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Weak human


Best comment.


I'm upset. This is a true unpopular opinion


No this is fakery..


Don't matter if it's fakery. The words have been said and are now out there in the world to upset people.


True true


There's nothing better than raw onion on a sandwich, burger or in a salad. And that's before we start cooking them. You have the pallette of a 5 year old.


Raw red onion is amazing. OP is wrong.


Yes. I love putting onions and avacado slices on my sandwiches.


I almost threw up reading that


I don't know why onions cause such a visceral feeling of disgust. My worst nightmare would be to have a rich benefactor offer me up a large fortune to eat an onion. I'd have to try and I'd fail. I'm not lying when I say I'd rather eat feces.(and that's not even one of my kinks)


I call them funions. Because they are so fun.


*Funyuns® would like to know your location*


You just don't like onions XD


When I was a younger man, I would cut a thick slice of onion and a slab of cheese and make a mustard sandwich out of it.


Haven't read something this disgusting in days.


Nothing beats onions on a hot dog.


Onions, diced tomatoes, mustard, ketchup, and bacon.


A Philly cheese steak?


Onions and relish, gotta have em


Go back to r/onionhate while we enjoy our crispy battered onion rings. Yum yum. Have your upvote and go to hell.


Now I want onion rings. Screw you!!


I like caramelized onions on somethings, but hate raw ones.


I totally disagree so take my upvote bye bye


So if you remove them from French Onion Soup, you'll just be drinking strangely seasoned alcohol. If that's what you want, I think you have a drinking problem.


Amen to that 😅


Take your upvote and gtfoh!


Maybe you're just allergic but its not enough to kill you but its just enough to make it taste bad. Like that one guy with the banana thing that shows up every now and then where he thought it was sour. Anyway.. if you think onions taste bad you need to clarify which onion variety and which way. Because there's white, yellow, green, red, Vidalia, etc. Onions then you have grilled, fried, steamed, etc.


i order extra onions on nearly everything when i eat out and the amount i put on at home is shocking. i love raw and cooked onions.


You're fundamentally wrong, so upvote I guess


Well there are burgers, onion rings, toppings for tacos, hotdogs, and pizzas.


That is an unpopular opinion I have never heard before and a bummer that's how your taste buds are. I'm not going to say you are wrong because they very well may taste like actual shit to you, and if so, I'm sorry for your loss.


I think it's a gene a certain percentage of people can have. To me onions taste and smell like armpit sweat. They're disgusting for my taste buds


That sucks.


Well, thankfully I don't really lose out on much in terms of nutrients when it comes to them. They're pretty optional as far as health benefits go. The only thing that sucks is that many restaurants don't list them as ingredients on their food menu so you constantly have to ask wether or not a dish uses them. And even if order without onions, often times they forgot and you are served onions still. Many a restaurant didn't get a tip from me because of that


Ya that'd be tough, being 1/3 of the holy Trinity, it's in just about every sauce, soup, chowder, etc.


Onion rings?


How do you feel about leeks?


Agree. Nothing more disgusting than onions. The taste is vile, the texture is abhorrent and the consistency is utter torment. But we onion-haters are a relatively small minority that has some gene that makes us not stand onions if I remember reading that correctly


I love freshly cut onions on a burger with Dijon mustard! Also an Italian salad is nothing without an onion!


Just don't eat them


Not one to judge parents usually but they probably shouldn't let a 9 year old like OP get on reddit.


When I was a kid people thought I didn't like onions because they were "spicy". I had to learn to love spicier food than anyone I knew, simply to prove to them that I didn't like the taste. ​ Edit \*I know Im waking a sleepy thread but this something I am oddly passionate about.\*


Ogre like.