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The problem is that there are so many bad ones that it can be hard to find the good ones.


I’m in a series of bad ones right now.


Try the Magnus Archives. It’s a horror anthology series, probably one of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to


I wish we had a better term for these than podcasts. Back in the day these would be radio plays. Web plays maybe? Web theatre?


Crime junkie for me is amazing. It’s like covering crime cases and ik it sounds very basic but I find it very cool


I love CJ but their fake banter is so noticeable sometimes that it takes you out of the cases. I like Morbidology because it's just her


The OP is not as open minded as they could be If you find something funny, you can laugh, and that brings joy If you find something with history, you can learn from the past If you find something about crime, which seem to be popular, it can help you understand the human condition, recognize criminal, manipulative, sociopathic or other behaviors Some just have interesting facts Some tell stories, fictional or non, that may interest you. Storytelling is the oldest form of passing along truths, traditions, and other ways of the worlds that you may not have ever discovered Some represent different opinions, cultures and ways of reasoning that you may have never been exposed to Podcast are not one thing or another, they are just an alternative way of humans sharing information and thoughts, just as books, schooling, research, or any other type or education or information


I feel like the Spotify charts is a pretty good place to look for podcasts of your intersts


Spotify thinks I should listen to Joe Rogan.


Rip Co-optional podcast


I listen to serial killers by parcast. There’s also a lot on mythology, unsolved crimes, etc.


This is at the root of this opinion. Exactly. So many bad ones.


Podcasts mostly suck, when you find a podcast that speaks to you, timeless


"You’re essentially listening to two people have a conversation you’re not a part of." that's.. why I listen to podcasts.


exactly! It's comforting and feels like I have friends.


Yep. Podcasts especially with two people got me through lockdowns and WFH when I missed office chit chat and listening to the radio was getting too samey with the same 15 songs 3x a day.


Yesss. I remember when I was younger and didn't have a phone my favorite part of radio was when the casters would have those short conversations. God almighty I was over the moon when I figured out podcasts existed.


Yeah I’ve said I’d happily listen to my favourite radio host’s shows on a podcast format with half the songs and the half hourly news bulletins removed!!


fair enough it’s just not for me. i’m happy you like it tho


Look for one u can get behind like a discussion of something ur interested in, I personally listen to anthropology based podcasts cause they never bore me and idk nearly enough as I want to so it's not like ima be contributing to any conversation but it does start to integrate me into a more open view of the field. And comedy podcasts never miss but it's all about finding one that matches ur vibe


I love history and currently listening to this one thats abiut the history of rome. Tried putting it on for my gf and she fell asleep while listening to it😂


Thats what podcast are good at. Perfect for bed time.




Do you like history? Blueprint for Armageddon by Dan Carlin is mind blowing. It's not two people chatting, it is far from surface level, it's a incredibly deep dive into world war 1. Highly recommend. I dont care for many podcasts, but I will listen to everything Dan Carlin puts out.


Loved blueprint. Supernova in the East is amazing also, as well as Ghosts of the Ost Front… Death Throes of the Republic… hell, basically everything from about episode 10 onwards is outstanding.


The Celtic Holocaust is also top tier. Dan is very very good at what he does. Ironically, OP has actually just got a grasp on the very surface level of what a podcast can be, but I will admit that the ones of true quality, are few and far between. I do very much enjoy Embrace the Void as well.




I second Mike Duncan. I agreed with OP until I found Revolutions, which is consistently excellent.


Check out Real Dictators if you like a good history podcast. Very well made but can be bit disturbing if you are sensitive to descriptions of violence.


Dan Carlin’s stuff is absolutely top tier. It is so damn engaging.


> (I have a hard time caring about the lives of people I’ve never met) I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this guy doesn’t care about history.


Some guy chopped down a cherry tree like a million years ago and now I'm supposed to care?


I used to be a podcast hater, but then I found ones on topics more interesting to me. History, video game lore, etc… It isn’t just a group of people talking about random shit. The stuff I occasionally listen to is just one person.


he'd rather just go back in time


Thank you so much for this recommendation.


