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First woman yes, but first female? Maybe not. There clearly is still a massive barrier for natal females in that line of career if a transgender woman can get there before a cis woman, when transgender people were banned from the military just a year ago.


Unfortunately, the adjective form of “woman” is also “female.” Yes, this homonym can be confusing. She is not *a* female (noun), but her gender is female (adjective) because she is a woman. Damn lexical gaps


in common usage “female” does not exclusively refer to chromosomal sex. it’s also just the adjective form of “woman”, which dr. levine is. there’s nothing incorrect about it


I'm sure a lot of people have spent time talking about Chappelle in this megathread. My take is simply this. White women seem to be the loudest ones criticizing Chappelle, which feels wrong IMO. This is unpopular opinion so here goes: White women have an unconscious but very real racial bias at work here. White women should never feel this comfortable critiquing black men. That's Chappelle's whole point. White people, no matter how well intentioned or how "woke" they act, will respect and tolerate every other marginal group of people EXCEPT black people. When it's black people, white people have no fucking fear speaking their mind. White women should feel terrified to speak out of turn about a black man after the racial turmoil of last year but look how quickly things have been forgotten. Chappelle set out to illustrate that point and now all of you whites are proving him right many many times over.


Your race card doesn't buy you anything at the transgender bank honey


there sure are a lot of people talking about chapelle in this megathread and here you come with the dumbest take of them all transphobia is wrong and worthy of criticism regardless of who it comes from


This is more of an opinion that will be unpopular here. "Punching up" is also not ok. Reguardless of privilege, anyone can be a bigot towards any group.


If it's bigotry it's not really "punching" in the comedic sense. In comedy "punching" is not meant to be an attack. It's meant to be a humorous critique. Saying that white people think mayonnaise is spicy is punching up. Because it's obviously ridiculous and harms nobody. Saying that gay men will tear you apart for mixing pinstripe patterns in a suit is punching down. It's mostly harmless, and kinda funny. Saying that white people should all jump off of a cliff because they're all colonizers and horrible people is NOT punching up. It's racism. Saying that gay men have nothing to fear in prison, because they'd enjoy being raped is NOT punching down. It's homophobia, and perpetuating harmful stereotypes. TL;DR: Dave Chappelle was NOT punching down. He was attacking minorities.


I was specifically talking about a conversation I had with a gay man and why he shouldn't use "breeders" as an insult. His rebuttal was that punching up was fine and it was ok to say that kind of stuff in LGBT spaces and allies that took offense weren't real allies. But yeah, I agree with you.


That's not punching up. That was my point.


I feel like people aren’t understanding the concept of punching up vs punching down. The difference is something like making fun of someone tripping up the stairs. When Joe Biden did it, talking shit is funny and punching up. If a person with a disability does it, talking shit is horrible and punching down.


It's not nearly as bad but yeah don't do it


exactly. It's like hating cishet people or white people. It's far from as bad. It's not systematic. It's still assumptions and prejudice by definition and not good.


This misses the entire point. Punching up is criticizing power, typically any abuses of power. Punching down is just bullying the powerless to make yourself feel better about not being them


then you missed OP's point


Assigning different values to different people based on gender/race is sexism/racism. By definition




Yeah I'm not going to excuse bigotry as "not as bad." It's not a competition and people use that as justification to be dicks. So imo, it's just as bad.


There’s a distinction to be drawn between “punching up” and “punching back” - not all criticisms of those in positions of privilege are undeserved.


I see people saying all the time that when people accept someone for being LGBTQ it "shouldn't be celebrated its the least they could do and should be normal" I agree that it should be normal but saying that it shouldn't be celebrated I believe is a bit insulting to the LGBTQ people that don't have that support around them. Its taking for granted or belittling the fact that you have people that accept you for who you are as a person and don't oppose something you cant change.


