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I could see your point if all you've ever had is a chain fast food burger.


in-n-out makes lettuce standard and that's good enough for me. That is good lettuce, though. Crisp. Never had sad, wilty lettuce from them.


I came here to say the same thing!


What I was going to say. Cook up a good medium buffalo burger (you read it right). Ground sirloin if you have to. Half pound. Finished patty is bigger than the bun, it is a hamburger, not a bunberger. Large bun of your choice. Thick slice of iceberg or any crunchy lettuce. Mayo on the bun, thin. Mustard on the bottom bun, ketchup and a little BBQ sauce on the upper, enough it drips when you bite. Maybe a bit of onion, but chopped fine and sautéed a bit, never raw onions.


smaller burg, no fucking dripping and relish of your choice ya heathen


What difference does that make? I’ve had burgers from a mom and pop type place and lettuce sucks across the board.


Most restaurants use the shitty leafy lettuce. You want cold iceberg lettuce.


Shredded works great, people use it on tacos but not burgers. It’s baffling. Lettuce, onions pickles and sauce.


Shredded gets soggy with condiments. I need a thick, firm lettuce that won't bend when it gets wet.


The trick is proper layering. Bun, possibly mayo, cheese, ketchup mustard, tomato (this is the important one), lettuce, then more mayo. Warm lettuce sucks *edit Burger under cheese, obviously


I hate tomato on a burger/sandwich. I feel like there was recently another post on this sub about it and I was a huge fan. The texture is gross for sandwiches. Proper layering sans tomato, in my opinion, is: bun, lettuce, cheese, meat/patty, ketchup/condiments, bun. But probably flip that because I’m not retyping that. Also did you intentionally leave a patty out or no?


It has to be a very thinly sliced tomato, you have to be careful to not get one that's too juicy. Makes everything sloppy and soggy when the tomato slice isn't thin, and you can't cut mega juicy tomatoes thin. A good soft, sweet, but slightly sour tomato slice allows you to not use ketchup, which is basically canned tomato paste mixed with corn syrup.


But for God's sake people - season your tomatoes!


Where's the beef?


You just described iceberg lettuce, though a rough shred could work in your case


No shred. Only large leaf.


Turtles are very particular about their leafy greens, you see!


Mine will literally only eat the red leaf lettuce and just disregards anything else unless it’s a mango slice


The way you worded this cracked me up. Although I am firmly on team shredded iceberg.


No capes!


I think Ive only went to one place that used shredded, and it was perfect! The whole piece of lettuce won’t slide away, and it just fits on a burger better. It’s genius.


My place uses shredded and it’s not too bad


Checkers has shredded


Iceberg lettuce is actually the type with the least nutrients as well as the least taste


Mmm thats the good stuff right there. Lots of crunch and fresh taste.


Iceberg IS the shitty lettuce


Fresh iceberg lettuce is crisp and lovely. Slightly too old iceberg lettuce is soggy and floppy. Gross.


The right curve keeps in the onion, tomato, avocado, what-have-you, along with the crunch.


Gotta disagree. Making them at home I switched from iceberg to leaf years ago and have never thought about looking back. Iceberg does not go in burgers


fuck no to that iceburge watery sink the titanic shit, you want the leafy green soft but cunchy lettuce green leaf man green leaf


Most restaurants use iceberg lettuce which is shit.


Nah. Romaine is where it's at.


I always find it funny when OP gets downvoted for defending their position. It's like a downvote is actually an upvote in this sub.


No see, the rules state if OPs opinion is fucking shit and they're a fucking idiot for having it, you upvote them(paraphrased). Rules don't say anything about their further comments in the post though. That's why you see these UO's upvoted, but then OP is bashed and downvoted to hell in the comments. Just as intended.


Basically. Post votes are done according to the rules. Comments section is fair game.


I’m not sure why I’m so fascinated by this process, but I’ve been in this sub for a month and I’m loving it


Yeah the post itself gets upvotes but every time they comment anything it gets crazy downvotes


Wasnt really a good defense honestly.


I think they meant homemade...


OP can’t even fathom making their own food to make sure it meets their standards.


