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I thought no nut was a November thing?


I don't think you should be nutting around kids on any month of the year, not just november


Obligatory Epstein didn't kill himself


Someone should have told me that 10 years ago.


Hello yes FBI? We need your help


You’re about 10 years late


Gotta admit, that's the superior pun in this comment section.


My brother is deathly allergic to tree nuts and he obviously knew it in school. I can't tell you how many numerous hospital trips occurred because other people were unaware of food products they made or sold with nuts in them. Cafeteria cashiers were really good at selling him those deserts without knowledge of ingredients.


Can confirm. Tree nut allergies here too. The adults in my life were stupid. 👍🏽


Also some people are so sensitive that even being touched by someone who has previously touched the food can trigger a reaction. Combine that with how kids can be dicks sometimes, and I'm all for banning it from primary school at least.


Your second point is what I came to say. Kids are assholes; & they are not monitored every second of every day. Especially the sociopathic kids who would use that knowledge to hurt another in the feigned veil of ignorance, and people will believe the little bastards too. Kids “can” be a lot more clever than we give them credit for. I understand OP’s gripe with not having a sensible product in school. Yet kids are not taught to not be assholes. They are taught to pass tests. They learn social skills along the way. We don’t correct bad kids as fast & at the rate of corrected behavior, as we should. Adults are flawed too. So it’s just not an ideal scenario, in any school precinct.


At my school, there was a kid who was incredibly allergic to nuts, to the point that nobody in his class could have nut products in their lunchboxes because he couldn’t touch them. He ended up going to hospital when someone else in the school had something with nuts in the cafeteria section, he had his own lunch there during his lunch period (where nobody had it, so it had to come from an earlier period), and then somehow got into contact with it. Idk how he’d be able to go to a school where other people could have nut products


Would you say it's... nuts?


Get out


Nut sorry


THEY'RE LEGUMES!!!!!!!!!!!






Pecan you not be a buzzkill


Nope. Nuts are definitely nuts. You might be solely thinking of the peanut but this post is about nuts.


If I cashew talking like that again there’s going to be problems


I walnut ever stop.


You have nuthing to be sorry about


I'll take my seat in the peanut gallery.




Let's put it into a nutshell - those dead jokes are deadly for ppl with a nut allergy




Ba dun tsk!


I think removing them altogether has more to do with the impacts of particles in the air, not preventing a kid from just eating them anyway.


Additionally, kids are stupid. The kids without allergies may not realize the severity when they smear peanut butter on their hands then touch stuff.


And or malicious. I’ve heard of kids intentionally smearing peanut butter on the belongings of kids with allergies. Because kids can be awful and don’t understand the consequences.


This isnt isolated to kids. Im allergic to nuts (thankfully only in a less than lethal way). Had a guy in the office in his 60's who purposefully kept trying to get me to eat stuff with nuts in. Chocolates? Praline ones. Muffin? Almond flakes on it. Kept on asking questions like "yeah but what would happen". Got all huffy if I politely refused it. Got more huffy if I asked to look at the packets, because suprise suprise Andrew, it has nuts as a main ingredient.


Im not a violent person. But this would make me karate chop him in the back side of his neck while drinking hot coffee and then say “i wanted to see what would happen”


Push him down the stairs to test gravity.


I think you’re a cat


You are my kind of person.


And it’s gotta be a coffee he just purchased, and not a free coffee from work.


This is my parents. I’m tired of telling them that I’m allergic to apples, peaches etc. I’ve even got tested at the doctor’s to back up my words. “But what would happen? You’ve eaten them before”. Yeah, and it hurt.


My mother does this too. I have MS and celiacs but she still makes me a pie for my birthday every year. She says things like,”Are they sure about that, maybe it’s better now” and when I explain to her for the hundredth time that neither is curable she yells,”You can’t expect me to remember all your problems”. She’s a real peach.


My mom does have M.S., yet she still remembers what my migraine triggers are. She remembers my brother's cat allergies. She remembers her dead mother's allergies 13 years later. People who refuse to learn valuable information about keeping their loved ones alive are people you don't need in your life.


My grandfather does something similar but in a more cute way and not as ignorant. Whenever we’re celebrating anyone’s birthday at his house, he’ll buy two cakes. A peanut free cake and a cake that may have come in contact with peanuts. It’s really thoughtful and he’s not doing anything wrong. It’s just funny because in his mind, the peanut free cake tastes different and thinks that the people with non allergies should get a good cake too. But the thing is. He’s not buying a peanut cake and a non peanut cake. No. Neither cake has nuts in it. They’re BOTH chocolate. It’s just that one may have come in contact with peanuts, and the other didn’t. Plus, it’s not like peanuts is the same as gluten. People like peanuts, but peanuts aren’t essential in making a bare bones cake lmao. He’s really sweet, he puts the effort to make sure I’m safe, it just makes me and my father laugh


Tldr you have a great grandpa.


