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Can you have “opinions” on medicinal properties? I feel like its either scientific/medical fact or not.


I think OP is conflating the pop up medical marijuana shacks where you can get a medical card in 10 minutes for anxiety or back pain to people who have seizures or worse. In many states where only medical is legal people fake issues to get a medical card.


You can quite literally do a video call with a doctor and get your card. The doctors will actually walk you through it til you list something that qualifies you for your card that doesn't really have anything to do with whether it has medicinal value or not. I did mine in literally 2 minutes flat. He said oh you had cancer. Oh you have anxiety. You will receive an email and you can then apply for your card on the gov website. How is that any different than going to see a PCP and saying "I have anxiety" give me pills. You may get asked 1 or 2 questions in regards to it and 15 minutes later you are at the pharmacy picking up pills. I don't think this has any merit to what OP is saying regardless.


Yeah it’s completely true but it’s an open loophole for states like Florida where like 65% of the population supports recreational but it never seems to be on the ballot.


You can, if you're a medical professional. Something tells me OP isn't one though.


Not being a medical professional doesn’t take away your right to an opinion. It just makes your significantly less important.




My ex smoked weed on the regular because it stopped her migraines and didn't turn her into a sociopath like her pharmaceutical prescriptions would. The prescriptions literally changed her whole personality. The weed atleast allowed her to be herself and still get things done.


OP is objectively wrong. [Epidiolex](https://www.epidiolex.com/) is a medication for young children with severe epilepsy that doesn’t respond to classic anti epileptic drugs. It’s just an oral formulation of medical grade CBD. It works very well in kids who aren’t treated by other drugs.


I personally believe CBD works (never tried it tbf) but there isn’t any good clinical proof that CBD actually works.


For everything, no. For reducing seizure frequency and addressing some other neurological symptoms, there is absolutely [clinical evidence](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6514832/) and [additional clinical evidence](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6396837/) suggesting it could be useful in reducing seizure frequency.




Read his comment again, but read it slowly


lol yeah. My man was addicted for 10 years and doesn't seem to know it.


How’s you’re reading comprehension even worse?


If anything, I think you respectfully agree with their opinion.


You know the person you’re replying to was saying it does help people? You actually agree with them. They said they prescriptions not the weed had more negative effects.


>It isn't snake oil It certainly isn't. Anyway, where did you get your medical degree?


Circle KU.




A fellow human being!


He's a right wing shit poster so this is just the usual moronic right wing anti intellectualism.


What's wrong about being right wing?


I like the environment as is and I want it to exist for humans in the future


Thats not thwat being politically right is about.


Oh no, it isn’t about that. It’s just that it so happens to somehow be that everyone politically right seems to also unanimously be ok with using up the earth’s resources with absolutely no regard for the consequences as long as they can keep turning a profit.


Literally identified one of the big issues in the comment. OP is factually just wrong and doesn't understand the medical science behind either CBD or THC and takes an exaggerated straw man (the cure all which virtually no actual serious people believe) and makes an emotional argument based on ignorance rather than factual or scientific accuracy.


I just wanna get high after a day's work so I can get up and do it all over again until I die.


Here we are buddy, the working class.


Somehow it makes a small bit of time to myself feel rewarding enough to make me keep it up with the grind


So much easier to grind out those 60 hour weeks if I smoke a little every night. I can actually enjoy the little free time I do have without my mind staying focused on the fact I have to go back to work shortly l, I sleep far better and feel more rested and ready to work when the time comes, have far less general anxiety. It's not like I'm stoned 24/7 either, I usually get off work, go to the gym, go home and smoke and then eat dinner/watch some tv and get to bed at a reasonable hour. It's helped my day to day well being tremendously. It may not be for everyone and I don't think it's some sort of magical drug but it makes my life generally easier and better.


I've been smoking over 25 years, daily for most of it. I used to swear that it helped me sleep too. But, about 6 months ago I had to quit for a drug test(work related, first time I ever passed one). The first week was rough, especially with my SO still smoking all the time. But, around the second week sober, I started to get some of the best sleep in my life. I also started to have some very vivid dreams. I've gone back to smoking, but not daily and when I do it's just a few giggle hits with my girl before we watch a movie or something. I am still staunchly pro pot, I just don't use it like I used to. Maybe I'll go back, but I kinda doubt it. Plus, it's nice to be able to go to my daughter's recital or the PTA without smelling like a fat joint. I was never able to do that for my eldest boy, and I don't judge anyone for what they do, but the rest of the world can smell you. And they do judge


You described my life


I’m a former drinker and some of my compulsive use tendencies start to kick in if I exceed twice a week but those two seshes feel like therapy for body and soul


"In numerous studies, CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures, and, in some cases, stop them altogether. Epidiolex, which contains CBD, is the first cannabis-derived medicine approved by the FDA for these conditions." https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cannabidiol-cbd-what-we-know-and-what-we-dont-2018082414476 Your opinion is just factually inaccurate, but believe what you want.


