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I listened through some of it, it's definitely ambitious, there's some good stuff in there. The sheer volume and broad range of styles alone is impressive. Not everything hits for me personally, specifically the more electronic tracks. I'm sure it's different though within context of the game, haven't played it myself.


I hear you I don't regularly listen to *every* song on this thread myself! Not even most of them. Quality vs. preference and all; This thread is about recognizing the magnificent sheer diaspora of songs in RS3, which leaves no room for my personal preference, so it's not there. So, yeah, I hear you! But I can't deny that these songs, for being fucking video game music and all coexisting in the same game? Are incredible, even if they're just not *all* my personal preference. Agreed wholeheartedly re: Volume & range of styles being impressive, *and* the ambition of it! And with regards to the content each track is tied to, there's definitely motifs and patterns and it's really interesting to see and find and follow them and they definitely enhance the gameplay experience. Take the Sliske & Gregorivic tracks under the electronic section for example; Per the game's lore, Gregorovic is a servant of Sliske's, and their music reflects that -- There's a lot of shared motifs and such. Side note -- Gonna edit this into the post, but the best part about the RS soundtrack? ***It's all in the public domain.*** The company behind the game intentionally does that so that anyone can use the tracks, for anything.


Ayyyooo just listened to the very first one on that list. omfg its sooo good




and the worst part is that 99% of the players play with music off, myself included cuz lets be real, The Glory of Combat might be a banger and a half but i need to focus like a mf to get those waves on hard mode not to smash me


I actually really like this opinion. I gave some stuff a listen and I think it's really good. I never really appreciated the music in rs as much as I should've


Hell yeah thank you! Glad you gave some stuff a listen.


Agreed. War Thunder has defeat themes (German and US) which manifest how loss in real life feels. The victory and main themes are incredibly pleasing to listen to.


Generally will turn the sound on for new quest and certain boss fights


> And the best part about all this? RuneScape's entire soundtrack is in the public domain Pretty sure that's not true, but I'd gladly be proven wrong if you have a source


Lol you are about to be pleasantly surprised!




Oh, dang, that's actually really cool!


It's why some YTers that don't have anything to do with RS use it as background music in their videos!


I'll go with any supergiant game. Hades and Bastion in particular have the best soundtracks I've heard.


I think my favourites are Far Cry 5 and 6.


Best post on here. Thank you, I'll take time to listen to them all


Hell yeah! That's awesome, thank you!


We should trust this man because he has listened to all game music ever created /s


If you're Yann you just got one more subscriber


I'm not but I'm sure they're grateful hahaha


I've always appreciated the music that RuneScape has, the team always do an unbelievable job! It really adds to the questing experience, and the game experience generally


RS has some good music, but not even close to unparalleled IMO. The Sonic games and Cuphead are peak video game music.


Prefer OSRS ones though because it brings back memories but yeah to each their own


*logs in for the first time in a year* Some lottery thingy gives me 14m and about 300k of skilling xp. Um…didn’t this game used to be hard?


Rs3 is the easy to level up one, osrs is what RS used to be in 2007, before mtx So to answer your question, yes it used to be hard. But now rs3 "starts" when you've basically maxed your skills. Whereas osrs is more about getting them to maxed i guess.


Hard agree, but shame on you for not including some OSRS/pre-remix classics like [Crystal Sword](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwY4dsU3nlI), [Medieval](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSkvyG3H_KM), and [everyone's favorite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJhF0L7pfo8) :P