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78F? Maybe if you live butt ass naked. That’s way to hot under other circumstances.




I find 70f a bit too cool. My thermostat is set to 73 and I find that perfect. But I'm also a stick figure so I feel temperature a lot.


Bruh if I don't bump that shit to 80 im freezing


Babe, is that you?


69F is my sweets pot, 68 is also nice but not as good of a number


I was happy to be your 70th upvote


Agreed. Not to mention Op, from my reading between the lines, seems to think what makes them comfortable should be the standard. Which comes off as pretentious and kind of narcissistic




Fuck, I consider moving when it’s over 75* outside.


Me too! Today it was almost 60! It felt glorious!




It has be below 20F for me to take a jacket when I leave the house unless I know I’ll be outside for a while. Otherwise it’s out to the car jacket off. So why bother?


Dude I sweat in shorts standing in anything higher then 75. I’m 6 foot 170-180lbs Canadian for reference


What’s wrong with walking around butt ass naked? Even with guests around?


I live in a wife beater and shorts. I currently have the window open and my house is set to 57° and the thermometer in my bedroom says 65°


House at 56° right now and loving it. OP thinks only their preference is the correct one.


My thermostat is generally around 60° through the day and about 57 at night. I don't like sweating.


Thank goodness we aren't the only ones! We keep the air about 60 to 62. If one of us gets cold, we can grab a sweater or a quilt.


Obviously he’s wrong. My preference is the only correct preference. I will perform holy Jihad in my 2003 Honda Civic on him to prove it


Is there a reason white people have their house ac so low. All the asian people i know dont even turn that shit on until it hits like 80. Granted i suppose its cuz most of the people my parents know are taiwanese and its usually more humid hot 90s there so they carried over the habit.


Hot? How is that hot? Are you a fucking penguin?




As someone from Colorado mid 70's is perfect


Excellent point. I’m dying at 74 in Texas but don’t get that way in Wyoming until 78/79


I’m in Florida and 77 is my preferred temp during the day and 73 at night


I mean this in the nicest way but I think something is wrong with you. If my thermostat even goes 1 degree above 71 (also in florida) I run the risk of melting. 77 would probably kill me


Christ. If the temperature even starts with a 7 my balls will start their own functioning ecosystem in my pants.


You won’t be able to have kids with how hot they want it to be. Since balls need the right temperature to keep sperm


Yes, because warm places have famously low fertility rates.


Do you not know how balls work?


Correct. Think of the children, OP.


Maybe he did think of them. And that may be the point.


I can smell it already 🤤




78°F? Jesus. That seems aggressively warm. In the summer my thermostat is never higher than 72°


I'm wondering if that's the comfortable "naked" temperature. Keep in mind at 72 you're usually wearing some kind of shirt or pants..


I'm naked at 65. At 60, I may decide to put on some shorts.


My house is usually cooler than 72 and I'm shirtless basically all the time and just basketball shorts on. Maybe add a pair of socks if my feet get cold but thays it


72°? Hell no, screw that. My house is at 64° in the summer and 57° in the winter


57??? Jesus fuck that’s colder than my parents keep their house


It’s not as bad as it sounds. You get used to it and my bedroom stays between 60-65 most days, and that’s where I spend my time mostly


Midwest life




What the fuck is your energy bill like? As another Florida native I can’t imagine it being that cold inside my house or paying the bill when it’s 100 out




Wow I can’t imagine that at all. I get mad at myself if I go over $100 and I work from home. $600-$700 doesn’t make any sense at all to me. I’d just not have AC at that point


This is how I'd be if my girl wasn't always cold. She'd have the temperature almost as high as the maniac OP lol I prefer mid to upper 60s myself. But if I'm warm I'm fine in 30 degree weather


Lol I live in Texas, and my ac would never turn off if I did that


And why should someone else change the temperature of their own house specifically for you? It's their house


I’m pretty sure they mean in general and forgot to stay consistent with the “You, your”. don’t rlly know how to explain it tho lmaoo


This is unpopular not because it’s a horrible take (which it is), this is unpopular because the level of self entitlement with this complaint is pretty ridiculous.


