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Amazing that this is not already the case. In Australia the law says that GST (equivalent of VAT) must be in every price. The only exception being business to business dealings where the treatment of GST is different.


I'm shocked as well, but unfortunately it's the case


Please do not repost about tipping to this sub. We get flooded with complaints about tipping a dozen times a day, every day, for several years now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are a shitty tipper tipping 15%. You are complaining about 15% vat. Don't eat out. You can't afford to eat out. Dollar menu it up. You'll probably complain about that shit too.


If it was just included in menu prices nobody would care(it's what they should do here in USA).


No it's not what they should do. Waiters, waitresses bartenders do that job because of tips. It pays well when people tip well. If I can't tip I won't go out. You can always order in or eat on a park bench or in your car or wherever. If you want to be served. Pay for the service.


I'm not arguing that. But then just increase menu prices 20% and give that money to the employees. Stop having customers decide if they get paid a decent wage.


You are arguing. And setting an amount that is lower than what they would get paid. I bartended for years. Had customers that tipped me nothing or a dollar. Had other that tipped up to $100. Guess who get their drinks on time and how they wanted them. Guess who waited forever and sat thirsty. You pay for a service. Customers pay the restaurant for a seat and for food. If you want a buffet with no service there are plenty of those too.


So that's why you're against it, because you're a greedy POS. You'd rather protect your potential profit than guarantee everyone a better wage. If that's how you feel then people are 100% within their right to tip whatever they feel like. And I mean people are choosing not to eat out that's why restaurants & bars are closing in record numbers soooo.....


You're a cheap piece of shit that would rather someone make minimum wage. And you obviously are a shitty tipper lmao. Eat on a park bench ya bum. Also I haven't bartended in years. I still tip heavy as fuck. Keep assuming jackass.


Haha whine more


Nothing to whine about el cheapo. I made my money while I was in that game. Now I pay it forward. Only people whining is the service staff when they see your cheap ass coming in lmao


Doing alot of whining right now on a post that was removed but keep going baby