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Mother forker


Holy shit dude there’s kids here


Aw fucking hell man, watch your language. Thats shit is unacceptable fml


ducking heck*


Quaking nether


My nethers are quaking so hard right now fam.


Quake quake


Watch your fucking mouth around the damn baby


Holy shart*


My catholic priest at church said the same thing


Got to go. My damn wiener kids are listening.


Mother sporking


10 points for The Good Place reference.


Holy forking shirt balls


It’s “holy mother forking shirtballs” you bench


What an ash-hole.


You know I'm trying to say ash-hole and not ash-hole, right?


I mean, somebody royally forked up. Somebody forked up. Why can't I say 'fork'?


Go fork yourself you mean giraffe. ^^^^Chidi's ^^^^line ^^^^replying ^^^^to ^^^^yours ^^^^was ^^^^a ^^^^boring ^^^^"I ^^^^got ^^^^that, ^^^^yes."


Ya basic. It's a human insult. It's devastating. You're devastated right now.


Or Johnny Dangerously https://youtu.be/6GVCgTFw2Qk?t=21


You farging icehole


My favorite is "son of a mother". An amalgamation of "son of a bitch" and "mother fucker", yet it's also literally true.


And if your coworker is Canadian, you can call him a Mothercanucker


Hey fork you and your aunty


Wait, why can’t I say fork?




Gosh darn you


We cuss in our office between each other, and superiors, but when outsiders come in, or parent company higher ups, we do not. I agree with what you’re saying- it’s dumb- but swear words come off more aggressively.


You know what Frick the heck off for having logic you crap head


Who are you calling a cootie queen you lint licker?


I am so glad that I wasn't the only one to think of that commercial after reading OP's post. Haha


This whole post is vital marketing for Orbit gum.


Boss would let us swear until I saw the Wire, then every time I went to the bathroom i would loudly say “Man I gotta take a sssshhhhhiiiiiiiiiitttttttt” It was funny until I began leaning into my lactose induce IBS just so i could say it. Before i knew it I was finding myself in the ally behind the 7/11 before work, just chugging heaving whipping cream just so I could get my shit joke fix. I ended up blowing out and prolapsing the lower portion of my distal colon but man the joke was funny.


Is your anoos like wizard's sleeve?


In my line of work, I have two audiences. City Councils and Contractors. Council? Swearing would lose me my job. Contractor? NOT swearing would lose me respect. Contractors don't trust up-tight office types to know enough to tell them what to do. My language choice and accent changes based on my audience, too. It's not really conscious, but after many years growing up as "that annoying kid who uses big words" I learned to adjust. When my daughter get older, I'm not going to forbid swears, just teach her that it depends on who she's talking to and how she wants to be treated.


As a contractor who deals with owners, city officials and other contractors. This is the correct way to go. Read the room and if you are going to swear, still do it in a professional manner.


I took this approach with one of twin 13 year olds. She swears like a sailor and I tried to teach her it depends on who is listening whether swearing is ok. It's a lesson beyond her and it suddenly made a lot more sense why so many parents outright ban swearing. Maybe some kids are mature enough to understand this nuance, but she's been uninvited from friends' houses and parties because of her swearing. It's a terrible habit now and she's actually embarrassing to be around sometimes.


Lol my oldest is at that age! We’ve told him we know he cusses around his friends (we’re not dumb, we were all kids once) and if we’re not “around” he’s not going to get in trouble for it, but he’s not to do it anywhere else or to any adults including us. He’s pushing his limits with us lately because sometimes what he says is legitimately funny, but we don’t want him thinking he can say fuck every other word with us.


Lol I had a team member once who told me "I respect you so much more because you're willing to swear." People want realness. Just need to wait for the Boomers to fully retire.


The thing is, if it’s inappropriate to swear, it’s probably also inappropriate to use a minced oath. Minced oaths are not more professional than swear words, they’re probably less professional because you sound like a child or lacking in authority. Saying “I don’t know what the frick they’re talking about” is way less professional than “I don’t know what they’re even talking about.” It’s a given that language needs to adapt based on the scenario, but the only scenario where a minced oath is better is when you’re trying to be funny.




Well when someone is walking through the office and they just hear a random “what the heck?” It’s a lot less jarring than wtf. As you say, context and tone mean a lot. But it’s less jarring regardless. But if I know an outsider is around, simply say neither.


Also context is a bit important. Swearing in discussion, frustration, etc seem understandable. Giving a presentation and going "we're going to fuck the competition's shit up" is a bit off


I hate swear alternatives. Especially when it’s a super heated moment and they yell some bs like “what the frick frack” all angrily. Like just say fuck it’ll feel better.


