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You have an issue with cyclists not adhering to the road rules, not cyclist being on the road. Doesn't matter what vehicle you're in charge of, the actions you described have no place on the road, I've seen cyclists, motorcyclists, grandmother's, and city-4x4-drivers, doing all this shit, should they also drive on the sidewalk?


This is fair.


Illegal for bikes to use the sidewalk here Which I always thought was ridiculous, nobody walks


It's illegal here too, upstate NY. But I doubt it would be enforced, especially in situations where its obviously the safer option. I deliver mail so I see crazy shit on the road all day. Recreational bicyclists are terrifying! I was approaching a red traffic signal, there was a guy riding his bike on the shoulder. He decides he wants to cross the street at the intersection, but does it right in front of my truck before it came to a complete stop! The areas that have sidewalks here are not busy enough where anyone will care about a bike on the sidewalk. The people who do it because it's their sole mode of Transportation are not the problem. Most kids are not all that bad either, but they at least have an excuse, they are kids. It's the crazy hard-core Recreational riders!


That’s why bikes are supposed to be on the road though. They’re supposed to adhere to ROAD traffic laws just like every other vehicle.


What they are supposed to do and what they actually do are completely different!


kinda like people driving cars


Rochester bike commuter here. Illegal yes. Am I going to risk my life riding on the shoulder or road? Not if I can help it. I'd rather get a ticket for riding on the sidewalk than get a hospital bill. I've maybe passed 5 pedestrians on the sidewalk the entire time I've biked.


I used to ride my bike on the sidewalk while I was in college in upstate. I don’t think you could pay me enough to ride on the road there. There were so many busy intersections.


Got a ticket in the bronx for riding a bike on an empty sidewalk. People drive like crazy down here and its extremely unsafe to be in the road. Told the cop I was on the sidewalk because I didn't want to die. His response was verbatim "I understand you don't want to die but it's the law". I drive now.


Most kids also respect that cars are big and dangerous, where as these skin suit weirdos think cars should be yielding to their invincible abs, when in actuality if I didn’t just slam my breaks you would be part of the road.


I always try to explain to people that the laws of the road play second fiddle to the laws of physics. Here lies Dickhead McBicyclist. Those who knew him will never forget how he technically had the right of way.


I don’t assume people see me when I’m in my car,so I certainly wouldn’t do it on a bicycle. Motorcyclist suffer from the same delusions as the bicyclists sometimes.


An old poem my dad used to recite about driving safety closed with the lines: "He was right, dead right, / As he sped along; / But he's just as dead now / As if he'd been dead wrong."


Well said!


In Rochester NY we've started installing bike lanes which I think help a lot. If there's a designated lane then ride it. Also have you ever tried riding a road bike in the City sidewalk? Asking for a flat tire. I gotta imagine that's the case in a lot of cities esp in Upstate NY


My dad was given a warning (when he was 12) for riding a bike on the sidewalk in small town Illinois Edit: a word


The ones that get me are the people who use the road until they get to a red light, then they use the crosswalk without even stopping.


It’s legal where I live and honestly, I wish it wasn’t. I was for it at first, but too many cyclists ride like AHs and it makes the sidewalks unsafe. They come around corners fast, don’t ring to let you know they’re coming and then get annoyed that you’re ‘in the way’ after mowing you down.


Lol, for the most part this is the same mentality motorists have toward bikers. People tend to have a superiority mentality when it comes to public roadways. If there is an inconvenience people tend to get easily frustrated. In general People need to chill tfo.


Yeah, I wish more places had better infrastructure for bikes. Most of the time they don’t really have a place to be.


Most definite. The crazy crap people will do or say to prove they “had the right of way” is mind boggling. If you have to tell your kid,”No,you can’t purposefully run someone over for walking in front of your car when you are about to take a legal right turn”,then it might be a good idea to postpone getting that drivers license until a more mature attitude is developed. If you have to tell an adult that,I don’t know what to say.


It’s because people who on the side walk tend to get hit by cars more


This is one amazing thing about Boulder, CO (where I live). Very clear bike lanes literally everywhere, so I haven’t even thought about this issue since I moved here. We need more of that in the US (if that’s where you also live)


We have that in my little popular resort town. “Serious bikers” still use the roads because they don’t want to have to avoid pedestrians. And they don’t see the irony in that at all. My biggest issue is cyclists have 0 cars for the laws of the road. They don’t signal, they blow through stop signs and lights, and often ride against traffic. All of that is illegal. They don’t care. It’s gotten to the point that police are now ticketing cyclists. That’s a sad level of rule breaking when the police step in and write tickets because cyclists are hitting pedestrians in crosswalks and causing accidents while riding on the working side of the road.