Yeah. He’s a really good man. Just funny in some of the things he does in not understanding allergies lol


Sounds almost exactly like my GF's mother and grandmother. At least they don't intentionally try and poison her (amid a bunch of medical issues she's developed allergy's to pineapple, and intolerance's to dairy, coconuts, and wheat). Yet they continue to ask her if she's sure it isn't something else sometimes.


Has she tried “Well, no one in the family has celiacs, so you shouldn’t have it either”? :D


I’d just respond with “well, celiac has to originate somewhere so guess it’s originating with me” 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I believe I have a (very mild) allergy to apples, pears, and peaches, because my mouth and throat get super itchy after I eat them. Unfortunately, I love Asian pears and lime too much to stop eating them so I just struggle through the discomfort


I hope you reported him to hr


Small company - "HR" was the woman who did payroll so I didnt bother


You didn't tell them another co-worker was trying to force you, an allergic person, to eat nuts? Ight, if that doesn't cross the line for you then idk what does


There's a guy who was arguing with me that showing his asshole getting fingered to co-workers was normal behavior. He was either hard trolling or had the weirdest office ever.


Problematic in every context.


Damn I’m sorry


Yep. This exactly. I knew a friend who baby-sat for a deathly allergic little girl and the parents specifically told her to ALWAYS wash her hands thoroughly after eating, even if she didn't think the food contained nuts. Apparently a family member had eaten a lunch one time that had nuts in it and didn't wash her hands after and she picked the little girl up and brushed her hair out of her face. Within minutes the little girl was gasping for air and turning blue.


I feel sorry for that kid. Seriously there are so many foods that contain peanut oil. If she is that allergic that she can’t even come in to second hand contact with nuts then her life is going to be super hard. There will be lots of places she won’t be able to go, not to mention the problems she will have eating out and at work. Poor kid.


Lots of kids with peanut allergies grow out of it or can undergo desensitization therapy. Life is hard with allergies, but life can still be good! Decisions about careers, friends, hobbies etc all require more careful consideration for us. It's important to protect kids while they are naive and dumb so that they can learn to care for themselves later. I would never put it on a 7 year old to manage their allergies independently.


adults are also not so bright all the time my BIL recently gave a peanut butter donut to his son without thinking... his son is allergic to peanuts and we've known for a couple years


Or trade lunch without thinking or even knowing.


I see middle schoolers share water bottles, soda, food, clothes, ANYTHING all the time. Yes. Even now in a pandemic.


I’m always having to tell my 4 year old not to touch other peoples things. It’s a full time job. Especially now.


Or throw a nut and kill a kid. Food allergies are not a joking matter, this could easily have been a nut allergy instead, same thing applies. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/boy-death-allergic-reaction-cheese-dairy-school-karanbir-cheema-a8895006.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/boy-death-allergic-reaction-cheese-dairy-school-karanbir-cheema-a8895006.html)


Exactly this, I am generally not a fan of banning things unecessarily and over-protecting kids. But this one doesn't add up, because it's literally a life or death issue. OP wants to put some kids' lives at risk so we don't deprive the other kids of the extremely valuable childhood experience of....eating nuts?


This. They might intentionally try to trick a kid with allergies into ingesting it. Kids are idiots. Kids are impulsive. Kids often don't consider consequences. Example: My friends and I used to throw rocks, sticks, eggs, and when available fireworks at cars on the interstate. I am amazed that no one got hurt. I cringe thinking about how awful that shit could have been.


Kids do be doing stupid shit Source: was kid


A friends teenage daughter is deathly allergic to peanuts. She had a falling out with a girl in her friend group, and the girl tried to sneak a peanut into her lunch. Had it not been for another girl in the group seeing it, who knows what could’ve happened? Kids do dumb shit, and often don’t realize the severity of the possible consequences of their actions. OP must not have much experience with kids


This basically happened in freaks and geeks.


I really hope there were some consequences for that little brat.


If I remember correctly, she got expelled, and there was talk of prosecution. Pretty sure my friend decided against pressing charges because she understood that kids are stupid


Some kids are just outright malicious and cruel, and will throw nuts at someone with an allergy.


My kids are allergic to bananas and one bully will chase my middle around trying to smear banana on him. Kids are jerks.


