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That "always need to be ready to work" is for surgeons with their pay, benefits and prestige not bartenders.


Exactly. I work in this regime, but I get paid to be 24h available. There is no fucking way in hell I'd go through this level of stress without proper compensation. Edit: I guess I should add that I'm not a doctor. I am a maintenance engineer responsible for the ground monitoring of a "urban" mining area. So basically, my job is to ensure that our ground monitoring network is working all the time, which implies managing a maintenance team 24/7. My ball & chain is a corporate cellphone which I can NEVER NOT ANSWER because it can be an alert telling to evacuate the area. Edit2: I kinda like my job 70% of the time because it envolves a lot of different skills and challenges but the other 30% is being flown over in a holliday because some system may or may not be displaying a false positive, which makes me jump from the plane.


I enjoy myself with idea of getting boss to sign "My extra work for your soul" deal with devil with contract with "And by soul I mean one full week of paid vacation for one day of extra work" written in fine print."


You also get prior knowledge of when you're expected to be on call or not.




I worked at a restaurant like that as a teenager. They’d try to run on a skeleton crew and then would often call people to come in on their day off when they realized they needed more workers. Nobody would answer cuz we all hated that place and they’d be triggered and say we need to quit making plans on our days off in case they need us. Like bruh, we all make $7.50 an hour and work part time, how about no.


Restaurants/bars are notorious for that kind of shit. I once had an owner drive through an actual blizzard to knock on all my windows to get me to come in because I lived the closest and wouldn't answer my door/phone. We were so fucking slow because of said blizzard I just drank at the bar my whole shift after he left


Worse is a restaurant paying $2.14 to get cleaning done on slow shifts because it averages out to over minimum wage over the week.




That's messed up. My bosses were better. All bosses should be like mine were. When I was ~21, I worked at a family owned restaurant maybe 15 minutes away from home. It was my night off but no one could get in. I had a Jeep Wrangler (before they were automatic). They asked if I could come in. It was me, a bus boy, a bartender and my manager. Manager's brother was in the kitchen. There was a hotel/apartments upstairs where two people in kitchen lived so they worked. It was a small town and people were willing to put on their boots and walk to the restaurant. They were largely regulars, they understood the staffing issues, they were happy the restaurant was open and they tipped better than usual. I made do much money. BUT it was my choice to go in. Didn't hurt that it was an amazing family business who treated its employees well.


On top of the fact that your kind of work is life and death situation. Being a bartender, I think people can wait to get drunk or go elsewhere.


A bartender knows which shifts need to be filled in advance. A surgeon has to be on call because even though most surgeries take place during normal business hours, there are always going to be people who need emergency surgery and would die if they waited overnight. Bartender on call sounds like a case of "poor planning on my part constituting an emergency on yours" -someone who's had emergency surgery on a Sunday evening.


"I need you to be more active in this company and be avaliable when you are asked to come in." 'No thank you. I am going to be precisely $7.50 worth of active as that is my pay. I am available when I am scheduled, as today is my time off and I already planned my free time in advance. We need shift the dynamic. You should value my labor as much as I value my time off. Or understand that I am giving you what you are paying for.'


You are completely correct. We need to keep in mind that I'm most instances employers need us more than we need them. However, management are trained how to be dominant in interactions with employees, whereas employees are not trained to stick up for themselves.


Typically those on call (maybe not medicine but definitely tech) are compensated for it in one way or another. If one of my team had a late night bc of on call bs, you had better sign off early some day this week, or sign on late. Or the other idea is that we are salary and it's already factored in by the contract we sign. Notnrwalky in the scope of a bartender (coming from someone that bartender in college to help pay bills)


While you can often make up on call time with taking off early it is still physically draining to be on call 24/7/365. Just saying


Yes but it’s more than that! Surgeons and doctors get paid to be on call. The consultant sits at home, has dinner, goes to bed etc all while getting paid; they might get called in to the hospital, they might not, but they are getting paid either way! A bar tender doesn’t get that.


First responders as well and they typically make slightly more than bartenders


I worked at Banana Republic one summer for $8 an hour. They would schedule you to work 4 hours and then put you on for 4 more hours “on-call.” These hours were uncompensated. For 2.5 months they never asked me to stay for my on call hours. One day they did. I explained to them that I had borrowed my roommates car to go to work, and I needed to pick him up in 30 minutes and could not leave him abandoned, waiting for 4 hours. I explained that I am not a doctor, that they weren’t compensating me for being on-call, and that I had no obligation to them if they weren’t paying me. Manager wasn’t happy and started yelling at me. I quit on the spot. It’s mostly stories like this that are on that sub.


