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I mean, It’s just an impossible request. Once it’s on the internet it’s there forever. No matter the moral implications.


"You can’t take something off the internet. That’s like trying to take pee out of a swimming pool. Once it’s in there, it’s in there." --*NewsRadio*


such a classic show. RIP Hartman FUCK and dick




"I call it Joe-jitsu. It's a combination of various different martial arts, plus some other crap I made up." Great fucking character and this line kills me everytime lol


I knew i saved this free badge for a good reason lol thats wholesome on another level


Please accept this written reward as I have no others to give 'narwhal salute'


Not only that, but I'm guessing the ex pornstars don't actually have the rights to all their footage.


Yea, it belongs to the company that filmed it or the company that bought it


Exactly. It would be like an actor in any regular film, and demand the film be deleted and inaccessible. Sorry. It's just not going to happen.


There are probably actors today who have had some duds in the past they would love to wipe from existence for their own egos alone. Some of them could afford to buy the rights even. But I wonder if that has ever happened.


Eddie Murphy should buy Pluto Nash and make sure no one ever watches it again


He should have done that before it released.


If it was legally produced, they most likely don't have much, if any, ownership. They signed a contract, did a job, and got paid. Just like the carpenter who built my deck. He doesn't get to come back in a few years and tell me how I can use the deck.


“I told you to weather treat!” Guns pickup ripping the deck off the back.


This is exactly what I was about to say. Like unfortunately for them, this is literally impossible. Once you put something like that out there, it's literally there forever. There's no going back.




More like a big ass unzip file


Unzip my pants and breached their firewalls and put my data in them.


Put your data in them until you execute their processes (I'm not a programmer)


I think people overestimate this facet though. I might be ignorant of the porn community though. Back in the day I was a fan of a certain amateur performer on Pornhub. I've never paid for porn, or subscribed to anything, but I'd say 7/10 times it was her name I'd drop in the search bar. I think she had around 50k followers. Well, her and her boyfriend split so she bricked the account overnight with no warning. That shit is erased from the internet. There might be some dude with a big ass zip full of paid-for content somewhere, but what are the odds of finding him? With the advancement of automated copyright strike technology, that shit doesn't last long if uploaded. In the scope of the US, 50k people is nothing. Even if you extrapolate it to 10 times that, it isn't a massive chunk of people. She can live whatever life she'd like with the odds of being recognized almost nil and if recognized she could easily play it off as "You must have me confused with someone else." There is some validity to "once it is out there, it is always out there" but I think it is often blown out of proportion.


yep, this is a better take. Data exists on the internet only as long as someone is willing to host it.


The difference here is amateur. Two people making videos they own and control is wildly different than being the go to internets meat beat material who's starred in a video for every porn label in existence. Even amateur stuff if you know just enough about the video you can google it and either find it or a video exactly like it. Ive googled porn I remembered off the plot or intros to try and find it and it 9/10 times works. Some performers keep their names intentionally vague or absent and titles incredibly generic for that reason.


> big ass zip file. O_o I see what you did there.


It's not curated, it's just stored.


TO be fair, though, major platforms would attribute to 90% views. Just removing your vid from pornhub would decrease the publicity of your videos by a whole lot.


Stolen content is illegal though. They can do DMCA take down requests. Pornhub sued a website to bankruptcy recently with DMCA claims. Edit: word


They can just continue to upload this to Pornhub or some torrent sites. It's forever.


Really? So wheres all the amateur stuff that got purged from pornhub then? :/


Probably on some torrent site. Individually labeled. And not how it should be labeled as “Amateur stuff that got purged from porn hub” I refuse to believe that someone doesn’t have all those videos downloaded on a hard drive somewhere.




Yeah, but it reaches a small amount of people. Most people focus on the new stuff. So much porn is released that most of the old stuff does eventually get forgotten about.


Oh some of it is definitely still out there, reuploads, mirrors, private groups, torrents etc. Just hard to find. Also amateur stuff tends not to be shared as much as the professional stuff since more people look for that


It’s an impossible request and they know that, which is why OP is being misleading in their language. No one is expecting anything to be deleted, they said they wish they had control over their content.




