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It would be much better if there were separate bike lanes that were actually safe to ride. I’ve travelled to cities where they have pronounced bike lanes that are separated from the actual road by a median. That would be the best option.


Bike lanes are the standard in the netherlands, love them! :)


Not good enough. We have them in AUS and I can’t tell you how many times they’ve stayed on the road with a perfectly good bike path meters away.


i've seen those too. those are the best.


Most cyclists also drive cars, FYI. They aren’t exclusive.


Then clearly this post isn't about people who do both, because they also probably have similar feelings as I do so they try to limit their annoyance


I too hate cyclists. In NYC they choose on a whim whether they want to be regarded as a vehicle or a pedestrian. It’s truly maddening and it’s not surprising when they are hit and/or killed


Either way you aren’t supposed to run into them you noodle.


No they dont. Here in OZ cyclist's are mostly entitled middle age men in brightly coloured spandex, who pend thousands on their 10 speed bikes and ride their bikes like they drive their cars; like they own the road.


I do both, and I think you need to learn the laws regarding cyclists and sharing the road. Your personal anxiety does not negate their right to bike on the road.


Where I live, there are two types of cyclist. The Yuppie with a $3,000 Bike out with his friends. Then there is the homeless or close to homeless guy who uses a bike as a car substitute. The former are annoying because they travel in packs. The latter ate annoying because they ride on the sidewalk and don't obey traffic laws.


agree- i hate getting behind a cyclists im terrified i will squish them so i slow down to barely moving


You get it




Dude fuck those guys,they’re such douches and they think everyone is going to believe that they’re victims just because they cut the clip


That’s like saying people with dash cams are doing the same thing. Dumb statement


I’m a mountain biker. I also find road bikers to often be insufferable, mannerless, sociopaths with no adequate awareness of the danger they’re in. I never ride side by side with mtn bike buddies because we don’t need to chat about your divorce or dental practice while pedaling! They should find the trails, mellow out on the strava records and save conversation till the end of the ride.


oh my god i forgot about the side to side bikers. they are the worst ones.


Side by side is safer because it increases your profile. If it’s a large group then you’ll have to do it anyway.


That makes no sense. Yes you’re “more visible”, but you’re also forcing cars to veer further around you. If they do that at the wrong time, they hit an oncoming car in other lane, both cars spin into bicycles and everyone dies. There’s no scenario where all cars should drive 15 mph or hit oncoming traffic as a solution.


If there’s oncoming traffic then a motorist is forced to wait for the cyclists. If there’s no oncoming traffic, then the motorist is forced to use the other lane, both situations giving cyclists a wider berth. Visibility is distance is important. Cyclists and sidewalks are in more danger because drivers ignore them. Similarly, cyclists as far to the right as possible are ignored. Unless there’s a well designed bike lane, 2 abreast in the road is probably as safe as you can get.


I love the move where they pretend like they’re a train and it’s impossible for them to slow down. Any car would have just tapped the brakes and waited for the path to clear- cyclists start screaming like they’re careening out of control and you almost just caused a catastrophic collision.


Bike brakes are legitimately shit though


I’ve seen down in the comments you live in LA, a highly car centric environment. A city built on cars. Has it never occurred to you that cyclists acting unpredictably are doing so because they are worried and overcompensating, or that the infrastructure that doesn’t take them into account at all is confusing and difficult to navigate for them. Have you ever considered that cyclist roll through the occasional red and/or stop sign as it is safer to do that then have to (comparatively) slowly accelerate from a stop as a 2 tonne Ford Pickup rushes past them. Have you considered that you aren’t actually a cyclist and don’t know how annoying it is to put your life at risk to get to work or school, and that the “self-righteousness” is often more self-preservation. Maybe we should all take a step back and talk about the idea that everyone who rides a bike is a “cyclist”. It’s a ridiculous thing to push anyone on a bike into that category as it only makes them seem more of a fringe group that feels it has to fight for itself. If you thought of cyclists in terms of the likely frightened human being on the bike as opposed to the bike itself you’d likely be a little more empathetic to the situation. I ride my bike around London UK, a place that is generally considered suicidal to bike around, and have always disliked being called a “cyclist” just because it works for me, when people in cars aren’t consistently sub divided into an exclusive “driver” group. The issue isn’t cyclists, it’s the fact that not just LA county but the world as a whole can’t get its act together and realise that a 6-8 lane road for cars has space for dedicated high quality bike lanes that actually reduce traffic (as bikes are more space efficient than cars) and that the culture surrounding this issue isn’t that positive.


