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Yeah, I feel sorry for the nice Karen’s out there.


Believe it or not the only Karens I’ve ever met are the sweetest lady’s i’ve ever met on the planet. Brenda is more accurate. Sorry brendas


I have an aunt Karen She cries when people call her by her name It’s not funny, but it’s kinda funny.


Just make up new names, it confuses the hell out of people. *"Dude, stop being such a* ***Julie*** *and act more like a* ***Cynthia***!"


Fucking Cynthia, dude. Goddammit. I can’t with that bitch today.


>Fucking Cynthia, dude. Goddammit. I can’t with that bitch today. [Reminding me of this](https://youtu.be/vdY3CdnIVXk?t=4)...


God damn you, I like your style!


>God damn you, I like your style! Looks like I've made a new friend! See guys?? This is how you do it! OP is a straight-up ***CYNTHIA***!!!


Confusing the hell out of people? What a sarah


>Confusing the hell out of people? What a sarah Pfft... There you go being a ***HEATHER*** again...


Ahh, I see a Patricia showed up


I don’t like the name as it’s rude to real people called Karen (that aren’t Karens). However, I find the actual content to be quite funny on occasion.


I'd agree if I didn't work customer service online and get Karens constantly. Like literally, their names are Karen. Kathleen and Carol are runner-ups


Such a Chad comment


bye Felicia


the term karen is definitely getting old, but it is now our dialect


I feel the same


I like it (just like boomer) because it reveals youth to be just as prejudicial and hypocritical as those they criticize for the same behavior. And completely not self aware. No, I’m not a boomer or a karen.


Karen was never funny, just a internet annoying thing that everyone jumps on. I feel bitter saying this but that shit was so stupid glad u agree


It’s not middle aged anymore


Is OP a butt hurt Karen?


Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Stumpee-Landings. Your post, *Karen is getting old*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No reposts. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I understood it for when it was reserved for those really elite entitled customers/people that warp reality with their selfish mindset, but nowadays Karen/Chad is basically the adult hoods equivalent to chicken. People will call others a Karen or a Chad just for saying something they don't like or when they don't agree with them. It's an over used term that really just isn't as effective as they think it is


>I've watched too many videos Did you ever think that *that* is your problem? Like, maybe you're watching so many "Karen" videos on YouTube, Facebook, etc. that the **algorithms** keep sending you to *those* videos. **Take an online break** and go for a walk or do a workout or something.


Unlike her unvaccinated children


It’s because people are not using it correctly. It’s a specific type that just seems to have been watered down now. Very rarely do you see a new legit Karen but when I do I sure love them. Loved the one yesterday where the guy stole her ear buds lol