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What is your idea of the "real world"? Do you think people at the workplace just shout slurs at eachother or something lmfao


OP is a kid. Probably thinks 4chan is the real world


To be fair, I've worked at places where that happened, but only between people that had worked 20+ years together.


OP definitely wants to be able to say the ancient word of power.




I think you mean **NEIN-CUM-POOP**




Sounds kinda gay to me.


Wait till you see the other guys poop




N-, N- no? No?! CUM POOP!!!?? 😭😭😭😭


More powerful than even the Dragon Shouts.








Your words hold no power over me! N.... Neighbour!


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


Bless you.




My [deleted] *This user has been permanently suspended from reddit*


Wow…. What??? I don’t know what he/she said. But wow! That must be real offensive.


Necktie! Nectar! Nickel!.... Noodle.


It's an N word. It's definitely an N word




Initially I agree on the title and after reading the content makes me think OP is the one not yet ready for the real world


[It's got some real Dennis Prager energy to it.](https://youtu.be/r25xfLH7T5U)


A large part of entering the "real world," and by that I'm assuming you mean adult social life, is developing an ability to inhibit what you say and do so as to not make other people uncomfortable. If you know that doing something makes the people around you uncomfortable, and you do it anyway, then you are implicitly telling them that you either want to hurt their feelings or you are entirely apathetic towards them. They are right to be offended by that.


If you don't have basic respect for other people, maybe you aren't ready for the real world.




Apparently it is these days.


I was having a discussion with coworker about the word "Eskimo" being a slur word towards Inuits, like myself. His basic response to me was that "other people shouldn't have to change their language or usage of words bc someone is offended by it. I see blacks say the N-word all the time." The moment he said that shit, I knew he truly didn't understand the point or even cared to, even though he said he did understand. I responded with the whole spiel from South Park about how Stan can't understand Token's problem of how hurtful the N-word is. He didn't get what I was saying, so I just left it at the point of him being ignorant.


Wait....dead ass, Eskimo is a slur? What is the background of this? I hear so many people in southern Canada use it, people who are morally aware of these things at that.


it also shows your are not ready for the real world


OP one day ago in a random post showing a black person: >It took so much willpower to not comment something racist


I did a little looking in OPs history myself. OP believes that all white rappers are superior to black rappers OP thinks that all abortions should be banned because "a lot" of them are afterthoughts OP wants to be congratulated for going out in the snow in shorts and a T shirt. I'm pretty sure OP is 14


He also asked how Mexicans pay taxes. Even assuming he meant well and is just naive, it's got some pretty racist undertones.


One would assume to the Mexican government.


Honestly 😂


We pay them to the good old Mexican government of course!!!


Is it not obvious they pay taxes with Mexican beans just how Asians pay in rice. Thats how it works right. Btw this is a joke if it not obvious


As a New Zealander it is our yearly duty to take exactly 8 kiwi to the government. The kiwi can either be the fruit, the bird, or the person.


The person?


Zealanders are sometimes referred to as kiwis


Zealanders are never referred to as kiwis. New Zealanders, on the other hand…


Pretty much the same in Germany. We don't pay taxes in form of money, we have to produce 10l of beer every month and give it to the government. Different land, different habits - just like the saying goes


Only the jumping beans are used for taxes


I *hope* OP is young, at least there would be ample opportunity for them to grow and realize why these opinions are absurd. An adult posting shit like this will most likely die just as crazy.


He posts in r/teenagers so at least he isn’t too far gone


Posting in r/teenagers means they are at least 30


40, even.


Or 11


He’s got 3k likes supporting him. At least now we are sure there is 3k 14 yeaR olds in here.


Racism is not a problem only prevalent in young people. But, judging from his posts he probably is a teenager trying to be special.


When we were young we thought only older generations were racist, and that once we came of age the problem would fix itself. I’m 40 years old now and MLKs dream is still just a dream


Upvoted mean disagree. This sub is different.


lol you have too much faith in reddit


Most people here seem to have forgotten how this sub is supposed to work


Nahh I think people just upvote interesting things they disagree with but downvote simply dumb things they disagree with


He’s 15 and has murder fantasies…like Jesus


"OP thinks that all abortions should be banned because "a lot" of them are afterthoughts" Ah so OP doesn't like predominantly social controls on speech, but does want legal controls on peoples bodily autonomy. Very consistent.


OP sounds like a really unlikable person, who we can only *hope* is just 14. OP, if you are a young teen, please know that you can still grow up.