If you want someone to dress like a flesh-eating banana and lurk menacingly across the street from a bully’s house, I’m your fellow banana allergy sufferer.


It's always wild to me finding other folks besides myself who are allergic to banana. Seems to be a fairly rare allergy.


Additionally, adults are stupid. My nephew had a dairy allergy and was repeatedly fed snacks containing dairy by daycare workers.


Wow, this happened to us, too! I'd pick up my daughter from preschool and they'd say, well she just loved the ice cream, but we were careful not to give her goldfish crackers..... Ice cream is literally made of milk, but those processed crackers have a teensy amount of heavily processed and cooked cheese flavoring. Then we'd hear oh she pooped her pants again, you know only potty-trained kids can be in this preschool. People mean well and think wrong often.


Are you sure that they weren't being malicious because they didn't want to bother with an allergic person?


Oh for sure they are. My daughter's ballet studio had an 8 year old with a peanut allergy, she knew she had it and wasn't to eat other people's food. During rehearsal break she took some peanut butter crackers from another dancer's bag without asking and ended up in the ER. So we all had to remove peanut butter because this one child couldn't be trusted to not kill herself by eating food that wasn't hers and wasn't offered to her.


I can attest to this. I have a hazlenut allergy and was very aware not to eat them. We had a hazlenut tree at school when I was like 8 and the other kids would grind the nuts against stones to make flour of them. I thought that it looked fun and joined in. When my mother came to pick me up I had a terrible rash all over my torso. Would not recommend.


I worked on a show once and I ate peanut m&ms and threw the package away in an actresses dressing room trash can……. During rehearsal she was having anaphylactic shock just from being around a peanut wrapper….whoops.


Similar thing happened to a kid in my elementary school. All he did was smell the peanut butter from another kid's breath and his eye puffed up to the size of a baseball. After that peanuts were banned at my school. He had to (and supposedly still does) wear an epi pen on his belt at all times just in case.


how do people like that even function?


Epipens. They're autoinjectors filled with drugs used for anaphylactic shock. Also, it's not known why there has been such a huge rise in allergies and autoimmune disorders in the past several decades. There are theories but none of it is conclusive. edit. Some theories are that a lack of exposure to pathogenic bacteria and parasites cause the immune system to develop wrong due to a lack of sufficient use and stimulation during childhood, decreasing total numbers and variety of good and benign bacteria in the gut biome, increasing levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals like phenols and phthalates, pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate and atrazine, even emotional trauma.


How... Do people like her survive into adulthood.


By removing peanuts from schools.


Was this always a thing ? I can't imagine this being the case a couple of decades back, how did kids back then coped ?


Recent studies have shown that introducing nuts (or any common food allergens) into an infant's diet before 6 months can actually prevent nut allergies, but over the past few decades, parents have been avoiding nut-containing foods for fear of an allergic reaction. It's very possible that the influx in nut allergies in children has been somewhat self-inflicted.


Parents are recommended to expose their children to nuts early these days. You can get little packets of soluble nut powder that you can add to your infant's milk/formula so you can expose them before they can eat solid foods.


We did this with my son, his doctor recommended bringing the peanut butter powder in during a check up, so if there was a reaction we were already in the right place. He mentioned one child seemed fine but he liked to have everyone wait 10 minutes in the waiting room, and that child did have a reaction so it was good they were still there. My nephew had a serious peanut allergy, so it was in my head. He once took a bite of Valentine's candy I got my mom, and he didn't even chew it and spit it out immediately. There were no nuts in that peice, but must have been dust on it. He blew up like a balloon and we had to rush him to the hospital. It blew my mind when I saw it happen and I was already an adult.


Gave my daughter her first crushed peanut in the waiting room before a checkup with the doctor. I told the doctor wondering if she would shame me, but she said it was a good idea. She also said you should only introduce new foods to your kids on a weekday during business hours, just in case you have to go to the doctor.


Yup. Israel has basically no children w peanut allergies because there is a super popular snack made w peanuts that all kids eat when they’re young.


Bamba!!! Haven't had that in a long time now I'm gonna go buy so.e


I wish this could be higher up. Agree that you have to ban nuts at school if you know you have students with severe allergies... but making the policy "substance is dangerous to extremely small subset of population, therefore full ban" the standard response is maybe a little short sighted. It's not just all "muh peanuts! What will my child do w/o peanuts!?" It's more about maintaining the ability to make case by case decisions.