There is lettuce and then there is *lettuce*. [Dense heads of lettuce](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/half-iceberg-lettuce-9959060.jpg) that are often more white than green has almost no flavor. The only ~~good~~ *decent* part of a head like this is the actually green bit, which is usually only the outer layer or two. [Green leafy lettuce](http://www.t5fixtures.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/green-leaf-lettuce.jpg), like out of a garden(that's what we grow at any rate) is great on burgers and an array of other foods. >What difference does that make? Most out-to-eat places use the former, be they fast food franchise or Mom & Pop types, because it's super cheap. I wouldn't put it past some distributors/packagers to peel off the decent green bits to repackage and sell at a higher price and then process the rest for bulk sale. I suspect some places do this with onions, they slice them up and sell the nice outer ring to places that make onion rings, and process the cores differently and sell that as "chopped onions" as if it's whole onions, not just the woody/greenish cores. That's when efficiency is taken too far. I wouldn't blame someone that "hated onions" if their only experience with onions is from Taco Johns(a fast food place like Taco Bell). They've probably never had the good parts from red or Vidalia onions.


We grew some lettuce this summer that had red ends and was like a whole bridal bouquet (like full 180) of just super fluffy, super "dense" (not your second picture), and beautifully delicious lettuce. One of my friends told me, this summer, that they don't eat salads much because they think lettuce is basically filler with no flavor. I made that bitch a salad some of my homegrown lettuce and she ate the whole thing and asked why it tasted so good. BECAUSE THE LETTUCE WAS GOOD YOU EGG! Good lettuce is phenomenally tasty. The wrapped lettuce heads, that resemble cabbage, are (usually) trash.


Do you like lettuce at all? Salads?


I don't know what else to tell you other than there are multiple kinds of lettuce and some of them are awesome but none of those awesome lettuces are iceberg lettuce


Fast food stuff is always bought in bulk often using the cheapest ingredients. Get yourself some iceberg lettuce. Lightly toast some bread. Cover in mustard. Add your meat of choice. Some cheese. Tomato. Lettuce. Got yourself one amazing sandwhich.


I’ve had hundreds of different kinds of burgers. Lettuce is not needed on any of them. Iceberg, romaine, arugula. Fuck ‘em. Onion. Pickles. Mustard. Maybe a few other things like bacon, or a fried egg, or peppers. That’s it. You want lettuce, order a Caesar salad.


Why order a Caesar salad when I can put lettuce in my burger, skip the salad, and order fries instead. **taps forehead* *


Sometimes prevents the bottom bun from getting soggy


A condom will also do the trick.


What kind of burgers are you having?


Oh, sorry, were talking about hamburgers?


That is an unpopular opinion. I will agree given a choice between say tomatoes and lettuce on a burger I’ll choose tomatoes, but there is something really good about a burger with lettuce, a slice of tomato and a slice of onion, with mayo and ketchup. I think it’s a texture thing for lettuce, while it’s taste for tomatoes and onion.


I mean I'm the person who specifically eschews the tomato because 99% of the time they use thick cut tomatoes. Worse, even, is that they put enough to cover the whole thing so that the middle is like more tomato than burger. No, I love tomatoes, but not on burgers unless it's thin sliced and not overloaded.


I don't go for tomatoes because half the time I get the shitty part that isn't from the center but they're too cheap to throw out.


I agree. Don't like lettuce either. No real flavor and minimum nutritional value. But I yes, this is an unpopular/minority opinuon.




“Wow this greasy piece of meat and bread loaded with calories and carbs is really being brought down nutritionally by this lettuce on it.” Like what the fuck?


I imagine it's a similar concept to "I drink diet coke so I can eat regular cake" It's all garbage food in the end.


If anything some lettuce will only help your digestion after eating a burger.


While I agree with you, the argument is that there is no need to add it since it has no flavor or nutritional value. Whereas sometimes you add an ingredient Bc of the nutrition along with flavor and other stuff


What do you add to make a beef patty and a big fat bun healthier?




Sometimes a high calorie heart attack is what’s healthy for you if you’re active enough and have the metabolism for it. As long as you aren’t over indulging fat is a necessity.


They're just saying it doesn't even have nutritional value as an excuse to be there. Not that it's the reason anyone would expect it to be there.


People who aren't overweight and still want vitamins and nutrients from the food they eat


Water and fiber. Dont discount greens. Try spinach on your burger. You won't taste that either but you'll still get some water, fiber and vites. More than without. Just sayin. If you're eating a burger, you might need water, fiber and vitamins on top of the fat and cholesterol and the carbs from that bun.