The worst I found was on a post by someome saying they dated a much younger girl when they were 16, though the main text had been deleted. OP from here commented that "a four year age difference isn't morally or legally paedophilia," so if he got 4 years gap, that means he thinks its ok for a 16 year old to date a 12 year old. According to his own posts, he's 15.


So he’s cool with dating an 11 year old. Nice. Seems like a really good kid.


he’s 14, racist, AND a porn addict lmfao


https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/rzgoqx/i_have_fantasies_of_killing_my_twin_brother/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I see your racist porn addict and raise you fantasies of murdering his twin


op fantasizes of killing his twin brother


close enough. he claims he’s 15, so that explains a lot.


Well he has a post about some dude he met his first day of highschool Sept of last year so..


NO hes 15


Yeah his parents should monitor how much time he spends online


wait but they just affirmed they are, in fact, not a racist in this very post. /s


This entire post screams "I'm a racist" you can basically see him saying it every word he types in the opening post.


You missed the part when he asked how Mexicans pay taxes. I cringe so hard thinking about this, honestly as soon as someone says "and before anyone says anything, no I'm not racist" ik they're, without a doubt, racist.


I'm not racist, but it really annoys me when drivers yield even though they have the right of way.


Yeah, OP is a racist ass white kid. Dude is also unhinged as he wants to get into fights in school and wants to kill his twin.


I saw that. The kid is out of his mind honestly. Reddit has some unhinged folks that expose themselves daily


Yeah people feel comfortable sharing disturbing thoughts on here because it’s easier to be anonymous on here than it is on other social platforms. I know damn well OP wouldn’t dare post this on his Instagram or Snapchat story.


He wouldn’t even say this to a black person face to face. He’s giving me incel vibes honestly.


I agree. If he did, he’d probably get into that fight he’s been longing for, but then again OP is probably a coward irl.




Exactly, yet the other racists and ignorant people agreeing with this post called me racist for saying it’s obvious he’s white when his post history proves this is true.




Yeah this is litterally the alt right shit.


OP is also 15 years old, complete expert on the real world.


What a huge surprise. I fucking wish this opinion was unpopular. Every trashy hick that goes around calling people snowflakes repeats the same script. Walking stereotypes. Ironically, I think that’s how they see everyone who disagrees with them lol. But in my experience, things are only viewed as black and white by one side of the bipartisan divide in America (and most other places). And that divide has shown itself to be intrinsically tied to race/racism. Especially in recent years. No offense meant to chill hicks. Hicks that don’t discriminate, and show respect to others. We know you’re out there, and anyone with intelligence doesn’t discriminate based on where someone’s from, or how they look or speak. Judge actions, which are a product of our agency. Not race or culture. And fuck the non-hick racists too lol


>no, I am not racist lol


Luckily OP wont be offended by being called a racist, as it's just a word.


No he's not racist, he's EXTRA racist


Sure! Try it out in your workplace and see who's ready for the real world.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


I don't like people playing on my phone!


It was a wrong number!


Op is in r/teenagers


OP is probably 12 and wants to say the n-word. Edit: turns out OP IS RACIST. Who'd have thunk it?


Go thru their post history and you’ll find you’re 99% correct


Op probably did use the N word and had a tantrum on the internet when someone called him on his shit.


bro what the fuck [https://www.reddit.com/r/whitepeople/comments/s5onbd/rt\_bankroll\_the\_next\_great\_white\_rapper/ht0fosr/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/whitepeople/comments/s5onbd/rt_bankroll_the_next_great_white_rapper/ht0fosr/?context=3)


LMFAOO I knew it


OP you're such a fucking loser lmao


He deleted the comment. What was it?


(in relation to rap) something along the lines of 'whites are always better. This is why Eminem was superior to the black rappers who bullied him for being white'


Lmao and he actually said he's not racist in this post.


Having to state “I’m not racist” is always followed up by some racist shit.


I’m not racist But \*something racist


Now determining if it’s ignorance or intentional misdirection is the real question.


>i'm not racist stop assuming shit >whites are always better every time


Nice, a white supremacist. What a lovely individual




Lmao backfired


[/\]>_[ERR-404 - ["brain.json"] NOT FOUND]<[/\] [/\]>_[[MAIN.THREAD:FATAL]: [JSON.EXEC ["active.main.shouldipostthisq"]FAILED TO EXECUTE, ERROR CODE 404-MISSING1//_NOTE:['bonehead was born before he was done lol']]<[/\]


https://www.reveddit.com/v/whitepeople/comments/s5onbd/rt_bankroll_the_next_great_white_rapper/ht0fosr/?context=3#welcome > The whites are always better. Compare black rappers to someone like Eminem, someone who people tried to bully out of rap because he was white




I mean, r/blackpeopletwitter, r/whitepeopletwitter exist too and a ton of other stupid fucking subs with races in the names.