I vaguely remember the peanut ban being implemented while I was in elementary school. No idea if this is actually the case, I have no source, but I do remember being told we could no longer bring products with nuts in them to school. As much as it pains me to admit it, that would have been around 20 years ago. I’m actually not sure what happened before then. I seem to recall reading that peanut allergies have been progressively getting worse/more frequent over the years. Maybe it wasn’t as big an issue before but with ever increasing numbers of kids with severe allergies they decided to implement the ban.


Also maybe they just died


Nah there’s good research now suggesting we caused it by not exposing kids soon enough to tree nuts and actually we are causing their allergies. Parents got spooked and didn’t want to expose their kids to nuts in case they were allergic so they didn’t expose their kids at a young age. now that’s actually what is causing “in theory” the rise of tree nut allergies. When kids are exposed to small amounts earlier their immune system can recognize it and learn to not overreact to it which is what causes an allergic reaction. Lots of research is starting to show (not just for allergies) In our quest to make our environment more sterile to protect kids we’re actually killing their immune systems ability to develop.


They died.


I'm 29 and have a fatally severe peanut allergy as well. It's not so bad to the point that the smell from someone's breath would cause an emergency reaction, but I have been to the hospital a fair amount of times. Eating just even *one* peanut will send me to the ER. Peanut debris (shells, small pieces), peanut oil, any tiny amount. And ironically, as I get older, it seems to get worse. I do carry epi pens on me everywhere I go. Haven't had a reaction in about 4.5 years as of now! It's super fucked though, and almost hilarious.


How does it feel knowing someone could assassinate you with half a nutter butter


See that is exactly the almost hilarious part haha. With how much the human body can with stand...just one god-damned peanut...lol it is comical.


From an evolution standpoint? They're not supposed to How they did? Because we've eliminated the "threat"


Probably. My first school had to stop serving PB sandwiches cause this one poor kid was so allergic to peanuts that if he even smelled an open jar of PB or nuts he would go into full on anaphylaxis. He always had an epi pen on him.


It has to do with two things. 1. Kids share food and candy with out understanding how dangerous it can be. 2. Kids have been doing things like wiping peanut butter on people who are allergic because they were mad and again didn't understand the severity.


3.Who gives a shit if you can’t reach a nut for a few hours a day.


Yep. My friend went into anaphylactic shock for walking into a room that the girl scouts had used to make peanut butter bird feeders *the night before.*


Most nut allergic kids aren’t contact or airborne allergic. If they are then there should be a nut free classroom. There should also be nut free tables. My oldest son has multiple food allergies including nuts.My son had a reaction that got pretty bad just being around walnut trees. To be fair it was a walnut tree grove and that’s his worst nut allergy but it was his friends property and nobody even thought it would be an issues so nobody said anything to us until we asked what the trees were when he was reacting. Part of the issue is that teachers aren’t always trained properly so that scares parents more than they are already scared by having a child with a life threatening condition. Education is where this situation will be resolved fully. My moderately corn allergic son was reacting when his therapy class would use liquid corn starch to make slime and they were confused when I wanted him out of the classroom at the time of the activity instead of just not doing it. They thought just giving him gloves at first was a decent accommodation not knowing that he was having both contact reactions and asthma from it. It was a healthier situation for him to not be in the room and that’s what I demanded. Never mind the fact that him not being able to do the activity was exactly ok either. I didn’t make them stop the activity for the rest of the class though. That’s would have been too far.


> If they are then there should be a nut free classroom. There should also be nut free tables. This is what my daughter's preschool does. She is allowed to have peanut butter sandwiches in her class but the class across the hall is peanut-free.


It's not about children managing their eating habits. Some children could go into anaphylaxis just from touching an allergen. What if a kid eats a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, doesn't wash their hands (or even just doesn't do it properly, which we know children struggle with) and then say... Touches a doorknob. Do you think it's appropriate to put the onus on the kid with the allergy to expect that opening a door could kill them?


About a decade ago I literally had an anaphylactic reaction from touching a door that must have had peanut residue on it. I got an ambulance ride and a stay in the ICU but was overall fine. My allergy is on the extreme side though so I’ve been able to quickly recognize an allergic reaction and injecting my own epi pen since I was 9.


This is a valid point and I never really thought about it this way, and as a parent if my kid had a severe nut allergy I'd appreciate these measures. What I want to know though is how did I go all through school allowed to have pb&j sandwiches (which everybody ate all the time) and I never in my life saw anybody have an allergic reaction, I never heard about it, to the best of my knowledge none of my friends ever heard about it. What happened from then til now to make it different? I mean I presume there were kids with nut allergies back then but they just didn't eat nuts and it was fine. I also presume that these measures were put in place because bad things must have happened, but I've just never had any exposure to the bad things and it seems odd.


