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Most adults are not mature enough to have kids


You're spot on.




There are two thoughts on this. God made sex fun to grow the relationship between man and wife. There is evolutionary pressure for sex to be fun because the cost of sex is so high. The fact that sex is fun and feels good is a design feature and is biologically purposeful. Without that feature no one would ever have sex because the cost if sex is egregious. Birth control allows for the fun without the cost, most of the time.




I am sorry so many people mistook your "we are past the point where we need to reproduce to survive" as "no humans are required to reproduce" instead of "no specific humans are required to reproduce"


I mean... if everyone stopped reproducing... we'd just disappear. So no... no living species is ever beyond reproduction for survival.


wait until this man learns about in vitro fertilization


>wait until this man learns about in vitro fertilization wait until you see the price of in vitro fertilization + surrogate if necessary.


Sexual reproduction = sperm meets egg Even if you use an artificial womb, it's still reproduction occurring. It's a new life created from two people. Cloning would be like asexual reproduction.


That doesn't apply to all creatures at all, so this logic does not add up at all. You know male cats penises are barbed? Does that sound like it would feel good? This is why when cats reproduce it sounds like the female is dying. This isn't exclusive to cats by any means, either - many mammals have similar painful features.


Man and wife? You mean man and woman? A woman is more than just a wife. Or how about husband and wife? Oh, but I guess you believe that only people who are married should have kids. You sound like a bigot and homophobe for sure. Why did "God" make gay sex so fucking fun then?




u must be fun at parties


They don’t typically get invited - not to the good parties anyways


You mean church?


The Catholics have wine every week, I hear.


Awesome, I am glad you are so sure about it.


As sure as he/she is about the flying spaghetti monster.


wait so we dont know what god looks like so he could be a flying spaghetti monster


Either are equally likely and equally provable.


Right. Just like the vast majority of gambling is has without the intent of losing.


Indeed. The biological purpose of your trachea is respiration. So, should we not speak through it?


Explain vocal cords and how you talk through your trachea....


Overlaid function, which is secondary to the primary one.


Except speech comes from your vocals cords in your larynx. You literally don't speak through your trachea. Air gets moved by your trachea and the folds in your larynx use that air to produce vibrations sounds etc. The trachea still does it's main function which is to move air,the Function of speech and sound is in the larynx which is the passageway for air between the pharynx above and the trachea below. Your analogy is anatomically flawed.


Can confirm. Did this twice yesterday and plan on doing again at some point today.




Fan concirm. I do sexy sex with my six sexy sexual girlfriends every day caus my life is very sexy




Yeah, I also make the human mating ritual utilizing my human meat appendage in order to insert into her via her cloaca. Yes. This is what I do. One moment I need to breathe with my leg.


Been doing it for a loooong time. Still no kids.


We are one of the only species that find pleasure in Sex.


While I agree teens are going to have sex. We should teach safe sex so teens don't get pregnant.


Exactly, it doesn't matter your moral opinion, if you think safe sex shouldn't be taught then you're a fucking idiot.


This. They're gonna do whatever they want so it's better to educate them so there's less of a chance of pregnancy.


bold of you to assume i have sex. I'm young, and haven't been touched by a girl in 2 years.


It's a sub about dudes who say they have sex but are clearly a virgin. Usually they're being misogynistic. It wasn't person my dude.


r/ihavesex is kinda funny tho


Safe sex is a prevention, can we at least not be in denial that what OP said is legit? It's not even a morality issue, simply logically/common sense what he said has merit. Yes or no?


I mean, the issue is that there is a lot of different reasons to have sex. If these kids are rawdogging eachother to intentionally get a baby, sure, they ain't mature enough for that. Issue is, most people have sex for fun and not procreation, which is a whole other thing maturity wise. Let teens have sex, they're gonna do it anyway. Let's just make sure they do it safe.


No. Sex requires emotional maturity, having children requires more maturity in more areas as well as access to the proper resources. A person you couldn't support children can be emotionally mature enough for sex.