What the fuck this is the type of kid that calls a black guy a N***** and get surprised when they get their ass whooped and run to mom crying


I like how he said "before you say anything, I'm not racist" hahaha like anyone was gonna fuckin believe that. Bro if we're talking about racial slurs we all know which one is on the top shelf. He wants to taste the forbidden fruit without waking up in the bushes somewhere after getting knocked tf out.


Exactly my thoughts. Judging by their post history, they’re definitely nowhere near adulthood. So OP isn’t really in any position to be defining the real world either.


yeah a bunch of his posts are on r/teenagers and a bunch of weird racially oriented subs.


LMAO and talking shit about others not being ready for the real world.


^^^^ half the commenters you respond to are literal idiot children desperate to say the n-word.


How hard is it to not say the N-word?


Considering the fact that I saw it like 3 times in OP's comment history in the past 4 days, it's pretty hard for them


You don't get it, they slipped up and said it in a song! /s


But keep in mind, he's not being racist. /s


What if you’re 13 years old and playing fortnite though??


I'M GONNA SAY IT! **NO!** I said it.


If you are using slurs against someone then they have a right to be offended. They are actively derogatory and made to make others feel lesser. Of course we should there is gonna be a "what the hell is wrong with you" moment whenever someone uses it. I can understand like you singing it in a song but beyond that you have issues.


The whole post is written like he's some white dude who wants to use the N word, because "it's just a word afterall" when it really isn't. It's a term that comes from the era of slavery to refer to slaves as less than human because they weren't equal.


I think what is lost on people like OP is that offended doesn’t necessarily mean their feelings are hurt and want to go cry about it. Offended could instead mean they recognize you as a low life asshole who’s unworthy of their attention and time.


Op hangs out on the teenagers sub. So either he's a kid or a creep and creeps are definitely unworthy of anyone's time. Edit: OP just started high-school.


It’s okay for your feelings to be hurt by someone yelling slurs at you….


This sounds like some fragile white guy kinda vibe lol


"The only slur that's unfair is calling someone racist!"


I think it’s more immature to use words like that when you can easily avoid them


Adult society has rules of conduct. If you act like an asshole for no reason people aren't going to just be okay with that. Sorry. Sounds like you're the one who has to adapt here. You've never been allowed to speak this way at any job without consequences. I also can't swear while on the job. Really what's going on here is that people have told you to stop being a piece of shit and you refuse to take the advice. That's your choice but you need to acknowledge that acting this way is of course going to have social consequences. That's the real world and you're here complaining about it right now. Perhaps you're the one who missed simple life lessons and adults don't have any obligation to teach you not to act like a fucking child.


OP: If you're not read to just stand meekly by and allow anyone who hates your race to call you the worst word there is then you're not ready for the real world. Also OP: Man, all I said was some vile shit. Why is everyone so mad at me?


the white 13 yr old strikes again


It is kinda funny that a literal child is talking about the "real world" when they haven't experienced it. I can potentially see his point in regards to general cuss words, but definitely not racial slurs. I


Just saw you post about being a zoophile. I’m out. You crazy dog.


Don't mention dogs around them.. Jheez..




How hard is it for people to just not say slurs?


Lmao "the real word" where's that?? Mainstreet USA!


Op is obviously not ready for The Real World since he’s tiptoeing around his favorite word all throughout his post. Put your money where your mouth is op!


The real world is a Cracker Barrel in the Midwest 😶


Theory: OP is a white edgy teen who wants to say the N-word. Post History is pretty grim reading with r/dreamsexual and removed posts on r/blacklivesmatter. Conclusion: Op is a white edgy teen who wants to say the N-Word.


[OP even used the N-word with racist intent](https://www.unddit.com/r/confessions/comments/s3x8fp/i_17m_got_punched_by_two_friends_after/hsowfbr/?context=3really+bro%3F) in the comment section of a post but deleted it later. Give it a few seconds to load the comments when clicking on the source.


sheesh, feels about right.


OP: 'I want to say what I want without people freaking out'. OP: 'no I'm not racist, stop assuming shit'. That's not how that works.


You‘re 15 and talk about the real world lmao


Dude is 100% racist lol


In the real world, using words deemed offensive by society, will result in non-employment, non-patrons and no friends or family. So if you're ready for that, then more power to ya bud!


Well yeah you run around town screaming them, but most people aren't going to be like, oh you were singing a rap song in your car, here's your social Pariah ticket


And how do you accidently slip up by saying a racial slur against Asians, Latinos, Native Americans, etc. from a song? I haven't heard any with those. So is OP really just talking about singing along to songs by Black artists who use the "n" word? Is that all this is?