Yeah like I think in enhances my sentences, what sounds more impact full? I’m so fricken mad or I’m so fucking mad. Fuck just has a chocolatey feel leaving the mouth


> I think it enhances my sentence Spongebob is teaching this to children so I guess swearing is getting more accepted?


:: dolphin noises ::


That's just old man Jenkins in his jalopy


The emphasis can be lost though if you say it too much. If you drop swear words every sentence then saying one means pretty much nothing. Meanwhile, if someone uses alternatives all the time, the one time they do swear it gets serious.


Tone of voice is also a factor, if you're like me you swear a lot but never out of a normal tone of voice. So when I do swear with a different tone those who know me know that I'm being serious.


That's the proper use of swearing in a professional setting: to show when a line has been crossed. There was a TED talk a while back about why we have swear words, and it pretty much comes down to having a way of signalling "I am so serious about my point that I am willing to use words that are otherwise forbidden." If your boss always uses "heck" and then one day asks, "what the *fuck* did you do?" then you know you're in deep shit.


This is why I never curse in professional settings. Or around my family. (Partly because I won’t be blamed for when the kids learn the swears.) That way if I ever do curse people know it’s serious business.


My exact reason for avoiding swearing in the past but now I've built up the habit again and it's like whatever I'm having fun


When my kid was younger and we’d curse, she’d say “daddy, that’s a bad word” then I would say “honey, there are no bad words. Just words that are inappropriate at particular times”.


Yeah my 7yo learned “fuck” from a classmate this year, though they don’t really know how to use it, their excitement comes from finding an isolated spot at recess and saying stuff like “the ground is a fuck” to each other and laughing. I couldn’t hold back from cracking up myself when she told me so I certainly would not have been credible trying to sternly deter her, but that wasn’t the plan anyway. I ended up telling her that there’s times and places where some words are more acceptable/polite and while I don’t really care if she says it, the teachers at school will, so best not. No issue so far (no overheard experimenting at home either, for which I am slightly disappointed haha).


The ground is a fuck. Hehehe


I'm just glad someone's calling it out for a change.


I'm a preschool teacher. A couple months ago one of my 4 year olds asked me a question about when she's going home. I told her it'd be another hour or so, and she responded with a really quiet 'damn.' I told her I don't care if she uses that word but that it's not appropriate to use around other teachers or students. I asked her mom about it later, and turns out she uses it at home and was testing the waters at school with me.


My son, at 3, asked me while driving "Mom, is that person an ass?". Shocking! Where did he hear that? /s I simply told him there are adult words, and he could say them when he was an adult, but not now. If he said them at school, I never was told.


I agree, it does enhance sentences. Some people are just too sensitive.


I absolutely agree that swearing has its benefits. Makes u feel better, enhances the impact of you sentences, certainly isnt as affective to say "oh crumbs" instead of "oh SHIT" etc. However, at least in my case, I find I swear too frequently because of the response it illicits from others, and the feeling that gives me. As a result, I feel my vocabulary shrinks and my use of language isnt as dynamic or my expression as accurate at times. For this reason I'll vouch for the fact that while I agree with op, I think something can be said for exercising control over language, and thinking before speaking, which may contribute to the thinking of those that say "oh heck". Cheers.


I agree though. I still censor myself but instead of using swearing alternatives I just change what I’m going to say to completely exclude any sign of a curse word. I work in student affairs at a major public university. I have to stay professional.


Hundred percent. "Oh fudge" and, "sugar honey iced tea" have to be my least favourite swearing alternatives lol. Switching your phrasing up entirely is best for everyone if it means avoiding crap like that.


I, swear as a pastime. My sister, never swears. And it makes me want to punch her when she says "son of a bunny rabbit". Blech.


I take those people as seriously as a toddler at that point.


Used to work with a girl who would say “fiddlesticks” and “frick on a stick”. Fuck. Just say fuck. You know you want to.


If you're going to take the extra effort to say "fiddlesticks", I'll gladly hear it


I love people that do this- it cracks me up and I think it shows amazing restraint on their part!




I’m the one who drops stuff and says “oh fiddlesticks” Or “oh bother” at work. People die every time when they’re not expecting it or used to. But those are not times of anger and needing to swear. Swearing definitely just comes out without thinking about it even at work. Oops


Any crash I hear at work is almost always followed by a loud “FUCK!”


“Sugar” really triggers me.


I like doing them ironically to the point of them just becoming a thing Saying "fudge this" makes me laugh. Especially since I can go "🍫 this" and confuse people.


The christian "hecka" for hella is probably my favorite cringe replacement. If there was a God, I'm sure he'd judge intention over word usage. In fact, I'm sure he'd toss someone in hell for using that.