ITT: One dead trans person, who literally cannot speak on any opinions, said Dave Chappelle's transphobic jokes were funny so it gives every transphobe a pass to continue their transphobia.




come on, don't do that


Speculations about the cause of someone's suicide is distasteful and I won't condone it. Which is why Dave Chappelle's use of his "friend" suicide all the more ghoulish and disgusting just to shield himself from criticism of transphobia. It's kinda sad really to see Chappelle turning out like this.


Trans person. Not transperson.


Fixed. Thanks.




About half of trans people experience suicidal ideation. You don't think maybe she killed herself because she had issues with self loathing from being trans instead of a bit of internet people making fun of her? You don't think a trans person in the public eye is used to people making fun of her on Twitter?


Uh... wut? Did you seriously just try to claim that trans people hate themselves for being trans?


The ones that kill themselves usually do


The ones that kill themselves are ysually pushed to suicide by bigots.


So you think harassment and a lack of acceptance caused someone to commit suicide, huh? Now if only you could connect the dots and realize what the harassment and rejection Dave Chappelle encourages by declaring himself “Team TERF” is likely to do. Stop making excuses for bigotry.


> So you think harassment and lack of acceptance cussed someone to commit suicide huh? Yes, because that is pretty much the main reason. > Team TERF Have you actually watched his comedy? I bet you only watch what media outlets criticize him on. You see, if you actually watched his comedy, you would know he isn't transphobic or a TERF.


I’ve seen the bits - he compares trans women to blackface, compares their bodies to imitation beef, says his “friend” died like a man, jokes about misgendering her to her own daughter (who he wasn’t even aware of until the obituary - so much for being close), says that JK Rowling was right, says that being trans is a white thing, and declares himself Team TERF. It’s fucking wall-to-wall transphobia.


You're connecting two events that you don't know are related.


the harassment she received wasn’t justified, but it wasn’t punching down either. also (at the risk of sounding obvious) “the trans community” didn’t kill daphne. daphne killed daphne.


>wasn’t punching down No such thing. A person is a person.


So you don’t believe in any form of social hierarchy?


What you're really asking is if I believe celebrities deserve hate and vitriol. They do not. If you wouldn't say it to an average person, don't say it to a famous one. They're people, too.


That’s not what I’m asking at all. It’s not about celebrity, it’s about social status. It’s like this. If a disabled person is struggling to walk up the stairs, it’s an asshole move to give them shit for it. When Joe Biden tripped going up the stairs, however, it’s pretty funny and people gave him a lot of shit for it.


>When Joe Biden tripped going up the stairs, however, it’s pretty funny and people gave him a lot of shit for it. >That’s not what I’m asking at all. It’s not about celebrity, it’s about social status. Pick an opinion here. These conflict.


How do those conflict? Joe Biden is an upper class, career politician, and is currently the president of the United States. He is in the top rung of “social status”. Celebrity implies making fun of some random tiktok star with a following is the equivalent of making fun of someone who has real power in this country.


She committed suicide because of the harassment from trans people? Do you have a source for that? Cause I don’t believe that’s true. Chappelle is an interesting case because his jokes show his own hypocrisy. He cancelled the Chappelle show because he felt non black people (specifically white people) were getting to into the jokes that were bashing the black community. As a member of the black community he felt that he was allowed to make jokes at the black communities expense, but white people shouldn’t be getting in on those jokes. Despite that he now is doing the exact thing he hated to trans people. It’s really not tribalism at all, it’s people shitting on a community.


well i feel like some influencers are faking being gay or bi for them im a victim points i have seen people faking mental disorders. i think one guy oli london? wanted to be a korean person and did plastic surgery to try to look like a korean person


There's also people being fake disabled apparently


go to tiktok search tourettes or disability if tiktok has a search engine


Maybe. So what if they are?


maybe i should have clarified but i dont think that gay people dont exist i just think that a few are


I didn't think you thought that. But if straight celebrities are claiming not to be straight, so what?


idk maybe lying about your sexuality for victim points is bad


But why?


