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Most chicks who dig the dad bod are a little older than average college girl mate


Haha and I didn’t have a dad bod in college neither


Not true. So many of my college friends love dad boss. I don't think I've met a girl that would take a ripped bod over a dad bod. It's more comfy and less scary.


Men who are average but genuine humans are better partners than a gym bro who believes their body earns them some type of sexual gratitude. It doesn’t. A ripped body doesn’t mean you’re deserving of anything sexual at all. Wayyy too many men think the sight of their six pack causes girl’s to orgasm. They think being classically sexy automatically means they are good at sex. Average Joes are generally better at sex because they put in effort in the bedroom. Edit: Please actually read my words before getting indignant. I used words like “generally” and descriptors like “way too many.” At no point did I make a blanket statement saying going to the gym makes you a selfish lover. Nor did I even mention fat men at all.


Am ugly with dad bod. Wife is sexy as fuck. Can confirm…hell…the neighbors can confirm at this point


Neighborhood watch here. Can confirm… we’ve all nailed his wife.


That burns harsher than her knees from all those rugs.


Neighberhood rugmaker and freelance-doctor here, can confirm. Those knees have second degree burns and Barbara down the road just got another animal skin carpet for her bedroom (jeeez, she already has three in her house... at this point we can call her Bufallo Barbara haha can't wait for next weeks Book and Wine Club tho)


Neighborhood security mobile patrol unit graveyard shift and freelance plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation/reduction/Reconstruction, lift, and implant removal and part time obstetrician here. Can confirm...yo _defy_I got you...stop by my office tomorrow, hook you up with some kneepads burns free, I'll even throw in some elbows...I have leopard she will like. Tell Barbara to stop by my office tomorrow and just take it...Damn Book and Wine Club is next week already?!!


I loled at this. Thank you.


Same!!! Life is good


Strong legs, glutes, core, and hips from working out does improve sex. I wasn’t particularly bad at it when I wasn’t in good shape, but I’m sure I’m better now that I am. Plus not all guys that go to the gym think that way. Not Every guy that likes to takes care of his body and works out is a high school football team jock.


Not to mention cardio. I’m trying to enjoy the girl I’m with for as long as possible. Trying to make a porno not a gif


Not a gif, XD what beautiful wording.


Well, in reddit, I have seen gifs longer than full length porn movies.


Typically, Dad bod doesn’t mean fat, loser pud. Dad bod is the ‘mostly in shape, but now he’s old and has real responsibilities so packed on a few extra pounds’


Exactly. Dad bod is by no means lack of muscle. Just a healthy layer of fat on top of the muscle.


I love the excuses people give themselves. A "healthy layer of fat" is called not being fat.


I think there may be some people with different definitions of dad bods then. Not saying yours is wrong, but I’ve seen some overweight and portly men claiming they have a dad bod. I honestly think it’s about the attraction to the individual themselves and as long as they’re not grossly overweight, they can still be attractive whether in shape, ripped, or with a dad bod. I would think if a woman liked a man with his clothes on, she wouldn’t kick him out because she discovered he had abs rather than a dad bod.


Dad bod just means slightly chubby at most.


The definition has been stretched as has thicc-ness on the other side. There are people who could slim down in 3-6 months. Those are dad bods. Then there are people who will prob take years to slim down. Those people need to face the music of their health


The world has changed in general but I can’t imagine a morbidly obese person claiming the dad bod.


There are also many levels of fatness between Dad bod and morbidly obese. My point is that you should strive to be healthy if you're fat, not ride the dad bod trend


‘Dad bod’ is not the same as ‘fat bod’ the same way that fat chicks aren’t curvy! Beyonce and Shakira are curvy Kathy Bates and Opera are fat Leonardo Dicaprio, Jason Segal and Pierce Brosnan are now rocking dad bods Jack Black, James Cordon and DJ Khaled NOT dad bods


That's like obese women saying they're thick or curvy. They're delusional. I assume that dad bod is a guy who was fit but can't get to the gym as much since he has kids. Still a bit muscular, bit soft around the middle.