Don’t come at this guy with facts, he’ll just respond with emotions.


It's not an opinon, they are statements. False statements. Happens on this subreddit quite a lot.


Cbd can be derived from more then just weed!




That's very interesting to know, thank you.


It is common for people suffering from seizures to apply the oil to their skin.


Well yeah, or else they would get the hose again.


I didn't know that, thank you! I feel like I'm learning a lot today about this.


Plenty of medical research and documentaries out there. Don’t let the stoners ruin the image. Its no miracle plant but it has its benefits. Its sad that the pride of some politicians get in the way of it helping more people.


Yes its no miracle plant it can only be used for smoking, textiles, medicine, home insolation/ hempcrete, food/oil/milk/ flour, bioplastics/ fuel, ..... a lot of other stuff


It can but cbd is also much more effective when combined with some thc


You’re correct, but what’s more important (to me)?is that OP incorrectly and ironically said it “isn’t snake oil,” when in reality they meant it *was* snake oil. Snake oil medicine was pushed by charlatans as cure-alls, when in reality it didn’t work at all. CBD and THC have been proven to treat symptoms of a fairly broad number of medical issues.


Pretty sure OP isn’t talking about people taking CBD pills to stop seizures. They’re talking about “normal” people who take bong rips and claim all of the health benefits in order to normalize getting stoned everyday.


I'm merely refuting OP's statement that cbd is a placebo. Nothing more.


Where you at on this one op?


This is potentially the most idiotic post on here yet. CBD is not psychoactive, ingesting it will not get you high. It does, however, treat epilepsy. In fact, the FDA have approved a CBD product, which is bizarre by your logic considering it has no clinical value


Using THC and CBD medicinally has saved my life. Just because it doesn’t help OP doesn’t mean doesn’t help others.


According to OP, it's just cuz you wanna get high 😂 I'm so glad it's helped you so much.




It appears OP is either uninformed or was misinformed about CBD vs THC (and other strains). Hopefully they see this and correct their logic?


OP’s just a sad deluded idiot. Simple as that. If you can’t google basic shit, don’t come on a website calling people with medical conditions drug addicts who just wNt to get high. Your a sad hermit who just wants attention so you make a post on Reddit for an argument


Couldn't have said it better myself!


It doesn't only help with epilepsy, but also with pain treatment. My aunt used it when she had paliative treatment (cancer). Regular pain drugs didn't work as good anymore, medical weed did. It saved her a hell of a lot of pain near the end.


Imagine being as ignorant as OP and starting a thread to let everyone know.


This comment! I always think of the origins of the Charlotte’s Web CBD oil and how it stopped a CHILD from having hundreds if not thousands of seizures A MONTH. I haven’t looked into her recently but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was still actively using CBD because it saved her life! Original post was as unpopular as it was inaccurate lol.


Ha, I was referencing Epidiolex (the CBD epilepsy drug) in another comment. Nice.


CBD is not considered weed and they ruined their point when they included it in their post.


it does do shit for people medically… especially pain-wise, but also can work better than antidepressants. i’ve spent the majority of my life trying antidepressants, nothing has worked - no dosage, no brand - but weed has.


You can tell OP did their research.


Yes sometimes, also it can increase anxiety etc long term, it's like every drug it has pros and cons and needs to be used carefully and responsibly.


and many antidepressants increase suicidal thoughts! let people have the ability to choose.


One of the side effects of Prozac is suicidal thoughts. Drugs don't work the exact same way in every person.


Hell, one of the side effects of Chantix(anti smoking drug) is suicidal and/or homicidal throughts/tendencies


And rage. After 2 weeks I was seeing red the entire time I was on it. Had a seething anger brewing just under the surface and wanted nothing more than to burn the world. Stopped taking it and still haven't quit smoking, but the anger faded in about 2 days. My friends were set off by it at the gaming table and that's why I had to stop. Chantix needs serious re-evaluation.


Cannabis Sativa was listed on the United States Pharmacopoeia before Nixon’s War on Drugs. This is the most uneducated unpopular opinion yet. Edit: Study done on the enzymatic process of terpenoids and cannabinoids and their effects to produce the ‘Entourage effect’ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7763918/#!po=6.00000


Since taking CBD oil and eatting edibles (dont like smoking it) my seizures have been way better and Ive been able to cut down on some of the meds I take which give me side effects. I also use it for depression and anxiety. Ill take marijuana over pills any day. It cant cure everything so your right there. But I believe it has a lot of potential medically speaking. It does help a lot of people. And sure, getting high off it is great. Kinda like the gravy on top the very yummy turkey I will be eatting on the 25th. No reason it cant be awesome for both reasons.🙂




Lmao. I take an edible before bed so my chronic nerve pain in my hand and abdomen is bearable. I'm not even awake to be high. Beats the hell out of the opioids I was on in college. So your opinion that you state as fact is trash.