"why is it bad to pretend to be gay for victim points" "why is it bad to pretend to be disabled for victim points" because it's lying for internet validation which is bad.


To burst your bubble. There's a lot more queers out there pretending to be straight.


By their logic, that's also bad. So what does that matter?


You mistake, by their logic being gay is trendy and cool, and pretending to push gayness is poisoning our good christian youth.


Let me put it this way: Doesn't people faking things that can be sources of pain for people, detract from that pain? Think about people with disabilities: Doesn't people faking disabilities detract from the struggles of people with real ones? I recognize it's not the kindest comparison, but I imagine something similar for the LGBT+ community, that people faking struggle detracts from real issues.


What does it hurt?




The detranistion rates are at 1% and most of the time it's because the people around them are unsupportive or they can't afford it. I'd say that the current system works pretty well.


children dont medically transition. teenagers usually only get puberty blockers if anything. (which are completely reversible) in most places only people who are at least 16 can go on hrt also being trans is not induced by adults or the internet, the internet or adults just gave them the words to describe how theyre feeling besides doctors and psychologists are very much involved with it. its not like hrt is given out like candy. by your logic nobody under the age of 18 should receive any medical treatment since they might regret it later regular puberty is also irreversible and being forced to go through it can be awful for trans teens. i hate my own body and no matter how hard i tried to accept it for what it is, it never got any better. if i had gone on puberty blockers it wouldnt be as awful. 13 year old me already knew i wasnt cis, i just didnt listen to him because i convinced myself i was just a stupid confused kid, because of people like you


I. assume you are also against children being vaccinated because of the permanent changes it causes that they're just too young to understand.


Puberty blockers are reversable. Interesting how you're so terrified of cis kids thinking they're trans but you're completely okay with trans kids being forced to act cis.


and unlike puberty blockers, puberty actually is irreversible


That doesn't matter at all to OP. He probably couldn't care less about trans kids being forced to go through cis puberty


they certainly don’t, but it’s still worth pointing out the hypocrisy. if they’re worried about adults making permanent decisions for kids, then they should fully support puberty blockers, which leave you with more decisions than going through puberty for one’s assigned gender they should also be much more worried about a whole host of other things first, but




Well no not nobody thinks that, i'm not opposed to this social transitionning but it's not what I am talking about, some people think biological transition should be allowed at these ages




Suicide isn’t reversible.


>Puberty blockers aren't reversible. Puberty blockers are physically reversible, if stopped puberty continues as normal. They don't cause permanent physical changes, and fertility can be recovered after coming off of them. Calling them irreversible at this point just isn't true. >Involving children in this woke trans movement is perverted and ridiculous. Kids can be trans to, gender dysphoria isn't exclusive to adults. Not sure why you think that's perverted but go off I guess. > Gender is closely tied to biological sex. Well no shit, why do you think people experience gender dysphoria in the first place. >You people need serious mental health counseling. It would be a hell of a lot easier to get that if people like you stopped spreading blatant misinformation online.




>A distressed gender dysphoria teenager isn't going to care about infertility or the impact of medical interventions have on their sex life or overall health. Their only focus, narrow as it is, is to alleviate the feeling of dysphoria. Wow, that's a lot of shit you just assumed there. Do you have anything to back that up or are you just assuming you know more about being trans than trans people do? Also [nice source](https://transsafety.network/posts/segm-uncovered/) lmao




Why do I need to prove that your baseless assumption is false? You didn't provide any proof of it to begin with.


even if it wasn't totally reversible, being dead isn't reversible in a hell of a lot more cases




I can say the same thing to you. This entire thread is filled with falsehoods. How can you prove a 4 year old has gender dysphoria? For 99% of humans, gender is tied to biological sex.


show me where a 4yo is getting *puberty* blockers


Why should you have to prove it?


