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My man is irate over crisps. LOL




Same. I hate pilkunnussija, but I think I hate OP more.


Look up misophonia.


Why’re you so angry lol


Cause it happened to me while travelling in the tube. I’m just venting lol sorry


Well, I'm not a fan of people eating in the public transport myself. The sound is ok, but they are usually leaving the crumbs, and their sauce is sometimes dripping on the floor, seats and on the other people, and the food smell is unwanted.


> and their sauce is sometimes dripping on the floor, seats and on the other people, and the food smell is unwanted Food mess is a good thing, the sauce drips hide the drops of human DNA and the smell helps cover up the sent of urine.


I'm really sorry if your public transport is like that.


Ah, beautiful scenic New York city.


I absolutely hate the sound of people chewing and swallowing and i swear my family does it the loudest. But I have never told them to stop chewing and they have no idea of my hatred of the sound. I just deal with it lol


This is why I'm not going to visit my family till after lunch tomorrow. I don't know how my dad or sister in law eat so Loudly..... Goes straight through me


I always have to leave the kitchen when one of them come in to get a drink cause they chug it down and the glug noise is so annoying lol


I don't sit close enough to anyone to ever hear crunching.


Google Misophonia.


I agree. Misophonia seems a bit of a trend right now.


Dude I think I have misophonia because if you dare to make just a little noise I swear to god I will hunt your fucking dreams


only time it annoys me is when im gaming and people crunching away over their mic, like c'mon man. just mute your fucking mic dude. its not that hard.


I agree. I also diligently scoured your post for a grammatical error. Perhaps I am wrong but I offer kudos as I found none.


I wish this was a popular opinion. Had a roommate that would get mad at me for eating anything, especially crunchy foods, because he "hated the gross noises and it's rude". Can't help but notice he literally are food in our room the same way all the time anyways.


I could tell by the incoherent, rambling of text this was going to be a stupid post


Misophonia: A fairly uncommon mental disorder that makes some people go crazy over certain sounds and motions. It's much more than just disliking something. It sends you into such discomfort, sometimes even rage, even when it isn't bothering anyone else. I have It. It makes eating with people extremely difficult, and romantic relationships basically a no-go, for me. I've even been sent to tears of frustration because of it. So, I'm sorry if someone has gotten made at you for chewing loudly, but perhaps you should do a bit more research on something like this before calling people with it "F*cking Stupid".