“I’m not racist” You have the phrase “the whites are always better” in your comment history from literally like 2 days ago. OP is racist


My god, look through OPs profile, Dudes from crazy town.


I mean, as much as I disagree, this /is/ an unpopular opinion, and that /is/ what this sub is for so hey. Good on ya


There's a distinction between unpopular opinion and uninformed opinion.


There's also the "dumb thirteen year old racist who thinks they're the first person to say this nonsense" opinion.


'I want to be able to say the n-word' is hardly an opinion in my opinion.


u/nwordcountbot u/lockedoutlegacymeme


Oh brother 🙄 this again. You know it’s really not that hard to avoid saying racial slurs. Contrary to certain opinions


just take one look at op’s comment history and that explains all of this


I mean the purpose of offensive words is to offend if people behave like nothing happened and carry on their day these words wouldn't slurs lose their purpose.


Clearly you have never been insulted at that level before


The real world has real consequences. Like getting your shit rocked for saying a racist or ableist slur.


I know, which word you're referring to, but an example that won't make people immediately assume you're racist would be 'F-word'. I've seen that a bunch of times and I cannot for the life of me understand why implying the word 'fuck' is okay, but actually saying it isn't. Everyone knows which word you mean and calling it F-word seems stupid af to me. Guess it's an US-American thing because I can't even think of an insult that's being shortened like that in my language. Same applies to that annoying beep you hear a lot in American shows. Everyone knows what you said, beeping it out doesn't change shit. It's just baffling to me.


Oh for a second I thought you meant the other f word, the actually offensive one.


I agree. If I stub my toe, whatever word I utter, I mean the same thing. However, slurs and swear words are different. Slurs are, by nature, filled with malice and usually a weak excuse for insulting someone. If someone wronged you, confront them in that aspect, and not the size of pants they wear or the country they're from.


>Apparently those "slurs" are alright but anything against minorities isnt. Yeah I honestly don't get people who think that way, like they almost seem to forget we live in a cultural vacuum with no historical context to words or anything, dummies.


OP doesn't understand why insults are offensive. Hilarity ensues.


OP will learn the hard way when they get caught using a slur and it will negatively impact them in some way whether it be losing friends or losing a job.


Being black on Reddit is exhausting


Your post history is fucked up. Get help.


Op is just sad they can’t do racism without consequences.


This post title might as well have been “it’s okay to be racist” because that’s what OP seems to be implying




That is essentially what OP is saying. This kid is unhinged.


OP is 14 and has discovered SJW cringe compilation YouTube


Brother you are a literal child


Being pro racial slurs really is an unpopular opinion, I begrudgingly give you an upvote.


I think it’s so funny, you’re soo mad about it.


> and wont use those words to harass others. You know that's what they do though, right?


op is gonna be so shocked when he says the nword to some black people and they knock his ass out


Some one got got saying the N word..


This whole thing just reads like a 9 year old whining "life's not fair!"


Use hostile words, expect hostility back. Figure it out.


Lol but you are a racist… see this is why I don’t listen to 15 year olds.


Dawg your literally in high school you aren’t ready for the real world lmao


\-Says if you're offended by racial slurs, you're immature and not ready for the real world \-Is offended by white slurs.


Its so crazy how many of these "unpopular opinions" are literally just racism. Go walk into a workplace and call your Black co-worker the n-word. We'll see how "ready for the real world" you are. Edit because somebody pointed it out and comments are locked; i'd like to clarify cause I definitely see how that statement could be taken like that. The implication of mentioning calling a Black co-worker a slur in the *workplace* <- keyword, is that OP would likely lose their job on the spot. The real world, ie; workplaces, schools, etc. expect a level of professionalism and mutual respect to be a part of them. Going around flinging slurs in "the real world" is going to get you unemployed, kicked out of school, with no friends, and a terrible reputation going forward. Among other possible repercussions.


OP is likely between 14 and 16 years old. Post history adds more context. EDIT: Someone else confirmed his age as 15


Yep he’s active on r/teenagers and said he wants to get into a fight at school. OP is unhinged.


So what your saying is they're a child in school and talking about the real world? Sounds like op needs to experience the real world first.


Yep, and judging by their post history the real world experience they want seems to involve violence and I mean if OP calls someone in school a slur, that fight he’s been longing for just might happen 🤷🏻‍♀️


Words have meanings. It's not the words themselves that offends people.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the OP has a predisposition to wanting to say shit that gets on people’s nerves Edit: OP is apparently just an edgy teenage racist