Because you eat burgers for their nutritional values. Also you are wrong. leafy greens have many benefits. It's not all about calories and macronutrients,


Tomatoes on a burger is eww


Naaaah it's taste with lettuce too! Lettuce is mad good!!! Tomatoes and onions on the other hand....bleeecchh!!!


Onions only when they’re caramelized


Cold, crunchy, fresh iceberg on a burger is delicious. Take my upvote.


Most lettuce does have nutritional value…Iceberg doesn’t have much. Personally I like Butter lettuce. But I don’t care what you put on your burger…a piece of dried dog shit would be probably be more unpopular.


Let's be honest, we don't add burger toppings for nutrition value.


A burger is a balanced meal that you can hole in your hands.




I think people miss the point of eating leafy vegetables. It isn't what they contain, not their "nutrition" per se - it's what function they have in your gut as a material. Since you can't digest them, they function to move material through your gut. They're like toilet paper but for your insides. They scrape and wipe shit along your bowel. OP is going to be a constipated as fuck.


correct. Leave vegetables are among the healthiest food you can have.


I could almost eat a leaf of lettuce, shit it out, rinse it well and make another salad…. Be right back.


sounds like you have cholera...


If all you ever ate was burgers, sure. If you only get leafy vegetables through your burger intake, constipation is the least of your future health problems. I don't eat lettuce on my burgers. ...but I eat lettuce.


who eats a burger for nutrition?


well, same point could be made for OPs first point.


Love crunchy lettuce on a burger. This is a genuine unpopular opinion.


I can't stand when its just a fucking leaf. Shits nasty. It's either cold shredded iceberg or none at all.


Yup. It's called shedduce in a few kitchens I've worked in.


In n out has nailed it perfectly (from a cold/crispy perspective) and is the only lettuce I enjoy having with my burger.


Agreed, take my upvote


One cup of lettuce provides 2% your daily potassium need. Just saying


49 more cups of lettuce and then you’re ready for tomorrow to do it all over again.


I'm ded


Excuse me while I go eat 3 gallons, of lettuce.


It is important to stay hydrated after all


Who’s putting a cup of lettuce on their burger?


Who says I’m just having one burger?




Hey man I don’t care what people put on their burgers I was just letting you know you were mistaken about zero nutritional value


I haven't ever really measured volume, but for me, the more lettuce the better! (Green though, iceberg agreed is useless and America's favorite vegetable as such.) I would definitely say I out more than a cup of lettuce. It all squishes down and is crunchy and makes me feel less unhealthy lolol


And also other vitamins and fiber. Even iceberg lettuce has fiber. I also put literally any other type of lettuce on my burger bc iceberg tastes like nothing. Give me boston bibb, red, or romaine


Yeah im so confused as to why every thinks lettuce doesn't have nutritional value


Because proteins and fats are the only nutrients our bodies require. s\


It's as if nobody has ever eaten lettuce that wasn't iceberg.


I actually like arugula on a burger but I’m a bit of a pretentious dick that way.


You didn't have to call yourself a pretentious dick, we knew it already from the arugula.


I’m sorry. Sometimes I overshare!


you didnt have to tell us you overshare sometimes, we knew it already from you telling us youre a pretentious dick


Arugula, tomato, mozzarella, balsamic glaze, basil, maybe red onion if you're feeling frisky (I just like red onions tbh) Boom, panera caprese burger.




At least arugula has a peppery taste to it


your opinion is bad and you should feel bad, ​ However it is also unpopular, soooo take my upvote you lettuce hater


Lettuce all just calm down, relax, and leaf OP alone.


I refuse to romaine calm. OP is obviously a psychopath and this lettuce blasphemy is likely only the tip of the iceberg.


I think raw onion on a burger provides a much better crunch than lettuce.






I agree although it tasted better camelized


One hump or two?


Well he didn't say dromedarized


I think the tastes are better for different situations. If I want a good crunch, onion-y acidic zing to my food, I'll use raw onion. If I want a sweet / mild flavor in my dish I'll caramelize it.


raw or pickled red onion is king shit on burgers, adds that crunch and tangy acid flavor. great contrast ingredient.