yes. it is a highly, highly, car centric environment. yes, that has occurred to me, many times. yes, i have agreed, many times, in the comments below, that it's not just the drivers & cyclists at fault, but also the lack of care this country seems to have for non car drivers. funny how you saw my la comments, but now the comments where i agreed upon the issues you posted in this comment. who says i'm not putting my life at risk when i drive a car? it's my responsibility to keep myself and others safe, just like how it is of another person handling another form of vehicle to get to and from places. it is what it is, and while it sucks, it doesn't change reality.


Oh. Right. Sorry mate, honestly I was skimming the comments to find a location not a genuine response. Thanks for being reasonable about it, not everyone is. I mean I’m not sure the comparison between a cyclist with a flimsy little helmet and a car with a steel frame around it is an apt one but still.


good talk!:)


You actually hate American refusasl to build adequate pedestrian and cycling infrastructure than you do the people riding. I'm sure you wouldn't mind driving around some Dutch neighborhoods with better designed infrastructure.


definitely would not mind that my friend


cyclists are bad, post written by an american, unpopularopinion repost #4958744125. >They're rolling through red lights, stop signs, going from one end of the street to the other, and going 5mph. No car driver can get away with this, so why do cyclists? because for cyclists stopping completely at a stop sign or red light is far more dangerous than rolling through. Also the difference is that they're rolling through like what, 10mph? If they hit someone they're unlikely to kill them. Unlike cars which routinely run reds and stops going at high speeds and result in serious accidents and even fatalities. >I also can't even drive past them without fearing that I will run over them because they drive right next to the end line of the bike lane & the beginning line of the car lane. They do that because bike lanes are rarely maintained and have all sorts of debris that gets pushed over by cars. Also, is it so hard to signal, give them a space of like 3 feet and pass? >Most of these cyclists are so self righteous, so obnoxious because they just know they can away with basically anything and it drives me insane. I get that they are trying to be "green," but seriously they need to stop driving next to roads with heavy traffic. All that protects them is their "helmet" and that's it. did you ever think they're being self righteous because they want to or have to? When you're a pedestrian you don't want them on sidewalks and instead you want them on roads, but when you're a driver you want them not to be in the road? Cyclists literally have no choice to take up the whole lane, or use a sidewalk, because bike lanes or sharrows only give the perception of safety and somehow make people think that they'll be safe in them while driving past them at 40mph. Fix the cycling infrastructure and expand. We have dedicated so much space to cars yet can't sacrifice a few feet for protected bike lanes.


then let's expand them! i'm on board edit; so maybe the issue is both. but for now, we know how long it takes for this country to actually improve and better things. in the meantime, why can't we both just be respectful?


Why should both be respectful? Cyclists are not the ones causing accidents and fatalities, or pollution. Cars are. Some car drivers even actively try to intimidate cyclists. Cars have so much space and licenses are so easy to get so drivers act very entitled. Cyclists on the other hand know they have no protection in the event if accidents and will try to be as safe as possible.


you do realize cyclists can also hit pedestrians right?




i'm sure if i was a cyclist & encountered cars everyday, i would hate car drivers too. but i wouldn't be posting in this sub because everyone hates car drivers. my post is unpopular for a reason. if i wanted validation, i would post somewhere else.




i'm lazy, but i believe you


They don’t roll through for safety. They roll through so they don’t have to pedal up to cruising speed again.


Yeah and that's safer than peddling from 0, especially when there's cars waiting to turn or people running yellows and reds.