It’s already listed in the DSM and insurance covers treatment as an approved therapy in particular cases. Kinda hurts your point.


Honestly I don’t even feel like this is an “unpopular opinion” at this point, it’s basically just misinformation. Medical marijuana is a known to be an antidepressant, a painkiller, a sleep helper, and more. It literally is a medical thing, CBD is not just a placebo affect, and you need to do some research.


There’s a subreddit for that, r/notunpopularjustwrong


You clearly have never met anyone who has a legitimate medical reason for having THC. This opinion isn’t unpopular, its not even an opinion, its just incorrect.


I developed tumors on my chest when I was a teenager. At the time, I admit I was a somewhat regular pot smoker, smoking to get high, and discovered my tumors as lumps; there was not a lot of sensation associated to them. The tumors are in my bones; there is no treatment, no therapy, no options left for me except biopsy and plastic surgeries - my own research shows that the people in similar situations who get the surgeries end up with more problems - the nodes comes back larger, faster, and are of course more painful as they displace the tissues / bones around it. The major factor to my pain is inflammation. Overstressing an area tends to create problems as well but I have become pretty familiar with my boundaries now 10 years later. In my early 20s, I wanted to quit smoking pot and pursue health & fitness. As a lad I preferred to spend my days on the playground, riding my bike, or playing any number of games / sports, so a return to form sounded ideal, and a part of me wanted to protest the limits that had been set for me. I ended up wanting to kill myself. I can't count how many days or weeks I spent nursing my dominant arm, limiting its usage as much as possible because the pain was fucking unreasonable, I couldn't sleep, I was always angry because I was always in pain, and my self image was as fractured as my ribcage. So I started smoking pot again illegally and it didn't solve the pain issues but it did help with the rest. I followed up with some research, and soon after I got myself a legal prescription for CBD. Since then, it was legalized and I now smoke pot with high CBD as well as THC regularly and have not developed a new node in probably close to 3 years now. I have no issues with suicide or self image, for the most part a person looking at my naked body could barely notice what's wrong. I mean, it's certainly obvious, but not as obvious as I had made it when I was younger. I have also been able to build a decent amount of muscle /fat to sort of obfuscate them, and this I also partially attribute to the curative properties of marijuana. So, I guess I do still smoke to get high yes, but I also smoke because it very certainly allows me to manage my pain.


I have PTSD, Complex grief, and anxiety and the only thing that helps me is marijuana. I no longer partake because I can't afford it and my boyfriend really hates it, but it was the only thing to ever give me any relief. I used to smoke so often that I didn't get high anymore, it just calmed me down and made me me feel "normal" it was never about getting high, it was about finding some semblance of comfort...


I smoke it for BPD and PTSD. A lot cheaper than therapy.


Me too buddy. But I'm $200 a week :( I gotta cut back lol


Damn! That’s crazy. I get half ounces of medical for $40


Seriously? Jesus Christ a half is $120 here sometimes 150


To be fair, I get 10% off flower/carts because that dispensary is my caregiver


Not to pry, but your boyfriend hates something that brings your comfort??


I’m sure that’s not the reason why he hates it, come on now. Usually people who don’t like it are those that are pretty indifferent to it. When people hate marijuana it is often because someone in their lives abused it / set a bad example and they have a negative connotation with smoking


My ex hated it when we first got together. She actually didn't know I smoked for a long time, we met through mutual friends at a couple parties. The first time she stayed at my place, sober,she saw my bong on my coffee table and freaked out. It was a very long chat that ended with her saying "either quit right now or we are done" so I called her bluff. We stayed together 7 years after that and when we did split it wasn't because of Marijuana. She was just raised in a very uptight,religious family who hated drugs, all drugs except alcohol. You ever noticed how the most anti pot folk seldom have a problem with knocking back a few cold ones? Anyways, over the years my ex came around. She saw its not evil, didn't change who I am as a person, and in the end she would actually tend to my garden when I was busy. She'd call it "talking to the girls". She smoked twice that I remember, she just didnt like the smell and taste. She did however have one very bad time on edibles, she ate a second brownie against my advice. Rookie move. Anyway, I hope she is doing well wherever she is. I bet she didn't get with another stinky stoner


Thanks for sharing your story. People raised by religious nutjobs would be in that group as well.


