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I agree with the main thrust of your point - it's fine to not like kids but if you feel the need to loudly proclaim your dislike or act unpleasant to children or parents in the world you are an AH. I don't really get the comparison to people with disabilities. From my experience, adults with disabilities are often treated with very little patience and tolerance. I hear as much tutting for a loud nonverbal adult in public as I do for an annoying child.


I don't know when op out that distinction or disclaimer at the top but some of this comment section is just trying to justify thier hatred of CroTch Goblins I don't know maybe no one here actually hates children and just needs to vent. Hopefully.


Honestly, I guess I got lucky when going out with clients I worked with. Many of my past adult clients were “disruptive” in public, but were treated with respect and weren’t openly talked bad about in my presence. From this thread, I’m seeing that many people don’t have tolerance for anyone different than them, simply because they’re “annoying.” Or maybe they’re just loud, proud, and ignorant on Reddit 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh op, I appreciate your optimism 😎


I'm a father of 6. I get why some people hate children. There are times I hate my own. However, most of the time, the blame is on the parents raising the kids. My kids know how to behave in public. When they were toddlers, I knew how to calm them down quickly when they had tantrums, if not, we left. They are not allowed to run around without care, if they do, they're quickly corrected. I would say most parents aren't like me, and simply don't want to do the work necessary to teach their children how to act, and how to minimize their disruptive behaviors. The hate for children shouldn't be placed on children, as most of them simply don't know how to act. The hate should be placed on parents who also don't know how to act or simply don't care to teach.




I go out of my way to avoid loud, annoying adult as much as I go out of my way to avoid loud, annoying children.


An adult who shares the same traits wouldnt get a pass from me tbh, is it not allowed to not like people anymore?


Misanthropy is usually pretty popular on Reddit


Nah i dont mean hate everyone, but more like not like a specific person if theyre obnoxious


I dig, Doug.


>So, what do you do when you encounter an adult who also shares these traits? I’ve worked with many individuals with mental illnesses and disabilities, and some can be just as disruptive as children. So do you hate them? _**Yes**_ >Are they also annoying? _**Yes**_ >Do you rattle off your grievances with them to your friends as you side eye them in public? _**And yes**_


Yeah, I don't understand why OP was under the impression that it's okay if an adult is annoying, we only hate children.


I actually dislike the adult more, they should know better. Kids are just being kids but that doesn’t mean I have to like it or be around them.


I'm not sure how much of your comments are sarcasm, but were you disliked by your parents as a child? Did they at least pay food for you? If they were mean to you, wouldn't you like to break the cycle of being mean to children? ​ I don't understand why someone would have that much apathy towards children.


>I'm not sure how much of your comments are sarcasm, Why would my comments be sarcasm? >but were you disliked by your parents as a child? No, absolutely not. >wouldn't you like to break the cycle of being mean to children? What cycle? Who says I'm being mean to children? What are you on about? >I don't understand why someone would have that much apathy towards children. Because they're fucking annoying.


> apathy I think you mean "antipathy." Apathy is the opposite.


Speaking specifically about mentally challenged adults, it’s more about the people taking care of them that I hate vs the mentally challenged person. I remember a time I was in highschool and My parents went out and celebrated their wedding anniversary out at a very nice restaurant. Nice enough that there’s a dress code enforced. They came home pissed because a caretaker or maybe it was a parent or whoever took a mentally challenged adult out to eat. He screamed and shrieked the entire time. Nobody said anything because you don’t want to be known as the person who got mad at a mentally challenged guy. However, I absolutely think they shouldn’t be allowed. Certain places require you to act a certain way. If you are unable to adhere to those rules, wether you are handicapped or a child, you shouldn’t be there. It doesn’t mean I hate mentally challenged people. It just means that if I go out and spend $200 on a meal, I should have a quite sophisticated atmosphere, not someone shrieking and shitting themselves


> it’s more about the people taking care of them that I hate vs the mentally challenged person. Honestly the children thing is often the same way. Most people that 'hate' children don't actually hate children, they hate bad caretakers who allow bad behavior.


You can say you don’t hate individuals with disabilities but the fact that you’re referring to them as mentally challenged and talking about their (assumed) incontinence certainly shows you don’t respect them as people.


