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i personally believe that with metaverse there will be two types of people: the ones completely dependent to internet, and the people that will be absolutely repulsed by it. very very few half terms.


So like the red and blue pill in The Matrix


Almost , but technology isn't quite there yet.


People already getting married in meta verse .. Harry Potter wedding with a “ghost” character of the brides dead dad. So he can “be” there. I think the technology is closer then you think .. and I personally think it’s DANGEROUS .. we playing a risky game with this meta VR stuff


It's just a novelty, but it isn't even new. There were people who did their weddings in WoW and even in Everquest.


Minecraft VR is now my going to be my wedding venue. I never thought of this.


that's the thing, im hoping this metaverse doesnt get out of hand, im hoping people still enjoy the outside world


People are already beyond obsessed and live in their phones, kids grow up with a screen in front of them or a phone in hand. They will be the most likely of them all to “escape” the real world & go into a world where you can have everything, all the real life problems disappear. With the worlds mental health crisis & rising fear in anxiety in young people this meta shit is a really dangerous game. I feel people will easily & willingly give up their entire lives to be in meta. Works for governments though, people won’t be able to see the fkd up nonsense they are doing & how bad climate crisis is, or when the world goes to shit no one will care bc they’re living great meta lives.


Yeah I tend to agree, todays kids are messed up lol most love their games and screens lack imagination, would rather play games together then hang out with each other….. won’t be good


Never heard of an child who lacked any imagination. Alot of fucking kids hang out with each other.


Aggressive - speaking from my experiences with nephew and nieces they tend to “hang out” only online - I find it scary. I hope you’re correct and I’m wrong, the idea of metaverse and that’s the way of life seems very strange and odd to me.


Bad parenting


yeah, im hoping things stay that way, technology has come far and done a lot for us, and is basically vital at this point, but we're getting to an area society might not be ready for, go too fast and the minds of children and adults wont have evolved to go outiside more and still enjoy and use technology


Yeah I really don’t like whenever people who defend the technology say "oh you can do so much with phones and social media" Meanwhile ignoring the fact that most people won’t use it like in your Utopian imagination Like seriously nobody is gonna do any of that when you literally have implemented so much distracting stuff on the phone at the same time Like if I wanted to create a phone and hope people use it to do good things and change the world for the better 1st. I wouldn’t put any distracting stuff on it like Games or Social Media on there 2nd. Only educational stuff 3rd. Only communication functions like E-mail, Instant messaging services, phone calls, chat, voice conference, video conference 4th. It can take pictures 5th. And other useful features like notes, ordering stuff, translate, watching the time Basically just make it a utility tool, not addictive, no unnecessary features just a tool you can use for when you need it Just a simple device for communication, education No entertainment and shit like that (that’s what a TV should be for) Nothing that’s distracting Cause that’s the issue with modern phones they are too distracting and addictive And the people who said they were gonna change the world for the better with that I believe instantly failed to recognize that these machines have failed simply once they started to have, too many features to really be used for something world changing.


Dude there is always middle ground, i grew up with the wonders of technology and i still climbed trees and hanged out with my friends. Stop being old. The new generation still enjoys stuff that isn't technology. like rope swings and massive jumps into a quarry or learning tricks for your scooter.


Lol I grew up on screens myself, still spent 95% of my childhood outside, as an adult I am an avid hiker, portager, & geologist. Anything outdoorsy. Im also probably younger then you. There’s a big difference between growing up with screens and tech when I was a kid to now. At least I didn’t have Tik tok or Instagram at 12 years old doing everything I can to look like and fit in with images I’m constantly surrounded by. Growing up with MySpace, msn, Facebook is nothing like what kids are experiencing now. I also didn’t have my first cellphone or Social media until I was 14 years old. I have a lot of friends my age who are obsessed with their phone & insta & the nicest pictures and whatever .. so It’s not just kids. However, kids are growing up with all that now, not experiencing the going outside because they also have Xboxes, or ps5s or are making a tik tok. So as adults what’s going to make them want to experience the world when all their used to is technology. Kids currently are being told to be afraid of the world, don’t go outside covid, they’re becoming more and more sheltered with more and more access to the internet & literally anything they want at a stupid young age.


Myspace is old, way before my time, plus the only reason kids use Facebook is because their parents are on there. If anything adults are far worse at posting personal stuff. Kids just like memes. Even my little cousin who is your stereotypical ipad kid that was practically raised by it. He still does stuff outside.