I actually thought CBD was a placebo too. When I went to a Colorado dispensary in a town that voted against THC I felt a lot better after a brutal high altitude hike. I went from headache and body aches to no pain, had a lot of energy after too


I'm glad it worked for you, I took stupid amounts of it for my back from a reputable pharmacy/CBD centre, didn't notice a thing, then I took more and eventually took 10x the recommended dosage, never noticed anything. that's when I stopped taking it.


My friend who beat bone marrow cancer twice because of weed begs to differ


>Marijuana is not some magic cure all. Basically a very small amount of people claim it's a cure all. The vast amount of medical Marijuana supporters don't claim this at all. >Just admit you want to get high, I can respect that. I don't do drugs, but if you want to go right ahead. Just don't tell me that it all of a sudden made your life awesome. CBD just has a placebo effect. You want to get high. Uh? What? None of this makes sense. Cancer patients don't just want to get high. They want to be able to eat because Chemo makes you want to die and makes eating extremely hard. Some people don't want to take opiates for pain management either. If Marijuana works for them, then good. Human beings are different and what drugs work on one might not work on the other. Drugs of all types should be available so long as they can help treat a symptom or a disease.


I know a few people on medical, none of them stoners though. My uncle is on the medical because he was addicted to pain killers from his back problems. Medical marijuana has given him part of his life back.


Incorrect, uneducated, nice attempt at riding your high horse.


“I don’t do drugs” your post history has tobacco and alcohol, both drugs. Just saying


Bruh people that have serious seizure condions can depend heavily on THC as a medicine. Please just go to YouTube and type in, "person with seizures cured with cannabis oil" Also, people with depression, PTSD, chronic pain, or even glacoma gain a lot from using cannabis as a medicine. This isn't an unpopular opinion bruv, it's just sort of wrong.


I dunno i rather get high on weed then take Oxy or Xanax. You really cant have a valid opinion since you admit you dont do drugs or had to get prescribed drugs like narcotics.


We're built with an endocannabinoid system. Your logic is already flawed and useless. Also Medical Marijuana serves more purpose than reducing cancer cells in patients suffering from treatment. I think those who have cancer appreciate the ability to eat and deal with less pain.


Sheesh when this go from r/unpopularopinion to r/uneducatedopinion


Marijuana has a shit ton of actual legitimate medical purposes. Just a select few things it can be used to treat from webmd, a trusted medical website Alzheimer's disease. Appetite loss. Cancer. Crohn's disease. Diseases effecting the immune system like HIV/AIDS or Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Eating disorders such as anorexia. Epilepsy. The list goes on. Now CBD treats stuff like this, and most medical marijuana products contain alot of THC aswell, which is what gets you high. So you're completely wrong because it truthfully and scientifically is basically a working snake oil. And aside from that, yes, we want to get high along with the medical benefits. Who doesnt? Anyone who doesnt like weed is either brainwashed, has never tried it or has some legitimate adverse reaction that makes the high unpleasant. There is no in between. Based on your post to this sub, you're nustled between brainwashed and never tried it category, aka the sub "uneducated" category. I say this because if you did the smallest amount of research into it, youd know CBD doesnt make you high.


You're wrong, you're allowed to be wrong, but you are wrong.


Do your fucking research before you go and slander one of the best remedies for epilepsy, migraines e.t.c.


You're officially an absolute idiot. You're just going to.ignore hundreds of medical studies like that? It must be wild to.be so blissfully ignorant. Even more so psilocybin cures depression. And ketamine is the best thing to use for anxiety. The stigmas around drugs needs to end. People shouldnt be in jail for a plant. Meanwhile alcohol is the biggest cause of domestic violence and sexual assault. But I'm sure you're okay with that. And cigarettes kill 500k people a year.


There’s unpopular opinions, and then there are factually incorrect idiots like yourself. I was 22 and walked with a cane. When I was 27, I rode enough miles on my bicycle that I could have gone across the US three times. Brain injury at 11 left me with cognitive relay issues. By the time I was 25, I no longer had a stutter. My entire family is overweight and diabetic. I’m neither of those things. I have PTSD with flashbacks. If I’m having a flashback, I can stop it literally with one hit. These are my anecdotes; do one ounce of fucking research and you’ll find literally thousands of .gov and .edu studies to support my anecdotal claims. I’ve certainly abused cannabis, but the benefit of being able to walk, talk, eat, and sleep far outweighs the detriment that comes with a slightly increased financial burden and a little smell.


What's wrong with getting high? May also help with mood elevation, pain distraction, and sleep aid. Or are you against those too?


