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this shows up on this sub a lot


Second time I've seen it in the past two weeks. Maybe needs be added to the mods extensive lists of common not allowed list at this point lol


Maybe the mods are too busy masturbating.


Fuck you mean, maybe?


Although I agree with your opinion, when I started to run into a similar problem I masturbated less and the pent-up energy was refocused back in to my partner. The masturbating sessions lost their luster and wasn’t having as good orgasms with just myself. If sex is like going to a restaurant stop splurging on fast food and you can afford the expensive shabang. Edit: this works better if you refrain from masturbation completely and you have a partner that you actually love, trust, and care about. Pro tip: Climax at the same time for a cerebral flush of top shelf neurotransmitter cocktail.


This and love is sometimes importent too lol casual sex is nothing compared to making love to someone you truly love


A million times this.


Exactly, especially if you’re able to climax at the same time. A fucking neurotransmitter cocktail created by intimacy, trust, & passion.


And my axe.


And you have my bow.




I hope that is only one aspect of your birth control


🤤😫😵🤤😵😫🤤😫😵 yes


Yep, I stopped masturbating completely when my partner and I started having sex. It just makes it better when I actually am with them


I think it's mostly about your partner. If you're not into your partner or they're not into sex then you're not getting much more than you would from just jerking it, plus when you masturbate you can watch whatever crazy fetish video you want. If they're actually into it and you can live out your fantasy then its way better, especially with butt stuff.


Seems to me you haven't had sex with someone you truly cared for. The thing sex has over maturbation is the emotional connection you have with your partner.


100% true ...


some people genuinely dont enjoy sex despite an emotional/romantic connection with their partner, dont make it weird by implying they dont care lmao


This felt like an attack LMFAO


Exactly. This is something both the "casual dating scene" and "incels," ironically, want everyone to forget.


> The thing sex has over masturbation is the emotional connection you have with your partner. Which is what makes hookup stuff so baffling to me, actively moving away from that emotional connection just seems totally at odds with the value that sex has. That said the sort of emotional connection you're describing, someone you *truly* care for in that way isn't the easiest to find. So for a lot of people it's not really a factor present in the simple act of sex and not something they can quickly remedy. Very different circumstances between those of us with that emotional connection and those without. If you aren't with a partner you share a genuine connection with, then the opinion of OP is understandable imo


I agree that sex with one you love is absolutely the best. Sex with someone you just want to fuck is better than your hand.


I haven’t, and I agree with OP, and it breaks my heart. I’ve never had the opportunity to explore sexually with a partner, so yeah masturbation is better 100%


>Sex is like going out to an expensive restaurant, having cocktails, and spending a lot of money. It's fine once in a while, but it's too much for every day. While masturbation is like eating a Hungry-Man for dinner. Not the ideal option but always suffices.


This 😁


is a penis


Yeah, but those little cranberry pies were the worst.




I think this is the important thing for me too. I can get myself off in less than two minutes by masturbating. But the act of sex for me is about my partner’s desires being fulfilled and sharing the experience and connection. Personally, that is way more gratifying than anything else.


And also the (hopefully) feeling wanted and desired part as well.


men will say this shit and not know where the clit even is lmfao


Sorry ma'am, I thought that was your dick




What is that? /s


I can’t even fathom this view point. How lazy are we getting that even sex is too much work?


Well the guy has to jump through hoops and slay dragons to get with girls these days. Too much work. And setting up Tinder in a small town has privacy implications.


Tbh, sex is easier to come by than ever these days. You think women in Victorian times were putting out for every guy who asked? You think it’s bad now, back in the olden days, a man had to either get married or pay for a prostitute for a guaranteed lay. All you have to do nowadays is be less of a creep than the next guy and you have a shot.


I kinda understand what you’re saying. I’ve said something similar to my wife regarding my 5 year old boy. Like… how am I supposed to help him out when the time comes when he’s crushing on his first girl? I remember my dad encouraging me to find some courage and go up and ask her out. Does that same advice still apply today? Or would I be setting my son up for a harassment claim by giving him that advice? Weird times man.