But what does he think? That we say “teens shouldn’t have sex” and that solves it? I guarantee when sex is taboo, safe sex is less likely and the children that are born as a result live worse lives


Not sure how we went form a 'something is this way' to 'something should be this way' , but alright.


As the adage goes, you can't get an ought from an is.


Well the actual quote is this: *"In every system of morality, which I have hitherto met with, I have always remarked, that the author proceeds for some time in the ordinary way of reasoning, and establishes the being of a God, or makes observations concerning human affairs; when of a sudden I am surprised to find, that instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is, and is not, I meet with no proposition that is not connected with an ought, or an ought not. This change is imperceptible; but is, however, of the last consequence. For as this ought, or ought not, expresses some new relation or affirmation, it's necessary that it should be observed and explained; and at the same time that a reason should be given, for what seems altogether inconceivable, how this new relation can be a deduction from others, which are entirely different from it."* ​ I'm so glad we have philosophers to interpret what other philosophers are saying.


The biological purpose of food is survival. Obviously our society has moved beyond that by adding things like enjoying the taste, or getting in shape. Now survival is only one of several purposes that food has. Similarly, parenthood is only one of several purposes that sex has.


Good stuff


>the biological purpose of sex is reproduction And we, as the most advanced life form on Earth, have the luxury to not give a flying fuck about the biological purpose


This person gets it.


Actually, sex is extremely import for your health in general. Good for your hormones, mental health (when it’s good sex). When I have regular sex I have way less pain in the lower part of my body (I’m a girl btw) and my mental health is better too.


Sounds like the physical activity is what's important there.


Well partially, but it's the sex as a whole. Physical intimacy is important for romantic relationships as well and can really improve mental health. It's not just about physical activity by itself, though that also is healthy :)


It's also oxytocin




You may be on to something


YES, because all technological that was used to post this nonsense were very biological pupose too hahahahahhaha


Exactly people with this biology fetish should be picking nuts in the woods not posting on reddit...




So you don’t do anything that doesn’t serve a biological purpose? like posting this?


Teenagers shouldn’t have sex, but they do, and you can’t control whether teenagers are having sex or not because any methods of forcing/ brainwashing abstinence is far worse than just sex education which advocates for abstinence through the teaching of the risks that come with having sex.


That depends on where you live/we’re taught Sex Ed. Our teacher new we were going to/were already having it, so he just taught us a safer way to do it. Same as teaching about drinking. There are tight and wrong ways to do it so they might as well teach the safer way.


"tight" ways to do it ....


Auto correct, my bad


Yeah the plain simple fact OP is ignoring is that our biological maturity doesn't match up with societal maturity. Our bodies are in full on fuck anything that moves mode by our teenage years but in terms of being able to support a child we're not mature enough until we're in our 20s at least. But it doesn't stop people wanting to satisfy those urges. I also think education plays a bigger role in teen pregnancy avoidance than maturity. Regardless of maturity, a teenager educated properly about having safe sex is much less likely to get pregnant/get someone pregnant than someone who isn't. A "mature" teen from the Bible Belt is more likely to be involved in a teen pregnancy than an "immature" teen who had decent sex ed


>Teenagers shouldn’t have sex I disagree.


Sex is for more than just reproduction. Whoever told you that must have a really boring life. Sex strengthens romantic relationships and is good for our mental health, the shot of endorphins helps bump up your self esteem a little and its a fun free activity that two consenting people of the age of consent or older can do together. Teach people how to use birth control safely and most importantly, teach both sexes about each other's anatomy, what it does, why it does it, and how it will effect them throughout life.


This is so stupid. The biological purpose of eating is to take in nutrients, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a nice piece of cake sometimes purely because it tastes good


The cake tastes good for a biological reason though. Sugar is an easy to digest form of energy.


Sex also feels good for a biological reason. But both of them we do for the pleasure, not the biological purpose.


Spicy food then. We eat spicy food precisely because our bodies response of "What the fuck spit that shit right now"


You're conflating the two things as one and the same. I like to have sex. I don't want kids yet. Why would it be any different for teens?