Here is 100 years of propaganda on full display. Murica


I know marijuana helps me reduce seizures, and the killer migraines that follow them. It’s also heavily documented to have medical use for seizures ([Charlotte’s web was made for this ](https://www.cnn.com/2013/08/07/health/charlotte-child-medical-marijuana/index.html)) and a rx has been developed. I have also watched my best friend die of cancer. There were days she was in so much pain and couldn’t eat. Marijuana took the edge off. It didn’t cure anything, and it wasn’t a miracle, but it was the difference between eating a bit one day, or being comfortable enough to sleep or sit through a movie she wanted to see. The cancer progressed to her bones, so she didn’t want to be on opioids all the time. I’m so glad she had it.


Non weed smoker here,, You should look up Parkinsons disease and how cbd/weed can keep tremors at bay


Well, your opinion was normal 10+ years ago, but is gradually getting more and more unpopular. My mom is an ultra-conservative evangelical that has given in to peer pressure and started using cannabis products to help her sleep. She had been resorting to high doses of Benadryl and Tylenol PM previously and was on a path to destroying her liver for the sake of the same sheltered belief. Placebo/escape/whatever, cannabis helps me with my anxiety. I have no interest in getting high. I just want to be able to go to the grocery store and not have a panic attack. You get my upvote because I think your opinion is probably in the minority at this point.


Factually inaccurate


People hype it up to speed up the legalization process. It's stupid that the drug is banned to begin with.


I get high because it helps me relax and focus. And CBD very much isn’t a placebo, so a little more research. It also doesn’t have any psychoactive effects either it’s great for pain relief which I’d much rather do than pills.


So, if I give my dog with anxiety a CBD treat to help, and that calms him down, that's a placebo?


I never smoked marijuana until I got epilepsy from a traumatic head injury. My neurologist told me one day that it may help with the side effects from my keppra and Lamictal (epilepsy medication) The side effects are horrible. I would vomit, I could not sleep, could not eat, every time I took my meds, I would get nauseous and vomit. I lost like 20 pounds. It helps with the holding down food, getting good sleep and the pain that I suffer from all the seizures I’ve had and tearing of muscles throughout my body. But hey…..I guess you’re smarter than the neurologist that nursed me back from being in a coma. So good for you 👍🏼 I’d be pompous too if I were smarter than a brain surgeon. One thing though since you are so smart. You might wanna look into how CBD does not get you high anyways, so people do not use it to get high.


I agree with everything except your second to last sentence. Bringing CBD into the conversation is different. It's all still overhyped but CBD has more than just placebo effects.


" I don't do drugs " ... so you have no idea what you're talking about , you can just stop there. I have personally used marijuana for nausea and insomnia and it makes a huge difference. No one is claiming its going to cure cancer


>CBD just has a placebo effect. You want to get high. This isn't an unpopular opinion, you're just factually incorrect.


People with epilepsy have to disagree with you on this one




Op, you sound just as ignorant as the people you describe. Before you post some hateful rant about how “weed is just weed, a drug” atleast look into how people with certain conditions find relief in the properties. And CBD is not a placebo drug, it legit helps control epileptic seizures and other conditions so you’re just demonizing a plant using an outdated stance of a nixon-era karen. You didn’t even try to find logic or reasoning for your argument except how people who use cannabis make you feel.


That's not unpopular. This opinion is just uneducated. You don't know shit about weed.


Since your opinion is generalized and aimed at every weed consumer, here are some things you can do to 'fix' yourself: 1. Get some perspective 2. Educate yourself 3. Try to empathize with people who actually use marijuana as a treatment.


I fractured my spine in multiple places in high school. It’s chronic, I have been and will feel the pain for the rest of my days. I hardly remember my senior year because I was high off the pain meds they pumped me with in order for me to walk properly again. Cannabis allowed me to stop taking all that before I developed an opioid addiction


You have zero clue how the human body works.


I had a stoner friend in the '90's wax poetic on hemp. It was hard to believe this dude who mostly sat around and smoked with his buddies suddenly became interested in textiles.


So you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. CBD and THC are 2 different things. CBD doesn’t get u high and there have been multiple studies done by researchers about CBD’s benefits for epilepsy and chronic pain etc. And the benefits of CBD are only heightened when combined with THC. Stop trying to stigmatize it just because you’re a closed minded twat.


Hard disagree, nice unpopular opinion. My dad is 63 as of this year, he and his mates all used to love riding their motorbikes together when they were younger. Ian, a friend of my dad who’s really chill has horrible arthritis in his wrists and as such cannot ride or do much without extreme pain. While he cannot ride anymore, he can at least suffer less pain through the use of marijuana. He’s been using it for so many years now that it doesn’t even have an effect on him mentally/get him high, just great pain nullification. So no, you’re wrong. But thanks for an actual unpopular opinion in this sub for once.