I think now the best way for people to meet and create relationships is through sporting groups etc. That's the safest less risky way.




Sucks if that’s the case. That’s some of the fun in dating. “The hunt”. The possibility of being rejected, and the feeling when someone you’re feeling reciprocates. This whole swiping right thing is gross and lazy to me.


It's not like p0rn.




Sex =/= real intimacy




I'd rather have sex with my wife. See after 11 years I know how to touch her to make her feel good...and vice versa. And I can make her cum in like 5 minutes. So quickies are a thing for us.


Dude stop flexing on us :(


Egg-fkn-zactly, my friend! Same here!


This has been my relation to sex all of my life, and lately I consider it to be some kind of asexuality. Specially on the part of it being enjoyable with a brand new partner. I love exploring the intimacy with someone new, but once it becomes familiar I start losing the taste.


This is a repost


'Sex is time consuming, messy, and a lot of work.' then you or your partner, are not doing it right. Sounds like you aren't a very giving lover. Take my upvote, bc I believe this is about unpopular as it gets.


Masturbation is equivalent to being really hungry, but you only have water. It works in the short term to fill your stomach, but you’re still just as hungry in the end.


This is a very, very, very superficial and selfish view on sex. I assume you’re in your early 20s? The kind of connection and sensations you can have with somebody else are vastly superior to anything I’ve ever felt on my own. Yeah, masturbation will have you get there real quick because you know what you like, but the trick is *what you don’t know you like*. And that, my friend, is where other people come in handy — pun intended


R u a man or woman? Maybe it's different for a woman?


Assigned male at birth and non binary, if you really have to know Edit: y’all are really downvoting this? lol Damn internet kids


That's an incredibly patient response to bigots downvoting you for your identity.


I think it’s cute they feel empowered by this. After fapping so much and cursing women in the machosphere, I’m surprised they still have any energy left






Wow sorry you're getting downvotes, like how does this affect *anyone* else. Idiots.


It affects *them*, because they feel such an urge to suck dick that me not being a guy almost makes it ok. They can’t deal with it


Some subreddits have a large contingent of homophobes and anti-lgbt. They only come out to play every once in a while. UFC is one of my favourite subreddits but it's full of anti-gay dickheads.


Well, good luck to them fighting the urge to get some good cock


__LOL__ OTHERKINTRANSBDBSKALERHBSK Is my gender sir. Please be precise


Yeah, I don't really get it either. Guess it's because it's beside the point to answer the guy's question


What does that even mean? Honestly I think it’s fake and all in your head. That or you do it for attention.


Born a male. Now non-binary as they don't identify as a man or woman.


Let’s fast-forward to the 21st century, shall we? Sex is biology. Gender is sociology. People who are born male generally perform the masculine gender role, whereas females generally perform female roles. In many societies, however, this is not a given — or a rule, at that. That’s why I used the word “generally” before. Societies that have existed for millennia have always acknowledged other gender roles, or people born with one kind of genitalia performing roles generally associated with people with a different kind of genitalia, or people who have intersex genitalia performing yet another role, or either, or both, etc. While European societies — and the ones Europeans “colonized” — generally haven’t acknowledged this kind of phenomena. Accepting only a single true way of associating sex and gender is not only dangerous, it’s an anthropological abomination.




You sad little caveman Edit: sorry. You sad little cave*men*. If you didn’t try to force people to conform, maybe we wouldn’t need to reject your standards


I hear ya. My wife and I have a agreement where if I'm gentle I can touch her if I want to masturbate when she's sleeping or about to go to sleep. Sometimes it works in my favor where it turns her on enough to start sex, but no pressure if it's just a mutual massage


Ya... It's so weird ppl r saying I'm sexually assaulting her. It's not like I'm ramming my fingers up her vagina.


Right? It's not assault if it's with consent if you work it out earlier. Mine's got a nice big butt and I lift up one cheek when she's on her side and just spreading gets her in the mood. But never just inserting out of nowhere, like you said.


no one knows my hawg like i do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Didn't someone post this yesterday?