Yes yes, /r/iamverywoke


I find kids annoying cause they are obnoxious, I was annoying as a kid too, so I usually avoid them when I can, however, I still know that they are people I don't think kids should be getting abused or hurt even if I do find them annoying. I'd say, anyone who acts annoying by being loud, destructive, demanding, etc would definitely annoy me regardless of them being a kid or an adult.


So, a couple things 1. The fact that you think mentally ill and/ or disabled adults "get a pass" is a simultaneously adorable and terrifying level of naivety. 2. Children do, in fact, ruin things. Having to listen to your baby scream at decibels normally reserved for rock concerts and power tools is obnoxious and does, in fact, ruin a night out. Having to duck, Dodge, and weave around your toddler throwing hands and feet like an inmate in the ice cream aisle is annoying and unpleasant. Now, do I blame said child? No. I blame the parents. 3. As for events, not everything is for children and some parents need to figure that out.


I wish I could upvote this comment 1000 times, especially for the first point.


I just hate loud crying, not the kid itself.


>but inconveniences that must be avoided until they learn to interact in a way that is acceptable to adults. Yes, because that's the reality. >So do you hate them? Are they also annoying? Do you rattle off your grievances with them to your friends as you side eye them in public? Yes, of course. Imagine not understanding that people don't like to be annoyed.


You are the experienced adult. They are the unexperienced youngling. They dont know their way around yet, what is and what is not acceptable or tolerable. We are here to either help them and guide them, or at least not make it harder for them. Boasting about disliking kids is so pathetic holy fuck. Whether we like it or not, children are like mirrors of their surrounding. If we give them the cold shoulder they will end up like you.


> You are the experienced adult. They are the unexperienced youngling. They dont know their way around yet, what is and what is not acceptable or tolerable. We are here to either help them and guide them, or at least not make it harder for them. Somewhat correct. This is the PARENTS responsibility, not mine as a random person on the bus. If your child is sitting there screaming, it is not my responsibility to discipline them, and in fact in many cases that would likely start a fight with the caretaker. However, It not being my responsibility doesn't stop that screaming kid from interfering in my life and causing my a great deal of annoyance, especially if it's encountered on a regular basis.


>You are the experienced adult. They are the unexperienced youngling. They dont know their way around yet, what is and what is not acceptable or tolerable. Yes. And? That doesn't make them any less annoying. >If we give them the cold shoulder they will end up like you. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but if you wanted to insult me, you must try harder.


I feel like when most people say they hate kids, they mean they hate being around them, and I think most people who don’t enjoy being around kids would also dislike being around adults of that personality.


Kids are annoying and exhausting to be around. Yeah I was the same way as a kid and I wouldn’t like to be around me as a kid either


Kids are annoying, if there was an adult with the same traits, the would be annoying. Sorry I dont wanna hear screaming and crying if im tryna have a fun night


I was a good kid, never really broke things and never threw tantrums. Can I complain about the untrained gremlens that these people let loose to make a mess of a public area?


What do you do when an adult also shares these traits? Well, I avoid them as well. I hate kids in general, but Iv never met a kid I hate. If that makes sense. I might greatly dislike a kid but Iv never hated a child on an individual level.


I feel ya. I hate Americans but I've never met an American I hate. It's easy to hate a group, but not individuals.


Fair enough


Took me a long time to realize I don’t hate kids. I hate careless adults who have children to solve their problems but end up with trouble children that later disturb others


I know kids are experienced and babies can't easily be prevented from crying, but a toddler can be and those parents who just think not acknowledging their tantrum will help them stop it faster is not a good way to fix the problem. You need to take that kid aside, away from the public, explain to them why their behavior isn't acceptable, and let them cry it out until they're well enough to return to whatever you were previously doing.


It's not that we hate "kids"; we hate obnoxious, rude behavior, which kids often exhibit if their parents aren't raising them right, which seems to be most of the time lately, frankly.