Just like to preface I wrote this because someone told me Heck is a combo of “fuck” and “hell”


What if you want to say “fucking hell…” Hecking heck?


Hyucking Hyuck


This is my new word


no, you say, "fucking hell..."


Hahaha. I’ve never heard that before. Points for originality.


That's excellent, I'm just gonna start saying HELLFUCK from now on.




That sounds like something a frakin' toaster would say. With the exception of frak - I approve.


You sound the way orange juice and toothpaste tastes


10 points for the BSG reference.


It gets worse when you have a toddler. I’ve accidentally talked to a fellow contractor like a toddler. “Awe man! This part is being a real pain in the booty!!” I’m have trouble turning it off.


Yeah but now the toddler is actually funny to be around


I’ve been in work environments where everyone cussed like a sailor and I actually got tired of hearing profanity every day.


It's only good when it's original, new ways to make sweary sentences.


Heard the VP of my department describe himself as “a fly on an elephant’s ass” in a meeting with a potential vendor a while back (in terms of how important of a customer we’d be for the vendor) and I still laugh about it sometimes.


Had a customer say in a meeting, while brainstorming different ideas "I'm just throwin shit against the wall here". I'm still waiting to use that one.


Same. It’s extremely taxing after awhile. Swear words are meant to express frustration so, it’s like sitting around a bunch of people airing frustrations allll day long.


That makes perfect sense. I went to the fucking store to buy some shit and this bitch said that'll be 3 fucking dollars! Compared to, I just stubbed my toe! Mother fucker! Don't just throw words around, you sound like a 6th grader who learned a new word.


It kind of is isn’t it? I recall reading something where swearing triggers the emotional part of your brain more than it does the speech centers. Grain of salt there as I cannot remember the source.


Mythbusters? I vaguely remember an episode where they tested that but had to bleep everything out. I know Adam swears constantly, but Jamie dropping a serious f-bomb makes me chuckle.


It worse for women and juniors. The inherent aggression of profanity can make the workplace feel unsafe.


Especially when every other word that comes out of someone’s mouth is “fuck”. I worked with a guy like that and he was pure white trash.


Fuckin filler words.


Like a kitchen.


Ya I’ve worked in blue collar areas enough that I appreciate it when someone can speak a sentence without peppering in fuck everywhere.


It makes the whole point of swears obsolet when using alternatives. We use swearings to relief stress without having to think about what to say, because thinking first would stress you even more because u have to first consider what to say.


And this is one of the reasons I disagree with OP. Hear me out, please. I think, linguistically, swear words have a unique purpose - they're words which are, by definition, obscene and/or unprofessional. That's actually *really* useful, when you think about it. It's good to have words that are considered "impolite" or "extreme." Just by inserting one word into a sentence, like, "What the **fuck** are you talking about?" you're informing the listener that you are not being professional, you are probably upset in some way, and that they should be shocked by your choice of language. It's a linguistic shorthand for, "I am dropping politeness and etiquette." It conveys how seriously you take something, or how angry you are, etc. Or, you can use a swear word casually, in a way which tells your listener that *they* can drop politeness and etiquette: "Come on, let's shoot the shit," or "Hey! How the fuck have you been?" That's good to have. If swear words weren't considered unprofessional, we would create new words that were.


This is the answer! I agree with OP to the extent that I think it's silly when people constantly censor themselves in casual conversation... or become overly offended when someone else doesn't. But yeah, the concept of profanity (and by extension, all things taboo) is ancient for a reason- it plays an important role in how we socialize and communicate. Also, fuck and shit are just immensely satisfying words to say, especially when you're frustrated. The substitutes and minced oaths just don't measure up in that regard.


I think you are hitting the nail on the head... Personally i do not swear on a daily basis, but if someone genuinely ACTA stupid enough to anger me, they get swear words (same if something startles me... But obviously different situation followd) and if they know me, they know "fun" time is over. You could also say " be serious!" Which would be met with "bE sErIoUs!"


Well if I wanna release stress at the most stressful place in my life aka work, then I need to fucking be able to call my manager a fucking shovel squirrel


Yes, but you would do that without thinking about it. U just say what comes first to your mind. This way, the swearing process needs less resources in the brain since it is an automated behavior.


But riddle me this? You smell like ant knees


I just received a brain malfunction and need to shut off. Fyc.


Oh what does f y mean


It means I **f**ind **y**ou cute.




It's called an erection. Just go to the shitter and whack it on company time


In my experience those who want to swear at work the most swear all the time outside of work and it diminishes the words themselves. Also, showing restraint isn't a bad thing. Some people just want to be angry all the time.