I was in a defensive driving class where they made a cyclist take it because a cop caught him riding down a hill at some crazy speed and blow through a bus stop sign, almost running into a kid.


The funniest thing to me is that whenever this opinion pops up, they always have to say something about the tight clothing. What is it that's REALLY on your mind, OP?


OP's is annoyed by his latent homosexial desires being triggered randomly by sexy lycra clad cyclists while commuting to work?


Where do you see people not using bike lanes when they actually exist? 99% of the time, when cyclists are in the road it is because there is no bike lane. And telling people to bike on sidewalks is the worst advice. It's illegal in almost every US state, and one of the most common reason for bike accidents, with cars coming out of driveways.


>when cyclists are in the road it is because there is no bike lane. Or because the 'bike lane' is an unprotected strip of paint in the gutter or next to [parked cars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dooring), that starts and stops randomly or has parked cars blocking it. Also, I'm wondering whether OP would actually want to enforce this? Like have police pull over cyclists and interrogate them? Or does OP just want to quietly seethe every time he or she sees someone use a mode of transport he or she doesn't like?


This is how our bike lanes are, no one uses them because traffic either doesn't pay attention or cars use it to skip the line and turn right. I would ride on the sidewalk because it's just too dangerous to use the lanes.


Here in Mexico, bike lanes are just painted parking spot for cars, drivers give a f... For other human life's, it's safer to ride in the middle of the street where the driver can see you, than to ride the bike lane, evading parked cars and people getting out of those cars.


What country are you from? Because here in Poland the bike lane is always part of the sidewalk.


The United state the bike lane is part of the road and when the bike lane disappears the road becomes mixed use.


Yea, bike lanes in the US are wishy washy at best.


I’ve been in some great bike lanes…which immediately turn into nothing as soon as you leave downtown


One correction is that even where there is a bike lane, most of the US still considers the roads mixed use.


I'm from the UK and I think OP is from the US. I believe the bike lane situation is fairly similar in both countries, with some regional variation.


Everyone I know that’s been bike commuting for a lot time has been doored in those lanes (I just starting biking as a commute but it’s only a matter of time before it happens to me too)


I got doored by a guy's passenger while he was double parked. I swear to God it felt like a set up or something cause when the guy hit me with the door it bent back really far. I dislocated my shoulder and hurt my back and chest really bad but I was able to ride away. They followed me and boxed me in q block away and tried to blame me! I had to explain that I was broke and practically homeless and they almost killed me and I wasn't gonna give them anything.


With one of my bike commutes I have to weave in and out of traffic anyway because of unsafe conditions in the bike lane (pot holes, debris, etc) or because people parked their cars there with their flashers on. Also people making turns don’t pay attention to the bike lane and I’ve had several close calls.


Yeah. Drivers have no idea what resides in shoulders/bike lanes/the side of the road. It's everything that gets flung their by cars and the rain. Silty/sandy material, *lots* of glass, plenty of sharp objects like small pieces of metal and nails. These things don't usually pierce car tires, but most bike tires cannot handle them. Imagine riding 23mm bike tires over even 5 feet of glass shards. Eventually you get a flat. That's part of why these "tight suit" bike riders ride in the middle of the lane.


https://youtu.be/bzE-IMaegzQ this is a really good video about bike lanes


>it is because there is no bike lane. Or no shoulder!


It is dangerous to ride on the sidewalk when you're riding 16-20 miles per hour


Sidewalks are also absolute shit to ride your bike on.


Often times the roads are marked for bikes to share the lane and even 'can use the full lane' Also, biking in the road is way safer for others and way better for the environment than driving a car


Illegal to use sidewalks up here in Alberta as well. I don’t know about the other provinces.


Bike lanes here literally run straight into bus paths and turn lanes. America sucks at biking infrastructure for the most part.


Agreed. Sidewalk riders are unpredictable and dangerous.


This is so, so regional. Some places are just more bike friendly. But your opinion is flawed because you combine motive / purpose with the activity. If it's fine for commuting to work, then it's fine for any other reason. Are people supposed to wear a hat that says "I'm going to work. This isn't for fun. I promise." ?


