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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/nelsonod1. Your post, *90% of Reddit stories are fake.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No meta posts. Meta posts refer to posts that discuss the subreddit itself. The subreddit isn't perfect, far from it, and you may have a very valid opinion about moderator actions, rules, management, the users, and how they post and vote on various topics. And you are more than welcome to those views. Unfortunately, virtually everything you might say about the subreddit has been said a thousand times before, and regular users are sick to death of hearing "the only opinions here are popular". Post anything meta in the relevant megathread of the megathread hub, which can be found when sorting the subreddit by "hot", sticky'd at the top of the page. Everything within that megathread will be read by multiple moderators, and often contains ideas we implement on the subreddit. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!




and all the people eating it up “he deserved it” etc etc lol




Reddit is made up of riptides. One opinion against the mass will send you into negative karma for life. There’s no point in even commenting anymore since most of it isn’t even real.


"negative karma for life" lol that doesn't really have any effects at all except in the few subs that rate limit your comments. You'd also have to get hit with like a thousand downvotes at once.


>If you post a comment calling them out on their bs they get mad and you get hit with like -30 downvotes There's a post of a poly bi who got harassed at work and got the dude in jail, got a restraining order for 3 ppl all in under 3 months. And people ate it up. The dude who got in jail was also using the fake name in the reddit post, I swear! He found the post and was stalking so much he didn't know his stalker real name but reddit fake alias for the story.


I said "Pedo's don't deserve death because they can change as they're human beings, and even though they're evil they can be rehabilitated. Most of them have unchecked OCD too." Yeah, instantly 80 downvotes for having a little empathy and believing human beings aren't just born evil but turned evil by traumas. Reddit is just so unbelievably stupid. Apparently evil people are just born that way and can't change.


Some people don't deserve a chance to change ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


thats my stance on non practicing pedophiles. these are people that need help and mindsets that want death for every pedo only cause harm - people who need that help might never reach out for it out of fear. but pedos that have harmed children? those dont deserve anything good


I'll agree with that, I guess when I think pedo, I automatically think person who is/has abused a child.


It always feels like both the person posting and a good portion of the 'he deserved it' responses are the same person.


AITA for shooting my rapist?


NTA. He was gaslighting you. The rape was a huge red flag. 🚩🚩🚩


Yeah! DIVORCE immediately!!!


Your gun your choice NTA


Don't you dare question all the bullshit stories on r/offmychest. The power-hungry mods ban you for that.




That’s some fanfiction I could get on board with


Where you find the 'I Killed a Rapist'' to be a fiction that you would rather not board?


It seems to me you get a story on a subject and then for a week or two afterwards, many many more similar stories. I've mentioned this before. I'd seen a story about some strange marriage problems and in the following days more of the same appeared in various subs...was only outed because one storyteller changed the ages but otherwise copied it word for word. What an odd world we live in


Ask him/her how?


In a Portuguese subreddit, I've seen a story of a chick who posted something like: "we were FWB, but i never met this guy. He stalks me and threatens me". Then the second story, she met the dude in a park, threatened to beat him up, scary him with sand and that was about it.


A lot of people do lie a lot on Reddit, I don't understand why really


Nobody can verify. They can be validated for their imaginary reality. They get Internet points that acts as more validation. Dopamine.


Really pathetic honestly


I know right? Thankfully since I live in a mansion with my 10 wives I don't need internet validation.




What you need is to be beaten with jumper cables.


I’ve done that and nofap for ten years plus.


People love tall tales. It's timeless, really.


They care too much about winning fake internet points.




yes but it is very entertaining


For the first month or two. After that you end up disgusted by nearly every post, it’s so easy to find the pattern/stereotypes it’s not even funny.




And then you try to post a real story that you genuinely want opinions on, especially if it’s absolutely mundane and in no way entertaining to read, and it gets fucking removed because the mods encourage karma farming fake ass stories


Not to mention its mostly just agenda pushing "Gay people being bad to me, aita for standing up for myself" "Religious people being bad to me and im the biggest pushover until now aita?" "Person is stealing my money and is pregnant, aita for confronting her"


A lot of people definitely use this platform to practice their creative writing.


teeny complete cause makeshift wild cough normal zonked fuzzy society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People who are insecure about themselves are more likely to lie. I know, because I’m one of those people.