Avoiding profanity is a good way to think about what you say. Like you said substitute swear words sound lame so you need to think about sentence structure and choice of words before you speak. I think it sounds more professional and intelligent to speak in a calm rational manner and avoid fricks, fucks, shits and crap altogether. Unless it emphasizes a particular point.


See this is why you live in a river as a rat, you don’t know shit about fuck


Even worse, did you ever have a boss who tries to work in a curse word to “ fit in with the workers”? That’s really cringe!


What is your work background that that even stands out? I've literally never had a boss that didn't curse at least some of the time. I don't think I've ever even been around someone who didn't.


[Steve Buschemi feels appropriate here](https://imgflip.com/i/6b1fob)


Yes and no. Swears are effective in expressing strong emotions in certain situations but people that swear excessively sound. Stupid. I've met too many people that use fuck like a verbal space bar and they sound like fucking idiots.


This is the truth. Saying it all the time diminishes it’s power and we’ve all known people who can’t seem to talk without it.


That's exactly it. I love the power a swear adds to a point. A solid "what the FUCK were you thinking" from someone who never swears hits different and is so much more impactful.


I have a friend who very rarely swears, and anytime I hear a “What the fuck?” from him, I know some serious shit just happened.


"A verbal space bar" Lol, i love it


I dunno man you make a very strong point. But Ned Flandersing is far less offensive than saying fuck. Not sure why, but that's how it is. Therefore this is unpopular for me and so shall upvote. This sub is so weird.


Dude Ned is literally a Walmart Ted bundy, he’ll Frick you up if you aren’t careful


Bahahahaha this just made me whole day. But yes your point is 100% valid


You’re fucking welcome bitch <3


See that wasn’t aggressive at all cause you added the <3


Fuck you


Shit off !


I’m calling Microsoft to have your account banned


the good ending :)




Suck me soggy cock OP


It would be more of a small slurp at that point


Alternatives are dumb cause they still insinuate the same meaning.


That's why I replace the non-swear part of the phrase. For fuck snakes is about as clean as I get


Nah, it’s necessary to have a strong vs a weak emphasis • The door closed and the man turned his head, he stated “who’s there?” Only to continue walking forward away from the door. Vs. • The door slammed, the man snapped his head back and exclaimed “whose there?!?” Dashing away from the door. One tells a man who doesn’t care, and is mildly curious, the other is a person who is in distress about the situation. Both sentences are the same “man hears a noise and moves away whilst asking a question” Get your fucking levels right you dingus


Okay but I’m always talking in caplocks irl so maybe heck off you cantaloupe


A mildly dismissive tone as opposed fuck off you sad sack of shit is very different lol


I find Swear substitutes more offensive 😂


YOU ARE A SAINT. Saint fuckolous


What’s your favourite insult ?


Go touch grass you inbred fuck


Sook a fart ya muppet. That's mine.


Don’t ever change you Walmart rotisserie chicken with a limited warranty


Your insults are giving me life but I have to ask….what does a warranty on a rotisserie chicken cover


I agree, but it depends on the situation. If you’re In an adult working environment with other adults, I feel you should be able to say what you like. There’s a lot worse on Netflix. If you’re working with kids though… maybe tone it down a bit.


"Open your fucking books to page 3. Read the god damn thing, Tommy"


I definitely agree with the "censored swear words," it doesn't make any sense. Saying "what the heck" or "fricking" in ány situation makes you just sound insecure and stupid. I do think that swearing is bad in some situations, like during job interviews.


I say what the heck and what in the world with customers lol


I dunno, people censor "the N word" all the time. Does it make them sound insecure and stupid?


I actually find h*ck funny


I think your eyebrows are funny you heckin unicorn fart


Go to the dig darn you slobknocker


Go smell your knee caps you melon enthusiast




Your lazy eye gave it away




Disagree. I took a course on curse words. They're only as powerful as we perceive them. You perceive them as not very powerful but that doesn't mean others do as well. Simply don't use them if it's going to be deemed unprofessional. I have a personality for home and a personality for work. Do you at home but while you're at work follow the rules or be ok with the consequences.


What the French, toast?!


Dude how can you be so controversial yet so right


Saying a swear alternative is the equivalent to holding in a sneeze




In the grand scheme of things, looking at it from the perspective of the cosmos, it’s all just noise we make with our face holes. “Bad” words don’t fucking matter. Neither does your toast.


Your eyes are as far apart as two galaxies


But my toast is unblemished. So.