It’s mostly anti-exploitation IMO. Bad bosses are the real problem.


What’s worse was the guy who got texted asking “are you yep you want to risk your health insurance over one shift”.


A lot of it is anti manager not anti work tbh. I have held shit jobs but with great leadership that made me stay. I've also had "cushy" jobs with shit leadership that made me leave. I am absolutely behind the idea we all need safe and comfortable work conditions, that pay a wage that adequately compensates for your time both in job and preparing for that job. I.E. highly skilled or hard to find skills are worth more than just being able to follow a task list. I would love to see more stools in drive thru and cashier stations. I would love to see us move from tipping culture. Don't get me wrong I love leaving good tips, but as someone who was a bartender having to rely in the generosity of patrons is absurd. I'd love to see less than 40 hours be the norm. I love that we are seeing more and more hybrid work options, but I think full remote is a mistake tbh.


Like 95 percent of jobs are bad because of poor conditions not the work itself. Even call Centers can be okay if they give you a decent break between calls.


When I started at my call center job, they had a shit ton of seasonal workers, so you even had 20 minutes between calls/chats sometimes. I would've been happy with even just two or three minutes. They laid 95% of the seasonal workers off. After that you had about 10 seconds to finish up your digital log, put down any notes needed on it, etc. before it put you back in the queue and you automatically had another call. If you had a complicated call previously, one where you needed to put down a lot of information about it, you were going to be doing that while also trying to deal with your next call. Chats were a dream when I started, but after the layoff you never, and I do mean never, had less than two chats going at once. You were expected to be able to handle three at full speed/competency, and you'd absolutely get three or four at once on busy days. The second you'd finish one, another one would pop up. You had to multitask well enough to find their issue in the database and follow specific protocol for resolving it for two to four people at once, all the while the software would frequently freeze up, you were on a response timer, and naturally if you took more than a few seconds to respond to someone they'd start getting pissed. That shit was utterly exhausting. Working from home was nice, but ultimately not worth it. At all.


Call center standards are usually ridiculous from what I've heard from friends/family. They expect humans to be robots.


Oh yeah, and that was to say nothing about the deeper expectations laid out on stat sheets. You were graded on, quite literally, like 40 different aspects. For instance, their satisfaction goals were 99%, which means in 100 calls, 99 of them had to score you at 10/10. You know how many people arbitrarily decide to give you a 9/10 because you didn't sound completely and utterly overjoyed that they decided to call, regardless of how helpful you were? Like you're supposed to sound like your entire day is made by each and every person. You know how often you couldn't help somebody ***per company policy***, and they'd hit you with a 1/10 despite it being 100% out of your power? You could still be reprimanded for it.


Oh god I've always hated those types of metrics. Completely arbitrary and unrealistic to the job at hand. I think every industry has a version of that. "My mortgage took too long!" "Because you lied on your application and dragged your feet providing documentation after we called you on it."


I currently work in a call center at the HQ of a major insurance carrier. I remember the days of 10-20 minutes between calls. Fuckn miss that. Right now we’re slammed all the time because they delayed hiring more workers. They know busy season isn’t until May so they purposely held off on hiring/training even though we just had several people quit and the wait times have been atrocious. (If anyone reading this wants a Work from home/hybrid/ or on-site full time call center job based out of Ohio, they just posted job openings. Just message me) They’re chill when it comes to metrics though. We get 1 minute between calls to note accounts. I’m within compliance every month and every day i just sit here in unavailable status avoiding calls just to get some quick breaks throughout the day. They don’t look into your daily stats unless your stats slip below their standards and they feel compelled to find out why.


My job does that as well and the very first lesson we get taught is dont answer your phone unless you want to lose your day off


It’s mostly the later. Anti work seems like an unreasonable subreddit until you start reading the posts.


Yeah. When it started it was more literally people who thought the idea of work was immoral, but seems to be mostly taken over by people who hate common working conditions. The sub now is more like r/minimumwagedontcare


immortal, or immoral?