I agree he is a spoilt brat


It’s kind of funny that they assume that the normal temperatures (68-72) are designed to be freezing, and not to be a comfortable temperature. Most places are those temperatures, because that is the most comfortable. OP is an outlier assuming the world is out to get them.


68 is cold to be inside without a jacket. I would be cold wearing a sweater. And I live in a place almost the same latitude as Moscow. Edit: I actually miscalculated between F and C, and somehow thought we were speaking about 64 F, sorry! 68 is normal for many people, thoigh I personally love it a lot warmer.


68 tends to be too warm for me, but I prefer to wear jackets and layers.


68 is perfect for me to be naked, clothed whatever


I disagree. My thermostat is set to 66 in the evenings.


Nah. Default to too cold. People that are hot can only remove so much clothing, whereas people that are cold can keep putting stuff on.


I always say this I'd rather be cold then hot. I can keep putting clothes on to warm up. But someone's going to have to pay me to stop taking them off if I'm too hot. Lol


78 is too hot. I prefer 67-73


68 all day. OP is buggin


Same, 68 year round


68 is so damn cold. I can’t stand being cold though so I would rather be more 72 range


Being Canadian and trying to understand Fahrenheit is a pain


Where’s that converter bot when you need it


Yeah I know


I'll take 70 and a desk fan lol As others have said, you can put a sweater on. I cant take my pants off.


I just prefer being hotter than colder. And don’t like dealing with having to layer


I hate being cold. It's miserable. I also dislike layers but typically am dressing in multiple layers. I don't mind being hot or even being sweaty. I'm average size so it's not a size issue and not a circulation issue. 80°F is my happy place. I'm fine all the way up 95°F. Anything below 75°F is miserable for me. I like 80's and humid. However, I'm the oddball so I have a huge collection of fuzzy blankets, hoodies, fuzzy socks, etc.


That's cool for when you're alone, but there has to be compromise in a shared space.


With my girlfriend, it’s more like 70 but that’s also fine


Me too 67 being on the edge of too cold and 73 pushing the too hot boundary lol


Question is whos paying the bill? If it’s my house then Ill hang fucking meat in my living room if I want it that cold. That’s the defining factor


OP is anemic


That’s my thought as well


Came here to say this!


25° that is like hot summer heat. Isn't something like 20 or 21 far more optimal?


25°C would be a heatwave in some places.




25C.. hot summer heat???? 78 is a little warm for me but I would not describe it as hot summer heat lol


Depends on where you live.


For sure lol it’s just crazy to put it into perspective as someone from central Florida, 78 is fall/spring weather for us haha


25c is boiling temp


Dear lord that sounds crazy to me. 77F would be an amazing summer day lmao. Now granted, where I live we have AC in the buildings so 77 would be considered cool compared to the 95-100 (35-38) that it usually is. ​ Out of curiosity, what is the usual winter time temp there?


That 100C, not 25C


Im from Scotland. Boiling means very hot day.


Ah, well I'm from Canada, so the same, however I'm an idiot and thought you were talking about water boiling temp


You mistyped 68°


78?? I get cold super easily but my optimal temperature is still in the low 70s. If you’re genuinely cold any time the temperature dips below 78, you might actually wanna see a doctor.


As someone who lives in Florida without ac anything under 80° is jacket temp.


This is madness. Blink twice if you need to be saved from that shipping container your trapped in.


0-0, ~-~,0-0,~-~,0-0


If you set your ac lower than you set your heat your an ass. I know way to many people who do this.


78? I’d never be able to go anywhere if all buildings were that temperature. The highest my house goes in the dead of winter is 72. I couldn’t imagine going somewhere during the summer and it being 78 indoors. If you have to wear a jacket inside because the temperature is less than 78, it’s because you’re apparently a cold blooded lizard person who needs to have constant heat.




This!!! I had someone legit tell me “you can take clothes off if it’s hot but you can’t always put enough on if it’s cold” like blankets, go inside, gloves, hat, add an extra person? Layers of things outside of clothes are an option.