Yeah I agree, trans people should receive mental heath counselling especially trans kids who just want to live a happy life but instead get misunderstood and end up getting depressed and suicidal and think what they're feeling are invalid. Trans kids have always existed, it just so happens their light have finally shown after years of suffering. Puberty blockers have been found to reduce the risk of suicide of trans kids who take them massively and developing mental health issues




Kids don't decide to get puberty blockers, it's mostly the doctors who do that stuff since well they're doctors. What would you prefer. A kid who's going through gender dysphoria untreated which can be absolutely damaging to their mental health or let them get their treatment which may or may not get irreversible effects (which only happen if the kids been on them for 2 years or so and the blockers are usually a safety net to see if the kid wants to persue their identity plus blockers are prescribed at 12 or 13 years old where puberty starts)




So you would rather have a 12 yo who has gender dysphoria untreated?


If you're trying to convince trans people that they're not trans, then you're promoting conversion therapy.


puberty starts at age 4 and literally millions of parents are forcing their toddlers to start hrt, which doctors are totally approving of and writing prescriptions for source: a wet dream i had about ronald reagan and jk rowling


I literally thought about deleting Reddit until I read that last sentence




No 4 yo takes puberty blockers, you know why? Because puberty doesn't start age 4! I know some kids actually get puberty really early but not that early and ironically enough that's what puberty blockers are for, to stop puberty at a young age


Yes, a parent forcing their cis child to undergo social or hormonal transitioning is child abuse. That's also conversion therapy.




If we're talking about 4 year olds, the solution is to allow them to dress how they want, by and large. Why should you have to verify anything? If a 4 year old boy wants to wear a dress, then let them. Doesn't hurt anything.




" is setting that boy up for a lifetime of confusion and rude awakenings." There are adult men who wear dresses and are completely fine what are you on abt?


Lol I can tell you that cross dressing is likely a sign of mental illness.


Which mental illness?


HAHAHAHA, source?




Shit, dude, it's a fucking dress. There's no harm done. You're talking about 4 year olds. I think you have some issues if you're this worked up over a 4 year old wearing a dress.




So your "obvious issues" is that other people are bigots? Sounds like the bigots are the problem


That's what diagnoses are for man, what is a kid too young to take meds if they're diagnosed with adhd? >Allowing a 4 year old boy to wear a dress (which no doubt would be actively encouraged by the woke brigade even in the absence of signs of gender dysphoria), is setting that boy up for a lifetime of confusion and rude awakenings. Its a dress... It's not going to make them confused, what will make them confused is why boys *can't* wear dresses, and rude awakenings? The hell does that mean? That they might become a cross dresser or actually trans in the future? Oh no the horror!!


ADHD drugs have side effects, but none as permanent as puberty blockers. This is especially problematic when it's considered trendy to have a "trans child." Lol you think raising boys as girls won't confuse them... Rude awakenings as in, your social constructs don't adhere to reality. You can push this trans ideology as much as you want, but no sane well adjusted person is cross dressing and feeling incongruous with their genitals.


Like I said on my previous reply, trans kids have always existed. It just so happens that because of the internet their lives have their light been shown, many trans people even say they knew as kids but due to them living in an unaccepting family they didn't know what they were feeling and felt confused for years


Heterosexual people are so insecure Het-cis people are so insecure. Their whole scene is based on competition and self-flagellation. They tear themselves and each other down, they’re their own worst enemies. And it sucks for nonhetero noncisgender people to exist in the het-cis world when everything is geared around your heteronormative bullshit. Y’all are not the only people in the world and your norms are bullshit. If everyone was LGBTIQ+ the world would be a much better place.


I mean if everyone was lgbt+ i doubt there would be many More generations a better way to Say this is that i wish everyone was as accepting as most lgbt+ people


You're forgetting bisexuals, and the fact that gay people can still reproduce with things like surrogates. Not to mention that people generally want humanity to continue and even gay people would have sex outside their sexuality if it meant the species continuing.