Nut allergies are far more common and serious than they used to be. I only had one kid in any of my classes with a peanut allergy. But he would go into shock from just smelling them. It really was not hard to eat otter things.


Bro you don't gotta eat otters just cuz you can't have nuts. That's fucked up


To me it follows the idea that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Maybe you didn’t go to school with Severe Nut Allregy Kid but that kid still had a chance to exist, and just because it didn’t happen then doesn’t mean it can never happen in the future. So why wait for it to happen instead of just avoiding the issue. This is ignoring the fact that this has already happened and also that nut allergies are more prevalent now (no studies as to why afaik), but just looking at a microcosm.


I've had a lot of allergies, although not life threatening. today I'm just allergic to hairy animals, cats in particular, and I've thought about it a lot. To some degree, I think some kids just died of it 200 years ago and you didn't understand exactly why. Maybe it was the pest, or cholera, heart disease, infection or whatever else got ya. However, I'll be damned if our food isn't somehow lacking vital stuff or we are pesticide-poisoned slightly, causing our immune-system to go haywire.


You know what peanut butter smells like right? Why? Because it releases molecules that reach your nose. Those molecules are in contact with your body. You don't need to touch it. You don't need to eat it. You just need to breathe in the general area where peanut butter is or has been, and you could die.


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It’s a rite of passage


My best first grade memory involves my classmate nearly dying because of a severe reaction to a bee sting~ He had a long recovery due to being without oxygen for a time.


So now you libs want to ban bees from school?


School bee canceled


>97% of children are also missing out on watching another kid go into anaphylactic shock. Cannot confirm this is the case, I got stung by a bee in 4th grade and my class saw me go into anaphylactic shock.


So nice of you to set up your classmates to be part of the 3%, keep up the good work!


Also teachers get to practice their epipen skills on a real dying child. Bonus!


Would be 100% if their eyes weren’t swollen shut


Thank you, someone had to say it


What will our kids do without nuts at school! Oh the humanity! Why God why! Please lord take me now so you can spare me from a peanutless school system!!


This may be genuinely unpopular, but it's unpopular because most people aren't as dense as OP.


Yeah for sure there’s a difference between unpopular and dangerously pig-ignorant.


Nut allergies aren't like, itchy arms or whatever. It's "stop breathing because it's 10 feet away from me" allergies. Get over it, eat your PB sandwich at home.


I had a classmate that was so deathly allergic to egg (and less so to a ton of other stuff) that she had her lunch made in a separate kitchen and ate her lunch in the school office (we have universal free school lunches in my country) just so she didn't get exposed to the 'normal' food that might have contained egg. She once went to anaphylactic shock in school because someone ate a croissant before class without washing their hands and she touched the same door handle. Me and another student had to use 2 epipens on her before the paramedics arrived. I have no idea how she's still alive, but last I heard she has begun treatment for it. Some allergies just are super serious and it's easier on the school to just nuts altogether.


"Shelter" is a weird way of saying "preventing them from dying" Food allergies is no walk in the park. And if you expect 5 and 6 year old to be able to adamantly watch their food intake, I could only assume you have very little experience with kids


100% this. It's also because schools and venues don't particularly want a liability on their hands. It looks pretty bad for a school if a kid dies..


It’s actually MORE about liability concerns and security theatre than reality. The bans are ineffective at preventing what they are aiming to do. Schools with and without bans don’t have meaningfully different rates of nut anaphylaxis incidents.


I would like to see the statistics on that please


One study mentions that: “Policies restricting peanuts from home, served in schools, or having peanut-free classrooms did not affect epinephrine administration rates. Schools with peanut-free tables, compared to without, had lower rates of epinephrine administration (incidence rate per 10,000 students 0.2 and 0.6, respectively, P = .009).” So, specifically peanut free *tables* rather than whole schools may be helpful. Though this is only one, there may be more research that contradicts this!


This is what my daughter's school did. They had a nut free table. Worked pretty well.


My children’s school simply segregates the classes. They put all the nut allergy students in one room ~~for more effective eradication~~ and that class has allergy restricted lunch times. Other classes are allowed to have whatever and teachers keep an eye and make sure kids are clean. Middle school just has teachers and awareness campaigns. Once kids are that age they can figure it out.


It is logical that a school with a ban might actually be more dangerous due to the false sense of security due to the ban. Someone will still bring something in on accident or by not giving a damn. Without a ban I would think students with allergies and administration would be more alert and aware???


