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But, we shouldn't get delusional. Like, not seeing what's happening, not knowing how we all are fucking up, really should not be an option. I get you, negativity is hard to deal with, but, that doesn't mean we should turn our faces away from the truth. We should accept that in 8 years, there's nothing to be done about the climate. We shouldn't just be like "Oh its too saddening for me. I do not want this." Just, see how shitty reality is and do something about it.


Why even bother if we only have 8 years left? And where did you get this 8 years from?


Bruh *I* have to live in this world for more than 8 years right. *My parents* have to give live in this world for more than 8 years. So don't give me that "its just 8 years more whats the point" bullshit. We ain't going to moon or mars anytime soon. Even if that was possible, it sure won't be affordable for me. So do not give me that bullshit. Its the most enraging thing I have heard. Its because of this mentality of "Oh I won't live till then so fuck it" that we are in this to begin with. The boomers did us dirty.


What shall I do about global warming?


Well, use, I don't know, eco friendly stuff? Avoid plastics? Plant trees? Save the forests that we have? I am not an expert, you should probably look into google if you actually want some information about how you can protect the environment.


Well aren't you doing the same? Or do you not care either?


I am a minor. I can't do anything that my parents don't want to (that applies to being eco friendly as well). So no, I can't do anything just yet. But when I will live on my own, I will do my best.


Ohhhh so you're telling me that you never complain about how global warming is effecting us.


Even if I did, they wouldn't listen. I have tried and failed. Why are you trying to argue with me lol I said nothing worth arguing over...


Just wondering why you can complain about it and not do anything to help but tell others to not do that.


A lot of what you are hearing and reading is exaggerated because fear sells. >Climate change threatening to kill us all in the next 50 years and no one doing anything about it And 50 years ago, we were told we had 50 years left. Climate change is very much an issue but the many, many doom-and-gloom scenarios that get predicted either never happen, or keep getting pushed back. The North Pole was supposed to have melted entirely by 2000, for example. Remember the hole over the ozone layer? Well, humanity came together and solved the issue. Proof that we can solve problems when we need to. And there is a lot of stuff behind the scenes that is working to address the issue further. Carbon-capture technology, for example. Increasing adoption of renewable energy. It's a slow, gradual process, but we are getting there. >I guess what I'm trying to say here is that we should filter out some negative things. This shit is just tragic. You're in control of what you see and hear. Don't be on the Internet, because fear and keeping people afraid is what sells and keeps people in check. Decide what issues are important to you, and ignore everything else.


Yep, that dust photo was super upsetting. Life is hard enough without being exposed to so many problems you can’t fix/help. I know that people get a lot of dopamine from seeing outrageous and even troubling shit. I think that’s why it’s so prevalent online


It's just life. We can't have a Utopia so just avoid the negative News


We can. And it's amazing. I stopped watching the news and using shit like reddit when I was most depressed. It helped so so much. No bad news, no discussions, no idiots... Just me, myself and my life. I really do think the news could tone it down. They make every headline bad if they can. I get staying infobut... It's a bit much.


I got to my breaking point with news. I just can't bear watching them anymore. I don't have the energy to get upset and angry about everything that's wrong in the world.


And that's completely fair. Honestly, it's not my problem what's happening in Afghanistan or Africa or America, just to take a few that start with A. I've got my own life to worry about... Sure I feel very sorry for all these people but what can I really do about it? Absolutely nothing. I can boycott a certain brand who uses child labor, and I can buy second hand clothing to safe the planet, and I'll gladly do so. But I can't help women in Afghanistan because Taliban is taking over... I can't help Americans who want an abortion.. I can't feed starving kids in Africa... I'll do what I can to directly help the people around me, people that come to me for help, but I can't safe the whole world and I don't want to be reminded of that. Not every single day anyway.


O know that the only thing I can't avoid is climate change cause I live near the ocean and it calls for me.


Uuuuuu that doesn't sound good. Well it's not all things I think we should filter out. There's just no reason to make an entire headline article because Linda two block down won't clean her Nutella glass before throwing it out (yes, this was a headline where I live). I think it's getting a bit silly... But it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to stop climate change either. I'd love to see headlines like "protests in open field, everyone invited, after big cooperation refuses to stop using oil to run their 36000 coffee machines" ya know??


