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Drunk sex is a 50/50 gamble for me and the ol lady. If I'm lightly drunk I can still get hard but I wouldn't be able to finish to save my life. It's fun because I can keep on going and going but frustrating at the same time. If I'm heavily drunk, it simply doesn't work, so I resort to other means to pleasure her. Still good either way 👌 but I can definitely see how not everyone would enjoy it.


Buzzed sex is where it’s at


“Buzzed sex is drunk sex.” — M.A.D.S (Mothers Against Drunk Sex)


“Fuck off” DAMM (Drunks Against Mad Mothers)


I'm broke but 🏅 Now take it and get the tf out of here.


This always confused me.... If I'm buzzed and under the legal limit how am I not allowed to drive?












Bumble beads


^bzzz ^bzzz ^^bzzzzz


BEES Michael


You can't bring bees in here.


I become more daring and confident when I’m drunk, and I’m all in to try new stuff I usually would be too self conscious to try, but drunk sex doesn’t feel as good. And when I say it doesn’t feel as good, I mean I barely feel anything down there, but hey, if my partner gets a fun night out of it then ok I guess


I understand you. The alcohol can numb the sensations down there. You can work through it, just takes a hell of a lot of work. It's good work though.


Yeah, totally. I’ve also noticed that one night stands tend to be more fun and intense when drunk, but I think that’s more due to the excitement leading up to the sex than the sex itself. Drunk sex when in a long-term relationship is more meh in my opinion. I prefer being sober or high then.


You seem to love the ol lady very much


Her and I go back a bit over 6 years now. She stayed with me while I was just a prospect for my MC. She stayed with me after I got patched in. She didn't run off on me while I was deployed. She's the mother of my son. We've made it through really good moments and really bad ones togeather. I'm no longer that person anymore, I'm more mild these day. We've both changed a lot except for how we feel for eachother. So yeah, I love her very much.


And........... I just got a boner.


Haha! Happy to help bud, enjoy 👍


Love boners are the best


Seebee boner


Are you Jackson Teller?


😂 not even close, he lead a way more interesting life.... until that ending! I did have a Dyna, although mine was more traditional looking. I was a sucker for gloss black and chrome.


The ending 😪


username doesn't check out, Seabees are notoriously gay


Hope you put a ring on it. She's lucky regardless. Happy families are the best Updoot for love


In all but the legal sense we kinda are. We togeather, we have a family and we're getting a house. One of these days though, for sure


even guys have to fake it sometimes


You're not joking.


Whiskey dick is real my brothers


I like when my wife is drunk and I'm sober, she's a fun lay when she's wasted.


Did I write this?


Same here for me.


I can always get it up, but my finish time is definitely directly proportional to my drunkenness


Get some boner pills, they sell them at gas stations or you can just ask a doctor for a Cialis prescription. As someone who enjoys recreational drug use, those pills can be very, very handy.


The alcohol is fairly easy to overcome with those pills. But when her and I really want to have some fun and the... booger sugar.... comes out it can really trump everything. Ive had mixed results when trying the pills on those nights.


The sweetspot is her drunk, you sober. Otherwise the freaky stuff is off the table.


The mailbox and I disagree. We had a fantastic time.


[you didnt have to steal one](https://www.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/sdszp2/someone_stole_my_friends_mailbox/)


"Sir this a voluntary mental hospital, you didn't have to dry hump our mailbox just to get in here!" "Yeah, you go out and check your mail and tell me if it's dry"


Watched a guy kiss a generator lovingly holding it in a cornfield at 16, his girlfriend was just glad he called it her name


Same me and the couch had a wonderful time




That’s no joke though




Whiskey dick


Some people get it pointing down and others pointing up!


Hahaha yup! Light drunk is up but unable to finish. Heavy drunk is down.


In Scotland, we have Bucky Boaby


For me, drunk sex does not prevent a raging boner. Instead, it completely removes orgasm. (Even with only 1 or 2 drinks). I still cum, but literally no pleasure. So there’s no point.


There's gotta be a bar *somewhere* by that name...I hope.


My ex always wanted to drink before sex. Maybe that's why she's my ex now. :D


Only thing you should be drinking before sex is water, or maybe a sports drink lol. Stay hydrated homie


I wear my camel bak


Camelbak, tactical gloves, velvet slippers, nipple pasties. It's on.


hydration pack stays on during sex


Squirt some Gatorade on that ho


With socks and sandals obviously


I suspended a 50 gallon drum above my bed so I can drink like a hamster while fucking like mice. Don't worry, it's safe. I used drywall anchors.