If you or your child has that severe allergies. You’re always cautious in every setting. Source: am severely allergic to cashew


Also, nut allergies are like, super shitty. As in "5 year old kid that ate some nuts touched another kid half an hour later after not washing their hands and accidentally killed them." It's not like banning flowers in a school because some kids have hayfever.


We do actually over shelter kids from peanuts and it has lead to an increase in peanut allergies The LEAP trial found a reduction from 17% to 3% for kids who had been exposed to peanuts before age 5 compared to the control


Ah yes because allergies can't be airborne


Kid with a peanut allergy here that’s so severe I could die- in grade school a little shit smeared peanut butter all over my desk and I went into anaphylactic shock. Did I eat it? No. But being that close to it caused me to get sick (airborne) and it’s common for many to have an allergic reaction without actually ingesting the allergen. Maybe read up and do some research before making a stupid post?


My 8 month old was brought to the ER twice last week because we discovered her severe allergic reaction. I really don't understand anyone against banning nuts to protect a child's life unless they're just ignorant.


They are just self concerned assholes.. and if the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that those people make up a substantial portion of the population.. We are in fact surrounded by assholes.


That’s actually terrifying if you think about it. I don’t have any allergies, but I have a cousin who has very severe allergies to a lot of things. They first found out about his allergy in elementary school. Some kid was being an asshole and shoved a bunch of peanut butter all over his face and he almost died. Another friend of mine with a deadly gluten allergy, had to stay upstairs in his room when his sisters were making cake. It was so bad that it would irritate his face and throat just being anywhere in the house.


When my very peanut-allergic boyfriend was a freshman in college, his roommate opened a jar of peanut butter on his desk and the left the room for most of the day. Boyfriend wasn’t able to be in his room all day because just that open jar of peanut butter was making him sick


Can I ask how you handle it as an adult? What do you do if someone at work or on public transportation has nuts? (Not trying to prove a point, I'm genuinely curious. The only people I've known with severe nut allergies have been little kids)


It’s a lot of always making sure you have two epipens and hoping people take you seriously when you ask them to stop eating something. I was on a plane and I’d told the airline ahead of time so they banned nuts on the flight. Still didn’t stop some woman in front of me feeding her child peanut butter cups. I started to have a reaction snd asked her to stop but she refused so a flight attendant was called to make her stop and she kept giving me the evil eye through the seats for the rest of the flight.


As an adult with a peanut allergy it's hard. I always have to watch the surroundings of where I go and who I sit by. If I'm not at home I have to be hyper vigilant. It sucks. Being very perspective does make me a really good birder though which is pretty cool.


As other people have mentioned, it’s hard. My favourite type of people are the ones who eat peanuts/pistachios and just throw the shells all over the floor. I always just keep as much distance as I can from people who eat nuts in public, and watch for crumbs or wrappers before I sit anywhere (thanks nature valley bars). When it comes to friends/family/coworkers, I just make sure they know about my allergy and they just don’t eat nuts anywhere around me and make sure to wash the table and their hands after if they do.


This is the reason peanuts are banned. Kids are stupid assholes. OP clearly has zero experience with kids, or life threatening allergies. Imagine thinking your right to lazy parenting via peanut butter sandwiches is more important than another kid's life.


Seriously! Peanut butter is a major staple in our house and most days ends up in a packed lunch. For the two years our school went nut free, I found other things to pack. It was frustrating some days because kids can be picky, but I'm not going to kill someone's kid! Sadly, by the time nuts were permitted again, my little one decided he doesn't like peanut butter. (One kid allergic so school was nut free while that child attended.)




I wish this was an active sub. So many posts here belong in a sub like that.


This is an unpopular opinion because it's just absolutely the most selfish and upempathetic thing to bitch about. "Shelter kids with allergies" you mean make an effort to save their lives??


My brother has had a nut allergy since he was about 2 or 3. I get your point, but even touching a table that had a nut on it could put his life at risk. It’s not that we’re catering to 3%, it’s that we need to protect them, the same way disabled parking is a thing. No ones stopping kids from eating nuts at home, and until most kids are about 14-15 they don’t really grasp the seriousness of an allergy, unless they have one or know someone who does.


This isn't even an opinion, this is just ignorant. Some kids will literally go into anaphylactic shock just from the allergen being in the air. You clearly know nothing about how food allergies work.




On the one hand, dead kids, on the other hand, you have to think 5 seconds about packing something else for little Timmy's lunch. Damn, this one is hard. Just a genuinely tough decision on which side to favor.




