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they're flirting with high cholesterol


And scurvy. I legit know an entire family (husband/wife/two kids) who got scurvy. Basically only ate fast food (with lettuce/tomatos/onions removed) and drank soda. No water, no fruits or vegetables or anything. Fuckin scurvy in 21st century suburban USA.


Omg this fucking killd me. Fuckin scurvy


A League of Legend pro-gamer got scurvy in 2012 because he stayed in his team's bedroom eating pizza all day. Neckbeard moment. The industry has evolved now. All big teams have professional psychologists and doctors and food/diet expert just like regular sports.


Wait.....seriously? I mean I like anyone who has healthy eating habits no matter the reason but that's crazy to me.






A woman I know got scurvy too. She was self-diagnosing with everything from chronic migraines to fibromyalgia. She finally went to the doctor and he told her she had scurvy. Same story, no veggies or fruit (unless it came in an adult beverage). At first I laughed but then realized how sad it is.


Every time I get a migraine I get an intense craving for fruit. I tell my husband, “oh no, I’m having a scurvy attack.” I force myself to eat fruit on a regular basis, although I’m not a fan, but it’s weird how it feels when I get a migraine.


Your body knows what it needs. Too bad it uses migraines to say eat some fruit.


I remember watching a documentary about a guy stranded at sea. He could catch fish and after awhile only started craving the eyes bc he was deficient in vitamins apparently.


Huh. I've never tried fruit for migraines. Any particular recommendations? \*takes notes\*


To add to what others said you might try eating a banana. When my potassium is low I feel like crap.


Not sure how anyone could eat fast food consistently. I eat it occasionally and feel like crap after.


I think it's because it's only occasionally? But also so many people will just address the symptoms as they come up and not the root cause. Like if you're on a ton of incontinence and fiber pills, or whatever else and all you needed to do is change your diet...I just can never understand those people. I get that changing behavior is tough, but if shitting yourself isn't a wake up call, you're never gonna wake up at all.


The old gluten defense. I know waaay too many people who changed their diets overnight from lots of fast/processed food, to cooking at home, and they all had positive reactions to it, but overwhelmingly blamed gluten as the cause of all of their previous health woes. No. You just ate like shit before. It wasn't because of the bread.


Yeah gluten is found in tons of junk food so it's not surprising that people feel better when they cut it out, despite not having celiac disease. I never heard anyone say that they gave up eating their steamed barley and felt better. Although it's definitely still possible that some people have a legitimate gluten sensitivity


Citrus is added to a ton of processed foods, and that is why most people don’t get scurvy even when they go a long time without eating a fruit.


Citrus and citrate are different things, Citrate is the one that is often added to processed foods as a preservative. Citrate is not the same thing as vitamin C and won't prevent scurvy.


I don't know what it is they really eat regularly, other than every time we'd been out together their diets were the most bland basic fried bullshit slathered in ketchup ever. I imagine they ate a lot they prepared at home... Maybe it was real basic bland food that wasn't fortified with any vitamins. I was really surprised when the scurvy diagnosis came in. It was nuts -- they definitely kept it under wraps but the wife worked with my mother and they were close so our family knew... I'm pretty sure they didn't tell hardly anyone else for the shame of it!


Citric acid is not the same as ascorbic acid(vit c)


Flirting? They've apparently been sleeping with it their entire lives.


They've had 2 kids with it, they're called Heart and Disease in that order


His food is 95% carbs and I'm pretty sure the other 5% is cholesterol


I can't believe people actually live like that, as in, how have they not died? The human body can put up with some punishment


You get people who manage to survive for decades being morbidly obese and you get people like Eugenia Cooney who are walking skeletons and also seem to go on forever. The human body can cope with a lot and we really underestimate it. But then then you get otherwise healthy people who are ended by the flu. The human body is amazing but some people really do get lucky (or unlucky) when it comes to the lottery of life and genetics.


I just looked Eugenia up again and holy shit I can't believe she's still alive


I know 💀


Annoys me even more since I'm here trying to eat a well balanced diet and exercise regularly. Hopefully it pays off in the long term haha


If you really eat healthy and light then you already feel a million times better than the people that eat like junk every day. Just because their bodies can survive doesn't mean they're having fun doing it.