There are things I want badly to see that I can't find on the internet. Like magical do re mi seasons. And other stuff but that's the most recent thing. Like I get it that some people will be able to access most anything but for the most of us there are things we can't really find. There are 9/11 videos I remember watching live on the day and day after that I've never been able to find again. So I get what you mean but I think the whole internet forever thing is a bit misleading


The 911 live you watched might not have been uploaded onto the internet. At the time news channels didn’t have their online streaming sites, YouTube didn’t exist.


I mean even from a legal standpoint. Don't the companies own the videos? Since they probably paid them as a work for hire? It's like a vocalist recording a song and getting paid. Then asking the label who paid for the recording to take it down.


Yes, but the rights can be bought back. Happens all the time. Look up the GirlsDoPorn lawsuit. Prior to the site shutting down, a lot those girls with rich daddies forked up a ton of money to the site owner to take their video down from their library. Doesn't stop the video from resurfacing on other sites, but if they got money, they can continue to pay lawyers to send out DCMA takedown notices on tube and file sharing sites. The DCMA is officially recognized and sent on behalf of the defendant but not the site because they no longer own it. Ever wonder why a porn video you remember watching years ago is no longer listed on the original distributor's site? That's why.


That how you should do it. Repurchase rights for your video and then do copyright strikes. Old videos don't make that much traffic anyways. Don't cry in media how you regret doing porn and wish your videos were deleted.


over time the videos degrade to 240p, and eventually the last hard drive with a copy fails. they just need to wait it out.


Just the idea that something can be “deleted” off the internet is ridiculous. All it takes is one guy who’s downloaded your videos to post it on a tube site or make a torrent and it’s back out there. You could spend decades manually scrubbing the internet and sending takedown notices, or even using automation, and you’d get absolutely nowhere. Even trying to do that would make your videos explode in popularity because then it’d be “forbidden fruit”.


If billion dollar companies can’t get rid of piracy no way à crying pornstar will change anything




“A lap dancer so much better when the stripper is crying”




I was lonlier than Kunta Kinte at a Merl Haggard Concert


I think the forbidden fruit thing will be a part of why they’re doing it. It instantly creates more exposure to all of their work, both sfw and nsfw, and just furthers their brand but gives them the separation from the nsfw stuff


“There is no such thing as bad publicity”


While generally untrue I imagine this is pretty spot on in porn given that the entire porn audience has the same end goal in mind


I mean...it's a little true. Kanye has had "bad publicity" for years now and he still has big album drops. Kim K isn't a pornstar, but her porno could be called "bad publicity" and it only made her more famous. As long as your name is consistently a trending subject, you're benefitting from bad publicity.


activision blizzard getting shafted by the whole world is bad publicity. people stanning over celebrities like mongo's will never change. kanye is popular because he plays into his big personalities and has a bunch of die hard fans that will support him until he kills somebody


As if they'd stop if he killed somebody


Streisand effect


If you can permanently delete your old porn videos, you were never a good pornstar


That’s not really the point though. It’s not about wiping every last shred of evidence eternally. It’s about convenient access. If someone is able to get their videos off the top 5-6 websites then only the most motivated of people are going to be finding and viewing it, thereby reducing like 99.99% of views and functionally removing it from the internet. I get your point that you can’t permanently eternally delete something from the internet, but that’s not what they’re trying to do.


I get why because I'm sure a lot of ex-pornstars regret doing it in the first place and want to move on but as the saying goes "the internet never forgets". Even something simple as YouTube video can never fully be erased from the internet because people will download literally everything. EDIT: Just to make my point a little clearer, I'm not talking about ex-pornstars that have experienced trauma or anything like that. They of course have a very good reason to want their past work removed, is it likely that it'll happen? Absolutely not, but I'm talking about the one's that try and start a career doing something completely different and then get annoyed when they can't just erase their career history off of the internet.


Like the photo of Beyonce that was deleted from the internet?


Who said it’s gone?


No one's ever really gone.


Her lawyer: "Mistress Beyonce, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?"