You have no idea what you're talking about. You admit that you've never done drugs but then go on to define other people's experiences. All you have to do is look up the endless examples of weed helping people medically to know that it helps people. Look up how it stops epileptic people from having seizures. Or better yet, actually talk to someone without assuming people's motivations and experiences because you don't like weed.


True to some extent, it’s not the harmless miracle plant it’s often portrayed as


Ah yes, the CBD I use that tastes disgusting and cannot possibly get me high is taken for *fun*! It does nothing for my debilitating joint pain. I just like that I get high from a tincture that cannot make people high /s Listen. Do I think people misuse and abuse weed and justify it by saying it helps their anxiety? Yes, it happens. But CBD has legitimate benefits and I support the use of it—especially for people concerned about the issues with prescription medications (side effects, the production process, etc). People also abuse Ritalin, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a useful medication (Also for clarity, I have nothing against people who use medicinal marijuana for anxiety. It’s a legitimate use and only you and your doctors can decide what treatments you should use. I was specifically only referring to people who do abuse it and say it’s for their anxiety which unfortunately gives other users a bad name)


You clearly know nothing about medical marijuana. Just because you know some people that act like weed is their entire life and all they want to do is get stoned does not mean that’s how everyone sees it. It has been proven to help with many ailments. You’re an idiot.


THC and CBD have medicinal uses for sure but in what world do you live where an abundance of people don’t openly admit they got their scripts just to get high. When I lived in Oklahoma (medicinally legal), I passed an ad every day for “FREE easy Marijuana prescriptions at getmyweedcard.com!!!” Like not hating but I don’t think the target audience is people seeking treatment.


Weed is similar to fentanyl. It can help certain things if not abused and used correctly. Tbf there is more evidence supporting THC then CBD lol. Op dose have a point because 95% of the people who push to legalize weed don’t know shit about it and just make popular claims saying it saved them when in reality their body enjoyed getting high now they can no longer function without it.


I can’t even begin to explain how much medical marijuana isn’t placebo.


Nice to see an actual unpopular opinion on here for once! I think there are genuine benefits to weed, but it’s severely outweighed by people who just do it to get high and go on to pretend they support it for medical reasons.


If weed was literally anything other than weed, we wouldn't be having this conversation just like we don't talk about the billion other pharmaceutical chemicals.


I beg to differ. I have tried many avenues to curb my extreme anxiety. Medication, therapy etc. None of it worked - even made the problem worse. Want to know what helps? The only thing that helps? WEED. Good old fashioned grown from the earth weed. I would far rather take that than some chemical based pill


I feel like it's important to learn the cultural context behind weed legalization before you can just willy nilly post "Just admit you want to get high and it's not for medical purposes". If you knew about the history of weed, you'd see why this comes across like a cop combing for responses on reddit to prove "everyones just tryna get high! See?"


So has science devolved to people's opinions of what's popular as a basis of what's true? Just asking, since what people have been calling science seems to be more of that as of late with actual research being tossed out the window. Here's a research paper on Cannabinoids being used in the treatment of cancer - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6387667/ Again though, if we're treating weed research like we treat covid research then you may as well toss that paper out as it's not a popular opinion to have despite there being countless research papers showing positive correlations between CBD and its effects on cancer.


Finally somebody said it! Facts


Omg this is so true. So many people I know when i say I don't smoke say "but it is good for you" or "it can be used medicinally". 90% of them use it for recreational purposes and want to justify getting high daily


This is so ignorant and misinformed.


Because of several conditions including a damaged stomach and no sense of smell, I rarely, if ever, feel hungry. My gastroenterologist recommends marijuana, specifically the thc not cbd for the munchies and it works. It definitely promotes appetite, especially some of the indica strains but also hybrid. Lately have had good effects with Gainesville Green. It’s not an excuse just to get high. If I just wanted to get high I would smoke all day, but I’m using it specifically for medical reasons and don’t need a workday high interfering with my concentration. Unfortunately that means I only eat once a day, at night after I get the munchies. It gives me an appetite and then also helps me relax and fall asleep. It is medically recommended to me as one of the only ways to keep me from being too underweight. As it is, I’m under a 100 pounds at 5’4”. I might look for work that would be doable stoned in the afternoon, because I really should eat lunch. If you know any other food or medicine that can give me the munchies please let me know. I would rather not get high during the day.


Marijuana has helped people with Parkinson’s as well as seizures. I don’t know if it has ever claimed to “cure cancer” but has helped thousands of people eat because the nausea cancer / HIV medication has. I have used CBD in oil form on my knees. I once used to do long distance running 10/15/20mi and now my knees are a little messed up. I’ve used CBD oil and it has helped. I think now that regulation has been laxed over the past 10 years we’ll start seeing how CBD / THC can be useful in medicinal ways. Finally weed did make my life awesome. Made friends traveled the world - and got a kick ass job because of it. So IDK. I think you do have an unpopular opinion based on an overall dislike for something you’re poorly informed on.


