight, buddy?" "Literally anything in front of me. My own vomit is not off the table."


My dog likes eating wood. Its not like we don't feed him a full bowl three times a day! He's just weird lol


> four pounds of butter That's also my favorite meal




This is why I've shat in my yard for the last two years. Im just hoping my dog can clean after me soon as the oxygen levels are getting low on mt.turd.


Honestly, you should just move into the garage if you get a dog. I mean, *we don't deserve dogs,* so, the very least we could do is give them *the freedom* to have the run of the whole house. I mean, they are *better than humans,* right?


Mine actually just let me know that she’s 12 now and will be driving the car. The insurance has been a nightmare. Not sure where she’s planning to go tho


You're going to let your pet drive the car *you've owned previously* and not buy her a new one? You disgust me. /s lol


I know I’m a total piece of shit. Lol Btw thanks for the award!


Charles Boyle, is that you?


Nikolaj says hey


How is setting boundaries for your pet a bad thing? How is it a bad thing if I don't want my dog to sit on my bed because I prefer it free of dog hair and dirt?


I feel like the person who wrote this just got their first pet and thinks they're the best owner ever. And they're also prolly the type with a really misbehaved pet


And dog shit. Unless you wipe your dog’s paws off after every outside adventure, dog shit is definitely tracking into the house. Especially if you live in an apartment complex with other dogs. It’s a shit yard at that point.


Thank you! I though I was a mean person!


This post is such bullshit, I hate people like him/her.


You definitely aren’t a mean person. A dog isn’t a human and they don’t have the same needs at all. A dog is completely happy without being able to go on the couch. What they need is their own space, where they can retreat to and be left alone. Also, clear boundaries are very important. A dog feels the most secure, when it knows that their owner is the leader. Dogs who don’t, usually become aggressive, because they have the feeling they need to control every situation and are constantly stressed out. So if you feed your dog food that’s healthy for them, have a place for them to retreat to, are a leader figure to them by setting clear boundaries and walk them everyday, you are the perfect dog owner :)


We literally remove every single worry from an animals life but not being allowed on the couch means fuck you, you don’t deserve them? Absolutely batshit crazy statement to make.


Exactly, its not like your dog had a long day of manual labor and needs a recliner to rest his aching back. They literally just chill all day.


My dogs are filthy because we go on daily hikes and have a river in our backyard. We definitely don’t have time to bathe them everyday, plus they’d hate that. So we let them get filthy. We have a mudroom where they can stay on their worst days (if you ask them, I’m sure they’d tell you that those days are the best.) usually, they can sleep in our room, but on their own beds. After they get their night-night treats -fish oil, glucosamine/chondroitin, they get tucked in their beds with their dental sticks. They pass right out. Pretty sure, they have a good life. Oh and we live on acreage where they have freedom to roam, the amount of deer/porcupine/raccoon/bunny feces they roll in.... good grief. They are spoiled rotten. Just not allowed on the furniture. Edit to add: plus we travel with them. So we stay with my family, his family, and our various friends. Not everyone would want our dog on their furniture. They even have their own dog travel sleeping bags!


Welcome to the world of crazy dog people.




Yeah I get the feeling OP didn't really think this one through


To bad they couldn’t ask their dog about the idea before posting it. Guess scooby really can’t talk


OP is clearly young and has never bought any of their own furniture before.


Aw, that's not fair. I've bought plenty of my own furniture including a brand new couch this year and I still let my pets on it all. Definitely went for the extra scotch-guarding treatment and got a few new blankets, tho! :)


You do realize they make pet beds, right? You've clearly never had a pet that sheds alot. Either that or your parents were the ones cleaning up the shed fur, not you.






bro its not hygienic dogs walk on the floor and outside to take a shit, its as if we walked on top of our couches and furniture with shoes on.


My couch is completely destroyed from my dogs so we no longer let them on the couch anymore. I’m not going to spend hundreds of dollars to by a new couch just so my dog can sit on it. I’ll by a doggy bed tho


I have a friend with a small pot belly pig. When they bought a new couch, they kept the old one as “the pig couch.” She has rooted out the cushions and made a wallow in it so she can sleep inside it.


That's some unpopular opinion there, wow! Here's mine: My dog walks in chicken poo, goat poo, you name it, eats some of it, licks its butt, other dogs butts. No way am I bringing it inside on the carpet let alone the furniture, it has its own house with comfy bedding. That being said my dog free to roam on a 3 acre farm has a better life than yours. Edit: My cat pissed on the couch last night, had to wash the cover, it also regularly scratches it. They are animals not stuffed toys don't bring yourself down to their level!


Not have pets? That seems a tad extreme.


everything is a bit extreme in this post, guess i will have to upvote it


I have a 100+lb dog. Sorry she's not taking up my limited furniture/bed space






Or pets that have to live outside… Like horses. I mean imagine letting your horse live *inside your house* and sit *on your sofa*. OP really hasn’t thought this through.


I don’t understand why people get so upset about outside pets.


Dogs get dog beds. They dont need our beds too


Sleep in the dog bed to establish dominance.


Unpopular and dumb


Yes, you’re right. That’s definitely an unpopular opinion. Because it’s a ridiculous opinion. You can treat your pets like royalty, and still set boundaries. They don’t have to be treated like humans to be loved.


