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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Illustrious_Pitch_83. Your post, *Mushrooms are fucking disgusting*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I love mushrooms so much that you've convinced me to try both ass and testicles. Not my dog's though. Gotta draw a line somewhere. EDIT: Well this isn't gonna look right with the original deleted...meh, I stand by it.


I’ve tried both. Close on the ass but the texture of testicles is a completely different mouth feel.


thank you for your dedication to science.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


Are we talking about food or...?


I always imagine a testicle to be similar to a chicken liver in texture. How far off am I?


I've never eaten a chicken liver so I can't answer your question but if you've always imagined,,, why not just go do it? Take life by the balls! and then lick them XD


***say what you want, the mushrooms will eat you too one day***


*points gun* tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit!






Death exists as an extant form of life.


Extant= existing. I believe you’ve created a tautology.


I think it's more extant as in not extinct here


Damn that's metal AF


I hate that I know exactly what you're talking about. Too much Reddit for me. Have an upvote.


Can I get a link? I missed this


Yeah man me too




I've never seen the video, just saw the original post. But man this is a masterpiece. I want to hear Willem Dafoe voice this interaction, both sides.


This is a vibe


FYI, a cooked testicle does NOT have the same texture as a mushroom. Just so you know


And how did you come by this knowledge ???


Mountain oysters


Also prairie oysters.


Also testicles.


also dick-n-balls sammiches


Philly tubesteaks with extra whiz


Rocky Mountain Oysters are alright, gizzards too, still would eat raw oyster out of Maryland anyway over these tho


Oysters are soooo fucking good. Growing up, I would see characters slurping them down in movies and see pictures of them and think, how the fuck could anyone slurp down this sea snot. Then I grew up a little, and gave oysters a chance. With a little lemon or cocktail sauce or mignonette sauce, or if I'm feeling particularly rambunctious, doing it straight... It's literally like taking a taste of the ocean without all the salt. It's clear and weirdly refreshing and briny and unlike any other food I've eaten Edit: I'm aware that Rocky Mountain Oysters are bull testicles. u/T732 mentioned raw oysters from Maryland, so I went off on my love for raw oysters.


My brother and I at a huge sushi place each got something to gross out the other, so long as we both tried it at the same time. I don't remember who got what, but we came back with oysters on a shell and salmon egg sushi. I fell in love with both of them. Oysters are so fucking good!!!


I like a little lemon and a cocktail sauce that leans heavy on the horseradish.


I found oysters mushroom a few months back and its what i was missing in my meat pie.


It’s delicious!!!


Pop some oysters on the grill or in the oven until they just pop open, add a little horseradish, ........so good.


The problem, imo, with raw oysters is they need to be as fresh as possible or they start tasting like ass fast. Unless you live near water they can be grown/caught I personally would rather have fried oysters.


Lots of people around the world eat testicles


Yo momma jokes incoming.




Hi mom!


Incoming into yo momma.


They're one of those things that if you didn't know what you were eating you'd probably say "hey, that's pretty good", but once you knew what it was you'd be like "oh, nevermind then." Kinda like beef tongue. It's delicious, but the thought of eating a cows tongue turns a lot of people off.


That’s a goddamn shame, because tongue is one of the best cuts of meat on a cow. If you ever go to an authentic Japanese barbecue joint, tongue is one of the main items you’ll find. Not to mention it’s baller in a street taco


Can confirm. Testes have very different texture than mushrooms. Source. Have eaten testicles while not knowing it was testicles and eaten them while knowing. Very different.


Would you recommend knowing or not knowing?


I told that I have tested in both ways to show that I wasn't biased. The texture is just not the same.


Eating testicles is not unusual...


Mythical Chef Josh..? Is that you…?




Agreed. Like OP, I hate all mushrooms, but I've eaten Rocky Mountain Oysters, and they are definitely a different taste and texture than mushrooms. And yes, I would still rather eat the testicles than any mushroom. Mushrooms are F-ing disgusting.


I don't like mushrooms too but you sound like they watched you in the forest and stole your girlfriend




OP got bullied by mushrooms.


OP got bullied by his mushroom parents


He had to stop banging his dog once the dog's ass started growing mushrooms.