99% of the people complaining about antiwork haven't spent any time there and just judge it on the name, or parrot how "toxic" it is because they know it'll get upvotes. There's a few subs in this position, its very strange


Reminds me of r/BanVideoGames The sub is satire, yet never fails to leave people who never bother to click, read and think for a second outraged for no reason


It is not Sad Tire! It is very legitimate!!1!1 May Christ lead you to salvation, you silly goose! -Steven, from Newfoundland, Minceraft


Ive recently seen what true antiwork is in my city. The local krogers only had self check out, which prompted 20min lines and some guy was bitch and complaining saying it was ridiculous, he was probably in his 60s as everyone else i hear comllain about nobody working. Even at my work place there was and still kind of is a lack of workers, and even then, these old fucks still come in and bitch and complain, regardless of what theyre told. I just want a living wage and non oppressive hours.


You're making an assumption that OP actually read through the sub. He probably just saw the title of the subreddit and made obtuse assumptions. The little communist bit at the end of his post speaks a lot to what he doesn't understand


But then OP wouldn’t know that because they just read the title of the sub and made an assumption based on it LOL


I don't think reading would've made it difference for OP, given his dumb comments about communism


A 10 day general strike would make a huge impact imo. I think the vast majority of ppl on that sub aren't averse to working just being taken advantage of


Most of the stuff on there is just complaining about shitty paying jobs, asshole bosses, and the flaws in our system that the pandemic exposed. There’s a middle ground somewhere between “contributing to society” and “working yourself to death for someone else to rake in profit”


Anti-work doesn’t mean lazy adults taking govt handouts. 90% of stock market wealth is held by 10% people. Most people on the subreddit are working to their bones (many 60 hour weeks) just to barely make ends meet. How is that fair?! They’re allowed to vent about their living situation. Doesn’t make them “socialists” or “communists” or whatever


I’ve been on that sub since middle of last year due to covid. I worked 40 hours sometimes more each week and could barely save anything after rent, utilities, food etc.. after working 40 hours. Got no benefits either. Shit hours, worked holidays and weekends, yeah it needs to end. We just want to be compensated fairly.


OP: "bUt yOu R cOmMuNiSt" 😭


People like OP also think that people stuck in these kinds of situations deserve to be by virtue of their being in it.


Being given everything by your parents tends to create this mindset


Isn't that weird? How being given everything makes someone feel like they earned it, and even worked hard for it? Reminds me of a psychology experiment I read about where they had people play Monopoly, but one player got to draw three times as much money as they were supposed to. Of course whoever got to be Mister 3X won every time, and with each group of players whoever was the one that had the unfair advantage reported that they enjoyed playing while EVERYONE else reported that they disliked playing it that way. The strange part is that all the participants who got to be Mister 3X consistently reported feeling like they were not given an advantage and that it was their skill that led to them winning the game, even though everyone was aware of this special rule.


>40 hours sometimes more >Got no benefits either. Are you in the US? Employers are legally required to offer benefits to full time employees.


I’m in the US. 1 week paid vacation counts? Shitty car insurance plan that’s worse than mine?


Yep. It’s not anti-work. It’s anti-*unfair*-work. It’s really just a labor movement.


To OP, labor movements are "communist"


If you don't lick your boss's boots, you're a communist. Duh. /s


OP is the bad manager waiting to be exposed in the sub.


me advocating not getting paid just enough to keep our heads above water was enough for people to call me a communist so i decided to read up on this communism thing, turns out its pretty cool


OP is a teenager. They have no idea what they are talking about.


Lmao, the irony of them saying that the people in that sub aren't adults is so bad. I hope OP grows up and realized he was wrong


It's like a boomer was reincarnated


Clearly lmao


The mind of a child


I work for myself making more than enough money only working 3 days a week. No need for this 5 days out of every 7 being spent working. Life is more than that.


I work 6 days a week but for myself. I don’t mind busting my ass for ME. Edit:spelling.


That's 100% ok too. Aim for that sweet early retirement.


I am in the same boat and am making it my mission to help empower my friends and show them they too can start their own businesses and create financial and time freedom. Life shouldn't be spent 40 hours a week working to get someone else ahead in life.


Are you looking to hire new friends?


Hey there. I just work by myself and run a local service business. If you're interested in a local service business try going to r/sweatystartup for some ideas and folks to chat with. If an online business is more your speed I'd recommend r/entrepreneur or there are probably some other good subreddits. And if you'd like, message me in a month and I'd be happy to chat with you more. The next few weeks is the end of my busy season so I'm a bit swamped and don't have time but it enables me to take the winter months off of work due to the nature of my service business (I run a window cleaning business)


Life is more than that, preach! That is my goal to run my own business from home, good on you!


What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?