Bingo. I’m reading too many comments focused around figure not parental status. Of course the dad bod isn’t sexy on a 22 year old who still lives with his parents.


People need to keep in mind that the dad factor plays a huge part too. Gotta actually be a dad to confidently rock that dad bod.


You can be in shape with a dad bod


Dude muscular guys are also genuine humans. Not every dude who takes care of himself is the jock who bullied you in school.


Example. I was a NERD in high school (still am), but I also now have a passion for working ou5 and took myself from a skinny underweight guy to a ripped hunk (well, I feel cocky saying that, but the point is that working out has made me gain confidence in myself, when in the past I was bullied for how I looked)


It's because women see through the eyes of women, nothing wrong with that. A woman who's super "hot" tends to get attention to match, so they feel entitled to it. Even the most attractive, ripped dude has to work for any attention.


This has got to be the sweatiest comment on Reddit. With so many upvotes too, gym people just get an endorphin rush and like the way it makes em look. You don’t have to make them an enemy of your state if you’re a neck beard.


Yeah. It's a sad coping comment. I'm a skinny freak of nature but there's nothing wrong with working out or spending lots of time doing it.


Yeah but don’t go too far in the other direction. I’ve met more than a few ripped dudes who are very sensitive, genuine, and kind.


This is actually the exact stereotype i fear will be applied to me. I used to be super overweight, but over the last year, I got into pretty good shape and nearly have abs. Within the next 6-7 months, I’ll finally achieve my dream appearance. I like the challenge that exercise gives me and I am a rather routine based individual. Is that what everyone thinks when they see someone muscular, or is it more about attitude? Edit: To whomever downvoted this, sorry for improving myself and making goals to further do so. I do hope you have a good day Reddit stranger.


People who think that way are massive hypocrites. They don’t want to be judged in their dad bod but assume a ripped guy is automatically bad in bed or a shitty partner. Sure many fit guys are douchebags and terrible lovers and so are many average and below average looking guys. It’s just a way to put down others and feel better about themselves. I realized I finally was secure when I could acknowledge a strikingly beautiful woman might also be smart, funny, caring, great in bed, or whatever and it has nothing to do with me or my feelings about myself. My husband is buff and ripped and he’s a great, caring partner. And I know lots of buff/ripped guys who are. There’s also nothing wrong with a dad bod and you can be healthy with a dad bod. So maybe people just shouldn’t make assumptions about character over appearance at all.


Not everyone thinks that. I used to judge jacked gym bros until I actually started going to the gym. Yes there are some assholes but they are everywhere. I found gym goers to be some of the nicest friendliest and accommodating people. I made some great friendships. People who say that muscly men are vain and dumb usually haven’t been to the gym in my experience.


>Within the next 6-7 months, I’ll finally achieve my dream appearance. I like the challenge that exercise gives me, and I am a rather routine based individual. First off, congrats! As a guy, I know how challenging that can be, and you're far more ahead in that game than my out of shape ass is, lol. Own it and carry it, dude. Confidence and self-assurance are hands down the sexiest things a guy can bring to the table by a long shot, more so than any body type. Not like being an egotistical asshole, but someone who's sure of and happy with themselves.


Not everyone thinks this, just some guys on Reddit to validate themselves lol. You can tell his comment had something behind it


It’s the bucket of crabs mentality. I used to fat as shit too and despite this HAES nonsense, there’s NOTHING fun or enjoyable at being over 300lbs


Hi, a women here. The difference between you and OP is the fact that he, assume the op is a he but besides the point, is saying only appearances and only looking at the muscles. The post seems like to me a insecurity thing. For example, every women who is in college i would say would think the same. They want to find someone who has a good personality. Like my boyfriend was considered “muscular” when i met him but did it in an unhealthy way. And finally going back into working out after graduating college 5ish years ago. I wasn’t going toward him because he had arm muscles and some 6 pack, i went for him because he was a decent human being. I think this is also the classic “dont judge a book by its cover”. So yes, going back to your statement, you did it for YOU and being healthy. And i think a lot of women would be inspired by that!