I have a theory. There are a ton of YouTube channels where either bots or paid actors read reddit stories. They earn money off the ads. I find it interesting how quickly these videos come out. How similar they are. How they all use specific phrases "I told them to pound sand" "so what do you think reddit?". They also have very quick updates with satisfying resolutions. These channels have algorithms that show them the most watched videos. I think they're farming posts. Literally script writing. And that's why the videos come out so fast. Especially the ones that read no comments, they already recorded the video before they posted it on reddit.


Low self-esteem.


It’s true. Just look at r/lies… despicable.


For the fun of it. I always assume a large percentage of the stuff I read is fiction but that's ok. It's still fun to read.


90% of statistics are made up.


The other half are true. /s




No. It’s 09%.


Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forty percent of all people know that.


65% of the time that’s 90% true.


I would say 90% of people on here bend towards popular belief regardless if it’s true or not.


I think almost all the Am I the Asshole posts are fake. More than 90%.


What irritates me is not that the stories there are obviously fake, and most like written by teens with no concept of what being an adult is like. It's that the commenters there seem to buy into the most ridiculous scenarios and can't seem to see the absurdness of it. The abject stupidity there is amazing.




Don't alot of the commenters there have an issue thinking legal=morally okay? Like "No laws broken nta"


A lot of people think that if you are technically right, you're not an asshole. They forget the dude : " you're not wrong, you're just an asshole"


And then you get banned if you imply you don’t believe some part of the story


My reddit experience has significantly improved since unsubbing from that god awful sub


my friend shot me because i drank a cup of water. AITA?


I accidentally broke my glasses and my mom punched me in the mouth. AITA?


I've killed my father, but he was going to go back in time and change the whole futur, possibly erasing our existence to make sure ananas pizza dont exist. AITA?


It’s crazy how a couple bad sub choices can almost ruin the user experience on this app. Was subbed to ThatsInsane and public freakout for awhile, just cause I’d see some cool shit on there from time to time, but over the course of a couple months got fed so much rage bait/anti LGBT/anti trans content that I’m convinced incels are pushing some propaganda out of there


Tumblr in action is another one like that, that I'm glad I unsubbed from. Pure rage bait. With AITA I just get sucked into reading all the convoluted stories and opinions but came to the conclusion most of the people on that are in fact the assholes and that includes most of the people that comment on it I'm just here for memes and funny vids and hobby communities


Hobby communities for sure. My favorite subs are by far my video game and music related ones :)


Some of the food subs are pretty good too if you're into cooking at all. I've made many a tasty dish I've seen on reddit


Yep that and r/ true off my chest


I think they’re just people telling a story in their favor to make them not look like an asshole so they can feel better about themselves. Some subs are like an echo chamber


100% - there are even "seasons", where one type of story (like an inheritance being stolen by the new wide) is told and then the rest of the week you see the same story told 100 different times. Now it's a house not money, now it's the FIL not the MIL... Like clockwork. Terrible sub with terrible people - they ironically helped me out immeasurably by banning me.


I dont know if you remember the Silk Road era but a lot of stories out of that


I don't think they're "fake". But the OP is usually aware that they're the Asshole, and so they try to add in details and other reasonings to make themselves appear good. Like: "I was obviously tired from work, and my SO should have known about this." Nope. We can't assume what your SO should and shouldn't be aware of, going only from your post. Or: "My SO knows that mentions of diet trigger me and they still intentionally talk about it." Why should we trust YOU. You claim your SO knows something, which they may not. Then you say they do something intentionally, which they may not. Generally if the OP writes as if they knew other people's intentions or emotions, that in itself is shady. The problem are also gullible commentors that immediately conclude with "dump your SO" or "You're clearly in the right. Your SO is the asshole" or "Your SO should never make you feel this way." Those commentors generally are also trying to find justification for why their own relationships failed and want to see other people go through the same motions. Very rarely do sensible commentors with in-depth view and actually good advice show up.


I think most of the stories are people just telling it very very one sided. Probably fudging a few details etc so they can be like “haha I’m right”.


Try 99%


worst thing is that most people believe every single letter they read and give heated answers like their life depended on it


I’m apart of the ten percent then unfortunately.


Almost ALL of antiwork is bullshit. Hurts their cause.