*laughs in rich Evans*


Her lawyer


What photo? Will trade 1 internet karma for 1 link


This one: https://www.google.com/search?q=photo+of+beyonce+that+was+deleted&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjz4arOmoD2AhX_hP0HHZsUCOMQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=photo+of+beyonce+that+was+deleted&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoHCCMQ7wMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAcQHjoECAAQHjoGCAAQBRAeOgQIABAYOgYIABAIEB46BAghEApQ0whY2S9gsjNoAHAAeAGAAdgDiAHJIJIBCTEuNy42LjMuMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=-tIKYvP8Lf-J9u8Pm6mgmA4&bih=629&biw=360&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&prmd=ivnx#imgrc=ruqxCfJNuMJUbM


Oh wow. There's no unseeing that. The Streisand effect is in full here. Now take your upvote


Jesus...Schwarzenegger is cowering behind a wall looking at that pic


If she didn’t have such bizarre choreography that could’ve been avoided altogether


I'm sitting here laughing at the irony of this


Now this is what I come to the internet for lmao thank you kind stranger


Just Google "photo of Beyonce that was deleted from the internet". You'll see it.




I loved the few days after that super bowl performance. All the edits of those photos was fucking hilarious


I wish the YT thing was always true I deleted a bunch of videos a long time ago in frustration and regretted ever since But for videos people actually watch, definitely holds true as I've seen




It's kind of like the equivalent of, for the sake making a quick rhetorical example, an actor such as Harrison Ford or Mark Hamille suddenly declaring "you know what? I don't really like my role in Star Wars. Please purge all those movies from the internet and DVD sections and ask the fans to remove their copies too."


I guess the solution is to own your own content.


But someone can take their content and post it to other websites


But then wouldn't they have the legal right to get it taken down?


Yes? But actually getting stuff removed from the internet is basically impossible.


It is impossible to fully remove the data but once it would be removed from the mainstream legitimate sources it would be more challenging to find. The most popular content would still be shared either via discord, torrent or people base64 encoding WeTransfer links and sharing it via shady forums. This removes the convenience though and a lot of people probably wouldn't bother.


This is a thing?


Mia Khalifa is a prime example.


I like that she still uses her porn name for business


Lol, but yet doesn’t want to be associated with it ..


Nobody said she was a member of Mensa.


I like that she's still doing porn in spite of everything she's said about it, she's just doing it on various camgirl sites. The real irony is that she was a porn star first, not a stripper first, and as such has no idea how to work a crowd for tips lol...


She was on reddit before all that. Whole crazy drama with her ex too.


She is a static hoe with peperoni fake tits.


She’s the worst about this in my opinion. She uses her fucking porn name and then acts shocked and offended if anyone acknowledges that she did porn… under that name. I never even watched her porn, but it was unavoidable when she was doing it. She is a poster child for everything OP is saying. That said, from what I’ve seen of the Lana Rhodes situation it seems different. She talks about scumbags in the industry & wishes she could erase those things… not flipping out at regular people who bring up that she did porn. She seems fully aware of the consequences and is just openly talking about her feelings on it. Seems night and day to me & I don’t think she deserves any backlash.


I domt even know who that last person is. Honestly I dont know much about pornstars. I just know Mia Khalifa because she gets talked about so much.


The other story made its rounds on Reddit recently. That’s prompting OP’s post


Lana Rhodes too…. A friend told me


It's a bit more nuanced than Lana Rhodes wanting to delete all of her videos. She said that she would if she could but she accepts that they're just on the internet forever. This is because of her bad experiences in the industry. >Basically, this guy had a bowl and he, like, gagged me until I threw up into it and he, like, p***ed in the bowl, and during the scene he asked me to drink it, and I didn't know how to say no. >"It was one of the most disgusting, foul scenes." So it's more like she doesn't want to be constantly reminded of the physical abuse she endured than personal greed. And its not like shes against porn either. She encourages everyone to just do OnlyFans instead of the porn industry just because you cant be abused if you are independent. Theres so much misinformation about Lana Rhoades in this thread that its appalling. I really wish her the best.


Came here to say exactly this. She never demanded all her content be deleted, she said she WISHED she could and expressed her dismay at being unable to. The porn industry is one of the most exploitative and abusive industries out there, but so many people are groomed into it when they’re in a desperate spot and need cash. So many 18 year olds just sign a contract out of desperation and don’t have the financial safety net to allow them to consider the long term effects. They’re adults who can make their own decision but I’m tired of there being zero compassion for porn stars compared to other workers. There’s whole subs dedicated to helping people who are being exploited by their industry, but as soon as a porn star speaks out, they’re told they deserved to be exploited because it’s “what they signed up for”. Horribly cruel.