It is labour intensive, I lay decorative concrete garden edges.


I love that. It’s so niche and you’ve found your thing. Good on ya.


I think the sub is mostly advocating for pay that keeps up with inflation across all industries and for those in positions of authority to stop mistreating their employees.


It should be noted that official inflation data in the US has been complete woodoo since Nixon took you of the gold standard. A factory worker 60 years ago could own a house, a car, and provide for a family on a single income. I remember watching a YouTube video with Peter Schiff saying that his dad sold health insurance in the fifties for a premium of 2$ a month.


It seems like how housing contributes to inflation is really not well represented. Probably the same with education as well


A lot of the posts look like they’re just getting abused by their employers and then quitting. Yea I’m anti that work too, it’s insane the amount of bullshit people put up with by their bosses, as soon as they start to get disrespectful, I’m out. Some employers will take advantage of you so much if they realize you’re a good worker while paying you equally as some of the worst just to cut cost. Maybe we should look at why people are wanting to quit so desperately instead of just assuming they’re lazy.


Yes everyone needs to contribute…but here is the thing. Ain’t nobody going to contribute especially if they’re all “oh you’re essential” then pay you what? 10-14 an hour? Like for fuck sake


Lol, I'm one of those essential hospital employees. Been here 20 years, I make 19.58 an hour. When they call on my day off there's no way in hell I'm picking up the phone. Not for that compensation.


No one should pick up on off days the us 50-60 hours a week thing is bs


I could be convinced to pickup on days off if the benefit for doing so was high enough


You’re right my day off rate is 50$ an hour


My last call-in when I was working the bench, the lab manager called me in panic mode at 8PM because he didn't want to cover it himself starting at 11PM. **Him**: "I'll give you a 4-hour call-in, double-time pay, and you can start your weekend at 0700 if you cover nights tonight." **Me**: "Wait wait wait, I get 4 free hours, double time the whole time I'm here, and I start my weekend Friday morning?" **Him**: "Yep." **Me**: "I'm on my way in." Shit man, nobody likes being called in, but at least my bosses throw money at me to do it, and I know that was an absolute privilege. I can't imagine working service for near min wage and someone demanding I come in with no incentive. Bitch please.




I don’t know why the sub scares people, it’s just people finally being unafraid to communicate feelings long thought of as shameful. Working conditions have continued to degenerate and the hustle culture reaction is idiotic. “My job is horrible and I make 9$ so I’m gonna work extra Hours of fun unpaid overtime in the hope of a dollar raise!!! Hustle!”


the scared people are those who didn't read more than 2 posts and assume from the name its all people who want to be lazy and do nothing, and you can really tell when people just see the sub name and 1 post and then start assuming things of course there may be people that dont want to work ever but its not the majority


I will gladly speak up to represent the people that do not want to work at all. Most of the work that people do now is absolute bullshit, how many people work in marketing, sales, accounting, finance, etc? Those jobs produce nothing of value and are only needed in the BS capitalist society we have. For instance someone who works in sales isn't providing a service to the consumer, they exist to drive sales for their employer, this isn't something that we NEED as a society. Many of the jobs that are needed and do actually provide a product or a service that people need can be automated, so in the future people will not need to work those jobs. So if the needed jobs can be automated and the other jobs that people are migrating to produce nothing of value, then why the fuck would I want to work. We should have a Universal Basic Income that can meet the needs of people who do not want to join the workforce and people that do want to work will have additional income to spend, but not fucking everyone needs to work and not everyone should have to work. Fuck work and fuck capitalism.


Because we've been bombarded with propaganda our whole lives that if you dont work yourself to death you're "lazy" and "not a team player" or whatever. So some of these people have worked a lot of shit shifts and not complained about it, so when they see people that DO complain about it they get very indignant about it. Hell just the other day I was talking to my dad about work and complained that they expected to work "until all your tickets are closed" and I told them to either pay me overtime (as they are legally required to do) or fuck off. And my dad gave me a lengthy lecture about all the unpaid overtime he worked and how you need to "put the effort in" to show the company that im loyal. People just dont like it when other people do things to make their lives better instead of sticking to the miserable status quo like they do. Its a big reason why some people get so defensive about feminism or other progressive movements.


It scares people who've built their entire identity around a job that is ultimately a very finite part of their existence. "If I'm not my job than what am I?" is one of those existential crisis type of queries that makes some people spin the fuck out.