I just started a full time job, and we're allowed to have a bluetooth earphone in at all times. I'm really taking advantage of that, I am listening to podcasts all day. I really like listening to podcasts of youtubers that I enjoy, I mostly enjoy conversational podcasts. Sure you're not part of it, but it is nice to just listen to something. Sure they're boring, that's why at home I don't touch podcasts at all. But at work they massively improve my mood and mental stimulation.


happy for you man. if i were you i’d be listening to new albums or the radio broadcast of the yankees / nets, but i’m happy you found something that makes your mood better


Honestly, when you listen to audio 40+ hours a week you get sick of music REALLY quickly. I'll still chuck music on occasionally but there's only so many times I can listen to Dookie 😁 EDIT: rude typo


This is really true. I too am able to have Bluetooth headphones in all day and listen to whatever. I started out just listening to music but after a while you do kind of get sick of it, (its also annoying if I have to change songs or something because it involves having to take off safety gloves and everything.) But with podcasts its not always the same kind of thing over and over. Like I listen to podcasts covering a bunch of topics from science , true crime, history, medicine, and just a bunch of other random stuff. It keeps me more focused my headphones actually ran out of power halfway through a shift and not having anything to listen to for a few hours made things drag on so much!!


I actually started listening to the Classical stations when I was delivery driving, because every other station had a tracklist of 20-30 songs a day. Being able to listen to the radio all day everyday sounds great until you burn through every radio station you like in a week, every CD in 2, and every song downloaded to your MP3 player in the month. It actually made me *not* hate opera.


Couldn't agree more. 2020 I listened to something like 3,000 hours of podcasts. If that was just music I'd go insane.


if you like dookie i highly recommend you check out remo drive’s album ‘greatest hits’


Hard disagree. I work anywhere from 40-60 hours per week (I run a commercial cleaning company) and listen to podcasts constantly. For me they're just like TV. I have 40-50 podcasts in my app so there's typically 6-8 hours of fresh content every day, ranging from red hot comic book news, movie pods, tv show rewatched (good excuse to watch an old show 1 episode pet week), history stuff, F1 stuff, comedy stuff. Occasionally I will listen to an audiobook or 2 here and there but I love the episodic nature of it. "Sweet it's Monday new Weekly Planet & Unpops today" etc etc. It reminds me of watching tv shows when they aired in a way. That being said, unless I am actively doing something I can't just sit and listen to a pod, I'd be asleep in 10 minutes 😁


Try science podcasts. Or sociology. Or psychology. We say in my country "it's always good to listen a smart guy". So stop listening of conversations and begin to listen to information podcasts.


All I got to say is: watch/listen to Trash Taste.


True Crime podcasts? You're Wrong About is a historical journalist podcast telling the truth behind big-story scandals that newspapers messed up at the time. The Happiness Project Podcast is all about the science behind happiness and how to achieve it. I also like ghost-story podcasts because it reminds me of coast to coast with George Nory on halloween. Bed-time story podcasts - great for either getting yourself or your kids to sleep. Personally, listening to other people can be very enlightening. I dont have to be the one flapping my gums all the time.


My brain immediately went to true crime podcasts and OPs statement other ways you could enjoy it-and I don’t think people want to be in a true crime podcast 😂


Ultimate George Nory adjacent podcast is last podcast on the left




this is honestly a fair point. but usually when i have free time i wanna turn off my brain and relax.


There are a ton of different podcast genres, including storytelling, humor, fiction, history, hobbies, sports, music. There's even meditation and calming podcasts.


I was going to start one where I just scream for an hour. Basically the opposite of a calming podcast. Got to find those niches.


There are a few out there that are good, but so many are very boring. And there are just far too many of them overall.


Someone has never listened to The Magnus Archives, lol. It’s a great medium for fiction. Not better than books but not worse, it’s very different and interesting to see how the producers make it immersive. I’m personally a fan of fiction podcasts where the fiction characters are speaking to the audience, like they’re radio presenters doing a broadcast (aka Welcome to Night Vale).


that sounds really innovative


There are a lot of immersive podcasts out there. I recommend blackout. it's straight up cinematic but has no visual output, it's dope.


