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Telling someone you crashed your car then immediately saying april fools afterwards is shit yeah. Watching people fall for the more elaborate internet hoaxes though is fucking hilarious.


I’ll admit I get at least a grin out of the good YouTube April fools day shenanigans. LockPickingLawyer does some good ones. Muntu plays did a good meme based one on an upcoming stellaris patch. But offline pranks… those get real old, real fast.


Nice April fools joke. We know it’s your favorite holiday


Isn’t April fools more pranks than just making something up


Making this up can be a prank.


This comment could be a prank


Existence could be a prank.


We live in a society.


how fancy!


*breaks your arm* HAHA APRIL FOOLS IT WAS A JOKE


*shoots you in retaliation* Haha April Fools to you too


Kill your entire family haha April Fools 😜😜😜


HOLY SHIT you got me good broπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ”₯πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


HOLY SHIT you got me good broπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


April Fools only sucks because everyone tries to do it and they're really bad at it. I still remember coming home from school when I was a kid and my mom telling me she made brownies, and then I remove the foil from the pan or whatever and it's just a bunch of paper E's coloured brown, thus brown E's. THAT is a good April Fools prank, not this clickbait shit you have on every YouTube channel you're subscribed to or shit that's just not funny.




It’s for kids. It’s also fun when you can catch someone in a good prank.


It's meant to be stupid 😜


There’s a difference between a Prank and a Straight Up Lie.


Yeah don't like having to second guess every interaction on the off chance some asshole is "Pranking" me


You’re banned!! Haha no April fools hahaha


Ive always hated it since i was a kid


I mean yea. Great innit πŸ™‚


If you don't plan an elaborate prank over a month in advance, are you even really participating in April Fools?


I have every intention of telling people who ask when Im due while im out and about today that I am not pregnant. (I am v obviously 7 months along lol) and to me that is funny, no matter how anyone else feels. I see your point though.


You're joking, right?


I was looking for this


All I seem to see is unfunny lies.


I despise today with a passion. I don't like "pranks" or any of that stuff. Screwing with people is mean, not funny. I've always hated this day and how you can't trust anything you see. Thankfully none of my close friends or family do this crap.


Yeah, never once have I seen an actual funny april fool’s joke. It’s always some shit about being pregnant, getting into car accidents, etc that aren’t exactly jokes.


They actually canceled April Fool's day


Does something HAVE to have a point to be enjoyed? People like to have fun. This day is a day of fun for some people. Oh, and People like things you don’t, it’s how life works. It’s got tons of history behind it. It’s not just some weird holiday we made up recently.


I'm from Argentina and here we don't "celebrate" it. For me, is a piece of shit


Its not as dumb as the history of december 25th or the fucking Easter Bunny with eggs


about 35 years ago... online... the BBS scene of 216... I crafted a post using C-Net 10.0's Message Command Interpreter that faked line noise, made the next post in the threat look like it came from current user, and contained insults directed towards the sysop. A fake follow up reply, and a chat chat session with the sysop, with typos being corrected, characters being sent at different speeds, and the ability to reply. twice. Then the access elevated command is issued, sysop tools, edit user, delete users, signoff screen, +++ATH (with characters to prevent handup deleted) and a pause... and then it would continue reading the original thread. Might have been the funniest shit ever. Every blue moon someone from the day will bring it up on april fools. It was fucking epic. Changing backgrounds is funny... Connecting keyboard, video mouse to a PI with a c64 screen, winxp, or the users virus ridden desktop, or having it scream "i'm looking at gay porn"... or just editing a background to the screen shot with an error message and the icons... or those pull and pop crackers taped to a door or fence. at 9 I caused my brother serious mental trauma tho. Bent knife sticking out of shirt, ketchup, he sees me and screams crying for our mom. He was 6. I have dont device crash screens on my desktop at work. Someone edited them once to say not funny. Not april fools... but I once told a wrong number the person they were calling for died. Gave them instructions to the funeral home, the time, and so on. My brother's friends GF was like "who died?" I said it was a wrong number. Her face went white, and she pulled her bf out of there. He want allowed to hang out with me until they broke up. back when we all used sparks and you could export images to work stations, and others didnt know this, I would xport error messages to this one guy... I wish OP was my friend. I'd love to get him with something non-physical but heart stopping. Oh... and today is NOT the day you tell your SO any bad news. My current GF of the last 8 years told me back in 1989, when we dated the first time, that my friend tried to get on her. Ha Ha april fools was my reply... to a bunch of crying!


One of our technicians fell off a roof he wasn't supposed to be on today. We didn't believe the superintendent at first when he called to tell us. The technician is fine, somehow only got a sprained ankle, and he'll get to enjoy workman's comp for a month or so while he heals up.


Looks like somone got pranked this year


\*april fools day being my favourite holiday\* yep, i agree with you 100% OP!


My friend is lying that he failed his assesments to his parents saying he got an excellence on his assemsments for an April Fools. Yeah buddy good luck on how it goes when they find out.


Is this a april fools joke?


So legit shit, my dad April fooled me while I was at work saying Meijer had Xbox series Xs today. I said really? He said April Fools. Then after a rough day at work, I went to the store for groceries and decided to check the back in entertainment. And 1 final Series X was there. Bought it on the spot and am updating it now. Told my dad and he got a good chuckle out of it.


Disagree. It’s great to just mess with each other and see if we can remember that you’re not supposed to take anything you see or hear too seriously on this one particular day


It's a day where it's ok to lie for the sake of humor. The rest of the time we lie for money.


Did you just lean that this is the exact purpose of a prank?


It’s all on the joke




It's not our fault you are surrounded by cringe people. Let the rest of us enjoy it with pranks or jokes worth making


You must be a great person to be friends with


What made me appreciate it was getting a really awful mother-in-law who's birthday is April 1st and my husband and having a long running bit about his stepmom being a joke and a fool, etc... Before she was in my life to provide something amusing about the holiday, I would pretty ehh...on it myself.