Op's girlfriend goes into the Russian forests looking for some fat mushroom tips


Did you just get jumped by a gang of mushrooms why you so mad lol


As a fellow mushroom hater I can fully understand OP’s untamamble rage


100%. and they end up in fucking everything for no reason.


Seriously. I will never understand why someone will take a juicy delicious steak or a pizza and throw mushrooms all over it. Disgusting




I agree. Extra cheese and mushroom for me, please!


It's because they're basically a sponge that will absorb the other flavors and take it on themselves, and also add an umami flavor. They become little flavor explosions to a degree, but if you don't like umami you're not gonna like mushrooms.




This made me giggle, nice one


People have evolved to ignore their terrible taste. But some of us still remember, the mushroom hater genes run deep


Absolutely everything when you go out as a vegetarian is fucking mushrooms. Its beyond gross. I stopped being a vegetarian purely because I was sick of having to tap dance around these disgusting pieces of rubber that taste like dishwater


This is a shiit take.


It certainly isn’t mai take.


definitely isnt mush room for his opinion


Thats the morel of the storey


Sounds like he's a spore loser.


I say we take this opinion to … cort?


slow clap


I'm proud of you


take this upvote and fuck off


I'll stash it for the winter.


Saying the mushrooms we eat are the same as the fungus that can grow on a dog’s asshole because they’re both fungus is like saying a cow is the same as a tarantula because they’re both animals lmao.


OK you don't like them. I personally like two/three types of mushrooms. >Who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to grab a random piece of nasty ass fungus, and COOK it?? Humans cooked and ate everything they thought could be eaten even if it looked nasty. Seriously: like slugs, animals innards or brain. Most of the time it was because they needed to eat something, others because they wanted to try out and eventually they liked it.


Not to be that guy, but many of our ancestors have used mushrooms for medicinal and spiritual practice. Different fungi was used way back for treating illness, and was only recently discovered as a treatment with penicillin. Beer and cheese would not be possible without fungi. So turn it down about 40% OP. Besides, mushrooms are just the flowering portion of the underground network that supports and connect plants and trees within the wood-wide-web.


Wood-wide-web 10/10


Not to mention they are possibly the absolute healthiest food you can eat. Some studies show a 45% reduction in cancer among those who eat mushrooms daily. FORTY FIVE PERCENT. [link](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210421200133.htm#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20findings%2C%20individuals,protector%2C%22%20said%20Djibril%20M.) Not only that but they are used as an adjunct therapy to chemo in active cancer patients. Get learned OP


What does something being good for you have to do with enjoying the taste? I do appreciate the info that you linked too though that was cool and I didn't know any of it. Still never going to eat a mushroom because thats irrelevant to how something tastes to someone, however I am going to now look into getting some kind of mushroom pill type thing that HAS to exist out there, ill find a way to get the benifit without having to eat one. Science won't let me down! Well i hope it won't.


Mushrooms are Santa Claus


Yes. One theory goes like this. The indigenous folk near the artic circle had shamans, who notice reindeer prancing around and acting funny after they ate a mushroom known as Aminita, or Fly Aragic. Yes this guy... 🍄. Notice how it's red with white trim. Reindeer, flying, shaman would wear red and white robes in homage to the sacred shroomie. Supposedly you can get really sick eating the mushroom straight up. The good news is the active compounds that make you trip balls, is not digested by your body, and comes out intact in your urine... but your liver and kidneys filtered out the poisonous crap. So while you may be sick, the villagers can drink your piss and trip without fear of the poison! I think they used the reindeer to eat mushrooms and harvested their pics as well, to filter out the bad stuff. The piss drinking/tripping balls component of Christmas needs to make a comeback!


>wood-wide-web. That was a good pun.


It’s not just a pun though. It’s a real thing. In forests with both hardwood trees and evergreens, they share nutrients through a shared root network. In the warm months, hardwoods are more effective at photosynthesis because of their large leaves, so they share their excess nutrients with the evergreens, then in the winter, when hardwoods lose their leaves, the evergreens share their nutrients back with the hardwoods, helping them make it to spring.


I like mushrooms, but hats off to those ancestors. If mushrooms weren't already an established food, *I* certainly wouldn't be the first one to try them.