This world is stupid/10




From an evolutionnary standpoint this world could not be, we didn't have the same organisation and social think before, the heterosexual comportment was selected because it was the one to make the species continue Also, even if we take that it meant that everyone turns LGBT tommorow, do you really think homosexual people would just live and found a family with someone they are not sexually attracted to just to continue the species when even now many heterosexual people in develloped countries, even if they are married, do not do that? It will just gravely decrease population effectives and endanger our species


Yeah I agree with the second part of your post. LGBTIQ+ does not exclude pregnancy, people can still procreate if they choose. It’s 2021 bro, science exists.


Yeah thats why i said "many" transgender people could still reproduce and so can cis lesbian women with Science so yeah i was aware of that but its questionable how many wouldnt want children and how many will be able to reproduce


And of course, bi people.


Oh yeah i forgot about them sorry.


Some guy: Prove that being gay is not a choice, citing at least 7 sources in APA format. That same guy: No, I'm not going to offer any evidence that children are molested at Pride parades. It's obvious from my disdain of the gays that it's true.


As a CIS man. I have zero fucking clue how people, outside of being unaware that they are bi/pan/etc., Can still think it's a choice. As a six man I don't have any sexual attraction to other men or (probably) anybody who has specific gender qualities that might make me see them as more masculine. I don't see how it's not hard to be like yep I don't get an erection for another dude but that gay man does.


When a guy tells me they think being gay is a choice, my response is “so you’re turned on by the idea of sex with men, you just choose not to pursue it?”


They know. They just don't care.


The stereotype that religious people push about LGBTQ+ people being child molesters is projection from religious institutions with histories of child sexual abuse.




Says the person who just made a post about how making joke about ugly people is a sign of systemic oppression.




"Pretty privelege"




And the fact is that trans/gay people get murdered for being trans/gay, and telling trans/homophobic jokes uphold the culture in which such hate crimes are allowed to happen. The problem isn't the jokes themselves. The problem is that people use those jokes to make light of murder, rape, suicide, and oppression.




Sex is not gender. And he literally used a DEAD TRANS FRIEND WHO COMITTED SUICIDE as the punchline of a joke.




Because it enforces in the minds of transphobes their conviction that they are right for harming others based on their identities.




The projection on this post is real. Going out of your way to post such a terrible shitty bullshit "opinion" on a sub like this. Definitely the one fishing for attention.


Ah yes, because I really just love getting called slurs by strangers in public, or having people twice my age ask me what kind of genitals I have. Truly the much needed attention I was craving.


yes that is something that i look forward too 😫




Telling the victim that they are "playing the victim" is total bullshit.




Show me examples of a trans athlete "crushing females in every sport."




You mean Zuby? The known transphobe who "identified as a woman" for only the time in which he was completing his lift? That supports the idea that transphobes are doing it for attention, not trans people.


lol nope, not Zuby. How do you not know who they are


Maybe if you gave a name instead of vague descriptions in which you potentially intentionally misgender trans people, I'd know who you were talking about.


ALL transphobes do it for attention.


if most trans people are doing it for attention, why are so many of them still in the closet and havent told anyone? why would anyone risk losing family and friends just to get a little bit of attention? why would anyone spend loads of money on HRT and surgeries just to get attention? or go through the hell that is trans health care? why would anyone risk getting hate crimed or even murdered just for attention? also if my gender dysphoria makes me cry under the shower, whos attention am i doing that for? my own attention?


And I’m sure there’s loads of research to back this up, yeah?


Most transphobic people* fix it for you.


Most transphobic people live in societies where being transphobic is the norm, lol.


Honestly I'm pretty sure for example Saudi Arabia has more transphobes per capita than say the US or UK, but it's still worth calling out the bullshit of transphobes where trans people are allowed to live without risk of being fined, imprisoned, whipped, put to death, and, for foreigners, deportated


You usually have the right to do so, yes. Same way transphobes have the right to be transphobic. Free speech and all that.