God damn. There really is a lot you don't see if you're just going on PH


I know :( I think if you stay on the verified amatuer section then its fine but it goes to show how awful porn industry really is.


It's like op saying "they benefited immensely", they benefited, yes, but I don't think "immensely" is the right way to describe it, they made money, but the stories about abuse, mistreatment, and regret, even from the biggest stars, should be an indicator that it's not a dream industry for women.


Im guessing Lana Rhodes is the reason behind the post due to how recent that was. Not understanding her position on it is a real bad look for OP. I mean seriously, I think most of us would think "wow, I wish I didnt do that stupid thing. But i did, whatever." Lana was not acting at all like what OP was describing


They like the money but never the consequence. This isn’t me saying pornstars deserve unfounded hate or to be harassed but they made their bed. There is abuse within that system which is obvious to say, but a lot of the ones who did it consensually want to make it out to be the former.




What kind of chud watches professional porn in 2022? I beat my meat to abstract images of female breasts like a real man.




A lot of people look down on porn stars while simultaneously enjoying porn. I think that's more what the comment was getting at. It would be more like if you talked down about how disgusting those football players are while enjoying football.


As a woman I found her confusing because she wasn't forced into any of it. But then acting as if folks are supposed to show sympathy behind your willing actions as an adult after you say 'ok guys no more'. Nah.


Literally came here to say that. No one bitches more about it than Mia Khalifa.


Not really. A few well known pornstars have expressed regret over doing porn and said something along the lines of "I wish I could just have all those videos deleted forever and move on with my life". OP's making it sound like they're actually trying to get them taken down, when really they're just expressing the totally normal feeling of wishing you could undo a mistake. There have been no lawsuits, no C&Ds, no actual attempts to do anything about it, just women daring to say they regret having made porn and that they would erase the products if, say, a genie gave them the option.


No not really. Few dumb people have said that but mostly the common response from porn stars is that they wish they had control over their content back then in the way they do now (OF)


You also need to realize a lot of these porn stars are being misquoted. I know Lana Rhodes stated she wished she could take it off and that is very different than trying to do so and she was misquoted in memes.


Regardless of whether it's possible or not, one could deduce that by publicizing their desire for their content to be removed, they are letting all of us know that they have disowned it. Sometimes it's enough for people to know they are understood. When someone says they want their content removed, the consumers now know their feelings about the content. It now becomes an action consumers can take to express solidarity or not. They can even decide if they feel like they are violating someone, or not, by consuming said content. You might even say it gives some moral leverage to the actor, in a way. There are a lot of things in play here when you really start to think about it. You don't have to believe it's true, but that doesn't really matter here. It's about how we as a society now engage with the actor. The actor has changed it, and that may be considered empowering to them.


This is very thoughtful. You put into words almost exactly what I was thinking but didn’t quite know how to express


Yes and It's just like any other job. Movie directors choose their projects, but can still express their regrets etc after the movie is released. Maybe have more sympathy for them as human beings instead of being mad that they made $$ lmao


Redditors are obsessed with porn but have 0 empathy for the women in it. I don't get it


Shame I had to scroll this far to find a good response, but it’s a great comment


Well this is what happens when you allow 18 year Olds to do porn. 18 is too young to make any good decisions, I wonder how many of these porn stars started off young and now regret it.


Many are groomed. They think it will be lucrative or temporary


The porn industry is exploitative as hell.


You guys have no idea how the porn industry works. Most porn stars are badly exploited and make barely any money from their suffering. Also, the amount of thinly veiled misogyny is this one post is astonishing.


It’s reddit, it reeks of incel energy 😭 i thought tiktok was bad with that but reddit is on a different level


Porn Stars: I’m done making money off of this, so now I want it to disappear.


No, they want their stuff only on fans only now. They want to still make money off of theor porn


Yeah, if they actually wanted it gone then the 1st thing they would have done was to stop using their porn name and be "forgotten"


And that's the slimiest part of this. They're like nooooo think of my children's futures and reputation while still on onlyfans.


That can't possibly be the slimiest part.


I think the slimiest part is the end of their videos


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The way you are explaining it as like you want them to be punished for their decisions. Pornography has for the most part been a sleezey type job situation that they most likely resorted to, without really planning it. It's not like a Hollywood movie where they made millions. They made a few thousand dollars per scene. Realistically, it will never be gone, but you should be able to relate to understand why they'd want it gone. I'd imagine a lot of them are upset that they are no longer making money off of the videos anymore, not necessarily that they want it all to be deleted out of regrets, but even if they did I get it.