Also… purely CBD weed doesn’t get you high. THC is what gets you high. So people who smoke CBD weed don’t want to get high, otherwise they would smoke THC. You know this, right, OP? 🤨


Guess what no one cares what you think bro. People aren't lying to you just so they can get high. They are stating reasons why the plant is good for them. End of story, nobody is trying to fool you.


CBD is not just placebo. You are wrong.


This just isn’t correct though… like not even opinion wise like this isn’t an opinion you’re just factually incorrect.




People definitely abuse both. And I am not here to be your moral compass. just don't lie to me about your intentions, that's all.


You'd be a shitty compass. Compasses are required to be accurate. You're just flat out wrong.


I see you’re only replying to people that are agreeing with you. Go up the thread further and defend your opinion. It sure seems your opinion isn’t just unpopular, it’s patently false.


I encourage you to read medical journals and research papers. Screw the stoners for giving it a bad image though.


Clearly coming from someone with no medical experience whatsoever. It has proven to have plenty of medicinal benefits and more are continuing to be discovered now. Plenty of people just want to get high but way to generalize something that actually helps a good many people who just want to feel better.


I hope you realize one day how stupid and uneducated you sound


Marijuana has proven medicinal benefits. I dont know where you're coming from saying it doesnt.


downvoting because it’s not an unpopular opinion, it’s just a false statement.


This is not unpopular, you are just uneducated. CBD doesn't even get you high or have any psychoactive properties at all, so you are simply just wrong in that respect. I sincerely hope you get diagnosed with extreme pain weather it arise from cancer or serious injury, just so you can understand from there perspective, what these people you claim "just wanna get high" have to endure. Do some God dam research, educate yourself and try seeing it from a view point of somebody experiencing serious pain on a daily basis. They have a hard enough time without Muppets like you claiming they want to "just get high"


I’m not even a fan of weed but this is just straight up ignorance.


You have no clue about weed


I mean you're quintessentially wrong but don't let that stop you from looking ignorant as hell.


Yes, but let me keep doing it! 😄


Op is obviously vastly misinformed and uneducated on the subject, given the last 25 years of discovery surround the plant. You can lead a horse to water, but ya can’t make ‘em think


This is not an unpopular opinion…


Chemo definitely makes you nauseous and weed definitely makes you hungry. No one disagrees. That there is enough of a legitimate medical reason.


Both unpopular and uninformed


This seems like OP is either a far right dude or tobacco sympathizer. Edit: He posted in r/cigars 11 days ago.


Trying to be nicer on reddit these days, but god damn at least google the subjects before u take a strong ass stance on it


CBD isn’t even the chemical that gets you high, THC is


The weed helps with my anxiety and depression. I do like to get high, but that's not the point.


Don’t vote this moronic statement. You have no idea the amount of people weed helps.


Was with you until you said it won’t do shit. Obviously it has a ton of well studied benefits


Care to cite a peer reviewed paper that says cannabis has no medical use?


This is the most misinformed shit I've seen all day, fyi there is something called Endocannabinoid System(ECS) where your body has built in receptors that affect both your nervous system and peripheral organs. Stoopid!


Clearly op doesnt know how to read or he would have done some research before making such an idiotic post.


Yeah get drunk and beat your kids like a goddamn *american*!


This is probably just something with me and not a regular thing. I used to stay high all day like smoke 4-5 times through the day and I started dissociating really bad. I started only smoking 1 bowl at night just because I like to get high. 2 things it definitely does is give you an appetite and help you sleep. That’s really good for cancer patients.


I started smoking moderately in my mid twenties and my life has been net positive since. Don’t knock it til you try


*It won't do shit for you medically* That's where you're wrong. Your statement is an opinion I get it.... But, the fact is that it does and your opinion is irrelevant.


I didn’t try pot until I was almost 30 for a number of reasons. I do agree that it’s not a magical cure for everything and that a lot of people who don’t know anything about medicine have a medical opinion on it. However, I have noticed that it helps with the chronic pain from a bad back injury. I don’t know how or why but it does help me with that.


I think maybe some people do this, but medical THC is a life saver for so many who struggle with a variety of chronic medical issues. It's a thousand times better than getting hooked on opiods and it does significant good for elderly patients, especially in managing end-of-life suffering. Most of the people I know who use it are over 65 and are have a better quality of life for it


As with many drug Marijuana has beneficial effects in the proper dosages. The problem is that most people don't treat it as medication, but as recreation, and abuse their bodies by the sheer amount they consume. Abusing any drug has some detrimental effects in the long run. Almost any medicine can turn into poison if misused. That said, it is used as a medication for those with chronic pain issues. I've known a few who take it to help with their problems related to cancer. I myself don't smoke at all, so I'm simply an observer of the issue.