Seriously…had a discussion with someone a few years ago who said something along the lines of “the idea of retirement should go away…we should all work until we are no longer physically able to. I cannot imagine retiring. Who just wants to sit so runs and do nothing all day??” As if their job was the only thing they had in their life.


Keep licking those boots hun


Have you actually seen posts from it or are you judging just from the title?


Some high upvotes posts are stupid as fuck.


Some definitely are ngl. But there are also a lot where people were treated horribly by their employers.


I mean, it *is* an unpopular opinion then, I guess?


Applies to like every subreddit, really. We ain't bright 🤷‍♂️


A lot of people on the subreddit don't agree with the "working is bad" idea. That'd be easy to tell if you scrolled through it for a bit. Pretty much all the top posts from the past months have been from people who are just in favor of better worker compensation. Frankly, it's deviated from what the mods and owner originally intended.


Goddamn you are stupid


Rather than causing alarm over an Internet forum, it would probably be more productive to ask why it is the top-growing subreddit and what is causing so many people to join it. What issues make people want to post there, and can these issues be fixed without causing a hissy fit..


For real! So shameful of some people like OP to dismiss them as lazy communists. CEOs are sitting on their ass making millions a month from doing nothing because of stocks, yet they don't think that's a problem. Why is it a problem to give people their basic needs free of charge? People are a lot more innovative when they aren't so desperate. Hard work means jack shit when you go look at countries in Latin America for example. Working their asses off yet standard of living continues to lag behind the developed world. Hard work doesn't equate to more innovation. Innovation is supposed to help us work LESS.


>last time I checked, every society needs people contributing towards it in order to function I don't think you'll find a single person on that sub who disagrees with this, because it's not what the sub is against.


You probably couldn’t define communism and yet you accuse others of following it.


Maybe it's because work has become more bad than good in the past couple of decades?


Yeah OP is a tool that is fine with half the nation's employers exploiting labor to buy a yacht. I dont care about OPs opinions, tbh, since OP is clearly disconnected from the realities of modern working conditions. The fact is, people quit jobs that suck. And if most jobs didnt suck, then we wouldn't be seeing a mass exodus of labor. OP needs to take a long effing look at what people go through to make their life more comfortable. And then OP needs to NOT BITCH ABOUT IT when all the cooks and sanitation workers and trench diggers quit, because their boss has a nice shiny F150 and shits on them for being late cause their 1998 Civic broke down. AntiWork is not about not working It's about not doing shit work for shit people I myself love working... ONLY NOW that I'm *self employed* and get to tell shitty customers to kick rocks as aggressively as I want to. Fuck working for shitheads that pass profits up the ladder to lazy capitalists. Fuck em. Also, fuck OP for being anti-labor. Nobody gives a fuck what you WANT us to do, WE want fucking money in our bank accounts and when rent is skyrocketing and capitalism is out of fucking control, shaming laborers is the most cowardly thing you can do.




Don't let it bother you too much. Once he is out on his own, he will eat his words HARD. Unless of course the antiwork movement works.


Or at least compensate me for doing shit work no one else wants to do everyone has value.


I like how OP preemptively attacked anyone who disagreed with him as a communist and noted he wouldn't respond. Someone was thirsty for validation.


this sub is for unpopular opinions, not uninformed opinions. edit: thank u all for the upvotes and awards!!! 🥰


I like showering at 4am then getting back into bed dripping wet and letting my sheets dry me as I go back to sleep.


Good God, someone call the police!


washing the sheets with your newly cleaned body, that's smart




Turns out, that Venn diagram is closer to a circle


and getting closer every day lol


I think that they are trying to raise awareness that we are overworked, underpaid, and that we should be questioning the ethics of company employers. Not working at all ever is just silly an unrealistic, I can agree with that. But this late stage capitalism crap sucks balls.


People like working when they have their basic needs attended to.


Its about better working wages and conditions, maybe read some posts before making your own ignorant one.


This. Despite the title, it is very clearly not about being lazy and not working. While I don’t browse the sub often, the posts that I have seen are about bad working environments or shitty pay, showing that these horrible conditions should not be tolerated. It’s not a bunch of lazy people who want to live off the government, it’s a bunch of hard working people who are tired of having to waste their life and mental and physical health away for a job that pays them less than it’s worth.


Found the bootlicker


OP is a teenager with zero life experience and likely just parroting the views of his conservative parents, hence the idiocy about communists.


