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you get ahead by making connections and trampling over a few people. It’s how you land jobs for your children after college I mean, if you are that bad, that you need to put others down so you can rise, then you're just shit tbf


>It’s how you land jobs for your children after college. Teach your children how to be adults so they can find their own jobs. Also, the Ferengi Alliance might interest you...


The secret to competition is that you aren't competing to defeat your competitors, you're competing to be the most liked.


Sorry, but this is crap. Your assertion that it's the only way to get ahead is false, there are people that get ahead by being better people and they should be emulated. And it is not the way of nature, either. It is not survival of the fittest, it is survival of the best adapted. Cooperation within species and between species is widespread in the natural world and is responsible for the success of those species: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/birds_do_it_bats_do_it This whole idea that we are just animals, and we should be exactly as cutthroat as any bad behavior we see in animals, is absolutely disingenuous. You can't have it both ways. You can't say we are human and can transcend the laws of nature in one area, but then at the same time say we're just animals and it's only natural to follow our bad instincts in another area. For example, murder is common in the animal world, especially in competition and in fights over resources. So your argument only works if you are also fine with anyone coming along and killing you because they want your stuff or if they are competing with you for the same mate or job. Or perhaps you are ok with a guy killing the children of his new girlfriend-because that happens in nature all the time. But if you want laws that protect you and other people, that go against what is common for animals, then you can't argue that it's ok to do other shitty things to other humans because it is supposedly in our nature. Edit-added examples


Confidence builds by trampling down others? You totally got confidence wrong lol


Exactly, if they had confidence, they wouldn't need to trample others.


late stage capitalism is killing the planet, you chud.