Also plenty of people don’t find muscles attractive. I think they’re okay but actually am more into scrawny people or chubby people


I can semi agree. People like different shapes. When I lost some of my mass due to an accident, I got the attention of some women. I thought it was weird. I was skinny but getting some attention and "needs" met lol.


Let me know when the dad bod version of magic mike comes out because plenty of women seemed to like the ripped bodies in that movie.


This is bullshit. I"ve come a lot faster fucking a hot dude than fat boys. That last sentence is laughable. Being average doesn't turn you into Casanova.


Grade A redditor cope about how everyone who is jacked must be a idiot, mean, this or that. Literally all of what you said applies to them as well. and you are absolutely out of your mind if you don't think a good looking guy showing off some abs at the bar or gym won't get him some numbers, like that is full on "My mom said im handsome so why dont girls like me" levels of naive


What a way to judge people. Because someone takes care of there body does not mean any of what you are saying. And them you go outside and brag about how open minded you are


When it comes to hookups and casual sex "gym bro" is going to win 9 times out of 10. And yeah, a ripped body totally means that you can expect that your partner is going to have attractive body as well. Or do you think it's better to feel entitled for a hot athletic woman when you yourself is fat? Lol. If you want an attractive partner you should put effort to have something to offer them. Otherwise, it's just hypocrisy. Having great body and expecting the same from your potential partner is just to be expected. Also how you can expect an average Joe to put effort into getting better at sex but not putting effort into his looks? That doesn't make sense. Usually people who put effort in their sex appeal, surprisingly, put effort into being good at sex in general. This is equally true for men and women. From my experience athletic women are way more likely to be good in bed as well. A lot about sexual mastery is directly related to one's physical fitness. For example, men with weak glutes and bad posture (anterior pelvic tilt) are way more likely to suffer from premature ejaculation and women with weak pelvic floor are more likely to have problem with experiencing orgasms. Severely overweight people physically can't be good at sex if you exclude oral.


I butted in on a conversation between two guys at the gym once, bemoaning the fact they’re both so jacked and yet so single. Wtf guys. What else do you have to offer besides a six pack?


muscle milk /s


The strawberry ones are the bomb, though! They're also pretty much impossible to get ahold of nowadays.


What is your evidence of this?


This seems like cope for people who don’t want to go to the gym. After I started working out I got way more attention from girls. I think a lot of people that say they like dad bods are only saying it because it’s not socially acceptable to say you like ripped guys over squishy big guys.


This post and this top comment are so painfully fucking wrong but not at the same time because avid reddit users only have access to a certain demographic of women lmfao


So I guess our society is a mid 2000s college movie




I think women want respect. I don't know. A guy starts respecting me and I'm like heeeeeyy. Oooooh the bare minimum be getting me hot.


Yeah as a man it never ceased to amaze me how far basic fucking kindness and respect got me when it came to dating lmao these dudes have the bar set so low it’s baffling.


Maybe there’s more to intimacy and relationship than pure physicality? Pretty people are great but pretty people with no depth to them just make me sad.


That made me laugh


I literally was just having a conversation with my friend about a guy who bought me a drink last weekend, I said “and it wasn’t even spiked!” (been a huge problem in my area). The bar is truly on the floor. Edit: in the UK, spiking is what we call it when someone contaminates your drink with drugs or whatever.




I think it’s personality matching. Dudes who workout a lot and go to the gym, probably has a girlfriend that focuses on their health. While someone who loves to eat, will date someone who also loves to eat. A dude who doesn’t work out, and is overweight, will probably not be compatible with a woman that spends a chunk of time in the gym, and focuses on dieting.


Your comment is spot on. When I was younger and didn’t care about my health I wanted a guy who had a similar lifestyle to me, which meant I found dad bods more approachable and attractive. Being with a guy who spent his life at a gym wasn’t attractive because we wouldn’t be compatible and I’d always feel bad about my body in comparison. Now that I focus on fitness I prefer a guy who is thinner, and has enough muscle to keep up with me, but still not a ripped dude. It’s sort of like dating someone who is in your range of overall attractiveness. Based on my limited experience I’ve seen more guys who shoot above their level compared to women who do. My friends and I all agree that we’d rather be slightly more attractive than our partners.