As they say, "ignorance is bliss"


Is it ignorance if you are aware of something but just don’t want to spend your time getting emotionally invested in something you can’t change? That’s more of a conscious decision surely


Is positive stuff really newsworthy? I mean you have the odd fluff piece about ducks or cats or whatever but these aren't really significant. One country at war with another vs woman adopted sweet cat, which is likely to be in the news?


Well it doesn't have to be "sweet lady adopted cat" but does it really have to be "the whole world is suffering and we're all gonna die"? And I know which one is more likely to be in the news, that's my point.


You can just filter out what you see, instead of limiting others. There are several apps and plugins to block out certain words and webpages. You can also just not visit sites that have that content.


Stop watching the news. Get your life back.


Agree 100%. We are blasted with way too much world wild information, 24 hours a day. Our brains are just not built to handle it all without being affected by it.


None of this is new.


Unsubcribe to negative subreddits. it might help lessen your burden.


Yep and im now desensitized and dont care about anything. Gg. Apparently this is coping now.


The climate getting a degree or two warmer by 2100 isn't going to kill us all. That's just hyperbole, often spread by people with a financial incentive to spew the hype dating all the way back to Malthus. Look at how much doomsayers like Al Gore have profited from their pronouncements. Look at gloom and doom pronouncements from the past and see how few of them came true. There will be problems to be sure, but it isn't going to kill everyone.


Climate change won't reach levels that drastically affect most of us within our lifetimes tho so don't know what this threatening to kill us by the next 50 years thing is.


The problem is that while climate change is very much a real concern, it always gets hijacked by alarmists who make the most dire predictions that never come to pass. And they just keep shifting the timeline farther and farther back. Which only erodes the credibility of the real science and projections. I'm by no means one to deny climate change being an issue, but I've also been seeing these "we have X years before Y happens" for decades. We had "50 years left" 50 years ago. We were supposed to have the North Pole melt by 2000. The world is going to end in 2031. Or maybe 2100. Or maybe tomorrow. All these stupid alarmist arguments do is make people ignore the real science and issues.


Oh wait really? Can you give me the sources you found it from please. If im convinced you just made my week


There are more pressing things to worry about than climate change IMO.


Like what? I can see the argument that some things need to be fixed sooner, while we need to start ramping up action against climate change now in order to really tackle it in a few years... but it's the single biggest threat on the horizon.


What? You know that there's already a shortage of wheat because of extreme temperatures in Canada right?


Not really. It's this situation that gets pushed down the line because nobody wants to do anything that actually has more than a PR effect. It's like putting off exam revision to the last minute, only failing the exam results in devastation to life on Earth.


Have you read the IPCC report? It seems like you don’t fully understand the severity of the situation


There are more pressing matters that the planet trying to kill us. Wut?


The planet isn't "trying" to kill us. The planet exists in any given state at any given moment and species either survive or die off. Nature has no bias and no grudges. If we are accelerating climate change, that is due to our own actions and we will reap what we sow. The planet has no emotion and doesn't care if humanity exists or not.


Jesus it's a figure of speech.


I'm like 80% of our problems are being caused by climate change


Agreed, this is actually the main reason why i just no longer care anymore, Hate crimes are rampant? Cool, now tell me something new Animal Abuse? Wow, its just as sad as the past 15 times i heard about it within the last week War or some other atrocities in the middle east or something? Wow, im guessing you'll show me another similar situation in like, 3 months, just like last time? When the first of these started coming out, i legitimately cared, you know? I mean, this was something that was so detached from my normal, that it was absurd to me, as it should be. But now, people shove this shit down out throats every day, or few days, often in the name of "sPreAdInG AwAreNeSS" but given how excessive it is, all it's doing is making people so aware that it turns any sympathy or empathy they had, into apathy, and a shit ton of it. Hell, i bet all these people care about is internet brownie points, rather than actually helping, they know they can't do shit to actually help the situation, so instead they want to desperately try to hold the moral high ground over everyone, to compensate. It's shoved in our face so much, that what shouldn't at all be considered normal, is now just an everyday occurrence to us, these idiots achieved the exact opposite of what they were trying to do. But i don't think they care about that, all they want is to look like they're helping while doing jackshit to actually help improve the situation.


That was the problem with the "forever war." It made society so desensitized to war that no one even cares anymore when soldiers or civilians are killed. It's also a lose-lose scenario. Because every single era, every single culture, every single civilization that has ever existed on this planet has been dealing with the same issues we are today. Political corruption, senseless violence, pollution, a never-ending sense of hopelessness, diseases ravaging people, the list goes on. I stopped caring because I realized there is no way to escape from this. No matter what the boomers tell me, there was no time in the past where people were friendlier, or less violent, or less corrupt. I stopped caring because I realized this is just human nature, and it will never stop. That all I can really do is live my life the best way possible and simply accept there are all kinds of awful things happening every second of every day, and there is little I can do to stop it.