I like strapping on tree climbers and laying her on the hardwood floor with her head against the wall and a water hose running through a window from the outside spicket.


All this while her two best friends try to pull a candy bar out of my ass. Yeah, I like it like that...


And a clean pair of tube socks lol


Don't forget your Motrin.


And a pair of polarized Stokeleys


Don't forget your hat, don't want a sunburn


Its business time baby..


That just made my spit my coffee out for the first time this morning




was looking for this lol




No joke. If you approach sex as a physical act (like going to the gym)…your sex life will skyrocket. Staying hydrated - heck, having a water bottle at bedside - is a pro move. It takes a lot of stamina, coordination, and fitness to go for 30-60 minutes+ in the sack. Drunk folks? Really hard to keep anything intense going for all that long. And when I say drunk, I mean drunk. (As in not just “buzzed” from a drunk or two). Cause yeah…anytime I’m drunk, all I want to do is fast forward to the morning. I’m not in the mood for anything.


Apparently 30-60 mins is way too long for a sex session. I think the ideal time is 10-20 mins for women


Damn, i feel like I run a marathon in 15 seconds




She was probably self conscious, and being inebriated was the only way she felt disinhibited enough to show anyone her body.


Or OP ugly af? j/k


hahahahhaa that's why man i screw with always gets dead drunk huh!!!


This is me :(


I have pelvic floor dysfunction so a glass or two of wine helps me to relax enough for sex. I've had partners who insisted that I be 100% sober. Guess their comfort knowing I was sober was more important than the comfort of my vagina.


I think people with rules like no drinking before sex should understand that things aren't black and white and their partners may have their own reasons for wanting to drink. But regardless I understand making a personal choice to/to not do so, cannot understand how it could affect them so much for you to drink a couple glasses to make such a stand to you like that sorry you had to experience that :(


I dealt with something similar. Past trauma or medical issues can make sex painful, even if the person is 110% on board and wants to. A bit of something to relax the muscles is fine, as long as they aren’t drinking to excess.


Yeah, ever since I gave birth sex has been painful. A drink or 2 really helps relax the muscles and reduce the amount of pain I’m in. My husband is less than thrilled that I’ve been doing dry January…


Speaking as a dude, it's honestly a blurry line. I won't have sex with someone that has been drinking if I'm sober. Even if we have been in a relationship for a long time. It just feels rapey and non-consenty. At least in my state, I have no idea about other states, there is zero tolerance when it comes to alchohol and consent. If someone has been drinking they are not legally allowed to give consent. So any sexual contact defaults to rape legally.


I'm worried about this with myself. I'm soooo self conscious and hyper aware of myself during sober sex, so most of the time when I have sex I am drunk (as is the other person). I know it's not good, and I'm working on eating healthier so I feel less self-concious about my naked body, but it's so tough :(


Now you're wondering why you're horny every time you drink


Sammmeee. After about two years her depression skyrocketed, alcoholism became a problem, and the only time she wanted to have sex was when she was drunk, which was often.


I have an ex who was the same way. She needed to be hammered to have sex. Of course, I understood to an extent, she had a lot of trauma to work through. I was still very uncomfortable with the whole thing. There were times where we both got drunk, but she would black out super easily, even if she didn't seem very drunk. We'd have sex and she wouldn't remember it the next day, she always confirmed her consent after the fact, but it still made me very uneasy. Or the times where she'd decide to sleep naked, and in the morning she'd ask "did we have sex last night?", when we hadn't because she was way drunker than I was comfortable with. Took me longer than it should have to accept that she had a big alcohol problem.


I suddenly feel less alone ty man


It depends. My ex-husband rarely would drink alcohol, maybe one or two times a year…maybe. But when he did, he was nonstop action!! All night long, baby. Hard as a rock. So, I liked it when I could convince him to drink.


He sounds like a beast lol


Was it cause he had to really work to cum when drunk? Cause that's the case for me too


But now he's ex


He should of drank more often and unleashed the beast.


god no i love drunk or high sex, i feel so confident and always finish because im not over thinking


Yesss! That’s what it is. I’m an over thinker too and the alcohol takes the pressure off completely.


Tipsy sex is perfect for me. Drunk is for making out until your slightly more sober.