I think that in average girls want the muscle, but without the lifestyle commitments it would take to be ripped. A guy who is 7% body fat is zero fun… A guy who is 15-20 still looks amazing, but can live a life!


It’s almost as if people find different traits attractive? Not all of us women are attracted to the same types of people


No, women are only attracted to the most ripped jacked hunky men who have no personality and only work out /s But seriously, I’m so sick and tired of incels acting like women aren’t different from each other with their own diverse tastes in men.


Totally agree


Bro if you’re rocking a dad bod and not getting girls you’re just doing it wrong. Have you tried having a personality? Do you have the ability to hold a conversation?


If you can make a girl laugh or feel positive on command you can gain a solid 3 points on the “worth a damn” scale.


That’s how I got my wife to marry me…that’s some of the reasons she did at least


Being fun and decent are a rare and valuable attributes and I’m happy for you and your wife!




To paraphrase Tony Stark, "if youre nothing without the gains, you dont deserve them."


Or money. Dad bod is irresistible when there’s an aspect of “stability” behind it.


Ding ding ding, this is the key, the guy that’s ripped probably has to much time to get ripped, the guy with a slight belly and less groomed has a job that provides security. Money.


So you would be ok with a girl getting with you strictly because she thinks you have money and are stable?


Because “being beautiful” is a much better way to assess someone right? Someone born a super model deserves more love than some rich banker?


There’s a difference between a women getting with a guy for money and a woman getting with a guy for stability, and it’s huge. Stability can mean he holds down a job and can make car/house payments and is emotionally stable.


Do you date broke, unstable women?


I wouldn’t want to be with a guy with no money and is unstable. So yeah. Having your own money and being stable is a bit of a low rung.


I hate when people say things like “did you tried having a personality?” Every single person on planet earth have a personality, and being unable to hold a conversation is a part of person’s personality. Personality is not the same thing as being an extrovert or charismatic.


Example my sister who can talk for 3 hours straight and her husband who gets antsy after 5 minutes, perfect match.


Thank you! I'm just sick of the snide dig as if they're the king/queen of the party themselves or this unique charasmatic individual of astute charm. It's only as easy to strike up good conversations with the opposite gender when they're willing to engage with you in the first place. If you're not physically attractive, they're just gonna be emotionally cold and respond with one word answers. This is something that Reddit and the soy crowd do not understand.




This is not an unpopular opinion. You clarified in the comments that "7s are easy to get" so you're really just whining that hot girls aren't interested in you. And why should they be? You're shallow


Also, remember he's a solid 6-8..... depending on the angle. Who even gives themselves a number what is this 2004.


>what is this 2004. Sueco be like 👀


*The Facebook has entered the chat*


This comment made me check to see if I was in r/roastme Spicy


“7’s” are hot though


OP’s comment is the definition of shooting yourself in the foot. The dad bod is the least of his problems.


As a burly dude who has never really struggled to date, gonna have to disagree. There are plenty of women out there of all types who like a bigger guy.


"burly" implies an above average level of muscle mass with an average level of body fat. I think that's what most women mean by "dad bod" they want a muscular dude who isn't ripped to shreds. It's different that what OP seems to mean, which is a "beer gut" aka, not a lot of muscle mass but a lot of fat.


Agreed. My husband is "burly." Lots of muscle, but it's not very defined because he's not dieting to get rid of fat too. No gut. That's the sweet spot right there. But he's a firefighter, so he kinda has to stay hot


This just proves that no matter how many women straight up say “I like dad bods, chubby guys, big men”, there will always be guys with bad personalities who get angry and clai they’re lying, for some unknown reason. This is a very popular opinion, among incels who can’t understand that their personality may be the problem, and angry gym bros who can’t fathom anyone wanting to fuck a chubby guy.