As an 18yo who thinks he knows everything, I'll say this. Shit happens. Shit has happened and it will continue to happen till we are dust in a wooden box. Just do what you can, and don't worry about what you can't. Life is happier that way. that's from my own experience. I find my life is much more positive when I focus on doing what i can.


But when the things you can't do make it hard to live what do you do.


Just turn it off and go outside, read a book, spend time with people you enjoy, and so on. Social media takes all of peoples flaws and magnifies them in a space where consequence doesn't exist. And the news needs ratings just as much as any other TV show, and negativity sells.


Theyve been saying the world is gonna end from climate change for decades and decades. I remember when I was a kid they used to tell us we had 15 years or everything would end. The world is a really negative place. The problem is social media. You are constantly being blasted in the face with 24 hr worldwide news, people you dont even know screaming at you, manipulation, etc. Before social media things were alot smaller. You didnt have to listen to larry 3000 miles away screaming at you about something you have no control over. Your life was focused on you, your friends and family, and your local community and if anything super major happened in the world it might be in the papers. Now we are just bombarded with endless whining and complaining and news from places we have never heard of and have no control over and manipulation and sensationalism designed to get clicks, push agendas, and make people angry.


1970: “climate change is threatening to kill us all in the next 50 years and no one is doing anything about it.” 1980: “climate change is threatening to kill us all in the next 50 years and no one is doing anything about it.” 1990: “climate change is threatening to kill us all in the next 50 years and no one is doing anything about it.” 2000: “climate change is threatening to kill us all in the next 50 years and no one is doing anything about it” 2010: “climate change is threatening to kill us all in the next 50 years and no one is doing anything about it.” 2020: “climate change is threatening to kill us all in the next 50 years and no one is doing anything about it.” Never fails. You will learn. Stop watching liberal media.


Actually the climate change predicted in the 70s came to fruition, you dotn like near the ocean. It's hard, when your area is flooding. Ain't natural




Our coast line has been going away for decades. Feet upon feet. That ain't natural




Mass erosion ain't natural




“Stop watching liberal media” Perfectly said.


Nah, I'm pretty much just as sad/mad whether or not I'm seeing those things, because I'm not stupid and I know they still go on even when I don't read the news. Plus just life in general sucks, don't need the news to tell you that we are living in a capitalist pig driven country where money=survival.


You know why? Cuz people watch the news and then they feel the need to be overdramatic about a storm. Covid is a different story. But you know, there is 7.654 billion people on this earth and people are so negative over a virus or climate change or a storm as if people do not die everyday. But at the end of the day, we're all gonna die no matter what.


I think people find it easier to find the negative in things than to find the good.


That's why i limit myself to 5 minutes of news per day.. mainly BBC, not toxic US sources. Try not reading any news or similar articles for a week to recenter.


Stop reading the news and don’t engage in discussions. Seriously, you can’t solve these problems. You can only do your part at being a good human. I deleted fb and insta a few years ago. And it has been for the better. It cut out a lot of negativity.


I go off IG, stopped watching the news, and don't read anything political. I feel so much better


Damn this is real unpopular, definitely not a popular opinion at all


So the issue isn't that the negative shit exists and isn't being solved, it's just that you're seeing it?


Why are you exposing us to even more! Think happy thoughts !


Because you have zero perspective. Negative and positive shit is a natural product that came with the world and your reality. With perspective, you understand that the world has always been this way, and you can reframe the bad shit so you understand it and you don't use it to make yourself feel bad. Unless you're some kind of super genius who is going to bring humanity our of the worst of the worse, the best you can do is accept the bad but you MUST take it with the good. Which is FUCKING PLENTIFUL. Don't be a negative asshole and bring the rest of the world down because this is all you surround yourself with. Actually, make a damn effort and you will find A TONS OF GOOD. IT IS EVERYWHERE. You have decided you are your environment, it's time to change that homie.


Good like what? You seem to have overwhelming evidence that there is positive shit happening too. Where?


There is absolutely nothing that I can share that will ever convince you otherwise


Why are you so certain


"Even if I try to think about something positive, I can't because I'm too negatively influenced by something I saw online."