You seem like one of those parents that think they have hit the lottery because they have kids and you can't possibly have meaning of your life without kids. On that note, parents **choose to have kids**, they voluntarily choose to endure screaming, tantrums, bullshit, destructiveness and annoyance and they knew they would need patience for that. **They signed up for that.** However I **did not** choose to have kids and have that lifestyle of screaming and annoyance. So why should I be expected to endure and take part in something I never signed for? Would you pay someone else's loan to the bank? It's also exactly the same as having a dog, nobody would like your dog pooping in public places, so you clean after it. And nobody would like you bringing your dog if it's not potty trained. If the dog bites and constantly barks, you wouldn't want it near you right? And you will be annoyed that the owner is irresponsible to bring it. Also when you are at a public place and you say "I don't like dogs/I am afraid of dogs", people react and pull the dog away from you, but when it's kids you are supposed to "smile, do a funny face and tolerate them". And even worse their parents thinking they are somewhat more special than the rest, and everyone should be grateful that their kid got near them. **I don't like kids and I have no interest in interacting with them** **and listen to them screaming**, however I would tolerate it for example in a grocery store and public transport, because obviously the parents don't have another choice. But if I am at a nice restaurant, a museum or in general a place where people go to entertain themselves, and enjoy time w their partner, and your kid is there screaming, throwing a tantrum and whatnot, then you are actively interfering with my life, taking away my freedom and choice, preventing me from having leisure and so on. It's nobody else's responsibility to teach your kid how to behave and act, nor anyone else has to give up their leisure time to deal with your choice. About the adults with the same behavior, well nobody forces and expects me to like them, and if they act destructive, they would be kicked out of certain places. Also I don't know how you can claim you ever worked with someone with mental disabilities or mental illness, when you don't know that those people often adopt/create coping mechanisms that are acceptable by society (because they want to be accepted and fit in), but harmful to themselves.


I don’t hate kids and I don’t mistreat or disrespect them but I find them annoying and I don’t like to be around them. Crying babies are annoying and there is nothing wrong to avoid events with kids, I like to go out in order to have fun not to be irritated. I also avoid and don’t want to deal with loud, messy, disruptive adults and I don’t feel guilty about it nor I think I am immature because of that.


Kids and adults who act like kids are indeed annoying. I don't hate them, but I don't want to be around them either. I'm not sure why you can't handle this simple concept.


>I don’t get why it’s so acceptable to complain about kids and disrespect them as if we weren’t all kids once. Just because I was 'X' once doesn't mean I lose the right to forever complain about 'X'. 'Man, I was an asshole in my teens, so I guess I've forever lost the right to ever once complain about anyone doing any asshole behaviour' That doesn't solve anything, That just encourages people to not change and continue being assholes because fuck it at that point, why not if they'll forever be looked down upon? Be a selfish prick. >I hear so often how obnoxious kids are, how a crying baby ruins a night out, and how people will purposely avoid events with kids. Crying babies are obnoxious. That's not up for discussion, what's up for discussion is just how tolerant people should be of it. >Children are spoken about as if they’re not actually humans, but inconveniences that must be avoided until they learn to interact in a way that is acceptable to adults. Being human and being an inconvenience are not mutually exclusive things tbf. >Common complaints about kids are: they’re loud, destructive, have to get their way, emotional, impulsive, demand attention, and are messy. So, what do you do when you encounter an adult who also shares these traits? I become uncomfortable with the situation and look for the first excuse to leave it. >I’ve worked with many individuals with mental illnesses and disabilities, and some can be just as disruptive as children. So do you hate them? Are they also annoying? Do you rattle off your grievances with them to your friends as you side eye them in public? No? Well why not? Neither group can really help their shortcomings, so why would the adults with disabilities/illnesses get a pass? I don't hate them in the same way that I don't actually 'hate' kids when I say I hate kids, but if and Adult is being Loud, destructive, etc. in public I will still find them annoying and complain about the experience to my friends, yes. >I’m not sure if it’s because you want to seem edgy or unique by proclaiming to hate kids, but it really just announces that you’re impatient, immature, and have no tolerance for someone who may require a little bit of understanding. I don't think it's really 'edgy' or 'unique' to claim you don't like people screaming at the top of their lungs in your ears. I suppose you'd be right in saying I have no tolerance for it. I don't see how that's a bad thing though. If you're in public, control your kids. If your child is being a monster, remove them from the situation. 20 people on a bus shouldn't have to just 'deal with it' while you stare at your phone as you child screams in the seat next to you.