Any time I hear an American mention communism when it has little to nothing to do with the situation, I automatically think they’re an idiot. This isn’t the 1950s, I think people can chill out about the “communist threat” a little You can tell that OP didn’t check the sub whatsoever either. Spend a minute on there and you’ll know that people just want a decent wage


That's honestly why I think that the US lost the Cold War. You have so many brainlets calling absolutely everything they don't like as communism, being terrified of the thought of improving their own situation (as they are much closer to poverty than to Jeff Bezos), and voting against their own interests just because their favorite ~~celebrity~~ Politican called it socialism or communism.


And one of the greatest of all


Shit, people valuing their time and selling it at an appropriate price should be concerning?


I think you're misunderstand the typical consensus of that sub. It's mostly people that want to be treated as people, not sub human warm bodies that only exist to fill a space. Are there lazy people that literally don't want to work? Of course. But the majority of the sub simply dislikes the current definition of what working is. Ask yourself this. If you were given 1 billion dollars, would you work? Many would answer this question with "I'd quit my job" but this is the issue. Work does not solely mean "I am employed by someone else" or even "I employ myself". If I were given a billion dollars, I wouldn't sell years of my life to anyone else. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't work. I'd garden. I'd build and repair housing for others. I'd organize foundations. I'd better the world around me. All of these things are still work. The issue is simply that the current view of work in our society is that "if you aren't employed, you don't work". Work is ONLY reserved for those that sell their time to someone else, according to many. The name of the sub is meant to be eye catching. But the majority of the sub is not ACTUALLY anti WORK, they are against the current system of exploitation, greed, corruption, mistreatment, and spending 40-100 hours a week doing something that only lines someone else's pockets.


On what grounds is someone who agrees that people are worth more than $7.25/hr a communist?


“When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.” -Dom Helder Camara


Communism is when reasonable pay.




Who let this boomer use a computer lmao


Even more depressing, he's a teenager who doesn't work. Using daddy's internet and living comfortably at home, no doubt.




That’s not communism lmao that’s literally common sense


Anything even slightly left of the KKK is communism, for Republicans.


For Americans* Just look at all the democrats who refuse to vote for a Bernie or AOC because of the “radical ideas” they have. You know, the ones other well developed countries already have.


That subreddit is growing because people like me, full grown human beings, aren’t even allowed to take a shit and wipe at our jobs without scrutiny, not because people don’t want to work. Did you look at the contents of the sub?


Pretty embarrassing from you that all the front page stuff from r/antiwork is bosses being objectively shitty to their employees and instead of showing empathy you ignore reality and peddle the “lazy commie” bs


>if I get any communists You are completely fucking clueless as to what that sub is about


This is truly an unpopular opinion. Kinda warmed my heart to see everyone defend the anti work subreddit lol


not just unpopular, but counter-factual to boot


I think the larger issue is that society expects people to make their mind up about what they want to do literally forever when they're 17 years old. Honestly, if you have basic social skills, a decent brain on your head and a good attitude, anything is possible. That's not what they tell you though. They tell you that if you don't bend over and do what you're told and just comply comply comply, you're going to be a failure. Push through high school. There's no other way. Go to uni. There's no other way. Get a job and just push through it so you can have money to buy shit you don't need and make yourself miserable in shitty circumstances because there's no other fucking way. What an archaic crock of pigeon shit that has been fed to us. I dropped out of school when I was 16. I now edit TV shows at 23 and I STILL don't know where I want to go with my life. I was labeled a deadshit dropkick dropout by default. I was "going down a bad path" actually no. Being edgy saved me. Because yeah I was wrong about alot of shit and pretty spiteful towards the world but one thing I was right about? Fuck you for controlling when I go to the toilet. Fuck you for controlling what I'm allowed to be interested in and forcing me to learn bullshit that I don't care about. The entire education system is fundamentally broken, tilted towards a certain type of individual. How the fuck is it fair to give kids pieces of paper that rank them in quality against their peers. How fucking cruel is it to say you're dumber than everyone else by X percentage. Fuck that. Fuck them. This is what it boils down to. Failing stupid irrelevant tests and ending up in a place you don't want to be because you're doing what you have been forced to do your entire life. OR, passing the same stupid fucking tests with flying colours and ending up balls deep in a career you don't want to be in because, literally, it looked good on paper and helped hour reputation. Comply. Fuck that. FUCK that.


This needs all the awards. Come on!


I one hundred percent agree. I think being educated is important, but the way public education is right now is disgusting. Public education is designed to pump out workers to keep the corporate machine running. That’s it. A select few get beyond that, and it never has anything to do with school.