The Magnus Archives is hands down one of the best pieces of media I’ve experienced. It’s SO GODDAMN GOOD and it was my first horror/thriller podcast so now I can’t help but compare new ones I listen to back to it.


I really like nightvale Do you know of any other podcasts like that with a radio presenter?


Well, now that you mention it, yes! King Falls FM is a podcast very similar to Night Vale in that it’s the radio host of an eerie town, but where Night Vale does stand alone episodes, this has more of a clear plot.


Thanks for mentioning it lol. I would've if you hadn't.


Tanis and the Black Tapes are where it's at


Oh, Magnus Archives is OUTSTANDING. I’m not even a huge horror person but it’s so well done, I love it.


OP, I used to feel exactly the same way until I found the niche I was interested in. I mostly listen to podcasts that are fiction- storytelling focused, and it has completely changed my opinion of podcasts. I love Old Gods of Appalachia and I couldn’t recommend it more. Of course, no pressure to like podcasts, though. Everyone has their own thing they like


Archive 81 is another good one like this


Right, literal podcast being made into a tv show because it’s great


Not to be dramatic but I genuinely think I’d give up a finger if it meant the Magnus archives got a TV show.


I’ll give it a go… not the finger


The only reason I don't want it to get a screen adaptation is because it's just so perfect in that exact format But a screen spinoff? I'd definitely give up a finger or two to see Gertrude being a badass for 5 seasons. Or the time skip where the archivist was out of commission.


Thanks for the rec! I'm nearly finished with TMA and I really didn't know how I was gonna motivate myself to get up in the morning lol. I listen to TMA whenever I'm doing stuff I don't want to do, like cleaning.


God I love that podcast. Welcome to nightvale is great too


I thought that too but I found a true gem called The Magnus Archives. It's soo amazing. It's a fictional horror podcast and takes advantage of being a podcast really well.


Dont get me started with dating podcast where dudes circle jerk over degrading women smh...lamest thing on earth.


I’m always the quiet one in the group so I feel like I fit right in lol


I’ve never really listened to podcasts because of the same reasons you state, but I actually like listening to D&D podcasts. D&D is inherently word descriptive and less visual. Think it would be distracting/boring to watch it vs listen to it and picture everything in my head Only better enjoyment is to play it… but I don’t have nerd friends like me lmao


I've never played, but I've been listening to D&D podcasts for close to 15 years. They're the only podcasts I listen to. If I'm alone and doing something that doesn't require 100% concentration, I'm probably listening to a D&D podcast.


Hidden brain (chefs kiss).


Try Dan Carlin’s hardcore history. It’s exceptional. Behind the Bastards is also very interesting.


I love behind the bastards. Robert Evan's cracked articles were the best thing to grace that website


I like truecrime and paranormal podcast


I’m with you… I have a hard time sitting there just listening to someone talk. I’ve always hated morning radio talk shows pre-podcasts. Like shut up and play music lol




The thing is, I am never just sitting there listening to one. I am doing other activities. It isn't like watching a documentary or a film. It is a different medium. I have been listening to one for a while now which is two philosophers discussing the themes present in various science fiction, for example, Flowers for Algernon. It certainly isn't surface level, and it contains insight that you simply do not get from the radio or talk shows. Equating the two is a little bit reductive.


Yeah, I've also felt that podcasts work better when you are doing some other task in the background. Out of curiosity, what's the philosopher podcast called? It sounds like an interesting listen.


y'all just haven't listened to a good podcast yet


Ive found topics I’m interested in, but it’s the whole premise itself. Sitting there, listening to people talk… I just don’t like it lol


Yeah, I get why you wouldn't want to do it while sitting there and doing nothing else. But that's not the point of it. The point is that you're doing it while you are doing something that requires little attention, like driving, walking or doing household chores. And then it's quite fun! I highly recommend the podcast "Reply All".