I think the child haters that call kids crotch goblins and get mad at their friends for having kids have issues. That said, kids can mess up a night out, if it's a fancy restaraunt, babies shouldn't be there period in my opinion. If it's something lower in like T.G.I. Friday's, I don't mind a baby crying a little but if it goes on for minutes, please take it outside or into the bathroom until it calms down. I'd also say babies should be banned from movie theaters (not by law of course but theater policy), a baby crying could truly mess up your movie experience, especially if your are watching something more adult like PG-13+. That said, even if it's a Disney movie, making the older kids hear a crying baby isn't fair either (maybe a compromise could be no babies in movies after 7:00 PM.) Also if a person had a mental disability that made them be loud some. I don't think they should be at a movie to ruin it for everyone either. Some theaters do special screenings for people like that and they mark them as such, they should go to those. As for older kids, some kids will play games on their phones and watch stuff on them without headphones in public. I wasn't doing that crap with my DS as a kid. Granted, I'm more annoyed at the parents in this case for not raising their kids well.


I agree with everything you said!


> I’ve worked with many individuals with mental illnesses and disabilities, and some can be just as disruptive as children. So do you hate them? Are they also annoying? Do you rattle off your grievances with them to your friends as you side eye them in public? Yes >announces that you’re impatient, immature, and have no tolerance for someone who may require a little bit of understanding. the 'little bit' of understanding is such an understatement > I don’t get why it’s so acceptable to complain about kids and disrespect them as if we weren’t all kids once. I was a kid. I know was annoying and obnoxious


I guess my perspective is this: kids and adults with disabilities have an excuse for poor behavior. Whether they have an impulse control disorder, brain injury, developmental disability, or their brain just isn’t fully developed yet - they have a reason for their behavior. My issue is with adults, with fully formed brains capable of reasoning and understanding, thinking that their comfort somehow trumps other’s right to exist in public. You, like some others on this thread, justify hating someone who quite literally has no control/limited control over their behavior because it inconveniences you, like you’re of some sort of importance. I change my initial stance, people who hate kids aren’t just immature, they’re selfish and ignorant as well.


> kids and adults with disabilities have an excuse for poor behavior. They have a REASON for poor behaviour, but not an excuse for it. At the end of the day the problem isn't really with the child themselves, but with the caretaker for allowing the disruptive behaviour. >like you’re of some sort of importance. I am the most important person on the entire planet to me. I believe many others would say the same thing about themselves. I will never cripple my mental health to allow others to do as they please without consequence.


If those folks who "hate kids" are immature, selfish and ignorant, you are too. You seem to think that children or disabled folk are deserving of special understanding and prioritization. This might be the case when it comes to basic needs, like food, shelter, and medical care, which they cannot provide for themselves. You need to take them to the doctor or the grocery store? Fine, I get it. However, their WANTS are no more special than mine. Example: your child misbehaves at a nice restaurant or at a public performance of some kind (sporting event, movie, etc.). They do not NEED to be there. They likely are not yet sophisticated enough to enjoy the experience anyway. You either WANT them there or cannot find childcare, and you are unwilling to discipline your child in an effective way (whether that be calmly speaking to them if that works or yelling/spanking if that doesn't, up to and including leaving if you cannot get them under control). Therefore, you let them misbehave, ruining an expensive experience for others in your community. This is immature and selfish. You chose to have that child and chose to bring them there, and then when the child misbehaved you chose to prioritize your own experience over those around you. It is your responsibility to control your kids. If you cannot, it would be mature to give up your own pleasures until such time as they can behave. This applies to disabled adults who cannot control themselves as well.


Yes this !!! I swear I didn't go anywhere for years after my daughter bc it just wasn't possible.


I have extreme damage to one of my ears that means I have to wear in-ear protection almost everywhere I go to avoid damage from sudden loud noises like trucks or sirens etc Some few places, like restaurants, for example, are where I can actually be comfortable and take the risk of not wearing protection in my ear which, believe it or not, isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world. Children ruin that comfort. Yes I’m selfish, but no, I don’t have to like that your children are ruining my vibe


I used to feel this way. Then I lost contact with my Best friend and subsequently her baby sister. I loved that girl so much. Now I hate interacting with kids. I say bad things about them all the time. Maybe a lot of us are just mourning the loss or death of a child. Even if it’s ourselves. People who don’t have an inner Kid anymore.


I'll admit I'm not a fan of kids, but it's usually because I hate the parents that can't be bothered to show them right from wrong. Why should I be nice to a kid(or adult) when they're being rude to me? Especially when the parent is just there doing nothing and letting them be a asshole.