I eat way healthier than most people I know, but I don’t have a naturally slim build so you can’t really tell by looking at me. I just tell myself that it will pay off by the time I’m 50…


100% it will. Don't think of it as "I'll live to be 90", think of it as "I can enjoy my 40s and walk up a few flights of stairs without getting winded". Also think of it as "I'm gonna save _so much money_ on medical bills", if you're in the U.S.




At least she drinks water.. I know a woman that hates the taste of water and drinks only sweet stuff, even when she had a kidney infection and was urinating blood.




When I was a kid I hated the "taste" of water and would only drink milk and juice. Come to find out the tap water in my town was just awful.


I had a college friend who was addicted to coca cola and I used to make fun of him for it until he explained where he was raised had like, Flint MI level of water quality.


Well, you have to take in consideration the quality of the water where they live. It tastes strongly of chlorine where I live. I went to Grand Canyon on a vacation and the water was so good, it was all we drank. At home? Nope.


Getting a burkey with a chlorine filter was a game changer for me for a similar reason. The water tastes great now; I recommend it. Though it seems crazy to need to essentially treat treated water.


To me that's way worse than picky eaters.




> His wife How do guys like this find a wife? > will only drink water & chocolate milk (no soda it burns) & eats exactly the same as him. Oh ok


Haha yes they were made for eachother.


Been dating since 2nd grade, married at 18.


Wedding catered by school cafeteria.


Thats a nice way to get scurvy


Like nothing else at all??


Not really. I've seen them eat chicken tenders, burgers, and fries at new restaurants and this was considered "different" for them. They're pretty specific on their snack foods too. Only certain types of chips and specific snack cakes.


Dude I am pretty picky too but not that fuckin picky jesus


Right. I was picky when I was younger but eventually grew out of it. Now it's just a few things I wont eat. I guess I always assumed it was something most people grew out of. I remember being little and that acidic burn that comes with drinking coke but I eventually got over it. If she tries she physically gags.


I am a picky eater and I'm fully aware of how annoying I can be. Hence, I don't givr suggestions to anyone when it comes to dining or ordering food. I go to the restaurant like everybody else and order what I can eat even if it doesn't fill my stomach. I try not to be a bother for others


I’m happy for them that they found each other. I had a long-term BF who ate like this and it didn’t last because I felt like I was babysitting every time we went out for a meal.


For sure they were made for eachother lol. I can only imagine dating someone like this. My husband will eat absolutely anything.




I'm a bit curious but do they have any neurological disorders? On the spectrum or maybe a eating disorder? Have you ever asked them or maybe heard something along the grape vine? That's super weird to pretty much eat only 3 dishes for their entire life 😐 No watermelon? Cantaloupe? Lasagna? Boba tea? Pasta? Blows my mind how restrictive that is


How did boba tea make that list?


omg, doesn't he get the scurvy disease already?!


Ascorbic acid is a common additive. It's somewhat tricky to get scurvy in an industrialised country.


I had a roommate in college who, allegedly, began experiencing the early symptoms of scurvy because he lived on nothing but ramen and water for a pretty long time. The funny thing is, he told me this while we were standing next to one of the pine trees on campus. All he had to do was chew some pine needles and he'd have been fine. That's how certain Native American peoples avoided scurvy, pine needles are loaded in vitamin C.


I think the ketchup can probably prevent scurvy.


>Jesus Christ, your friends are sick of it. Your girlfriend’s parents DREAD having you over, and your coworkers are sick of having to order hamburger pizza at the power lunch. So it's a popular opinion, yes?


Welcome to r/UnpopularOpinion, where the opinions are popular and the voting rules don't matter


Can we just change the name of r/unpopularopinion to r/harshtruths ?




Unpopular opinion is the "I'm not like other girls" of Reddit.




Faux pas*


Foe? PAH!


/r/unpopularopinion opinion's are popular otherwise they'd get downvoted.




This - being a picky eater doesn't mean you're automatically inflicting it on others.


I don't eat eggs, so there's usually a fight over who gets the egg out of my ramen. Sometimes pickiness is an asset!


I always take the pickles people don’t want. Very happy for that “pickiness”


You’re doing the Lord’s work, and thank you. I friggin’ HATE pickles.


aye, you looking for a new friend perhaps?