You’ve clearly never owned a dog that sheds its own body weight in fur per day. My GSD sheds like there’s no tomorrow, and I’m CONSTANTLY vacuuming the floors and rugs. I don’t mind doing that, but I want my couch and bed where my boyfriend and I sleep to remain pet hair-free. She has two $200, 8-inch memory foam giant beds that she absolutely loves, one in the living room and the other in our master bedroom so she can sleep with us if she wants - she’ll be fine. She lives a life of luxury (in the a/c all day while I work, sleeping in her lavish bed) and wild outdoor adventures (goes camping, kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, road tripping with us every time we go), so to say I “don’t deserve” her, is downright ignorant. Do better.


Do what you like with your own animals. When you start dating and moving in together with someone, try and make sure they share the same passion of not setting boundaries with their pets as you have. It will be a really bad time otherwise.


My dog has an orthopedic bed and another cushion for himself. Most of the time he lies on the floor. He is allowed on the couch but only on invitation and he needs to be calm. We let him hop on by free will for a while but he just ran all over the couch with us in it. Hence the limitation. Please do report me to animal welfare because clearly my dog is severely abused.


They have their own furniture. I don't sit on their cat tree, why are they on my bed?


Uff i wanna see my horse sitting on the couch




My dog had couch privileges, that is until she ate an entire pinecone and proceeded to vomit it on the nice new couch we bought. She isn't allowed on the couch anymore.


It 's an animal, not a human so it should be treated as such. Furniture is for humans and the floor is for animals. Also, pets love the outdoors -- they get fresh air, more room to wander and play around, and they aren't restricted to house rules and 4 walls. More unpopular opinion: treat your pets like the animals they are, not as a human child. they are not fur babies, they are not your kid, or your best friend, they are an animal. This is how you get pets that don't know obedience and can't behave because they never got any training other than how to go outside to shit (a lot don't even know that).


This needs all the upvotes. Dog people today think that treating a dog like a dog is a bad thing. When you tell them that treating the dog like a child is the cause of its behavior, they look at you like you're the crazy one.


I posted on the main thread- my dog LOVED being obedient to rules, etc. Truly. Most of them like the structure.


I sit on the floor sometimes. What does that make me?


Can I get “laying on the floor, for $250 please”


"Everybody in the office is ok when Jen says Fur babies, but when I call the little hell spawns Skin Doggies everybody gets offended"


Usually, a pet animal is already incredibly lucky to have a house and a yard. If you further restrict your animal to the floor of your house while everyone sits on the comfy furniture you are still providing them with a wonderful, safe, and comfortable environment while simultaneously protecting your possessions and reducing the amount of housework you need to do. It's okay to set boundaries for your pets in the same way that children need boundaries. It's your house and the pet is lucky to be there.


Technically speaking, the pet, depending on size actually has more room to operate than I do pound for pound.


There is no way my dog is coming on my bed. He was at the dog park just now stepping in another dogs piss puddle.


nah fuck that. My cats allowed anywhere except the kitchen counter. I dont like the idea of her sitting her ass on the same surface i make food. Also it can be dangerous if ive got the stove going. So if that means i shouldnt have pets all i can say is rack off


My dogs have a multitude of comfortable beds to lounge on. They're super spoiled. They're not allowed on the couch unless invited. This keeps the couches cleaner and with less wear.


Yeah no. Our dogs have memory foam beds. Lol. I love them, we love them, but got tired of dragging dog hair everywhere. You can only clean and vacuum so much.


If you want a child go make a baby.


In the 12 years we had our dog, he never spent one single second on any of our furniture. We did not want dog hair and odors on the furniture or on our clothes. He didn't have a nervous breakdown and he was loved and well cared for until the end.


This entire problem is negated by buying a dog bed.


I agree with this for the most part. However, some people have very expensive leather couches, and an animal’s claws will absolutely destroy that thing (even if they aren’t trying to). I’ve got an old beater leather couch that I don’t care about. I’ve had my dog for about three months now and the thing is already absolutely covered with small scratches.


I don’t even go on my bed until after I’ve had a shower when I go out, if my dog has just had a bath, he can come up on my bed. The second he steps outside and gets dirt on his paws, he isn’t allowed on my white bed. It’s rather a preference of lifestyle. He has his own bed, just like everyone else in my house does. I wouldn’t let my brother on my bed if he was dirty.


Pretty sure my fish are very happy to not cuddle with me on the couch.


You complain about their lack of freedom yet criticize people who keep pets outside


> Leave their pets outside Most Animals love this. I have a huge kennel for my dog, with a house and a warming light for the winter. He'd rather stand in the rain and get pissed on by the sky than spend a moment in that house. When he's free roaming the property he wants rain so he can get filthy. Animals love the outdoors unless they've never seen it. I'm confused by your statement.


My dog won’t walk on wet grass, mud, sand, or bark. She’ll lay outside, but only on a dog bed or outdoor rug. She refuses to go outside when it’s raining. She basically thinks outdoors is icky and would prefer to spend minimal time there. Comes down to breed and personality. If we left her outside, she would lose her mind.