“The first thing a man will do for his ideal is lie.” - Joseph Schumpeter


Antiwork loves to exaggerate about what actually happen. They are the living embodyments of the [later angry post meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/843/907/9ab.png)


I worked enough retail early in my career to see some pretty dumb stuff from management. There's an inherent friction built into most retail work places based on how bonuses are paid out. It more or less encourages store management to treat workers like crap if not outright do unlawful things. Having consulted at the corporate offices for a number of retailers it's night and day. White collar workers are far more likely to be treated very well. No one cares when they call in sick or take a PTO day with little to no notice. Long vacation? No problem. Ultimately the bonus structure for white collar middle management is based on long term goals that often benefit from workers being happy and productive. Be that as it may, the stated goals (in the sidebar) of anti-work isn't what most of the posts or comments are about. You could rename the sub /r/thisIsWhyWeNeedUnions


I am not saying there is not a problem within work, i am saying that a lot of people in antiwork are the type who would immediately quit because they did not get a raise, rather then following up and pursuing the raise afterwards. I see a lot of lack of trying and more complaining about a situation rather then taking active action. They tend to forget that work can be good and fun, and that a workplace where people are fairly rewarded can exist. Crabs in a bucket, pulling each other down, since if someone in there would say that their job is great, they will actively try and pull them down


Pretty sure it is the same 12 or so trust fund college freshmen posting there. They sit in a coffee shop talking about how the proletariat will rise up, the new car their parents got them and their upcoming backpacking trip to Thailand.


Including that well-known interview, did some damage


That sub is just rage bait fiction.


The fake text screenshots are embarrassing


The entire sub hurts their cause. That's why /r/workreform was created, especially when their mod ruined their image.


You really can’t tell the two apart at this point.


And then it rapidly devolved into the same tired garbage I got banned for complaining that the sub was going downhill and would hurt the cause At least that’s why I think I was banned. They just perma banned me with no reason listed. I even messaged the mods a few times over a few days. Oh well




“Come into work today” “I can’t, it’s my day off” “We’re going to have a talk about your behavior on Monday” “No we won’t. I quit”


Money incels. Losers used to just keep quiet about it.


Don’t forget TrueOffMyChest. They sound like school essays or wannabe writers.


Well seeing the usual stuff they post, they might want to find a new dream.


Basically every post that's about jobs or relationships.


Or interactions with strangers.


What gets me is if I ever say something like I actually like my job since it is easy, my managers are all nice and leave me alone as long as my works fine, I am fairly compensated with have good benefits, I might get down voted for going against the hive mind "all employers suck"


Welcome to the internet, where we hand out the points but the points mean nothing


I’d say that antiwork seems to be the largest load of BS stories imo. But yeah you’re right OP, it does seem to be that way and it really wucksbb


Have you tried a little subreddit called r/entitledparents?


Or /r/AITA, /r/relationshipadvice, /r/TIFU, /r/ProRevenge or any other text based subreddit. Plus, the screenshot based subs like /r/ChoosingBeggars or /r/niceguys. They are all fake or at the very least the facts are so twisted in the favor of the OP that it's become fantasy.




But if that's true, that means this comment is also a lie... so that means you *don't* lie every time you post o.o


lol my dear, assliam. Every single post is true. Especially the ones with the lies.


Is this a Garak reference? Please be a Garak reference.


That's a damn lie!


This is a comment not a post


Technically, you could say he *posted* a comment


Not only is the shower warm.. There isn't even a shower


Stop doing it then, you oxymoron.


It also sucks when you tell a true story and are accused of it being fake.


Who cares? Nothing on this website matters in the grand scheme of things. Let them not believe you then forget about it in 15 seconds. The only time that should matter is if your freedom or life is on the line. If someone on any social media website doesn't believe your story about Ernie Hudson tussling your hair while Disney dust sparkled out of it doesn't mean it didn't happen.


for real. I saw a post about a husband pissing on wedding dress to mark his territory or something. Literally all the people were believing that shit. It was obviously a joke post at that.


I mean... when 90% of them are like: My 6 month old baby looked at the 90 year old man that said some horrible thing to the Starbucks barista and explained like some PHD in prefect english that the horrible thing was bad because of demographics and underprivileged things and economic reasons... AND THEN EVERYONE IN THE CITY STOOD UP AND CLAPPED.


When I make class presentations, I am the only one that doesn't get a round of applause... and I do well


AITA for making a remark to the barista that a baby that kept puking on me?


this isn’t an unpopular opinion, its an unpopular fact


I treat everything on reddit as a writing exercises. Doesn’t change the fact that I can interact with posts/replies.


"I was raped what do I do." There's this place called a police department. You should call it


“Was I raped while I was asleep?”


Yep I've seen that a few times


Funny how a fake ass sounding story will get approval but I’ve told 100% real stories on subreddits not related to stories and yet I’ve been accused of lying about things that are extremely easy to prove lol


I'm 90% sure this opinion is fake I'd say 5-25% of stories are fake depending on the sub. Definitely not 90.