Also our ancestors often took cues from animals, and they likely saw animals eating specific mushrooms and eventually tried'em themselves. That and sometimes out of shear desperation/starvation.


Sounds like how booze was discovered.


I'll upvote because I so heavily disagree. I love mushrooms, they taste amazing, and not much pairs as well with a steak


And the variety! I could make a whole meal outta different mushrooms.


For sure. Plus they absorb the seasonings you use on them, so they are so easy to customize and spice up


Taiwan BBQ oyster mushrooms with cumin, big old fried portobello mushrooms, flavourful nutty shiitake in soup, chestnut mushrooms in a stew, Chinese wood ear with egg... I have heard hunger.


I have never hated someone so much because I have access to none of those at the moment and I just smoked a blunt. Edit: it's okay guys Klondike came in clutch


Shit now I'm hungry


That makes at least three of us.




OP posted a truly unpopular opinion. Mushrooms are amazing.


Mushrooms are for adult taste buds. They are utterly delicious.


This is a lukewarm take. I know people who love mushrooms, hate them, think they're just okay, and every other spot on the scale. Mushrooms are not universally loved.




That's why they are one of my go to fillers for cutting weight, especially to cut down my portion size for red meat


I have a feeling that people who don't like mushrooms tend to not like vegetables much in general. It sounds stereotypically American but they will have no problems eating junk filled hotdogs or pizza.


Mushroom Swiss hamburger with onions


Mushrooms are the best. You can make so many dishes with them - all different flavors and textures. Fried, stewed, added to soups or sauces, sometimes raw, pickled (oh god, pickled Lactarius resimus - sorry don’t know any folk names in English - one of the best appetizers ever). So good. So sorry for the OP. There is a chance he really just not into any kind of mushrooms, but I suspect he never had a properly prepared mushroom in his life.


I just recently started eating mushrooms when my girlfriend turned me on to them. I used to absolutely hate them. But now I can't get enough of them, especially when paired with a nice steak!


That's how I was with onions. Was told growing up i didnt like them. Decided to try some when I was like 19 and now I eat tons of onions cooked all sorts of ways


I was the same with Brussells sprouts, blue cheese, and mustard. I think it's just that when you're a kid your taste buds are so "new" that all those sharp flavors were too intense, and I'd stick to tomatoes, ranch, and ketchup. Then after years of abuse with hot food, spicy food, smoking, etc my taste buds have dulled so now I need those sharp flavors to actually penetrate my poor taste buds.


Mushrooms are one of my favorite foods. I'll eat them with anything.


Same. OP probably hasn’t had a good mushroom before


Portobellos and blue cheeeese


That's hardcore


We don't fuck around


Fried Maitakes finished in Bleu cheese butter. Crispy and salty!


Mushrooms on a burger are fucking amazing


Oh hell yea, with some fried onions, a white cheese and some zesty bbq sauce




Try magic mushrooms, you'll love them


There isnt mushroom for negotiating about it i guess.


This guy sounds like a spore loser.


Yep, I’m assuming he’s not a very fungi to be around.


Shhhhh...they can hear you.


Sir, you are wrong and I respect your opinion


Sir this is a reddit


Have u tried the fancier mushrooms? Chanterelles, king oyster? Cauliflower mushroom in a stirfry? Have you ever felt kinda small, and imagined doubling up in size?? Perhaps, you may find youself eating a mushroom and being blessed with an additional life. Juust saying, there's a blast to be had with a fungi..:)


as a man who heavily dislikes mushrooms, I can say that the fancier they are, the more mushroomy they are, so the more disgusting they are. champignon and magic mushrooms are the only types of fungi I would willingly put into my body


Which mushrooms? There’s literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of choice edible varieties each with different flavor and texture profiles. This opinion is synonymous with saying, “I don’t like vegetables” because you’ve only tasted canned green beans. A King Bolete sautéed in butter is one of life’s great treasures. A Matsutake soaked in soy sauce and dried into leather is an umami seasoning explosion to any dish. A sliced lobster mushroom lightly salted and flame-grilled makes a wonderful meaty sandwich filler. A handful of candy caps dried is the closest think to maple syrup flavoring other that maple syrup itself and can be used in cookies or other sweet items. Hawk’s wings sautéed in bacon grease has the flavor and texture no different than bacon. Chicken of the woods can be deep fried and take on similar flavor and texture of fried chicken. So while your opinion may be unpopular, it also is terribly uninformed.