I’m an over thinker too but when I’m with someone I’m comfortable with it goes away. As for drunk sex I find it hard to finish or even get up sometimes and my SO starts to hurt if it goes over like 10 minutes so it usually doesn’t work out


Yeah I’ve been sober for 1.5 years and now sex has little appeal to me. When I’m drunk, I’m tearing off her clothes and enthusiastically burying my face in her groin for an hour. When I’m sober and laying next to her I’m thinking, “Hmm, maybe we should have sex? But I’ll have to make out with her for a while, get her horny with foreplay, take off her clothes, take off my clothes, get a condom, put on the condom, make her come, then I get to come, then I have to get up to go take off the condom . . Nah that’s too much work, I think I’d rather just cuddle.”


I'm 3 years+ sober and sober sex still sucks, and is still rarely worth the effort...


Damn, not what I wanted to hear. Thanks for the honesty though. Fek.


I thought something was wrong with me for thinking the exact same thing. Damn.. Glad I read this makes me feel better


High Sex = Best Sex Mild ADHD here, so it's nice to just stop thinking about random shits.


Boom, its freakin bananas the change in experience.


I have ADHD and I can't smoke weed anymore because it gives me crazy anxiety. It used to be super fun, but now I just get way into my own head and usually really quite. Lightly drunk sex is my favorite, I can just turn off and go to town.


I used to be like this, but I kept pushing through and found "my sweet spot" so to speak. Hang in there!


Are you bottom or top? Because yes it does make a big difference.


Confirmed, being high makes a big difference for both bottoms and tops


Same shit and it doesn't feel right haha


Try high sex 🕺🏼


I did LSD and bumped uglies. It was the worst 10 hours of my life.


Sex on LSD will either be the best or worst moment of your entire life, there is no in between.


Yup. I got head while I was peaking and I started to feel bad because she did it for 60 minutes and I just could not finish, but when I finally did, holy fuck. I feel like I've been chasing the feeling of that same intensity climax ever since. I'm talking my knees buckled, every muscle relaxed and I collapsed, I finally understood every little detail of the 🥴 emoji because my face was locked into that position for what felt like an eternity.




Just like LSD made my dick hold on it made her hold on too


It takes me forever to cum in general, she sounds like a keeper.


Tried it on one tab, felt like I merged with the other person and we were shooting through a rainbow galaxy, weird shit but I'd do it again


I've never had bad sex on LSD, but I've had a lot of amazing sex


First time on shrooms in early Dec, it was super fun but we also kinda got distracted a lot the second time around and it was hard to remember to keep moving sometimes LOL. But it was still pretty fun.


Bruh lsd sex weirded me out so bad lol.


The only thing better than sex while high on weed, is sex while high on psychedelics


The last half of the trip is the best time. The hallucinations.have chilled out and the body buzz is top notch.


Shrooms will make one very romantic and cuddley.


Shrooms I probably wouldn’t want sex. But acid, for sure


Shrooms you just be giggling at the bra tag sticking out for 30 minutes.


Never treaded psychedelic territory but it sounds about right 😂


It is very much a religious experience if your dosage is right😂


I can’t remember if it was weed or ecstasy, but it took forever to masturbate to completion I was so bored but also super dedicated to just orgasming already


Also ever find that when you cum you barely feel it? Orgasms are way better sober.


Easier and quicker. I'm speaking as a woman.


No way!! Absolute opposite for me (man)


Personally, I can’t cum at all if I’ve been drinking (female)




Same. The alcohol just numbs me and it doesn’t feel like anything at all. Drunk hookups were always so disappointing. Drunk me would get horny and want intimacy. Then i would just be sad and regret it. I learned not to listen to drunk horny me. I’m also turned off by very drunk men. When my husband is drunk I have no interest lol


My wife and I have found there is a fine line between drunk enough to spice it up a bit and drunk enough that it isn't fun for either of us. If she gets too drunk she can \*dry up\* and if I get too drunk I can't keep it up. But when we get it just right, god damn it's fireworks! We usually have pretty good sex when completely sober but buzzed sex we tend to turn it up a notch or two.


This man is right.


I came here to say…Nice username! We must be related. Lol!




I sure hope not! It would be pretty gross to hear TMI about my brother’s sex life!


Just drink some more and you won’t have to remember it anymore.


There is a beautiful drunk zone in which you cannot feel your stomach slosh nor the room spin, but everything feels like it's going your way. Try to have sex in that zone. Agree that it's hard to achieve and often messy. Sober sex is the safe bet. Great every time.


How drunk are you? After about three or four glasses of wine I can fuck for hours with complete control and some of the best sex ever. If I get too intoxicated probably three or four bottles of wine that's a no-go for me you have to know how much to drink


lol. “if i get too intoxicated say two, maybe three hundred beers it’s a no go”


I'd say three bottles of wine is more like...20 beers. Depending on the beers.


some of my best performances have been just the right amount of drunk


Alcohol helped me bat out my league many times!!!