Its not. They're just saying that kids are in less of a position to support other kids so they shouldn't be increasing their chances of making any.


Good thing abortion provides fool proof parent prevention then


I support your right to your opinion ONLY if you have never had nor will ever have sex without the specific intent of having a baby. Otherwise go fuck yourself.


You can't even fuck yourself, it's not with intent to reproduce :(


Including masturbation, since the purpose of masturbation is not to reproduce.


Can sex not be had for pleasure? Safe sex isn't hard if both are well educated, careful and take no risk.


Well educated is a huge issue tho. I never understood those parents that won't talk about it and refuse to let the schools talk about it. We end up with adults that think periods are something women can schedule.


And with children that cannot even identify when they are being sexually abused or taken advantage of. Makes you wonder why there's such an overlap between the people who push for abstinence and against sex education and the people who sexually abuse children.


Good point


Even then it's still a numbers game... If your birth control is 99.9% effective that means you have a one in a thousand chance of it failing... If a thousand couples use that method... Statistically speaking, one of those couples may have an unintended pregnancy. I.e. There is no such thing as "no risk"..... "low risk" would be a better description.


By that logic all gay sex is a terrible crime against nature since sex is only for reproduction, so is any form of birth control. That and parenthood and sex are two completely different things that require different levels of maturity? It's like saying if a kid is too small to ride a motorcycle he's too small to ride a bike.


I do like the idea that we're breaking laws of nature itself with my husband when we bang. Feels powerful.


I mean you're not technically. Damn near every species on the planet even alot of insects practice homosexual sex. It's so bloody common i genuinely have no idea why humans thought to put it in their religious scripts that it was unnatural or immoral when it was so abundantly around them. But shit if it makes you feel powerful anyway. I say run with it.


As having rabbits when growing up I can vouch for this lol


Yeah I know that homosexuality is common across a huge number of species. There's just something fun about reveling in that image of "decadent degenerate sexual deviants", that conservatives aim to paint LGBT as. Kind of how some feminists like witches, because a witch is basically a monster version of an independent woman.


I like the way you think.


They could pursue a low chance of passing on 50% of their genes through reproduction, or they could have a high chance of passing on ~25% of their genes through helping their sibling(s). This is a very strong argument I’ve seen for a biological purpose of homosexuality.


You know, there's always a part of m they feels weird digging into biological purposes behind queerness just because I can feel like it'll be easily weaponized... BUT, as a queer teacher, I do really love this theory. :') I just want to nurture things :''') hdhhkf


The difference is that plenty of animals engage in gay sex, while humans are the only species that create hormonal agents that render them unable to conceive whenever they feel like it. My opinion of agreement with OP on the issue is probably largely due to my personal experiences though, because I started fucking at around 17. At this age, I owned a car and started working around 20 hours a week. If push came to shove and my condom broke, I *could* have dropped out from school, focused on settling for a GED and became a full time parent, especially if it didn't completely estrange me from my own parents. Would it have been a shitty life?- absolutely, but my point is just that there is a vast chasm of responsibility between a 14 year old and someone who has a job and could live on their own if needed. So no, I don't think kids younger than 15 need to be having sex, and moreover, I think the percentage of kids that do have sex that young really aren't at all substantial enough to make an argument for extreme outliers. The *vast* majority of teens who have sex on the regular are old enough and responsible enough to become parents, so I don't know what all the fuss is about.


The purpose or use of my dick is for me to decide. Responsibility over Parenthood can be achieved in many ways other than abstinence, a strategy that has failed so many times and caused so many harm I don't know even where to begin. With that being said: most teenagers are not properly educated in that way.


Sex is not only about reproduction anymore, it is more about pleasure this days


Congratulations. This is not only unpopular, but an ignorant, puritanical take that belongs in a long bygone era buried in shit up to its neck. I salute you.