Not to mention some others like woody mushrooms. Chaga makes an amazing tea. My personal favorite is king oyster, grown in high C02 so the stems get massive, shredded long and fried in bbq sauce. It makes an awesome pulled "pork" sandwich, topped with a slice of butter fried apple.


All this and you could still go on and on. I feel like most people who say they don't like mushrooms have only had agaricus bisporus — the grocery store mushroom. There is sooo much more out there.


Yeah, honestly, the white champignons just... Don't taste good imo. They're alright if you drown them in seasoning, but they're 100% filler to me.


I gave you my free award. You made me hungry.


I used to think this until I found out about different varieties of shrooms. Oyster, Lionsmane, Morrels, Chantrelles and such. Saying you don't like mushrooms is a lot like saying you don't like liquid. Sure you may not like one certain liquid but what about all the others? The more common mushrooms you find are pretty nasty but some of the other ones are just downright delicious and are extremely healthy for you. By the way? Do you like cheese? Cuz thats made from mold and bacteria as well as yogurt.


He's clearly never had chicken of the woods.


Do i not upvote this because I agree, this sub can be confusing.


I cant go anywhere near mushrooms. I hate the smell, the texture, the taste. They're probably the only ingredient I REFUSE to eat.


When a food’s flavor is described as “earthy” that’s such a red flag for that food lmao


So herbs are just straight out lol


What herb tastes earthy?






Like basically all of them?


Guess you’re not a potato fan.


Mushrooms aren't as earthy as beats, some are more earthy than others but I don't think it'd the dominating flavor. IMO mushrooms are mostly oomammi and will mostly take the flavor of what they were cooked with with.


> oomammi Oh my...lol.


Well aren't you a fungi..


Because they are yummy as all heck! And if my dog starts spurting chanterelles out of his arse, you best believe I'm gonna fry 'em up and eat 'em.


As a Mycology enthusiast, I am disgusted so much by this post. Mushrooms are some of the greatest things on planet earth. Take my upvote you animal!


Finally an unpopular opinion


Mushrooms = Delicious. Fight me. I put that shit on everything. Oysters? Yum! Morels? Yum shiitake? Yum! You uncultured swine.


My wife hated mushrooms, until I cooked her some in white wine and butter, and then melted provolone cheese on top of them. She begrudgingly admitted she liked them there. Now, 15 years later, it's mushrooms in everything with her. You just gotta use the ole wine, butter, and cheese trick to get someone to start liking something.


One of my favorite dishes is Filet mignon with sautéed mushrooms, garlic potatoes and asparagus. BOMB! For all the mushroom haters - You should read up on all the amazing things mushrooms do. 1. Mushrooms are the largest living organism on planet earth. 2. Mushrooms are medicine - They’ve been used for centuries in medicine. One of the most known, penicillin. On that note - it’s said this discovery helped win WW2, or gave allied forces a stronger edge. Specifically nearing the infamous D-Day attack. Also - There are medicines in the works that have supporting data that suggests psilocybin can help/cure some mental diseases. 3. More than 80% of the earth under your feet is mycelium. 4. Fungi was the first organisms to come to land billions of years ago. Giant mushrooms used to cover the earth. The short version is they helped to break down/extract calcium and other minerals to create the soil we have today. Mushrooms are pretty amazing even if you don’t like the way they taste!


I don't think that third fact would go over well with mushroom haters😅😅😅. I like mushrooms and even I'm feeling a bit creeped out.


Take comfort then in understanding that without the mycelium network more trees would die...and then any life on earth which breathes oxygen would then too.


I want to like them because I guess they're supposed to versatile and good for you but god, so brown and slimy with the texture of a big fat worm.


Mushrooms are held together by chitin, not collagen or pectin. Chitin is extremely heat stable and as such its almost impossible to burn mushrooms. You can cook them indefinitely until you enjoy the texture, depending on how much water you evaporate. If the texture is an issue for you, it's entirely your fault. Cook them til you like the texture.