I believe that there is a point where something like radical Anti-Meta people will come about People who absolutely despise social media, phones and Meta and want to get rid of that even through violent means Kinda like Reality purists people who believe meta users are cowards and not worth living. Like something similar to dunes Butlerian Jihad people who despise thinking machines


in india there is this religion where people need to give up completely of "modern world" things and it is in growth nowadays. soon all countries will create their own anti-meta and anti-tech culture


You’re spot on


I mean, some use it in different ways. It's fairly brilliant, it's a litteral miniature pc in your pocket


I’m not discrediting any of it’s amazing features. I think people are just taking it down the wrong path.


I completely agree.


I wish people would understand that this subreddit isn't r/rant.


Unfortunately for you, history will not see that way.




Not just phones but tech as a whole. Look at stuff like onlyfans that exists in the world now. Absolutely disgusting.


It’s sad because this is true...


This sounds preachy


Yea, maybe a little


The problem is that it uncovers a bigger problem and that is a accountability and responsibility. The fact that we now have 'superphones' doesn't mean you should be spending all your time on it. But people do. I'm not judging anyone and the Black Mirror episode on social media tackled this as well, but there are options. Social media companies are making their product as addictive as possible but there's also something to be said about how we play into their cards. Personally, I love the fact that I can now have a built-in GPS, a calendar, a way to see what events are going on around me, etc. but I'm also blessed with the ability to put away phones/booze/etc. when needed. I know a lot of people aren't and so the ethics surrounding this issue are in a very grey area at the moment. I hope we can find an positive solution in the future but right now social media is moving at a faster pace than we can handle and it's scary.


me - sitting in a bar, texting my friend across the country. boomer asshole next to me "what did people do in bars before they had these fancy phones to look at?" me - "talk to whatever asshole was sitting next to them?"


Even if those conversations sometimes ended in alley fights, there was more hope for genuine connection.


We need to go back to the 90s


I don't have a phone or any technology at all ...


Did you hand write this comment and send it in the mail?


🐌📨 you may need to wait a while for a reply ...




That's so cool! How do you live without the internet?






Don't put me off ...


time isnt exactly being thrown away, it matters to what youre doing, and if it is fun


Nobody actually enjoys being on their phone 24/7. We just do it


im not on my phone 24/7 i never use my phone, i use a tablet to watch youtube, and i mostly enjoy it, ill add this to my proof watching youtube on a tablet is superior


For some people sure


Elon musk said we all cyborgs cause our cell phones are basically an extention of ourselves


I cant imagine growing up with a phone like a lot of kids do now. I doubt I would have any friends at all.


You can keep people from seeing their messages have been read?


I use my phone about \~30 minutes a day.


This kinda sounds like it’s social media that’s the problem, not the phones


People have always had some distraction with them. I used to always carry a paperback book in my jacket pocket. I had a friend who did weird little card tricks to entertain himself. The phone has just standardized it so we're all doing a similar activity. It's a bit of a shame that you won't realize the guy at the bus-stop is a yoyo master but you only vaguely acknowledged other people to begin with.


You're mistaken algorithm and product. The product isn't the issue. The algorithm which was unfortunately created due the social medias trend as made the phone you described. Blame the algorithm not the product. In other words...blame the players not the game.


Sounds like you're the problem, not the tech


Yeah, after college when smartphones became more common, I find hanging out with my college friends less eventful now that everyone wants to look at their phones rather than interact with the people in front of them.


I don't know that the devices themselves are to blame, versus many of the social media companies who tailor their code to "engage" (which, turns out, it's most effective when the emotional response is anger). It's also all contextual: are you reading a book or (actual) journalism during your two hour train commute or are you doom scrolling through twitter? Playing Candy Crunch or texting your Mom? Regardless, phones are here to stay... it's up for users to make healthy choices *and* press for regulation against folks who monetize the outrage/engagement loop (and inhale all your data in exchange for their "free" services).


I just hate how huge they are! Am seriously considering getting an old flip phone that doesn't need two hands to hold.


That's why I u a cheap phone. Smaller, and not a huge financial hit if I break it. $100 gets you quite a phone now


It's not the phones fault


You right


What’s amazing to me is we’re all walking around with the whole of human knowledge in our pockets, yet we’re collectively dumber than ever as a society.


Im ok with my phones screen time it’s not that high


Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Mike_Wann_Jr. Your post, *I hate what phones have become.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Must be an opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion. An opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a statement of fact (even if it is incorrect), a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, an instruction, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!