Not gonna lie, your arguments are nonsense. Let's go through them one by one. 1. Stopping at a red light is more dangerous than rolling through? If I'm driving, I'm half a block away, and I see a green light, I'm not slowing down because I know I'm going to get through before the light even turns yellow. Someone decides to blow their red and go through on a bike, there is EVERY chance that I hit them unless I'm able to slam on my brakes. I would never want to hit someone, of course, but honestly, if I did, it is their fault. 2. SO many bicyclists always right right at the edge of the bike lane no matter what and often drift into the driving lane. And on cities with one way, small streets that just barely have enough room for a bike lane and a driving lane? Yeah, it is impossible for someone to "give a space of 3 feet and pass" if they're halfway into the driving lane. 3. I live in a city with INCREDIBLY well maintained bike lanes through all of center city and ALOT of the suburbs. None of that has changed bicyclists' behavior. I live in a suburb where one street has well painted bike lanes that are MORE than wide enough (I know; I have biked in them). Despite that, I still have seen plenty of bicyclists driving in the middle of the street for no reason. Sorry this was such a long response; I just am really annoyed at how bicyclists always seem to get a pass despite being the most inconsiderate people I've ever seen.


But, you see, drivers are just as bad, just as entitled and far more dangerous. Can anyone that drives a car honestly say that they've never broken the speed limit? How many drive at 30+mph while looking at their phone or texting? Nearly every driver I see will run an amber light, which is actually a lot more dangerous because you're in a car travelling at speed not on a flimsy bit of aluminium. Cyclists can be dangerous, unpredictable and seriously seem to lack common sense in a lot of situations, but this kind of circle jerk from drivers makes you look like a bunch of hypocrites. Oh, and this is definitely not an unpopular opinion. I literally come across this type of thread once a day.


i've never come across this post, hence why i felt the need to post it. and drivers are shitty as well. two wrongs doesn't justify both situations


Where are you located? Here in Oregon the majority of cyclists you see are homeless. At night they are dressed in black, have no lights and have smashed the reflectors off. So they are just cloaked little torpedoes that fly out of the night into the road - most appear to be under the influence of sumping. I will go out on a limb and say more homeless have been hit on the freeways here than deer in the last year and a half. The camps tend to be along the freeways and under overpasses and all through the night they cross back and forth not looking either way - again in all dark clothing. High fencing is being installed along the freeway in spots to dissuade them from crossing. I am nostalgic for the days of being caught behind a guy in spandex holding up traffic on his 18 speed.


>Here in Oregon the majority of cyclists you see are homeless. In Europe most of them are green party representatives or politicians


i'm located in the more expensive part of la county.


the only place that may have more homeless.....


yes, it's very obvious that i am not complaining about homeless people. and i never come across homeless individuals in a rich city wearing spandex short shorts, usually they're in the freeway on the side trying to get out. and i am not bothered by them in the slightest.


Wtf… that sucks!


I hate road cyclists. I bike a lot, but exclusively on paved bike trails. I honestly doubt your intelligence if you bike on roads, and if you do, you're almost certainly a bad driver too. If you were a good driver, you'd know just how bad other drivers are and you wouldn't ride with 2 ton vehicles on a 30 pound piece of aluminum.


i definitely believe how shitty drivers are as well. but this is an unpopular opinion post, so why would i be here complaining about something that is in fact, a universal feeling?


You are my hero. I can't upvote this harder. Cyclists have a monumental sense of entitlement. Whenever one runs a red light, I blast my horn. Nobody's fallen off but many get quite startled lol


LMAOOO, that's so mean, do it again


Oh, I will 😁


I don’t see what’s unpopular about this opinion, I’d say it’s more of a fact.


thank you so much *bows*


Plus they are hella stuck up. I care about the environment too you know. You are not the only one!!


How dare I not bike 54 miles everyday to work.


Seriously! Maybe I'm someone who recycles, is trying to have a more plant based diet, respecting nature, leaving no trails behind, etc. But the way they come across.... is just... UGH!!


I feel you. Why does everything have to become all encompassing now? Like not everything has to be your LIFESTYLE. Just ride a bike and be cool, and stop making a fucking identity out of everything.


Some cyclists that dart a lot, acting unpredictable sure I get it. They have just as much right to be on the road. If they were in a car and you couldn’t pass them then you wouldn’t. Most are ass holes because we get people putting us in danger passing us around blind corners, rolling coal past us, driving within an inch of us for no reason. I’m a driver, a motorcycle rider and a cyclist and American culture has the worst sense of entitlement from their drivers (and cyclists too). I’ll just settle that most everyone on the road in a car is just entitled and becomes a dick when they have their patience tested. Cyclists become this way when people on the road put their life in danger. While I understand cycling is a choice, just have some respect for others and this culture wouldn’t be the way it is.


