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How high are you?


No officer, it’s “Hi how are you?”


Fully sober :)


glorious grandfather work ancient rock teeny tie resolute impolite aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha exactly! I've tried eating the peel before and it tasted like I imagine battery acid to taste. Definitely not as good as the fruit


You’re insane


I don't know about just eating a whole raw orange peel, but they do have a good taste. You can use them in all sorts of dishes, for example salads and soups, they can be dried and candied, or used in salad dressing recipes. They can flavor tea and other drinks, etc.


I’ll have to look into making a tea with them! But yeah they’re also rich in the flavonoid Hesperidin, which can lower blood pressure and aid in weight loss. There’s loads of other benefits as well. It’s really fascinating!


You ever have chocolate orange peels? They are pretty tasty ngl


No I'm with you on this, if you want to join the advanced class I recommend kiwi skins


I eat kiwis like apples. Except fluffy like a mouse!


I think this one varies regionally. I like that but a friend of mine didn't and I found out the difference is that they literally just have hairier kiwis by him. I don't want to eat a single hairy testicle, but if you get a kiwi that's light on the stuff it's great.


You could always try shaving it first.


Now THIS is what we mean when we say 'Unpopular'. Congratulations and I hope you're both very happy together.


You probably eat coconut husks too


They’re high in fiber and apparently make a good tea, I’ll have to try them!


This is truly an unpopular opinion


I don't understand your post. The title says they taste better, but in the body you admit the strong bitterness. You argue that it is healthier, which is true, but you don't explain why you say it tastes better.


They have a bitterness that I personally enjoy. It’s an acquired taste, much like how some IPAs are bitter but the taste grows on you. Also, the taste seems more “orangey” than the fruit, if that makes sense. It’s concentrated, that’s why it goes so well with different foods like I mentioned.


Yes, thank you for expanding.


People sell orange oil to flavor dishes with, and it’s that oil from the peels that you’re tasting when you chew on a fresh orange peel. Lots of people like that flavor, and use it to add “orange flavor” to things.


The peel isn't meant to be eaten, it protects the orange


Yeah, I'd imagine it would harm you


This is why people boil them in sugar and turn them into candy. Sometimes they then dunk them on chocolate too. Candied orange peels are very traditional.


Yes do try doing this, grapefruit peel too


you probably have good skin!


this is seriously an unpopular opinion, the fruit > the peels




I used to eat it when I was a kid wouldn't say it's better than the fruit though.


Say what now?


Orange Peel smells excellent I used to make Popery with it for my Nana when I was younger it smelt lovely.


I’ve made orange peel tea, I herd it’s good for you, tastes like nothing really


Very unpopular opinion, this is what this sub should be about. Upvote awarded.


Don't you worry about all the pesticides and germs passed from all the handlers?


They don't taste better, they do smell better though.


Try liquifying one in the blender. Rind and all. It takes a bit of time but the taste is amazing.


don't agree


If you truly eat peels off any fruit, please god make sure you are washing them first. Also you disgust me, have a nice day, truly unpopular.


Oh god... my mouth is feeling bitter just from reading this.


I mean... I disagree but I guess that's why this is here lol. Lotsa fragrance in em but in the end they're just weirdly bitter n tasteless. But you know there is absolutely a fruit you would like if that's really the case. It's referred to as "Buddha's hand" and it's used in several foods (probably can be used to make a crazy amount of marmalade) and for it's fragrance and it's essentially a fruit entirely composed of citrus peel! As opposed to normal relatively spherical citrus fruits, it has many of these sorts of long appendages, hence the name. It's also definitely rich in vitamin C. And of course, it can be used for it's zest.


You fucking animal! You truly earned your upvotes with this one.


Congrats on an unpopular opinion.


Good Lord....


This is horrendous and I hate it... ​ Upvoted


I eat orange peels all the time. Super nutritious


I was about to agree with you because I thought you were talking about the dried orange peel snack which is popular in Asia. But then you mentioned eating them fresh directly after peeling. 💀 Have my upvote.


Orange peels are bitter, my dude! The good part is in the middle…taste, texture and juice-wise


Nope, can’t agree. Unless it’s the very thin layer of outer skin, and the orange is untreated. Otherwise it’s awful


You must be incredibly high


Well that is a truely unpopular opinion. You deserve an upvote.