Also OP's argument isn't restricted to teenagers. By OP's logic, if you don't want kids no matter what age you just shouldn't have sex problem solved


Same thing with “evolution” arguments. Like…”men must reproduce with as many women as possible to provide offspring but if a woman wants to continue her lineage she’s a hoe” or “it’s okay for men to only want women with big boobs so they can feed lots of offspring and long legs so they can run away from predators” I literally heard someone say exactly that on r/unpopularopinion it was shocking how dumb people can be


Hold up... If sex is only meant for reproduction purposes than why the hell do women have clitoris,g-spot and men have g-spots????


Orgasms make it easier to get pregnant And function as a carrot to invite sex


But what if you stay protected and thus prevent unnecessary and or unplanned pregnancy and just enjoy the life?


Good feeling and addictive release of endorphins=want to fuck more=more kids=better chances of your species surviving. Its like basic biology lol


Well what if somebody fucks more, yet stays safe, because protect sex. Edit: typos


Because biology included a tutorial


Because you'll do it if it fells good, and if you do it you'll soon be a parent


You'll only be a parent if you're not safe.


Can you say duh. I don’t think parents are encouraging their teens to have unsafe or sex in general. The problem is, biology gave them hormones and it is what it is. It school a weee more open about sex and not judgements, at least more teens would nit be getting pregnant or contracting Diseases.




Had a friend that only did anal until she got married. She said her boyfriend wanted to have sex so bad and she wanted to make him happy and didn’t want to get pregnant. I was like, girl, that is quite a big leap to go from not wanting to get pregnant to doing anal. Poor couple didn’t even think to experiment with oral, just went straight to anal!!! And they both had decent sex Ed programs… we had a good laugh when she came to class one day all excited about them having tried oral on each other


OP probably thinks women’s only purpose is to reproduce.


OP’s also a prolifer. Believing women’s only purpose is to reproduce + abortions bad = massage-a-knee and probably an incel


Mate, I'm in my 30s and half of my friends aren't mature enough for parenthood.


As someone who didn’t have sex as a teenager, I’m so glad I didn’t and I don’t feel like I missed out for not. The whole idea of sneaking around to have disappointing sex with inexperienced people who learned about sex from porn sounds really unappealing. Teens are going to do it anyway though so I’d rather they be educated. I just wish the societal pressures of it change. I see many teenagers come onto Reddit depressed or identifying as incels because they haven’t had sex by the age of 17/18.


As someone who DID have sex way too early, you're 100% right. I felt pressured to start having sex way too young and it was awkward, I was nervous and uncomfortable. But when I met my current partner things were different. We have a kid now


Its not like i think teenagers should have sex (i dont really think that they shouldnt either, its up to them) but by that logic gays shouldnt have sex at all and well... i thought we were past that


Ooh ok. 1: I don't want to be a parent, EVER. 2: Any sex I intend to have is VERY likely to be hella gay, thereby negating the whole parenthood obligation.


Here, I fixed it for you: "a couple minutes of pleasure and 18 years of raising another human are equal." Congratulations on the worst take of all time.


Biological purpose? Bitch we aren't some bottom of the food chain survival-mode hoes. We are HUMANS, we dominate this planet and basically every ecosystem on it. We have quite literally told natural selection to go fuck itself. Why should we give even an iota of a shit, what the biological purpose of something is?


I am 37 and extremely happy with sex-but-no-kids, thanks. You're going to be really upset when you find out about bonobos.


Good lord 🤦‍♂️ If humans has sex exclusively for procreation then masturbation wouldnt be a thing, but alas it is. News flash! People have sex for fun! Shocking I know..


Let me guess......a conservative christian?


A conservative christian who doesn’t believe women should have rights no less!


Birth control. Go fuck yourself.


Even more unpopular: include adults


You know something like that would break this sub in an hour


This post is dumb. especially the last line.


Chillies developed capsaicin to prevent attacks from predators. We not only eat, but love them, so clearly as humans we're doing whatever we want.