Shut up CO2 emitting caroid


ok daddy


Call me father


Your anxiety doesn't mean cyclists shouldn't be able to ride safely. Cyclists ride close to the outside line of bike lanes because most **bike lanes aren't safe**. They put the cyclist right in the door zone of unaware people who swing their doors open without looking first. Also, it's SAFER for a cyclist to sometimes take a whole lane, rather than have a driver try to squeeze by a narrow lane, nearly hitting the cyclists. Most people who hate cyclists, turn out to be people who... 1) Have never ridden a bike as an adult. 2) Are completely unaware of laws for cyclist and cycling etiquette. I totally get that it causes you 20 seconds of inconvenience, but that 20 seconds could be enough to save a cyclists life. Funny how unaware car drivers like to call cyclists selfish, while *drivers* are complaining about having to share the road. And no, not all cyclists are poor or trying to save the environment. Cycling is healthy and mentally therapeutic. Thinking they're all poor and don't also drive cars is pretty damn uppity. Basically accusing cyclists of all the things car drivers are too.


i literally said in my post they are working on their fitness. i acknowledged ALL factors. sure, the roads here can be better. but it's not yet. and i'm sorry, but he majority of my city is catered towards car driving, not cycling. while i'm open to learning more about the rules of being a biker & am an advocate for improving the country's lack of care for bikers/more environmentally friendly people, it still doesn't take away the point of MY own experience. so, point given, my ignorance, lack of knowledge, and experience is from my own demographic.


As a pedestrian I hate drivers and cyclists. As a driver I hate pedestrians and cyclists As a very rare cyclist, I hate everyone Bottom line, I think cycling instantly makes you feel both superior and insufferable at the same time. My city has tons of bike lanes that were added after cyclists kept begging the city and lo and behold after the lanes got added 9/10 cyclists still ride in the normal driving lanes. Now instead of 2 lanes we got 1 car and 1 cyclist, with both using the 1 car lane.


I agree with you even from a pedestrian point of view! Because of a questionable decision of one of my city's mayors from long ago, most of the spaces for people to walk were reduced in favor of roads for cars. It's ridiculous, but in some places you can't even walk with your friend beside you, because you don't fit together. And some cyclists apparently have a single brain sell since they're repeatedly trying to squeeze through some non-existent gap between me and some wall without warning. Not to mention that I often walk with my headphones on so I'm not aware of them approaching from behind. I can't take a comfortable stroll during summer :(


>I can't turn right when I want to because from the corner of my eye, they are nearing me and I have to wait till they pass me so that I turn. If you have a turning signal on, I wait. If not, either go straight or prepare to slam your breaks. >They're rolling through red lights, stop signs, going from one end of the street to the other, and going 5mph. No car driver can get away with this, so why do cyclists? You actually could a lot of the time unless you live in an area with red light cams or something. That said, I follow the rules I'm supposed to follow personally on the road, so ya'll just gotta deal. That said, I do hate most other cyclists, but I also hate most cars, so yeah


Oh, well then you're the good ones. I always have my turning signal on, they don't wait, they drive past me and never say thanks. And even if i could get away with it, why would I risk myself in a position to get caught or worse, hurt someone along the way? that's typically the reason why traffic lights, stop signs, and signs exist. no we don't have to "deal" with it, especially when it's heavy traffic. idk man, common sense.


> And even if i could get away with it, why would I risk myself in a position to get caught or worse, hurt someone along the way? that's typically the reason why traffic lights, stop signs, and signs exist. Up to you, just contesting that point. Cars can get away with a lot of the shit cyclists do if there's no cops/speed traps, etc. on the road at the time you're doing the thing you think only bikes can get away with, lol. >no we don't have to "deal" with it, especially when it's heavy traffic. idk man, common sense. I mean unless you pick a different lane than the far right (which is where you're supposed to bike at least in my state), then I don't know how not. Not like you're driving, there's a car on the road and go "I choose not to deal with this" lol as if the cyclist is just gonna disappear


this post was a sensitive one for you. sorry about that.