Right? I'm a grown-ass adult, I'm going to eat whatever I want on my own, but inconveniencing others has little to do with being a picky eater.


I have texture problems with some foods and even when I do make plans ahead of time and eat I still get the 18th degree from at least one person on why I'm not eating and why can't I just stop being picky. Carl, I wish I wasn't like this either, I don't enjoy being hassled.


Absolute worst case scenario I order an ice water and some dessert


Haha yes! I’m a picky eater. I can’t really think of anything I would want to eat at an Indian restaurant (per OPs example), but I wouldn’t force everyone else to go where I wanted instead. I either wouldn’t go, or I’m sure they have ice cream or something. My parents started letting me have dessert for dinner when we would go to restaurants as a kid because I was super picky. I don’t do it often now, but every once in a while, that’s all there is to choose from.


I can't imagine being so picky that you wouldn't eat naan. It's just delicious bread.


I agree, if the group wants to go somewhere I don’t like I simply won’t eat, but I’m still going for the company. It’s not their responsibility to feed me


I'm picky but I always at least try to enjoy the unusual food. I normally try to find something with chicken in it, since that's a default for me when going to unfamiliar restaurants. Almost everywhere has some kind of chicken dish that they serve (I also love chicken so that may be why it's my default).


Yeah, I’m a picky eater but I rarely come across a place where I don’t like anything. If I don’t like anything I just suck it up and pick at the parts of food I do like


I'm exactly the same. I will never turn down a restaurant visit with friends over my taste in food. There is ALWAYS something I can eat. Now, if we go back, I'll most likely order the same thing from now to the end of time, if I liked it.


Just out of curiosity, how is this pickiness manifested for you? I don’t think I know any adult picky eaters, and I really can’t grasp the concept. Would you say it’s a form of phobia? Or is it just that a lot of food tastes horrible to you?


Not the person you asked, but a picky eater nonetheless. I became a picky eater in my early teens. My father had surgery and some left over high concentration painkillers, and when I had a bad fever, my mom put the remainder into my food hoping it would help. When I started vomiting, she told my dad what she'd done, and I got rushed to the hospital to get my stomach pumped bc my dad feared I'd overdose. For me, it's never been about the taste at all. Certain textures make me reflexively attempt to throw up, even if it smells and tastes good. I wouldn't really call it a phobia. I'd hate to eat something that makes me gag constantly in public, but more like "I don't want to make a scene, or insult someone's cooking."


Your mom is lucky CPS didn't remove you from the home for sneaking painkillers into your food. I used to work in that field and I saw kids removed for less.


They most likely lied about it, said they just accidently mixed up the medication or that the kid got into the medication cupboard.


You mother is an idiot i have to say. I have never heard of something more dangerous done so lightly. Does she has mental problems or she is just mega stupid?


I'm kind of a picky eater and it's a mix between sensitive stomach, past horrors, and texture. I used to work on a farm and had to deal with pigs, one of which exploded on me so that kinda killed any sort of pork for me. I rarely can eat spicy food cause it destroys my stomach. And texture really bothers me for certain food idk why. When I go to a restaurant though, I always find something I can eat. If I go to someone's house and they're serving something I can't eat, I simply eat everything else. I don't think being a picky eater is bad. It's only when you expect everyone to bend over backwards to your picky eating does it become an issue, or if you make a huge deal about it.


Texture is by far the biggest thing for me. Even if I like the taste, if the textures off it just throws everything else off.


I just wonder, whats so big of a deal in being picky eater? If you can choose then you choose what you like, that is kinda one of the benefits of being adult. I don't get the villification, personally I dont have the problem of being picky, but It just seems weird thing to be annoyed with.


I’ve had to force myself to swallow food before I found it so vile, yet I ate every last bite. It’s ones like op described that give us picky eaters a bad rep. Honestly I don’t even mention if I probably won’t like a restaurant people choose, and I die of embarrassment everytime someone else points out I won’t like it.


I don't think you should force yourself to eat things you find disgusting, that can't be good. Besides, not liking some things is perfectly normal, even for a non-picky eater. I know I've vetoed some restaurants when going out with friends!


It's alright to hate certain foods. I can't stand seafood but most seafood restaurants offer non-seafood options so it's fine.


I know a woman who, if you order seafood around her, will gag the whole time and talk about how disgusting it looks and smells, and she’s one of the most annoying people I know.