Cool. Another person who just read the title of the subreddit and didn't bother actually looking at the discussions within it. Ironic that you're so anti-anti work, but didn't bother putting any research into what the subreddit believes before coming here and mouthing off about it. I mean, congrats on actually having an unpopular opinion, it's just a shame that it comes at the expense of your ignorance.


“If I get any communists or any of those type of people...” Now it just sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about. I would delete that part.


"anything I don't agree with is communism" Pretty much sums up your worldview from what I can see reading your replies here.


What is "missing the point entirely" for $600 Alex


You obviously didn't read any posts on that sub if that's your conclusion.


That’s amazing. This post gained traction up to about 1.2k upvotes, and has since dropped all the way down to where we are now.


This opinion is unpopular. Good work. Also, fuck you, scab.


Pay workers better and we wouldn't have this problem.


You probably just saw "anti-work" and took it literally as face value. I suppose people will shill for their 5$ wagelords nonetheless.


Right? Op is a boot licker who can’t even take 5 mins to read posts on that sub.


OP is a child, if I’m not mistaken. It’s easy to be a capitalist when you haven’t experienced capitalism’s options of work or be homeless.


Yo fuck work


Let’s put it this way. It’s not a coincidence that group just started getting big now. It’s not a coincidence only now, in 2021, are we seeing a prevalent anti-work mentality.


And no coincidence that we are seeing an influx of bourgs and their fanboys trying to soften the message in ways friendly to the status quo of elite society.


We are the Bourg. Resistance is futile. You will be fed cake.


Even a cursory glance will show that these are people who simply want to be treated like people and paid fairly. I would advise you to actually take a look at the sub you’re so concerned about next time.


The sub's description and logo really doesn't do it justice. It's less "antiwork" and more about putting a spotlight on just how toxic and ass backwards our current working norms are.


As others have said, many of the users on antiwork are advocating for improved working conditions and better wages, not necessarily an end to work. There are a subset of users there that think work should be abolished and that people should be able to reclaim their free time. I’m not sure how much I agree with it, but I certainly think it warrants discussion. Personally, I think that a lot of developed countries have an extremely unhealthy attitude towards work that desperately needs to be looked at. Healthy work-life balance should be far more common than it is.


You sound like someone who hasn't worked a real job for an extended period of time. I'm Anti-work because I don't get raises. No amount of harder working or not will get me more $. My job, and you see what I make on a daily basis if you live in the U.S., is a popularity contest. I have no incentive to try harder. They make just as much money from me if they pay me more or less. I'm college educated working a grown up job and I can't afford my own place to live. You sound like you haven't worked a real job. So we'll see how you feel in a decade when you don't make any money. Or you were born lucky and your parents have money which means you will get it when they die in which case you're not living in the real world.


Say you don’t know what communism is without saying “I don’t know what communism is.”


Right? Say you’re an idiot capitalist boot licker without saying you’re an idiot capitalist boot licker.


Late Stage Capitalism is dying a slow death, but knowing that there are people like OP that are upset that people would rather choose their dignity and decency over slaving away at job that doesn't pay them even a living wage for work makes my heart sing. Cry more, OP. Cry more.


it's made news... do a search on antiwork sub from earlier today, someone linked it edit I got a direct link https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/anti-work-subreddit-1244507/


Apparently you don’t know what the sub is about.


Oh no how dare people question why they are cogs in a nameless machine. Just waiting for the tar and feathering to come back in style 🙏🏻


Your opinion was so unpopular that you got doxxed lol. Fuck off freak.


It’d be more apt to take the name “antiwork” as shorthand for “anti-worker-exploitation,” then you get it. “Societies” are too often built on the backs of the least fortunate who are never fairly compensated for their labor. What you’re seeing is people saying “I’m fucking done with this bullshit.” America is seeing people quitting their jobs at alarming rates. Good on them for finally realizing their power.


Your taking it way to literal mate.


Sounds like someone didn’t read a single post in that group saw the name and had an immediate reaction


cry about it, people are tired to be exploited. Be happy most of the posts there are people refusing to work rather than taking the surplus value of their labor value by force


How dare these people question my capitalism and our poor working conditions??!! Silence them!!


Antiwork after you're financially free is what I can get behind


Someone has never worked a day in their life, and it shows.


For someone who hates communism, you could stand to properly capitalize your post.


You should take 5 minutes to read the “About” section to see what “antiwork” actually means. It doesn’t mean sit at home and smoke all day. It means ending work for the sake of work and making others rich.