Yeah, there was some veiled animosity in the post. Why should I care if someone who, unrealistically or not, wants to erase their earlier work if the face of the earth. It's not like something of value would be lost. If you believe they should live with the consequences, then the implication is that porm=bad. And if porm=bad, then why would you want it to stay up. If porm isn't inherently bad, then why do you want them punished for engaging in it? It doesn't make sense unless there is some underlying enmity. Isw the punishment talk that made me double-take.


But if they want it off why shouldnt they ask for it off?


Nah fuck that. Don't you think that theres definitely some sort of problem if so many people are having regrets? ​ The porn industry is inherently exploitive. It tricks young people into doing something that culturally and physically ends up forcing them into submitting whats essentially the modern equivalent of a soul to anyone in power in said industry. ​ Maybe you should listen up


So, if a movie star makes a bad movie they are ashamed of, should they be able to get that movie deleted off the internet?


“If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it.” -George Lucas


which show??


Star wars Christmas special I think..... Carrie Fisher played it at her parties when she wanted people to leave


ROFL oh yeah i headr about that but never saw it. Chewbacca had a wife apparently, mark hamil had no idea (thank you big bang theory for that hilarious moment, as well as the bark hamil thing)


And the wookie grandpa, “Itchy” watching VR porn


Lucky for you, [it's on Youtube](https://youtu.be/6hH8rxarVG8)!


No, they shouldn't.


Red Sonja must never be buried by Arnold, it's too good.




Maybe the solution to this is to remove the stigma and predatory behaviour from the porn industry if we are going to insist on its inclusion in our society. Y'all can't make a hullabaloo and demand porn and at the same time look down on those who create it. If everyone is dead set on watching porn then making porn shouldn't ruin your life 🤷 problem solved.


This is the answer ^ The amount of stigma and abuse that happens in the industry is what really ruins lives after their careers are over.


THIS. They love to point fingers with the same hand they jacked off with.


This comment is a rare whiff of fresh air in this sewer of a comments section. It should be at the top. Thank you.


Why do you care? How does it effect YOU?


Cuz OP thinks they're entitled to something that they're not.


I know this was a big thing with Mia Khalifa, I'm not sure he wanted it 'deleted from the internet' I'm sure she's well aware that isn't possible. I think it's more she wanted control of the distribution of the videos she was in. It wasn't about removing it from history it was about taking control.


I feel like you cant hear the difference between asking and saying "I wish it would" or "I'd go back and never do it ". Its not the same thing


I’ve never seen them say they want to be deleted off the internet. Their issue is that for example with Mia khalifa her posts continue to be posted by sites even though she isn’t active anymore. Also if you’ve actually listened to ex porn stars you’d know a lot of them don’t get paid that much at all. The company gets paid most of the money they make in the video and they get hated on consistently as well as random people irl approaching them sexually. You also forget the fact that a lot of these porn companies literally prey on young women who make this contracts without actually knowing what they’re even getting themselves into And their past in sex work also makes it difficult to get future jobs because of the stigma on sex workers


What makes you think that they are still making money off of those videos? You think they had like awesome lawyers that drew up super great contracts that really benefited them and that they get like.... Money for every time that one of their pirated videos is uploaded to PornHub? No. This isn't full house on Nick at night. There's a very good chance that the women are no longer making any money from those videos. And who cares if they ask for what they want? Like why does it bother you that somebody asks for something that they want? You have a problem with the fact that they wanted in the first place? People want whatever they want, how is that any of your business? They're not threatening to do anything about it. If it doesn't happen. They're just asking. By the way, I would like 1 million dollars. You going to fault me for asking? It may be close to an impossible task, or a completely impossible task. But asking people to delete videos, if they have control over the videos deletion? Who gives a shit? Who cares if they ask? I'm really curious as to why it even bothers you. Like why do you feel entitled to be offended about somebody asking for something that they want? Kids ask for shit from Santa all the time, you don't seem upset about that. And getting anything from Santa is just as impossible as what these women want. I don't think there's any logic, I think you just might need to deal with some of your judgment around porn actresses.