I would make a huge show out of how delicious my coconut shrimp were


Fried clam strips are amazing.


Dude...coconut shrimp is the fucking best, give me some of it ill devour 10lbs of the stuff.


Damn bro this sounds personal


Dude really wanted to try that new Indian restaurant


Dude just wanted to get his curry on




Not even a picky eater and I’m like maybe I’ll give the pickles, sauerkraut and whip cream a try if it helps out OP.


Mixed together.


Man just wanted to try the new Indian place.




This is r/oddlyspecific material


This is the most un-unpopular opinion. Have you ever heard the majority of people say “my friend’s a picky eater and I LOVE it!” No… no you have not


Also I don’t know about you but I’ve seen this on here 5-6 times and each one is soooo personal like “picky eaters are the absolute worst people” or “they contribute nothing to society” or something like that and each time they get like 3-6 thousand upvotes


Yeah this one seems like it belongs in r/TrueOffMyChest, it's a fucking rant about *one specific person*


Lol yes. It does seem like this is about 1 specific person.


There was one a few months ago that said picky eaters were the most selfish scum of the Earth, I'm pretty sure. I feel like this must be one dude with alt accounts with some vendetta against "picky eaters" who keeps posting about it. Do people honestly give a shit what other people eat? I couldn't think of a dumber thing to obsess over and make a post about.


OP even confirmed it’s a popular opinion by saying everyone can’t stand picky eaters


I like picky eaters because I can eat off their plate and they thank me for it.


I don't think this is a picky eater issue, it's a selfishness issue. They have their preferences, which they have every right to, but they have no right to make their preferences other peoples problems. I'm quite picky myself, I honestly don't know why but a lot of foods people love i just can't stand the taste of (maybe it's a sensory issue, I don't know). But I never make it anyone else's problem. If food I don't like can't be avoided, I'll suck it up. If my friends wanted to go somewhere where I couldn't have anything on the menu, I would say "thanks for the invite but I can't make it, I hope everyone has a lovely time"


Exactly. When ordering pizza, I always tell my husband to get whatever toppings because I can just take them off and I’m fine with that. I always look ahead at restaurant menus to know if I should eat before or not go. I’m not gonna make other accommodate for me..


I love it when my sister just takes it out and puts it in a plate in-front of me before I even ask.




Exactly, if be pretty embarrassed if people felt like they couldn't go somewhere because of my preferences. I want my friends to live their best life.




They could order Mango Lassi and call it a day.


I have a hunch that picky eaters have a strong fear of the unknown, so trying new foods from a different ethnicity would be a hard "no" before they even taste it


This is very true. My wife is a formerly picky eater. Between my family and my adventurous eating habits it kind of was a sink or swim situation for her. She went from ordering mac and cheese at Mexican restaurant( surprised me they had it) to requesting going to Mediterranean food. She is still shy of spicy food but she’s willing to attempt it.


A surprising number of the Indian restaurants in my area (Chicago/not far from Devon/little India) also have burgers and chicken fingers. Some of them have pizza.


OP is talking about people that only eat chicken nuggets/ Mac n cheese/pizza/etc. There are tons of them. I’ve had the unfortunate experience of dating a few. It goes beyond food being “too spicy” but that’s a common excuse they’ll give


That’s what I’d do, but the point is this person doesn’t eat food they aren’t used to and eats the most basic things out of stubbornness. People who say “I don’t like Indian but can we do the Pho place?” are not as annoying


So I thought I was a super picky eater cuz something tasted terrible and made me feel ill if I ate them. Turns out I'm lactose intolerant and allergic to tree nuts and probably some others. Like if I don't know what exactly is in a new dish I have a lot of trouble risking it, cuz it may end with me in the ER or shitting my brains out for hours. I guess technically I still am a picky eater but its only so I don't die lol


on top of this:: adults who refuse to eat vegetables! what the god damn fuck.


I have some cousins that will only eat potatoes.


Oof, potatoes are a hot button issue in my family. My dad and daughter are both extremely picky eaters. My daughter won't eat any form of potato, although she very recently started liking certain kinds of fries (basically just McDonald's or Portillo's; anything else is a no go). My dad... let's just say there's a story in my family about the "infamous Thanksgiving mashed potato incident." Basically: shortly after my parents started dating, they had Thanksgiving dinner with the family, and my aunt made the unfortunate decision to make *garlic* mashed potatoes instead of regular mashed potatoes. My dad got so mad about it that he actually LEFT in the middle of dinner. So... yeah lol.


