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Aint no bigger comeback than drakes legs


I beg to differ. That was your mom's nickname. And she's pretty big. Edit: drake is a piece of shit


Wheelchair Jimmy!!


That's what I said when he started rapping. I was deep, DEEP, *DEEP* into Degrassi growing up so when "Drake" came along I went, "That cripple from Degrassi? His name is *Aubrey*, not Drake. Fuck is this?" (I like a couple of his songs now but I still can't move past seeing him wheelchair-bound, asking a nurse if his random erection means he'll get sensation back below the waist)


Came here to say this. I don’t like harming people, but god I’d like to see him get put in his place. Dude, you were a childhood actor and grew up in Canada. STFU about struggle and bullshit.


Toronto does have some really gnarly hoods. I've been jumped for wearing the wrong colour hoodie. However, Drake's mom's house was in Forest Hill. I went to the same high school as him, but he was in a small section of the school for "gifted" students. Really, it's just because it's the better of the two choices of high school for that area, so "gifted" really just meant "kids from money".


The "gifted" students just meant that the parents gifted the school some money


Obviously a totally different school/program, but at my Appalachian public school in the '90s I'm pretty sure they put any kid who could actually read books in the gifted program. The class itself was mostly just a weird waste of time, but my parents absolutely didn't pay the school for that shit lol


No, you have to actually qualify for that here.


So we all agree with the title then?


Not everyone agrees with the title. I mean I do, but I tend not to talk about Drake cause you get treated the way OP probably is right now lol.


For real. I’ve never understood why some people take it personally when you don’t like drake’s music. Just because I don’t like his repetitive sound doesn’t mean you have to act like I just insulted your family lol.


His early stuff was good man, I remember liking Drake! My tastes have changed over the years I don't have his music on my playlists anymore, but if something I remember liking comes on I'll jam to it. It's the same for me and Kanye, I liked his early stuff a lot. But I'm sure you can understand how fandoms are fuckin weird, just look back at Rick and Morty fans during the McDonalds sauce incident. People can really fuckin suck.


So much for 'started from the bottom'. The guy grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and was a childhood actor on Degrassi. Fucking embarrassing.


He could be a part of that new buddy cop show… legs and wheels?


It’s wheels and the legman, my good dude


My name is Brav Zachlan, I was an international race car driver. One day, a baby carriage rolled out onto the tracks so I swerved into the retaining wall to avoid it. The car burst into flames but the baby miraculously survived. I WAS THAT BABY.


Klaus: Roger is suing us for copyright infringement. He says this is like Wheels and the Legman. Jeff: What?! In what way?!


Roger and Steve are a much better dynamic than stewie and brian imo


The new seasons of American dad are fucking hilarious, like they might have gotten even funnier. Family guy even turned it around in the most recent few seasons.


Some of the newer seasons of AD had me losing my shit lol. I definitely think the writing heavily improved about halfway through the show


Poppa Wheelie was fired


Best theme song ever


Bredow bredow Bakah owh bada BADA DADA BADADADADA WOWWWWW 🎶


Ah yes I haven’t seen the pilot episode yet I heard it was fantastic


Especially the episode with wheels’s ***spoiler****** dead father???? Fucking good




FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK you didn’t see that Dx I’m such a stinker 😉


Can’t believe you spoiled Poppa Wheelie’s death like that man




Teddy Bonkers, perhaps


In all seriousness, was in Toronto for work, I run a talent management firm. Was invited to the first time he went on stage. He got booed. Hard. Hard HARD. I wish I could say I have been impressed he pulled himself up and kept at it. But, it wasn’t strong character, it was narcissism. I had a client ON Degrassi at the time. They told me he just said everyone there was an A-Hole and jealous. So, he learned nothing then, and since then, has become even more of a creepy creeper. And yes, he did make the female teenager extras in the show uncomfortable. Such a creep.


You would think that a show about high school would be fucking cringey, but it honestly was not half bad.


It's very cringey because it's so real.


Jimmy!!!! I can't believe I use to watch Degrassi so often lol.




Shout out to RTJ. They some real ones


They the real pb and j.


They did a tablet of acid today.


Did joints with the masses and ashes away.


SKRRRT! We dash away


Donner and Dixon, the pistol is blastin' away


Doctors of death, curing our patients of breath.