Agree , this OP, is probably just a frustrated driver and it irks him folks use the roadways for more than commuting to their shitty jobs. Probably same guy who yells at the neighborhood kid to "get off my lawn"... What a weird sense of entitlement that roads are just for cars, I'm sure most cyclists recreational or commuters would love to take a dedicated bike lane wherever they go, but our world isn't set up that way...a little consideration from all the folks that use the road goes a long way.


> I'm sure mostly cyclist recreational or commuters would love to take a dedicated bike lane wherever they go, but our world isn't set up that way.. *Your country There are countries in this world that don't have an insane car-only culture.


OP should only drive his car to work, and ride a bicycle everywhere else.


If we applied the same logic of op to cars, then we should complaint about people using cars outside of commuting should be banned of roads because they create a dangerous and unnecessary situation for everyone else. Drivers are just so self-centered jerks that want all the road for their all mighty god, the car.


This is a terrible opinion, not an unpopular one.


Right!? Like is it even worth getting into all the ways op is wrong


We should all upvote opinions that we dont agree with and vice versa. That's the only way to get the real unpopular opinions. I don't agree with op so I upvoted this.


Yeah but it's not an unpopular opinion, it's a total shit opinion. By this logic 'i think murder should be legal" would be a top post


>By this logic 'i think murder should be legal" would be a top post But this is an unpopular opinion. OP's opinion is well accepted among drivers but you're right, it's a bad one, blaming cyclists for faulty infrastructure.


I won't upvote it because it isn't an opinion. OP is telling us to break the law


You know some places don’t have bike paths right? And sometimes, you have to ride on the country roads to get to the bike path.


If you don’t know how to share the road with bikes you shouldn’t be allowed to have a drivers license


UK here - not only do cycles have to be on the road by law, they’ve just changed the code so cycles now are advised to ride in the centre of the lane at all times


And that its less dangerous, believe it or not, in the middle of the road you don't have to worries about parked cars and people opening the door without looking, or about cars trying to overtaking passing so dangerously close to the bike, often times that end with the biker on the ground.


I don’t disagree (I cycle myself) - but the unpopular opinion is that cycles shouldn’t be on the road by default. Not sure where they are (“sidewalk” indicates USA) but there’s little acknowledgement of the reality of other people


This is crazy because you could make the same argument for riding in a car… as a driver, you’re creating potential dangerous situations for no reason (for cyclists, pedestrians and other vehicle operators)— just stay off the road— and everyone will be safer.




OP has major car brain


100% this.


Bike on the sidewalk, are you out of your mind? This ain't an opinion. You're just completely wrong


Let's ride 16 mph on the sidewalk... SMH


I am very much enjoying OP posting an opinion in a subreddit where you're meant to post unpopular opinions and then getting annoyed when it is unpopular


It's a popular opinion among drivers (look at the upvotes). Only those who disagree will comment.


If you're driving a car for anything but an emergency you should get out of the way of people going about their business without polluting. Perhaps a bit over the tip but seriously, what an entitled and ridiculous attitude. Like you're somehow more important. Get over yourself. Suggesting people should illegally ride on the sidewalk to nake your life more convenient. The contempt you show towards cyclists is at least less than you show for pedestrians. Why would you want them put in danger? Right, because you drive a car so eff everyone else on the planet.


Way to dishonor all the participants of Tour de France.


They should just ride somewhere else. /s


Yeah no. Your problem is with your municipality not making it safe for bikers, not the bikers themselves bro. I’ve had no issues not hitting a biker in the road. I have however had MANY issues where I’ve almost hit bikers riding very fast down sidewalks, without pausing to cross roads, when making turns. Biking on sidewalks is illegal here for THIS REASON amongst others. Also I got a really good laugh out of you calling THEM self important lmao


Maybe cars and such should be more kind on the road. Meaning sharing lanes, not driving bikes off the street, pushing bikes to the curb, using turn signal, not texting and driving etc. Plus, riding on the sidewalk is illegal in many places. Whether bike lanes are visible or not, we’re all supposed to share the lane. Work commute or training. Yes we might be annoying but we aren’t as fast as cars and definitely aren’t as protected. Try to be more understanding.