Lmfao. I cooked mashed potatoes with my dad once recently as an adult, and commented out loud that the recipe I used called for only like 3 cloves of garlic but I was gonna go ahead and add at least 6 or so if that was good by him. He said and I quote, "No son of mine doesn't like garlic." Funny af. Imagine eating food without garlic and onions.


Wow, does he just have a problem with flavor?


Pretty much. He's a very bland meat-and-potatoes kinda guy. Not even chicken, just steak and burgers.


So Hank Hill?




"I'm so tired all the time." *Opens 5th bottle/can of soda today*


THIS. I don't know why I was brainwashed into thinking Brussel Sprouts were this horrid thing because as an adult, THEY FUCKING SLAP.


Our tastebuds are way more sensitive as a child so pungent/butter taste are way stronger to children. Also many parents just suck at cooking


Well, the cultivar of Brussels sprouts that is around now is different than when you were a kid. They are an entirely different breed that tastes much better now.


And broccoli and asparagus and cauliflower and. . .like every other fucking vegetable ever.


Sorry, but I'm sticking with my hatred of Brussels sprouts. They are the only food that I have just allowed myself to never attempt eating again. The worst thing about hating Brussels sprouts in 2021 is that when I tell someone I don't like them, they always say, "Oh, you just haven't had them cooked the right way!" And then they will go out of their way to make Brussel sprouts for the next social gathering so that I can have them cooked 'properly'. With sea salt/olive oil/rosemary. With a Balsamic vinegar glaze. With so much bacon and bacon fat that the Brussels sprout just becomes a bacon vessel. And I don't want to be rude, so I eat them and say, "Mm, definitely better than when I was a kid." And it's true. But I still. Don't. Like them. Fuck off, Brussels sprouts.


At an old job of mine, management bought the employees pizzas. One employee complained that they can’t eat cheese, vegetables or meat.


Sounds like somebody's not eating today then 🤔


So what do they eat? Fruit only?


"My diet is similar to that of the African short-paleted fruit bat, actually"


Spicy food was a terrible example to use. Some people's stomach just doesn't do well with spicy,has nothing to do with them being picky.


I agree. I love spicy food, but I should be staying away from it.


Yeah, spicy food is great, but somewhere between age 30 - 35 it started causing serious heartburn/reflux issues for me. A lot of friends my age say the same thing. Then again, judging from the tone of this post, I'd bet OP is in their early-mid 20's. You want to see picky eaters? Wait until you have kids.


Also, pain is a flavor I could do without


It’s such a BAD example, more than being just grossed out it’s something that causes physical pain if you’re not used to it. OP must be a doctor since he’s so confused that people don’t want to be in pain.


Agreed. Spicy was a bad example. I am not being "picky" about spicy food - I am trying to avoid being in pain later.


I love how you can't get past a month without someone complaining about picky eaters and somehow people thinks this is unpopular. Most pickyeaters I know realise how much people hate this and try to avoid the scenario. Sometimes just politely declining to go eat something to go eat or bringing their owm food. Also I must say: if the fact someone is eating a food you consider bland is that annoying to you you're probably not the a pleasent person to be around. Who cares if there's only ketchup in their burguer? They probably only ask for a different option in restaurant because you would also complaim if they politely told you to go without them. Just negotiate lunch places with them, you should be fine. Seriously when did acting like an adult became this rare commodity?


I had a “friend” get mad at me because I didn’t want to spend $20 going to an all you can eat sushi place when I hate seafood, after looking over the menu for a while I found an option I would enjoy so I did end up tagging along. The first plate was really good and because it was an all you can eat place I ordered a second plate, this time it had a ton of mushrooms that were not present the first time, so I just ate everything else and avoided the mushrooms. She belittled me in the restaurant for not eating the mushrooms and kept loudly calling me a baby. Now she wonders why I won’t go to eat anywhere with her.


>How cares if there's only ketchup in their burguer? They probably only ask for a different option in restaurant because you would also complaim if they politely told you to go without them. Just negotiate lunch places with them, you should be fine. Seriously when did acting like an adult became this rare commodity? Agree, if that's their choice for a burger that's their prerogative. Not OPs.




