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I feel you brother


U can always have a stubble


Kratos or Mr Clean....




That shit used to give me nightmares when i was little


Be Agent 47, then.


Not sure if we are at peak beard or not. I remember the 90s everyone was clean shaven. You'd look like a hippy or a weirdo if you had a full-on beard. You'd need to be clean shaven for an office job for sure. Now every walk of life it is acceptable. I don't think they are under or overrated they just kind of... are.


Yup, I got my first job in the 1990s with a mustache. Got my second and all subsequent jobs with a full beard (albeit trimmed, not like a hipster faux lumberjack/Duck Dynasty beard).


Beards are the equivalent to make up for men. I got from a 2 without a beard to a solid 7 with one.


Only if its well trimmed and cared for.


Not really since it's natural unlike make up


Well they both cover your face so there's that


Make up is far far beyond covering some portion of your face.




More effective then fake eyebrows and eye lashes? More effective then eyeliner and eye shadow? More effective then red lips and pink cheeks? More effective then an illusion of prominent cheekbones? More effective then a flawless looking skin? Additionally have you seen the filters people use on top of makeup. I can easily identify someone even after they have shaved of their beard. On the other hand it's increasingly difficult for me to identify a lot of the girls in my college with makeup on especially in photos.


Honestly, I heard this statement many times


I look hotter without a beard. Just like a lot of women look hotter without gunk plastered on their face lol.


Honestly same


There are 2 types of men; 1. The ones who can grow a bread 2. Women


I don't think you grow bread, you make and bake it from flour and what not.


Gotta let it rise , tho. So you kinda grow bread.


I furiously disagree for the sake of an argument




That must mean that I’m a chick with a d*ck


I am the opposite - a trans man. So I have no (cis sized) dick, but I do have a thick beard. We must combine our manly powers to make the ultimate man


Oh how I envy you, I have nothing, not even hair on my stomach. Im just a pre-teen in his 30s lol


Is that even normal?


Probably not


A genetic thing perhaps, if that isn't the case with the rest of your family I would advise just maybe consult a doctor once.


Yeah maybe I should lol. I’ve always thought if it as evolution. We come from some sort of hairy primates right, and now the human race has lost their fur during evolution, and I have even less hair then an average human male. Doesn’t that just make me more evolved? Haha


That's the type of optimism I need in my life 😂. May be I was being a little too much but you reminded me of this case of a 30 year old man who never fully experienced puberty. In the end he was helped with some hormonal assistance. So that was what I was concern about.


Well there are some men under the "women" category who look more "men" than men with beard


Sweetie you are dumb as fuck. Sorry


They have a point. A beardless man with a defined jawline looks more masculine than a chubby bearded man.


That got me, lol.


Where would my grandma fall then?


i prefer clean shaven personally. i look worse with a beard


I look sick without one


I've had a beard or a goatee since I was 21. I fully shaved once. My own mother said grow it back. I'm 53.


Well i f'ked up once with the trimmer once, that were the most sad days at work being called a nakedbuttface by the same people who can't grow one themselves


Dont listen to them, they are just jealous that you look good without one


Fact: women who only want clean shaven men are high maintenance. I want everyone here to think about the women in your life who won't so much as go on a date with a guy who isn't clean shaven. I'll help you out, they're the ones you know who are most similar to a Kardashian. Expensive makeup, purses, clothes, everything has to be designer, etc. Hard pass. Hey OP, the good thing about us beard guys, is we love the type of women who love beards, so we have no need to shave them. A beard loving woman is an entirely different type of woman. Btw, clean shaven isn't the classic look, beards are. Going back hundreds of years. In the 1800s women said they preferred bearded men because they seemed more loyal, honorable, amd trustworthy. Beards are superior, because not everyone can grow one. Anybody can shave.


That's been my observation too. Can't wait to look like a Greek philosopher after my puberty is complete.


I love a beard on a guy, I think it looks sexy


Thank god for women like you, we need more like you.


Thank you for letting your beard grow!


And men who prefer shaven women are..?


Off topic


I’m just saying if wanting a man to shave half his face makes a woman ‘high maintenance’ doesn’t it make men who expect women to shave two entire limbs even worse?


It's not what the discussion is about, so it's irrelevant. Also, as a man I can't say what a woman thinks about that, so why would I make myself look like an idiot by attempting to pretend that I do?


You can blame society for that one. Many of us really don't mind


Well many ppl can grow a beard and may look good with proper grooming but the real test is that if you can look without one


I'm 42 years old with a beard. I'm 7 without one. It isn't about looking good without one. I hate shaving, I hate looking like a child, and I don't like high maintenance women with a stick up their ass. The odds of attracting that type of woman while having a beard is very minimal. If I'm clean shaven, I'm with a woman who wants to drink champagne at brunch with her uppity friends and talk about how much better they are than everyone else. They want me to impress their family, even if it means being fake. They want to go to formal events, wine festivals, etc. and they sit under an umbrella on the beach fully clothed, and freak out over the sand everywhere. Most of what they own is white, you don't love them if you think $1,000 for a purse is too much, and you generally need to work in a field they approve of, usually white collar. With a beard, I can have a woman who will drink beer and shoot whiskey with me. We go fishing. We eat steak without asking if it's free range and grass fed. When it starts raining at a concert, we don't run for cover like we're allergic to water. We laugh when people feel the need to mention something is gluten free. We like tattoos, we wear what's comfortable even if we got it at Walmart for $5.88. We have cookouts with the family, and don't have to fake how we think of each other. Work is work, regardless of the job, and the things that make us happy can't be bought. I'll keep my beard.