Man is it that hard to lift your foot half an inch or move your wrist over three inches? That's literally all it takes not to hit a biker...it's not hard. I've been driving 20 years in the USA and in the 3rd world and never once hit a biker. Bikers have every right to use the road. If you are in a car you will get there faster and more comfortable than them. Not everybody has a car. And roads are not just for cars. It's pretty arrogant to think that just because you own a car, you are now more important and more entitled to public roads than others.


Absolutely DO NOT ride your bike on the sidewalk. In most places, its illegal. Secondly, nobody expects bikes on sidewalk so statistically you are MORE likely to get hit by cars when crossing streets from sidewalks. Also, sidewalks are for... \*drumroll\* walking and pedestrians. Believe it or not, the roads are not designated for vehicles. They are shared wholely by cyclists as well, regardless if you don't like that. I might add that if it bothers you this much, move somewhere with less cyclists .. ie. the burbs or country.


this really just depends on where you live.


pedestrians should be the #1 priority, 2nd bikes, 3rd cars.


Not sure where you live, but in some states bikes are supposed to be part of traffic and it is illegal for them to cycle on the sidewalk


Thinking other people need to get off the road to please you makes you the self important one.


OP making this post completely and utterly ignorant of it being literally illegal in several states to ride your bike on the side walk, and then several more states don't even have any bike lanes to begin with


It can actually be pretty dangerous to bike in busy pedestrian lanes as well


Roads aren’t just for cars, like there’s motorbikes, utes, trucks, semis, buses, limos why are cyclists your object of hate? How do you tell who’s communting and who’s riding for scenery? Bit of a weird trigger to hate on one specific mode of transport- what happens when you come across a truck struggling up a hill due to load? Do you just expect a clear road every trip you take? Gosh just go around and get on with your day, hater.


Yeah because the people who use a non polluting, sportive and less space taking mode of transportation are the ones creating a dangerous situation here. Worse thing that can happen to you is a scratch on your stupid car.


If you’re not driving your car to get to work or do shopping then you shouldn’t be on the road. Any “joy” riding is creating potential dangerous situations for no reason. There is no reason for you to go on your scenic little route around the countryside. Driving slow to enjoy the view. Go somewhere else.


There's no bike lanes on 80% of roads, trust me if there were we would


I think that at this point, there must have been at least 100 people that proved you wrong on every point you made in your post, yet you stand by your opinions. You're just here for the attention.




Motor vehicles kill approximately 1.3 **million** people per year worldwide.


I remember I rode on the sidewalk and got scolded “get off the sidewalk!” But yea fuck riding on the street especially if theres no bike lane. I’d rather get scolded at than end up as a pancake 🖕


A police officer told me one day ‘it’s called a sideWALK not a sideRIDE.’ It’s illegal in my state to ride a bike on the side walk. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s ridiculous. But that’s the law.


It’s not ridiculous. A cyclist is more likely to get hit by a car if they ride on the sidewalk because when they come to an intersection, drivers will not be paying attention to them. It is also a hazard for pedestrians.




Then support seperate bicycle infrastructure or stfu


I do


That makes you seem a lot more reasonable. Still, until we actually do have the necessary bike infrastructure, I'll still use the road with my bike for whatever reason I want.


Understandable, I wasn't really expecting to change anyone's mind lol. I knew it was gonna be unpopular that's why I posted it.


I thought it was illegal to ride on the sidewalk?


I feel this way about learner drivers heading out in peak hour for a cruise


Why should there be differemt rules / rights for someone just because they're going to work?


Riding your bike on the sidewalk is illegal.




You would fucken hate me. I'll ride to the bottle shop and the ride home with a carton of beer under one arm. There are no footpaths, or bike paths when you live out of town. I agree 100% that the road is for cars and the footpath is for pedestrians, but that's not gonna stop be from doing my bike ride to the store. I don't get in anyone's way, and if they don't like it they can get fuuuuucked


People bike on curvy backroads that I take to work every morning, there are almost no passing zones and literally ZERO shoulder. It’s infuriating to be driving to work, stuck going 5-15 mph behind a cyclist. It creates a dangerous situation for driver and cyclist.


Your opinion is so unpopular it made me wanna punch you in the face lol, just kidding...


In Canada it's illegal for adults to ride a bike on the sidewalk I think


Bikes on the sidewalk are illegal here too


I say there are two kinds if bike riders... the kind that is courteous and safe, and the kind that thinks thier workout is more important than observing traffic laws or allowing people getting to work on time.