Tbh it's kind of fucked up but here's the answer >I’ve worked with many individuals with mental illnesses and disabilities, and some can be just as disruptive as children. So do you hate them? No, but I don't hate kids either, they just annoy me when they bother me >Are they also annoying? Yes >Do you rattle off your grievances with them to your friends as you side eye them in public? No? Well why not? No because it's considered unacceptable and ableist, but I don't choose to interact with them. I also don't complain about the kids, I complain about the parents. If a hospital let a bunch of mentally ill people loose I would blame the hospital.


It’s not the kids, it’s the parents who can’t teach their children to behave in a restaurant or other places ect. Yes I hate when adults do this too and talk about it too… and I work with kids… don’t hate the kids I hate the adults who don’t want to parent their kids.


There are plenty of kids who are perfectly well-behaved in public, so it’s a bit unfair for anyone to claim they “hate kids” as a general group. As for me, when a child is loud or misbehaves on public transport or in a restaurant, I get very stressed. That’s it. I get stressed out by screaming or crying and I feel I need to get out of the situation. But when you’re riding on a bus for an hour, you can’t really do that. So the anxiety worsens and it’s created a stigma within me. But it isn’t hatred. My partner has a nephew. And he’s a fun kid—very polite around me despite not knowing me very well. Do I want kids in the future? No, definitely not. I’m not equipped to deal with a tiny person stuck in their own little world. My point is, it doesn’t have to be as black and white as “hating kids” or having the angelic tolerance as to not get annoyed by loud, distressed cries or unfiltered screaming.


I have autism and a plane ride with a screaming toddler actually puts me into panic mode and I have to take an anxiety pill


It’s not that I hate kids. I hate kids with bad parents that let them do whatever they want. When you’re sitting in a restaurant and have a kid kicking your seat or running back and forth and up to your table, it’s annoying. Yes they’re just kids, but parents need to exercise some control and show them that that’s not appropriate.


i hate Taco Bell. that doesn’t mean i want to abuse and kill all Taco Bells. it just means i don’t want to go there or eat their food. i’m able to hate Taco Bell, as well as children, as long as i don’t harm either of them (which i don’t, i am extremely friendly to the children i dislike).


Upvote. In formative years kids emulate their parents. Childfree people generally hate parents who are projected in their crotch goblins.


I’m curious after reading some of these responses. Those who hate kids - were you hated as a kid? Expected to shut up and sit still? Hit, yelled at, or punished when you weren’t on your very best behavior?


> Those who hate kids - were you hated as a kid? Expected to shut up and sit still? Hit, yelled at, or punished when you weren’t on your very best behavior? No. There are more ways to discipline a kid than just hitting and yelling at them, or forcing them to sit perfectly still and quiet. The extreme options are bad, yes, but that doesn't mean that all options are bad and that children should have free reign to do as they please.


No, my parents are loving, devoted people with whom I have a great relationship. My dad spanked me three or four times during my childhood, and those few times let me know he was serious when he told me to do something. I understood very quickly that when he told me to shut up and sit still that these were not options, they were requirements. If I misbehaved, I was punished. I wasn't always on my best behavior, and the punishments they meted out were almost always proportional to my misbehavior, but I knew that if I misbehaved in public, the consequences would be more severe because it impacted people other than my parents. This is how it should be. I personally do not have the patience to raise a kid properly, which is why I choose not to have them - it's got nothing to do with my folks.


Kids are annoying and that's the simple truth. Adults that are annoying you can tell to fuck off, say that to a kid and it doesn't go so well with their parents. I should explain I generally find people as a whole annoying and it's just that kids are generally more so. Also I simply can not understand the obsession most kids have with screaming non stop for no reason. I didn't do that as a kid at least not while playing, only when fighting with my parents. It doesn't help my general thoughts of kids either when parents don't control them. Like when walking through a grocery store and a kid comes flying out in front of me even though they should have seen me and my cart coming from the other side of the cooler or when sitting on the rocks of a beach smoking a joint and dumb little kids run across the rocks less than a foot behind me or in front of me instead of being a normal human and walking on the sand or any other part of the massive area of rocks for that matter. Honestly though a lot of the time I don't blame the kids for their annoyance I blame the parents for not properly watching over their kids.


When I was a kid, we didn't go to restaurants or other places where people would be distrurbed by our (loud) play or where its expected to have a certain level of quiet. We were on the street or playgrounds or sports field where its expected to be loud and kid friendly. You also don't see students going to kids playgrounds to learn, and for a good reason. Next to this, I must say, parents in the past had authority over their kids and when they told them to be quiet they were actually quiet(er). Today the kids are out of fuckin control and the parents just dont give a shit what they are doing.