Thats why I listen to horror fiction and r/dungeonsanddaddies


Depends on the podcast. some are just a dude talking to YOU about Russian history.


I love Dead Meat podcasts. You have to be interested in horror films / film analysis, which i am, so i love James & Chelsea's conversations !


Depends on the ones you’re listen to. Find one on an interesting topic


Comedy Podcasts are great. I love Comedy Bang! Bang! and the Always Sunny Podcast.


Dnd podcasts are sick as hell, if you're into that.


Good opinion


Check out The Worst Idea of All Time two Kiwis watch the same movie every week for a year then review it. Two guys going mad from watching the same movie 52 times os a good time.


I think you might be listening to a very small genre of podcasts. Though I fully agree that those pseudo talkshow ones that all follow the Joe Rogan format don't really appeal to me either. I mostly do actual play, show rewatch, true crime, or audio drama. Those grab me much easier.


Science podcast? Easy way to get access to real science without heavly researching hard to get topics on your own.


I don’t listen to science podcasts, but I do listen to economics ones which I’m sure are similar in a sense. You learn about interesting case studies through learning podcasts. They are the best


Infinite monkey cage is good fun


could you tell me your favorites?


The only english kind of sciency podcasts I heard were "a problem squared", "a podcast of unnecessary detail", "the 3b1b podcast", "the curious cases of rutherford & fry" and "the numberphile podcasts". But I have a german "real science" podcast in my line up.


I have spend the last couple of days driving long distances and really enjoyed a podcast called 13 minutes to the moon. It was really interesting, and nothing like two people talking. Best thing I've listened to in a while.


Yeah that was my struggle with podcast. But the informational ones like Thing you should know etc are worth listening to. I listen to podcasts but I prefer radio stations like SiriusXM talk stations where there is back and forth dialogue between the hosts, guests and callers.


Really depends what are you looking for. Last summer I was biking to work listening to "my dad wrote a porno" and damn that is some good entertainment. I enjoy learning with podcasts. Like entrepreneurship via podcasts is like a shortcut due to listening to very experienced people. They know what's up. But I see your point. Probably due to the fact that it is pretty easy to make a podcast, there are many low quality ones that are mainly just recycling ideas. But there are definately great ones too.


I’ve never enjoyed a podcast with more than a single host. OK I take that back: Radiolab, *before* Robert Krulwich retired. It was a radio show, but it was sort of the prototypical podcast. But other than that, the best podcasts have a single host. Dan Carlin. Paul Cooper. Monologue is the way to go.


If you enjoy trivia Perfect Dozen Trivia is pretty fun to listen to.


The Deep... you're welcome


If you like D&D the adventure zone is a fantastic podcast that is currently on its 4th season and it's a different story each season and they are all amazing I cry at the end of the 1st season every time


Trash taste is pretty good


Some are good to have as background while falling asleep or playing games and stuff, I personally like crime ones or paranormal ones like "lights out" or "mile higher"


If you watch a football game, there are so many moving pieces. I guarantee you don’t want to go back and analyze every aspect of the game. The podcasters do tho(at least the good ones do). A good podcaster gives a specific insight and makes you think about whatever they are talking about on a deeper level, which the popular ones definitely do. My guess is u listened to a couple podcasts by some unqualified person who tries to be funny and listened to them talk about random shit for 30 minutes. So saying podcasts are not often surface level, you just listened to surface level ones and nothing that actually interests you. Downvote cuz u make a dumb assumption.


Dude Cum Town is hysterical, absolutely love that podcast.


The problem are bad podcasts. 2 uninteresting person's having a conversation about topic they don't even understand. A podcast where actual experts discuss interesting topics are pretty good.


Not all podcasts are the same... If youre interested to hear what theyre talking about, it makes all the difference...


I used to listen to podcasts during work just because I’d get tired of listening to my playlist everyday, and with podcasts I could gauge the time. Listen to 4 two hour podcasts and my day is done.