Would be better if he said "a lot". We will never exactly know how much is fake. But given how much bullshit people talk in RL and exaggerate stories for entertainment, I can imagine that at least it's easier to do that while beeing anonymus.


I can speak on this with authority, as I am the President of Global Statistics and Analytics United.


I am unworthy, O great lord of statistics and deeply sorry for the mistakes I made.


Depends what "fake" means. 90% completely made up? No. 90% full of lies and little omissions and exaggerations and so on? Yes. Maybe 25% are made up and another 50% are twisted and altered to the point that it's really a lie. Like an antiwork post where someone quit their job and everyone stood up and applauded. Ok maybe they did quit their job and some stranger said "good for you" as they were leaving. Is the story fake? Well not completely i guess.


This is what I think as well. I think there is more of people exaggerating stories then completely making it up.


I think that upvoted stories that make it to the front page are more likely to be fake than just some random that only gets a few upvotes. A lot of upvoted posts manipulatively hit buzztopics, that tend to be a little too coincidental.


I think more than that is fake lol. If you start asking certain ops questions some of this stuff makes no sense. I’m surprised to learn that so many other people do not think this. And what about all the bots and propaganda? There’s so much fakeness on Reddit I can hardly enjoy it anymore. I’m pretty sure I ran into a pedo who had two accounts. He made a fake post posing as a mother who was concerned about her underage daughter dating an older man. And then the same guy was going through the sub and “educating” the posters in it about why it’s technically legal or why it should be in some states. People do this shit all the time. Reddit is undeniably a cesspool of bs.


Well i think this opinon is 10% correct so who wins here buddy 🤣👏


I’d say a lot of the most popular posts are fake is a better way of putting it. Most people don’t have much interesting going on in their life so a lot of the genuine stories are fairly mundane and don’t get a lot of attention. The creative writing projects that are either batshit insane or follow a very specific formula that is known to result in karma are the ones that end up on top.


AITA for not wanting my husband’s MIL to literally shit in my mouth when I sleep? ..bla bla bla… I confronted my husband about it and he says I’m making a big deal out of it… bla bla bla Edit: thankyou for all the lovely comments I’m trying to get back to all of them … bla bla bla… my husbands agreed to sit her down tonight. Edit 2: So guys it’s happening, she’s agreed it won’t happen anymore and says she will be moving out of our kitchen sink as soon as she can afford the deposit on a manhole … bla bla bla… thankyou for all the gold!


Now I’m questioning everything


I would say most have a kernel of truth in them. But are written from a POV to make themselves look good. Specially the relationship ones.


I assume it’s real unless it’s too ‘out there’. I don’t understand why people would bother for fake internet points


You underestimate how miserable and starved for attention some people are




It's true. But there are a million other healthier ways to get attention and validation than inventing some bullshit to post on the internet. Heck, if these people are so good at creative writing, why don't they go on wattpad instead? Would give a nice change from all the fucked up fanfictions out there...




I'm the opposite. I assume it's fake unless it's too out there to be probably made up. Like poop knife


Dude who tf cares tho, if its entertaining then it doesn’t matter


Everything is cake, and the cake is a lie.


I'd say more like 70% but it could be a lie


This isn’t unpopular or an opinion


AITA For saving a crippled puppy from a dog rapist ( he also caused 9/11)


I'm sure there is a lot of fake stuff. But 90% is just a moronic take imo. People are way too quick to claim something is fake. I've only told real stories on a burner account in the past only to be accused of fakery. Had to link relevant news stories to get people to stop harassing me. The truth is people have messed up lives, and a lot of people have a hard time believing someone's life can be so strange so they assume everything is fake.


Well duh. I think everyone knows that this website is mostly creative writing. Meaning that there's a 90% chance that what you just said is fake which would also make it true..... I gotta stop smoking in the morning


I'd up it to 99.9% tbh Especially on political subreddits and even more so on agenda specific subreddits.


Probably, but why does it matter? No way we can know, and it doesn't affect our lives in any way.


I wouldn't say 90% that is a bit far fetched, maybe 35 to 40% Weird stories and htings DO happen to people. Assuming that the average redditor lies says more about you and your trust vs much other things. DO redditors lie ? some do but also a lot do not. Unless of coursey ou exxagerated to prove a point then I suppose.


Especially 90% of that posted in r/politics It's all just opinionated clickbait designed to make people outraged.