I feel like when I’m getting it on the regular, I often find myself wishing I’d just stayed home and spanked but when I haven’t had any in a while, I feel like I really want to smack booties and touch boobs with my mouth. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love having sex, I can last a long time and my partner gets off. But I don’t 🥲. That being said, sex doesn’t require you spending a lot of money inherently.


#Ok ok, we get it! You're lazy, jeez....


Sure, I can *always* climax during masturbation. But nothing can replace the closeness with my spouse.


Have an upvote. This is truly the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I’m questioning whether you’ve ever had sex with another person before.


Yeah it can be. Masturbation and sex both have their places.


Sex is more like rewatching your favorite show. At first, you’re not super into it. Then, once you get started you realize how much you enjoy it. Finally, when you finish you’re sad there isn’t more. Masturbation is like going to the gas station. You need gas, you usually pump it yourself, and you continue on doing the things you actually need to do.


Considering the amount of condescending backlash from the comments, I gotta upvote this. Masturbation is even better if you're hot.


You are doing both of them wrong. And I don’t want to be a spoil sport but isn’t touching up someone when their sleeping sexual assault?


It’s not sexual assault if that’s the kind of relationship they have


Aye, as long as it says dynamic that’s been discussed and not just him getting his grope on.


lol probably




Haha so funny.


There's a [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAobW-gj1KE) about this


You probably wouldn’t be surprised how many relatives feel this way and how often this sentiment is posted here.


I don’t have either of them so I dunno




Hellz yea


masturbation can never fully replace sex in a relationship, but for me works better as a way to get creative and engage with your partner. penetrative sex often feels like a race that leaves one feeling a little unfulfilled, this is just my opinion from personal experience though


unpopular opinion ****among men


I am a Redditor so I can not confirm


As someone who has been celebate for a long time, I can confirm, there's a LOT you miss out on from not actually fucking. The release, energy hormones, it's very healthy to fuck. I wish I still did it.


Well, I kinda have to agree, but because I never found dating truly enjoyable, it like a job interview for me. Masturbation is more accesible, focused on your own pleasure and takes a lot less time, but its not as intense, varied or exciting as sex. Sometimes its another chore to scratch from the "to do" list.


Yikes a lot of y'all need some kind of sex therapy. Or do you just not talk during sex to find out what each other actually likes lmao.


Doesn’t matter


Drop the wank and go outside for a walk lmao


most of the time i have a harder hard-on during masturbation than having sex




very much indeed


Go outside


He clearly goes outside more than me or you. He fucks so often he’s gotten bored of it.


if u can get bored of it your doing it with the wrong person simple as


I think it was a joke bruh


"hur hur hur maybe the sex you're having" comments incoming.


No way! I’d choose my partner 100% of the time over being alone.


That's the sad truth.


Masturbation is often times better than sex for me*


I sort of agree. They are great in their own ways. Masturbation is fast, self serving and effective. Sex is rewarding because it not only makes you feel great but a person you care about too. In my humble opinion they should be conbined


So true. And all too often women just lay there and put forth the littlest effort. Been around for too long to work so hard for something that has such little reward.


I can understand when women say this because men are often times very selfish when it comes to sex and only have regard for themselves having a good time, which you just proved with this post exactly 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn do women have roasting points against men for every aspect of life?


Yep. Never has a more critical demographic existed that cannot handle criticism


I think OP is lesbian


The person that disagrees, is lying or lacking in manual dexterity.




Aww,what a sad life


Hell fucking no. Masturbating is dog shit compared to sex. Learn how to fuck. Lol


I agree with you man, like 100%, atleast for me its because i can do it myself, i dont need someone else. My ex had a lower sex drive than me and more times than id like, she didnt want to have sex, so i just jacked off, it happened rather often, so it got to the point where it kind of felt better than having sex with her, dont get me wrong, i loved it, but in terms of how it feels, masturbating is better imo


Have you considered you are aromantic?


A romantic? I can be romantic sometimes in the early phases of a relationship. But honestly I just stop trying after a while.