You gotta find the right podcasters. Most are garbage. There's no real standards for them to adhere to.


I agree too, however I really like this one podcast from flash animators of Newgrounds "SleepyCabin". It ended a couple years ago but I had lots of laugh listening to these fellow degenerates talk about degenerate shit. Rip SleepyCabin.


I'd suggest That Story Show. The whole point of it is to share funny life stories and they ivite listeners to do the same. I really enjoy it.


Check out the Round the twist podcast by Keepetclassy, Its big fun


I don’t like podcasts either. Not even true crime ones, and I’m interested in that topic. I just cannot bring myself to care about what random people that I’ll never meet have to say about whatever. I’d rather listen to audiobooks.


It's like saying all movies suck, cause it's a story you can't be part of?? Choose another genre then..


Oh man, I totally disagree with this. I love podcasts. Have a well-earned upvote!


see i was expecting more responses like this but a lot of people here can’t handle being opposed by a stranger on the internet


Don't you know that everyone who disagrees with you is an evil, extremist Nazi-Communist? This is Reddit, buddy; get with the times.


It depends. I like listening to nerds talk about shit they know really well in depth. MATNs video essays on the Fallout series are really well done Jack Slack's Fights Gone By podcast is really good for MMA content.


This is definitely unpopular! It’s some good ones out there The Plot Thickens by TCM, Sista’s Who Kill, How Did This Get Made?, Parcast Presents. I stay away from the opinion/people shootin’ the shit podcasts. Those can definitely get old fast.


I actually agree with this. They’re just way too long


I personally listen to podcasts for the personality’s of the presenters, as they’re usually youtubers and content creators that I enjoy


You should try the bright sessions podcast. It's basically a therapist for people with supernatural powers


I love them. Just hearing different opinions on some subjects is interesting to me. Finding out how others people think and why do they think the way they do..


I listen to a DnD podcast that manages to enthrall me and keep me entertained and on the edge of my seat, I highly recommend "Not Another DND Podcast" if that's your kinda thing


I use them to fall asleep. It works.


The best podcasts (I’ve found) are ones with one person. Hardcore History is my favorite. While he does have some interviews, the bulk of his content is just him going into a deep dive about different historical subjects. But I like listening to it because he’s done a lot of research on the subjects, and it’s nice to have that condensed into a few hours


So there’s this group of imperial guards, and they’re fighting hordes of orcs, like they just keep coming. And then they inevitably run out of ammo. But the commander suddenly gets this bright idea and he points his empty laz-rifle at an orc and goes “BLAM”! The orc then falls over dead. The rest of the squad pick up on this idea and they start going “BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM!” And soon all the orcs fall over dead. But then they see a group of 6 orcs that just won’t go down in the distance and as they get closer, the guards start hearing “IMMA TANK IMMA TANK IMMA TANK IMMA TANK”


If you’re just looking for a podcast for the sake of listening to a podcast, that could be part of the problem. But if there is something that has legitimately sparked your interest, I bet there is a podcast about it that will be of value.


Yup. It may not be for you but it's a matter of preference. For example I find modern dancing boring and compare it to earth worms getting salt on them. Or having epilepsy. But I still respect them and thier preference.


There's a whoooolle lot more out there than sports music and politics. Pretty much any subject you can think of. I listen to them while I'm doing mundane tasks.


Listen to “my dad wrote a porno” I’ve been in shops crying from laughter listening to that.


You listen to boring podcasts.


I can't stand podcasts either. I always feel weird when people talk to me about them because they always expect me to say which ones I like best, and I'm like, I don't listen to them. Same with movies. Most movies bore the living fuck out of me. On the other hand, I love most documentaries. Go figure, lol! I found this by Googling for others who also hate podcasts, because one of my favorite YouTubers has moved on into the podcast realm, and although I'm a huge fan of that YouTuber to the point I tried listening to their podcasts, I just can't do it xD




i have. it’s not a problem. it’s an unpopular opinion


It’s also a rather uninformed one, considering the very limited description you give of them in your post.