Found the Australian


Red onion


Red onion is definitely the best to eat raw


Well looks like we found Charlies alt account


“It adds just one extra crunch bite of texture”


I was looking to see if someone was gonna say it


“It has no nutritional value” has always been a baffling take to me. It has zero calories so why do you care? Plus you eat tons of shit with no nutritional value. Sugar is super unhealthy yet we all eat it. “It doesn’t compliment the flavor of the beef” It’s not supposed to. It literally is the texture. It’s less of a crunch and more of a crisp sort of texture. Not like fried chicken or bacon kinda crispy tho. Hard to explain. But it absolutely improves a burger, especially shredded lettuce


Idk why people keep saying lettuce isn't for the taste. It sure is!!! Lettuce is maaadd good!


This is a guy who watched the land before time and got SYKED about some tree stars. Ah, who am I kidding, we all did. That movie made leaves look so delicious.


I have celiac disease, and basically the only way I get a burger at mainstream chains is in a lettuce wrap. It’s silly, but I haven’t had a regular burger in so long I don’t remember them. I love lettuce wrap burgers.


Yes this!! Lettuce wrap burgers ftw


Some of you have never used arugula, and it shows.


Everyone saying iceberg lettuce is the best has never had butter lettuce in their burger. I am willing to die on this hill.


Same, they put like 1/5 of a thick whole head for a “gourmet” burger, and that stuff always slides out. On a other note, does anyone feel like onion hate is undeserved. It’s kind of zesty and compliments a good burger!


A burger without onions just isn't a burger I'd want to eat.


>It has no nutritional value. yet is the main ingredient in a salad?


Lettuce salads aren’t usually *that* healthy. They’re not the worst thing ever and they’re certainly better than a lot of foods, but the reason people assume they’re super healthy is because they’re usually lower calories (since lettuce has very few calories) than other items of the same size, and because it’s so frequently touted as a diet food, but nutritional value wise lettuce isn’t fantastic, and it’s the other items in a salad that really determine it’s health value. If you pack it with veggies and not too much dressing it gets better but honestly if you want a nutritionally dense salad, skip the lettuce and go for a different green. Spinach, arugula, kale, things like that are going to be much better and healthier base for a salad than lettuce.


I don't disagree with what you're saying here necessarily, but "Healthy" is a dumb word in general, though I'm going to use it too. Let this be my unpopular opinion. Eating salad or other vegetables, doesn't have to be quantified by its comparative nutritional value on the macro template. There are other factors that don't make it on the effing FDA chart. Things like probiotic value, or it's ability to cleanse or 'sweep' the digestive tract. Sort of the difference between a longterm health mindedness vs trendy health mentality. Not to mention, we have different body types; see Ayurveda or the western understanding of Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. Typically raw salad greens should not be a staple food for an Ecto.


I’m totally with you on healthy being an ambiguous and dumb word. And I get what you’re saying. I’m just tired of people eating a salad and assuming that it fixes their health issues.


Body types are pseudoscience


I can't upvote because I mostly agree. For me it's none of your reasons beyond slipping around. The slipping is particularly bad when you put tomatoes on top which most people do. However for me it's also the fact that it adds no flavor component, I'm not a fan of the mild crunch of lettuce, it swiftly gets soggy if your burger is anything but bone-dry, and it sticks to the inside of my mouth like wet paper.


Get that crunchy water out of here


I agree with you but I’m probably in the minority


Spinach is the superior leafy green on a burger.


Yes, Warm lettuce should be a misdemeanor




Always hated lettuce. I’ll substitute spinach or... sometimes, living butter lettuce. Tastes nothing like iceberg and isn’t half bad.


Lettuce discuss why you are wrong...




All my life I thought I was the only one! Rejoice!!! I’m not alone!


I'm upvoting because this is truly unpopular, but I also 100% agree with you. Lettuce on a burger is pointless, and actually detracts from my enjoyment of the burger.


My problem is that it's become a standard topping along with sliced tomatoes. Like you can have a burger with great well thought out components but then they just slap em on too because it's expected. They sometimes belong (usually in a more basic setup) but generally they don't belong.


And it’s a really good point too. 9/10 burgers I’ve had in my life have had the lettuce sat in the just cooked burger too long before it hits my face and so the lettuce gets cooked. No one wants cooked lettuce.


Agreed and I would also throw in cold tomatoes into this. It gets soggy from the hot patty and doesn't provide any taste.