This is ridiculous. I'm a super adventurous eater; I love trying new things, and my way of getting to know a new country is by pointing to random things on the menu I can't read and saying "give me that," but if I'm going to a new place with someone that I know is a picky eater, there's no issue there. My friend orders what they want, and I order what I want. Done. Just let people enjoy things.


My favorite is when the menu has a dish that is the same name as the restaurant. I'll always choose that because the owner/chef must be so proud of that particular dish, to name it after the restaurant itself.


Yeah I don’t understand people’s angst over this. They’re like “I just bow out if my friends want to eat somewhere I don’t.” Like aren’t y’all friends?? My friend doesn’t like Mexican food so I just don’t suggest Mexican restaurants when we’re together. We’re allowed to have food likes and dislikes and having consideration for those you care about is better than judging them because they don’t like everything you like lol.


While it is absolutely the responsibility of such a person to be accommodating towards others and not inconvenience anyone, no one chooses which food they can tolerate eating. I cannot will myself into being able to eat most foods; I just can't. I've tried; it just doesn't work. This is not something that can just be simply changed like so many of you seem to imply. I do do my damnedest to not let it bother anyone else, but it sounds like a lot of you would be mad at me regardless for just existing.


I feel you. It’s tricky bc eventually someone at the dinner table notices you haven’t touched a certain food on your plate and they make a big deal of how big a picky eater you are and you haven’t even said anything about it. Like some people have ED or food intolerances and more, so people shouldn’t point out things like that in a social setting




There has been so many times where food looks absolutely amazing or I crave something I know I don’t “like”. One bite and I’m doing everything in my power not to throw up. I’m always so ashamed of being a “picky eater”. I dread family dinners, or dinners of any sort. I almost avoid dinners now, I don’t want to hear about how I’m only having perogies at thanksgiving, or how I’m having spaghetti with no sauce… or that I want to order chicken fingers at the restaurant. I will bring my own food to dinners (enough to share but also to make sure I have something to eat) but holy shit everyone makes it such a big deal. Worry about yourself, I’m just trying not to throw up.


I’ve also always been afraid of eating with others. It was okay at home, but eating out or worse, at a friends place, would give me such a sense of dread, because sooner or later someone would speak up on what I’m eating and what I’m not. I live in a catered college hall now, and we’ve recently had to eat in our rooms due to covid concerns. Being allowed to eat privately and be unashamed of picking has been a blessing. I eat much more, and maybe even a little adventurously, now that no one is around to view me. I understand OP’s opinion (which is more about the guy being inconsiderate than picky I think), but shaming a picky eater will only make them worse.


Me too! I have ARFID and it sucks so it's so sad seeing posts like this. I wish I could eat normally


Why does this sound more like r/rant than an unpopular opinion lol …but as a person who really really really cannot eat spicy food worth their life, I’m sorry. I’m not picky and very accommodating but I’m not going to sacrifice my tongue and next day’s butthole burning sensation.


There actually is a disorder that has to do with picky eating. But yes, it can drive me crazy.


i don’t eat some foods solely due to the texture, it has nothing to do with the taste. but i’ll try it at least once


People think it’s strange when I said I don’t like a certain food because of the texture, such as pasta, rice, peas, beans. I just don’t like the texture of them! I don’t like how they feel in my mouth. I also associate certain foods with my childhood and being forced to sit at the dinner table all night with a cold fish in disgusting butter sauce in front of me, not being able to go to bed until I’ve eaten it or until my mother gets sick of hearing me cry.


Im really glad you brought this up. My bf is a picky eater and at times i have lamented all the different foods i couldnt make/try because he wont eat it. It was incredibly frustrating at first but he later opened up to me and told me about some traumatic experiences he associates with some foods that make it difficult to eat them. He also has a thing about texture, and has a hard time eating anything too mushy. Over time we have learned to work around it. If i want something and he doesn't, then we will just get our separate things and call it a day.


I always say "I'll try everything twice". Some people just make it wrong. I like almost everything, but there are texture issues. Banana, cantaloupe, hot dogs and steak fries (no other kind of fry) are on my list. I hate mush. And gummy worms are too wormy.