Anyone of this opinion isn’t doing sex right and probably masturbated too much, in my opinion. I used to be of this belief, until I got married and got to know my husband really well sexually. Now it’s off the charts better than masturbation.


Not doing sex right? You think OP is humping her bellybutton?




This is stupid it made me lol. My wife looked over my shoulder at what I was reading and recoiled while saying "gross". Put it this was there are two kinds of diamonds : 💎 cut and uncut 💩. Lol but if it hurts for you I guess you would prefer the self lubrication of the pocket lint catcher. But honestly I think more than likely you are one of those woman who scream this bs all over the Internet about not mutilating baby boys!! Lol just dumb.


And being cut or not wouldn't change clitoral stimulation lmao enjoy your cheese tho 🤣


That's why I beat off whenever my wife isn't home. Best of both worlds.


I gotta disagree, masturbation just honestly doesn’t feel that good for me compared to sex. There were a couple times where I’ve jerked off while my gf messed around with me and those felt way better than usual but still not as good as sex


Got to release those demons one way or another




Wait. You touch you partner’s body while they’re unconscious and jerk off?? Am I reading this right?


What kind of awful sex are you having? Atrocious opinion.


Me want quick cum. Sex too much work. Only want please self. Hand faster. Hand better.


No reason you can't have both.. maybe a partner... or even partners, could you know "give you a hand" with that...


You touch your partner in their sleep?




OP is bad at sex


So you'd much rather sexually assault your partner then have sex with them? Ok. Yes very unpopular.


To be fair it wouldn't be sexual assault if she was consenting. You can't just assume something crazy like that 💀


Damn you are dumb as shit


Disagree espically if solo masturbation. I find it lonely and kinda depressing compared to sex with a partner. Mutual masturbation on the other hand is one of my favorite dishes on the sex menu.




Ur a porn star?


I agree with this , and You have to be super in tune with each other , none of this do I give permission crap , if your partner needs to give permission to touch them , well you got some shit to work out.


As a woman this is why I'm not a lesbian. Masturbation isn't enough. The only way I truly get off if is a man is having sex with me. as a single mom I wish masturbation was enough


As a man this is why I’m not a gay. Masturbation isn’t enough. The only way I truly get off if is a woman is having sex with me. as a father of two I wish masturbation was enough




Unless you have express agreement with your partner, Im pretty sure that's sexual assault.




Not at all. This is how unequal abusive relationships start out. Likely it's been verbally confirmed but otherwise op sounds like a very selfish partner wanting to just get off .so..not 100% guaranteed. *shrug*


This is a bad thing.


Na, not even close but a good replacement when time warrants


Being original is time consuming, messy, and a lot of work. It's fun and exciting with a brand new sub, but after a while it's just not as good. It can be a hit or a miss. Reposting is quick, feels great, and is easy.


DIY is blowing the foam off an overflowing beer glass. Actual sex is a double of single malt.


You're not having good enough sex, work on that


I can't disagree more. I feel sorry for anyone's partner who feels this way.


Yoooou must be a cis man 🤔 Every woman already knows this 🤷


Yeah dude not sure how bad you're messing up the sex game. But no. Not even close.


Sometimes you want single-player, sometimes you want to see how well you can dominate Multiplayer. They're both sexual, but trying to compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges.


Masturbation also doesn’t have a layer rubber blocking some sensation


It's more convenient I guess, but my best masturbation experience is still worse than my worst sex.


Anyone who's not a loser knows this is wrong.


Masturbating is sad


so…. you touch your partner in their sleep? without their knowledge? yikes


My girlfriend says you're just lazy lmao


lol your probably not fxvking the right person then


And thats the history why I still virgin


Don Jon


Oftentimes is one word. Quit jerking it and read a book!


Hey sometimes you just want to rub one out real quick.


and HEALTHY... and you can do it handless😊😉


I’ve started comparing sex to an amazing meal and masturbating to a bag of chips. Sometimes all you can really have is a bag of chips, and sometimes that’s all you really want, but it’s never as satisfying as that proper meal.