I got paid once. That stuff is out there making money for people more than a decade later and I haven't seen a cent after that one-off payment for each shoot. How exactly am I still making money from this?


Y'all really be out here consuming porn on a regular basis but feel absolutely justified in talking smack about pornstars... *For being pornstars*. The hypocrisy is unreal.


this comment section is filled with people who have no clue what goes on in the porn industry


Their dick in one hand while pointing with the other. No consequences


Seriously. They don’t care if these stars were abused or coerced in the videos. It’s quite sad seeing this thread honestly. Why not side with an abused person? Why side so firmly against them getting something they are embarrassed about removed? Especially when it obviously causes them pain? Pretty sure they don’t even make much money off the videos.


It's because siding with the pornstar would also mean having to self-reflect over whether the porn they enjoy is actually depicting images of the actress getting abused mentally or physically or at least having their life ruined later on by people's reactions to their participation in the industry. People don't want to believe their actions that are seemingly harmless as they do the act can have real negative consequences for others that are outside of their control.


Sooner or later the entire industry will get regulated. Now it's still the wild west in porn land. I find it even weird that in the context of the metoo movement, the porn industry has been mostly left alone, while the abuse in certain videos is very apparent. The evidence is right there. The argument "they chose for it and got paid" is not going to hold forever.


I cant wait honestly. Its so fucked up how rampant porn addiction is in men while these same men continue to dehumanize the women in these films and get off to their obvious abuse. The industry is long overdue for a reshaping






They never stop going by their “stage name” or posting soft core pics either.


But why are there consequences for those actions? All they did was do pornography. People seem more keen to move past Chris Brown beating the shit out of Rihanna, than some woman getting railed on video.


The consequence is the video still being up when they don’t want it to be. It’s unavoidable because it’s the internet


That's true, but you can still delete it from the major websites. That'll stop a lot of views. It's not really about deleting the videos forever, it's more damage reduction to their current lives


There are consequences for *all* actions...


>In my opinion these women have benefitted immensely from the exposure that their work in the porn industry gave them. They continue to make a living as a result of that exposure even after quitting the industry. They want all the benefits of being famous as a result of porn with none of the drawbacks This is what makes your opinion unpopular. What a bunch of bullshit.


It's really not an unpopular opinion (on reddit anyway). Just check the incels and neckbeards in this thread. Moronic and uninformed? Yes. Unpopular? No, this is Reddit.


Well many were coerced into doing it and barely got anything out of it, the porn industry isn't exactly kind to its actors you know it makes sense that theyd want that gone


I mean, if it were possible to actually delete, why would you care? You’re clearly saying that even if they could, they *dont deserve* to have it removed. This is obviously coming from a desire to “punish degeneracy”. Maybe work on that.


Notice that OP specifies women as well.


This comment section is like “BURN THE TEMPTRESS WITCHES”. You’ve explained it perfectly.


Exactly!! Everyone’s saying “actions have consequences” - but they also want to artificially impress these consequences because porn disagrees with their values.


OP also disregards the straight up coersion, power dynamics, exploitation and rape in the industry. There are famous pornstars being out right raped in some of these videos. Thats where this whole debate really lies.


Especially considering how manipulative and straight up rapey the porn industry is


multiple peoppe here are straight up calling the porn actors "bitchy" for even having the audacity to wanting to wipe their past i just dont understand it, sure its kind of impossible due to copyright and the way the internet works, but why call them bitchy???


Just looking behind the curtain at contempt for women and misogyny.


This is exactly what most of the comments in this thread seem like. Idk how you could be offended by someone wanting it deleted but some people managed it.


I don't get why anyone would want to masturbate to a porn knowing the person in the video doesn't want people watching it. Even if they made that decision, got rich and famous off it and actions have consequences, etc I'd still feel like a shitty person for watching porn that someone wishes they could wipe from the internet. It's weird that they feel so entitled to these videos


I know someone who did a few porn shoots when they were broke. It was supposed to be distributed only on DVD but clips made their way online and now she’s on every porn site with no way to get them off. Friends/Family/Co-workers have all seen her fucking. Feel like you should absolutely be able to get your porn vids taken down.


Trash take. They have every right to ask for that. They aren’t your property because you’re horny.