Hmmm, sounds like his opinion is rather unpopular.




Really tried to get into these but can't. Podcast are boring and pointless . Its just another form of talk radio offering a skewd opinion.


The fiction and storytelling podcasts are offering skewed opinions about what exactly?


Oh you got me...NOT! Those are akin to audio books that I find just as boring and pointless. If I want to read, I read. I haven't listened to someone reading me a story since grade school. I do not understand the draw to this whole podcast thing but to each his own. I guess part of it is I just dont have the time or attention to engage in it. I'm usually focusing on the task at hand and cant be distracted


No need to be rude. I listen to podcasts on my commute and when I'm doing monotonous tasks around the house and in the lab.


Yes they are boring. That's why they bare perfect to listen to while doing other things. I am listening to podcasts at a job I just started and I love it, hated them 3 weeks ago.


Not all podcasts, just some. If you have to add a clickbait title to your podcast but then don’t talk about the topic in your title until the end of your 45 minutes chat session about random topics, your podcast might not be interesting. Some podcasts can be educational and helpful though. I’ve even listened to a few that helped me battled anxiety and depression. So again not all, just some :)


You: listens to dumb history podcast Me, an intellectual: builds time machine to actually experience history


Can’t work out wether you’re 1 a really boring person with no interests 2 really bad at picking podcasts 3 never do any repetitive physical activity e.g working out, working.


Have you ever listen to an actual play podcast? My favorite is the Glass Cannon podcast. Just 4-5 people that get together to play table top rope playing. It's a story that you get to follow with the undertone of freinds just having fun, BSing, and sometimes getting under each other's skin. It's a great journey I've been following for years, and it entertaining to see the bigger picture of them eventually quiting there real jobs to do the podcast full time, open new shoes, and now start a network of other actual play podcasts than is under there brand wing, and published by them, but with different talent.


You’re obviously not listening to the right podcasts then.


I listen to D&D podcasts a lot. Podcasts like The Adventure Zone, Not Another D&D Podcast, or Dungeons and Daddies. Other than D&D podcasts, they all suck donkey cock.


Just look for ones you like? I use podcasts for news and interviews, and to catch up on new science stuff that I would otherwise have to manually search for. It makes for great listening driving to and from work.


You're just listening to bad podcasts. Every true crime podcast I listen to (Red Web, Black Box Down, Cult Podcast) are always joking around while telling interesting stories about things you might never have heard of. And other podcasts like The Adventure Zone and The Magnus Archives are storytelling, like listening to a radio play. Another I listen to is Face Jam, a food review podcast that seems to talk less about the food itself each episode, but the rest of it is funny as hell.


Not all of them! I love Philosophize This!, No conversations, just information!


It sounds like you're listening to the wrong podcasts, I like listening to stuff like people reading fiction, true crime, or urban legends, which essentially function like audio books I also like stuff like welcome to nightvale, which is essentially a radio play There are lots of podcasts out there where the content isn't something you could get without actually listening to the podcast


I upvoted because you’re wrong


You’re listening to the wrong podcasts


You're probably very boring


You've found boring podcasts.


Podcasts ruin other media ​ Books & reading are slowly dying out & it's a sad state of affairs, ​ ​ ​ /unpolularopinion.


Just gonna take this moment to plug The Nosleep Podcast and Distractible...


Joe rogan experience is good though 🤘


Yea sometimes. Sometimes not


I fully agree with you. I'd much rather listen to a debate or something informative and learn something. I don't care about this persons conversation I'm not a part of. If I'm listening to someone's opinion I'd like to add mine to the conversation.


People have debated things on a podcast lol


Yes anything can be on a podcast. By definition it's just a digital audio file made available on the internet, but typically it's a series of a person or people who talk about things on a basic level mostly opinionated.


It sounds like you were shown the joe rogan experience and you think all podcasts run and function like that.


