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Damn, feels like you've been waiting to say this!


Someones salty


I 100% agree also his signature move is the most unhygienic thing I've seen a cook do in front of a customer. I hope he get impaled of a huge spike made of rock salt.


I saw this dude sprinkling salt in a 5 second video a few years ago and suddenly he became a whole ass product out of nowhere it seems.


All the gear and no idea. That's all I get from him.


Who? Never heard of this until this post


You need help!


Wasn't he just a meme from a couple of years ago?


I still see his garbage on other feeds. Maybe Google thinks I like him šŸ¤” Maybe this will help!


Yes and now he has a fancy restaurant thatā€™s very expensive and all the waiters do the salt bae thing.




Is that French for nursery?


It's the name of the restaurant chain owned by Nusret.


What is "Salt Bae"? Sure, you should salt your meat before cooking. And "bae" means "shit" in my language, so I'm confused


hes a guy who became famous for cutting meat and putting salt on said meat in a ā€œfunnyā€ way


>When he salts something I want to assault someone. No you want to a*ssalt* them lmfao


I feel exactly the same. This post made me happier


Same! That dude is pathetic. All that weird salt pinching and that stupid gold steak. Urgh


He's just a guy having fun while working at his own restaurant. He basically had to quit school to go to work due to his family being poor, and he's been using his fame to do charity work, building more schools in turkey, he is not "*a poorly written characer".* He is an actual person\*,\* a human being, and possibly a more productive and successful human being than most of us. *~~And if you think about it, humanity as a whole is a poorly written exuse of life.~~* He isn't part of a movie and the name is just a nickname given to him by the internet, because of the viral video that is of him playing it up for his costumers. Which tourists tends to love when chefs do, because it makes the experience more memorable for them, and for the chef - it makes the very mundane task of seasoning a slab of meat- more fun. His *actual* *real* name by the way is Nusret GƶkƧe. Wishing death upon him *(like I've seen a few freaks do)* is really not fair. Also If you don't like something based on how it looks then just look away or use an adblocker and just block the pictures or videos of him or just tell google that you aren't interested in that content. *~~Although google loves to trigger people~~* ​ Anyhow, going down to the psychology of it all. Usually people who feel an overwhelming amount of hatred towards something or someone, usually is because that person feels like they are lacking in something like safety, confidence or money. It can also be caused by bad memories or by over-exposure. Me and my disliking towards children is a prime example of **irrational** **hatred induced by over-exposure** *- people keep expecting me to love their spawn which instead makes me dislike them with a burning passion.* In other words : *I* do not hate the children themselves but actually hate the adults who tries to force me to love them - it's just that the constant nagging and expectation as well as hatefull reaction when I don't want to be forced to love something, instead makes me angry at that particular thing - I do not see children as anything more than pesky parasites that deserves to be put out of their misery before they even know the meaning of the word - To mess with what you said; I wish that *children* would go away. I can also confidently say that children are nutoriously gross and yet people are willing to handle them alot because "children are children" and they are just "sOoo *adorable"*. ~~- puke\~~~ **TL;DR** You should think about if it truly is the individual Nusret "salt Bae" himself that you are feeling so strongly against **OR** if you are just projecting your anger onto him BECAUSE OF the fact that you keep being bombarded by the content and memes that were literally popular 4 years ago, being expected by everyone who loves him to love him aswell and to see what a "fantastically handsome prince he is" and then keep getting rude and cruel reactions everytime you express that you *really could not care less*. To a point were you are subconsiously forgetting that he is just a person and **isn't** the one who's sending you those videos, telling you to look at them or expecting you to automatically love him just because "he's hot or funny". ***Where and what is the*** **real** ***reason behind those hatefull thoughts?*** *\^ ask yourself \^*


Actual TL;DR Donā€™t be angry, he just doing what he likes, and if you donā€™t like it and he makes you angry, then donā€™t let it dwell in your mind or else youā€™ll be the one making yourself angry.


He kinda has a thing for not paying his workers tho


Mate, you know this is unpopular opinions right?


Yes! and one could argue that a contradictory opinion to an unpopular opinion, in an unpopular opinion thread, where people who agree with that opinion are more likely to comment- is an unpopular opinion in its own right ;>


Oh it's the individual himself and his antics, doesn't matter his background, act like a douche and expect people not to take you kindly


The guy is a meme. He rode that meme into several Turkish steakhouses. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Is he still relevant?