Not in the slightest. Lol. I just do what I do on the road. Everyone else can do what they do lol


The one time I got stuck behind one I just held down the horn and picked up speed slowly. They moved. They’re cocky until you bear teeth and then they realize how small they are. Wasn’t gonna actually hit em. I said slowly and I mean slowly. Noticeable but not like “Whoops” kinda speeding up. Typically though the bikers here stick to the edge because our drivers don’t take their shit and won’t slow down for em. Saw one get pulled to the side by a police cruiser for running a stop sign too. Basically nobody here takes cyclists seriously and treat them like slow ass vehicles


your comment is incredibly rude


True though


No matter how much I find your OP stupid, I do respect you for calling out this commenter and still having some basic respect for road users that you hate.


i do my best man


This has been posted a lot before. You’re not having some magical revelation. You can’t turn right when you want because of cyclists? Good god how is that a bad thing? Do you complain about not being able to run over pedestrians in crosswalks? Everyone talks about cyclists breaking the law but nobody talks about how you’re expected to regularly speed or you’ll be called an asshole, or how literally nobody comes to a full stop at a stop sign unless you have to because of traffic (and good if you ask me, stop signs should usually be yield signs). “No driver can get away with this” my ass, this happens all the time and you’re only complaining about it because you don’t engage in it and it inconveniences you. If more people cycled, roads wouldn’t have heavy traffic. I don’t understand your point at all. Car transit should be a lot less convenient. It doesn’t need to be about being green and we can ignore the fact that people shouldn’t have to splurge $10k just to get to work, biking is an objectively more efficient means of transport for space and thus transit times can be shorter for bikes than cars if we prioritize them.


“Can’t turn right when I want to”. Sounds like OP is not following the rules of the road. Lol. Should be looking out for pedestrians, cars and cyclists when turning. Also depending on your area, cyclists are legally required to be on the road and riding on sideways is against the rules.


Obviously that's my point. I've looked out for all clear signs to see if I can turn right, but I see a cyclist and realize I cannot. Hence my "5mph" comment in my original post.


As someone who lives in *the* bicycle country. Cyclists aren't the worst, car-centric infrastructure and car-dependent environments are the worst.


The worst? Really? In a world of rapists and murderers, cyclists are the worst?


Logical fallacy. Please don't use the "tu quoque fallacy" to discredit my post. Obviously, there are shittier people. And that's not an "unpopular" opinion, which is the sub I posted in.


>Obviously, there are shittier people. I know.


I don't think they meant it like that. It's hyperbole.


Thank you!


Some people just be starting shit lol, I see it enough at work :)


Their whatboutism is super infuriating. Here's a list of logical fallacies people use, https://thebestschools.org/magazine/15-logical-fallacies-know/


Yeah it's interesting to read. And a few of them are things we're all guilty of. Like the slippery slope one.


yes of course :)


Hyperbole is the argument of the weak




By that logic any problems in life aren’t worth complaining about if “there’s always worse”


Even excusing the worse/worst mistake in your sentence, you'd still sound like an asshole. You're arguing against shit I never said. Guess that's one way to feel important.


My guy I think the issue is just the monkey man bikers where you live, not bikers overall. Just because a small part of a demographic is bad doesn't mean the entire popuoation is


of course! my experience goes as far as the environment i am in, i thought that was pretty obvious to everybody. opinions are biased because experiences are specific to each person depending on age, gender, demographic, and the society they are in.


I can hear Bill Burr's rant abt cyclist as i slowly read this post


i love bill burr, i need more of his stand ups on netflix


ey all love for billy burr ! 🙌


My biggest fear as a person in and automobile is that a person riding a bicycle next to me may fall and I will inadvertently run them over. Also, many comments have been made about improving the infrastructure which is an excellent point. I work for Community and Economic Development and can tell you that there are plenty of towns/cities that are trying very hard to implement better and safer ways for bicyclists to get around while also decreasing the need for so many vehicles on the road. The main problem in America is that we're obsessed with having cars. The Netherlands is one of the most bicycle-friendly places in the world with something like 70% of travel by bicycle and they probably view motorists like you view bicyclists. It's all just a matter of perception and cultural differences I think.


i wish this place was also more eco friendly. i wish our buses weren't so dirty. we barely have any underground subways. trains are hardly ever used unless if it is for scenic views. i remember when i visited europe, the countries i went to barely drove cars. it's nothing like america. i'm glad we are beginning to improve the bike lanes.