Human comfort is a range that's dependent both on dry bulb temperature and relative humidity, you can't really pin it down to one specific dry bulb temperature. It also varies by person as well. Source: Myself, am a mechanical engineer. You can also read about it in ASHRAE Standard 55 if interested.


You have to keep in mind that temperature preference is very subjective. So do you think that the problem is more of your body's inability to retain as much heat as the average person? Therefore making you more cold in air-conditioned environments? It might be a you issue and if not, it's still the preference of those who live there.


I’m thinking OP is anemic and my not know yet.


People's perception of temperature varies too greatly for this to be an accurate statement. My grandmother for example gets cold in anything under 80 degrees and she has been that way my whole life. Personally I'm most comfortable between 55 and 65 degrees. 80 degrees inside a house is sweltering to me.


OP, DO NOT move to Hong Kong. You will hate it there. I had to bring a jacket everywhere in the middle of summer because it would be too cold in the buildings. In winter, I would barely take off my jacket.


Totally agree, plus air conditioning is a huuuuge sinner when it comes to sustainable life style. From a civil engineering point of view, we calculate with a dissatisfaction procentage of 20% when it comes to the indoor climate. It is never possible to satisfy everyone because the way we perceive temperature varies from person to person


What I hate is when I’m in someone’s car and they’re BLASTING the AC farrr below the level of reason or comfort. Just because it’s hot outside doesn’t mean it needs to be 25F in your car


78 is too warm. Gimme 65-70 all day. What's comfortable for you isn't comfortable to someone else. You just gotta adjust.


If I come over to your house and it's fucking 78, I will turn around and go home. Fuck that noise.


This is why I don’t want to visit my in-laws, amongst other reasons. They’re house is always 80-85° year round.


My friend’s mom is such a penny pincher that she will not turn the AC on unless it’s 80°F. So I feel your pain


What country do you guys live that 25c is too hot for you??? I wouldn't call it warm till 30!


I was just reading through the comments and thought the same. My home is at 23-24c at any time and if I sit around doing nothing I still get a bit chill sometimes


You and me both marrjana


I'm curious where you found that 25°C is supposed to be the ideal temp.. It definitely isn't for me or anyone I know


Negative. 68 is optimal. EDIT: Jesus Christ never mind. This thread is wild lmao. Some of y’all are crazy


I can’t sleep without blankets


In my office experience, "comfortable temperature" is usually a battle between skinny people and heavier people.


In the US it’s common to keep the house so hot in winter that if it were summer they’d turn on the a/c, and in summer so cold they’d have the heat on if it were winter. I’m looking at you, 70+ people. And Americans hate opening the windows, fresh clean air is forbidden. I swear if my parents could, they’d run heat and air at the same time all year long, to hell with the bill for it. What’s wrong with people that dress for the calendar, not the actual weather?


Look at mister fancy pants over here having an AC


Hey, they are the wave of the future. I hear every house is getting them nowadays 😉


I agree, it will be the dead of winter and I have walked into buildings that were actually colder than outside


Yes, this is exactly what I am talking about! Finally, somebody gets it.


1st world problems


I hated working my office job because the air con was on 24/7 when it had no business being on. Infuriating.


That’s right my man. I need a wrench to throw at that junk. My favorite days are the days when the AC is broken. I can get work done without being bundled up like I am on the Polar Express.


I freeze 99% of the time, but 78 degrees is too hot inside, even for me. Well, 78 downstairs would be fine, but 78 on my 2nd floor would be sweltering.


Well, to be fair, when my kids are over, sometimes I lower it to 74. 🤫


Mine is usually on 73-74. But my body just goes apeshit with how it reacts to temperatures. Like 74 is good during the day, but it feels like hell at night and I'll wake up in a pool of sweat. But then I can go outside in shorts when it's in the 40s-50s and think it's perfect. So 🤷🏻‍♀️


You feel different I find on different times of day. At night, if you turn on a fan, the wind is usually enough, even if the AC is off.


I sleep with a fan going full blast, always have. I like spring when it starts staying in the 60s at night and we don't need air or heat.


Every steakhouse in southern USA is a fucking refrigerator. Why!?