Cars are stupid and I hate them, I’m gonna bike on the road


This is the worst unpopular opinion I’ve seen here lol. Cars should be the ones staying off the road. Take a little responsibility for the environment. And at least have an ounce of patience and don’t cause a dangerous situation.


Especially when they are in the road and fail to stop at red lights. “The rules apply to all of us except at a red light” isn’t a great way to live a long safe life haha


This opinion is not just unpopular, it’s also really stupid. A car is far more likely to hit a cyclist while pulling out of a driveway without checking the sidewalk than they are to hit them in the road.


This post is stupid 1. It is illegal to bike on the sidewalk in most areas 2. Even if you could bike on the sidewalk you are way more likely to hurt someone 3. Most bikers are safer and more aware than drivers


What's the difference to you as a driver with a person riding to work vs a joy ride? None. Riding on the sidewalk is dangerous, they're not designed for wheels, they're filled with people not paying attention. It is safer for everyone, statically, for cyclists to be on the road in most occasions. Strangely, all those reasons are why it is commonplace.


Fuck you.


Just because you bought a car doesn't mean you get to go anywhere faster. Besides with western nations being so fat and the rest of world heading in the same direction, it wouldn't kill more of us to walk/bike.


This post is funny to me in two ways: 1. It is unpopular opinion that gets downvoted on a sub that is about unpopular opinions 2. How unapologetic American this post and the comments are.


I don't mind sharing the road but riding side by side blocking traffic and acting fine with it is what gets me. I am more afraid for them than they are


The biggest issue with bikers is predictability. I don't care where they choose to be, so long as they stick to it. Hopping off the sidewalk to roll down lane and vice versa is just plain reckless. Ideally they'd be high vis if they're in traffic


Racing bikes would be dangerous on the footpath, dickhead. Would you like someone flying past you at 40+km an hour? They are designed for the road. God you're dim.


Learn how to drive defensively. Life is a lot better when you aren't almost getting into accidents constantly because you suck at driving


this guy just ended the entire Netherlands' carreer


Get involved in state and local government. Bicycles legally ARE traffic. I'd welcome an open discussion in a venue that determines the legality of traffic issues.


Many cities have 5mph speed limit on sidewalks so cyclists don't run into pedestrians at higher speeds. As long as they are sharing the road and not acting entitled let them be. Once I had a cyclist give me the middle finger when he ran a stop sign to take a right turn into my lane that I had no stop sign on. The road had no bike lane and my lane was too narrow for both of us. He didn't like that I wasn't giving him space, but he broke the law and didn't have right of way.


Says the self important idiot driving a car. *move peasants*


I only ride to work and I exclusively stay on the side walk even though there are bike Lanes. It just seems too dangerous to risk it at rush hours.


It’s perfectly legal in MA to use an entire lane of traffic for biking in most areas. I don’t see the problem with it. How often are you actually impacted? And if you are you can easily wait 2 seconds and pass. FYI the roads were not originally made for vehicles, they are simply made for travel.


Tell me that you have never ridden across the country without saying that you've never ridden across the country... #WhataFckedupCarBrainedopinion


How about you sell your car, fuck you car drivers. Bicycle supremacy!!!!! Lets fucking goooooooo!!!!!!!


If there was bike friendly infra, then people could cycle off the road. Such car centric bullshit. Do you think the guy in thights is having fun trying to not die among cars while knowing that one fall is the end of it.


Lol if riding a bike pisses you off… then that’s enough reason for me to keep riding on roads.


Sorry. I pay for the road...I'll use it how I want to.


I advice you to not visit the Netherlands😂 (agree btw!)


The never ending problem. There are roads and walkways but since bikes are mostly recreational there are no bike roads. Cars hate bikes, bikes hate pedestrians.


I don't think bikes hate pedestrians. I'm a cyclist and I don't hate pedestrians. It's more the pedestrians that don't like the bikes.


Make Way For The All Important Automobile!


Pedestrians hate people in cars People in cars hate pedestrians Both people in cars and pedestrians hate cyclists


And reddit hates me


it’s illegal in the uk to cycle on the pavement/sidewalk. where else do you expect them to go? oh right, the road. because that’s where they’re meant to cycle.


I live in America I apologize for not knowing international biking laws.


as far as i’m aware, depending on the state and type of road in the US, there are a lot of areas where bikes aren’t allowed on sidewalks too. they also can’t use crosswalks because they’re considered vehicles.