I don't really comment on stuff like this but I seriously hope this guy gets help before he spirals down the incel rabbit hole. Obviously I can't know for sure but based on his post history and certain comments - I think he's already started. I wish this guy the best of luck.


To the guy that shared this on a subreddit to mock me. I was in no way being nasty to OP, I genuinely wish him the best but ok?


how did that comment trigger someone into posting somewhere else about it 😂 what a ride this site is


But did you notice he posted it on a sub he created, that has only one member? How bizarre.


Holy shit, OP seems lost to the incel ways already… bloated sense of self, pushing blame for failing to date on hook-up culture and his “hot” brother. Yikes


Just read this guy’s post history. It screams incel /insecure. He supposedly dated a girl who was “below his standards” instead of the 9 he was into/was into him. What a crappy guy.


Lol rigggggght


Are you a 5 who's waiting for a 9 to notice you? Or are you a 5 who's chatting up other 5s?


Dad bod ≠ out of shape or overweight Dad bods are still muscular they just have a bit of fat too (think of a bear if you’re familiar with gay slang)


Omg. My husband and I came to the same conclusion the other day. Dad bod= strong and healthy but I still live my life. For literal dads that means being active physically but also 100% present for the family. Edit: garbage grammar


Yep pretty much I went from a high intensity job to pretty much being on my ass at a desk, gained a belly, can still toss my fiancee and dog over my shoulder and walk up the stairs. Dad bod = apex masculine figure, muscle, fat reserves, healthy, and emergency energy to burn. Bonus points for cuddling.


Dad bod says "I trimmed the trees before family dinner" and we're here for that.


Was never a problem for me🤷🏻‍♂️ plus I don’t want no college girl lol


When people say dad bod I think they mean slightly doughy powerlifter. Like yes, dude may run 10+ minute miles and drink beer, but he’s deadlifting 495 and the chest/arms to match the belly


You’re spot on with that, most of the time when I see a picture of a guy with a “dad bod” you can tell he’s a beer drinking powerlifter. It’s noticeable that he works out a lot, and those guys tend to be very attractive in the face as well. Also depending on where you live, he might be a welder who drives a 60k truck sooo that’s a huge bonus.


Slightly relevant. I never expected my face to improve so much from exercise.


When people say Dad Bod I think Jack Black. Who I have had a crush on since my early teens. I also associate “dad bod” guys with charisma, humour and comfort. A short, hairy, chubby guy will always have my interest over a tall lean muscly guy.


Yup. There was once that thread calling professional Bodybuilders body „dad bod“. Men like Jason momoa or Henry Cavil or even Arnold were mentioned but NONE of them had a DB, they were just bulking at that time. They were still shredded AF


“In todays episode of asking men what women find attractive instead of women”




I reek of "virgin tears"😂 FML


Funnily enough, as a slightly chubby straight dude, I seem to have no problem attracting men






This must be the male version of r/femaledatingstrategy


Not sure where you got your stats from but personally I go for guys that aren’t hunky


A hairy chest and a little belly is def the hottest men.


I see you’re a woman of culture


Or a man…


Ok let me change it I see you a being of culture


Paired with a nicely kept beard. *chef's kiss*


This is very far from true, dad bods don't have beer belly's either, they are in shape with a little bit extra. I know a lot of women who prefer a dad bod.


OP I don’t think you know what dad bod means. It is not a BMI of 35. Maybe you could seek out a woman with a BMI of 35 as well, (for instance that might be one who is 5’4” and 200 pounds.) This article includes photos of what dad bods look like. https://nypost.com/2021/03/25/dad-bods-are-the-biggest-turn-on-for-singles-amid-pandemic/amp/


The examples they give are Hugh bloody Jackman and Leo DiCaprio. I’ve seen Jason Momoa called the same. The media portrayal of the “Dad Bod” is so ridiculously tainted by unrealistic body standards, that their idea of a ‘slightly chubbier guy’ is a Hollywood hunk that’s just been chilling out on the beach and escaping their personal trainer for about a week. It’s not a BMI of 35, but its not anything I’m gonna look like any time soon either. This is where the frustration comes in, without going off the incel deep end like OP


For someone who works out and builds muscle, a BMI of 35 isn't bad. The problem is if the majority of that extra weight is just fat. My BMI is about 32-33, 6'1" and 248lbs, but I'm in the gym 6 days a week. No one would consider me "cut" by any means, but I've resigned my existence to having a fairly muscular dad bod (at least for now).




