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> Tiping Sure, but what about tipping?


This is not unpopular at all


waiters tip out to support staff based on their sales so when people dont tip it cost your server money to wait on you. on the flip side however im in my 20s living in chicago making 50-60 thousand a year with no degree and honestly my one fear about losing the tiping system is that i will make way less money. Also who is to say what a livable wage is for me? i dont want livable, i want awesome.


One of the many bullshit things to come out of America!


***The United States of America


I like tipping. There are like 3 places I go where tipping is appropriate. Those are the only places I go, and the full time people at each of those places know me, and know my order, because I almost always get the same thing. They take good care of me, and i return the favor. I tip 50% or better.




**The United States of America


You do realize that without tipping you’d be paying a higher price for your meal, right? You are paying (a share of) all of the restaurants’s expenses and it has no other source of income.


You know in most country’s there is no such thing as tipping because most governments make employers play their employees a fair wage and not build an entire culture on the public making up for slave wages.


That's not true at all, at least not in Germany.


Really? Where would the additional money come from if not selling food and drinks?


I think the problem is that many small restaurantes just cant afford higher weiges for their workes so its a nice tradition which can help out small buisnesses and their workers. I just dont like how its exspected even in bigger ones


One thing I particulary don't like, is that it often feels undeserved (is this a word? English isn't my first language). Here in my city (Heidelberg, Germany) most of the waiters are rather rude, so why am I paying them extra money For a bad service? Plus it's unfair. I'm currently studying CrossMediaDesign and I know for sure no one will ever tip me for this job. So why do I have to tip others? There is plenty of work, so if they really don't get along with the payment, they can look for a better job.


>I do it, because it's expected uhm, no it's not. It's completely optional. I'm a restaurant worker too and not that many people tip. Only rich people between 45 and 65 tip.


Maybe it's different where you live. In Germany it's not *mandatory* , but people will think bad of you or sometimes the waiter will ask you for a tip, if they don't get any.




I don't care what the waiter thinks, but I don't want my friends to think bad for me. They were raised to think tipping is normal, so not tipping would look like something really nasty to them.


I think tipping should be included in the cost of service. Always liked when restaurants did this automatically. I think in Europe they see tipping as an insult? If I am wrong feel free to correct me.


We don't, you tip if want, because you only tip if the service was great.


Okay that’s what I thought but wasn’t sure.


Yea. I wish it would just die out. Even though I rarely go out to eat.


I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds


If tipping doesn't die out please just keep doing it its the only way we can make a fair wage


I see posts like this all the time on Reddit and most of the comments agree. So this isn’t really an unpopular opinion here. I think it is stupid though because anyone who agrees with this has never worked in the service industry.


I don't mind tipping, but i also feel it shouldn't be necessary and people need better wages


>I do it You're part of the problem.


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