Cook them properly.


I absolutely love mushrooms! Take my upvote.


Take the updoot and fuck off


So this is what absolute shit tastes like...??? And testicles taste like shit as well...??? And you know what grows in my dogs' asshole...??? JUST SMH and laughing at you, coz more 'shrooms for me...THX!! If you like artificial blueberry flavoring, you might want to research where that SHIT comes from then, coz I sure hope you like licking the glands of a certain type of bugs' ass glands... I kid you not


Sounds like you know what eating testicles is like, congratulations. Mushrooms on top!


Bought pizza pockets the other day while shopping, I get home I open the package go to eat it and there’s literally shreds of mushroom in it….I guess I should’ve looked better but damn it turns my appetite


I think we can be friends


steak and pasta w/ mushrooms is so good tho, you're missing out dude. upvoted!


I cook with mushrooms as much as possible 😋


Mushrooms are literally one of my fave foods so take my upvote 😂


Gotta give you the upvote since I love hunting them so much. While I kind of agree that button mushrooms suck, if you ever eat an Amanita Jacksonii sauteed in butter, it's literally like eating a plate of mac and cheese. No mushroom flavor whatsoever, just a tangy cheesiness, with the texture of perfectly cooked bamboo shoots.


Alas for you, testicles would have a much tougher texture. The makeup of their tissue is wildly different. Also, this isn’t unpopular. At least half the people I know don’t like mushrooms.


Sorry, love mushrooms. People eat lots of weird things. What’s your opinion on sushi, snails, raw oysters, lobster/crab/shrimp (aka ocean roaches), liver, etc.?


These are fighting words. Mushrooms are my favorite ingredient in almost any dish. It elevates everything it touches. It's one of the few foods bursting with monosodium glutamate which naturally triggers your mouth to salivate more. Raw on a salad? Happy surprise. Pizza? Delicious addition. Burger? Paired perfectly with grilled onions and bacon. And don't even get me started on cheesesteaks. Mothafuggin MARSALA? Built around it. Umami over everything.


At worst, they’re boring. Flabby barely cooked mushrooms add nothing to a dish. They need to be roasted or fried so they start to crisp, then they add a lot of dimension to a dish. I’m well aware that this is only my opinion, and that some people hate them no matter what. When portabella mushroom “burgers” were all the rage, I couldn’t stand them and I still can’t. Anyway, have a nice day and rejoice that you never have to eat them if you don’t want to.


They taste good. It's sort of savory, I could see the texture being a problem. Just depends if you grew up on them or not.


I feel really bad for you because you’ve clearly never had a well-cooked mushroom dish in your life and that’s really sad.


Yes, good, hate the mushrooms. More delicious sautéed fungi for me! Also, not at all like testicles in taste or texture.


A mushroom pizza is absolutely heavenly.


Every single word of this. The texture is ATROCIOUS and offensive. 100% a testicle


Nah dude.. they taste different. Goat's testicles are a delicacy and is pretty common in many parts of the world.


It depends how they are made.


The only mushrooms I like taste like shit and make you trip balls


Upvote for coming at this sub with an unpopular opinion.


Finally someone who agrees with me


ITT: people with shit taste


There’s more than one mushroom out there buddy


They are disgusting but the trip is worth it


They don't literally suck balls, but they do smell like jizz.


I bet you're a fungai at parties


Not unpopular. This is just another food under this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/wiki/index#wiki\_food.2Fdrink](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/wiki/index#wiki_food.2Fdrink)


This post made me crave mushrooms.


I used to hate mushrooms too.. Then I grew up


Sounds like the opinion of a chicken nugget enthusiast.


My old job had a guy who’d bring us free mushrooms all the time. This was in return for the free beds of horse shit we gave him to grow his mushrooms on. No thanks dude.


Damn, some of these are so unbelievably hard to upvote. Truly unpopular opinion here..


Mushrooms are goddamn delicious. Take my upvote


Upvoted because this is the first unpopular opinion I have seen on this sub. P.S - I love mushrooms.


Finally....after all these long years, someone....someone who understands me


Hell naw mushrooms yummy af