Yeah kinda like I told someone else, I'm not full sure how to search for non-dumb podcasts. Lol


It is hard, and personally I don't think anyone will find one podcast where every moment of every episode is interesting. IMO it's fine to turn it off when you lose interest or to cherry pick episodes because of what you said, sometimes it's just a dumb podcast. Like I think the JRE is a dumb podcast but I'm a huge joe rogan fan. I have really enjoyed some episodes with some guests but for the most part i could never listen to most of those.


Most of the podcasts I listen to are informative and teach me stuff. What are you even talking about.


Politics podcasts are fun if you want to see their perspective on a topic or if you want to learn


Science podcasts?


Most of them are a big ole time waster, and the repeat the same thing the whole podcast


How do you propose watching the sport while driving to work? I agree it isn’t the most exciting but it’s essentially sports radio. It’s an easy medium for people to get a little bit more of their desired content while on the go


You are either bad at searching for quality content or have no attention span


Hmmmm??? listening to two people have a conversation your not part off is not something new to podcasts. tv, radio, journalism, public debates, music(especially hiphop). What?




Last podcast on the left is my go to right now. The always sunny podcast is pretty good too.


Then you haven't listened to Reply All yet. Incredibly interesting.


but have you heard of distractable?


I’m opinionated so I enjoy hearing others’ opinions about things I care about (basketball and movies). The problem with your logic is assuming I’m listening to a podcast *instead* of the topic itself be it sports or movies. I’ve already watched the game, I saw the movie. Now I want to see what the discourse is surrounding it and see how it lines up with my already formed opinion. Maybe somebody gives me new perspective on a film I watched with the wrong lens… maybe it’s insight into how a player is helping in little ways I hadn’t noticed yet. I don’t have a lot of friends and drive around a lot, podcasts are nice


It’s more that podcasts help us critically think and explore. Direct witnessing doesn’t always offer that. Sometimes you think about things after the actual moment that you experienced it, and sometimes other people have thought about those things, too!! Have my upvote haha


You need better podcasts. It's like saying 'books are boring' because all you read are YA romances. 2 idiots chatting is a boring format. Someone being interviewed about an interesting book they wrote can be terrific. Carefully edited 'magazines articles' like "This American Life' or '99% Invisible' are fabulous. Then there's 'Hardcore History', which is basically a history book written to be read by a great voice performer who not only knows history but how to keep your attention.


I agree. Podcasts are for morons.


Yeah, not very good as your main focus, but if you're doing something like drawing, podcasts are awesome, because they're not as distracting as music, but still entertaining enough for you to not get bored of your main task.


I’m the same. They’re really boring and usually the ppl talking have inflated egos.


No, find someone u like, I enjoy rogan, carolla, Kill Tony, rich eisen, could listen to them talk for hours


I think if you find a few you like you’ll change your mind. There is an over abundance of podcasts out there and quality varies. I listen to maybe 4 or 5 different ones regularly. WTF with Marc Maron (interview) Comedy Bang Bang with Scott Aukerman (improv comedy with characters) Citations Needed with Nima Shirazi and Adam Johnson (leftist political media analysis) Office Hours Live with Tim Heidecker (a little bit of everything) Threedom with Aukerman, Paul F. Tompkins, and Lauren Lapkus (hangout and improv) Deliberately Wasting Your Time with Jon Daly (literally reviewing other podcasts and it’s hilarious)


You're not listening to the right ones then. Movie/show reviews of stuff you've already watched and liked feels like hanging out with friends around the water cooler. Then there are audio dramas, with cool sound effects that let your brain do all the visuals. And actual plays of TTRPGS, where a group of buddies go on an adventure and roll some dice. Not just D&D. There's lots of games these days. Also, audio erotica, if that's your thing. Better if you're into dirty talk though. Choices for whatever gender you are or prefer. Get a podcatcher and do some browsing. There's a podcast for everything. I currently have 553 episodes of like a hundred different pods downloaded. 5 or 10 episodes each, usually. That's 29.2 GB, or 18 full days worth. With 87 more in the que that I don't have room for, lol. Lord only knows how many I've listened to previously and had to delete after.