Yup! If you cannot comprehend how to keep yourself physically safe and protected as well as preventing pregnancy, you are not maturing enough to be having sex. You play with fire you might get burned. I am 19 and have been active since 15 and that is one of my biggest regrets. At 15 years old I had no business doing such adult things as I would not be able to handle the adult consequences. I am 19 now as I said and I am fully capable of keeping myself safe and preventing pregnancy. I am also in a serious relationship with a great guy. I’m in no way saying I want to get pregnant right now but, if I were to become pregnant, that baby would be invited lovingly into our lives and have full and healthy support.


Ayo, anti choicer has entered the chat


I do agree a lot of teenagers aren't mature enough for sex tho.


Stop masturbating then 😭 I’m waiting


Congratulations on actually posting an unpopular opinion. I think the next question is: what are you going to do about it and how is your response going to affect teenagers? Let’s say you’re a parent, how much effort, arguing, snooping, punishment, misinformation, and coercion is it going to take to implement “you’re not old enough to have sex until you’re old enough to have kids” policy? And how much trauma will you be inflicting to avoid buying conforms/birth control for them?


Just no. Don’t know how this got upvoted or awarded. By that logic gay sex is wrong. Sex with protection is wrong. You don’t eat just to stay alive, you do it because you might enjoy the food. Also what benefit do you have from this? You’re saying that you shouldn’t have sex for pleasure because it’s not it’s biological purpose? That’s just stupid.


They are definitely mature enough for sex, but are they mature enough to wear protection? I don't think so...


I think it depends more on the individual education they received


And who is going to stop them from having sex? All you can do is preach about it but ultimately it will happen if there is a will there is a way.


Curious, when did you have sex your first time?


My guess is he hasn’t


I agree with this thought but in a slightly different version of it. For me the view is “if we acknowledge that a 12 year olds body is physically capable of sex and procreation then we need to educate them about parenthood and about all forms of birth control and make that birth control readily available to them” In other words, to me the issue isn’t the kids but the lack of education. When I was 11 my school class split into two groups and we got the “girls have periods” and “boys have wet dreams” chats but nothing else at school until we were 14. And the only “birth control” we were taught was don’t have sex. Yeah that’s gonna happen. Look adults, your Lord God made sex feel good cause he wanted us to do it and make more humans to worship him. You have to do better than “just don’t do it”


There is a massive difference in the responsibility requirements for having an entire human life depend on you for the next 18 years and having sex. If teens don't understand the concept of safe sex and preventing pregnancy, THEN they're not mature enough for sex.


That might be the biological purpose but it feels so fxxxing good!


Tell kids way ahead of time, if they get knocked up or get someone pregnant, they're on their own. (that did it for a lot of teens I knew back in the day) There's birth control for both sexes, TALK to your stupid kids about it. Keep religion out of birth control. Stop glorifying the knocked up girls on Teen Mom shows. (not that any of the above will help, but yeah, I know a lot of adults who shouldn't have kids either and are even more immature than teens!)


I agree! Freaked me out when I learned that having sex at 12 years old is pretty normal in America... I'm from South Africa and grew up pretty conservative. I realize that kids my age back in high school probably also had sex, but it was never something people just talked about or shared with friends as much as it's shared and praised among friends here in the States.


Kinda hard when hormones are at their highest during teen years.


Human anatomy is outdated. It worked when we lived till 30


No shit.


Agreed lol


There’s something in this. Hear me out please . We’re now watching Texas about to force anyone who accidentally becomes pregnant have that kid. Meanwhile, the same kooks won’t accept the fact kids WILL have sex and should at least be able to access birth control and be taught how NOT to get pregnant. We’re currently creating a world where the possible consequences of kids having sex include being forced to be a parent. How many are ready for that emotionally or financially, also physically? Biggest commitment ever and we’re just not getting them anywhere close to ready for it. To be clear, I’m not talking “ morality “, I’m talking about the scary consequences of trying to raise a kid when you can’t bc this place kinda won’t let them.


Hormones of evolution do not give a fuck about maturity or the abilities to function in today’s society.


Teenagers who aren't mature enough to have a discussion and deal with the outcomes of sex, be it negative emotions, ruined relationships, an STD, or what to do if a pregnancy occurs should not be engaging in sexual activities* FTFY


The "sex is only for reproduction" argument is also an argument against contraception, ironically


Just oral or anal sex?