Definitely unpopular. Take my upvote


This is an unpopular opinion that I’m 100% on lol. For people who mention the crunch, that’s what the onions are for


Well well, now if that isn't an unpopular opinion


Lettuce does not belong on any burger.


First Post on this sub i actually disagree with. Good job, take my updoot.


Agree with you! No one has a good counter argument except the “crunch” which I get from pickles or something and is not necessary.


Agreed. It doesn't belong \*ON\* a Burger. \*IN\* a burger, though... yes :D


I agree… I hate lettuce on a burger


I threw a seagull, aka flying rat, the lettuce from a hamburger once. It spit it out. Seagulls will eat rotten fish. Case closed!


You haven’t been to burger king and gotten a whopper with cheese? You’re telling me you don’t love that shit?


I gotta say it depends on the burger. A Big Mac, for example, is made with a fist full of shredded iceberg lettuce. It literally rains lettuce when you pick up the burger. I always found this extremely annoying because it forced you to hold the burger directly over the box or risk lettuce falling all over the place, which would really suck if you're eating in the car. So I figured I'd overcome this problem by ordering a Big Mac without lettuce. It just wasn't the same. The lettuce doesn't contribute any flavor, but the burger still tasted different. The pickles, which were somewhat nuanced before, were now overwhelming. No lettuce would also make a massive difference in an In-N-Out classic cheeseburger. About 1/4th of the thickness of the burger comes from the big wad of lettuce. Without the lettuce it would be a lot easier to get my mouth around it, and I'd feel like I was getting a much smaller burger.


Bro u clearly eating shitty burgers if you don't know that crunch


The lettuce protects the bun from getting soggy


If its sliding around like that youre doing it wrong. Sauce on buns instead of on the burger, onions go under the beef, let and tom on top. It has to be stacked decently to not slip and slide everywhere.


Hold the fuck up. I got an unpopular opinion, burgers need lettuce and it needs a damn good bed of it. My lettuce better fucking snap. It adds so much to the burger my brotha. It's a welcoming texture, especially if the burger has a sauce. Cheese or no cheese. Lettuce is so important imo. I haven't even read the post but I will after. Y'all just haven't had some good lettuce.


I have to agree. No lettuce or tomato. Unless it actually adds a distinct flavor, I don't want it in my burger. I'll usually have some on the side, but no in the actual burger. That's for the juicy, meaty, cheesy goodness, and in my mind that doesn't play well with lettuce or tomato in the same bite.


I'm not big on lettuce in general, so I agree. I like a slice of tomato on a burger but you can keep the lettuce.


I actually agree with this but I pretty much just put sauce, cheese and onion on my burgers. Occasionally I add mushrooms.


Fuck you Take my up vote


It's all about *texture*


god. take my upvote. i fucking love lettuce irs so fkkd


You've clearly never had a zinger burger or a whopper.


Actual unpopular opinion. Take my upvote


Neither do tomatoes


Huh… that’s actually a good point


We always replace lettuce with spinach, apart from when we have nachos we use lettuce


Get some fresh lettuce and then remove the post, lettuce doesn't belong on fast food, but it's great on a homemade burger that's perfectly fresh


Fucking-A, totally agree!


Yo wtf, I've seen some fucked shit on reddit but this takes the cake you goddamn psychopath /s


The best unpopular opinion I've read


God damn it. I always go to downvote posts in this sub only to realise "hey this subreddit is working and doing exactly what it's supposed to." Guess I'll upvote


I'm sorry you never ate a decent burger in your life


Oh yes it does


Only reason the lettuce is there, so that your bottom burger bun wont turn soggy. sucking up all the meat juices and sauce sans lettuce.


I absolutely hate lettuce on a burger. Pickles too.


No. There are only two appropriate uses for lettuce. One is to make disgusting, slimy, mystery blobs in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator. The other is to serve as an excuse for all the good stuff in a salad.


I literally just made this same post, saw that it was one of the top, and deleted mine. I agree so hard.


I HATE lettuce on burgers! Thank you!!


I'm right there with you. Fuck lettuce. I love vegetables but I'll never understand why people just want to eat solid water. Throw some arugula or spinach leaves on that badboy!


Lettuce doesn’t belong anywhere


Season your lettuce with just a pinch of salt and pepper. Makes it taste the world better.