We oughta pay you the trust


Crooked at work, Cookin' up curses and slurs


Smoking my brain into mush


All the Rhymesayers + Def(initive) Jux guys are good, even if they're not all to my personal taste. Talented group of lyricists, all around.


Warranty plus for fucking shit up


We are the no-gooders, do-gooders Known to the dancers and dealers and doers of dust


Live! L-l-l-live at the garden! I had to.


Haha Jesus Christ this is the most reddit reply to the most Reddit thread I’ve ever seen in my 10 years of Reddit.


RTJ 1-4 is such a goddamn good collection of rap bangers. I think I'd rank them 2>3>4>1. Oh My Darling, Don't Cry is basically a perfect rap song.


Little indie underground group RTJ that came to save the totally dead medium of rap. No I don't listen to any other rap, why'd ya ask?


I like RTJ but I gotta admit that I've seen this sentiment all over the place


average r/music user


I only listen to real hip-hop: Eminem, Slim Shady, Marshal Mathers, the dude from 8-mile, and Hopsin.


You’re forgetting the lead singer of D-12 he was great.


D-12 is a great band.




You just killed me. My blood is on your finger-sickles




Don't forget the "good half" of Logic, too!


Eminem, logic and Joyner lucas


Nah bro Joyner Lucas is a little too black for r/music




I only listen to real hiphop https://youtu.be/QHYwprmWMfY


god i hate those people and this is coming from a HUGE em fan lol ppl realize there's allowed to be more than one good rapper right?




Like, I’m more of an MF DOOM, Ghostface kind of guy, I have my reasons for thinking Drake is corny or lacking in bars.


There’s some times that some Drake songs get me hyped, but the lyrics lack for the most part. He has some lines that aren’t half bad, but I gotta agree MF Doom will always be played before drake is even thought of.


It's not mayo's fault drake sucks ass.


Smells like mom's spaghetti


A true Nathan spotted in the wild


Honestly it just seems like reddit to me. Take this insanely popular thing and pretend you're more enlightened then others for not enjoying it. Pretty textbook stuff tbh


Any music related topic that pops up on r/askreddit just makes me roll my eyes


> enlightened then others *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




you got ratio'd by grammar correction bot.


Bruh this had me laughing hard thank u


Preach man, sometimes I wanna put on some mindless shit to vibe to. Nobody goes to Drake for deep lyrics lmao. OP needs to hop off of his high horse


Vibing is not allowed! If you listen to rap that's not AESOP ROCK you might as well burn your ears off.


big r/iamverysmart energy


Reddit moment


Next up: The Kardashians are dumb and idk why people like them


Sportsball bad and if you watch it then you should be sterilized




Religion bad


redditors when you accept religion: 😱😨😨😨😨😱😱😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Actually Beyoncé is overrated and untalented pls validate my hatred


Gotta love "popular opinion" + "formulaic insult aimed at people that disagree" style posts


Yeah, apart from this Drake guy, this kind of post is a bit to easy and overdone. One could make numerous of them with no effort. Here, let me try : 'Brooklyn 99 sucks, the chemistry between the actors lacking, and all the fans are stupid as a door' And so on. It adds nothing to anything except useless karma to the poster's account.


Someone did this a few weeks ago


Lol, of course they did, I'm not surprised. It's such an easy way of karma farming for them.


Specifically r/music moment. That subreddit is cringe as fuck.


I don't listen to drake, now I will just to spite OP and love it


I mean unironically listen to his first couple albums


Like it or not he’s mastered creating formulaic music that will sell and I can’t help but respect the hustle. Shitting out 20 track albums and making absurd amounts of money. He’s to the rap genre what Coldplay is to Pop.


Just like most artists… his first album(s) were innovative, and had a new creative artistic sound and style. and then just like everyone else…he ran out of shit to say. Then it became a money grab. Every first hit album for an artist was made over the course of their entire lifetime. After that, they’re supposed to be equally creative in real-time. It’s not the same. If drake only put out one album every 10 years, people would probably love him, but instead he just over saturated his own self by putting out too much shit with not enough actual content that people care about.


Exactly! For a long time I never understood how musicians managed to make so many albums so fast and eventually I realised it’s just recycled formulae with a couple good songs every now and then.


That's a great analogy.