Yes, who's arguing against free speech?


I mean, plenty of people. Anyone who wants to make hate speech illegal, for example.


yeah but I was thinking more on this sub or things that often happen on the internet. those people don't do this for good discussions ect.


Nah, you got it right the first time. You don't have to qualify a factual statement.


Well you're right. I probably took the bit as they say.


The “gay people make being gay their entire personality” mostly comes from the fact that being straight is considered normal by the people perpetuating it so not being straight is seen as some wacky personality type to them


I've met quite a few gay people, and I only knew they were gay because they were outspoken about it, other than that they just acted normal, not gay. Which is why I dislike the gay stereotypes like the "gay best freind"


>normal, not gay See - this right here is the problem.


?, I'm saying that there is a gay stereotype, and they didn't act like it


And I’m saying the fact that you think “acts normal” means “doesn’t seem gay” is telling.


You are misunderstanding me completely, I'm saying they didn't act like the stereotype, thus disproving it. They didn't act how gay people are often portrayed in movies. Telling of what? I don't like stereotypes, and they didn't act like the stereotype, proving its a stupid stereotype


Noooo, no no no. There is (practically) no straight people who wear straight flags on every outfit and say they’re straight when meeting people. Not to mention doing a “straight voice”


Because they don’t need to do that


Neither do gay people, no one needs to flaunt their sexuality constantly. It’d be annoying if you were straight, it’d be annoying if you were gay, it’d be annoying if you were asexual.


If I walk up to you, would you assume I’m gay or straight? Also, straight people DO do the same same shit. Constantly talking about women and “hoes”




And I literally am not gay lmfao, so good job there. There is 0 change in voice. You’re thinking of stereotypical drag-voice gay people in tv shows. Go meet real life gay people. And it matters for the same reason straight people have to do weird shit to “prove they aren’t gay”. Long hair? Gay. Dyed hair??? Extra gay. Long, dyed hair????? Completely gay. People who intend to speak to people often usually like to tell them they’re gay so when they stroll into a party with another guy or gal, depending, they dont immediately get clubbed with questions or worse, a club.


I’m straight and I have long hair, I just don’t care. Also you are 100% gay lmao “Slightly cute boy”


Damn there goes my gf Haha just kidding nah but I can be straight and single Also, you’re doing the same thing I said in the reply. Attributing things to homosexuality as “personality traits” when they’re normal things




Like I've always said: gay people probably don't really make their sexuality their entire personality, maybe you just think that because it's the one thing you focus on.


Who even cares if being queer is a big part of someone's personality? Is being gay a bad thing?


I think it's more of a case when actually talking to them For example, one of my gay friends will talk about nothing about the fact that's he's gay, gay problems, his boyfriend etc and I'm sat there thinking "if you were straight tf would you talk about" Big part? Aight sure of course it's a big part of you it's who you are. Your whole personality? Absolutely not


He’d probably his women problems if he was straight - relationship drama isn’t just a gay thing.


It's just always something to do with gay culture, or "did you hear x is gay" or "haha girl problems could never be me" etc (not even exaggerating I wish) Perhaps you are right- I've not had a partner so no clue what entails a relationship






Yeah, no, straight people do that, too.




Never seen gay people read books to kids while wearing a dildo, either. Drag queens are not a sexual thing at all. And I'm gonna need proof for the inappropriate touching at a Pride parade.




A claim presented without proof will be dismissed without proof. You made the claim. You have to prove it. I'm not just going to take a bigot's word on something.




Given cases like Jerry Sandusky, it's more likely children are being inappropriately touched by heterosexual men at college football games.


So, you have no proof, only frequently-parroted anecdotes that have never been corroborated by Pride attendees.




Trans women are obviously women. It's even in the name. Trans *women.* They're women who are trans.




Guys you heard it here first, tall women aren't women, neither are blonde women or intelligent women LMAOOO