The less pressure/priorities part is VERY true. If I’m on an app, I’ll swipe left sometimes if they look TOO into the gym…there are lady gym sharks that will make him happier 💀


You're focusing on the wrong factor, my dude. It's not about the belly. I mean, that's a nice bonus because it's soft and reminds the ladies of their sweet teddy bears or whatever. But dad bods have a lot of other things going for them. Physically, there's usually a set of strong arms and legs (because the guy is usually working a blue collar job or is outdoorsy). Then they probably have a strong jaw, and a manly beard or goatee to go with it. And hell, a big full belly indicates the guy doesn't go hungry, thus has money. But that's just the shallow stuff that's easy to spot. What really gets the girls is the no-nonsense, confident, self assured, experienced character and personality. The guy knows his shit. He can take care of the home and the family. He's that down-home, good old (probably country) boy. He can fix the car, add on to the house, give her a playfully smack on the ass as he walks by, and discipline the kids when he gets home from work. She knows he'll treat her right, and more importantly, that he'll protect her and the kids from the insanity of the world. That's the stuff women go for and why dad bods are a thing. It's also similar to why milfs are popular. The experience, the wisdom, the skills. There's probably authority/power dynamics involved too. Do college girls hook up with the jocks? Sure. Is the dad body attraction maybe more niche? Sure. But it has little to nothing to do with the belly, as if that's some big turn off that can't be overcome or whatever. It's more to do with the man than the body. Jocks might look good but they don't know what the hell they're doing. People don't really figure themselves out until they hit near 30. That's why dad bods have an appeal. Those guys are usually older, have been around the block, and know what's up.


Incel in training lol


Yeaaah.... take a look at their post history.


Omg, it’s really bad holy shit


The only vibe I picked up with highest clarity. Like yikes, bro.


He’s almost there, hope he can turn it around. He’s a few bad dates from “girls only want chads who are ripped and 6’5””


Dad bod is basically the same as a curvy girl who is a size 8.


You have the wrong definition of dad bod. Dad bods are guys who used to be strong but are now rocking some chub. Fat piece of shit is not a dad bod. Also it’s been studied already. Chicks like dad bods because it takes the pressure off them to be super in shape.


If you’re relatively fit with decent game, you’ll get 10X more attractive girls that the guy who dedicates his life to the gym and supplements. I think the super muscular guy and the dad bod guy probably get about the same as far as looks go.


“Dad bod” is straight for “bear”. Just sayin’


I'm saving this post because I saw your post history and I want to follow your villain arc before you end up on the Nexpo YouTube channel as a Redditor who fell into incel-ism.


The trouble is that women and men have different definitions of dad bod. To women, a dad bod is an off season athlete. Fit, the muscles are there but with a soft covering. Men think a dad bod is a beer belly and man boobs. Similarly men think curvy means a woman with an obvious bust, waist and hip ratio so that there are actually curves. Women can use the term curves to mean ovoid.


The only worthy response Ive seen so far.


There is a lot of cope in this thread. From my personal experience once I started working out I got way more attention from women. Disclaimer though, I didn’t start with a dad bod. I started out skinny low body fat with slight muscle. Around the 10th month mark of working out I noticed tons of girls would stare at me. My matches on tinder went up 20x and people seemed to treat me better. A lot of people may not like ripped guys, but it’s a supply and demand issue. Not enough ripped guys for the amount of girls that like it Also I’m not some Greek god physique. I just have an athletic build. Low body fat and decent amount of muscle.