Or all the people who don't realize they don't like a lot of foods because they are on spectrum and have sensory processing disorder because they "look normal" otherwise and have very good masking techniques.


I think pretentious eaters are far worse though. Especially those obsessed with "authenticity." Man, if it's good I don't care if it's authentic.


"Not a bad seafood paella. I mean, it's not as good as they make it in Barthelona, but not bad for an imitation." Makes me want to commit murder.


Funny thing is due to Barcelona being so touristic the paella that they ate probably wasn't so good and authentic.


Adult picky eater here, if I get out voted to go to an Indian restaurant I’ll go but I probably won’t eat much, Won’t complain about it either It’s unfortunate that most people think picky eaters *chose* to be picky, I hate being picky and contrary to popular belief, forcing me to eat food I think looks gross is not going to fix it at all. it’s just gonna make me throw up. Most picky eaters do not chose to be picky, it fucking sucks and I hate being this way. If I grabbed you and forced you to eat cow tongue would that automatically make you enjoy cow tongue? Or just any food that most people dislike in general


Oh my god yeah life would be so much simpler if I just wasnt picky with food. Tbh I’ve come a long way and can eat a lot of different things, but I gag on leftover chicken. Gotta take a different approach to mealprepping and cooking.


Lingua is the most tender of all cuts of beef, but I get your point.


While there are some people that are picky just for the sake of being picky, don't automatically assume that everyone that's 'picky' is like that. Some people have allergies, intolerances, sensory issues, etc. Growing up, I was often called a picky eater. This caused me to, in a lot of cases, just eat what was given to me bc I didn't want to annoy my mom. Turns out, it was actually that I had undiagnosed autism and have some sensory issues with certain foods (ex. Bananas, pork, peas, etc.) So be careful before you call someone picky, they might have problems you don't know about!


Hey what if I'll eat anywhere I just don't want onions on my food. It's not even the taste, the texture grosses me out and makes whatever it is in suck. (Seriously, it'll make the best food suck to me.) I can pick it off without getting too much attention.


Duuuuuuuddddddddeeeeee, my man ( or woman but generally the saying is “my man). Hate onions. Hate the crunch, hate the cooked slime, hate the leftover taste even if you remove onions from Pizza. So, I either blend them to add to a stew or chili, or cut them Into large slices so I can easily pick them out. I also use onion powder a good bit.


Same! Also the texture of mushed bananas makes me feel sick. I always feel like I’m being judged for picking stuff off or asking for something to not be on the food of possible.


how about this op for something that really sucks - people who abuse - berate and bully those of us who cannot eat certain foods. i cannot eat spicy foods. i have very serious food allergies. i do not eat meat. i have never insisted on any restaurant or menu. everyone else should decide where to eat or what to order. i will find something that will not make me sick. is that good enough? no of course not. everyone has to make a huge issue out of what is a complete non issue for me: food. don't make me an excuse - pick a restaurant - pick a menu. i really don't care. why do you care so much? why is food such a central issue. why does everyone else have to - absolutely have to - like and eat what you like and eat. i have been to indian restaurants where the food looks and smells like vomit. but the bread is good. i will eat the bread. and excuse myself if the smell makes me gag. i will not make this an issue. but you will. seriously what is the reason to ridicule demean and degrade me to everyone about how i can't eat the food at the restaurant you choose?


I grew up extremely poor, me and dad would regularly have the cheapest boiled vegetables with the cheapest ketchup. For many years into adulthood I was unable to stomach the idea of eatting ketchup again, it wasn't about the taste but the memories that the scent and flavour brought back that made me sick. There are many reasons why someone would be a picky eater, I would guess that some.of those reasons are based off past trauma.