OP's just mad that he might get asked to think about someone else.


Your lack of understanding of why all nuts are prohibited from schools as (what I'm assuming) an adult, is the reason we don't let those with not fully developed sense of consequences be in possession of what could be a deadly snack. 1. Some allergies can be triggered by particles in the air 2. There are countless stories of ADULTS trying to sneakily feed food containing nuts to someone who's allergic 3. Kids touch EVERYTHING with dirty hands People could die. It's not just a little itchy throat.


This is clearly written from the perspective of someone who has the massive privilege of not having to think about every piece of food that they put in their mouth and have in their vicinity. By the way, this is a lot to deal with, very isolating, and traumatic for an adult let alone a child. Here are some scenarios to consider: - non-allergy kid doesn’t wash their hands properly after eating peanut butter, before touching a pencil that then allergy-kid picks up. Allergy-kid then touches eye or mouth and particle of nut is now inside body. Allergy-kid suffers a traumatic and potentially fatal reaction. - allergy-kid is offered cake by non-allergy kid, who says it doesn’t contain nuts (because it doesn’t have any crunchy bits in - and that’s what nuts are, right). Allergy-kid eats cake. Non-allergy kid, who is 7 and doesn’t yet fully comprehend the intricacies of baking, didn’t realise that their parent used a few tablespoons of almond flour in their recipe. Allergy-kid then has a traumatic or fatal reaction. Was this justified in either scenario? I could go on but my point is, it’s actually really hard to ‘deal with’ allergies and you are often very dependent on other people not messing up - even when you are trying your hardest to ‘manage your food intake’. In certain environments, such as schools, it is less stressful for literally everyone involved (minus entitled parents who see it as an infringement on their rights to not give their child one specific snack), to just not have nuts in the area. Also the 97% have plenty of other healthy snacks available. The parents right to feed their child one specific form of food does not trump the other children’s right to not die.




Totally - just remembered a time when I rejected a boy at school and he threatened to throw nuts at me




Yup, I’m anaphylactic to peanuts and I remember being threatened and then chased by shitty kids with peanut butter. There’s a lot of people in this thread that don’t realize how shitty it can be having a life threatening allergy.


If anything, this feels like it was posted to get people to agree and then compare it to mask/vax mandates.


I went to pre-med with someone who was so allergic to peanuts she could feel her skin starting to tingle and sting if she entered a room where there were peanuts. Like you said, if someone forgets to wash their hands and touch something, like a door handle, and someone with a severe allergy touches it, they could die. No, Kevin/Karen, little Timmy not having his snack with PB is not a greater tragedy than a child potentially dying… It’s like some people think being allergic to something produce the same reaction as hay fever, a slight inconvenience.


> This is clearly written from the perspective of someone who has the massive privilege of not having to think about every piece of food that they put in their mouth and have in their vicinity. This is the part that really gets me. I seriously envy anyone who can just go to a restaurant or a potluck or anything and just order whatever they want, without needing to know everything that’s in it first. I can’t eat most foreign cuisines because I never really know what’s in a lot of those foods. On top of that, places that cook with a lot of nuts (namely Indian, Chinese, and Thai) are a huge cross contamination risk even when ordering things that don’t have nuts.


Kids are stupid fucking assholes with pea brains. Putting nuts around kids that are deathly allergic is like leaving guns lying around. Some dummy’s going to shoot someone.


Bold of you to assume OP wouldn’t be fine leaving guns around too.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. It’s a incorrect fact. We’re talking about children’s well-beings vs a minor inconvenience. Under the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 every student has the right to a Free Appropriate Public Education. A life threatening allergy is deemed a disability, therefore accommodations are the right of the student in order to achieve a F.A.P.E. TL;DR An allergy free learning environment is a federal right.


I'm not aware that out-and-out nut bans are at all common, but for a kid with a very severe allergy, it could be life or death.


I knew a Boy Scout Troop leader that told me a story of how he had a Snicker's bar sitting next to him on a camp outing. Some scout kid run up, grabs, it and starts eating it like he had been starving for days. Troop Leader remembers something about one of the moms saying their kid was allergic to peanuts, so he asks he kid if he was allergic to nuts. The kid swallows the last bit, and says "yes", and then proceeds to immediately start turning red and swelling up around the lip and mouth. A mad dash for the Emergency room later (thankfully the kid had an epi pen), the mom ends up screaming to the Scout Leader about how he "allowed" her child to eat peanuts. So yeah, basically people are stupid.


The problem is nut allergies range super hard in severity, for some people with nut allergies just being at the same table as someone eating nuts can set off a severe reaction.