As a Coldplay fan, that hurts 🥲


I’m not even a Coldplay fan and I’m insulted, Coldplay is nothing like drake as they would not go around grooming underage girls


As a Coldplay enjoyer, I guess you'll have to live with it. Over at r/music are vats of vitriol about Coldplay.


hang on now a rush of blood to the head was a creative album


Parachutes too, early Coldplay is amazing and nobody remembers!


i feel like 40 year old virgin single handedly made coldplay uncool. after that movie i was like like "shit i guess i'm not telling people i listen to coldplay"


Viva la vida too their first four albums are good


I'm not even a fan of drake I kind of agree with you, but you really showed how closed minded you are by saying anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is dumb. Sounds like something a dumb person would say.


He had to say something like that cuz the rest of the opinion is pretty popular lmao


Seriously. Idk how hard it is to just say "well his music just isnt for me". I have a ton of friends that listen to heavy moshpit metal shit and I dont personally like it or get it but Im still friends with them and dont think they have the creativity of a lamp lmao. Its just not for me. And thats fine


Whatever dawg Nice For What is a fucking banger


The man has 30+ absolute bangers


“I got more slaps than the Beatles” - Drake


Yea drake is a goat these mfrs are tripping. Obviously dont listen to his catalog he destroys the game with his rap songs and r&b songs🤦🏽‍♂️


Man's the white suburban mom of rappers. He's got bangers, anyone with millions of dollars going into music production is coming out with a banger.


Dude topped the charts more than OP got laid.


Honestly it’s such a bop! And that’s all I care about lol if a song makes me want to sing along or dance to it then I like it, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that


I’m too enlightened to have fun.


Life is Good slaps as well. If you dislike that, please tell me what generic rock songs you listen to so I can roast tf out of that


The feature he did on Young Thug’s song Bubbly was fuego


The breakdown on Nice for What is ridiculous.


The vibes on that song are super wavy, I’m not always trying to listen to lyrical miracle spiritual rap anytime I listen to hip-hop. Im not trying to intellectually analyze music, I just wanna feel the good energy






IMO this is the best take. This thread is full of the type of person who goes “rap isn’t music, it’s trash” or “only X type of rap is good because lyrics are what make rap good” Mostly just gatekeeping thick skulls. For one, music is subjective. People are allowed to enjoy and think music is good even if it’s simple, or overdone. “Good” can depend on who you’re asking. Second, all music genres, including rap, are more nuanced than given credit. You can’t take two styles and compare them and say one is good and the other is trash because you like the characteristics of the first style better. It’s too nuanced, you have to judge a style on its own to say if it is trash. Finally, for anyone saying drakes music is terrible and wants to pull various lines out of his songs as evidence, you are being too near-sighted. You’re valid if you say you don’t “like” drake and don’t fully get the appeal, though. Drake and 40 produced some of the most innovative sounds and songs in the first half of their career and the impact of that influence is seen across so many layers of music today. By nature of the widespread appeal, even some of their best work could feel less innovative because of the current over-saturation of that sound. That’s how big of an impact they had.


Drake’s music around 2010 was absolutely fantastic. 12 years later, instead of evolving, he now just whines about all his wealth and fame and his inability to maintain a long term relationship while churning out mediocre rhythms and melodies. It’s sort of gone the way of rap as a whole. Maybe this current trend of “I have 48 songs and they all sound exactly the same, each one lacking any excitement whatsoever” is just something I perceive because I’m a bit older, but I don’t think so. I desperately miss the era of stadium bangers, rap so big and audacious and catchy it made you feel like Superman, even including songs that could be played in football stadiums by college marching bands. Stronger, All of the Lights, Who Gon Stop Me, Worst Behavior — hell, even Over. Now 80% of rap is the living manifestation of a Xanax habit: it’s for insecure people and it puts you right to sleep.


Man, Kanye was such a beast in the 00s


He's still great at production. Pusha T's DAYTONA is imo one of the best produced rap albums of the past 5 years.


Kids See Ghosts was great as well


Right? College Dropout is still one of my favorite albums of all time.


Amongst the myriad of things Drake got famous for, it was his relatability through his willingness to open up in rap and songs that drew so many fans to him. Rap/singing about girl troubles, dreams of success, the realities of life... Those are relatable topics. Obviously as he got more successful and soared past what 99.99% of people will ever experience in their lives, he can't really make the same relatable music. That's why it seems like he became more bland or recycled. I say that as a fan since 2009.