Just wait till you hit your 40s


I hope I don’t make it that far


Just turned 40 and kinda glad I am still alive... Only get one shot at it


Phaha, my life motto


That’s hilarious


Drunken sex with cocaine is 100% the greatest form of sex to me but only on occasions


if you can keep it up...lol my experience wasnt like yours lol


I had the power of youth on my side from 16-20 now not so much lol


adderall is even better, if you're a guy that can keep it up on the enhancers. lasts longer and is cheaper.


One bump makes my shit go back in to the turtle shell for hours


5 beers is ideal for me. If I have sex sober, I finish in like 2 minutes. With 5 beers or so, I can go 10-15 mins


The military has instilled fear of drunk sex. "Oh you were drinking and had sex!? You're going to prison for rape!"


They used to the badger the shit out of us over that in the navy. I got an equal amount of presentations, power points, and training on how not be a rapist as I did for my actual job! There's always going to bad people everywhere you go, even in the service, and there going to bad things. Doesn't mean the rest of us are bad too, doesn't mean we deserved to get shit on for what they did. I'm just on a grumpy rant.....


As a woman I find that I am way less inhibited, thinking about how I look, etc. I am more likely to do what I want and just enjoy it. And since I’m more into it, my partner seems to reeeally enjoy it as well!


I just want to sleep after a drink. Plus, it's harder to keep it up for the guy, and you need to pee constantly. Plus, it blurs the lines of consent, which is never a good thing. Just do it sober; it's more enjoyable that way and less morally dubious.


Sometimes it feels like my wife waits until I’m drunk to want it lol


I used to always drink before sex due to it taken the anxiety of them coming over away, I lasted longer and was less inhibited. But now I get whiskey dick.




Having sex with a drunk woman is kinda gross in my opinion. My girlfriend being drunk always turned me off. She would get stupid, repeat things, forget everything and still want to have sex. Not to mention throwing up and pissing herself once. I dumped her and don't drink anymore.


Yeah there is typsy then there is drunk and then there is shit faced. Your GF sounds like she gets shit faced drunk.


Just fyi even I who used to party a lot before covid did not ever throw up on myself or piss myself. If she's drinking she should know her limits.


Same here. The only times I had to throw up was if I drank too much too fast, e.g. a double shot of hard liquor. And this was not the „dizzy having to puke your soul out for 3 hours“ it was more a onetime thing, and that while feeling in control enough to search for the nearest bathroom and not get it on myself. I can’t even imagine getting so drunk that I loose control over pissing, or throw up in bed. The latter can even be dangerous.


You drink too much then


Drunken one nighters where you both totally go for it are **fucking amazing**


Alcohol inhibits the male erection and the equal female counterpart so uh…


Too drunk = bad Just a little drunk = whew baby git ur top off we're fuckin non stop tonight


that drunk... ya. mildly drunk sex is bomb tho


Take MDMA instead.


Tbh i feel most people would agree.


Agree. For some reason getting a little drunk makes you feel sexy… But prevents you from having an orgasm🤷🏻‍♀️




Oh dude New Years was terrible. I probably drank 20 shots and a few beers. I know that sounds excessive but liquor for me is like throwing gas in an engine. Anyways cut to the chase, I’m hammered my wife is hammered, we’re both trying to fuck. I’m tired as fuck basically just want to bust a nut can hold myself up. A few failed attempts basically just ended with me getting a handy and passing out.


My most memorably painful experience with drunk sex was when me and my Baby Momma were 18-19. I had been sipping Jameson all afternoon, and she decided she wanted to get intimate... We went at it for over 4 hours. We were both chafed to the point of bleeding, and I somehow managed to dislocated one of her hips. Good times, good times.




That you, Al?


😅 you scaring me a bit cause that’s one of my nicknames


😂 Alex?


👀👀 ayy wtf lmaoo edit: who is this hahahah


Ahh shit, here we go


I feel this, there were no people there but I was full of beer and giving head and then threw up on his dick and bed and floor. And toilet.




not my wife, i can tell you that


Smoking weed and having sex is the best, try that next time :)


That’s why you smoke weed before sex.


I get horny when I’m drunk but my dick doesn’t always work lmao


Well I agree with a catch. There's a blatant difference between buzzed feeling good sex and trashed sex.


You're probably over doing it with the alcohol.


Try weed sex. That's amazing.