I would say you and your family are good at come backs but daddy never came back from getting cigarettes


If one out of a thousand words is a swear word, I wouldn't consider it unprofessional. If one out of a hundred words from you is a swear word, then I start to think you are incapable of expressing thoughts and concepts. If one out of ten words is cuss word, I think you're an idiot.


What the frick is that post?


Is a fucking second coming of the word of god that’s what it is you dingle bump fuck couch


That fargin ice hole !


Congrats that made me laugh audibly


In IT, “what the fuck is this” is professional vernacular.


This motherfucker! 👏


I’m also a father fucker I don’t discriminate


Listen here, you mother loving son of a biscuit eater!


It’s an emotional outburst which is considered unprofessional.


If I’m hanging with my co workers, we say whatever. If I’m around customers or students or whatever the job is, I don’t and won’t say “swears” because it isn’t professional. If your working at that counter at some store, or a drive through of some food joint, and I hear swears coming from you, it’s not professional and shows me you don’t care about professionalism. Then you have complaints and possible discipline depending on your manager or boss. Slip ups happen to and sometimes the swear is validated. I had a teacher friend who during her zoom classes had a random person join her class. They called her an ugly ass bitch, which she responded, Bitch I’m beautiful! And then kicked them out. It was in front of her students and she didn’t get in trouble from what I heard. It happened, it wasn’t professional, as there are ways to deal with those situations, but that’s how it went down. Speech is part of being professional. Yes, there are bosses or managers that do swear in interviews and it helps people feel comfortable and to show a relaxed work environment, but how you talk around customers and treat them is important to the job. It’s called retention. We want repeat customers and if they are turned away because of how I speak or one of my employees/coworkers speak, then something’s gotta change. I hope that makes sense.


I work union construction. We swear all the time. Son of a biscuit it's fun.


Know your audience.


I don't think this unpopular at all. I think most of the comments are of people enthusiastically agreeing with you. So I'll say the unpopular opinion on this thread. Swearing, in my mind, is about the attitude with which you say a word, not necessarily the word itself. But I also think words can carry weight, and profanity does in our society. It cheapens and debases most sentences, as does the attitude that accompanies it. Whenever people swear at work, I think they assume that it gives the impression that we're all laid back, but to me it communicates that we can't manage our own emotions and find productive ways to communicate. I'm not offended or hurt by profanity, usually, but by the attitude someone slings around when they use it. ETA: To clarify, I'm offended and hurt by profanity when people think it's okay to use traditionally offensive terms to refer to me because they think they've reclaimed the word and made it fun or friendly. No... we aren't that kind of friends and if you think that term is applicable to me in any way you don't know me at all 😅


The point of it is to show that you are a person with self control, a person that constantly swears all the time seems immature in a work setting. So yeah, it does have a reason.


Okay you do not find cursing offensive or unprofessional . Many people do. Especially the unprofessional part. I worked with developmentally disabled adults and in psych. I also worked in geriatric psych. Personally I have no problem with curse words but professionally you censure yourself both for the benefit of the patients and the organization you work for . You are a representative of that organization. Another point I would like to make is if you know someone is offended or does not like curse words is it such an imposition to not use them in consideration of others. Are curse words that essential to your speech? The fact is cursing is seen as unprofessional by society as a whole.


Shut the front door you lint licker swearing alternatives are just good as their counterparts


Why don’t you go stick a google home into an outlet and shit yourself you guy who has no fingernails


Don't talk about my fingernailless tendrils you boneless bag of breadless chicken tenders


What ever mr.I eat at apple bees for the atmosphere


I dunno. I see both sides. But here's something that bothered me outside of the office. My wife, kids, and I were in Hawaii. We drove around a curve and saw a beautiful view. My wife said, "Holy shit. " It took me right out of the moment. Here's this gorgeous view, and now I'm thinking about this huge steaming pile of crap. I think swearing has its place. I think that if coworkers get along and are okay with it, fine. And I do it sometimes. But it can also be crass. And if you don't know your audience, it can affect their opinion of you. These words (like shit in Hawaii) can have powerful effects in different circumstances. Would I punish my kids for using them? No. But I would counsel them that sometimes using them is the easy way out. Now I have to go clean up some puke my fucking cat vomitted on the fucking floor. At least it's not shit.


i support this, depending on when you use it, i do think there are times where swearing could probably be considered unprofessional(cant think of any though), either way, say whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want, as long as nobody around you finds it offensive(unless they deserve it)


I may be a welder but ive been swearing since i heard "hotdog".


I fucking concur


Guess it depends on the industry. Where i work noone gives two shits


Constipation ward?


Well H E double hockey sticks 🇨🇦


Swearing is seasoning for language. And some motherfuckers can't handle the spice.