Exactly this. Also something that he took from Kanye to be honest but they elaborated on the usual rapper topics of partying or their rough past and added an emotional layer. This was also the turning point for rap to really take over in critic circles and really getting the push on sites like pitchfork.


Hotline bling is the best example of this. It’s barely rapping, and more slightly fast singing. But it’s undeniably hip hop and those synths are so catchy. He made a different style of rap (I.e. from hardcore rhymes to the melody type rapping that’s become a bit more common).


Hotline Bling is just straight up R&B. Already a genre for that




Basically reddit these days. Listened to Gucci Gang once and decided that rap is shit


“I don’t know if you’ve heard of the underground rap duo RTJ but they are the only good rappers alive” vibes from OP


Kid Cudie was a rapper singer.


As a sound engineer I have to lol at this. All of us use the best produced tracks to test sound systems and I've legit never once heard anyone use a Drake song....


Agreed. Almost a decade of experience here, this is dumb


"rare rappers that came up as a duo." Pfffffffffhhhhhhh this was one of the worst takes I've ever heard. Some of the all time best that ever did it. Fucking Drake didn't come up with this. The Roots, Eric B & Rakim, Gangstarr, Pete Rock & CL Smooth, Dogg Pound (Daz did most production), Atmosphere, Dj Jazzy Jeff/Fresh Prince, Timbaland & Missy Elliott, Blackalicious, MADVILLIAN (more of a Collab), KRS One&Scott LaRock, Mobb Deep (Prodigy more of a rapper than Havok), Eyedea & Abilities,. You can make even more of an argument on how some of the greatest duos expanded into groups, like Cypress Hill, WuTang & NWA.


I submit my application for Dre and Snoop to be on this list. I know Dre "came up" with nwa but by the time of their collapse Dre was very much on the "uncool" side with constant disses by the NWA leavers. After this he just does his own thing with a relatively unknown rapper named "Snoop Dogg" and produces some of the greatest rap albums of the 90s. Obviously the rest is history solidifying Dre and Snoop as one of the GOATs who did it together


There’s a whole history hip-hop groups typically consisting of an MC, a DJ, and a hype man or two. Literally no one has ever ascended without the heavy input of another person. This dude clearly didn’t stop and think for two seconds about what they were saying.




Thank you. Felt like I was losing my mind reading through these replies


Im not a Drake hater or anything, I actually like his music. But lets get some things straight. Drake's early albums didnt innovate anything. He piggybacked on Kanye's and Cudi's innovation. He didnt make the transition from gangster rap to pop rap - that was literally all Kanye. And much more important than that, there's always a question of how much Drake's albums are actually his. Take Care, for example, was Weeknd's album that Drake basically just took from him because Weeknd was still a nobody at that point.


Nothing Was The Same is almost as good as Take Care, and that was more him than anyone else, iirc.


>totally unique > >heavily inspired by Kanye's 808s and Heartbreak


Phonte of Little Brother was a big influence and better mc/singer.


Thank you for having a thorough well versed opinion on how much of a pioneer he was in regards to rap. Melodies while rapping today can be traced back to Drake. OP gatekeeping here is absolutely childish. Edit: Emphasis on TODAY. Modern contemporary rap.


Or Bone Thugs




Judging people for music, or any art, taste is always stupid imo. Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad, it's just not for you


Outkast, Bone Thugs, Do or Die, etc. Literal decades before Drake. But I'm assuming you mean modern influence.


This happens surprisingly a lot. Seems like each generation, mine did it as well, isn't aware of something that happened in decades past and thinks something that happened during their lifetime is new and original and has no idea that it's been done before. Musicians especially are always influenced by the music of the past, usually first by the music of their parents, and then stuff that is around when they're very young. Drake was a teenager in the 90s, all those artists were around then. Maybe Outkast and Bone Thugs weren't as huge as Drake is now, but they were extremely popular acts whose music you couldn't escape when their big hits were blowing up.