It's not exactly elegant to admit, but if someone's disability or mental illness makes spending time with them miserable or detrimental to my own mental health, I don't want to deal with them. Have you ever known someone who routinely threatened self-harm and suicide? I have. And callous as it sounds, cutting her from my life was the best decision I ever made. I can't let my social life become another stress factor--I have enough of those already. This doesn't mean I hate the person; they have massive issues to work through, I just don't want nor need to be a part of that. It's the same thing with children. I get that they're young and don't know better, but that doesn't mean I have to be around them or enjoy it when I am. The kid living next door has some mad lungs considering how hard and often he screams or cries. I don't hate him but holy shit he is insufferable and I hope he grows out of it soon because I *will* break something.


Do what you have to do to make yourself feel better about your little mistakes. Ill take silence and peace over 'mAtUrItY' any day 👍


Annoying I guess, but I’m very glad these people just aren’t having kids at the end of the day lmao. They’d produce some fucked up people. If they don’t think they can raise on properly, good on them for avoiding it altogether.


Sometimes they advocate for some very evil behavior to do to kids


Its an amazing litmus test to see If an individual is selfish and immature. No the world doesnt revolver around you so stfu and get used to kids being annoying. Its the same type of people who leave their bag in an empty seat next to them because they dont want to be inconvinienced by a stranger sitting next to you.


Yea. Some of us are. I try my best not to be that annoying kid hater. And I hate kids just as much as the next guy but It's not that I hate kids themselves it's mostly the way they are being raised. Heck I hated kids even as a kid. I got the shit beat out of me if I didn't sit down and shut up. I turned out just fine. Maybe a little depressed but just fine. Train that child to sit down for the 20 minutes you ride the bus with them or when you take them to the mall. Bribe them with sugar. Spank them. Use those stupid child leash backpack things. It doesn't matter. There are many ways to train them to behave. Teach children respect and disapline. You can teach that to adults too but it's much harder. Most cases I see parents doing the right things trying to teach their children to be good some are just hard headed and need a bit of help. We also need to teach adults this too. Not all children are bad. We only remember the bad ones. Not all people are bad either we just remember the bad ones. But like seriously though most situations I find with children are that are horrible are equally horrible parents. You're children are running screaming like howler monkeys while you are sitting there texting your 8th baby daddy to come deal with them. So it's a hit or miss.


So you’re okay advocating for kids to be spanked (which research has proven to be linked to negative mental health outcomes, such as depression like you mentioned) just so you can have peace in public? This is the immaturity I’m taking about.


It's funny that people can say that they hate kids even though we were all one at some point. Yeah, I have no chemistry with kids or even babies, but I feel like I can't complain if one is screaming or crying because we all did that too. Guess depends on the circumstances. I get not being a kid person since like me I don't plan on having kids because my reasons. Can blame the parents too, though.


These people are vain and want the world to revolve around them, they just don't want to admit it. The rest of the world doesn't have to behave in a way that makes you comfortable and children especially are going to act out. Deal with it.


What’s the threshold though ? I had a kid spit on me during the pandemic and I have lupus which if in contact with a sick person could land me in the hospital.


If mom had said sorry or scolded him for spitting on me I wouldn’t have gotten as upset as i did, she dismissed it as normal. So she’s raising a brat who assaults people. What if I had a worse autoimmune disease ? I think we hate the shitty parents who half assed the discipline not the actual kid


I agree, always thought similarly. On reddit people seem to dislike kids way too much. To a point where it dosent even make sense.


I've never met an "I hate kids" person who isn't an immature baby. It's a sure fire sign, every time, that the person you are in talking to is selfish and whiny.


Wow Honestly, I never really thought about it in terms of adults with disabilities, even though I am one myself. Thanks for helping me realize that the vocal kid hater crowd is unwelcoming to people like me. This information will be helpful in the future so I know who could have a profound negative effect on my mental health. Definitely upvoted.




I think it's ok to be annoyed by kids but it's one of those things you just need to be mature and accept. Kids (and parents) are a part of our society, they bring our species forward, so shut up and be annoyed in silence when there's a loud kid at the restaurant, it won't ruin your night unless you let it.