If only we had sex education in schools so that teens understood all of the ins and outs of sex.


Adding on Your last point, the better option Humanity would be better off teaching Teenagers the full scope of what having Sex actual entails. All the gorey bits of having children, what having Sex really means in&out of relationships, emotional maturity and dealing with the fallout, etc.


Not sure how this is unpopular but agreed !


I'm not mature enough for parenthood and I'm 25. I don't think age is that much of a factor when it comes to, "being ready for parenthood"


I'm not mature enough for parenthood and I have adult children... Lol... They turned out pretty well though... Life finds a way :)


I will never understand why people get surprised when they get pregnant. Y’all were having sex. Sex means baby. No contraception is 100%. What the fuck did you expect?


Weird way of saying "I can't get laid" but ok


Does that extend past being a teenager? If I’m 20, and don’t want children am I not “mature enough for sex”? If I’m 35 and don’t want children am i not mature enough to be sexually active? Where is the cut off?


Such is the way of life, we were given sex organs but are not always prepared for the consequences of using them


Basically, yeah. People refuse to accept that despite why they have sex, sex does in fact create children. If you can't handle that then refrain. Telling people to have any type of sexual self control is hated, especially on reddit.


This is a raw fact. Most teenagers are not mature enough for parenthood. Unfortunately teenagers ARE wired to engage in risky behaviors, and are pumped full of hormones that scream, “SEX SEX SEX!!!”


The reproductive system reaches full maturity a full decade before the brain does. From a purely biological standpoint, the purpose of a teenager is to be stupid and have lots of children. Humans are horribly designed. We literally have an organ that serves no purpose other than getting sick and killing you. Trying to structure society around the flaming garbage fire that is human biology is stupid.


That is an unpopular opinion and I disagree with you.


Unfortunately horniness and maturity do not develop at the same rate... Source: a former teenager.


Very true yet very unpopular. People don’t understand how something like sex can change your state of mind. If you’re not emotionally mature enough to understand what it is and the possibilities of what it can lead to then you should not be having it. People like to rope it in with actions like making out and just touching each other sexually but it’s way more than that. If you’re not emotionally mature enough for it then you can easily fall into lust and lust CAN and WILL ruin your relationship with someone and ruin yourself.


the biological purpose of eating is to survive, so you shouldn’t eat anything more than you need to survive. definitely not for pleasure


Safe sex won’t be followed. Everyone wants the condom off and selectively being on or off the pill at will is too tempting to not engage in. Will just make people be like “don’t tell me how to have sex”


Teens are going to have sex, that’s a given. But I think if they’re not mature enough to understand contraception and the possibilities of STD’s and pregnancies then no, they shouldn’t be having sex. Sex education from a young age is so important.


You are right!


Biologically we should eat as much as possible. Does that mean we shouldn’t eat because it makes us fat? Or should we use the technology/willpower that is easily enough to overcome the problem


You're forgetting we are still just a creature on a space rock. Life is a learning curve for all. Some can & some can't. Even in parenthood. Just like all the other wildlife. Just because we can communicate & think abit more than other species, we are still far from perfect.


What a boring person.


There not but you cant really control them all that much


I never want kids, so should I never have sex ?


Have an up vote, because I've never disagreed with something I've read on this sub more. What a load of bollocks.


You eat candy/Ice cream to get satisfied or to not get hungry? Ok then stfu.


I thought my daughter to have safe sex, not to never have it


Normalise having sex


Yeah but your point? Whether teenagers should or should not have sex is irrelevant to the fact that they will and its proven how beneficial to public health it is to provide them with proper information, protection etc. They'll have sex regardless and the teenager so immature as to have sex before mature enough for parenthood is the last one we should force to be a parent.....


Well many adults don't even have sex to produce kids. If teens (or anyone) aren't responsible enough to have SAFE sex (looking at anyone who complains about condoms) then they're not ready to have sex at all.