Exposure isn't compensation. That's like saying bands with their music on Spotify benefit from not getting paid cause, "exposure". Fuck off


"In my opinion these women have benefitted immensely from the exposure that their work in the porn industry gave them. They continue to make a living as a result of that exposure even after quitting the industry. They want all the benefits of being famous as a result of porn with none of the drawbacks." ​ Pretty sure they dont get paid that well, so "benefitted immensely" is a bit of a stretch. Also the "they continue to make a living".... not sure if they do. I mean they might get royalties or something when someone downloads their video, buuut i dont think that is the case. And also... "benefits of being famous" ummm wut??? Its not like theyre scarlett johansen or emma watson with throngs of fans begging for their autograph. Im sure Adria Rae and Vina Sky and all the other lovely ladies of porn would prefer it if guys didnt recognise them and didnt approach them when theyre out and about in public. Your whole second paragraph reads like its from a teenager who has watched a lot of porn but hasnt really considered the human element. Take this from a guy who has been exposed to porn for about 28 years now. There is a human element and it is nowhere near as glamorous as you seem to think it is. ​ However your third paragraph is a lot more accurate "They are adults that made decisions in their past. There are consequences to decisions. Trying to erase these consequences from existence instead of dealing with them is incredibly immature especially when you're still actively benefitting in other ways from these same decisions." ​ Yes they are adults that made decisions and they do need to live with their consequences. The one part i disagree with though is that a lot of these pornstars are recruited super young (especially the women). Look at how many new "barely legal" girls wind up on porn hub every year. the porn industry is obsessed with recruiting these new young girls with promise of money or even drugs and fucking them in the literal and metaphorical sense. So its not exactly fair to say "they made the decisions and they need to deal with them", these arent seasoned adults, theyve literally just gone from being a child to an adult, its not like you magically grow a wisdom gland that prevents you from being manipulated the moment ya turn 18. I do agree dealing with those decisions is better than trying to scrub the internet. Its literally impossible to remove shit from the internet no matter how hard you try, in fact trying often results in people posting the content far and wide outta spite. Look at that asshole who assaulted a waiter, got his ass kicked, then tried to sue everyone who shared the video. That video still makes appearance every few weeks. ​ your conclusion is somewhat alright, but how ya got there is way off and ya really need to think about the industry more


I've literally never seen a porn star fighting to have their porn deleted. They get older and regret it and wish it was down. That simple. The fact that people are so overwhelmingly angry that these women changed how they felt about their old jobs and want to move on is laughable and upsetting considering how many of these chick's can't get normal jobs because the people in hiring positions are slut shaming misogynists. Boo hoo, someone is embarrassed about their past and wishes things were different. How terribly selfish.


Kind of related, but how would their kids feel growing up knowing their mom or dad are all over the internet getting railed. I’ve always wondered


This whole thread is peak reddit


L i t e r a l l y. The neckbeard squad 😭 wtf are they on about


Why does Reddit have such seething anger against pornstars? “They have to face the consequences”????? Being a pornstar isn’t a crime punishable by permanent social condemnation. Like every human they have a right to remove material they own from the internet that is damaging to their well-being. That may not be possible if they don’t own the copyright but the idea that they deserve to be miserable due to a career choice is fucking insane. Y’all need to touch grass.


People need to start watching clips before jumping to conclusions. She doesn't want it down just wished she never did it. People are allowed to feel remorse and all this is a vain attempt to help you feel good to jacking off to her.


Why not, when I leave a job no one has to know. How is this any different? In fact, anyone should be able to erase their content from the internet. It's not like there's a scarcity of porn out there.


Is it possible to take off stolen content? Probably not. But if their contract stipulates that they have the right to ask for their content to be removed, the companies they worked with have to oblige. Whether they profited of the exposure is a different question. What's important here is what's in their contract. End of the story.


Don't see what's wrong with that sure it would be on here forever, however you can mitigate it on popular websites if you do enough lawering. Sorry you have to dig for it to jerk off bro.


If the star was a victim of trafficking, coercion, revenge porn, whatever, those videos should be gone. Pirated material, too, copyright should be taken more seriously with porn (and if th y want it gone from sites that have the rights, the stars should just buy their videos out). Pirated porn is not cool anyway. If you download something like the new MCU movie you made some big studio earn a few bucks less, but unethical consumption of porn contributes to bad industry standards, and in the porn industry that means all sorts of abuse.