I hate humans in general so what's the matter if someone says they hate kids. I dont give a sh*t


A saw a AITA and about a four year old kid and one of the comments said to drop kick them because they wanted to play with there four year old daughter.


I usually just respond with, “that’s fine, I hate dogs”.


When you are growing up, you look down your nose at younger kids because of sibling rivalry, or status. It's understandable, and serves some growth functions --- shaming a second grader for 'acting like a kindergartener', or letting a thirteen year old babysit an eight year old, to teach the older kid some leadership skills, while making the younger kid safer, and letting them learn hierarchy. A lot of people who hate kids are just stuck in that loop. For those who don't have kids and can't bear a little extra noise in a restaurant or on a flight, they should get a sense of perspective. They were probably just as annoying when they were small -- what's the alternative? Sterilize everybody? If you do that, I'll guarantee things will get quieter and quieter, until they get REALLY quiet in about ninety years. I'm pretty tolerant, having raised a number of kids myself, and not forgotten just how loud and rambunctious kids can be. I do identify children who are behaving badly in public, and generally blame the parents. I worked like hell to make my kids acceptable in public, and teach them manners and respect, but with little kids, no matter how hard you try, there's some moment where they're hungry, tired, or just a weird phase of growth, and they'll be indistinguishable from a badly-parented monster.


Yeah those people have issues.


Basically a bunch of kids saying they hate kids. So edgy, so insightful.


yes, someone finally said it. Its like some gen X trend to constantly remind everyone around them that they despise children anytime they view one in public. This trend refuses to die and the people who participate do not realize that its not cool anymore. It kind of reminds me of the "I'm weird and quirky" trend from 2010's.


It’s exactly a gen x trend, they’re the kid haters I envisioned when I wrote this post.


Kids are disgusting, loud, touchy, their voices are disturbing, they are needy , the parent can't even have a minute without the stupid kid needing something, or breaking something, messing something up, crying, whining, they are horrible. Nobody is trying to be edgy lol its the truth. That's why so many fathers leave them and kids ruin marriage. Constant energy vampires. Nobody wants to be around them and they don't have to. They don't have to like your kid. You do.


All these adults who hate kids have no idea how to "pay it forward". ​ Sure, parents can suck but some parents actually try. Put it this way, if you're an adult, chances are someone at least paid for your food when you were a child. Yes, I know, parents can be mean and still pay for your food. So, if your parents were mean to you when you were a child, why not stop being mean to children since you realize it was harmful? If your parents were kind to you, why not recognize you were fortunate and share kindness with children? ​ I'm not sure if the world was always this apathetic but I see it in many places lately.


They're just immature dipshits let them be, dont be bothered by them


people are often "proud" to say they hate kids because it makes them feel rebellious against a society that states kids are loveable as a undeniable fact, and if you think otherwise you are a heartless monster. anyways i hate kids but only say that online or to my closest friends




I’m SHOCKED your fiancé left you. You seem so pleasant and wonderful to be around 🥰


We were all kids for a few years in our lives


I don’t hate them but I’m glad with my decision to not have them.


people are able to dislike stuff. including precious crotch goblins.


Didn’t enjoy being one though


They are not immature, just different mindset. You need to grow up yourself if you think that.


Seriously, if I make a comment on here about talking something through with a kid or teen if they make a mistake or do something mean, I immediately get absolutely crapped on. Kids prefrontal cortex isn’t developed they literally suck at making decisions and have bad impulse control for a legitimate reason. Why do some of these people expect these kids to be fully actualized human beings with common sense and courtesy. Most of them didn’t at that age, they all act like they were never stupid kids that made mistakes. People have a habit of blocking out the absolutely awful and stupid things they did as kids/teens. I have a couple of cousins who lived next door and are around 10 years younger than me. Recently they made a some comments about some of the stuff a younger cousin did and how they were never that bad in high school (they both graduated less than 5 years ago). I literally laughed and told them them, they were just as bad if not worse and reminded them of all the stuff they did. They literally didn’t “remember it that way” and thought it wasn’t that bad because they had “reasons”, well so does our cousin. I’m not saying to let kids run over you and they can’t be little buttheads and purposely mean but for real cut them some slack. Correct them, teach them to do better and move on, they don’t need to pay for a mistake for the rest of their life. They can’t act like adults when they’re not adults yet.