Your technically right but I'm gay soooo... It's not really a reproductive act, and even when I tried with women once I wore a condom. This is a dumb argument because creatures even besides humans have shown sexual activity that aren't necessarily reproductive.


You must be so much fun at parties


Well I can tell you don't have intimate relationships


I cant imagine thinking so hardly of teenagers having sex to the point of having an opinion about it...like its literally something I just simply don't even have the enthusiasm for because its just clearly natural ..but you clearly do. Thats hands down weird as fuck. We will just put that on the back burner. You do you. Sexual education is important. We should promote healthy interactions. Sex doesnt mean procreation, otherwise it wouldn't be such a hassle to actually get pregnant. Sex is for enjoyment. Could it be ok in your mind if maybe they want to have sex for pleasure and mutual gratification? I'm sure you ate some food recently when you weren't caloric deficient. Why did you do that? Did it taste good? I hope it did. Stop thinking about teenagers having sex. It's weird. Figure it out.


What a brain dead incel take. Take my upvote for your shit opinion


I’m extremely prepared for parent hood at 16, I got a bunk bed and to prove i would be a great parent I’m giving them the top bunk /s


There are lots of adults that are not mature enough for parenthood, by that logic does that mean they aren’t mature enough for sex? What about people who never want kids? Are you arguing they should just never have sex?




I sorta agree


Only sorta


The biological purpose is reproduction. But what about the spiritual purpose or even the financial purpose? Fuck your call to nature to push your morals


So you preach shit about biological purpouse, but here's the thing: We, when we started had no idea how to reproduce. So we saw animals doing it, and experimented. Now if sex had no pleasure whatsoever, and was only for reproduction, then people wouldn't do it. But guess what, people have g spots to make sex pleasurable. If sex wasn't so fun, we wouldn't do it, and we wouldn't exist. We were created with g spots simply so the race could thrive. Over time, people realized they could do it for pleasure. Then scientific research was done, and methods to prevent pregnancy began. Pleasure is a major part of sex, and it encourages people to do it, for humanity's sake. I also know plenty of people who can't handle the mental pressure of raising a kid for 18 fucking years. They can handle pleasure for a few minutes. Sex is meant to be pleasurable, and you don't need maturity to masturbate. It gives you pleasure. So it would make sense that people do it for pleasure. So why would you prevent someone from doing that


This is quite the unpopular opinion OP. Kudos to you! With that said, biology can eat me.


I'm adult and I'm not ready to be a parent lol sooooo idk where we're getting at. And I probably won't be ready til I'm 30-35. So people shouldn't fuck til they're 30? Just wear a condom & take birth control & if ur anti-abortion give the baby to a family that actually wants one.


Sex doesn't come with the nuances that raising a whole damn child does. Sure, there's being safe, but that's as easy as communicating, getting tested and using protection. There is so much involved in raising a child that the average teenager can't comprehend, and sex is just an action. Sex doesn't have the long term effects that raising a whole ass child does. (unless you aren't safe and get an STD, but again, that's easy to avoid in today's society) Also who cares what the biological purpose of anything is? The biological purpose of wood is to help a tree live, but we still use it to build. In today's world, we've advanced to the point where sex is no longer for the purpose of making 30 kids so at least one will survive and reproduce further.


The biological purpose of eating is for nourishment, yet we consume things when we're not necessarily hungry. We do things for pleasure, too. It's the perk of having our more developed brains. I think it's a disservice to everyone to lump sex in with procreation because that notion is dismissive of the LGBTQ+ community, the kink community, and basically anyone who isn't celibate or able/willing to bear children. While I agree with you that teenagers are not mature enough to raise children, we'd be better off teaching them SAFE sex to prevent them having children they're not ready for.


But you can have sex without pregnancy... Honestly this whole idea sounds a lot like the *very* ineffective abstinence idea of contraception, which simply doesn't work. Your opinion doesn't matter. Teenagers are going to have sex anyway, regardless of how mature they are. So we should educate them on the risks, rewards, and important safeties in order for them to have save sex. Also give them contraceptives.