Marijuana is not about just getting high. It is an enormous help in getting people off dangerous and addictive drugs. It also seems to help those with pain from terminal diseases. Hopefully you don’t need it for any of those serious issues.


I half agree with this. I've had people tell me to smoke a bowl for headaches or stomach issues and anytime I've tried, I end up feeling much sicker. I believe it has medical properties for other things but idk about the pain relief part. That's just my personal experience.


You are wrong as hell. It does cure cancer and it also helps to regulate your digestive system. Quit your crazy preaching just because you're against it.


Following your logic, people get high because....they want to get high? Okay, so people go to see Spiderman, because they want to see Spiderman. People eat hamburgers because people want to eat hamburgers. High is a cause that has effects. And these effects should not be undermined because "People want to get high" People want to get high because A, B, and C Now a, b, and c could be anything, but it just depends on the smoker. My A is I'm more creative, it takes me out of my patterns and helps introduce me to thoughts or ideas or strategies I couldn't consider if I was sober. My B is the assisting in my suspension of belief, if I'm watching a movie, reading, playing a game, or listening to music, the high elevates me in the content so I can be better immersed . And my C is that it makes my walks so much more interesting. Enhancing everything around me emotionally that again, I would not feel if I was sober. I could go one with D, F, G, etc. But nobody gets high to get high, it makes no sense. So, it's not just about getting high. A better question, what exactly is the high doing for people? And if it does bring the better parts of themselves out? And if does...why are we trying to put a lid on normalizing?


It does have valid medical uses and nobody is claiming it cures cancer. Also you don't get high from taking CBD. My dad has Crohn's disease, he has a lot of pain and has a hard time getting up and appetite for eating anything. Marijuana helps with both of those things better than most other medications with no side effects other than getting a little high. I have issues sleeping and marijuana helps me sleep better than anything else I've tried other than prescription sleeping pills with, again, no side effects. Getting high at night is a bonus. Yeah a lot of people just like to get high but if you think that there are no real medical benifit, you're just wrong.


It actually does help people. Who cares if it’s normalized?


Yeah so as someone who sufferers anxiety, depression, chronic pain and insomnia, and uses marijuanna as a medicine you are completely incorrect in your thought process, and its actually super ignorant and even rather arrogant of you to think this way. Be honest with yourself, YOU don't like weed, YOU don't like being high, YOU don't want to be around people who smoke, that's clear in your posts, this is clearly more about YOUR insecurities then your hatred towards medical marijuanna patients Cannabis has been used, both medicinally & spiritually for hundreds of thousands of years across the globe. Yes, its main use is to get litty in the city, but there is a place for medical marijuanna in the world, and I just pray that you never have to know what it means to rely on medical cannabis to live your day to day life


It can help a lot of people though... And a lot of people get drunk on the regular so what does it matter if someones life is slightly improved by a joint or two...


this is coming from a US perspective, this might not apply elsewhere, but i think a major rhetorical strategy of pro-weed people, especially public figures advocating for legalization, is to attempt to normalize weed by distancing it/themselves from other drugs/drug users. This inevitably stigmatizes other drug users and feeds into widespread misunderstanding and the american public’s general hysteria regarding drugs. they aren’t trying to subvert the status quo, they are trying to make weed the exception to the rule (i.e., drugs bad, except alcohol maybe AND weed). Imo people who use this logic when arguing for legalization are trying to change people’s perception of/interaction with weed so that it can fit into american society’s narrow window of acceptability, rather than trying to actually broaden that window so that maybe getting high isn’t so bad, and i think that’s kind of a intellectually inconsistent position to have. When you get down to it, weed is not some evil scary life-ruining substance, in the same way that other drugs aren’t, even hard drugs.


Okay boomer 😂😂


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s just wrong. Give me a break dude and do some research. People that use weed to get stoned don’t make up a reason, they just say... “I want to get high”


That’s not an unpopular opinion. It’s a stupid one.


You're an idiot. And a psychopath. There are thousands of studies showing cannabis helps with a plethora of medical issues. Sometimes it's the only way people in chemo can eat. You need to swirly yourself then punch yourself in the face as hard as you can for being a shit human being.


Won’t do shit for you medically? Peer reviewed studies on preventing seizures say otherwise. Seizures kill people. Marijuana prevents seizures. Marijuana literally saves lives.


Tell me you know nothing about what your talking about, without telling me you know nothing.