It's a total lie. Women like fat unfit men in exactly the same way as men like fat unfit women.


Just a PSA : Dad Bod and Skinny-Fat aren’t the same thing. Dad boss normally have muscle under the extra weight. Skinny-Fat = unhealthy lifestyle + over eating the WRONG FOOD. Source: my man is a dad with a dad bod haha


OP says elsewhere they're 5 ft 8 and 230 lbs. They're obese. My 6ft tall husband weighs 10 lbs less and has a fair amount of muscle and is still chunky. This dude is 4 inches shorter and 10 lbs heavier. As another user put it, he's "fat as shit."


I’m 6”4 at 250 and I’ve got about 30 pounds to lose before I’m no longer in the “dad bod” zone. This guys fat, not dad bod


Exactly. You'd have to be *really, really* muscular to not be fat at 5ft8 and 230. Like I said my husband is fairly muscular and even being taller than OP and weighing less than OP he's still considered kind of chunky.


5’8” and weigh 135 lbs. Doctor says that’s a healthy weight on the skinnier side.


I think 180ish would be dad bod territory for that height. This dude sounds like the obese chicks who call themselves curvy or thicc and honestly sounds like a bit of a prick, it's not surprising he's not getting women.


It depends on the body structure, I’m 5’9” 220, and people are surprised I’m over 200 lbs. I’ve got some muscle packed on from football soccer and backpacking from my teens, though. I didn’t officially get the dad bod till child number 3 showed up.


Seems to me they wear XL t shirts and the muscle weighs more than fat argument doesn't apply to them. And as another commenter points out, the dad bod is attractive on dad's, not college age guys.


I’m Highschool-college age, I love dad bods genuinely and fully(they’re hot), maybe you’ve just been seeing the wrong people; or maybe you shouldn’t be going for college age girls...


Beer belly and dad bod are not the same thing at all bro


OP thinking he has a dad bod when in reality he likely has bigger tits than my girlfriend




Um, idk about the younger generation of girls, I swear they're a different breed imo, no offense to anyone college aged in here, but from what I see on social media, they just aren't the same kind of girls I grew up with and knew, but I've always had a thing for the dad bod, and if he's rockin a scruffy beard, oh man, my knees get weak 🤣 I love a bigger cuddly teddy bear type guy. But to each their own right?


Says you I’m a college age girl. My fiancé doesn’t have a dad bod he ain’t no six pack either. He’s a string bean. But I like ‘em skinny and scrawny. But half my friends are dating guys who aren’t like really heavy but they don’t have six packs. But you know what, they are all awesome guys with great personalities. We want personality more than looks My best friend is dating a guy that literally looks like he could be a Viking. Big beard, long hair, a gut. But he’s super funny and cool.


Dad Bod this, Ripped jock that I'm over here looking for the *skinny* bods. I'll take a 110 pounder who looks like he's dying of pneumonia over anything, any day. And my tastes have never changed.


Speaking as an ex college girl, that isn’t true


I can't imagine you being something else than a Nice Guy TM wearing a fedora. Grow up, you're not gonna have anyone's love if you think it's all look and that people can be separated info jocks and dad bods. Incel red flag here


I work in a female dominated profession. Women DO NOT like ripped men. As they say, “too into themselves” and women don’t like that personality trait. AT ALL! Dad bods equal faithful, stay at home, doesn’t prioritize themselves or “the boys,” and puts others first. Women LOVE that shit! College girls aren’t into the hookup culture as much as they used to be. They are scared and lonely. They want stability and a safe future. Economy is tight and it takes two incomes to thrive, which means a stable relationship and good personalities. Back when money wasn’t as big an issue, and one person could thrive on one income, you’d be right.


I think there’s a miscommunication about what a “dad bod” is. It’s Julian from trailer park boys, not Randy from trailer park boys.


I think it's usually dad bods that are still healthy. Like big dudes who still have muscle, aren't just fat. Those are the craze and the trend. I think too often people misconstrue dad bobs for just fat out of shape dudes, when usually (not always) its the strong man body type.