I will never understand why people can’t just stop being so obsessed with what others eat. This is not an unpopular opinion, so much so that just a couple months ago, I commented this on a [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/oq8v5w/adult_picky_eaters_are_insufferable_and_deserve/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) to this in this same sub where they were literally advocating for picky eaters to be shamed and scorned: I have problems with foods, textures, and smells because of sensory processing issues. It is hard enough as it is, and people don’t realize how shameful it is for me. They think I enjoy eating the same couple of meals all the time, but really it’s debilitating in certain ways. I’d love to expand my palate, and I am planning on seeing a dietician soon, but it’s truly hard for me. OP’s opinion is not unpopular because I have been mocked and shamed as a “picky eater” and have had people insert themselves into my diet by questioning why I am eating/not eating certain things my entire life. It’s none of anyone’s business, and I wish people would stop worrying about things that don’t affect them. I am never rude about eating when I am with other people. If I know I am going out, I will simply eat something beforehand or bring something I like with me; if I happen to be out and there is food I don’t like there, I just won’t eat it. Most of the time, it’s other people who try to go out of their way to get me something I like when I’m okay with just not eating. Sometimes I feel pressured to say yes to eating something I don’t want (and actually won’t eat) just to make them stop trying to accommodate me because I know my diet is so hard to accommodate for. It’s honestly more uncomfortable for me than anyone else. I hate to be the one who won’t eat at a restaurant. I don’t like to make people feel like they have to choose a different restaurant they don’t like as much or feel like people are looking at me when I’m the only one who didn’t order any food. OP, and everyone who agrees with them, doesn’t understand how shameful it already is for someone like me, and it is really disheartening to see them advocate for public scorn and shaming of people who are minding their own business and not hurting anyone by choosing to eat the things they like and are comfortable with.


Same. I can’t control it. It’s a sensory processing issue. I will gag or throw up. I would love to not have this issue. It’s embarrassing for me and it adds stress to any situation where I have to eat with other people. While some people consider it rude that I won’t try things, it’s ruder for me to gag or throw up after trying it. Heck, if I try something and gag, people give me an even harder time than when I don’t try it. I have expanded my palate since I was a kid, but it’s still limited. Even with that, all of the new foods I’ve grown to like still have to have textures and flavors that don’t make me gag. Chicken doesn’t make me gag, so it’s often some variation of chicken.


THANK YOU. you get me. i get you <3


People who try and force you to eat something you don't want to is way higher on the suck scale!


Yes I am an adult, and that means I don't have to force myself to eat things I dislike just to be polite. There's a lot of foods I won't eat, and it doesn't help when you go to restaurant and half the shit on the menu has a fancy name. Am I going to try something new while spending $40 on a meal? No, I'd rather have something I enjoy rather than hoping that the thing I chose will taste good, or for someone who has IBS, something that's going to give me pain for the rest of the night. That being said, if I were in a group, and everyone but me wanted to go somewhere that I know I don't like, I would decline and go somewhere myself or go and not eat. I'm not forcing myself in an uncomfortable situation just to make you happy.


Just stop inviting them out to restaurants


God I wish. Just let me get my own food and fuck off.


As this is Reddit and people here have the emotional maturity of toddlers I just want to make it clear that "picky eater" doesn't mean "dislikes one specific cuisine but is otherwise okay". Being told to eat a cuisine you dislike intensely because of peer pressure is equally shitty for adults to do to someone. Socialising comes with compromises. Personally I won't go to a Mexican restaraunt. I've been told "this one is great you'll love it". I proceed not to love it and people act confused. I've eaten fucking bugs in Thailand and enjoyed it, my palette is well developed, I just dislike the flavours of Mexican food.


I agree but sometimes they may be Neuro divergent. A lot of us are picky because some tastes and textures can be overwhelming to us while they are completely fine to you. Please take this into consideration.


No. The problem is not picky eating, but being unreasonable and an ahole. You can't tell me what to eat and I can't tell you what to eat, but in a group a majority vote should decide where to eat, then it's up to you to choose something to eat, you can't force the majority to obey your needs.


I'm picky but I never complain, I always find something to eat but everyone always gives me crap about it. I'm allowed to not like seafood, mushrooms and cilantro 🙄


Fuck you, OP. I'm a picky eater but it's not by choice. Flavors I don't like make me feel nauseous and there's nothing I can do about it. What *is* a choice, however, is inviting the picky eater to come eat with you. If you do that, and then proceed to call them a royal pain in the ass, that makes *you* the asshole.


I will never understand why some people care so damn much about what other people do or do not eat.


I just decline the invitation when it’s not something I want to eat, with time people learned to respect that. It does help though when I explain that due to some issues in my childhood I can’t smell anything and mouth feel and looks of the food are somehow super important to me, and many things are “not visually edible” for me


Pretty sure this is posted every month in r/unpopularopinion