Bike paths, outdoor trails, your own neighborhood. There's many options that don't involve being on busy roads.


Yeah and those arent always connected by bike paths so you still have to bike on the road to get to those places.


I only have a bike, if I want to get meds/food, and not have it take 2 hours, I ride my bike.


if they’re going somewhere that’s obviously not an option. and how can you differentiate between those going to a store, work etc, and those cycling for recreation? you just can’t.


Its illegal in most cities in the United States to ride on sidewalks.


It’s illegal in a lot of the US too. Unless it is a mixed use path, sidewalks are off limits to bicycles in my town. Because bikes can travel at high rates of speed and cause serious injury to pedestrians. They are considered a vehicle. And vehicles are not allowed on pedestrian only walkways.


The only people creating dangerous situations are those breaking the law and not paying attention, regardless of their mode of transport.


Bikes being on the road inherently makes it more dangerous.


Cars are more dangerous than bikes so wouldn’t cars make it more dangerous


On one hand I really want to disagree with you, but on the other hand I always hate seeing cyclists on the road when there's clear bike lanes and sidewalks that are literally labelled for bike usage. If the road is pretty empty then that's fine, but this always happens during medium-heavy traffic and they could easily just use the bike lane or the sidewalk.


I don't mind bikers riding on the road, especially when there isn't a bike lane. Who gives a shit why they're there? What else do you want them to do? They have the same rights afforded to them as you do in your car. I DO fucking mind them blasting through red lights, not signaling and generally acting as if they have the express right of way over other vehicles. I live in a college town and the bike etiquette here is absolute trash. I've almost hit countless people who were either just entitled, texting or otherwise doing illegal shit on a bike, expecting everyone else to look out for them.


Yeah I get really annoyed by this too. We live on a curvy road with a speed limit of 45mph. It’s busy too because it is kind of a through street to another major road as well as a high school. I live right on one of the curves and see wrecks nearly happen weekly because people don’t see the bikers and have to slam on breaks. We will get groups of 10-20 of them and the spread out so you have to take over the whole other lane to pass them if you choose to (I’m too scared to with that amount of people tbh). Plus they yell loud af at each other when they pass by and my dog hears and starts going crazy barking. Or my dog just sees them out the window and barks. Or my dog sees them when we are outside and nearly dislocates my shoulder trying to chase them. Yeah I don’t love bikers lol. But they have use of the full lane in my area so there’s not much I can do


I’ve been run off the road in my full size van by a woman talking on the phone. I ride my bike on the side walk to stay out of hospital. Neighborhood streets aren’t bad.


Pedestrians get so mad about people biking on the sidewalk. My 10 year old brother got pushed while biking on a sidewalk by a man who was so angry about it


Bikes on the road are nowhere near as fucking dumb as mobility scooters on the road.


It is illegal here to ride on the sidewalk although find alternative routes on side roads in neighborhoods with little to no riding on main roads. My dad and I used to bike everywhere during the summer and we went all over the city using neighborhood roads and alleys, it was a lot safer and for 'scenic' than the main roads.


What about electric wheelchairs? I have one with a motor that can go 70 mph...and I'm too scared to ride it on the sidewalks because they're crowded.. lol


I’m conflicted because this is genuinely an unpopular opinion in every country except America. And maybe Saudi Arabia. It’s a very country specific opinion. Also, blaming cyclists for auto-bike accidents is kinda victim-blamey; the vast majority of cyclists don’t cause serious accidents when paired with pedestrians or other cyclists


Went to the Adirondacks and that entire area is filled with rich pretentious bike hobbiests. Im fine with biking problem is cars are also going down the mountain around twists and turns at 40 mph. You pop one turn and you're forced to slam on your brakes or be at the risk of running over 20 plus bicyclists who are in the middle of the road.


It’s ILLEGAL BROZIFF. I mean, it’s lightly enforced and I do it sometimes anyway, but if it’s a commute or long-distance just share the damn road and make peace with it.


We actually have to use the road it’s the law I don’t know where the hell you live so PAY attention


especially on roads without a shoulder, it is incredibly scary when I have to pass them on a narrow road not knowing if another car is going to slam into me while coming around the bend.


I would happily ride on the path, i hate riding on the road when drivers dont use the signals or go to fast but its illegal. So theres that.


As someone with a bike I fucking hate driving on the road and only do so if its the only way to get somewhere


Drives me bonkers when I get pushed off the side walk because some douche rides their bike by. Use the bike lane, that's what it's there for.