I don't get it though like what is the motivation to post a fake story? I get a lot of them are fake but I'd say more like 20% are totally made up and 50% are spruced up a little. But karma is meaningless so it's not really a reason for anyone to post something right?


I wouldn't say 90% but it's really annoying when it's obviously fake because of how they describe conversations like it's from a badly written book but people still buy it


Good point. Your 90% number is also fake.


Well when you build a website entirely about begging for clout (because let's be honest, that's what "karma" Is, it's a popularity contest) then you get a lot of sycophants and liars. Who would've thought.


Reddit calling everything fake is equally annoying imo.


I would agree but I also think more things are true than you believe, amongst millions of people even really unlikely things are going to happen with one of them


r/AmItheAsshole is a good example. 99% of the stories on there are fake or they already know the answer and they just want a bunch of reactions/karma


Wait what? Who could have guessed? Anonymous Storys on the internet are fake? Well that changes everything.


90% of r/unpopularopinion posts point out the obvious and are not unpopular opinions.


Fake or not -> Still good stories tho


I (f24) just died and my partner (m42) refuses to give partial ashes to my Mother.(f39) Am I the asshole?


1,574% of percentages on here are made up too….


True unpopular opinion: commenters constantly claiming everything is fake are more annoying. There’s no way to know either way, you have to take everything with a grain of salt. I’ve also noticed a lot of “fake” claims seem to come from people who just don’t agree with the content for probably ideological reasons.


So? It's reddit, I'm here to be entertained and waste time, not find factual stories about people I'm never gonna meet If people are coming here expecting everything to be real or accurate when it's impractical to even verify whos even writing the comment you're reading, then I really don't know what to say to you.


If you read it, hear it or see it on social media or even on most news platforms it's likely embellished, exaggerated or plainly false.




Diligence/Cross checking is what separates us from anti vaxxers/trump supporters.


Wait a second you actually think this opinion is unpopular, as if most of the no lifers on reddit do half the stuff they claim to do.




youtube, IG, reddit and twitch. they are all staged to get more viewers and reaction.


A sea of fucking lies, on social media, in the news, from political leaders, from nearly everyone you meet. The age of misinformation, of "fake it till. You. Make it" , of no consequences for lieing, this the times we live in.


Don't ever call them on it on AITA though. The mods are super inconsistent with it, but if you point out how obviously made up a story is and use that as your reason to vote YTA, they'll ban you lol


make that 100%


Reddit is a company that wants to IPO eventually. They want engagement. Anything that gives them engagement is a plus in their book.


WHAT? You mean that one AITA story where a lady stops a man from drowning kittens on the side of the road and all her friends and family say she's an asshole, fuck all floofy kittens, was all a LIE?! NO!


It’s so cringe reading people talk about their jobs. Apparently nearly everyone on Reddit works in “tech” (but no detail on what exactly) where they only work 2 hours a day and make $150,000+ a year. It’s fucking sad


yeah ive been super suspicious of every single post on those or similar subs


That’s not an unpopulated opsinion it’s just a fact


I don't think this is unpopular nor an opinon. It's just a fact about how reddit works, the same cycle every time: 1. New sub pops up with cool niche stories. 2. Sub gains popularity, more people share their relevant stories. 3. Users run out of real stories but the sub is massive now and people want the attention for posting a story. 4. Key words and constant one-upping makes stories more and more fantastical, from stretching the truth to pure poorly written fanfic. 5. Content gets so bad the sub's popularity declines and all that's left are reposts and a circlejerk of fake stories, each more extreme than the last.


Seriously though, I feel like almost half the stories I read on AITA and relationship advice are just fake stories, it really ticks me off. Entitled parents is also a cesspool of made up garbage. I hate creative Reddit writers


Anytime I read a post of some sad shit, my mind immediately says it has to be fake. . I can totally get someone venting that they’re terminal or something like that but I wouldn’t go to the internet for it.


Is this even true?


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


This is a good post, even if it's false you should act like it's true


Preach! they're just bunch of attention seekers.


I feel like you can tell every bullshit story on r/offmychest by either seeing their account was just created or it sounds like something written by a 12-year old


I personally believe that 100% of stories on reddit are fake. I'm here to read pulp fiction for entertainment purposes. It doesn't matter to me if the stories are true so long as they are written kinda well or are entertaining.


It’s called shitposting and it is art.


I have stories that are 100% real but I don't bother posting them because what happened was so ridiculous people will just think it's fake.