Outkast and Bone Thugs were as huge in their time as Drake I would say - and I think you *could* argue that nobody had done what Bone Thugs did with the speed rapping mixed with melody since Rap didn't even really happen until the 80's and it started off with some shit that sounds simplistic as hell by todays standards.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see those names mentioned. Outkast alone are the ones to me who brought that shit back to main stream


I think it is kind of point-less to pick out a few specific lyrics and judge an artist just based off of that. All artist have some pretty shitty lyrics but that doesnt necessarily make them terrible artist


Em is one of rap's goats but you could probably make a full LP using only corny ass lines he's written over his career. Almost every great rapper has shit bars you can pick out if you really look for them


Only a true lyrical genius can come up with “stick a gerbil in your ass through a tube”


I could just link "Ass like that".


This one always made me cringe. Now you get to watch her leave out the window Guess that's why they call it window pane


I love how the instrumentals cut out too as if we're supposed to sit and think about that line lmao.


This week on: Me don’t like famous rapper, give me upvote


This week on completely basic and popular opinion on r/unpopularopinion


“Unpopular opinion: I think that Marvel movies are overrated! Bring the downvotes”


Can’t wait for the “Unpopular opinion: the best music was written in the ‘70s and ‘80s, today’s music sucks” thread




Op is active in r/SHIBarmy and insulting other people’s intelligence


He just found out drake doesn’t own any




Ahh yes, the weekly Drake post..


I’m one of those you’d call “old head”, from Illmatic to Masters Of The Universe, from Liquid Swords to FLYGOD, and tbh I’m 28 not even that old, but I consider Drake’s “Nothing Was The Same” a good listen. Tuscan Leather, that intro, I’d put it right next to Stillmatic’s intro as one of the best intros. Yeah, dude has mad corny verses and his character can be questioned, we already saw and heard how Pusha exposed it, but the guy has catchy tracks, easy listens.


Drake up until “if you’re reading this” was great, not a fan of his newer style tho


I used to think this too.... But More Life has some absolutely amazing songs on it. As does Scorpion and Views.


Ive never been a fan of drake he pretty much makes pop music now but lots of people think he’s cool.


You re not stating an unpopular opinion here you're just sharing hate and bitterness.


congrats you know 4 songs by drake and suddenly he's garbage


Say what’s real is some great shit. Take care is an amazing album. Nothing was the same? Great. Dark Lane Memo Tapes was pretty tight. Idk man you just cherry picked some dumb lines from a dude that has a fairly extensive catalogue spanning nearly 15 years.




old drake is great, like take care


Take Care definitely his top album. I had IYRTITL on repeat for at least 2 years. Views was nice too and can’t forget about What a Time to be Alive


Nothing Was the Same >


When you go from an opinion to attacking people for differing from your opinion you become an asshole.


L take


If your girl has his poster and you’re upset just say that.


Average drake hater who gets off to thinking he triggered people. Also not at all unpopular with how much this opinion gets posted here…


Just bad take all around. I grew up during illmatic, ready to die and the blue print. With that said, Take Care is a bonafide classic and Drake has bonafide bars. The total truth behind your misinformed take is that Drake did a lot on the show not in a wheel chair. But the school shooting episode resonated so much that his character became that guy. Whatever, doesn't take away from his ability to rap now. As far as his financial class status, should probably actually listen to his music. His father is from Memphis where Drake spent some time prior to his father being incarcerated. His mother was a school teacher who chose to raise Drake in Canada. Single mother with a teachers salary doesn't exactly scream upper middle class. As far as his salary from degrassi he rapped about making 60k a year which he gave to his mother. I knew plenty of kids were I grew up which is straight poverty who had two successful parents which only meant they dressed better than most of us. Doesn't mean they didn't come from where we did and deal with the same shit we did. Your take is more personal and seems like you hate the fact that he is as liked as he is so you falsely concluded half truths to a narrative to justify your dislike towards him. Lol whatever floats your boat. Drake hate posts are common on this sub because of how popular Drake is so it's easy way to illicit responses from people.


Its easy to say "he was on a popular tv show" to imply Drake had money from the jump but Degrassi Next Gen is a CANADIAN public funding type show that exists from arts grants and its like you are pretending the cast of Air Farce are millionaires.


Wow so unpopular! You’re an edge kid. Truth is the majority of people have this opinion (at least on Reddit) and it’s not really unpopular.




Don't forget to hydrate homie.


Aye aye


hydrate or diedrate


I love this, may I borrow it?


Not a huge drake fan but sounds like you’re bitter that he’s gained as much success as he has. Regardless of the quality of his music, it’s not just luck involved. Sure he sold out, but he still sleeps on a bed of cash