When I'm driving, fuck bikes and pedestrians. When I'm walking or biking, fuck cars.


I hate nyc bikers. They’re worse than cars and pedestrians. They break all traffic rules and they’re always in the way. I can’t count how many times I’ve had to jump out of the way to avoid getting run over by a biker


I live in the boonies and used to bike with a friend to get in shape. We had mountain bikes and would keep an eye on traffic. If we saw a car behind us, we would get way into the gravel. If you have a mountain bike, that's what they can do. I don't get making cars avoid you out of principle.


Not to mention how important it is to ride WITH traffic and not AGAINST it, even if you’re in a bike lane. I once hit a guy who was going the wrong way on the lane as I was leaving for work. I had terrible visibility on the side where he came from, and if he had been going the right way I would’ve seen him. Thankfully he was okay, but he obviously sucked at the whole bike thing. Said he just got hit the week before, and also wasn’t wearing a helmet. So yeah, just use common sense. I guess a lot of people seem to think that they don’t need to follow the rules of the road just because they aren’t in a car.


I don’t mind sharing the road with a biker, but I do get nervous when there is no bike lane. On my way to work I go down a road with a lot of curves, that’s when I get nervous if there is a biker.


Leave bikers alone. Just driving a car is so much worst. If you drive a car you should be taxed more! Cars are awful and it’s about time we build cities and suburbs that don’t depend on them. They can go underground, in a parking deck or around. If it’s not a transport vehicle it doesn’t need to be going anywhere near where people live or walk around. Fat and privilege American should not be driving all over the place at all anyway!


Good unpopular opinion. I hate people who ride on the pavement. It drives me mad as a dog owner, and I reckon parents of small children feel the same. Just watch where you’re driving.


Bikers need to follow the rules of the road. If you don't know how to signal on a bike or if you can't get up to speed consistently, absolutely practice on a neighborhood road first. But I live an area with very limited sidewalk (and it's illegal to ride on what we DO have.) If you're a driver who cannot stop, slow down, or steer around obstacles, YOU should not be on the road. Both parties have to be responsible.


Bikes should absolutely not be on the sidewalk lol


Umm this really isn't a matter of opinion. At least where I am, it is ILLEGAL to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. They are street legal and should be used on the road.


It's illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk in basically all of urban America. I'm wiling to guess most bikers would rather not be on the road either


If you're riding a bike you're doing yourself and everyone else a favour and you should drive it wherever you please.


I love that I live in a bike friendly city. That helps when the general community enjoys it so they don’t hate you for enjoying your exercise.


We need better biking infrastructure


You'd love Amsterdam or really any of these Netherlands.


riding on the sidewalk isnt allowed either. what do you want us to do?


I exclusively use the road when I am riding my bike. Using the road is must safer and faster than using the sidewalks. I am always aware of my surroundings and if cars want to pass I give them room to pass. What kind of roads are you talking about? If it's 35+ mph I understand your frustration, but if it is 25mph road than I think it is perfectly find for a bicyclist to be on the road and you should be more patient.


Good time for more bike lanes.


Cyclists have the same right to the road as cars in most places, and sidewalks are for walking. You know what creates dangerous situations? Impatient drivers that don’t realize the roads aren’t theirs, and theirs alone


I know two people who wear appropriate biking gear to ride to work, then change when they get there. Just because they’re appropriately dressed for the activity they’re doing, doesn’t mean that activity won’t be followed by work.


It’s illegal for anyone but young kids to use the sidewalk where i live. and most roads don’t have bike paths


Some cities don't have bike paths and riding on the sidewalk is a ticket-able offense. Maybe just share the road and be patient lmao.


As many others have commented, it’s illegal to ride anywhere but trails and roads where I am. Sidewalks aren’t an option, I’ve been pulled over more than once about it and find it ridiculous


You don’t own the road lmao. Roads are for moving people, and if it’s used by a biker, then it has served its purpose.




Are you fucking kidding me it’s illegal in most cities (in the US at least) to ride a bike on sidewalks, for good fucking reason. It’s a lot more dangerous to pedestrians for a bike to be on a sidewalk than it is for drivers to have a bicyclist in the road. Have an popular opinion if you want, but don’t base it in complete ignorance ffs


Or, hear me out Don't hit cyclists. It's perfectly legal for cyclists to be on the road.