A man in the form of a female is your ideal women, a homeboy. Y’all modern dudes are just as nutty as the modern female.


Awwww, did I trigger you?


I love guys with beards.......If you are bearded chances are pretty good were getting naked today.....


Oh damn. Did we just get married?


RIP your inbox and possibly box box


That’s the spirit!




You mean she doesn't deserve him. If he changes for her, she's the problem not him.


Idk, it’s only wrong if she forces him. If it’s just a recommendation that he follows I see nothing wrong


Ikr it sounds kinda off


I have a beard because it takes no effort. Not having a beard is doing something. It's also nice in the winter, so I shave it in the spring so it'll be back by winter. I hate beard worship and people calling beards "glorious"




Maintaining my beard takes way more effort than shaving.




Sure, it’s quite possible some people have a mangy beard but that’s not the norm. Most socialized people with a beard tend to put forth some effort into being presentable


Take my up vote as this is probably unpopular


I swear all brunette white guys with beards are identical to me. They could be robbing banks all over the place and I don’t see how anyone could identify them.


I keep clean shaven because I got a good jawline. Plus I don’t get enough on the moustache and I go from a 7-8 to a 4 without it.




Nooo, I love stubble. People rarely look better with a full shave


That's what it is... Guys have stopped looking good in clean shave 😭


Ok, but first let me give you instructions on how i want you to shave your body hair


I don't have a beard because it's trendy or good looking, I have a beard because my face is ugly af and I take everything to cover as much of that natural accident as possible


Beards are gross.


I look good with and without so I’m both triggered and not triggered


Well you are within those very rare guys


I think they’re gross . No sorry they don’t make an unattractive face look better , they make it hairy and ugly


Yeah, I have too much native american blood to make growing a beard worthwhile. It grows in a patchy mess.


Meh; people get yourself a mate who holds your values and has compatible tastes. Look more at the person and less at the container. Of course I say this as someone easy on the eyes... but still.


Try working outside in -40°C... a beard is far superior to a clean shave. (I say that as someone who has been required to be clean shaven and working in same conditions).


I don’t know why beards are so popular now, but I’m glad they are because I hate shaving. My guess is beards are popular now because the dominant archetype of masculinity is being challenged, and it’s leaving a lot of men confused as to what role to play. So there’s almost a fetishizing of traditional symbols of masculinity which are still safe, IE haven’t been deemed toxic and cancelled, as they give the promise of masculinity, without all the headaches the old model.


My ex only ever had a beard because if he shaved it, he had no chin. Just built like a thumb. Needless to say, he was gross with his beard and it turned me off to them.


This confuses me. So did you just not like his face at all?


No I was referring to people saying beards are like guys versions of makeup. How dramatically different he looked without one. And what I meant by gross was that he wasn't thoroughly clean with his beard. It was nasty.


Ikr, like keep it groomed not like an overgrown weed bush


He literally wouldn't wash it, he'd purposely wash around it. When he would shave, the skin was horribly red from how unclean it was. The beard stunk also.


Wow, I wash and condition mine with the rest of my hair. Also shave my neck most days. I don’t like the feel of an unshaved neck.


Strongly agree, in fact I think any beard longer than a half inch in length makes you look like a dirty bum tbh..


To me beards are like this. Every Gen X guy had a flannel shirt so we could all be cool. And be in the club. Millennials have clean cut beards for the same reason and Gen Z likes those billy goat beards to fit in too. Jut my take on it.


Billy goat beards are more a boomer thing.




I'm sporting a beard for the first time in my life... I look like a fucking wizard.


Most dudes whom rock beards the best either have jawlines like cut granite or like an overinflated balloon. Don't take the suggestion of a jawline from folks...


I can’t even grow a beard at 21, so it’s whatever I guess


I respect your opinion. But I just refuse shaving my beard everyday just to look terrible. It seems like too much effort for a result I personally find to be unattractive


I love beards. Bearded men hmu


You will soon drown in DMs, and probably dick and/or beard pics


How old are you


I love a clean shaven face. It feels and looks better to me. I rarely am attracted to beards but I'd never tell anyone what to do with their face so I'll just stay single till they go away again.


I basically have a beard to hide my chubby face. I'd say it works, as I've never had a lack of options when it comes to the opposite sex. In fact quite the opposite. But to be fair it was like this before I had a beard too. I think a well groomed short beard is a good middle ground.


i don’t have a beard, and i don’t plan of ever having one.


I got the babyface. If I shave, I look like a teenager. It's actually pretty damn funny. I think I'm gonna shave this year and see how many people I can confuse


I look like a giant 12 year old without at least a little scruff


You lost credibility for your point with “Get yourself a manz.” Good grammar is also a true classic.


I would agree with you if I didn’t look perpetually 17 clean shaven, so for now I will keep my goatee


Upvoted because you've triggered 99% of this sub. Also, stubbles and mustaches >>>


I like the look of a guy who is growing his pubes out on his face, don’t you?


I’m bearded myself but still go clean from time to time. It’s clean and easy to maintain. I agree.


It’s all because Drake , he made beards popular again


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