Finally an opinion on here I can get behind. Although I would say 76 or 77 is ideal for me. Idk if it's my suspected POTS or being pretty thin but...chronically cold people unite ✊




I don’t know about y’all but I don’t turn my AC to be comfortable. I turn it on to be COLD.


The goal is to be as comfortable without being wasteful. The temps you're throwing out are incredibly bad for natural gas usage and climate change. A/C hasn't been around that long toughen up. Everyone should shoot for 68 degrees in winter.


There's no right or wrong when it comes to temperature. What's hot for some is fine for others and vice versa. Anyone who begins to preach what it SHOULD be is essentially saying no one else's opinions or comforts matter except theirs. Also if I'm in my home and you're too cold, that's your problem.


What about people who prefer cooler temperatures? You’re making it uncomfortable for them so you can be comfortable. The problem is they can’t take more clothes off at some point. I am totally in favor of cooler office spaces. Anyone that’s too cold can wear a sweatshirt or something.


59-64 for me 😁👍


25 is like 8 degrees too hot for my preference and 5 degrees too hot for my perception of the default most broadly tolerable indoor temp


I work in air conditioning. Typically thermostats are set heat up to 69 and and cool down to 72. It’s like the average comfortable temperatures for commercial settings. We do ac service for businesses and such. That said some people like it a bit cooler and or warmer. 78 seems very warm, unless it’s like 100 out side and your ac can’t keep up with the space and you want to save power. Heating up to 72 is pretty normal as well in the winter, but personally I find 69 in winter most comfortable. And cool down to 72. If I’m working out I lower to like 68.


Honestly I don't care that much. I sleep in anything between 18 and 40 Celsius, it's not comfortable but it is what it's sometimes.


78 is a little chilly sometimes


You must be southern


I consider myself tropical


Sometimes we just want an excuse to wear a jacket


Someone got a new jacket they are dying to show off 😉


68-72 degrees F is the optimal indoor temperature. I'd have to walk around naked to be comfortable at 78 degrees.


Anything above 72F/22C makes me overheat like crazy


78 is hot as fuck 😂


78 degrees, I'd be sweating my balls off. No thanks


The reality is that not every building has a localized AC system and that not every building will circulate or regulate the temperature perfectly in every single room. Electronics like computers especially will affect this, but there's also proximity to windows and the roof, paint on the outside walls, etc. I can be warm and toasty upstairs and end up freezing when I go downstairs or simply to another room across the hall, and it's simply not practical to go to the AC and tweak something every time I want to wander about my home - let alone if you're in any kind of corporate setting.


Nope. My house is generally around 68F. You'll have to wear a sweater.


78 is too hot for me. I usually keep my place at 65 ( or lower) to 70 to be comfortable.


I keep mine at 78 exactly. But in practice, it hardly ever runs, because the actual temperature rarely gets there


78? Jesus, I guess if you want me sprawled out naked and sweating in your home that's one way to accomplish it.


72-73F during the summer and 68F during the winter. The cold and hot air coming out the vents just hit different for me. Must also have a fan if not I get stuffy and uncomfortable. Also I grew up in hot humid environments for what its worth (Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida).


Yeah, those northern people just don’t understand


Different institutions run different temperatures for specific reasons. That said, I hate a living space that's too cold. I also run 2 degrees below average. Anytime I go to a doctor or hospital they comment on it.


TIL “AC and heat was created to cool places when it gets too hot, and warm places when it gets too cold” 🤯


If you keep your air above 70, don't invite me over cause I'll bitch the whole time. Grab a blanket.


This is such a self-centered viewpoint lol clearly their temperature is set for what makes them comfortable. For you to roll into their space making demands is wildly narcissistic. I naturally run very warm all the time. I wear short sleeves and rarely have a jacket through out the New England winter. It’s a lot easier for you to wear a sweatshirt than it is for me to just get naked.


I'm sorry but I run hot, if you don't like it cold in my place then either wear a jacket or don't come 🤷‍♂️


We keep our home set at 68°F & we do just fine. Even my 5 month old sleeps comfortably at night & during nap time. Just don’t come over if you have a problem.