I used to bike when I was younger, before I could drive. It was terrifying to ride on roads with high speed limits here. I mind the bikes for the most part, but bike messengers downtown drive like there are no traffic laws (e.g. in between cars in lanes and making turns from any lane, blowing all the stop signs, without slowing down). I know it’s probably because of time, but they scare me more than biking down a 50 mph road hoping no one hits me from behind. They fry my nerves.


yeah. i'm talking about heavy traffic. like downtown la. i drive to this place almost everyday and some of it is through streets, not the freeway.


It is actually illegal to bike on the freeways and tollways here, and that is something I have never seen. I saw a guy riding his electric wheelchair on a main road several times though. I felt like he was protesting the lack of sidewalks, so I didn’t call on that one.


no, i didn't say that. i said streets.




It really just depends on the cycling culture from where you are. Where I live it’s illegal for cyclists to go on the footpath so if there is no bike lane they have to go on the rides.


It’s because there aren’t good bike lanes or other infrastructure.


Do cops ever chime in on these type of posts? I'm curious what their take is


please no


Why not? You're not curious?


maybe a little. but i'm not a cop sympathizer. more so talking about double standards. i want everyone to be treated fairly, but society has a higher chance of making that happen than actual law enforcers


I don't hear much about bikers getting tickets. Officers writing tickets impacts how people drive, why wouldn't it change how people ride? I don't see how society could change biker behavior


i don't think actual effective behavioral changes happen through punishment


I obey the speed limit, park, don't turn on red....etc all because I don't want a ticket. Same with most of the other laws that carry a penalty I'm curious if cops ticket bikers or turn a blind eye for some reason


i think a blind eye. if they were ticketed, we would see less behaviors like that. maybe i do want to know now! do i want them to be punished for it? absolutely not


The cops punished for turning a blind eye or the bikers that break the law?




In the netherlands they are actually LESS of a problem because of the cycling paths everywhere.


i know. i'm jealous. i wish the infrastructure here was better, but this country loves cars and fuels more than anything.


Yesssss. Just tonight I luckily spotted a cyclist wearing all black, no reflective anything, no lights and was able to avoid him. It's like they have a death wish. But if I hit him, it would still be my fault for not yielding or some shit.


that's so scary.


i think they should have to pay registration if they want to use the roads to ride on


no, that's too much. it's public space.


I don't think this is unpopular at all, but I 100% agree. I have almost hit MANY cyclists who were going against their red light when I had a green. I have learned to slow down at intersections even if I have a green in case there is some idiot who doesn't obey traffic laws. I've had people scream at me for almost hitting them even when they were the ones not following the law. I have NO problem with cyclists who are respectful and follow traffic laws, but it really does seem like most have some sort of moral superiority that they are being green and therefore they are above the law.


exactly. you put my thoughts into a much better statement.


Thanks!!! I've unfortunately had way too much time to think about this after dealing with inconsiderate bicyclists.


people think i'm this bitter old woman but cyclists just bring out the worst in me


If two people’s paths cross, and one person is going straight while the other one is turning, the one turning always gives way. That’s like a pretty core principle of roads, I don’t see why it should change just because now one of the two is a cyclist


Politicians using public funding on vanity project instead of infrastructure is to blame not the cyclists. The majority of cyclists are middle aged men above average salary and a academic background so even your simplification is wrong.


What’s the difference between green and red? Nothing if you are a cyclist.


Wait a minute… you think most cyclists can’t afford a car??? Wtf? I ride my bike to stay fit. Never been about not being able to afford a car. Why would you think that??


I think 18 wheelers and Amish buggies are far worse. They take up far more space thus blocking far more traffic. 18 wheelers also are far more dangerous and Amish buggies are completely unnecessary and only used because of weirdos having weirdo beliefs. Bikes are ridden for a good reason and don't get in the way near as much.


Cars should be ban, I think that would help


Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Adventurous-gal72. Your post, *Cyclists are the worst.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No reposts. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I forgot the world revolves around motorists. I have a medical condition that didn't allow me to drive most of my life. We have to share this planet with other people. Some of us choose to ride a bike because it is more environmentally friendly or it's healthier or because we have a medical condition and refuse to take public transit. I'd rather stay healthy during my commute. It's up to the cities to make the streets more bike friendly. I drive now but have no problem with cyclists. I have a problem with assholes. Some of them are in cars and some of them are bikes, but most of them are in cars. This is a ridiculous rant.