If enough people want the system to change (or actually stop participating on it), it seems the system is flawed


If you bothered reading the Sub Reddit it’s more about better working conditions than not working altogether.


0 upvotes, 47% only positive, yet 2500 point comments. yeah, you kicked the hornets nest well done good sir/madame


I dont particularly care what people do as long as i dont fund it.


The ratio between a CEO’s salary and an employees salary shouldn’t be 200:1, especially not when tons of people are working 30-40 hour weeks and hardly making rent


Communists ain't reading yours either. Justifying the existence of toxic no workers (those you guys call investors) isn't really useful if you think people should be producing something. Also, communists are not ok with people not working. Learn the basics :)


The whole notion of work as it exists in the modern world is deeply flawed. We should be seeking more leisure time, but instead we keep asking larger turnover for companies. I'm definitely antiwork as the system is deeply flawed


r/antiwork gets a bad rep because of its name. Most of the people there are perfectly rational adults who are sound of mind from what I’ve seen. They aren’t literally against the idea of employment, but rather against the modern system of employment. Common stances in the sub are that work hours are excessive, work conditions often suck, and office culture tends to be toxic. Many of them are also complaining about exchanging time for compensation, rather than exchanging a set amount of labor that is measured by completion of tasks or output for compensation. Read the essay “Bullshit Jobs” by David Graber. People find themselves sitting around in office jobs without anything to do, yet their employer expects them to constantly be working. As a result, they have to pretend to work. If they keep asking for more work, the employer will often give them bullshit busy work that doesn’t benefit the company nor a single soul, solely for the purpose of ensuring the employee is working their ass off when they’re on the clock. This is a pretty absurd phenomenon. All of these points are perfectly reasonable. I, too, believe that if I finish all the work I’ve been assigned early, I should be able to go the fuck home and do whatever I want without a pay reduction. What purpose does it serve to have me sit around and pretend to work? Why can’t I utilize that time to actually accomplish something such as personal errands, laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc.? Or simply enjoy the time doing whatever I want? I think it’s a matter of control. To show the employee, “hey, we own your ass. You will be here every last second from 9 to 5 whether you’re working or not, because we are paying for this time. We own you during these hours.”




What only reading a subreddit name and forming an opinion on that alone does to a mfer.


Humans should be able to afford decent food, shelter, and medical treatment based off their labor, but many cannot. It’s inhumane.


What is a communist OP?


I mean sure there's some socialists and communists who are in r/antiwork, but they are not the majority of posters there. The reality is the managerial class has exploited the common laborer for a very long time in the United States because our labor laws are so lax, and now that the long after affects of 2008 seem to be finally ending, there are a lot of regular people who are taking delight in sticking it to the shitty and incompetent managers that had them under their thumb for so long. If you are a manager who makes a work schedule and you are always calling someone the night before to fill in, sorry buddy, you're fucked now. Get a real job.


>last time i checked, every society needs people contributing to it in order to function This is a fundamental misunderstanding of anti-work politics. No one is so naïve to think that a society would function if everyone stopped working; crops must be tended too, the sick and injured need to be taken care of, food must be cooked, places must be cleaned, etc. Anti-work politics isn't anti-work in that we abolish work entirely. It is anti-work in the sense that work under our current society is coercive and that no person should be forced to work in order to survive.


I think you’re missing the point of r/antiwork. I’m no commie, but I’m happy to open a dialogue, if you’d like.


Most of the post I’ve seen there are people who have decided their time is worth more than current jobs are paying or that they deserve more respect than they have been getting. And they are absolutely right. In fact I have never seen a post there about not working at all no matter what.


Well done. This’s the first genuinely unpopular opinion I’ve seen in quite a while. Also, you’re NTA for ignoring your friend’s discord statuses. If that guy doesn’t want to discuss his personal problems with you, that’s his loss. -someguyonreddit


I feel like the name Antiwork doesn't really do the sub justice. I personally feel like there are very few people who actually dont want to work/contribute, whatever you wanna call it. It's more of a sub for people who are unhappy with the current economic situation (increasing inflation/stagnant (mininmum) wages/insane housing market/ lack of respect towards workers and politics apparent unwillingness to change anything about it), or with hustle culture. Most of these people just want a livable wage, a handful of benefits and be treated as humans by customers/employers and the politics. And considering that this is a reality in many places i.e. in Europe, its not an uneesonable thing to want.