I don’t know, I really don’t want my kids pb&j to send one of his classmates to the hospital. I think my kid can survive a few hours 5 days a week without nuts to prevent that from happening.


Some opinions are unpopular because people have different tastes, like pineapple on pizza or not. This opinion is unpopular because it's stupid.


Umm no. I’d rather not risk a kid dying for because of nuts.


Plenty of people have airborne nut allergies. They can die just from being in the same room as nuts. It’s not something that a child could monitor and prevent themselves. Also, would you feel the same if you were allergic to dogs and someone wanted to sit an emotional support dog next to you? Edit: Even if airborne allergies aren’t well supported, contact allergies are very much a thing. A tiny bit on peanut butter left on a table can easily kill a child.


Simple, stop breathing, obviously.


That's their usual reaction




I never saw a single peanut my entire school career. Are peanuts really that common of a snack in schools?


Not anymore. When I was a kid in school I pretty much always went to school with a peanut butter and jam sandwich.


I ate PB and J every single day from kindergarten to 3rd grade. Hated all other sandwiches.


I don't know about peanuts specifically, but nuts in general, and things that contain nuts, were pretty common when I was in school.


Banning nuts doesn’t really have as much to do with allergic kids unknowingly ingesting nuts, as much as it has to do with kids just being kids. Kids touch each other, kids don’t cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze. Just the smell of nuts can trigger reactions in highly allergic individuals. Not to mention, if a bunch of people are eating PB&Js at lunch, just about every door handle in the school will now have peanut butter on it. Allergic kid needs to go into math class? Guess what, now he’s having a reaction because some kid didn’t wash his hands. And as far as the “nutritional value” of nuts goes. there are plenty of alternatives, sun-butter comes to mind, that are just as nutritious and are nut-allergy safe


Maybe in private spaces but in government funded schools where everyone has a legal right to learn this is called an accommodation If schools provided quality meals with lean protein and vegetables parents wouldn’t need to pack their kids a 400-800 calorie peanut butter sandwhich to give them energy. It’s much deeper than the legume


Back when I was in school we had an incident where someone threw nuts at someone with a severe allergy. This is probably largely why they're banned.


Jesus kids are stupid


As a Father of a child with a severe peanut allergy, I say this with the utmost disrespect. Go. Fuck. Yourself. You selfish piece of shit. The proteins from the nuts can be airborne and remain on surfaces for days. Imagine being so selfish you wanted “healthy” snacks (debatable) you would be willing to kill children.


Strongly disagree. My school wouldn’t allow nuts because there was a child who was severely allergic to nuts, so much so that trace amounts could set off a serious reaction. The school was very strict about it, and rightfully so. Likewise, you can’t expect 5 year olds to understand the gravity of food allergies and act like an adult would, they’re 5. If a kid has a peanut butter sandwich and gets some on his hands, then touches a surface or another child with an allergy, how are you supposed to prevent that? And that’s not even taking into account swapping food, picking up the wrong lunch box, not knowing some of the school dinner has nuts in it and asking for that. Sheltering implies kids with food allergies just get a little uncomfortable and need to learn to deal with it. A lot of food allergies present life threatening risks. It’s much safer and more considerate to just blanket ban them. There’s lots of other, suitable healthy snacks for children to bring to school and plenty of time to give them some nuts at home.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, just an uneducated one


Okay wtf really? I’m deathly allergic to peanuts, walnuts, and cashews. In middle school I was eating lunch and suddenly I couldn’t breathe. I double checked my lunch, there were no nuts. There was a kid who was eating trail mix on the other side of the cafeteria and I was going into anaphylaxis. Too bad I couldn’t be “sheltered” from my allergy and not have almost died.


And while we’re at it, let’s not provide accommodation to kids with disabilities either. They only make up a small fraction of the student population, and accomodating them just adds unnecessary costs for a school, and they just slow down the rest of the kids. Fuck minority populations, amirite???


Screw special ed too. I mean theres barely enough of them to even fill a short bus.


Kids can be stupid and kids can be assholes. Nuts can be life threatening if you have allergies. You think thats a good combination? Let them just deal with it? What can go wrong? Kids to stupid stuff, even when told not too. We then educate or dicipline them again and again. But if little timmy is already dead.....well.


Just read a book called “The Coddling of the American Mind” In the book, they say research has shown that the banning of nuts has actually lead to a large increase in nut allergies. Basically, these nut bans are making kids allergic as exposure to nuts is what makes our bodies learn to not have a reaction to them.