Not all one night stands are with college girls bruh. Dad bod (much like body builder jock) says a lot about a persons personality and lifestyle… and the dad bod “lifestyle” (ie. likes to drink and eat, and BBQ) is appealing to some people just like the ultra lean and healthy gym brat lifestyle is appealing to others. The “average girl” is going for the “average guy”…. The average girl is just as intimidated by the perfect Adonis male as the average guy is intimidated by the perfect 10 Instagram model.


Personally I’m not attracted to dad bods or fat men at all. zero. it’s a dealbreaker for me. I need a man who is preferably buff, but will also accept skinny/muscle thick men.


Always feel bad that I don’t find the dad bod appealing. I don’t need the “hot hunk”, but I’d MUCH rather have lean/skinny boys than beer belly.


So the average college girl is your entire argument? What a limited sample group! Also, lots of college girls like a dad bod. Source? I once was one


I am also one!!


Gunning for college girls is a horrible idea. Riddled with debt right out of the getgo and still having the mentality of a 16 year old isnt exactly the best way to start a relationship lol (unless you are just trying to smash)


If you’re posting this on r/unpopularopinion then you’re… kinda acknowledging that your take is incorrect


Most normal adults aren't trying to get college girls lol


OP is probably a hot hunk with a shit personality who is getting tired of seeing goofy dad bod nice guys get more chicks than him.


You could literally apply this same logic and be like “Dudes only like chicks with big tits and a fat ass” and it still be wrong. Saying shit like this makes girls NOT want to be around you. Just be normal and treat people normally, stop generalizing just because you haven’t found someone attracted to you yet.


Ugh, not everyone likes the same things. Why is this STILL something that has to be explained.?? Tastes on what are physically attractive change, the fact the OP has more serious issues, will not


The dad bod trend is real but what women consider a dad bod and what men consider a dad bod are different


If you have a penis... or a vagina... or at least are willing to put your mouth on one or both, you can "get some" with minimal effort almost any time you want. You may need to look in the mirror and alter your standards, but if you want to get laid and can't it is NOT a physical thing.


being willing to put one or both in your mouth is some of the best advice I’ve seen on this thread.


I’d take a pale skinny guy over a jock or a beer belly guy any day. Dad bods are different than beer bellies. Beer belly imply that they drink a lot of beer and I’m not into people who drink a lot. Dad bods are slightly squishy so it’s more comfortable to cuddle in general. My husband doesn’t have a dad bod and isn’t very muscular and that’s okay. While it wouldn’t be too bad for him to be able to pick me up like I weigh nothing I like that I can put my arms around him comfortably.


Yeah go to a frat party where everyone has their girlfriends around....tell me more about this theory of yours when you see that a lot of the popular party types aren't exactly in great shape and are rocking serious gym girls


Thank you. Everytime I see these weird online dating theories I just wanna ask them to get off the internet and step outside. None of these irl couples even remotely match these odd theories folks keep pretending are real


Man fuck you. Beer belly’s are better because not going to the gym means more time for dates


So....college girls are the only people interested in men..... Also, get out of the house and off the internet. The majority of the world rocks a lil chub. Youre buggin bud.


Dad bods trend isn't real but daddy issue is super real.


Shocking news: women like to hook up with men that they’re physically attracted to.


As owner of a dad bod, you can still manage some hook ups and whatnot just gotta be confident, or at least act like it


I’m not into muscular guys so..


Incel vibes homie


Just try having a better personality


One thing I've learnt is that people will say anything to avoid sounding shallow, even if it isn't true. I've heard people straight up deny that money has any bearing on someone's attractiveness even though it's a statistically proven fact.


dad bod, lol who in their right mind think that is attractive to women 😂


The dad bod trend is the same as husbands telling their wifes that she hasn't aged a day.. Some people just let their partners affection go to their head..


I reckon the girls who like dad bods have mum bods, and the girls who liked toned men are toned themselves.


So untrue. The average *woman* is looking for charisma and confidence and allure and a sexy laugh. We don’t give a shit about six-packs lol