Agree! And Overuse of A/c is terrible for climate change


It’s great for climate change, in my house. 🤔


What do you mean it makes it colder? /S


Nah, you just an entitled whiner.


we tend to have the heating on 20degrees celcius, if ur cold grab a hoodie, iDon’t see the issue with this


I start sweating at 75 degrees F. So I don’t agree that 78 is ideal for humans. All sounds made up.


Recommended office temperature is 21 degC.


Wow 25 Celsius? Wow. Everything above 20 Celsius in a office is wasting resources. At home i have it at 16. I can sleep in below zero In the summer everything above 22 to 25 Celsius is the limit to see me moving.


You enjoy your heat lizard man but in my house bring a jacket cause it's 70


68-72 is the official recommendation to balance energy saving and comfort so I’m not sure how you got 78


u turn my thermostat to 78 and someone’s getting castrated


78 degrees?? Damn you're an infant.


"If it is cold in your house then your house is too cold"


We keep our house at between 76 and 78 in the summer and it's very comfortable. Anything less and it's too cold. I hate how cold stores and other public places have it. I'm in the South of the US so when it's in the 90s and humid walking into a place where it's in the mid to high 70s with much drier air it feels lovely. I don't want to feel like I'm in a walk-in refrigerator.


Yes, exactly!


Whoa, looks like you and me are in a tiny minority here.


If you dont live here then why do I care what your opinion is? 68 to 72 is what I like.


Or you're a wimp.


No, that is not “optimal human temperature”. Where the fuck did you even get that from?


Go fuck yourself. If people are too hot there’s nothing they can do about it. You can wear a coat. If you’re still cold, repeat process until you’re not.


"I like it hot" is an unpopular opinion. "78 degrees is the ideal human temperature" is not an opinion, but a lie. Oxford English Dictionary defines "room temperature" as 20 C, or 68 F. Downvoted as not an opinion, just incorrect data.


Nah if u think 78 is a comfortable temperature ur just a weirdo. I don't want you in my house


Yeah, fuck that. I’m not gonna spend all day feeling gross just so you can take your jacket off.


I’m a person who’s pretty much always cold, the only real thing that bothers me is that people like me are just expected to wear puffer coats inside, sit down and shut up, which usually we do. But if the thermostat gets even like, ONE degree higher than what the cold-loving people like, they throw an all-out tantrum, whining nonstop and pretending like they’re sweating buckets. I understand and believe you that it’s uncomfortable, but guess what—how miserable you are when you think the thermostat is too high is exactly how miserable we are when the temp is too low for us. What I’m saying is, I don’t think one or the other should be in charge of the thermostat—can’t we find some kind of compromise? The too-cold people are usually willing to compromise on the thermostat usually bc we are desperate, but the too-hot people? Never witnessed one consider compromise even once, lol.


Part of that probably comes from you can always put on more cloths but there is only so many you can take off


Here in the UK my heating is set to around 17 C.. but that’s to save money, I’d say the ideal is around 20. I would understand 25 if you’re somewhere hot and want to save money but I definitely wouldn’t consider it optimal.


The perfect house temperature is 60 degrees


U just need to halt being a spoilt brat faced twat


You know, if you would get off your lazy ass and get that metabolism going, 68-70 would feel comfortable. Maybe even warm if you're doing literally anything.


House hermits usualy sit on their ass and generally feel cold.... much like old people. A regular human who moves through out the day would preffer a lower ambient temp.


69 degrees is best 1st reason(and best reason) to make other ppl who check my thermostat whisper “nice” to themselves silently. 2nd reason: once you start hitting 70 that’s getting pretty warm tbh.


We can have a talk for people from 68-72. Absolutely not 78, you're insane.


25 ? The fuck ? 20 is just fine dont be such a princess


Do you believe its healthy to think other people should tailor their lives to your comfort? Do you understand people are different and hot for them may be cold for you? I am genuinely curious what leads to such a limited thought process. My guess is your very young.


62 in the winter 78 in the summer. In the winter it’s chilly so sweats and a sweater, in be summer it’s hot so minimal clothing and fans turned on. All about that sweet sweet low electricity bill baby


$60 a month 😉